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Western Carolinian Volume 36 Number 52

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  • [2 THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Tuesday, May 11,1971 i Editorial Comment THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Editorials are from the Editor's desk unless otherwise Indicated by the author's initials. Opinions expressed by the columnists do not necessarily reflect those at tbe newspaper. Address correspondence to P. 0. Box 66, Cullowhee, N. C. 28723. Who's the 'Iron Cross?' The "Iron Cross" is alive and well in Cullowhee,, For the first time since a person or group put out a pamphlet Fall Quarter, bearing the emblem the Nazi's made infamous in the thirties and fourties, the actual existance, much less the name, of said group was unknown. Now, the group has labeled itself with the name that was "unofficially" given to it earlier. The "Iron Cross" is moving, and is obviously made up of people that know what is happening on campus. And since it is the opinion that the "Iron Cross" does know what is happening on campus, it could follow that the "Iron Cross" is intelligent. Therefore, it is a logical conclusion that after the last pamphlet, little will be heard of the "Iron Cross" in the near future. A definite pattern in the three pamphlets distributed by the "Iron Cross" has emerged. Each publication^ of course* bore the emblem. There was only one a quarter. And mainly, they were short, to the point, and questioning. That is, the second two were questioning. The first supported student government, So it would seem that some student government personnel would be involved. But then look at the last endeavor. That would point to members of CIRUNA and "dorm mothers" as well. No matter who makes up the "Iron Cross". One source even said it was made up by Dr. Reinhard, in order to see who would rally around him in a time of crisis. The fact remains that there is an. "Iron Cross," that it is made up of anonymous members, and that these anonymous members are at least interested in what is going on here. Hopefully;, the "Iron Cross" is not made up of SGA members, members of CERIJNA, "dorm mothers" or Dr. Reinhard. These are people that have reason already to care about what is going on here. Hopefully, the "Iron Cross" is made up of first Benton, or second Moore, or the jocks, or the Baptist Student Union, or any other motley group of activists. Western Carolina has always needed more students that cared about what is going on here. W.VV.H. BSUL rejected fair share The B.S.U.U's rejection of their "token" appropriations last week will gain them ideological purity, but little else. Judging from their statements, such as the $200.00 appropriation is a "racist effort to show Black students that they can be controlled by a white SGA," and "your efforts to destroy our Black untiy will not work," then they MUST reject the "token" appropriations. Or they will simply be prostituting themselves in order to obtain a little money. If the BJS.U.L. had been the only organization, or one of the few organizations, to have its budget cut, then their charges would have more weight. But only the Student Wives Club, who asked for $75.00 received the amount they asked for. Everyone else, 47 organizations, were cut. The BJS.U.L. was not alone. The many charges leveled at student government by the B.S.U.L„ ring hollow when based on the appropriation that they received. Their appropr- iation* in light of the total amount of available money and the large number of organizations eligible, is fair. And if they wish to reject the money, then SGA will certainly accomodate them. The Caucus Room IN ORDER TO SAVE OURSELVES, WE ARK •JOT ONLY ABLE, BUT COMPELLED, TO DELUDE OURSELVES INTO BELIEVING THAT 'GNORANGE IS KNOWLEDGE, AND EGOTSM IMPARTIALITY. —Hans J. Morgenthan—— The college campus is much like an election district regarding administrational policies. Through Student Government and student opinion surveys the student of this university does have a true voice in the policy making decision of the university. The university administration does not allow the students to have an active role in policy decisions from an act of kind= ness, but from the simple fact that no college President can remain in office if a large majority of students are opposed to his policies An analogy can 'ie drawn between McCarthy and Johnson ii the Now Hampshire primary, Th>i latasc opporli ity available to tha students to voice an opinion on the policies of President Mex S. Pow occurred last week with a student opinion poll on the proposed football siad'um. The result of this referendum clearly indicates that a massive majority of students are indeed in favor of Dr. Pow's proposed footba'l sUdlum. The final results were: 53% h favor; 41% opposrl; and -i7o .tH elded Even if the opposition and undecided voters are grouped together Dr\ Pow i:.s still won a clear majority, 53% pro and 47% con.. This was the firs: student opinion poll in recent history at WCU in -v'lich both pro's and con's actively campaigned. The con's goi off to a head start as it was the leaders of this group who proposed the student opinion poll to the Student Government Ruies Committee. From the outs,-: this -r'oup had the upper hand In regard ti organization and time, two very important factors in any campaign. The pro- stadium group, largely comprised of "jocks" and Physical Education majors did not openly campaign until the las; two days. Tha effect of the campaigning over a very emotional issue to both sides resulted in an extremely large voter tun-out, the largest in recent timer, There are still many of the voters who are opposed to the stadium mrti.i feel the 41% they received gives them a mandate to continue opposition. This is their right. The fact still remains that this group is fighting a dead issue that will result in no or very little constructive change. An,' student opinion poll concerning monetary issues laces strong opposition., Most /oters,- students and the general public, are very skeptical about voting money out of tneir own pockets. The stadium passed the skeptical eye of the student by a full 12%. This is truly amazing and mdicaies a full measure of support for Dr. Pow's stadium. By STEVE GHEEN The second issue voted on by the students concerned a rerouting of present student fees to academics., The most important aspect of this poll Is the factor that no increased money would be demanded from the -students own pocket, or even Ins parents. This poll carried by a wide margin, 70% to 22% with 8% undecided. This student poll indicates a genuine concern of the students for an increased quality of aca demic standards, At the same time-, students favor the stadium. The stadium will be built, For those who are opposed to the s'a-dium, there is little hope of stopping 't. There are, however, man;" other ireas in whie'i concerted siii-nts can get involved. Wihin tie liberal arts division of WCU there have been developed Student Committees in each department o help improve academics. Such committees of. the Student Executive Committee of History now serve on faculty tenure standards convnittee and all others within the department. If concerned students really wani to impr v.'- . :\ iambs, a g > ■;' start wotJ 1 > he cra-tiion of tils type of committee -vithi i ail divisions >f WCU There are aax' imp' - e- meni 3 that can be made without increased funds; dig in. To be sure, an increase of money will be going to academics. Western is a growing institution, and 't grows at such a rate that change always never ,.>ems to keep pace with demand. Students should rema'n firm in their stand for better academics, With the support of students, academic improvements will be made at a rapid ratet . , The Western Carolinian Published twice weekly through the academic year, and once weekly during the summer session by the students of Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF. . BUSINESS MANAGER. ASSOCIATE EDITOR. , NEWS EDITOR. Managing Editor..... Copy Editor Sports Editor. . . , . . Advisor Editor Emeritus. . . . .RON WILLIAMSON „ . WM. J. BYERS . .W. WAT HOPKINS . .CHRISTY. MARTIN ..... .Gabe Pelley .... .Melanie Pope ...... .Jim Rowell .Dr. Gerald Schwartz .David Rock Whitten Offices, first floor Joyner; Phone 293*7267; mailing address, Box 66, Cullowhee, N.C, subscription rate, $4j00 per year.

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