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Western Carolinian Volume 29 Number 04

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  • wcu_publications-2985.jpg

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  • THE WESTERN CAROLINIAN Saturday, October 18, 1958 !! SPECIAL !! Prestone Anti-Freeze INSTALLED $2.50 gallon Odell, manager 1 The Cullowhee Garage Cullowhee Beauty Salon offers Plain Shampoo and Set $1.00 Haircut 75 Cold Wave 6.00 Phone 2331 Closed Wednesdays When In Waynesville visit Roundtable ... (Continued from page 4) newspaper delegates did obtain information concerning their individual papers. They turned in their papers to be judged and rated on such things as news coverage, writing care, editorial presentations, photography, cartoons, and numerous other things which go into making a newspaper a complete unit. After the judging, they asked questions concerning the comments they had received on their school papers. Most of'the comments were favorable, and criticisms were for the most part minor ones, the most part minor ones. It seems as if W.C.C. might inherit some really fine talent in the next few years. The editors finished their discussions late In the morning, and after a brief intermission, they went directly to the last assembly of the Roundtable for this year. Radio-Newspaper Cooperation At the assembly Mr. John I. Anderson, editor of the Transylvania Times and president of the North Carolina Press Association was the speaker. The main topic of the address was the relationship which should exist between a newspaper and a radio station. At Brevard, Mr. Anderson is the executive director of WPNF, and he also edits the weekly newspaper. In doing this he has a first hand opportunity to observe how newspapers and radio stations working together can render outstanding service to the community. Walker's Drive-In Cleaners Sewing, Mending, Alterations and Hat Blocking EXCLUSIVE LIK-A-NEW FINISHING Contact Glen Fuqua in Reynolds, Ralph Ellis in Robinson, Max Eury in Buchanan, and Linda Barnett and Jean Hager in Moore, Larry Posey In Boodeville for your service. JU 6-4210 Sylva CHARLIE'S Open All Night ATTENTION STUDENTS For The Best Food In Sylva Visit THE COFFEE SHOP THE TOWN HOUSE "Beside the Post Office" Fountain Service — College Supplies Breakfast — Hot Lunches — Sandwiches — Cosmetics — [OPEN Weekdays: 7:30 a.m.—11 Sunday: 2 p.m.—lip .m. "24-Hour Photo Developing" Jackson Tire Co. Latest In Recapping All New Equipment "Deeper Tread For More Miles" Phone JU 6-2710 Sylva, N. C. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ROGERS1 ESSO "The Students' Friend" Road Service — Wash — Grease Cullowhee - News Briefs ... —Continued from Page 1 will be open from 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m.; all students are strongly urged to use their vote because the elected persons will represent YOU. Mrs. Tommie Lloyd, secretary of the Health and Safety Committee, urges that all students register their cars before bringing them on campus. If the cars are parked on any part defined as campus, tickets will be given for no registration. Mrs. Lloyd went on to say that she wished to express her sincere appreciation to each of the people who helped with the Blood- mobile. You will notice that there are several additions to the Western Carolinian staff. Chuck Holmes has taken over as feature editor, George Mears will write the column on fraternities, Dillard Morrow will handle circulation. Woody Needham moved up to assistant sports editor and Earl Guss, Jane Blankenship, have been added as reporters. The Western Carolinian needs a cartoonist. If you can draw a cartoon and willing to work come by the office in Joyner Building. No past experience is necessary if you can draw. Several members of the Administrative Board have found a way to relieve the stress and strain brought on by their rigorous duties. They have turned to hula- hooping. In an effort to ease some of the frustrations and worries brought on by an active student body of 1400, several members of the Administration have succumbed to the current national fad. During the past few weeks several persons in key positions have been observed attempting to get the circles to go around them instead of vice-versa. CANNON SHELL SERVICE STATION FIRESTONE TIRES & TUBES. DELCO BATTERIES ROAD SERVICE OPEN 24 HOURS — 7 DAYS WADE WILSON, Prop. I > |! Belk's Department Store "The Home of Better Values' Dial JU 6-2015 Sylva, N. C. Blue Ribbon Shoe Shop Factory Worn Shoes Expert Shoe Repair PHONE JU 6-2457 SYLVA, N. C. BARBER SHOPS SYLVA CULLOWHEE KsjgHBflBjaaMa PROFESSIONAL DRUG STORE Nationally Advertised Drugs And Cosmetics MIDDLETON'S ESSO Regular 29.9c Golden 35.9c High Test 32.9c j Just Added — Accessories Standard Gas For Less THROW RUGS — TV LAMPS All Sizes and Colors First-Line Passenger Tires Justly Famed For Superior Quality Rayon: (white wall) 6.70 x 15 — $21.23 7.10 x 15 — $24.21 (black wall) 6.70 x 15- $16.32 Plus tax and recappable trr» Nylon: 6.70 x 15 — $24.33 Tubes — $3.50 18-MONTH GUARANTEE At City Limits Of Sylva, N. C. Charwood Barbecue "Where There's Delight In Every Bite" Pit Cooked Barbecue and Gther Focils Monday - Saturday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Sundays 'Sandwich or Meal — You Get A Good Deal" East Main Street Sylva, N. C. STUDENTS! LOOK! "The Finest Clothes For College Wear" THE MEN'S STORE Phone JU 6-2450 Sylva, N. C. Cogdill Motor Co. Your Dodge - Plymouth Cars and Dodge Job-Rated Trucks Dealer Phone JU 6-2618 Sylva, N. C. WHY BE SATISFIED WITH LESS WHEN YOU CAN GET THE VERY BEST SYLVA CLEANERS & LAUNDRY Phone JU 6-2350 "The Newest Thing In Shirts" WE PICK UP IN EVERY DORM Do You Think for Yourself ? (he%sjsz%s?%ce) Eat At The Cullowhee Cafe in Cullowhee Breakfast — Home Cooked Meals — Sandwiches Open until 11 o'clock every night Can you honestly say you never imitate the manner of an executive or leader you admire? Are you entirely confident that you would not get "lost" if you worked for a large firm? When driving or walking for some distance, do you like taking short cuts rather than a longer route you know will get you where you're going? a In going to the movies, do you consult the reviews first rather than just take "pot luck"? YES YES YES YES Do you enjoy adapting yourself to new conditions? Do you always look at the directions before using a complicated new appliance? YES D-D YES j NO □ Have you ever thought seriously of I 1 spending a long period alone somewhere | | . . . writing, painting or getting some major independent task done? □ 3£>^ When faced with a long, detailed job, do you try hard to find a simpler way of doing it before getting started? YES n~°n The Man Who Thinks for Himself Knows... ONLY VICEROY HAS A THINKING MAN'S FILTER A SMOKING MAN'S TASTE! Before you light your next cigarette, ask yourself this: Have you really thought which filter cigarette ia best for you? If you have ... chances are you're a VICEROY smoker. The fact is, men and women who think for themselves usually smoke VICEROY. Their reasons? Best in the world. They know for a fact that only VICEROY— no other cigarette—has a thinking man's filter and a smoking man's taste. *IF YOU HAVE ANSWERED YES TO 6 OF THESE QUESTIONS, YOU ARE A PERSON WHO THINKS FOR HIMSELF I O last, km * WUIUmaoa Tdaca Cot*. Familiar pack or crush- proof box.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).