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Western Carolinian letters to the editor by G. Lance Morris and Barbara Rosenthal, page 1

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  • Letter to the editor written by G. Lance Morris in the Western Carolinian titled "Mini Bureaucrats"
  • MINI BUREAUCRATS Dear Editor: In the September 19 issue of the Western Carolinian there appeared a story on a new campus organization called Lavender Bridges. This is supposedly a group of responsible students who wish to form a society of homosexual students here on organization. Being a senator and chairman of the Rules Committee I can assure you that S.G.A. will not fund or recognize any group that is against the state laws of North Carolina. The practice of , homosexuality is indeed forbidden by the laws of this state. It therefore intrigues me that any group of students would have the nerve to be an advocate of such a group at a state supported school. While we're on the subject, I would like to ask who these people are. I did notreadanynamesofthe organizers in the article. Are they ashamed of what they stand for? It has always been a personal philosophy of mine not to support anything! am ashamed of. I would think these people are the same way. So why do they not come out from hiding? The article also stated as fact two totally unsubstantiated reports. The first was that ten per campus. Furthermore, from what I understand, they plan to be recognized by S.G.A. and thereby receive funding for thier (sic) cent (sic) of the students at Western Carolina are gay. I have asked numerous students around campus if they were canvassed, had any friends who were canvassed, or had ever heard of anyone who was asked about thier (sic) sexual preference. I have yet to find one single person that could answer yes to that question. So how did they discover this startling fact? The nextstatement of fact they made was that Western Carolina is one of the last college campuses to have a homosexual organization. Excuse me if I am mistaken but we have never had a gay organization continued on page 6

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