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Western Carolinian Volume 54 Number 11

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  • Voices The Western Carolinian Thursday, October 27, I9§g True Dedicated Fans? Fraternal Slave Auction Insulting Manipulation at Football Games by Fred Mason STAFF WRITER by Martha McAfee EDITOR As a senior highly spirited Western fan, I try to attend every football game. I've always been really enthused with college ball games. I never throw a temper tantrum if my team loses; I just grit and bear it because I know that's what the players are having to do. However, I think Western should be ashamed of certain fans which I refer to as "sore losers". To begin with, the air was cool—(nice football weather), the leaves had changed, and the E.J. Whitmire Stadium was filled with fans ready to celebrate Homecoming 1988. I arrived quite early in order to get a good seat in the student section. I noticed several empty rows in the stands; however I was told that "These seats are reserved." One or two spaces would not have offended me, but three rows was ridiculous! Unfortunately, this is not the first time I've been asked to move, so the fraternities can sit together. I think its wonderful that fraternities sit together at the games, but reserving seats in the student section is uncalled for. The students are designated to sit in sections A and B (upper and lower decks). The only actually reserved seats that I know of are those that individuals and season ticket holders buy and those in the Chancellor's Box and the Press Box. If the fraternities want to sit together, I suggest they do one of two things: either call ahead and reserve seats (somewhere other than the student section) or come together as a group and sit. It would be easier to find thirty empty seats in the upper deck of the student section than to reserve several rows in the lower deck as the stadium fills up with anxious dedicated fans. Another annoying problem to me is that students stand in the isles talking, and its very hard to see the game (I even stand up the majority of the time.) It makes me wonder why so many people come to the games just to socialize. Evenmore, I was ashamed that the announcer asked the crowd to join the band in singing the Alma Mater. I don't even know it, and I doubt more than twenty people did either. After leaving the game that day, I came across a student handbook where I found the definition of an alma mater: "A Latin word meaning literally, fostering mother. Usually refers to one's own university or college out of awareness that truth and learning are the things that nurture life." The official song for each university it called its Alma Mater. I think this is a song everyone at Wcrstern needs to learn. I was Harold's Galaxy Food Center Located On 342 West Main Street, Sylva, North Carolina. Phone: 586-4073 We reserve the right to limit quantities and limit sales to vendors. This ad is effective week of Oct. 2t> October,?/?: 1988. We honor limited "Double Value" on coupons. We welcome WIC Vouchers and Federal Food Stamps. Always Fresh Produce D'AnJon. Red Bartlett Or Bartlett The Freshest Meats The Freshest Meats Dlile Do Select* Lee's Pride Potatoes lo-U). b»j Dixie Dev Selects Extra Large Tomatoes it. Dixie Dew Select*! California Celery sun Dixie Dev Select* Florida AvOCadOS Each 1.89 .59 .59 .59 -Frozen Specials Gold W Fiesh Whole Frying >r JChicken ^z. ' Gold'IV Fresh Fryer QQ Drumsticks u. • ^J ^J Gold 'IT Fresh Fryer QQ Thighs u>. »CjZ/ Gold W Fresh Fryer 1 flQ Breast u>. J. • \J sJ Butcher, Best® USDA Choice Boneless Bottom "I 7Q Round Roast u. X • / %J .Dairy Specials Butchers Best® USDA Choice Boneless Rump Roast u>. Better Valu Bacon 16-Oz. Pkg. $1.29 Or Better Valu Bacon 12-01. pkg. Honnel Black Label Bacon 16-02. Pkg. Honnel Little Sizzlers Link Sausage ..12-01. m Grocery Specials 1.99 .99 1.89 1.19 Assorted Varieties Sealtest Ice Cream Half Gallon Carton 1.69 Orange Juice 64-Ounce Carton 1.29 Assorted Varieties Progresso gjphicken Soup 19-Ounce Can .99 required to learn my Alma Mater in high school, and I 'm so thankful for that. Here are the words to the WCU Alma Mater: Hail to thee, our Alma Mater Faithful kind, and true; Every son and every daughter Offers praise to you. Chorus Hail to the dearest spot of all; Hail to W.C.U.! Light and life and fond devotion All to thee are due. Purple robes and colors golden, Streaming everywhere, Swell our hearts with pride of olden Days and friendships dear. (Chorus) Under shade trees' friendly bowers, Voices, ever gay, Mingle with the breath of flowers And the song bird's lay. (Chorus) Shout aloud with one long chorus, Voices clear and true, Lifted high in praise and honor, All for W.C. U. (Chorus) Furthermore, I was quite disappointed to see that the majority of the fans left at the halftime. I can't understand what the purpose of going is if everyone decides to leave when we're losing. Big deal-we've lost several games, but should we give up? Why not stay there and help the Cats fight until the clock runs out? At the Citadel game, I watched several football players motion the fans to get up and cheer. They need our support. College football games should be memorable occassions. The one I'll never forget is Homecoming 1988 when the Eastern Kentucky fans were the only ones left in the stands at the end of the game. On November 3 the RHC and RHA will be conducting a slave auction. Let me say again. On November 3 the RHC and RHA will be conducting a SLAVE auction. I think you know by now that this is not a promotion piece. When I first heard of the auction, it was like getting hit with a low blow. I know that this slave auction is supposed to be some kind of benefit...but does that give you the right to use a word or words that will (no mights here) offend people on this campus? I find it insulting not only to myself, but to every black person on this campus and others as well. What makes me sick to the stomach is that RHC and RHA plays this like it is supposed to be funny and have even had the nerve to ask some blacks if they would like to participate. Let me set the record straight for those who are ignorant to the word "slave." The word "slave" is a word that is forever engraved in history as an immoral degradation of a human being. Somehow I don't see a thing funny about that. For as long as there has been people, there were slaves, and they were not just blacks. Prisoners of war were treated as slaves, as well as Jews, Indians, and regular people who were ruled as ignorant people. When a person calls one a slave that means that the one making such an accusation is saying "I am better than you." Now that you have your brief history on the word let me say this. Whoever thought of such a racist (and that's what it is, no matter who it may benefit) idea should take a brick and shove it in their mouth. Now I realize that a few years ago William Settle, a former Area Coordinator for Reynolds Dorm helped run this auction. For you that do not know, William is black. He had his reasons and I recognize that. But this year it is different because he is not there. I think that this is a very low level to stoop to for any organization especially one that is suppose to represent the campus dorms. If this is the way you decide to treat the people who know that insult- Spring <Brea(<i $9 Contact: fantasy "Travel 23 <E. Main St. Sylva, <XC287791 5'86-8479 LIMI'TE'D STACE "Deposit $100 by 9{gv. 1 IAfcLll'DTS: 3 fftyjfit Cruise (Port rfdAXS MMeats All Entertainment 24 9{our%gom Service Qratuitees Carnival.... Mardi Gras Mar eft 9 th $324 Y per person Based on quad occupancy plus $50 refundable damage deposit ing word too well, then consider myself as a start separate from the RHC and RHA. I like to be in an organization that is unbias t0 events and do not offend anyone on purpose. I will not encourage others to denounce the organization because one must make up their own mind, but I had once considered to attend the meetings. Not any more. You can't get along with controversy like this. What is so bad is that the posters are all over the campus as if they are saying "It's OK for us to say slaves because we're doing it for a good cause." BULL! There is no cause on earth worth degrading other human beings because it does not serve the purpose. The point of the "good cause" is to help others and if a word like "slave" is used who are you helping? Now some of you may be saying that this is picky and if it is to you then tough! I know what it's like to have people think that you are inferior and so do all blacks, handicaps, foreigners and many other people. I suggest you remove the word "slave" because whether you know it or not a lot of people hate and let me say that again, HATE the idea that you are using. Consider yourselves in the the doghouse by me, maybe you will learn what it means to degrade another person. A Letter to the 'Editor... Rebuttal to "Last Temptation of Christ" editorial To the editor: In the Oct 13 issue of the Carolinian Mr. Jody Blevins had a few things to say about the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ," as well as a couple of articles about it in the Carolinian Since I wrote one of those articles, I feel I should reply to him. I would first ask you a question, Mr. Blevins. Have you seen this movie? I doubt it, from the things you said about how much you hated its existance. Then I put it to you sir, that you do not know what you're talking about. This will no doubt "sadly sicken" you sir, but not everybody in the world thinks just like you do. You spent a lot time talking about how the movie isn't like the Bible, and bombarded us with Bible verses proving it. You might have saved yourself some time had you read the part where I said that the movie isn't about the Biblical Christ, as did the movie. As for your contention that the movie is blasphemous, that's your opinion and you're certainly as entitled to it as I am to my opinion that it is not. However, as of yet the United States is not a theocracy and there are no laws against blasphemy. To say that the only version of Christ that should be allowed to be portrayed is one that follows a fundamentalist view of the Bible is ludricious. This is a free country and people can express themselves as they see fit, as you and I have. It is people like Falwell and Wildmon who you are so fond of who would take that right away, and it seems to me that they pose much more of a threat to the First Amendment than a movie poses to a religion that has lasted 2,000 years. If you are interested in the Constitution as you seem to be, you might consider that the same laws that protect Martin Scorsese's film protect your rights con't. See Rebuttal pg. 5 W

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