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Western Carolinian Volume 42 Number 25

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  • \ ES_E?\ Ca'O-'MA^ A E BROWN. JR FRED BARBOUR E FRANK THOMAS Editor-in-Chief Production Manager Business Manager fHURSDAY, NOVI MB! K is 1976 Editorial and Opii .ion Page McCarthy leaves mark Eugene McCarthy didn't make much ot a showing in the presidential race on Nov 2. He did manage to leave an indelible stain on the colors ot American politics with his gallant but underpublicized campaign McCarthy, we might remember, was the guy who got railroaded out ol the Democratic Convention in Daly City in 1968 and spoke to the crowd outside through a gasmask In 1976 we find Mr McCarthy again the victim ot the two- party machine. Sabotage ol McCarthy's campaign became evident this /ear when his campaign workers were denied admission to a los Angeles "candidates fair" sponsored by of all people the . eague of Women Voters. This happened during the heat of McCarthy's numerous battles for inclusion on state ballots as an Independent candidate. McCarthy's campaign was also excluded Irom Federal campaign financing, a problem which no major party candidate would ever have to worry about. The biggest and most effective exclusion of all was from nationally televised presidential debates, a blatant breech of the "fairness doctrine" by the national networks. Through all this injustice McCarthy managed to preserve his immutable sense of humor. He also continued to attack real issues. The ex-Senator from Minnesota has attacked the two- (.--"-ty system as an "infringment on our political rights." This protes. len a target and principle issue in McCarthy's campaigns He also proposes restraints on the production of large automobiles which ruin our environment but profit only corporate interests. As well, McCarthy opposes the continued production of expensive and obsolete nuclear weapons when "We are already overarmed." An alternative to the Humphrey-Hawkins full employment bill. McCarthy proposed "redistribution of employment" through shorter working hours, thus producing a need for more workers. Other proposals include Federal financing of welfare and termination of the expensive Federal Revenue Sharing Plan. The big boys might do well to heed an experienced and conscientious voice. RE *I HAVE ALWWS imiEo THE BASIC FOREIGN FbUCY OF THE UN1TEP STATES AS NONPARTISAN... THAT MEANS I CAN BE A 6°OP VtMP^AT, Too } " CEC sees needs Dear Editor, There is a new organization on campus called the Cullowhee Environmental Council. It is a small group of ambitious individuals who are enlightened to the pressing needs of our environment. Their immediate concern is in starting a paper and glass recycling program in our area. This is an idea thai was actually in practice in our community a few years ago. and due lo a certain party's involvement in an attempt to abort the airport manifestation, compelled another certain party to retract their supportive interests and the recycling program folded. The old-time recycling program became financially self-sufficient after an initial energy boost and probably would have maintained its status had il not been dependent upon politicians for certain functions, for it was progressive for over a year. The Cullowhee Environmental Council is a different group comprised of different individuals who will hopefully stay unattached to any political involvements, as they wish to work with WCU .is a supportive foundation, from which they could later involve the community beyond. Some of us are aware that education of world masses is a slow process and that most statistics point towards drastic environmental backlashes in a future in which many may never see even the chance of an education. The environment needs energy input for preventative maintenance, now, or yesterday, but yesterday is gone and you know the finals will come regardless of our present attitude. The Cullowhee Environmental Council implores any and all friends of nature to come to any meeting of the CEC announced in the Western Carolinian in 108 McKee. Or call Larry Bradshaw at 293-3286. Donna Matthews at 293-5070. or write to Cullowhee Environmental Council, P.O. Box 1632. Cullowhee. In addition to glass and paper recycling, there will also be some involvement in a North Carolina "bottle bill" and continuing research of absolving the atomic energy question. Carl Horton Not 'washed up' Dear Editor. I am writing in response to Greg Tectsell's review on Bob Dylan's Hard Rain. The fact that Dylan is neither an accomplished guitarist nor a re- know ned singer is beside the point. His poetic lyrics and vocal expressions contribute more than anything else; without the lyrics his songs would be the usual, run-of-the-mill tunes. All of his albums have a unique style, especially Blood on the Tracks. May I add one other point? Bob Dylan is not classified as a Rock and Roll singer so don't try to place him in that category. His songs are considered, if anything at all, folk-rock. If you reallv want to appreciate Dylan then you must listen to each word because every one has a special, inside meaning. In my opinion Bob Dylan is definitely not "washed up." Maria Huffman 326 Buchanan

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).