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The Log Vol. 4 No. 11

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  • wcu_canton-147.jp2

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  • .*3SS he Extract Department Cant. N 0., March 7th. l#J$. Mr. C. W. Phillips. Canton. N. C. Mv dear Phillips:- 1 wish you \vo;,!,| con ray tt tl e i nembers o the Safety Committee, ami through hem ill of the mil employees, 1 my heartiest congratulati th e result ( f their CO- 1 operative efforts for the r -.luc; of accidents. particularly 1 as shown by the record ft r the m h oil-Sebfui ry, in which 1 only two accidents were r ecord d w it It I'mm work J amounting to but four da} s. Results of this sort d< not. "j ist ha].p. n." they ccme 1 from persistent and ' con ident s effort; eff irt that, is j necessarily disinterested ^ ml ui Ififi h and the rt fore partic- I 1 uiarlv creditable. The contrast betweei the ?h in- for Ft bruary just 1 past, aid the showing of I 'ebru m a year ago when six 1 accidents were recorded, \ vith a l.s g from *( k amount- ] ing to sixtv-eight days, is . l.r.ivinu" as it does I that the efforts to guard e d nts of dai ger, to in- 1 struct and warn inexperie need e o>ees and to inspire 1 1 older employees to great'. effoi saMy, ha ve not been 1 1 in vain. With a record such as Febr ua ■y' s before 1 s, we can 1 1 approach with greater cot fiden ?e the task of making April 1 1 & sure enough -month irith ></ in a en lent. Let's all make a 1 1 special drive to hold the h ands of all dials of the Safety 1 I clock stotionurn. RE I B :n P, ROPEJ Cl'SON. Thrift Stamps Canton War Savings Society .!,< ■idIf.I !' I ty« ing* Society, and called on 'Our D»T« to sxptaiii the objects of the society. Mr. Kerr did this in his usual elesi and foreel'ul maimer, after which Mr. Duckett, as temporary chafrrmm, »t*t- ed that the question 'before the house was. "Shall we organize?" A motion to this effect was made and carried. The following sectio: of i oiks whose duties ©n the ;e been confined to the Building" and that side track, don't realize what there is across the way, mi her oi the staff went e other day to get ac- >d. After stopping at 11 for a drink of good we went into the Extract w here we found Chemist . Supt. Marr and the ."at in deep consultation. t tried to get out as we p. but Batch He!d-er. A linutes later Aset Supt. rice came in and on being ed of the nature of our ss. very courteously took ow and through the plant nt. It was an interesting nd Mr. Price explained hing as we went, but we lesci ibe it all—it was too to assimilate on one trip — er. we shall attempt to a few things as we remem- d understand them. oegin at the beginning: st visited the pulp chip nd found five, all big ones. :avi ig an 8-foot disc, and ining on chestnut wood. Spence and Jesse Harbin after these chippers on respective tours, and it is I place, for here is chipped the clean chestnut wood I used in the manufacture nnic Acid and Chestnut From the chippers the go to a 24-inch bucket tor. which carries them to teens. Then through the M fep a oh-inch belt con- Kt .i>. this they dump to ■ ; refer, which dis- tes them to the thirty-two laves.. in the autoclaves Restate) the liquor is ex- ed from the chips and the , go to No. 13 belt eonvey- hich carries them to the da digester building and ives them with Uncle Joe, ae cusses them until they are I into Soda Pulp, screened, eached. dried, weighed, load- I an . hipped- - and sometimes ■en longer-but this is not §C 'ot-.tiuuol w»Tfc«d \'->-r-, j Safety First! Do Your Best. HE PAPER ON WHICH THIS ISSUE OF THE L.OC IS IS MADE FROM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA PULP Uncle Joe's time at the bat, so we'll get back to t he 1 Extract. From the autoclaves i th 8 liquor goes to "Battery" uhs Nos. 1. 2, 3. and 4, thence 1 > ti liquor storage tub. at .1 from there to the evapora tors It is called weak liquor vhei it en- tars the evaporators ant 1 eaves thern as Tannic Acid tha finished product. This goes tot H thick liquor tubs, of whi •h il ere are seven, and from ther j back through the evftf.or tiers to the storage tubs. Tbei e a e three sets of evaporators own W the Lillie, the Sanb and ihe Marr the tubes u e a-!. Of which are all coppe • ai d med- Mm to say are expe ISIVt . From the storage tubs the Tannic Acid is drawn into a ui. ear*, H it is to be shipped it !.<;: id form; to the dryers if to 1 .- I.i •ole into Crystal "B" or ' H odt! n." It is dried on the sa me type -I Canton "Limit Club" . II.-Objects. 'Ihe objects of. this society are to promote systematic :. saving and self-denial 6Vi the pert of each member so. that labor and- materials now employed . in the production of those things which are twt essential to our daily life.inaj* be used in the production of war materials and supplies, which our Government mult have to enable ft to win this war; to encourage economy ami thrift in the community in which the members live; to work tor the growth of War-Savings Societies; to invest in United States War-Savings Stamps, and to induce others to do so, thereby helping the Government, the individual members of the society, and the com-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).