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Western Carolinian Volume 46 Number 15, December 4, 1980

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  • wcu_publications-10601.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Comments performances? If not, third and fourth floors Walker is starring in "The Exhibitionists." These girls repeatedly dress and undress in front of their windows w ith the blinds up, and the lights on. Two girls on third floor have even gone as lar as to verbally draw the attention of a friend's boyfriend. If the sororities of WCU arc supposed to be our social organizations, I question their meaning of social. The fraternities of course are not exempt from putting on their own type of show. Theirs consists of belching contests, food throw ing contests, and w ho can -make-the-biggest-mess contests. This is presently playing at Cecil Ward's Choke and Puke located in the Hill Area especially at Sunday lunch. One Sun. ay afternoon while eating my lunch I was regrettably forced to sit next to a fraternity (unfortunately, their particular chapter escapes me at this moment). Their loud conversation consisted mainly of their previous night's sexual activities. All twelve of them claimed to have had quite an evening. If these groups of people are supposed to be examples of WCU- this could explain why people disdainfully ask "You go to Western?" Sincerely, Name Withheld By Request Observations 6y C 9 RheU "There is no Law of Nature, because all Creatures, Men as well as Animals, are impelled by Nature toward Ends advantageous to Themselves; that, consequently, there Is no Justice."Hugo Grotius, 1606. When the great Writers of the Age of Reason began to martial their Thoughts - Descartes. Pascal, Diderot, Swift, Newton, Pope - they did not realize, perhaps, that they were aiming toward the World that wc must inhabit today. For instance, what would Benjamin Franklin have had to say about the present energy problems? Would he have put another Key onto his Kite - string or come up with some phrase like, "An Atom saved is an Atom earned?" My dear readers, 'twas ever thus, that all who love the Elexir that is Life will find a want of Good Sense in his Fellows. Those of us who have trod-who do tread-in the Groves of Academe, must observe the ridiculous Fantasies of those who wander, as Lucretius notes, "aimlessly about." What is there to do about such lack of goal? Shall we punish those who prfer to live without some point of mindfulness at which to steer their time and energies? Or do we enhance the Livelihoods of those who do choose a "Life of the Mind?" I believe our High Foreman would agree to this. "All creatures bright and beautiful. All Creatures great and small. All Things wise and wonderful.." So said C.F. Alexander in 1848, and I wish to reflect his notions now: 1) Without Concepts, there is no Language. 2) Without Language, there is no Art. 3)Without Art, there is no Justice. 4)Without Justice, there is no Peace. Period! Let us "wear ourselves and never rest" (Marlowe). Valete, E.G. Rhett -UAe 06/iteratecf Gine- with true battle field sound'. Appaled at this flagrant violation of Christmas cheer, I was almost taken aback. Not wanting to endure the wrath of this half-pint commando, however, I decided to venture into the men's wear department to see if the adults were doing any better. Amidst the piped-in muzak and the artificial trees, I saw a rather portly salesman trying to convince a matronly looking lady that her husband would look good in a pink polyester disco shirt, that 'Everyone will be wearing this year.' Great. People are starving and we're spending money to look like John Revolta. Sensing that their might be more to the. spirit of Christmas than polyester and violent toys, I went into a Salvation Army shelter, and there saw what Christmas was all about. People caring about other people. The spirit of Santa Claus wasn't dead, just hiding. Look, folks. I know that sometimes we lose sight of the little things that can make a difference in life. Small acts of kindness go a long way. If you see a wino out in the cold, maybe a kind word and a handout would go a little further than a morality lecture on work ethics. The lost child crying for his mother in the mass of Christmas confusion may remember the experience with a smile later if you take time from picking out sweaters to take his hand and help him find his lost mommie. And. perhaps the old box of toys in our attics could be given a new lease on life at the local children's hospital. As a little girl was reminded by a kindly newspaper editor nearly a century ago, 'As long as there are children, the spirit of Santa Claus will never die'. Maybe if we don't let ourselves get too busy or too wrapped up in playing grownup, Christmas will seem a little more special, and we can come to understand our fellow humans a little better. Maybe we can even resolve our differences and climb aboard the firetruck in a bond of brotherhood and unity to sing carols. Exam Schedule fy Jf Getter Qunfopp Don we now our Gay apparel...Ouch! My slip is too tight! Greetings. Folks. I hope everyone got their fill of turkey and Chicken this Thanksgiving. Upon sojourning from my cozy abode yesterday. I was greeted by a bevey of Christmas carols on my car radio, and judged this to mean that the season was almost upon us. Remembering the madcap rush that accompanied my last delayed shopping trip. I decided that a journcv to Wolfeville was appropriate to purchase gifts to suitably placate what few friends I have. Upon reaching the shopping mall. I decided that this might be a good place to try to find the true meaning of Christmas as well. The first place I thought to look was the toy department, where I thought Christmas spirit would be most evident. Hold it. Commie', the pre-pubescent voice commanded. Taking further note. I found that I was being held at bay by a rather lethal conglomeration of plastic which a disgarded box promised was a 'real, live M-16 EXAM TIME MON TUES WED THUR FRI PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lillllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 8:30- 11:00 8:00 MWF 9:00 MWF 10:00 MWF 9:30 TR 2:00 MWF 12:00- 4:00 = 2:30 2:00 TR 3:30 TR MWF 8:00 TR 11:00 TR 1 3:00- 11:00 12:00 1:00 12:30 TR 3:00 5:30 MWF MWF MWF MWF ■llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll December 4, 1980 Western Carolinian/ 3

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).