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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina University Commencement Program 1983

items 17 of 28 items
  • hl_commencementprogram_1983-05_17.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Tony Steven Hancock............. Environmental Health ............. Bryson City David Durand Hecht.............. Environmental Health ............ Hillsborough PRVOMM VE HONGTON ie. We su. eee ks Environmental Health..............- Statesville Kenneth Alan Robertson.......... Environmental Health .............. Cullowhee James Alfred Rumley............. Environmental Health ................. Hickory Ernst Jay Schreiner, Jr............ Emergency Medical Care........... Cullowhee Fawn Elizabeth Talley............. Emergency Medical Care............. Mayodan BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL RECORD ADMINISTRATION DEGREE PAU UOAN QA W Ot ch. ches acre 'x ie eas oO are Guay ie lial alate wife Gicha dad iirartva Wtietaraatate ley aiMl Hayesville OO IATIING NC ESUUTIVOEE LS a nln sesccc gielisvelg i laielOheatNCe Mahala ete ANIR CS Char POR O LVN Hi aie Asheville MIBtOSAVATIEN OALDOTITON . 5 aso 5.55) cit cc) slnnlateedl yeaa DBM ule hs, foAMIE TA UNGRCTa ig eRe Sve MCH Sy Caer Lenoir TR EATTLEAN EL! chs OARTIEN Lies ie, oc aca wil catleygh ag dssheat Ula tacAlioh UA SPM HRA LARA By Abingdon, Virginia PERSANATIINY FRITOCTQEUE Ses Sasnste a ccs ta ae baie (dca SMA ADAP AUG CL Grate Ss SAMA APCS ON ASAD Hickory ARTY ANU LCO FHGETLICON 5 a5 ole tS PC Aa UNO SGM ON) LS Ms CA CU Marshville SMoilay DawnvHUtChiSOn..). . 6 ios ce Couhee a eA le Hendersonville, Tennessee MGHISBEVATII MGIMROSI N50 0 /iy oS GOAN OI A MOU EE MOO Mt. Holly INGlay SUZANNE PEMlAAd .... 66 cis cls UUM TRG in aR es meats ciate an Icard MODES SUON SWAYMOUIM GS cisco s!5 4 sis lad 5 ofp We CUR SUMO OW Oar Maar Td Mi A TAS ta Oteen WANE EHENEVVAN ACO a iiss cine stots we MSM TU eel RAINE a ogee net MANURE MN UALS Sylva ALBUS AV TSTIANES, oie. oi ws cca Sodus OO A ARR AS id Lenoir rielolarcta}alzin\Mld fofa] ( a}: \octob h aea ere Rant CG FS On ately CAVLLFRCGIN RNID Effingham, South Carolina PVHICETOM MARE ZAITUIMIC ii oie le biate ce UE RGU NOM RU nit AOE MNS Birmingham, Michigan BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY DEGREE Roly gis} )(0) 4 Ny ot Dn ne pase Ena mM OE MENT UNE L Calin LCL mR Ky LECH E LR OLREVIU kil Conover INGTEN VOY: BOWMAN 6). 65a essere studi a Weteeratd Wana uN ent Vineland, New Jersey Wana Causey) OWaney .:...6ssilecniee Lalande Aled REID ie colar Me Asheville Hepselizabeth Keetauver FOX... jcc kis cculiniid Hie eile Ales Mn ee Ue TE at Asheville Creare rave sFulbright. occ. < suis ciao OUI NTs, Laie Nee ea ec U MIN aR Nebo WEG USTIOrY: GLOQOryi cio. a Cee Leary ila sh win SUES UM ORI a a Hickory BTGEVATIE PUM iia oasis cele ila eal old GRU UV TAT UNG GnDMe ony ee ee Winston-Salem SuMathioen LOUISG HOWE. oc. 0: SUS e eA Ca Aicla celle ar AY 1A Drexel GarolynPatticla: Ledford... 36d visie ARs Pas Woe a a ia Marion momamela: Kay LISONDOs icc ew Ae I aa tere al aiid BIS Sylva ier amen Hatchet POseY 3. vcs cus hl eA ir ogc Bee la Jamestown ekrances Owle: Smith w. cca Geet iG i eats ad et ea Whittier FROISS Ms \ Watt Sei sevaica Vier adds BAU DU Oak Be NE ER aaa a So Fairview BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING DEGREE BYAetta KaAyeuAllen oi. oc SES ss Ce eG Fania OUR aan: ALL id lle Wade IEEROY Ae AVETY io ccecs. bees eidieieit Sia On eiera dt aideat erat ret de Ula AfAID le LIaRCIE AM Asheville Witham Terry. Bagwell... ssc vaci uh Mean tik Ue hand YRe Ie Cts Fletcher Karen: Massey: Baker... 10 6s sisld sisieaie div iaienl cicrete a ahivahuiaye Uvterdca aia Ae Wa nihge Asheville GloriacLyrine Bancrott. ..6 0.05 sides aval deny wa blliin dees camp eee dual Asheville Amy Melissa Barnes... ccd cee ie ba ie tN Nie Caled deeds ein eiaate Welle Ge Spindale SARWAN BlUG icc aa ee ces Ue a ele Ok Whe dls Slatin wean euNt, Helen Ue UNI Bahama Karen. Grace Brethen. 3. 6.0 bie ac edtee ny Hewes Vane b UN ee eid Weaverville Susan. Marie Budke. .

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).