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Western Carolinian 1980 Fall Special Edition

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  • Administration continued.. He is a membewr of the American Association of Higher Education, the Association for Institutional Research, the Appalachian Consortium, the Sylva Rotary Club and a great many other organizatons. He is married and has two children. Dr. Arron Hyatt is dean of the WCU Graduate School, having held the position since July of 1975. Since joining the University he has served as various times as band director, instructor and assistant professor of music, director institutional research and development and associate professor of higher education. Prior to coming to WCU in 1960, Dr. Hyatt taught at Waynesville High School. A native of Hazelwood, he is a graduate of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and holds a Ph. D degree from Ohio State University. Dr. Walter E. Thomas is dean of WCU's School of Technology and Applied Sciences. Prior to coming to the University he held various teaching and administrative positions at Florida International University and Purdue University. He also worked as an aircraft design engineer. Go Cats WELCOME BACK! unit iniiiiiiiiiitiniiH mi ii iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiiiiiiiimiiimmmmmmiimmmmmimtH PEOPLE'S I I DEPARTMENT I STORE Complete Family Clothing VISA Sylva Master Charge He received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Purdue, the M.S. in industrial engineering from the same university and the Ph.D. in education from Indiana University. He is coordinator for technological guidance for several national-societies and is a member of a number of planning committees. Personal growth ...from page 4... An important element in the success of these outings was the help of the student orientation leaders, who work with Freshmen attending WCU summer orientation programs. Student orientation leaders who participated in the wilderness outings were Tory Caudle, Beth Grable, Sheryl Rudd, Ritchie Debnam, Sara Morris, and Carol Hudgens. The most ambitious part of the summer outings program occurred the last week in May. For six days, a group backoacked and camped through the Joyce Kilmer Slickrock Wilderness-experiencing everything from breathtaking mountaintop views to ice cold waterfalls, fording a river nine times, baking cornbread over the campfire, and generally having fun together. This outing offered one hour course credit and culminated in an exciting Whitewater raft trip down the Nantahala River followed by a well-deserved chicken dinner "banquet" the last night in the wilderness. Some of the students on this outing ended up saying, "That was the best experience of my life," and "Now I feel I can do anything!" The wilderness outings are led by Bob Stremba and Janet Colvocoresses, both counselors at the CAP Center. They are offered as an opportunity for students to enrich their college experience by challenging themselves physically and sometimes emotionally, thus supplementing the intellectual challenge of an academic setting. In addition, participants often rediscover some inner peace and personal strengths that come from successfully completing a vigorous but rewarding endeavor. Many find that there are some ways to apply this experience to back-home situations. For example, after spending a weekend carrying a backpack through the wilderness and relying on but at the same time helping the rest of the group, coming back and tackling that course term paper might not seem so difficult after all. Another outcome is often finding a new friend or two, or at least becoming a little more comfortable at developing some friendships back on campus. The CAP Center Counseling Office has several outings scheduled on weekends and over university holidays this Fall. The cost for each of these outings includes all camping equipment, food, transportation, and raft rental fees (on the longer outings). Friday, August 29 to Monday, September 1 (Labor Day weekend) -4 day/3 night backpacking trip with Whitewater rafting trip on last day (Monday). Cost: approximately $25 to $30. Friday, September 12 to Sunday, September 14 - 3 day/2 night backpacking trip for students registered for EDGC 150 (one credit hour). Cost: approximately $12 to $15. Friday, October 3 to Tuesday, October 7 (Fall Break) 5 day/4 night backpacking trip with whitewater rafting trip on last day. Cost: approximately $30 to Friday, October 24 through Sunday, October 26 - 3 day/2 night backpacking trip. Cost: approximately $12 to$15. Since an important part of the experience is group decision-making and cooperation, each of these wilderness outings will be preceeded by a meeting or two for participants and leaders to plan where to go and what to eat Students interested in the program should contact Bob Stremba or Janet Colvocoresses in the CAP Center 108 Bird Building, or telephone 227-7469. S.nce the outings have a tendency to fill up early, it is suggested that this be done as soon as possible. ■iiimiiimiiMimimmm ii imiimmiiinii iiminiimiu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiimmiiiiiiiiiimimmiMmimiimiiimmmumnl 14/Western Carolinian/August 18, 1980

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).