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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Western Carolina scrapbook, 1955-1956

items 36 of 52 items
  • wcu_memories-576.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • WCCCampns Hit By First Pantv Raid FEE, May 1R - In the |wake of similar incidents at other colleges, a group of boys at Western Carolina College staged a "panty raid" Tuesday night. It was the first the 68-year-old college ever had. College officials said the raid: started between 11:30 and midnight, and lasted for about an hour, ai approximately 200 boys gathered around the two girls' dormi- Relatively few of the boys actually entered the dormitories, which is considered a serious offense on the WCC campus, the officials! W damage was Incurred in both Madison and Moore dormitories, as screens were removed and some glass door panes broken to effect entrance. This morning Dean W. B. Harrill said: ire this act of lawless- we cannot accept it as a mere boyish prank. "Kvery effort will be made to determine the identity of those 'he dormitories, and action will bo taken as soon as all information i.s available." W. i:. Bird was also firm in his determination to in- the affair thoroughly. ol the psychology prevailing throughout the country lar instances have been reported, dors not excu duel of I he boys on this campus. "Although aaain il U assumed! was done in a spirit of fun and meant purely as a' prank, we need to emphasize more nnd more the importance of ma-! turity of mind on our college cam- "And I have faith in our students at Cullowhee to believe that the majority do not approve this juve-| •ila-tyDe of conduct " 7 WCC Panty Raiders Are Expelled CULLOWHEE, May 23—Seven s.udents have been expelled and 25 others received lesser penalties for participation in a "parity raid at Western Carolina College the lay 15, the college announced tonight. The names of the students were not revealed, nor was the nature of the lesser penalties. The action was taken following meetings of the college executive committee Monday and Tuesday nights when testimony was presented. TESTIMONY HEARD In sessions Monday and Tuesday' nights, the college's executive) committee heard testimony involv-l ing the affected students in the raid. The sessions followed an official investigation. Dean W. B. Harrill, acting committee chairman, said today: "As much as we regret the necessity for taking this action, it was the only thing we could do. The philosophy of this college and instructions to students are quite clear as to how this type of behaviour will be handled." Dean Harrill said the students involved could not claim lack of knowledge of the seriousness of the offense. PENALTIES DEFINED He sail their own handbooks, used in the orientation program extending through ihe year, as well as specific information in the college catalog, defines the penalty's lor conduct of such nature. the penalties "make expulsion mandatory in offenses of this nature." The executive committee, _. said, emphasized that the present action does not necessarily end the investigation. It is thought, the dean said, that the identities of all the partie-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).