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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 06

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  • BAP 14 WCnewsmagazine SAGLA hosts debate Oct. 21 by Darius Foster and Jessica Jarrard The Student Association for Government and Legal Affairs (SAGLA), a nonpartisan organization here on campus, hosts _ their third political debate between the College Republicans and the College Democrats of WCU. The debate is Thursday, Oct. 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the Forsyth auditorium. SAGLA hosted two debates prior to this one. Last year this was a new venture for the new organization, as these were the first political debates this university has seen in years. The first debate that took place was held in Niggli Theater in the Fall of 2003. The new organization really did not know how many to expect, so they chose a smaller venue. The room was jam packed with students and faculty interested in what the panelists had to say. The debate in the fall of 2003 introduced SAGLA to many on campus. This event was such a success, | the group decided to host another political debate. The debate of Spring 2004 officially made this debate a semi-annual event, with a debate each semester. This time it was held in the UC Theater, which is a much larger venue than Niggli. Once again, there was an incredibly large turnout. Asummit entitled Renewing America: Restoring the _ American Community Through Citizen Participation and Civic Engagement will be held on Monday, November 8, in the Ramsey Regional Activity Center on the Western Carolina University campus. Mickey Duvall, associate director of WWCUs Public Policy Institute, says Western is one of approximately 150 higher learning institutions taking part in the American Democracy Project, an effort designed to increase the number of undergraduate students who participate in meaningful civic actions. Speakers and presenters at the day-long summit will include state representatives, current and former city officials, civic organization leaders and university faculty. We're trying to bring elected officials from the municipal and county levels together with citizens, says Duvall. The summit will commence with an opening speech titled Community Engagement: The Challenge Ahead by WCU chancellor John W. Bardo. Public Policy Institute Director Gordon Mercer will then chair a session on The Need for Community Engagement, which will include a presentation by Suzan Cheek, former Fayetteville City Council member and executive director of the Institute for Community Leadership. Additional presenters are Vickey Wade, director of operations and training at the WCU Center for Regional Development, and Don Livingston, a professor in WCU's Department of Political Science and Public Affairs. Asheville City Manager Jim Westbrook will serve as panel chair for the Building the Foundations for Citizen Participation and Community Engagement session. Presentations will be made by Virgil Smith, On Oct, 21 the third debate is scheduled for Forsyth auditorium. This is of utmost importance as this is an election year. Hot topicslike foreign policy, education, social issues, economic issues and the environment are on the docket. Each side has five panelist who are responsible for one of the five categories of issues. The layout of the next debate is much like that of the past. Each panelist is assigned a certain category of issues, and is then asked three questions. For each question there is a two minute time limit to answer their question, discuss their facts, and stress their argument. A one minute rebuttal is then given to each side allowing them to opportunity to respond to criticism and/or questioning from their opponent. After all three questions in a major category of issues have been debated, the floor is open for questions from the audience. SAGLA is expecting an overwhelming number of people, as it is an election year. Rico Reese, a student here on the campus, expressed his view that these types of functions held by SAGLA aid the people in the community as they become more aware of the political atmosphere that surrounds our country. I feel having a debate at our school president and publisher of the Asheville Citizen- Times, Asheville Mayor Charles Worley and Concord City Manager Brian Hiatt. Alate-morning workshop entitled Civic Engagement and Community Building will be chaired by Duvall, a former Macon County Commissioner who now serves as a faculty member in the Department of Political Science and Public Affairs, in addition to his role as associate director of the Public Policy Institute. Bill Steiner, director of Com munity Builders in Columbia SC, will present Community Building: The Charrette as a Tool for Civic Engagement. The charrette is a public engagement process used by Community Builders to address community opportunities and issues, Over lunch, North Carolina State Re resentati Ray Rapp (Dist. 118) will present the Public ts Institute's 2004 Civic Engagement Awards. North Carolina State Senator Robert C. Bob Carpenter will introduce the summits keynote speaker. Karen Miller. Miller, 2003-4 president of the National Association of Counties and District | Commissioner for Boone County, Missouri, will give an addresstitled Community Renewal. Ashevilles A. C. Reynolds High School Chorus is also scheduled to perform patriotic musical selections during the luncheon Following the keynote address, th will conclude with an he conference Maa Open discussion on th subject How Can Community Building and Sac Engagement be Enhanced in Communities? Duvall will make concluding remarks, after which conference attendees will have an opportunit t visit display tables. vite The idea for the Renewing America summit between students and their affiliated party helps me understand politics and different stuff going on withit. Kevin McAlmont says I dont know too much about political stuff but hearing about it around school and stuff | pick up on it SAGLA is a nonpartisan group which has evolved over the past year. President Todd Herms, a political science major here at Western, is excited and very pleased to hold such an event of great influence. SAGLA sees this as not only an opportunity for them to enjoy politics, but as an opportunity for students to benefit from this experience as well. The motto for the club is Breaking down the walls of ignorance and apathy, which is ..actly what the club hopes to achieve by hosting these debates twice a year. This election year is important for many Americans. SAGLAs goal is to educate the WCU community on the ways our country is governed. Debates are just one of the ways this organization is involved on campus. SAGLA believes that the more educated the public is, the more educated they will be when they go to the polls on Nov. 2. Western to host Renewing America summit 1, Jennifer Wilkey came from Robert Putnam, a Harvard professor who recently finished a three-decade review of the decline in civic engagement in America, according to Mercer. The purpose of this summit is to strengthen community building, | community engagement and citizen involvement to improve communities across Western North Carolina, the state and oy nation, says Mercer. The summit reminds us 0 the essence of democracy and encourages ae participation in further strengthening the quality life in communities. Summit sponsors include West Policy Institute, Asheville Citizen-Times, t 4 Asheville, Macon County government, cine County government, the Horowiz Foundation an Westerns Department of Political Science an Public Affairs. The summit will last from 7:30 a. There is a $25 registration fee, which luncheon, conference, refreshments an For additional information, contact Micke Michael Moore at (828) 227-2086. erns Public he City of m. to 3 p.m. covers the d materials. y Duvall or Tell us what you think about the debate! Tell us what you think about the Summit!

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