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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 14

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  • hl_westerncarolinian_2005-04-26_vol69_no14_09.jpg

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  • Why the Mystery Behind Sanitation Grades? By: Sergio Ortiz * WCnewsmagazine A few weeks ago | was assigned to investigate why a couple of fast food establishments and local restaurants in Sylva had low sanitation grades. | embarked on the assignment with the purpose of just finding out the process of how restaurants are graded. | called many of the local fast food restaurants like Burger King, Arbys, and Bojangles and restaurants like Bellaromas Pizzeria, the Coffee Shop, and Colima Mexican Restaurant asking for the sanitation grades. After being told what the sanitation grades were, | proceeded to ask the managers of the restaurants how they were graded. Many of the managers seemed uneasy telling me what the process was like. The most common answer | got was that it was the health department who set the standards the restaurants had to meet and that all they did was to always be meeting them. Another question | asked was what they did to prepare for an inspection. The management at Dillsboro Smokehouse Bar-B-Que stated that there was no way to ever really prepare for an inspection because they were always at random times so the best thing to do is maintain the establishment in excellent sanitary conditions. Because many of the restaurants managers said they didnt know what they were graded for, | decided to call the Jackson County Health Department and ask them what the procedure for a restaurant inspection was. When | called the health department, | started off by telling them that | had called many restaurants and fast food establishments asking them if Let your money have sex By Lee Schwarz * WCnewsmagazine Think of your money like its people. You want more money so you should let your money have sex, thereby reproducing (i.e. through investing), so it can have childre.. (i.e. morc money). If you spend carelessly, then someone else will let your money have sex. Money is horny, and it will have sex. The question is will you benefit or will someone else? Right now there is a great breeding ground (i.e. lots of good, low-priced stocks ready to se). One day your money will repay you for letting it have sex by giving you the means to buy cool things a whole lot more. If you don't, your money will be sexually-frustrated and will respond by giving you what you deserve for the forced celibacy: being so poor that you cannot convince anyone to have sex with you. When money has sex often, lots of people benefit. By having sex, your money makes business expansion possible, making it easier for the business owners to have sex more. When you have more money, it will be easier or you to have sex, too. So there begins a chain reaction of sex. First money does it, and then people do it, too. Now this next bit is based only my own observations. | believe that there is a direct correlation between having money and the ability to get sex. For whatever reason, it seems to me that people who make a lot of money get laid a lot, too. And people who get laid a lot seem to be much more confident and happy with themselves, which is ultra-important. So indirectly, money can put you into a position to be more happy through sex. Let me ask you something, have you ever caught yourself saying I wish | had less sex! or | wish | had a lot less money than | have now? WCnewsmagazine OPINION they knew what a sanitation inspection consisted of. | told them that many replied they didnt know or didnt want to comment on it. Some of the officials in the Environmental Health department weren't sure what to say, so they transferred me to someone they thought could help me. After three transfers | was helped and told that the establishments did know what the health department looked for. The officials also assured me that anyone interested in knowing why a restaurant scored so low, could go the health department and find out because it was open to the public to find out. | also asked if | could interview someone and find out more about the sanitation grades and the inspections of some restaurants that had low scores. The answer was that they needed to talk to their supervisor to get permission to do the interview. Till this day, | never received a call back. In the end, | ended up frustrated with so many unanswered questions. The reason | think no one wanted to tell me anything was because of the fear of something bad being written about their restaurant. | think this fear is justified, but the public has the right to know. Sure, people can go to the health department and investigate, but if the media can bring you the information, shouldn't they cooperate? Money and sex are two essential things, and as it turns out, they seem to be intertwined with one another. Strive to get as much money and sex as possible, remembering that where your money goes you will likely follow. Dont force yourself or your money to be celibate: let it meet other money and have sex. Invest and save wisely, and you will be a happier person. Remember how horny your money is, and benefit from it. SF Data | have recently discovered that you can save yourself a whole lot of money by simply using used tires instead of brand-new ones. | know there are risks because they are used, and probably won't last as long, but there is an inherent savings of money involved. Some people are either rich enough or dumb enough to discard tires which are in good shape, simply because they have to have a certain brand. You can benefit by putting these perfectly good used tires on your vehicle instead of brand new ones. The average brand new high quality tire costs $75. The average used high quality tire costs $20. Your vehicle probably uses four tires, which | can say with a fair amount of certainty. So if you save $55 per tire then going with used tires saves you $220. $220 saved every year for four years is $880. $880 invested at 20% for 20 years is $33,733.44. That's a whole lot of sex that your money could be having for your benefit.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).