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The Log Vol. 4 No. 11

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  • wcu_canton-149.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • The Extract Department. thought that has been given to A Journey With "Jimmy were astonishi d 81 the SCOmm • ;:..-.■:-:.:. i trW p.-.g.-.i safety. A safety expert; pro- Mr. J. T. Duckworth, the able of the t<.», . >ei / *8*'|"JI; era that are used Tor drying nomteed the guarding to he per- and genial manager of the Cham- tlon- an' ,co * ... and then aacked in bur- feet, and we believe it is-it pi0n Relief Association, met us tlu ' !l '.','''y :','.': | sacks lined with 'inner looks like a man .could htrd- at the door and bid us welcome W conducting nen ,." made Iron, crimped lv get hurt there if he tried to his office ami grrocery. His an,! 6re ,-,(,!':|";' '"' {ft These sacks are made to. Nfot only does this particu- comments on the comparatively [he co-ope.ation of every maw ■it here on the jub, being lar job show evidence of much sn,aii stlll.|( (,r o00ds were, that I° C*^ J. !'. n jvcd on a specially constructed care and thought as to safety, he just naturally couldn't keep Jh "Ubiiiessengag in ■•■■•■ |. ing machine. but the same seems to be true em>ugh on hand to supply the h;lvp ' U thought we had seen it all, throughout the Extract Depart- demand. His cash book proved e™P"- ' ' '"■", ** * '; ]t Earl led the way to the ment. It is no surprise to US now the business had daily in- ere.3 ' "'."'."/."j".'''.. igh chippers. Here all th* now that Supt> Marr is proud of creasied since he started this de- .y"*\Sta Th rough wood (not fit for the safety work done in his de- partrnent a month ago, piaiMhatk is fed to three partment and the record "his When being introduced to Mr. employees^ thi stimt .,-Liog^ " then earned to the re- boys'' have made, as shown by j M Tntt% the Association's ___11__ Anders, of which there are his letter in a recent ^iasue <rf able secretary, we found him Abraham Lincoln Said "ar and then to the 24 rough The Log. We too must ban.1 s(lKivmu- a lai;,e plotted map ich cells. After being leach- it to them as being real Salety ,,nd nsked him what part of the *™"JX)^;"Z .wILrtui the bark and chips go to the First workers and congratulate servico ho exported to enter, but * " <"«■ °0™*y™y *» S l:tract boiler house and are them on their work and record ,,e informed us that he was "> *»' J0™* *!** Id for fuel, and the liquor along this line. Assistant Supt. some few acres short of being ( -' '; ™ >"- ei through the same proeess Price is the General Safety Com- abJe t0 supp]y the appIkd for • that p romo o , ,.. that leaving the autoclaves, mitteeman, and J, W. Alexan- „-arde„s and sure needed some h< ottered you at an3 time Do yteeSLe that our descnp- der, J. B. Duncan and Night of this ^, M:,n's Land." Mrs. ^"^.^"L^tb^ „ of the Extract processes is. Foreman SE. Hxpps are the Zachary and Mr. Enloe were « ot w ,av the least, crude and in- safety squad men for the De- busy waiting on customers and your department. It not, win mplete and those who know partment. making up packages for the de- n0 ■ , 1 of the ins and outs of it will From our experience we have ,ivery> The whoIe country u as amused > doubt fee! that thev could always considered the Extract The p]ace gave an inviting a few years ago at the efforts of 4ve done a much better job of crowd, from the capable chief appearance, where cleanliness a New England paper maker -we are quite sure thev could, and his assistant all along the reigned supreme, the employees who attempted to obtain a cross id invite them to do it. line, a bunch of good fellows; cordial, pleasing and full of bus- between the honey-bee and. the Mr, addition to manufacturing now after seeing the work they iness energy. fire-fly, the object being to get i ^ ., ycid the Extract De- do and ft. way they do it and ••«_« ^ ... , . ., . . . .. mjt weiaiHt.ecu..w,.^a.. ^fwr seepup wiui ine uiucia. which will hatch fried chicken ir shop might be called a anything else when he in van- From here "Jimmy" piloted ready for the fable. ine'pine-Black-mith-Car- ably, pays two Prices, and us t0 the Lunch Room, and in- r-h rife ('.finding Shop, as aisopays Bowman Sio(o)re—but troduced us to Mr. H. M. Gra- ,.-. Biack- they are worth it. ham, the courteous gentleman Conway, Pipe Fit- Will Build Fine Country Home m d r i p*"*» m:';!■ ': ( • ' 'i lines oi recent date we noticed m.ndEarlCtorf M *eH StSJSTiLmi ' ^° .reman W. S. Price, the One of the finest county homes iii We e Chief," and John W. !/;:_ ; ■ •■.; r ■','.'" ',/,';;,"":!' ^_ thre ander of the millwright.- ™toi■;;.'. . ,.■ ...,.;&n \■■-,!..., . ,, , ■■ •arpentets, hold forth there. Mr i:"i.«.rt-...! h.. .•■■■,.iy ;.■,..,■..■■ ■,,■■•■; e also noticed a D. C. Cenei - '",','."''■," i'''^;,;.'.^',' "\- .' ', "A bK " ''■"■ Mr. Graham and his dressed in t the pe nd Fibre plant t I THE P^PEPON WHICH THIS JSSUE OF THP l.Dt; IS PRINTED IS VI lDl I ROM ( H iUV I '■■• 6U1 I H1TE ANDSODA J CLP / J

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).