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Western Carolinian Volume 59 Number 13 (14)

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  • 'esttrn Carobnkn Cullowhee, NC The Voice of the Catamounts Volume 59 Number 13 Glaxo awards Women in Science TheClaxo Foundation has launcheda major initiative to support scientific studies by women undergraduate students at 11 North Carolina colleges and universities, including Western Carolina University. The "Glaxo Women in Science Scholars" program combinesmorethan$250,00inendowed scholarships with a unique men toringprogram linking each student with a Glaxo woman scientist. Thefirstawards,for$l,000each,wereannouncedat Glaxo Inc.'sSirPau I GirolamiResearchand Development Center in Research Triangle Park and presented to 22 undergraduate women students, including WCU junior Mary Angela Blalockand WCU freshmanShannon Leigh Kondrad. Blalock is a chemistry major fromCalhoun,GA.,and Kondrad isa biology major from FayettviIle,NC. The recipients were recognized for their scholastic achievementsand paired withafemaleGlaxoscientists whovolunteeredtoserveasamentorduringeachstudent's undergraduatecareer. "Thescientificchallengeswefacetodayare immense," said Charles A.Sanders,chairman and CEOof Glaxo Inc. andchairmanoftheGlaxoFoundation."ltwi!ltakeallof thebrightestmindsavailabletodiscovercuresfordiseases likeAIDSand cancer, toputaspacestationinorbitand to find solutions toenvironmental threats thatendangerour cleanairand water. "Statistics show that many promising women stu- dentsareabandoningscientific studies. Wecannotafford this loss of ski 11, knowledge and energy. The Women in Science Scholars program is designed to provide young women notonlywithfinancialsupportbut also rolemodels who them on to successful careers that ultimately will benefit usall." Joh n S.Thomas, executive di- rectoroftheGlaxoFoundation,said that in addition to the incentive scholarships, each participatingin- stitutionreceiveda$25,000endow- ment to provide funding for future Glaxo Women inScienceScholars. Selected by their schools, the students musthavedemonstrated an interestinscienceandmaintaineda grade-pointaverageof3.0or better ona4.fJ scale. Participatingcolleges include Appalachian State University, Barton Col lege, EastCarolina University, Elon College, Fayettville State University,Lenoir-RhyneCollege, North Carolina A &T University, North Carolina WesleyanCollege, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and WCU. "Manystudieshavefoundthatdifferencesintheway men and women are taughtand subtlediscrimina tion in certain academic settings canproducealackofself-confi- MERRY CHRISTMAS WESTERN - Tis the season ... to be studying,andBrianMacDaid,a junior majoringin Therapeutic recreation, is trying to catch up before exams. Photo by ASB. denceinsomeyoung women, "My raWilliams,a coordinator of theGlaxo program, said. "As someone who has experienced many of these challenges firsthand,lbelieveguidancefromrnentors who successfully overcomesuch barriers will beinvaluable to thesestudents," shestated. See "Glaxo," page 4 TheWestern Carolinian: from left to right are staff members: (sitting) AaronBrunck, DerekSmolik, LeanneSoerner, Rachel Ramsey, Julie Morris, Jeff Leatherwood, and Tracy McLamb. (Standing) JafaarNyang'oro, KristinDumas, SherryBradley, Christa Humphrey, DanellMoses, Allison Buzzard, JamieBaize, Blake Frizzell and Jon Patty. (PhotobyASB) nferry^ ^Christmas

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