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Western Carolinian Volume 36 Number 15

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  • as THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN, October 22,1970 5 The Cat's Paw By THE INIMITABLE PA W ' HUNTER UBEHRY And now, dear readers, for toe big news in toe area for this week, and at toe same time the big news of toe nation for this week, guess who came to AshevUle yesterday? Nope, it wasn't Tim Leary. Wrong again. It wasn't Grand Funk. You're outl It wasn't even Tom toe Titmouse. Give? It was the President of the U, S. of A. himself. And who should be there to record toe great event himself but (blush, blush) El Paw and company. The small delegation from WCU left about noon on Tuesday and headed due west (approximately) in a heavy drizzle (it was raining at the time, too). When we arrived, toe rain had already decided to hang around for awhile, and toe crowds had begun gathering outside the courthouse in beautiful downtown metropolitan Asheville. WhUe waiting for Nixon to arrive our crew milled around in toe rain and wind catching abuses from apparent Vigilante rejects. We were entertained with such humane and respectful little phrases as "WeU, Clem, y'all cain't teU toe boys from the girls no moe," and "Shuckins, Luke, we couldwalk better if'n we could get these hippie asses out of toe way. Yok, Yok! Gawsh." Now isn't that funny? Ha, Ha. Up yours, grits. Pardon my outburst. Anyway, whUe waiting for toe President, we were entertained from toe stage by what is known as a friendly filibuster in toe political world. We heard such relevant things as high school athletics, dry GOP propaganda, rain (now that WAS relevant), high school bands, unhearable singing groups, trees-full of kids, and things like that there. For.those of us who saw Woodstock, we were entertained by toe ' "No rain" chant which, with the deluge, drowned out toe political bullshit from toe platform. With ancient windbags in toe government, it's no wonder things aren't really sweU anywhere at present, Pardon me for being a "nattering nabob of negativism." So when the great moment arrived~I mean when Nixon arrived, toe crowd immediately responded with cheers, peace signs, and hoo hah ing in general. The President sounded a bit hoarse, no doubt from countless speeches in but "a short while. For a second toe crowd pushed forward and strained for glimpses of toe man who runs toe country. The speech was just that— a speech. It promised peace in our generation, established toe fact that Nixon was against bussing, stated that farmers shouldn't get shit on, and cited obscenities used by some college students who try to make themselves heard above toe mired down government, The speech said that Now how Nixon reaUy feels about said issues must be a different story. In fact, I'm sure it is. Some "grownups" didn't seem to appreciate our "discourtesy" to toe President It seems we were trying to make OURSELVES heard above toe political bog. Now don't take aU this wrong, readers. We tried nothing subversive, we tried nothing like shouting him down. We merely shouted things like "peace now" or questioned when this "generation of peace" would begin. Aren't you a bit tired of hearing the same old thing about peace, love, brotherhood, et at, and seeing nothing but conservative militarism and such. Give us a chance to be heard, how about it Then there's the Red Chinese. Oh well, readers, more words to be lost in time, I'm afraid. Next time, I'll try to rap about panty raids, fink dorm muthas, jock raids, band aid boxes, air raids, music, and c. Behave, people. You too, Space Chick, ADVICE OF THE WEEK: Be careful. NEXT WEEK: Mr. Natural gets bald. (I) Issues . . . .FROM Page 4 I will close with a thought from former President Harry S. Truman. "The buck has been passed too long. The buck stops here!" Right on! :>:•: Letters to the Editor (Editor's Note: In reference to Karen White's letter to the Editor in Tuesday, Oct 20, issue, these notes should be made. Rick Shane, WCAT Program Director reports that there are problems with reception in Leatherwood and Benton. WCAT is aware of these problems and have people working constanUy to correct them, but toe final work has to be done by toe Engineer's office and it is next to impossible to get an engineer who wUl do it) Dear Editor, At least let it be said of the NOMAD that it didn't accept Arnold's contribution last year. We of toe NOMAD staff try to select toe best of what is submitted to us. I fear, though, that there are few or poor "works of art" submitted this quarter, we wUl have to publish toe bathroom wall. Why? That's simple. We have a number of pages on which we have to print SOMETHING— The CAROLINIAN itself, is quite aware of this problem. TofiU up space, even toe VOICE OF THE STUDENTS has been forced to print articles it may not otherwise desire to publish, A good example of this is the recent reappearance of an article on Mary Pat Cobb and the bomb scares. No one wished less to see that article again than I did. But I understand your problem, sirs, as I am sure you understand ours. The problem, sirs—and students,--primarily lies with toe material—and, hence, toe students. We can not publish that which has not been submitted. In closing, sir, I would just like to ask you two questions. Why don't toe students of Western Carolina University stop criticizing . get off their fat asses and submit something to either publication? And if they have submitted and were rejected, why don't they come on up to McKee or Joyner and give us toe benefit of their knowledge? That's aU I want to know. It has always amazed me that with so many superior literary critics wandering a- round here on campus, no one has ever shown up to help wade through toe manuscripts. May toe students remember that what we do is really what they have done, and that "good, better and best" are matters of judgement Judgement is fallible. At least toe PAW tried! Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann Edwards Poetry Editor, NOMAD Dear Sleepy, I'm terribly sorry for toe inconvenience caused you and all others by toe recent false fire alarms. I would like to explain toe situation these false alarms create, making it necessary for you to be "routed" from your room. The fire alarm is a safety device, When these devices are triggered to action, there is no way for us to tell whether there is a real fire or whether it is a false alarm. Therefore the residence hall must be evacuated and checked for fire. There is no room for oversight in these cases. Should there be an actual fire, someone could be burned to death, and I do not wish to see this happen. I, along with toe residence directors, assistant residence directors, and many of toe residents am also tired of being awakened by the fire alarm. There is a great possibility that the person or persons pulling these "pranks" have been seen by other residents, but these residents are not willing to stand up to this person or per sons either privately or publicly in order to stop them. UntU someone is woman enough to stand up for herself and toe others around her, these pranks will continue to occur, and toe residence halls wUl continue to be evacuated. A lie-in will not help toe situation. It will only cause more trouble and give the "pranksters" another big laugh. From reading your let- ter I feel that you could be a leader in toe fight against toe fire alarm prankster—and would not wish to give her reason to continue her pranks. Thank you for voicing your concern. I know there are many who sympathize with you and I assure you that measures are being taken to stop this harrassment before it costs someone her life. Sincerely, Jane Queen Women's House Gov't Dear Editor, Praise be to toe seventeen political science students who plan to do some "constructive research" about toe extremely hazardous South Central Drive. I am referring to an article of October 15. It's high time toe students on this campus begin to take an active interest in toe problems and dangers which surround OUR UNIVERSITY. The division of toe group into three sub-committees, each concerned with a separate aspect of inquiry, leads one to believe that much planning has gone into the organization of toe Committee and that its members intend to GET SOMETHING DONE. Good luck to them in their endeavors. By now, they should have found what obstacles must be overcome before action is taken. Maybe if someone were to manufacture WCU administration T- shirts, toe officials would cooperate. Steve Brooks Dear Editor, C. J. Harris Hospital is experiencing unnecessary demand on its emergency services in cases that are not emergencies but problems that could be and are being managed at toe Infirmary. This University like almost aU universities across toe country is dependent on the medical community for true emergency care and compU- cated diagnostic and treatment problems. The University fam- Uy must do its part in pro= tecting a good thing we have going for us in toe services of C. J, Harris Hospital. This Hospital sees without question patients referred by University Health Service personnel. The small staff at toe hospital cannot see at night and during busy office hours types of cases that are managed day in and day out at the Infirmary. The problem of abuse of the C. J. Harris Hospital emergency service could be solved if students would come first to the Infirmary of toe University Health Service. Paid out of student health fees, a nurse or nurses are at toe Infirmary at aU times when students are officially on the campus. A physician is on call at all times. From U pm. until 7 a.m,, the entrance to toe Infirmary is locked. The on-duty nurse can be reached by ringing for her at a labled and lighted button at the Infirmary entrance. The night nurse cares for Inpatients and out-patients. At this time, to keep a nurse on out-patient and in-patient services is not necessary or financially possible. Sincerely, H. A. Matthews, M.D.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).