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The Log Vol. 4 No. 5

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  • wcu_canton-115.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • OUR CANNERY Bv ©SO. M Tuostu During the month of duly at a special meeting of the Champion elief Association, the Board of Directors authorized the purchase season. Don't forget I tables and that goods. See the table i evaporate all kinds o as good and whole for terms and system: H, but consider- I hie delay was I au s e d by the !t mgested condit- "pn of freight |4-ansportatioi . I The plant he ft bout August 30, \i nd immediatel: I uantities of fine produce began to pour in from Canton and the urrounding country. The first week of operation they conserved 2,942 cans of pro- | uce, second week 3.335 cans, third week 3,244 cans, making a citaiof 9,621 cans, which represents in produce nearly 500 bush- Is. The produce canned so far consists of beans, corn, tomatoes, a w apples and beets. If the weather man will furnish the right kind of weather for ■wo or three more weeks we hope to I II the remainder v f the cans that I ave been pu r- ft«*ed, which will Hs ab ,ut 15,000 j-iore cans of good *me vege I ables and fruit Wat The Champion (family and the in the Table For Canning for one- halfaadcui pay for hi of the cans at five cents each for No. 3 cans and four cents each for No. 2 cans. Can for two- thirds and customer furnish produce only. Re- e f Association to furnish cans, labor and everything except produce. When produce is furnished b y customer and all labor and cans are ry, cash charge of 10c per can for No. 3 cans furnished b; and 9c for No. 2 cans. When customer furnishes produce ready for cutting, a reduction of 1c per can will be made. When produce is furnished prepared for canning by customer, canning plant will take three-fifths of the canned goods, customer will get two-fifths of canned goods. ek i ! he I be plei Pf frui+ ai ables to ke. sy *he r dei >f 11 HE PAjPE Sixth Annual Safety Congress The Sixth Annual Congress of the National Safety Council, which was held at Hotel Astor, New York City, September 11th, 12th, 13th 14th, perl.:, 1917 H fm WHICH THIS ISSUE OF THE LOG IS PRINTED IS MADE FROM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA PULP

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).