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Western Carolinian Volume 67 Number 09

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  • ewsmagazine wc Inoney the back page By: Lee Schwarz I WCnewsmagazine Roth Funds: Be Able to Retire with Virility In 1998, Senator Roth proposed a tax-free retirement option for Americans. He proposed a Roth IRA (Independent Retirement Account). There are two types of IRA's: traditional and Roth. The advantage of the Roth fund is that it allows you to collect all of your money when you are 59 h-years-old, again free of tax. You can contribute up to $3000 a year to a Roth fund. You are allowed to withdraw the money that you have put into a Roth fund tax-free, but the catch is that you cannot withdraw the interest your money has accrued tax-free. Once you withdraw the money you have contributed to your Roth, you cannot put it back into the Roth fund. Think of a Roth fund as a "shell. " Whatever is in the "shell" is tax-free. You can buy stocks, bonds, or even mutual funds and put them into your tax-free "shell. " Make sure that you pick a fairly stable security because once you have invested, you should plan to be in that stock for a long time. Securities tend to reward investors who are faithful, patient, and own that particular security for an extended period of time. When you are 59 h, you can stop working if you want to and tell your boss to kiss, well, whatever, if you want. This freedom is available only to those invest wisely for their retirements while they are young. I don't want to work for someone else when I am 60. I want to either be retired or still running my own business if it gives me joy. Plan now for retirement, and take care of it for yourself. I am not counting on social security being available when I am 65 and neither should you. The Schwarz Factor Over the long "haul" I am going to show you what can be available to you when you are 59 h, if you invest in a Roth. What we will be looking at is the F VA (Future Value of Annuity) table. If you begin investing at 18, and you contribute $3000 a year for 41 years until you are 59 1/2 and you invest at 15%, you will have $6, 140,861.70. That much money will allow you to tell most people to kiss your whatever.• nycÆicoco'eo October 2dd2 1 WCnew$rnågaiine (AUgust23T- SeptembeH22)t Youare goiåg 'to be Seeing changeSi0

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).