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The Log Vol. 4 No. 5

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  • wcu_canton-117.jp2

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  • Economy Versus Waste either greater or lesser value, The Champion Family in the An Interesting Letter frost 0ae efthe vou are not only saving that Great World Conflict Members oi the Champion Fami- Last year the Company start- much for the Company, but you ly Now Doing His "Bit" for 1 a reclaiming department with are helping to make it possible Since a state of war has ex- Uncle Sam «r.r. Halyburton as its head, and for them to pay you more, and isted, the Champion Family has ■ is department has reclaimed are cultivating a habit that will responded in a truly patriotic ' ;i ' tiough material to many times be of untold worth to you as you manner to the needs of the Foronl ig 'i •■ Iver justify its establishment, go through life. nation. My dear Mi '■".: has also brought to light many When President Wilson made Well, th< . distances of discarded material his appeal for "every American Preparation in earnest tot th Hiich should never have been Do You Know What You Are marii WOman ami child" to "Greai liscarded, of material of all Doing? "speak, act and serve together »!' 1 inds that had gone in the rub- in the Nation's Supreme Test," and more i.ish and new taken out of stock xle men were lounging around members of the Champion Fami- exti the old would have done the smoking room of the "Com- ft immediately began to ask ""j*™ ! j well. pany Boarding House" a stone's themselves this question: "How i; of us 1 In this day of high prices and throw from a mill up in Northern can I show my colors and help up here, all eted stocks it behooves each New York and one of the board- Uncle Sam win this war?" the A \ latior, |>f us to study and practice econ- ers was questioning"01dNelse," Many and varied were the op- a wonderful con: vmy. both as to our individual the boarding boss. portunities suggested. mapped out for us. I cannot go expenditures and in the use of "What ha'they got you doin' First, by enlisting in the Navy into detail as to this course, as pany supplies, being ever n0Wi Nelse?" ' and defending Old Glory on the we are reminded a half a dozen nn the alert to save. If you take "i'm down there on what they seasi second, by registering for or so times daily, by both Amer- j>ff a good fitting don't throw it ca]l the 'meeters', stirrin' the active service in the Army and ican and Canadian officers, that i rubbish, where, if it is swili." fighting for the future peace and ours is a very delicate position ;«'hot lost, the threads will at least His job was stirring the security of mankind; third, by and that we must keep quiet ioe damaged, if not destroyed. "Beaters," or Beating Engines, subscribing to the Liberty Loan, I guess there never was a more (But use it again if you need one, with a "paddle" and evidently thus supplying Uncle Sam with interesting collection of instruct* ■ tandif you do not need it just he had not in the years of his cash; fourth, by contributing to ors gathered together than those ■ jnow, either put it with your de- employment in the mill, over- the Red Cross Fund, or by ap- we have here, all Myers of inter- Apartment supplies or turn it over burdened himself with a know- plying themselves vigorously to national renown who have come Ho Mr. Halyburton, whichever is ledge of the process of paper- active service, whether in the to gnef m the air service at the -st and surest way of that making factory or on the farm. Front. We are supposed to be (particular article being found There are many of the "Old When the call came to "Fol- having a course of highly inten- i and in gocd condition when it is Nelse" tvpe of workman. Their low the Flag," the Champion sihed training, very short and i needed again. labor becomes monotonous be- Family, though lovers of peace, very thorough, and already we ■■ It is money saved for Mr. cause they never learn that were ready and willing to dedi- have covered much ground, al- •t Halyburton to reclaim an article, theirs is an important part of cate themselves and their posess- though only at it tor two days. Uut it is more money saved, and the work and that the quality of ions to the service of Humanity, It has been intimated that we i, > d direct to vour department, the finished nroduct denends to '"defense of Liberty, Civiliza- will be 'over there" in October. ; re-use it before St gets to f^fi extent on the quality tion and World Democracy. I am already becoming adapt er has to be reclaimed and ^ itwice they render The To show theh' Patriotism, and ed to many of the English cus- I reworked bv him, instead of go- SllTfull of miracles and it brin£ about a victorious peace toms, can already say "leften- ling to the store room for new Ss an interesT to anv man's and universal liberty, the Cham- ant," instead of the American t material. Pipe fittings are used *2k ^^n he learns whv this Pion Familv invested fiftv thous- Pronunciati<* ot' the word' and I in this article for purposes of ^thal is done and how much and dollars in Liberty Bonds; fm n0 lo!^er locked when we [illustration, but the principle jSaWS tang weTdone several thousand were contribut- knock oil from work' a counleof ■applies with equal force to vari- dtpenas oeing wen aone. ^ ^ ^ Rgd Crogs. fivg hund_ timeg & &dy for thpir intermm, .us other articles. It is perfect- .. iron red dollars were *?iven to the able tea. I |y natural that a man should Measurement ot Holts Headquarters Company and the Ten of our party are quarter- i prefer to work with new mater- Bolts are generally measured Ambulance Company before they ed in a magnificent old place on -.; ial rather than with old (but it from beneath the head to the left for the cantonment at Green- St. George Street, with dandy is not always good business for first thread at the end. There is ville, S. C, as a good-will offer- rooms and splendid meals. The i him to be guided solely ly his usually a point about 1-16 inch ing to the soldiers. price of these accommodations is I preference), just as it is natural beyond the first thread. Cap- An American Ambulance was rather staggering, measured by ■that a woman would rather mak. ■■.uh square and hexag- donated to the French Govern- Canton standards, but Uncle Sam < new clothes than to mend the onal heads are provided with a merit. Many of our boys were is rather generous in the matter old. i.ut you know the storm you thread cut three-quarters of the already in the Army and Navy of extra allowances for rooms, ? would raise if your wife ever length for screws one inch and service when war whs declared, etc. ■ begun to caal aside your clothes less in diameter, when the screw Several recently enlisted in mili- 1 wish to take this opportunity | -or more particularly hers and is less than four inches long, tary companies m neighboring to express m-. apprw ktion to ■children's every time they For longer s (d a small patch, a rip closed usually cut I ■-< little darning, and buy new Fillister-hea the mean that we Screws are classified as set- ed for service in our own two hop.- thatSOP* opportunity ioi m the thread is half the length rews are thread of the length. issiiied as set- the Champion f?ai en the head is not inch larger in le body screws, a larger they are eorapantef. Thus, in answer try's cali, the Cha has responded in a ■ to use unsafe material, but screws oi inly intended as a plea to he mure thi eful not to throw away good diameter ck; and do not forget that When th< >ry time you save a bolt or a classified as cap-screws.—J. B. manner to the needs of the I.I..S. U. R. '■ U. S. WU „ or any other material of A., in Dodge Idea. Nation. [mpertaJ R iyal Flyi > I orjps. THE PAPER ii < WHICH THIS ISSUE OF THE LOO IS PRINTED IS MADE FROM CHAMPION SVLPHM'E AND SODA PULP

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).