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Western Carolinian Volume 33 Number 37

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  • CAROLINIAN EDITORIALS Election Time Here we go again. It's that time of the year when men take to the battlefield—election time. The Sutton-Roberts race should prove to be a truly hot political contest, By this time we trust that there is more than one candidate for the office of vice-president, for we are of the opinion that competition creates a more interesting test of skills. Election returns last year showed one of the highest percentages of student voting ever witnessed on this campus. This percentage was gratifying, but we hope it will be surpassed in this election. It is the responsibility of each student to become thoroughly acquainted with the candidates, their qualifications and what they can offer. Students cannot intelligently vote for a candidate unless they know what he offers. It is necessary to consider all aspects of a candidates qualifications carefully, if the best man is to be elected. We urge students to become acquainted with the candidates. This can easily be accomplished through attendance at the campaign speeches, reading the platforms of the candidates in The Western Carolinian, talking personally with the candidates, and attending the Forum Monday night. Once students know their candidates well, they can intelligently choose their leaders for next year. Yet, to participate in the choosing of the candidates you must VOTE. It takes only a few minutes of your time to check the candidate of your choice. We will not tell you who to vote for; that is your decision. But we will suggest that you get to know your candidates, then VOTE April 2. A Cup Of Ice Five-cent cokes are again being sold in the University Center snack bar. At least they are still called five-cent, or small cokes. In actuality, these are cups of ice sprinkled with cola to give the effect of a soft drink in a cup. We realize that inflation is at hand, but why bother to change the cost, if you merely supplement the product with an overabundance of ice? Looks as if the snack shop could reach a happy medium, and try serving five cent cokes with cola and a little less ice. This isn't asking too much. The employees at the old student union snack shop were able to accomplish this with no apparent difficulties. It's fairly obvious you cannot make a great profit from a five cent coke. Quit trying so hard! TheWESTERN CAROLINIAN VOIC1 Ot'THE STl'DLNTS Published semi-weekly- by the students of Western Carci'na University, Cullowhee, N. C Member of: Associated Collegiate Press; Collegiate Pres; Service; Carolina! Collegiate Press Association; United States Student Press Association. EDITOR l.'USTNESS MANAGER CHARLOTTE A. WISE JAMES S. CHAPPELL Managing lil'tar, News Editor David Watson Feature Editor ■>»» GertI Sports Editor Gary >Vler, Ken Ball Copy Editors Linda Norwood, Sue Turney Circulation Manager ^ Cooke Se -etary - Vicki Jackson Columnists' v David Watson, "reeman a Jones, Bill Biggers, Steve Guimond, Jerry Conner, The Paw n. Jay Gerti. Writers Janice Monteith, Patti Johr.son, Guy Tyler, Ken Ball Jane Burrow, Patsy Warren, Patrick Boykin, Doug Seb ing, Jerry Conner, Sharon Ellerbe, Jay Gertz. Cartoonist U Ty C B. Whiteside Photographer T- c- fender Typists Ann Disbrow, Leslie Joy °haron Shook, Patti Johnson, Judi DeCarlo Sponsor Steven P. Beck Editor Emeritus J. Nicholas Taylor National advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc. Local advertising rates available upon request. Phone 293-7267 Monday or Wednesday nights. t Offices, second floor Joyner; Phone, 293-7267; Mailing Address, P. O. Box 317, Cullowhee N. C. 28723: SbusertDtinn rate. * ner ve.r. XV Oj?1 3W So WobU A^cnce 'DeeL-thly SfdWcPA uow Sights And Insights By Jerry Conner Insights have been made in the realm of national and International levels. Beginning with this week, special interest will be made in the field of understanding our University and its functions as well as some of its organizations. Recently the Student Senate made some changes in its constitution that will affect the students and their representation. All this was done to better serve the students and will have to be voted upon in a student referendum. The Senate is an organization that primarily promotes the interests of the student body. It improves student cultural, social, ana physical welfare by promoting a democratic pro cess of student representation and institutional government The Senate represents the student body and expresses its opinions to the University Community and to the local and greater communities. All too often, we forget that our senate is made up of our representatives who are working for us. We grow dissatisfied w:Ui results not appearing right away. However, as in any organization, it takes time to investigate every possibility and come up with a clear cut solution. In this same respect our administration, without whose help die Senate couldn't exist, works hand in hand to solve the problems of students. Wo are very fortunate in that Western Carolina University students don't have to demonstrate, Dicket, or employ any of the subversive activities to accomplish results. Ail we have to do is let our Senate know about them and they in turn take the matters up with die proper authorities. But, do we always use our Senate? The answer to that is an individual one. You are the only one who can answer it properly. The Senate uses a Grievance Day to prod students into making known their "gripes" and afterwords sets about to solve the problems. We don't always hear about the "gripes" but the solutions do appear. Many an hour has been spent in Committee meetings going over each one and the means to accomplish results. Speaking of-committees, the senate has many whose prime purpose is to work with the faculty and administration for the student's benefits. Among the many are Homecoming Comm:ttee, whose prime purpose is to set up rules for Homecoming and provide for entertainment. There is the May Week Committee, whose purpose is to arrange a week of activities comparable to every student's taste. In addition to these two there is the Ways and Means Committee, that is the active backbone in surveying recommendations and tracing down every angle to remedy it. With these committees and senators there is a problem. Just when they get started and begin to finish up an item, election time comes around. Sometimes the same senators are replaced. However, all too often a new batch comes in that hasn't worked with the senate or knows the extent of investigations made. Therefore, they have to start from the beginning. This could be a possible solution to the speeding up of results. The change made in the constitution is that "there shall be four Senior Senators, two of whom will be carried over from the Junior class, thereby - >c- essitiating the election ot .vo Senior Senators each year for one year terms. In the case of the Junior Senators, of which there are three, one will be carried over from the Sophomore class, thereby necessitating the election of the two- year Senators. Sophomores will elect one two-year Senator, one of whom will be carried over from the Freshman class. The Freshman class will always elect one Senator who will serve for two years." As you can see the elimination of all one year senators is proposed and a substitution of part one year and part two year Senators put in its place. This will enable the Senate to operate better and work harder for the students. In the event that any vacancy appears the voter will be al- loted that number of votes. The candidate with the highest number of votes will fill the seats, and the next highest num- number will be the alternate. Also, in the case that any Senator becomes lax in his duties or isn't fulfilling his job, he will be removed and replaced. This will maintain a high rate of interested persons willing to devote time to the Senate and Student body, We have a strong organization working for us. So let's support it, by making their jobs a little harder and yet easier. Adhere to the policies set, If you don't like them, let your Senator know. It's your job as a student to speak up. Once you remain passive, there is no room for complaints or suggestions. Remember too, a little encouratement never hurt anybody. Michael Elected President Of Christian Athletes Norris Michael has been elected president of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Other officers are: Steve Spradling, first vice-president; T. C, Huntley, second vice- president; John Goebel, secretary; Paul Jones, treasurer; Lewis Weeks, reporter; and Joshua Camalos, bulletin board chairman. All Western Carolina University Athletes and all former high school athletes are invited to attend the huddle meetings held each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Old Student Union near Joyner Square. During the recent Heart Fund Drive, The Fellowship of Chris tian Athletes collected S65 from contributing Western Carolina University students. The money went into the Jackson County Heart Fund. The FCA thanks all those who contributed to this worthy cause and hope it will be an even bigger success next year. Feedback Dear Editor: I hereby protest the closing of the snack bar in the base- meat of Stillwell Building. Michael Rhodes

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