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The Log Vol. 34 No. 08

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • G v s • 1 9 5 1 \ , - =- ' • l f F R 0 M T H E EDITORS A p stal card arriH' tl ] , t nl nth I rom Bill Polfinbarger. a Hamiltoll Champion in tht en-ir ·. , \.dchC..,~>,(.'(\ l1..l th · Empluvce .\CLi•iti .- e tion,. iL re d .: Fort te' d , t-.hl. Hello All , Just a hne to let ·ou kno' · I rc;llh• l :11 ptrnac , our :.c1 Jiug 'CHt"P, . y l! 1\1JUld be ~uqri~ed to l;,tll~\ · how ,::o d illHltk . ~o. cl pcr,()tl I eel \-'hen he rca , abo11t pt>OJ l lw 11~ •d l w• ,-k "it' h . ·1 he LOG ha<! been C)l<"Clli n lly nke. \, 'e are li,,ing iu the field in !t>nl p .f)l • ;111d it ha~ 1 ined f t the pa:st we k. T hinkiug of yo 1 all . Bill Potfinba rgcr c r~s £ hampi n service 11 n like Bill. at bivoua ·s and bai\C..: throu houl th "':orld are g· I ting; n w Irom lwl-ne through the compan ·'s publit<ottion . . All E them a r a ·keel to notify us d 'lau in their mailing addres-c ·, but it's not always easy for them to do- pnrti.cularl when there's scare Jy time for a lcuer howe. Their friends and relatives an h elp out by notifyinf," their Indu trial R l.atio1 s Offic when the learn of a change in a en·ice mao's adur· . lt w-ill help us to keep our lllailing lists up to nate. For more about men in the ser ice, see pages 12-1 5. • Hamilton.'s LOG writer George Stein_er hurls a challenge to Canton in his olmyn on pao·e 30. George is a pretty fair checker , player, and he think he might (inc! some stiff competition around th e North Carolina lniJl; so he invites any and all comers to a by maiL Any Tarhecls feel like takin·g him up? ' The Cham,pion Paper and Fibre Company General Offices . . . HAMILTON, OHIO e Millt at • . . •CAN:rON, NORTH CAROLINA e HOUSTON TEXAS e 'Editor, STEWART JON.ES HAMILTON, OHIO e SANBEitSVItlE, GEORGIA Editorial Advisors, I. B. ROBERTSON, JR. f), J. THOMSON CA.l SKILLMAN HAM·IlTON- Division Edflor, Lee 0Dellmar:t Joe Blevens, Wesley Col)b, Jack ~Iull e n, Doroth ' l't~gh, Rtllh Raquet, Otto Reid, Mae RooKs, George Steiner, Hill Thomp ·o!t. CANtON - Division Editor, James Deaton R. D. CoJeman, Jr., Fr cl' Tlay ton, fr d Fcrgtt!\rtn , Clyde Hamlt:tt, Clyde R. Hoey, JL, Ernest M sser, Bruce Nanne}'. Boh Phillip~. C. E. Pt e~ le}'• C. c. Su ttl es, J. E. Williamson. HOUSTON- 'Division Editor, Vttrn Delaploin Saf11 "Ellis, Fred Furness, Sam GaFd, Ad,ell t.uidT)'· . W. Hamilton. Juli ~tn tlc ,Hunt, Nellie Mauney. SPECIAL REPORTERS • Gladys E.. Hodges, Saodetsvi11Ci Wesley C bh, A Notebook Qf Country Living; Muriel Allen, General Office. I • OUR COVER To some, a v.acation mea-ns a two-week trip t() .the b.eacll; to others, it' a fishl1'lg e:xcul'Sion along a mountain sfr(>'".am.; and to still o~hers . it spell duarny da)'S in a breeze-rocked bam­mock right in their own ba<:kc yard. To all vacat~oning Cham­pions, wherever they may be, this slx-cQJor cover is dedicated. Pr~nted in U. S. A . VOL. XXXIV NO. 8 LA .T TA, :K C R of liquid extran i. lo:Hkd 1right). Ji:.m '\>J;edfm·d, Canton 01~ 1, haudk the hose atop c::tr Canton ends extract production, revising · hardwood pulp system • T\Jit' t ill s , Lr T PRODOCTJON report (ri·--trt) i, mudc out b ' W. \ ', ·• nh" Haynes, a ·si ·Lant: sti[>er­iJH ridcnt of K tra l Dep<trt· tll.enl', o~ th mortlill ' o( J~tn e J l , l 9lil. LAST B U~ E of che tnut. xt1'act 1 rodu ed at a n ton (lefl: b ing roll d i rHo box a!' by Bu ·c .r Wood, son of Old Timer '. . Wood. j im · f >d ­ford, bampion Old '1"irner. , ta nd in ·totage ·oom doorwa} . • • ·• • a Champion t J Milestone Tn· CLc ~J\t. CHAI" -R wa-, written Jun J L .in th t:pi l lry Of O:tlC of 1 he 1 O"it color( tJ pha~es Of the 43- )<llaf' opt:nnioo a( ChamJ>ion: an1,m Di isjon. attac ed and kille t tb ·l1 ~.· Lnut tree.~. Si1 f ' • th('Jt ChPlrl· pjon' · ·. tract. unit ha!> cont.iHw (I lo utiliL ". t.Lle d·cad t unk tl at .'>too I d rouglwut t..he motlrHain. lik so many DLOllUI\1 ';n£(; tc) th ' )>01. t g for of t/tc ()l '!L J:llll. The E"{tract D~:~'trtme:nt, . which kc . J,layed . n iw­ffOrt: ant 101 not only in tbe d -.:elopmem. of CllaJ;npion but ah( in the prc,gress of 1h, narinn an l. tbc wnrld io aim' t l)all a cenLtu·y, WitS do ed down for tliJ' nr t time · inc-L tl1 :om.bin~u..ion uf We tcm rorth Cawlh1a m .n and \estern . 'onh Ca:rohnu ~h ~tnut 1·oocl btuan ~oup­pl~ iu;r lh ; world with a high gr~M.:le (11 chcstnat exlracL in 1 !!08. Th · end of the, swry h~ lwen wt·iw :n 1 or i y choi~.e. but J..hroogh nece:. ity. Mor than ad ·cade ago a blight · (" th ·. 'upply i:. so near! dq~ l 1ed and so· diffi to ·C':Jch to .ou.tiuu(.; rhc E.· LnH t: pro cs~\:H is. u cithu p 's-;ih lc nor ·r,Jl~i-M<.:JH witl1 Ch<.~n 1 pion', poky of ·o,qt,t operation~ f()r lht~ SC(urit · qf a-tl c ;ruun'' 'L hi·~ -d evdopm ·nt h, d h 'en [< re:-;t. n h r 'U)Jll(' time. .th t 1 ·~ull·, tht.: (:~(lntnn Dh. i ~io rlln·;1 d ' J .:li'i l it fer ' 1H)1 i.l rnull t·rnillivn dotl<tr projcr t, iJnoh iug ·xte 1 i·H' l · \- h(jns in 1 E e lta rd wpoJ 1 tdp 1o \I On , wJli It "'iil ~:·n u IJ r it !1<1 n ly to n>plac · the WH pulp tunn (f(', bitt .._ t ~tall l • I •• t r r 1 • ' ' L1 · -ru~ WOOD IJ :\ l"f' F. ;)l·c . ltOI\JJ on tracb a-s 0:-~n St ,c'k.ton ;)nd .J . i'V[ . T:Jylo t·, lhrow the 1oM h ~toul wmxl <> ttlo h<tin co nv y< r whi ch takes wo d to c hil)pcrs. T h -• st c<JW e n _ ine i.s ;_tls\> gl.\' ing \':t) to dic!!Ed puw 'f. CHEST N 1T \' o-o fall~ dO\Il chlltc :for chq>­p rs {or the J ast tirn e as the Extn cl JJcp<!ftl'ltc:Ul prepares to close dmot. R . M. PI mons u a pick. to lear lw te when it logs up. f b:c deparlrn ·nl was in operation for 4.3 y ar . CONTINUED • to increa e it using mixed hardwoods rather than chest­nut. ' In connection with the discontinuation of the Extract Department, H. A. Helder, Canton division manager, on June 20 published the following "Fellow Champions" communication in CHIPS: "Fello" Champion : "After more than 40 years of continuoLlS operation, our Extract Department was discon tinned on June 11 due to the depl etion of the supply of chestnut wood. To :replace the tonnage lost by di con.tin,uation of this proces , ·we propose to increase the tonnage of pullp production £rom mixed hardwoods. "'!Ve are mindful of and appreciate the fine record tl1at has been made down through the vear· bY u;- ' J Champions in the Ex tract Department, and we are happy that all of them, except those who have elected to retire are being placed in other jobs where they can continue to assist us in the ucc~ sful operation of our plant. ' '\!Ve are grateful -for the tolerance and cooperation shown by all concerned in this major change." The story of Canton Champion's Extract Department is a long one . . . one that r eveals year and years o£ successful operations ... a story that tells how that de­partment of Canton Champion continued full scale operations during the trying day of the depres .ion years . . . and a story of men working side by . ide for two-score years in doing a job for Champion. There was a time and not too long ago that Cham­pion's Extract Department ran full capacity (300 ba.ITel every 24 hours) and was the world' large t sin(Tle- unit producer of 25 per cent chestnut extract. T H F...SE EXTRACT MEN ha ndled the la st chestnut wood before the plant dosed down . The handled lhe wood from the lirtle dinkie on tbe day 'hift Jmae 10. In the f:ront row: J. L. Ledford. Dan Stockton. J. M . Ta rlor. R . M. Plenunons, Jim ·anney . Back row: fl W. Medford, N. K._ Drake and \T. C. Moody, ·uperintendent . UTOCL \ ' E COOK and pun her (b low) were right on the jol> .JIIne 10 dming the (Hi J:-hift to handl· autod v~ l· ttery for the ' la t i ime. Left to righr. cot. k.s and pt.mdtc~· - • 2 OPERATI~G EVA ORATORS 'for the Ia t lime i. T. R. rlwmp Qn. Tbi plcttll"e was made J une 1.1 as 1·aporators carried &lit A CASTER was ll l'ed r.o remo1· du. t from e. lra t tub . This 'vas done bv hancl be£or • Ca.l1lon con - ceil,ed the ta . rer~ Canw'·. 11 is 1 ctlie~ed to b the b.ei · final as ignment in the Extl.'act De· parun.ent. only e -tl·a t producer Hsi11g· the ~•u toma ti c aster. Al the contro ls i · \V . A. T ·1yl r. The Ext:ra t Department staned op '-rations back in 190 . ince that time th plant ha.- produced m<:~re tiJaJl 9.5 0,000.000 pound of 25 per cent ch.e. tnut extract. This would amount to mm·e than 32,500 car . This ~--tYact (botll dry and liquid) was . bippe I ·turing- these Years to 12 (oreimb countries in add ition to t .J J t. the m.anv tanner · and chemical house; ji, 1hc U.S. J • . \mong foreig11 countries handli1:1g Canton Champion l.he.stnut Extt-act (25 7C) were: Cuba., other Cemral American cotuurie'" United Kingdom, Conti­nent. a] Europe, Au ·traha, New Zealand, Japan, China. Ca nada, . ou th Am ~rica and South Africa. More extract wa' shi pped into the United K.ingdont than to .any other fore ign market. Ca nton Ch.:nnpi.o n·s Chestnut Extract DeparttUenL has reached tl1e end oi the produc(ion road, hut the memory of its 43 years of sue e s'ful operation lin-gers on in the mind- of all Champions. <.t e: 0 . J. Ford. J. M. M a_ . W- R. BramleJ.t, f:. ." urton, i\f, i\. ;\fetc1flf, Fre-d Pace and C. '-~e1u Wr ight. R11:if:t fo Jeman. lu 1§ year>\, en· ·s rn ade ~lh billion p011 n d~ o,f e ·tra r. A lJTOCLA.VE IS Bf;ING LO. D£D (below) for the b st tillte b; 0. J. Ford, {:Ook. as Sh ift Y:orcman ' e1-'t ·wright, 1eft, oldesr Exo-act empJO} • look · on. DRY CHI;:ST ! T EXTRAC is bnggell and weighed for the last ti1nc by A. J. SLarney Extract employ e. Chu te tred to fi ll the k tgs is show11 in the background. T RA I:N CR.EV.r. left to right: (a bove) Craig AJ-le.n, engineer : Grover Moore, f ire · man . J. C. Roll in so n, co nd nctor; M h•i. tJ Sco tt and Clet · Ro h"i n,~on , swiLcbtll en. • I +· l I I I I I l • l ' l ' ' - - ow It+,.. "' ·~"'" '. Bv l e Cobb • ,lt wa on o[ tllDse 1111111:1 r n~m·ni t1 0S with whi h • ·ven the most c:hroni . grmL 'r could fiud no fatdl. 'or ind eed , the da: had ·1il peel out < [ its n cttll."n a l :\h 11 a. lean 'a lld uhining c.S a frcsh} r-scrliiJb d $Cho }bo . The ' ttin wa old .an l nc' at dP ame tim , aurl rL· ah\"ll)'S. delightful. The uu per hetl ] a;~;i l and coolly :1bo · the ea ·Lern treetop. b fo becrinuing its heaven,\n rd climb. Enough 1 re z rippled throttgh tlw poplar to et the ilv r ' leave dancing lik reflec­tor jn the wind. hea\· / d w 'vas fast-dr ing on th ~ lawtl to comple te th pattern f r a lov ly day. A pair of 1>\TCn- ,ang continuou-1' (rom the Yic in ity of the o,·erhang-ing appl tr, lose by the road fence. " 'e had no ticed tbem the n ight before exploring the po ·ibilitie · of the mpty bluebi rd house. Seemingly they had clecided to ri k the parrows' raids and rear a mid-summer family. On 01.u ·way to the garden .wi th the .wheel hoe we passed by the appl'e tree and watched tJ;e mother 1n-en building her nest. Soon she appeared with a tiny twig in ber beak, steadied herself on the perch, and duted it ide. Out again, she hopped to a n ear by branch, sang· happily, and darted away Ol'l another o·e.a ure hunt. Happ) , industrious, bu inesslike, and courageous i · the little wren. And wh en she sings it -eems that her tiny throat must burst with song. The garden oil ·was still loose. and tb.e dirt rolled in front of the cultivator blades as we moved ea sily down the row·s of carrots, beans, tomatoes, and sugar corn. It was a good garden, and unless heavy rains made the clay ground tight-packed, we always enjoyed working it. So the sun moved higher overhead and the perspiration rolled as freely as the soil underfoot. There was a commotion in Parsley's fron t field and we welcomed the hance to stop and rest on. the handLes o( the wheel hoe. A h eavy truck was r umbling up the lane afl.d. pull ed to a srop midw y between the roavl and the hot.Js . "ii\T~ rcc()gn izeclthe Jer6li zcr truck at once. h s som b r grar s id s and t.h.e heavy tarpaul in stretch ed o er the sLeel hoops, c ov~n:cl-wagon sty! , Wt.; rt burned deep jn onr m ·mory. nd vc knew i t come to ha ul ::~way Par!>lcy's dead horse, Ve wuld "c · th _ big ba 's b.loau •d I llank abO'I:'e th · w ·eds in th · fmnc fideL It .bad happ ned last nighl as we all: s11ppcr- on !h :..ocen l-in fronL porch . The l or ·e, his J(· · j11 jured beyond rc pai , hl)' )l · l pl ·~s 111 tit p,ras ·. T!J(·l'' wa"S tt h uddle abo11t him a::. h<tllt y Htng· , lr. Par~! ·y and his wife ·xam.i ned h jn , a nd p ··tt •d hhn . Th ... n, a:- d nugh a d ecision had b·en nt,chcd, thl! t.,roup f·ll ba ·k :-u1d ~tood in th Jan. : A n c:ighbm drm· ulf in l1i. c~r a11d ·when he r turned bol ling a pist<Jl iu hi <>. hand, w knew what the de 'sion had he n . . ud b for th 4· n ·ighl or hand ·<l th · pi. tol ,.nu tw 'lr. Pars! y ">oukl "I o ' " o hi1 t, we kne v that t hi!S owll hnr -c. Th -·re are those among 1.1~ who re suffi< i . n~ to ~lilY t>f lifl''!) ·rn rg-et i ' ancl , n mg Mr. Par:ley i'i on of 1he111. P ·rhar .'5 it's. th . 1 · .t:l, .h· td, sun-tanned <; tr:>ngth in l i · body; p -·rhap · it's in his firm tcp of the <t.lear l<x>k in hi: ligh t blut: ey s. Or p rhap · it's a th owback to J is for fath er · who met and ma t r 1 thejr daily br ad. 'Whatev r it 1 1ay be., H th re' a job to u don , o m g- Mr·. Parsley does it. Only las t fall w sat up day nd night with a sick baby coll.i , the mo t b ·a utiful pup ' e have ever seen in the n L ncl when gangren d stroyed Toughey's fe 1', we co·uldn't bring ourselves to put hi n to , leep. nd traightway we took him next door. There was a brisk tap of axe head on kull, and that was all. This was the same young Mr. Par ley who lo es a ll animals, great and smalL Hi· place has been trewn with ra bb its, pet cr0ws and raccoons, bantam hkkens and four or five d< g '. nd above all . he love 11·s fo ur beautiful horses. So young MT. Parsley took the pistol, examined it brie fl y, and circled slowly around the hone. The b 't; bay raised his h ead in answer to Lhe pat along the neck and dropped to the grass again. The little group drew back and young Mr. Par ley stood alone. H e squa tted in the grass a yard in front of the bay's head and brought the gun into po ition. All fonr of us stopped eating and sat with the ricrid attention that always marks the en trance of Death. There was a pause as young Mr. Parsley shook h is head and drew his hirt sleeve across his face. T hen his arm tensed and traight­ened and ther e· was. a sharp "Spat!" in the cool even in air. And while ·the horse writhecl and thrashed there was another ''Spat!" and it was over. That was the night before. And now we rested on the handles of the wheel hoe and listened to the dank. of the windlass and wa tched the bay's great head and shoulders move up over the edge of the truck bed nnd disappear beneath the tarpaulin. There was a fin al n ttLing of the chain. The motor roared and the truck backecl out of the lane and went r umbling clt.own the road. · From the vicinity of the ap ple tree the pair of w ns ang their hearts out, fi r t one gold n song and tl en an­oth er filling the m0rning air. And ' e tun~ed and pushed the wh eel hoe throu gh the warm oil. Ther were still four row · oE corn to cultivate befor the dinn r b H :ounded from the ki tcheu door. Board Chairman Is Honored Reub H R. Roben so n, the ''Man o : the S~H.I. th ' in 1950, 1· c nll· gained new na ti Iial ncognidon. ln a .l'l:Hion-wiJ indu ' tr ial pin ion :'ltldit con luc tcd b Forlu·.s' Mngrt ' i11f' Mr. Robertson was ranked h igh a t11.o ng the ou btanding pa pc rn1 a kit\,~· t>xe u ti vet> >[ 1h · ( ollltl.l' . T he pQH was <,:onduc tcd ·~nwn.g ·xecu l.ives ~ . ( u ri Lit.·:-. nna l .. sts, public r" lat ion, men. ( hamb •r of c.ootm ' r t t' ~c<.:rnari · and tn •de as ociation . ecre t·trie . P.ub lit r lat inn nicn oted ovcrwhclmi.ngJy f()l' Mr. Rt1bert~on 1. ·flc ·ting· rc.:tlit npon him and n pon Gba nl­pj n's coru pany-wid . ~ ou1munity 'and pubJic r la.tions prugra• ns THl NEW PAVlLLlOJ r at an!'on's Camp . Hope fnrnished a pedect open-ai1· tt.iHg £()!' bino·o at the 10-year service party. H. A. Helde1·, Canton division manau·er, is hown Ill right. - ear art Outing is held at · Camp Hope fo·r Canton's 434 10-year Champions A PROGRAM. of game, music and entertainment featured the ammal party of H)-year Canton Champions at Carnp Hope June 21. · The pan · opened in nn id-afreruoon with -oftbaJl , ta le tenni , sh uffleb ard a!'ld hor e 11 e pitchj mo· taking ~he limelight. Bingo too, ca1 .l: in for irs share of patron­a · e with more than 100 Champions parLici.pating. Some few nJemb ·r of the group angled (or troo t ;n nearby Pigeon riH~r wJljJe Dtb r found .re t and contenlillQtll in ob. erving the pastime of o~th~r . Pany host w s Reu~b n B. Rol et on, d1airrnan of 01ampion' board of di.reet r. Guest · were ·welcomed after t he d!:nner hour by H. A. Helder, Canwn di isio11 H1anager; Za'llD Grey Hall. of Ei · trkal Sb,p, re polldcd. . . Bruce Morlor i, Cantcm diV;i ion ·r o( 1 ndtJ~trjai <llld Communi ty Rela tions, pre id d. Tull .Jarni on, chan ·r. mcmb ·r of Lhe Ol:d Timers Club and .relired Champion, lold "Tu1J 's T:,d. s'' and the ha:upi n "Y" Rhytlnn ba.nd furnished J.;T -<.Jinncr 1'rl ii SJ , . nbb~· Hanks <~ud his cn.iertainers h·on1 Charlour ~,gam .'ltlpplicd o 1tswnding afL ·r-d inn :.r e..nLe.x· tainrncnt . fh enter-tainnll'i.!nl ft:a LUecd 13U ly 11 ne: and Jo 'Y '<. · man Bud E:o4ra, J sn Thorn<~;,, and H<:m.k&. . ExattJy Wt; Champjon b come Ji inl" for H1 · pany d}J }"ear, making ~J coJa l ·m· Jln3tHt of ':I !J C fHun!Jions wa ) ba ve b tw.een lO and 15 years of mmim totJ& ;, r yi c. kl rheir .t' dit. · SHUFFLEBOARD came in .for jts share o[ attention during the preliminary port progn1m. Softba ll a lso had many participant amd fa ns. .. - GUESSING AT THE CHIPS proved an in tere~ting feature of Ca;nton's 10-yeaT p arty. T h ese Champion las ies, left to r.ight, are: Ruth Cothran, Ruth Williams, Louise McClure, a nd Rmvene Williams. Y.!\ 'E · .• R.EY HA~.J.. J\ lenti · I ,<jllop . v sponf.led to llch.IN's I\! ktmting me age. 1-F 11 is a.n a ·tiv 111 ·mt Cr of J.h Can­lrJn ToCJ snnastct's r: 11 l;. ~ t _s . z a a t; . s ; a z J zn ..................... ~--------~~--------------------•s~: --s•s-.23--~--~--~----~~~~~~--~-----------..---~--~----------~ ' ·'WHAT PO ·yo \·_, XT?" !'Rid l ia1e Wal, ~ r Lee Tus: ' ::t<' the L OC c:uue1-amau a p­p. roached him at the llampion pico i c. The photorrapher e:\.'Plaine.d that he ·wanted t~ accom­prulY \<\"alter o;n a photo­graphic toux of. the picnjc umund . \<\"alter agreed. and the picwres on the-e pages bo.l,. " ·hal intexest­ed a three-vear-old at • Champion Family Day. I s - " ,QU .\ ', , RLt\ .L '1Jl I . '! l } :is i ~ wlJJ I I Ilk • bhl t•i ;.~ II , if dt ·~ 1\0ll ld just lc: l ' r:lc lc 1 1tt engi tw<·J . . . J1 ~n··~ :1 l t>H ~ '· ' ''· u " ~ I'll IJ .t l could dl i\ • it J" ·II y •·oud." \J.Htl .:J lin: li n le i ke~ lil · WaltCl fnJwd thi~ thci1 bi g- ,W ill uf lhC •I.J y. A Champion youngster g,ives his on the annual Hamilton Family va• ews Picnic WE 1\ l f\ Y sometim s wonder what a p·icni(. eem lik • throuKh the eyes o[ our hildrcn. So the pkture tOt}" on these two pages attempts to g an iclea of what a three-year-old er·.'i and fe 1 at the annual Hamilton Ch~1 mpioa Family Picnic. Going to a plac like LeSourdsville Lake, adults have no trouble fi r~tding inter sting things to do: going Jor a swim, absorbing a un tan on the sand, takin~ a thrilling ro11e,r oaste.r ricle, pJaying miniature aoll ancl dancing are ju t a few of th enjoymen the grown-ups have. BLU the li ttle folks j dge a picnic b, entirely different standard ; and fortunately. there' always plenty for them to do, too. '!\falter Lee Tussey, three-year-old son of Mr. an l Mrs. Wal ter· Tussey, l 875 Parri ·h Avenue, gave Di isio1 Editor Lee Doellman h is thoughts and '\"iew oncerning the thirteenth annual Hamilton Cham.pion family cn1 n' ng. 1 Here's a " boy' -.eye view' of tbe picni-c. a " \'H :\ I 'S C. Ol:\C 0 .' HERF? ' I hl~1 C 11111M b · hlllllpi ll ' !lapp nln-', h t;lll"' lht••t·\ a ·t r<l'\'d llul ,Il l I C;t ll ~·t· ~ twupte·: 1 <'~1'~ I 1\'J,h tl: t:,· lt !(I ' ( ow of the W<H.' ' CrJ '·'d~ vi older f lki :loll 'l :d - • • 1-.1~~ l''ovidt tilt• ht; t \' iewpniut lrn tlh" )0111 1 ~ Champivn ~. • • • I C n I C • .;. • • • ' - . - :~ ''llO\', THJ. I U\IPL '' - ju~t Like Hop-Along Ca:· ·idy. I wi h h, 1' ould stw• here all rhc•\ ·• . . . Bm tllc Tid in s h011' soon nded ;md }\'allcr w'.ntdered ern ro other n ·w and ight~. - ' 'T\JU .. IF JIOR ,'\ RH li'k.e ll1at little girl'~ mc.nwty i& 1a · in~ het· \ .' ifl ~n. huh~" ... f he ntan Wm~t"S iou ;H J..eSonwl­Lakc J~rm idcd !ut~J'l of ride ::q<cl ga;ne - and in-bet ""C:!-'1! .sn~ch ro deltght th • '>~~nH lx_ tltr(l'ugltvut th alt ·mo<JtJ,. "TH AT'S GOING 0 BE ;\-I Y HORS~~ II' hen I gcr a ride 011 th · 111en·:-gn-round. I'l l h · t h •'s the fii st ,s t '' .. . "Ca11 1 -go :ttOuClld agt~i n , tllom tn) ? C;~n I, htth?" ~ • • , . .• • ·~ • - ' • -...~- . .-_.,.._ ""' . , .~-• .. '"' • • ' ( ~--· : ''0-0-0 -0-0 -0v\11 Gosh! I'll bet tha t ride would be a lot of fun . Look how high rhey go . . . I wonder if Daddy will take me for a ride on that? I think I'll ask him." 1 w aH>IJfl{l 11 f Y p j)J Yl He's su:pp.a cd to 11 in th' g: tne- mtt:.t some f-'l:a ' ." B v n.J:ng Wahtr :t~· ;~ H ' oru ' 01. d;rv: bu~ he V:nd tllousamb; of fl l h r Cban11 i HI f»l<hi ·r..; ~n•tlldo'.t llav(~ - rui ~sc.d a tni••nr ot Jt TL wa · a ~tmg 1 wutg'l.l:etS '<l nd 7 • - j ' • • • A 17A. LILY OF PRJZ.E-Wl1 N£RS ·was the Carson Gojns family (aboYe). Each won a first prize i-n one of the picnic con test ·. Shown are Mr. and Mrs. Goins, Ron<1 lcl, Douglas and Gat)' · T HE RUUE BA, D (top photo) p arade · with maoy rriall fry tagging behind. For years this band has been a feature of the ·picnic. THE CA, TON " Y" RHYTHM BAND (below) ome all the way from North aroli"Da to entcr­t:.! in picn.ic-goers '~· ith ~h ir excellent square dance music. Shown ta lking to G orge Kendall are hand m tnbcrs Ji mmie Haynie and Marie Bell. ' *it! ... 8 ' ' -- 1-..::::~---, --~ ' \ ' . - E THIS BEVY OIT BEAUTIES made the ·ele tion £ L<Hly Chaul_pion a difficu lt choice. Here Divi ion Mana er _Jo hn Zilnu~crman IH '­s n ts a Champion Knight lapel pin to ea h girl. , . t • ....... ---.-- I 0 s - f.~ D\' CIL\Ml''IO~. J.o's Alb '"'bt, is crown d b · t~ul n B. R !Jenson. Jr. . P' id ·u of ti.~.e. W'l {}p-arJv. l.,oi re ei oo a b uqu t, a roph'\ anu .. be;,ur.i.fa:J lhmvud rh1 . :H ,\ M Pf O NS THR > G •' n l h rt l.l " b ~he I,•S< IHdSi tllt: l.;rke t- ilti 1UlCC g;t iC (l ft) aU da ' lo ll_g-. :\ llCIV p.ic.p ic a rtt' lid­auce .rcco t1 nf 30,121 1 crson8 wa · •stab l i~th ·d . 0 a "' If LI'IO SP l'. l L.' ' (b iiJw). slllltt led bad and forth het w en IIamilltll J'l lld Lc.Sourdw i·ll c. bringing- tJai n · Joads of 'l:l<llnpio,,s a'ul thd1 i'' lnl i l it-~ to 1 h(' fakt'. • • I C n I C - CQNTI~UfD HOld folks" had fun a t the p icnic, too ~IlL.~ LL HE J.l'rrL . FO .1\. Jik , . , Iter, Lee Tu ·s .y ''ere h."tving the time of thelt· liv •s al lltnni1- tCJn' · th.irP<"ntl! :lH uol Ghasnpi.on Farnil Vi nic, tlwir wom-, ~nd dad) ~ 11d hig bwtlH·I's and e ' ·ere CitH in, !hdr lrr.~1 nf pt a"'t;rJ., roo. tnno · dy nro:rni·nv until hne ar night thi re wait no t·ncl. to th· game . HHH~:'il~->, 1· t~inilir 1" <md Jt't.' IHI.rk ... ~ plu tktt mtl~!:ttHHnff- I a..tu , lhe !t . {t !ion au{.! u ' 'H · ing ~A J.., rl'y 1 n flior . . \ l·:e.ord no"d ~q'l :Ht:,rxtut rhis vith 30,1~1 fW ..,Hn t.Jn n~inJ.{ lfJ LcSounL\ill e du H•~hmn rlw d .'· T 1 hgt rt~ e· (.tkd h)' n • d) (\,·o rhm~ Mtd tl l }JI't'HOU ~ u 1 rlanrl" rc on! (,f 'L ,7: { ~ to.tlr1i·•h ~I ;,t~ lft(• <•U iJJg' iJ.i l () 111. I itt· ~' at h(tfli2trl t~ll'l"'a; t~ d, u.o, Hi l11· !:..111<> it : ' JtHl dct\ l1,r <411 and ·• th~ · h .,ovd tutu. • • Bl ' L MENDELL. JR., 'l 'ar li np befm·e takit\g the r1ound Fot 1 h . winning i itan lub team. \.ivit:'ln~ " "' n the fi rst g, me If to ,). \ New Joe DiMaggios,. Ty Cobbs end lou Gehrigs may be in the making as some sm.all lads wield big sticks in i t t e eague DEE (;OLE (<lhove) scon :s rhe fit ·t Jo Clrtrl\ " hnc 1 111 ow . ~ " - .1\ lf , t) rttlt • " MI'L\.'1. MORG \ N . .. , .. ,.. f en's [irst ( a)~ we) . line.: l'1 tc·iplc i rr n cl,.,ht tkkL •{(Jring runner Jo . Clnrk f om '•'H"~ ll I. l'it chc c· J{itf ~ lt• tHft:ll , J:r .. m:tl-. ·• • l r11il'l ·:: ~UIIJ ;ct the linn fro ctt tlcc m und. " 's" rJen': r , n cat he , pr )llr , 1 fwrn rh otttfield. Rink £lliot t i~S th u-rn P· LEF1 JOHNr Y D~' WEESg (wp phot ) l arm up a bh b for€ g me tim . De\t\fe se w rh • tar ing !l10lltld rn:tn for "Y's" M n , as nt to tL1c sh w r ll;Lt<'r. 10 'AM 1'0'\VE{..L {wp pl~o to ra ~ !tom afL r swa tci11g; a WI ring lclow 1:0 tJ .p left l'ielcl . Jot? Clark, the r ceiver. regi t rs dbma . l iH! t • 111 ttr. c cc t ted in Lht: lc J.eagtle. If - l H · .E h lT I LE hEA CEltS .h~tl Lhe f(\ns memetT· '· ih bcfvrc- g~une time O il op<>ning d,1,, .q the: ctmld he o earh identifj ct bv Jan . T HE P.JR r in \'V st-ern 1 Jonh Carolina and numbered amon · the 21 u h lea.,·ue. now functioning in Nurth ..,a_ olina, Cant n·:; Littl L ag1.1e .i .. h<1wing hom~w' ·n f:.tns ~cnue X'cellent b'a ·eball coupled with good Sf or ~tnan hip. ' Thee 'outbJul and c.ner et:fc tittle · - ungs~.x-. all under J3 year-: of a~. officialJy .op ned their 'eason' · pl . J 1111 2 widl a doubl -heatler ,.,~hi(;h attr-<.l ·Le(1 more ] ,000 adrn.i1·in _ fur. Canton gave its Lit1--le L a ue repre ntatiu: ~f color­ful end-off. There wa~ a treet parade, featurw r tl1e Little L:ea.rruer iu full uni:form, rhe Canton , hool b:.nid ~n~d .1: a e oW i l . J . .B t e. M rford. Ca1 to.u. Division: manager o£ Indus­trial and Co:nununi t "R.elat'ons :md Littl League pre i­de t, tossed the fcirst ball tG Mayor vV. ]. "".BiU" tone, after both had pid high tribute t-o the ba.seball-miuded )0Un~pers and ha<.L Wtilconl-ed Lb hundr~d - -Qf ·nthu i-a t i supporJ to the op nin,. tonte t. • Jack Justi , ph .ical director of th C1laJ11f Jon '' \' ,' h;:t; cbu of tb Littl Le-.:tgu pmgraui '-dtf1 ma;.~~a l ·~t- ·acl of tl. · teauJ in <the lc<Jg ~ err p ei·ating. Ea-ch i· suppon:ed by ci i :CJT It tcrnal dul ·. Cl11bs upportina- a team are Lhe ivj tan • •Jub, .k)n <: Lodge. VfW, "Y's'' M n' Club and Lion~ 'lu.L. La t year 1'\ ort h Caroliha h d em 1 .in league i" anitm, b n today 2J Little Le-agu . ;u ~ aking ex dl 1).1. · p1ogr- -~ - :~ m £00. gToup" are Jperating· in lh· t;, S. · h ha · Ueen e timatcd that Litd · (;ague wiH n~at.h ~;e aun·ation poi.J t wh ·n 70,0 0 J ag:~J·s ar' in play . 11 iil_l. would fllLan i·ough1 r 3,~ '(J,(}f)fr ]OWl.R; lt'Hi pla yinJ.S .un.det· tlt · ·uperv· im1 ot Lit.rl L-a 'lie Ba' ~baH, Jnc . E\ery bo , T garuless of racial l!}.t t-eligivu- lin "• is lll'J. ~ an opponunity w vtay organized ba ehall -if ht: l'i wnJnn the a t group of Little L a ue st::i!ndare .• 1~h CaJH(:Jn ;rroup is pia ing twv da: '> hell w ·k. duclt talem i bing tl -vd pt a11 ll"' dL yo-im_ tC'J!) . . . and Ca r tm i'> Li:ful · '-',I~d u~iastk ab(t(t lL ·who · thin_ .'' • f. fH 1 '( .r \'H.)J FORD, <" 1f1 n Di ·i f.,a f.n iH 11 -i, r :1.-l i(>ns u11n•;t e- QrHt Pll':'i<L nt (:).f tit ittl .I. a •H• ·, ~'tf'd J:.. ~m \ t. T· " tW.J '' ~w t! J u , ~l! h t.qJ• to mil · to ~i" l1tttt 0p nin; ;nl£h• . <>, , 11, '' d w l«>t.n. <t th .f:tth ud f>le.~;JHetl L;m t() tl' lil \ If!'. JOE CJ R • ( f-JfJ t•l•wtol no-'-.; lu p!.it • ~ ith tl e ftHI nat .!(Jt dw " ~ '.11" Mr·u· • l"'i'•th I 1 • f I ' j Loo king forward to their future return, the company kee ps the record file open for • • a I ns • e erv1ce "S . .. o LONG, l.' ll be seewg you. has become a corn monplace remark around tlte Houston D i \'ision during the past year as <l steady stream o( Champio1.-; ch ecked o u t lo e nLer the United States nued for ·c~ Many al ready h ave been back to vi it their [ricwls at the mill. 0 Lhers may have a long wait before they realize their panino· w ish. But :in the meanLimc the) can be n cb t from their Cl1ampion sen icc all the while they are in u n iform. Preparjllg record · to ass11re t hese benehts i an irnportant I)hase of tl1c si<0 rnino1"1 aut proces . . S i~·ni ng u t tO enter the Anrted Forces i.~ a brid p roce s that normally takes les than an hour's time. O n the da, he 1-Va ch eduled to leave, Budin Coffey. ·hown checking out in this erie.'. of picture ·, rep ned to the Houston Di,·ision lndu trial Relation· Offic ·. He h ad previously n tified his supervisor o[ the \ate he ·would. leave. There he startl'd the checking out pro eduTc and received in tructions on ho·w to com­plete the pro e s. Followino- the proper procedure will pa · off for Coffey bccawe hi record 1dll be in or l r when he return · and he will re eive the benefits to wh ich he i entitled while in service. It will pay oU for Cham­! ion , becau.'c plan can be made for ·orneone to take on-r his work. And it ·w il l help hi co-·workers. b cau~c it ·will minimize dela ' and onfu ion in his depan-m 'nt. Th n ·ice man rn::ty be eligtble for beneCit · un<lel· rhc pro-nna yacation allowan e, O'roup life in uran c. ho' pitc lization and retirement in ollle pl:tns. \'h c:::n h report · hi-- rvi e a 1-lre s he wi ll be able to keep u·:1ck of hi fri ncl through The LOG. ·which will b mailed to him all th time he is in ~crvi e. From time to tim , u · ful u·ifts al ·o may be mailed w bim IJ ". Cham pi on. ' HO\ I '(r H[ ORD •:R lt> his . upcni.'i.Or, Johllli\ 1-b hr ( Jll<"\ ~lt.n- with him etlKlul the ~:< y. H had in[ormeLI hi' upen I >Of tiJC U:f\ ht' Ol hi~ lJI del'S. \'hell thi piCHir I\ J' made he 1el\l neu to get his clear.11t:e · nl si ned. 12 l'.\.YMA TER' ( FFJCE i the final ·wp. Gil ben · Battle check· the clear­ll! lCe card and 'offe '· pay r corrl to detennil'le the a.monnt of his fina l pay Youcher (rom Champion befOTe e nl.ering servi e. FilA, :K WlN"tER , .tore room. ,·uper­• ism·, ·i n Coffe,·' lc:arance card <iriset). llniau. ret , Tool Room and lndu u·i<tl Relations tepn:­seut: Hhes a lso . 1gn. -"\. l' ARTL ~ 1FT hom fri nd i1 1h.e Fid'ibing Reo.m is examined oy O.fl.tJ rager . ,, t'ety su perd~ r, ami Pearl ~far!ihaT!, redit ' !'lion tre~~~w· 1', as t iH~'' 1\J.gtl Jhr cle;wdnce ~rd Cor Cu£fe'\'. ' .\. CU:,~RAN CE RD (1 ft) i:· h;:~ndecl to .Buriin Coff.' by lndlJ trial R l!lti'<m~' NontJa Hackel·. Sl1e al o e xpJ a i·ns Lllc pro cdur he will :r. . flow in .omplrtin t be 1 roccss of ch ecking om t enter th e rmed ~er viees. • • • f • ' Ot T 0 . THE 1'1 .1-' Lll . .\1:\jor a1 Gard, a Hc)ll~ · 1011 Ch,~mpit 11 i.1 th ~rv ­icc, pa~.·~ a ti.l .llllllfj .:-hip .i' h tompletel'. a 11 lU"J 'l'· t ion of l'ddar .111d r~Hl in ttHil~ tl1~l 11 d in plJil S :1 ( l 1 I ll1 10 II fi ld JH:'i.ll H litiS I 011. ' FIRST D TY of t.lle day for ~I:l jor GaTd (below is :.t short conference with hi t o1nmunication s·ergeant . rech. Sgt. F. G. 'Vest, lef.t. i commun.icadou. chief and ' . ' l. J. A. Robud, rio-ht, i~ hi;; assistant . • c amp1ons 14 • 1n t e CON'TINI:IED Take a photographic tour with Houston Champion Sam Gard, during a day of active duty at Ellington Field ON J lll.Y 17, 1%0, RuLher l\'ldn tosJt signed 11p ,..,·ith t h ~ Air }'or '. Since th ' clat . when l\ {clnto.h che kL·d ntrt, GO )ther Houston Chawpion:-i 11H\C dO!llled tmi ­lo- nns. four ha ve r ' turn ecl buL 7 ;.trc still in Li t ' :--rn·it e of thdr co tuttrv. . ' - Mo~t ,f tht·m, 21, a r ' in the Arrn '· T he Air F n 't' i: n ex t wtlh F, fonJH:r l-lmlstotl C:h<tn qJio11s. T hin cc tl :u·e In the ' Hvy, ~ i in tht.: Marinl.\':1 011 ' .111 the ~I\' ~ _·\it Cotp ' a nd on · iu the Goa' t Guard . .'>cptcml tr, 1950, ' .V:t'i llw p ak nwnth uf ···n ·icc c tnri('S ·wilh I ~ m en k~• v iu g the Houston Di vi ·i.( 11. J;uHrar , J95l, was < 1. o a high rnnnth ""~rlJ ll rv tcc .,,,•p;n 1•1 ons. )( llw [,7 still in ~c.:n· i ce, 17 w l'C drah J an I 2H ·- l{. JOR ARD RETVR. S to the office for a conference with his 'imrnedia~e commander, Major R. · 1", Elam. Ela111's mn1 nt: ··\·e ousider Major Ga1'd a f-ine officer." 1 E£TL 'C.. .\ RADA U.'\IT. Lt. A. R. l"ondall stand.~ by as Sgt. J. R. La~1ent. 1adar mecb.an1c, explain. a point -to Major Gard. Thi~ unit ' 'a sec to give a picture of the area around the field. W<::te called to aaiv dmy [roln the resca·vc Th re1 ain­ing 17 -enlisl d, pTimarily, o£ .o m>e, s that the, rrol l choose their {JWR branch of rvice. - One .of the re~e;nr ists <.:a iled to acriv duty, Major .Sam Gard, was a ·igncd w Air J? rce B-ase - only H miles frcnn. th- Hou ton Division . .daJ(~r Gat·d \-\a · a h ck ender on _ o. 3 at th is J)j yj;,i(;m . He .was also a LOG -!.?r:r.c~poud -nt. , · c • ll"11 gton :•i·Jd he ·wa. 1n charge f'.lt the radar and radio maint<:aartd . <md S~"rvic seaiot1-'>. After com p1rtimg his J"c-orleJ ·t't tion, Sam wa: tran"lfencd, in Jun(~. rv a use in \ i -1 i:t<1 , Kau~ .. aod i ready t <:> sc1·ve In an y pan r;f th - wodcl. The picture on thes · pag · - how, MajfJr Gatd p 'r· formiu& his t) w dl!lti as a member of the Aro::~.c ·ore ~- • • ' ' / / ' A SALUTE FROM FRENCH CADETS (above) greets Sam as he - leave · his headquarters to inspect t he units lJnder his command. Ellington F~eld has ca.det units from many nations studying U. S. navigation methods. RADIO FIELD MAINTENA CE (top photo) is t.he function of the uon-commi ionell offls;er at right, M. Sgt. L. Broderick. He i op«l!nt ting a ra-tio compass test unit. • BASE RADIO 0 FlCER Jst Lt. E. F. Jones checks a liaison set Major Card. They ai'e li teni ng to air-ground reception. - ..... 15 ' ' I • ' • • • ,. . . ' • • A CH AMPION CRANE load a Ch am.pion truck witl1 cla Y. The \·ein of white clay begins from ?O to 70 feet below the stn·face of the gTotmd and i : a bout 35 feet thick. The band of darker earth a t the top of t he pictu-re, i ~ Ted Georgia cl ay which covers tbe whi te clay . .1\Etei· th e white clay been mined on t , the n cl clay o r "overburden" is BRYANT O'Q lL N (s andi11g ifl door­way, aho e) is a Champion watchman a t the Sandersville Clay !fin e. H e al- • f ill ed hack into tbe e:-<Glv·Hio.n . • terna tes witla Sa-m J ordan on t e watchmaH's detail. From out of the earth at Sandersville comes an important raw material for Champion's fourdriniers. You might say • I '' • • e re THr: sHEET Jf :PAJ'Il:R you ar looking a t . right now is partia l1y made of la - a sncnv-whi te d ar wh ich is used in almost aJl o f Gh·m1pion' p aper prod­uos, and whj -h corn ,s Jrnm Champion's 373-a rc min at ·and rsv ill ~. iL Proper ly aUed kaolin, btH nwre often kn' wn a " ·halk" among th an l rs' '1 lageJ ~, ·J , h an. impor­tan t raw materia l for pap -r rna ing. It ha · two m. tn t.J. es : as a fill ~r. and a a coati11g, to gi · th • i>-h' •t (1. fimoo th , lu st o n ~ pr i11ting Stl face. httmpiOJ beg n operating -1ll " rn i 11 ~ 110fll • J year ago, and s:il!C¢ d uu. t im ' ha fa c t 1 unch edSo f tho usands o f torts c:~ [ whjt · cla · {'rom 1b · Georgia. ea tJ . Today th · a v .rag€. prod nc tion . i Sand r ~ v1ll nm abou t 3,000 wns am n th . .1\ l JOb£ -vcr p 1unrl 16 II a g·o -s to th Hamilton , Can ton and H ouston p<l] ·r. mill~. a lt hou gh a small pa rt oE the production goes to cu s-tot;n ets who us lay in nam ·J for Lov s r fri ge ra tor, and th hke. Ch<-nnpion's ri.~".;in a l day tt'l in·e cov ·red an <u·ea >f a bou t 100 ac:r . h u t a r •cent 1 urch se o[ land n arb · add ed anorh<IH' 275 a. res w the Ctwruvion mining- tra!("t. \1\ ith the white cloy beit)g r 'l'llOV ·d ale the r, t. of about •mt ncrt:: a l·ar . . lH:~rup io n is prcpnrcd to m · r i t da r ·' ptiremcnrs [or d ·cades ro come . . t Jl' \·-\'il.l the lan.<l b · c.·ha11sted as the ·tay i r ·rrcto' ·d . !\ ... a 1 rlrt o l iLs c~nJ M'rv~t ti t.rn prwgran:1 the ompan ' j · rcfilli 11 .· th t: ·ca aLion. and. pian tit~ g th ynin cl -o cr l~•n i ' •i th pi ne '> ·cd lings - s that 0011 a n ew pulpwoo\l l a ' t v1i]J :tppe, 1' . '"JO A. · WlGGlr\ wo1·ks in the Ja ' WJ Rt D p;lrltnent \~here· _h lay i, pro· t~ fm ~hi p1u nt. Here 1\1 rnlan loosen" lh la\' vO that it 1\'ilJ drop Onto th (()tl\fe\ (l)f CH'\RLlE R ENFROE. right, weigh m ter at Lhe nnder vi lle Cla1. , fjne. i·s Uown ' filling a Champion truck with gas. t }e::uHug tG the first d'r) kiln . ' left i ' Icon \'ate.. t ruck ddver. The ~r t'Ck will Cl fl 'l' a i:;-.-wn toad o[ cia·. ' ;\IARSHALL l.F.YERETT (right) chi ,1c a tmck aad "sub " as a repair mechanic at the a,rH!lenville Mine, Tbe Sander ville crew ha its Oll'll Maintenance Shop that does aLmost aH of the tTpair work on trutk. . B1·ooks Marsl1, the reg-uJar repair wa~ on vaca tion when this picture wa made . • . \ "BJRDS-EYE VTEw·· (bell.lW. right} show. the Clay M ine much M it. ;;~ppears taday. Th1e loadin, sbo\·e l in the lefr fnreground h .almost bidden b an outcropping of ;\·hlte day. Thee vein of white clay nms from 7:y w 100 f et deep. Champion has aboul 315 acres of clay 1u ining tra c in the Sa d r:ville area. • THE SMITH BROTH·ER of · Sander;;ville (,below) are, Delma '\mith, left, <md Alex Smith. l'iO')lL ,ll(}th axe truck dri vers, al­fhmtgh Akx sometime fil l Jfl 011 bu! zu1d sho·vd. • .-•. .. ~ .~ • ( A BULLDOZ •R is used at the bottom of the Ol)en pit mine to crape off mud or re­fu~ ed du,, making way fo-r the shovel that l\Ci ll I lad the white clay into truck . lex Snri th ls th 'dozer operator. ,,__. l ) ' ' . ( •r t ' - • J ' • I' ' " "' ' ' • t • ·~ ~ • • ~ • ' ,,., • ' . • • • • • 17 ' l - I I ' I ] LitH G INTO THlRD. Jun R.h a, d - pendable anton · ,hampion ·•y ·· Jt­tielder, demon trat - ~ hi ba" . teali n:g tacti . The 'Peed f · nhich l11 · · nwn team i n t . d ba. turn cl '111,(111 a }(),.e game int<> a ~<tmpion vi tory. ' ' ' Holders of two state titles and highly . regarded • in all leagues, C:hampi·ens are strong cpmpetitors when it's ' CHAMPIO ESTABLISHED a uniqu record in softba.U'bistory last year - and stands in a fair way to repeat i11 1951 . • \ r\11 en both tl e Hamilton Green \.'\favc and t.he Canton Champion "Y" !i.Oftball teams ·won their state champion hips iH ·tJ1e Amateur . of ball · s o6atiOl'1 .r<nnpetltiot'l, the rnnpat'l , gain d nat:iona.l r cognition for it.;; leaclel ship in jndustria 1 rccr a tion programs. . I Con:uu nting on the doubl cbam_piQn hip, Balls ttnd St1·ilaJsJ baL hall tab1oid, aid rc<- ·ndy: "A pioneer in th fi ·ld of industrial wfthall pr ttwti fl., tltc Charopi.on Pap t> 01nd Fibre Company is a coni:"lu i e ex an1 J ~le of: 1 ,. d "'t'ship and th re uh:ing d doJ.HilCtlt o'f a w l 1-r und ·d r · r ·Hional pwg a tn l<1r it!) wnt> H,OUO ~:mp loy tc..-s .. , "R ccogni.z d t1J1'0llglwul the (OUIJ 'lr , £01 il ~o; cu01 r ­ative efforts and far-, igh tnJ "visdocu i 1 at utining­ploycc and pu~li g'oodwill, Th · ·harn1 itJrt Paper 1:1nd 18 eas n F ibre Compan manag·ement ha . lono· realized the aluc of of.tba ll in this resr'lect - "going· to hat" in rnaking p s ible the phen01T1enal two-stat A.S.A . s0ftball chan"lj3.ion:.-hi[ s at Hamilton and Canton." . 'I'hj yeur both the Ha.rnilton aflGl Canton tc~nm ha n:: gi n ' ·idcnce rhat. they will again he ~trong com 'nt~ ' f's fm· - th·ir r esp(' Ctive state crown ·. Roth hrtv met and clef aLeGJ orne of tile most highly regard d soflb;dl ag­gregations in their axea . By Yirtu of hwing won d1c ' tare till c:s l:;~.s t year, bolb 1 am wiiJ b y-p~1 ss lh di~rxicl elirninalions and enter directly )lito th Ollio and ortl1 Caroliua , t ~~;<t tmtt·naments this tHol'lth. RoHnd ing o u t th h.-nupi on ·oftba ll picwrc is th ~: l rvtJ 'toll fli visi. )J1 , 'whi.t:h W1111 nvo cun scnt t ive Channel Lt: ;1gu ' title<; i 11 J9·1tl awl 19%1. Han1pcrc 1 hy :H..cidt"ll.b dHrltllo{ thv CUITCilt :sC"<l ou, th ' ' ( CXiiS n int: f ·1 i led to n1a k.c ir. rJn·<'( in a 10\Y, hu£ h. ah ay · highly r-g;:rnJ d .in the Inc .: l Lon ~ Star ci.rd )s. ' JIIO.,( l . 1'>(, Rl 'LE a <>;.nne 111 · h;Htanoo~a. feun .. a1e • t.uugc1, ··cap" 'it11bb (J[ tl1e H;uHiltun Green \ 'a ,·c and P;w l lk J.. of the Pcctle ~ \'oolen \I ill. Rus \ill(•, (,a. fht.· Gree11 \ale l pped the tilt IJy " ·,ole of 1·0. I 0 H. R OB£ K. mauaget of the \fayette., Lhe Hamilton Di1 i · t<lll girl ' softball lub. ~i?.e up the oppo ition while some of the \ \ a v ett~ a wail theix turn at bat. The girl play a fast brand uf lJa.ll in a fa t league at Hamilton. Jl.\fll Tf>. 1 '.JILL L ~A Gl"E !\1A. ' ·\G ·R ·are. fro nt: Pete Ham· dt"J . 'q. 2 f in 1,htllg; f ar l Fa llter, larhini t : R aif'igh Rrucc, C ,fr,rca t. B.u:: f hin Pt11J1 , ·m i-Cont ; George H atton , Saf·t1 J 11.t; uv Hulli~tci ,. fill Police. Ah~e nt : "Left >'' Pa1d0\~,k. 'n. l . hc!.in~. R · »11, ~nd Bud lJunhJ , . lcchanical·. Ch:\ \IPIO. 13ACJ.i.JNG 1s important to tbe tca111~ · softball .;ucce ~. Hel(: Bill Ke th a n , left, of Houston's Industrial Rela ­tion . t. f( and softba ll commissioner for the 'tate of Texas, has .t talk 1dth lloh Hacker, manage1 of the Houston nine. "TH.\ f'S n !" :llout. Catcher ' '}'a t" Thornas of tile Hamilton (;reen \'ave as Pitch er '' \'ad" Fannin ~tr ikes out the last batter in the Peerle .., Woolen Mill -H amilton Champion fray in Chatta· noog<J. Fannin hurled a two-hitter to win 1-0. J. P . .JA 1T 0 , shown taking ba tting pract ice in a pr ·game wm m-11p, is on ~ of the 1uost \a ln a bl play rs on lhe Hou ton l> i\i,ioll ro;, ttr. \ pitdlt:! , l1e ba' pl:t yl'd :J lli10 ~ l CICl) po,ition iu the infi •!d a 11tl o utfield thii ·.I SO!l. lnju ries pievc·tl!et.l ltomwn from tak ing i l ~ lhird ... traight lcagu ' tirl c. CONTINU60 ON NEXT PAGE 19 "D [ G 'STIN', Al ~'T IT?" Manager Don H ard<l­bec (a\}m·e) gruan:s wh n a on•mber ,[ h i$ Hamil - ron Girl, ' tearn · a ll ed H IL on <:t , loqe pia )' :1t fi, ·st. Tc nl S OJ<~l' Tottie Marvin ~h o ut.s en courag ­m at to the next Wa\'etu;: bau -r, WAI T I 01G FOR T J E T RROW to lw nw J)b l <' tlOp p.tJoto i$ Fra11k I k,lc r, ;t tch r (ot til"' Hao ,·il ­l011 I< i.ppk ii, J , lc,\-pitdl L ·atn wll id1 j ~ C111H:n l1 ) in i ts f iJ. t. 'il Klfl d m m 1J t itiun . T I-m C 1 Q , YMC ' TE. i\~1 (dghL h ~1 ~ 1,011 the · orrh :nrolln t~ - l~'' • Chonnpioii .'IJil) Hvu ) <'.:11'­ill a, row. From tow:· Yo. I , Mmg<li a. 1' JillUt-l< let, Rht!<l, \ Va ldroop, SlaU Jt.'Y· aud M ~t ,..c t ·Fdd i · Mil!t-t . ~ ec mel 10w: }>ric , fv ~ t Cl' , . m a tlt~,;r· • . pe11 ·, '\'lvo.l'C and ;., Millrc Ba· r(Jw : . . 1i ll ·r, \'trt) l<', ' lur n,, Hyde, l'hill ip:s, Rog JS and AHen. 20 0 t a eason CONTtNUED An estimated 300 Champions are active •I n softball leagues this year OR<> N JZED soFTfi LL, ,a a p a r of Ckarup.ion's indu ·tria-l recrea tion progratn, had its beginning~ at tlt · Hamilton Divisi n in 1 93~ when the Hamillon repre<~entative;; team became a memb r of the initial city-wide softball 1 ague. T he comparati v -·ly n e1.v so Etba11 idea also 1.00~ an im­rnediate hold at tht-: Canton Division in the early ] 30's under the Champion YMCA. The HoustOn Div isio:n, too, being located in a 'oft­ball- minded state, organized its fir-t teams ·hortly after the plant b €gan operation in 1937. Today it is estimated that some 300 Champions arc actively engaged in the game, wh:ile Champion mployee and family spectators run. well into the thou and ·. Aside from repr esen tative team at the thr e pl-an ~. the company sponsors in. tra-miH ·oftbaU and girl ' ·oft;­ball as a part o£ .the program. Notable i - the organiza­tion at Hamilton, where the \tVavett participate in a city-"vide girls' circuit, the Ripple&, a slo'\>v -pi tcb team, .is completing its Grs.t year of competition, and an in­plant league has eight teams battling for top honors. As the company's management well realizes there's a t ime for work and a time for play ; and as a part of Champion's weH-clevelopecl pattern for e lt tpluyet' r 'Cl' ·a­t ion, snftbal:l .is currently batting 1.000. ' !?{)l"R OF THE fAll STAy~ of Chamjilion' North Carolina team are sl:iown taking a bri.ef "gt·otmder" warm-u p. Fro1n Jeft to rigbx: Jim Rh a, Ray Morgan, Bucldy Ivester and Boyd Hen. Canton ha already d feated maf.n' of the begt team itl, the Souti1 thi - 'ea1·. GERM t "NAZI' ' lV[ILLER twirled the Cantort " \ ' '' Lo th ~Uli' C Championship last season. As in the past two years, C,lllton wi ll again he ho. t for 1 he di. trict and state tournaments. ROU1 DING THIRD i.n hig-h ear 1o sr ol'e anolber F'll11 is Fraenk.. ' imp. n, fir t baseman lor Hamilton Ripples, a slow-pitch team. Play r behind him wait<; La r-elay the ball. M . .ERJ...E ''JAK,E" BRU NER. of the Ham:itton Green \Nave, ct'oss.e · home plate aJL r a l!<l1He-whuJi-ng :smash over the ceute:dield · fence. Merle 1-V'as named to Ohio' All-Sta~e .L()arn last \'ear. ' RALPH ALLEt , H uston Division, umpu·es .oftbail in tbe Chanue / League. He ·is a p<nt-tirne pitcher for the Galveston White Caps, professional ba eball team, and lUau­ages a semi.-pro club in Houston. 21 \ f i HER~ HE.L ' EENER, right, m nuger of. ' nton Champion's Wood D pa.n ­meut and host for hampion, talk with raul Ellis, G. c. Cun ·, Bil l Reichl r . J · n . E R r TRO G, wood mat~ager f r h uiou .Ba.g and I 1 er Cofn· pany, Savannah , Ga., points out a dis· t:mt motJntain peak to his son, Jesse. ' • ute 0 orestr A spruce tree •I S planted at 7 •• , ..,, ~.- J "'~ ., ' lo . 1.0 .,_ ~ l t -4>IQII"\y ~ (· p:•f Lake Logan in ceremony to h'Onor • the first forestry school in America LAK J.,OGAN LODGE M · ALS :1pp :~ 1 rl t0 w rl J dn t~n aut! for ster~ ~~ tt .. nding ;~nooal' . ocl'- pa·•"Ly )1111c 8 9. ~ :.t11t< 11'' . 1.1 1d· W. J. Btll Ston , s ~Jid b om 1c>ft, wa;; a . •·ct. 1 g;H ·~t. ' ftll~ year appro iroa lcl )' 100 p cr l'lOilb aiL<'rtdtd the , llt rua l \•th Party and th dJ dic;uien er mony. 22 A HARDY SPRtJCK tands todav :lt Lake L v, n Lod~ c ' ' ' commemorating the tact that baclt in 1910 - more th ~111 <J.O years ago -- Lh ' Gr t school of forestry in mcrita held it ·ession at Lhc n ·arb Sumbunt loggino· can1p o-f The JL:t1tlpion Paper anJ Fibr Conipauy. Rett.tn1 ing Lo J lan t and a ·si t wirh Lh . lecli atic n of this t:r · was L)c Cm< A. ·hen•k. 110ted Gennan [ore:it r, wh0v, found d the Bi ltn1or0 For ~t School. The cercnH n wa. a pccial reatur of .ltalllpi n'!li :mnnal \' oud ~ P~1n at Lake T .ng'tn Lod e. Prolm1ge\l :.tpp la us • fi il d the nir a Dr. Sch .J1ck plan1 ,d rh s1 ruce. T he no( ct C ' rman for<:::st:er' , s th e ~ ueitil of R 'lll ~;;n .R. Rob rtson. hMnpio:n ' board clt ir­n tall, nl his ."iit 'N \IVltitlle locl g~:. ju r. a TOS~ pic ture ·qu · Lak<t' L( 'an from. !lu:: s ~~n of. planting. Dr. 'ch .nck 1 aid high tribut f Mr. Rob rt'on as llH:! man r · pvn ibl for tJw s1.1 c<::, of the Bi1tmor ., DR. C.c\R.L A. S HE GK ~n J?hOto at left) poin his c:me to top Gf pm e 'Vhitb 1. as planted at Lake t:ogan Lodge ~n co.m1'lwmorate the ,fa t tbat i,n 1910 tbe i'ir t School of Far · tl'}' in America on· dwct~d it ftrst ssions lit th:e nearby h e of the LH'lburst loggit~g caYnp of Th Cha 111pion Paper a:nct }'ibre Co;11pany. RJW:J3 .J::N B. RO llER~F: 0 , o[ tbe I.}Oa:rd of directal's of T he Champi .. '' Paper ;.1nd Fibre Com p a n)' (d:iJ rk ja. ket) intr du-e Dr. Carl . . SeLl end:, no red G rman fore te t-, ~ h fomtded the firs• S:el 01 o-f fomstry ln r\n<erica in 1910, to gne ts a ~tcnd iug Chlu:npi·on's annual Woud }Jart> at Lake Log-a11 Lodge. Fl')rest · dl.ool. de larin<r tilat without hi- as ist<ll n e the . - 'i-<ht)ol woukl han~ nev r been a111~e to opetat :and ac­compli 1l h . :I m:pose ' lon,{)' forestry hanneL . Dr. nck was iua.rod uc d t;.o ll:te many for ·ter and woGdsmen by Mr. R.obe1Tson.. During th ptriocl ot 1nu:ocluctinn one sens the sincer affection e.x­i. ting between rhese two .rnen. Both Ar. Robercson and Dr. chen k divided Lhe task ot . h veling Lake Logan soil t ·p,nu:e whi h shall thrive and a · the years ~.·o11 h . the .root of this young grow b:igg ·r and talJc W. T. SPENCER or Mocksvi.lle. gn::cr.s Roy T . Reed . Hendersonville, right, as Pa ul Trotlf'nHtn, of Stat sv il lc . and ' •V. J. Pa rks., Ash evi lle, look 011. ;vtany of these woodmn!n had not: seen each other since h arnpion's p ;1 rty last sum n1er. . " CHAMPION'S BOARD CI{AI Ri\1fAN, R e uben B. Robert­saM., discu sses plaque with A. C. Shaw, Champion's chief forester, left, before the locust posts Jcllete plact1d in ground beside the , tree. • . plaque, to bt; d<me lat r in hronz · nl ·o wa placed •war the tree. Th play ue eads: "T'h · · tree, pl;u1,trJd June 9, J'£}5-1, by Dr. Cad A. S he.nck, corrunemorate , the fact tb. t in 19 Hl J..h BHtm xre · o.n:"t chool, found ·d by Dt·. Schenck as the first School of F otestry in America, h 1d it s s]on in the nearbJ Su.nburs.t log in · camp of The Ch.a.mpi:on Paper and Fibr Company." LI 1 ,:D l;P 0 J l.lRlfJCF: a.r· l(U ,.ls l!l~C11diu annu d Wo JcL · :Party. Lfit to right: Pl ice Ev ns, Re tJt~' ~~ Pa1 k . Til )•~;wt·• l t. Kart Mo k, H. lJ, Bet ~uhntf(ll , G. C. Ki!lg \t V(;! S: .!ll fll) rough, lta'l' 0rr, Lolf • Ct,ttHifl,- JWI .arowJ ~, \:\ ,,ll - l{<)Hn.all, ., tz,•J·. ,An(ly Anderson, ~ •. "". S.hopra w. L('\' ~V; t.l..i Jt · nd C;tr l H1 '' ,_ ' () Pictorially Presenting Champion ancl Champions in everyday happenings in and around the Mill. OEMO 'STitATJ G a ~pe d :d Cit , 11011J • to a H m to rt Di ·Lion li r .figh ting Cl ·1 r i(, l)o rrg L<J ·y, dgJH l t>l i ' J,; LOUi ld , IIJC W • JK • I >l J ( t h . 'J ex~ s pl au t. 1 h · .d e n rOIISP :ll ion wa p a rt o l a 1•·f rn h ·r rou i · l(J p Ch otmpio n r; ii forrHNl on fr H:l) lOd ~ n l I i r· I'" 'Vcn lio11 ;u td n mll ol. OlhPrs, ld t lo ri g-Itt : Ra }' nto nd Je t~ kiq ,, 1 .. I , ( ;:l rtll't , c. 1 . IIlii , G, T . Jol n so tL ''II Middkhr11, :' "' ' li-~ "itll idt , \ J, 1'. l~ il uos · !. J. A. ll urt.a, J ohnny Kni.gl1!.. 24· A PROML E "1 ;(.J f i)T of tbe C rnon Divisirm in June was Flet her E. yce, righ t, vice-pre ident of the :cw Ywk Tru t Company. hown here looklog <>Ve'f he 1 o. 1l Paper ).l achine. t left is C<J roll \ VilsoH of General O ffice~. Champion rlirenor vf [i n a ne ; in th en 1e r, D i. vU.ion Man· ger H . A. Hellier. ' .I ' ' . 'I ---· J•IULE·v l t N'l . c; - 'f'CH w;1s tid ~ 'H·p 11nd :til fi sh ltnldc~ l In· !he C:.trtl!>Jl Hi iKi 11's Jl wrr Ilard, , kfr, in Flo rida th is 'ummct . H 11: ri is I ing <Wtg-r:uul.tted. lr • th • ~1--i,pp<:r of rhe fi •h ill!; 1,0 tt. l lr ~· fi sh, •n ~·a,tnitq~ se •cn f'L• ·t .· OP '· h ,dl in 11 , l<•tr ·hr l1•t :Ill litllll' in d1•r p · tc'l ~ft Jllik' ql'l ; IH l •• llarl'ts l!•r·c iv('cl · 100 pl ;,._. llltHW fn Jnl lit e l>a IO II :t lk~H I) ,lt ~tntlwr or Cl ~l llil n·c. Il l' i h.t in th ti"h lJII )lllltt'd . ' • > • E.;,.;JOHNG HE.-\RTY LAC H at tbe June n1eeting of the Hamilt:on Superdsor A >\Ociation are, !.eft to Pighr: AI l ,a)cack. Joh11 Zim t) , Herl). Randall. Reuben .S. Rohen·on, Jc (prin ­dpal bpeak-er of the eYeuing), Lafe King and iVf.:lTtin Heichelbech. The meet.ino- wa-;; held at Thom on Park. . REGENT VISITORS to · the H am ilton Division were 30 members of the Community Grotlp from Cen terville; India na, ·hown here a they a lighted ftom theit bu s. The group mm- paper being made during a two-hollr f'ow· of the mi'll, and a l~CJ attended a showing o.f rbe Champion movie, "Paper Comes to Life.·· IJWit;H r J. THO.J-f· ·o ·N. <.:bamp:icm 'ic.e'p ·e<idcnt {th .in:,L fnnn left) was princip l peaker at Lhe rccen c ded.ic;, · tion of a new Tc~dg'e at Hamilton's Boy Swur . l'l~tp M) 1011 Kah n. Dwight l. ·h<~'~Wn h ·re with (l)tber of(icial. who to.o part in rh.e ceremony. • . . A 'WO!t.K-Dk\' PJ .N i , - wa.s <.ttTlilnged lly th ·e th'l'(.;e HousLou lJi isi'm gi ll Jo a qui k ~md asv lll<HJ.ner; a box lt,tn h , a lilhady pM ne;u th m111 em lll£ b<lf;k "f the Mu tJ ton '· hip C!J1m~ ·.J, 31) mi,J~ule for h11tcl1 - ;nld Lh ·y had rheir pi .nic. Sb01 n fron;, le Ft Lo ng-ht a~e Champi(>f~S S} lvia J~outt , Ik1t y Lut.~abJ dttcl , nne lbnse!L A DAY -LONG CELEBRATION (left) was staged at Ham ilton in J une in ob ·er a nce of the Fleer Foot Tribe's twentieth anniversary. Shown. here are lJ of t be charter n1embers wbo a.tten dec!. F esli vi ties began with a breakfast at T homson Park, and Uo.ed 11' ith a dinner pro­gram in rhe eveni ng at the Hamil - lon Yv\TCA. ' • TH I! F IRST CHJ£CK to be iss·ued lltic! Ct' EfamiJto n ~s new 1\'lcdi :ll pa}me nts itJStlrance (top, leCt) i~ handed to Oved Ghadw U b ' .ln ­~ ur;~ n e o-ordi tJatOr Vern A t' l11 · srrcmg. 0 ed·s wife. confined to the ho,;pHuJ witbout t•rg~::ry , still co l· 1ecr d feJr do . tor l.l ills u nd r. t.he n ·w pl;:t.·it. N)'edkal pay11ients a re now" part ot Hamilton's Ho:pital­hatioll 1- n ~nt"<t l'l.(· policy. 25 1 1 I .,.,_ ' " , r THREE 0 A SEE­SAW. Park play facili· ries and p lanned. con­tests with prizes (or lhe winners kept the children busy for a fun-filled afternoon. HOM£ R lJ H fT. TE.RS ach colleGted fiv-e of Di v i ~ icm rho· <t)4'e.r W. R. CrnJe': ver doHar i11 this cll~ I11Ja l '·Old Ti 111c r ~" game. H re catc her Per y Ha verly goes np liot a high fnu.l "tip a~ b a tr ·t Ed onn er wa t h e~ . 2ti • D • • ' ' • CONCENTRATING ON THEIR. GAME, these bingo plar ers: collected many . prizes befm·e lJ'ie aften<HJon wa over. Cold drink~ and <WOI shade added to the phmsure of the day. an ''0 LD T IMER" LONELL ALLE N s tOO< ., 1.n t 11 C ·( I'Otlt rO\t of the crowd. H is hat was shoved far back on his head and h is eyes were closed. In his right hand he clutched a small ticket stub. H .is lips moved in silent word-- of prayer. T he sh rill of excited children's vojces and th laughs of the i.r parents had dropped to a Jmv convenation al hum as they assembled ax:ound the band stat1cl. The short, forma l program o,f th anm1,al color <l "01 l Tinaen;" p icn ic wa. about to begin. But firs t, atteQclance prizes wou ld be awarded. E'tch ··old Timer" had a nurn.bercd ticket , tub like the one in \ Hen's hand. A duplicat munber 'd t icket had bee11 depo itcd in a box. The young daughter of one of Ch;nn­pion's loyal Oldtimer.' came forw;:m:l to pull out the w·inning nwnb -r. lndu trial Relntions JVIanager . 1\ r. Konrv. tn aster ' of cerem >flies, held a .laro· , c:hok picni ham in one band ;Hld t.h winning ti ket in the other h.c nd. ·you -.aid · ou were going to win this hatn, Lon ll. The winn in . numb 'r is 26. \VIJ.·H number do yon have? I.nncll had number ~G. " ])etcnnin. tion," said M,ill Man:1ger J. U. ·wel ls in ~~ h llowing spt · ch, "wdl achit:: e uHlny th ings." · Pra r, with den: rrnination,' ' a ldcil Pink RancU rc~pundt'nl. '\;. il ec nque r an ' task or pTobkm." E COMMANDER Cole Cogburn, Canton ex-serv1• ce man, is e·le.cted to top office in North Carolina by a close margin - - • TI:tE- COGB RNS are pictured here enjoyio.g their usual in­foTmal eveni!O)g meal at their home on Ford Su•eet, Ca ntoB. .. YOUNG COGBURN'S DAD, Frank Cogburn, lett, congratu lates his son. W rn:N 1:· • . OLE COGBURN, en er­a- e ti.c 28-year-old 'Canton Champion, left for -tb:e annual 'oHh Carolina . tate convenLion of Veteran · of Foreign '1\Tars at Southern Pines early in June hi ele tion a late commander of the organization was definitely not "in th bag" a.nd he knew it. ' It took a Jo t o£ m,anel:lv ring on the part of hi upporter · lhmughou t all sections of the state to put him su cces fully acros over h is opponem. an AI bennarlc a ttome . . T he vot·e wa 256 to ?- ~ in {a or of the Oln:tou Champion whc:J had served effi ­ciently as state senior vi e~ ommandcr during the pa t year and \·Vho had bettn the GantoM pcvst commander clarjng the -~aro p riod. Col has worked untiringly in b ha)f of VF\V acti v i tie~ sin e his rettlrn fron an ov.e)·­as assignment with the army ch.1ring World \Var IL Dudr1g his 2(i) month3 in the ann , Cole served 18 months in the European th eater and returned home as a sergeant. Born and reared in the wes tern section of North Caroli na, Cogburn wa not too well known personally in the eastern section to draw an overwhelming vote, but many veter­an s · knew of his -abi lity as a l ader, which spelled 11he difference between vicro:ry and defeat. Young Cogburn, th son of Frank Cog­burn, a Canton Champion of long standing, was married in. "1 940 to Mary. Rob ·Hs, tlle only d a.L~ghrcr o( J F. Roberts, a retired Canton Champion G.ld T imer. Th Cogbm:ns ha ve t'I'VO da ug-h ters, Tu I ian ne. ni:ne and C0lenc:, fi e, a r'ld own i:h .ir Rttractiv Jwme <!t I 26 Ford Street. The newly I <Jed VF\ sl<H" {Or:run:J.nd T 11- s b · ·n ·q1ploye l by Canton Champion for approxima1 Jy fi ve ea t~ and i. a11s igllCd w tl1t: In trun lcnt S nfo11 of the . t~;;1 n1 and .Power n J;.oar m '11 (. 27 I l ! ! I ' • • • • A Red -letter Day for Charley Bv W es Cobb • Thoug-ht for tbe month ... T he month of August call to mind an oft-told story of one August Getz, Hamilton tavernkeeper ome gen eration or S? removed. \ \Te neYer Mr. Getz but some ot you old­timer. u.relv will rec;all him. He must have been quite a character.' A bartender and a · politician, he, combined the true German love for a good story and a good a-la of thir t-quen ch er. A robust fello·w in a robust town in a robus t age. Every time old Gus polished his mah?gany bar, he imparted om e of his dry humor to the npplers on the o ther ide and made ne·vl friends. And Gus was pToud of his bar and polish ed it often. . There carne the summer when Mr. Gerz deoded to step down from his little emporium in the south end. o ( town and take things eas y. Perhaps Gus tho:.rght that the customers expected o_ne final jest. wi~h wh~ch to flavor their pre tzels. Certamly he duln t dtsappomt them. In the window of his tavern Gu placed a big sigH on which "<·vas printed in b old le tters: "September First will be the last of August! " * * * * .J u ne 30 was red-letter day for Charley Reynolds, 73·year old patria rch of Kromekote. That ,.vas tJ~ e day_ Charley. retired from Champion after a generatron .ot service as S ning Li n ·superv isor and Drtnn Coar. rn man . We're glad to r eport tha,t Ch;nl.ey left in exccllc rrb h ealth and loaded down w1 th presen t: I rom hrs host of friends in th ' milL H e r Hs t ls that hi ~ biggest thrlll '"'as in w()rking· with Elmer N wk_irk 's ga ng of )'~) un gHe r :-~n d Kromekote g-row m to it su cc ssl ul ·n tcr· pnsc. . . Lots cd' lu ck, Cha rley, aud may you stay on the sutur ' sicl · of . orth s ~ ventll Stree l for a lo11g, Jo r\g ·tit u(! * * :Ill • Speak:io o f P tir ·rn .:.nt, the Mutt a. nd Jdf o f the l' ipc: , hop slipped ut c'>f o uY micl ·t a l_ru ost nnn t <:n t a ~cw rnorHhs back. ·n1 . huge I ·How , rrh th.e bo(J J l'I I H~ 'IHt ·, Claret'l<.; · BarLl.e lt, \·V<::n t to wol'k. ()Jl bh B -isf>i ng,<'t Roa I farm. And littl e ·'Sbon y'' w()UtiS, of ~1 l C q u i 1., S'l 'P ~_ nd the r apirl-fi rt: chatter ;,1. 1~d r he . Jn ~r. w~ way o[ I 1.' ~ng leaky pipes and va l'\'e , IS ,·mokmg .c tga1 : • n l 'l>~ll tell 111g ba ll game co r~ pl~te ly ·t.mdJ stnrbcd. 28 ,_ammy Barre tt h gT}{)d reaSJ n to brag about the s1 hola.'Sti< att' imn ttLs nf h i, son Roh~rL At the rc· n •nL He~ n v r cognition Day cercm nics, . eventh CJ"'td r Bob! y carri ~I o f( hrsr 1 ~r ize in the f ur major ::. ubj . t:, r i frl!ll ' Lie, Engli'lh, R ea l ing, and G graphy. * • • * .. Hulling th , d runts ... The Elrn r ~ bomrron. are . cJebTating the ad cn t of ;; bahy girJ, abo the Bill An­d. r , :, o f th R - inders ... C( n gratn1at1<:m'l! ... Believ<: it or .not, Jo · ura leu ran a foul of th · law down Mr. H calLhy way ... Bob W av r's I ny R!JJJ(li c, a former 1 nrean casualt y, is now station d in FL. Henning, Ga. , with his new wife .. . "S rg ant Sammy" s~unes is b' ck Lrom. a thr ·e-week sojo urn ·in Caljfornia, and o tr irre­prcssibl · boy Saylor is back from a " 1ui ky' to 'an An tonio (b)s famous Hudson mu h the worse for wear, by th , way!') ... T ~ aring down th e \IVes Ct bb Eence by JTJisthi e vo us m otorisLS i no LongeT new · . .. They do it 0n ce a y ar and do a bet ter job each time - . . • * • * R ebn.££ing the a rums ... We ha t:e to te ll tale tnt of school, but they say tb a t "Hubba" Les Sexton doled on the "gJ"aveyard" h.ift ' to th.e:r night and took an . . 1· barrassing fall whe n he >vas r udely awt.tkened ._ .. Ken Moser a11d Hobe Weaver may not be the be t fishermen at Champion, but according to the fo-lks _who watched them in action at Spri11gclale L ake re,c~~tly, hey must be at least the next to the be t! . . . n11lm Dan Garrett has purchased a hot-rod cap to go along "':ith hi souped­up '49 .Mercury ... Sergeant Mark Durbm wa. a recent visitor from Albuquerque, N . ~1 .. . . Alon . w~th hand­some Rob Halderman . . . A b1g hand to Corhs Drake and Luther Peters for a year's ervice with the Champion Service Association .. . Also to Bob 'Witt for: his efforts as a safety repres'en.tative . .. Popular little_ ''Ike" La~cs is building what we all want - a kn<:>ttY pme den tth a fireplace ... " 'Mike" Mj€haluk 1s back frol'll: Fall River, Mass. - to stay, ·w·e h op e . .. Bob Moyer 1s not only a great ball player but an a'V i?- reader . . . Every­thing from d.ime novel · to the d a s1cl ... * * * * P .S. Fam.ily Portra.i ts: A man' pla e in ~he horn -' is suprenJ.e as long a: he is the o?ly one ·who 1 capable of backirw the calf in and ut ot the e ·rremely nar:row g-arage. \t\1-hen the clay arrives that 15- _ear - ld j uo. ior manipulates it in and out even more S\"-V1_ftly and surely than Dad, th ]a t stronghold has b en · 'lelcled. ' JWIU~ ARI ~ THE '1\:VO ]) ,\ U .l-ITERS of Gor l1n R g'c<l . ._,,,l e1u p l•) 'rr: o f , '\f Fini-lling. and I·~Cia Rng r~, o[ C 1 S0rling. 'I h 'Y ,H· , 'l'ntly nn R og r;; , le fT , :-~ g .. v 'n • nd Dohn~ J an R.l'\g ,rs, t igl!L two .nd onc-llnlf. OLUK. \'JI LE 1-'o. t Otlirc · lhe nldesr R ur;d Post Office in the , late ol Ohio and 11:te <~OJ 1d olrle I in lhc tonm ·. A nati • of t he 10 ·u. Dale C10lJmu . . i.'> . e<'n c~ ring the building. Hak i .. a C. ham pi n mplo ~ ec and w0 rk in .the Kromekote D:c­p. n t rnen t. .... - Lu · f~S\Jtlt~ ,..... I ' ;I L.. ..' l• .. ' I j ' A Salute To Home Towns COlLINSVIL LE 0~:-'R . EG l 'D LAST visit in &-alttte to · Butler Countv eommunitie. tak s us np en ic S ven . Mile l"eek to cozy lit Je ColJin ilie. Alt-hough late in our 1·i , Co.11in vill i. far {rom la. t in interesting histor . llt"C c ren e atmo. phere . unounding- tb.e village of ·today i a far cr iro1n the ame ,,j inity .as of 1 5'0 years ago. • fa t.the t Ricluu·dson. ill 1802, entered tl1e Ja ncl on wnid1 Lhe villao-e stil.nd-. Ri hard on, 1.vh0 was a Mary­l; uu:l' r came {)V rland to t11ese p arts bringing thr ·e color rl p ple u1ith him. A five-horse team was the metb d of transportation 1red by th•e f ursome. One of t t negrne wa.· latet drown d TV:hil iH ternpt i11J.g to wi.rn the then turbul ent en Mile Creek . T he den, ily of H·oeunion in thos dav · was cause for th strea't1)S to ' mf!imaim a ·izeable volume the y ar round. The fir. t lot wa pur ella ,d by a.n. Eno-J ish wagoFJ 'I:Hal: r, Cha:rle Collin . . for whon.1 d1e site wa · Jt;:tmed. Fr 01 1203 t 1806 Lh · settLer. suffcx~d from pinches r,( govcrr a:nd anxie ty. ~J.'h Indian · were £ea red con· Mo t of the ~wrd ' pioneeF to tra vel from 1:? to 1 . mik to the mill, whi·ch ·wa a gratin on- vt·nien(..e and har(l;;h i p. The Indian b ·cam -iucrc:asj ngl a1 no; in "h;:~ t with tl;~ ir consta:nt begging for ·(>d1pon" : (bread), "monako'' (milk) and ''quisquis.h" (Uleat). Some of thern often appeared in full war dress, painted and carrying scalpjng knj ves. Others wore the uniforms of officer th.ey had previou ly slain and robbed . Two of the Indians were especially famous arJd feared. They were " Killbuck" and "Mishawa' '; the latter, a Shawnee chief, is believed to have b~en killed at the battle of the Thames hy Colonel John on's men. Butl1er County h.isto.r;ian Otto Ke'rsteiner came upon an intere tino- point during soJ.ue research at the Hamil­ton P ost OWce. At:cording to Ott's finc}jngs, Col.linsviJie '"'a· V'ery irnpona n t: i:n the hjs.tory of United State maiL \'\!~en Rural Free Delivery W;:jS it:tattgurated by the U nited States Post Office Det:>artm n t the f:irt ro1He was run out of Cbatleston., \1\.l. Va. T he second route was run <JUC of Coli insviLie in 1897, one '~'eek later. H €nce, lhe Collinsville 'i'Oute has the: honor of being first in Ohio an c~ 'C<.Oncl in the l Jnited Stale.". La.-t bLit not lea ·t, and lest we forg-et, a n'wst ' r of a · . many CoJlinsvil le Cb.axnpious a , we were ~tble to obra i11: Norm Steel, Norm "Ch ick" fohn··a n, Jina Failcy, Andy Carncron, .Ihlc Grollmtt , .. r ildcn TlJOJlll)· JS(l~,J Bi.U W()oten Md Hob Scblabac k. . 29 • I ! l ! • I ' ;\llKE - 'lirhacl John~on. lfl months (>Ill. i thf' son or [ [r. ~nd :\tr ·. h ·ruu·th John,on. R.R. :>, Ha111ilto1l \likt. · lalltL'I 1. a · \£ Calender t'lnph>\CC. ' OUT OF SCHOOL-Dorothy • Parks is a 1951 graduate of Springfield Township Schoo] . She is tl1e daughter of Mr. and hs. Rob rt Parks, Okeana Ohio. Her father i · an em­ploye of the Fihroll Prepna­tion Depr ttm 'IlL 30 ·A l R F I • LD . R A D U T E - .o llcen T ) !or. d .ughter of Al· 1·in Taylor . No. l B··a tcr R oom , i · ;1 g ,td ua te of !-'a irfi e ld High chool. H er I rot her. D ,,,·cy, i\ <JII eJn ployee o( the Krom >kotc D partmcnt. A P AN D G 0 \V N - Alfred Sparks, ] r., is a 1951 graduate of Fairfield High School. His father, AI Spark , is a CM Trim­mer employee. AI, Jr., has mi.sed o nly one day of school in 1 2 years. George Issues a Challenge Hy ( ; Slcinn .\ big- sutpti•c a ·~til(•d u rc(entl)' \dll'n we 1W1d<· our Jli(Jnt hi) pi lgrifll itgc to the o.,;IIH tu r of The LO(. to pay our n:..,pcrh to cclitor Stc \' Joneo, and hi'> ..,ccrT­Iary, lo ely , J· .nha J ck on. lt happened 1() IJ( a rain~ da,- , a nd wllc·n we t ·achf'd 1h· . ·umd flqm landing ol tlw 'fa i 11 0 II i u: w t • I c u n d i 1 I i L • ra ! J) l il kd ' · i 1 It t h l most beautiful ~i lk umbr_!la.,, each one r,v ·n. Thi~ nJ~lUt Jl o f open ing wet um hr ·lbs datl's back to the dayo; when si ll-- didn't go .into the manufacture (J[ umbre-lla<, a nd ll1e pr qr dun: was pra< tical, but with 1 be comin14 o l 1hc mo krn , !an y -; ilk parasols the custoHl is tab JO. Hav < a Jonk on what the experts on such JnaLters bav · to say: "ll you own a ilk umbre1la anu a1 e unfonunat · enough to g t caught in a sho ·er o{ rain, do not OfX:11 it 11p to dry ou t, as this caus ~ the <;ilk to . tretc.h and become sti.U. The prop r metlwd of procedure- i'i to dnsc the und rella, turn it up:, idt do \'0, and you will finJ that l he water will g rad ually d rain o£1 \-vithout injuring­the fibre of the silk. ·· In going over the medical report with Safety ·u)JCT­vi sor rt Topmill r to look for hidden hata1-ch and l<J 1ak · mea ores to prevenl reo ccurrence~. we often (lJJIH' on the term. "C ntusion and abrasion: , terminal I ln 1- anx." . rt is apparently familiar wi th the term, (or he never bats an eye when h e comes on it, but to us that ' 'terminal phalanx" sounds like . omethin Otto Re-id muttered ·when he konked hi old pate on an overhead beam, while showing us his home ·work hop. Recently when we pinched the first joint of the lefr .index finger and ret"lortecl to the M ·clical Departmenr, nnrse Martha Sprinkle bandalS·ed the finger expertly and then wrote on the medical report, ''Contusion and ·1bTasions, terminal phalan, : · Feeling a. jubilant a-.. a college boy who had ju. t learned the (a t · of life, e:x­claimed, "So this i · the terminal ph alan.·!.. (Jt ju"l occurred to me how foolish it is to learn about thing-; the hard and painful way, ·when it is o ea :y to a k tho~c who know.) \ <Vc arc currently en ga0 ecl in th Longh rn h ck r Tourney which promi e to be ev ry hit a ex iting a rhc British-American Good \1\lill Tourney of a few year· back. mong uur op! OJ)ent' we [ind u h .tal vart .• : l\Iurrcy H . Fl)' pres1d nt of de a Co1l g , 0 I .~ sa. ' l ·cxas .. . R v. Jam' Hag n of On ario. < nada ... itn 1 that Alabama v-rild at, .h::~ . J nning · of Oh. t h c. .\Ia . \1\!c notic 'd th:H tlt~ Cn1lon i i ion !J, quiL a tlltlld er of hct k r plL 'tT~ nut when thnsc t'- crt., R ran or Nisl .. '('ll vi ~it ilwr ' . ' 1\Tc h. rc h ' c h . llcn ~ an (ll 1 ho<;(' 1 layer:-. t( ) l ~lke a jl ke al ll "i 'ia m.Jil ('heck -... .,• H)l iR Cl' ERATHJ . Is ' h<~t Mr. and Mrs. f\urtt n I\ •1 <' ll tt•uhl rakt pride in un thti r 1C nt fiftktl 1\t!dd in~ a nniVt'T'.ll . In tltc /)IJ<llo t I< t , ~rr. and Mr~. R ~J kn ·~'~' sh w11 ~ • k I. Ft• )Hl k t to 1ight iu th · h:a ck · w , I t! :'II:Hinn Ln Bt (Hvni ng-, d\,(11) , Jell n •. Wiling. ~> ' '': l. t-gr. IHI~<lll, ;lJld Mr.. kd~ \fr .ol hmt . httJght ·r . M; s. n ]d II was .~ ulplll t'd 31 JlumiJIOn h :llnpion for -5 )'e:trs. Meet The ·Boss: Art Gardner B jack Mullen Cha u pion ha been fortunare through th y-ea rs in h;nin·,- ~ JJJ • in it - orwanimtion iu ~> UJ.:l ·n·i:.or-.,:· IJ.O~l ltnll ,., '' ho / ~ nwd f11 cir job~ from Lll gTound. LIJ~ IJ r 1\'0J'kin~ at them for mao y ) tar ·. )ne L! h ma1 i Arthu r Gardner, . upedmu~d e nt nf i .. 2 :\la h.ine Room. rr C \'.~r :1 ma n needed tb-e x­peri. cn ~ gained by a tually doing dJe j Q>b, th.e mau who ho ·.e.'i pap"r madtine np ration most certainly does. Thcl'e are ruore angle · lo papermaking thao rJ1:e rc are · 1m a Chine c pag-oJa. nles~ a fellow ha:. . pelll Jnan ,· \'e r,~ running a paper machine, be wi It · o~m become fo:,t in the m:t.te of trou b1e;s and chang ing CTJndi tion ... fou nd in th Machiue Ronrn. An Gardner ha on1 pleted '1-1 ycac of his wurk i ng li ~e in Charnpion · ~ ;\£ achi1P Roout. He , t;nted to work. .J11l) G, lYlO, on the paper machi ne · and rernained the-re. H e w·1.· made night su peri.ruendent in 1930 and elt~ ''<Hed to hi. pre 11t job in 19:-:>7. \Vbe.n a ke<l ,.,·hat he l"t:Uleu.:tb rs mo t YiYidt r from IJ)-, one / ar-. "\.rt s-tated that .slarung up N . 10 paper mach-in sack in 1928 \ ·as qu.ite a job. He, alortg with tb.e late ' 'Al" R(}l( , WG.rkcd l:, 1lOLn-s a day for three month.'> to g-et chis machine producing-. Being JargGr Lhan the others and brand new, No. 10 wa a prublern. f } tlt . n ~a ': ·' You have to st..a with the!'n and l earn aU th::eir ' (p1ir.ks and fine points if you ' ant to n\.ake EL1:.em run.'' 1\fr. Gardner h as heen jnteresr d in .· afdv on rhc • job fn.t: some time, gi \'ing everal talk :- befor · var io us . atety organization on "Safet, in the Paper iVLill," and he wi. hes to pa thi along: "\'h -n you top to think of Lhe wa we u sed to do job · around the mill hefoxe we l>et.a tu_e . afe ty-m inde€1, il t'f'lakel\ a hill run np and down your pine. " 'ow :we han'! a ::;a fety program Se X>nd lQ t'l.OHC, f(w '\. ·c: are top. \ Vhen. a ompany s:u.d-t a i:. so )uong fot the . afety of itS emp loyees, it can he u.nder­I( H Jd \dty our 'Old Timers Cl;ub' is getting larger· and la1g:e r. ft' · irnp l · that w.e ,are aU pleased with o u r work in a a(~ place to '1'0rk, <mu -w iel1 a gr crt company thar. ' • , .. ' ~ J'RI::\ I UF THJ'. MOXTH - •· B:tm}':.trrl Fl-il'nd ;:• h U1e t it k- of the .tll1l~·c pi~turf'. Hl<mclic Ca ltlwt:l l 11011 ri te beginner\ J'vin1 cot the ~htHt• <llqrd in tb(' H11 tnil·10u J1idsio11 :. ln t!t e r l,ug Club wit. h ll.tiis 1JfJ tJl (If h -r hocse ;md -dog. . \.K I GAR I ;\ f~ K : one o the be~l lm·HI.t l> in HamilLc'" lo·· tJte 1 ;bt ~() \ ern ~ . . . itlso :111 ot nl eut '<O ftl>;dl 1:1 n. d ocs aJJ i n. it,s , pow r (or rhe be tcertnent ·o.f t he em­p loyees, whe ther jt be work o~" . . "So aga ir'l I sav, we are to ps in whatc,·er \vc do. Let's a ll try I(; keq ou'r safety r ecord up with or bcu er than · the best. ln ot bet· words, le t's be the b-est." Art is a past cha irma ll of: L11~ MiaOt_i Va.Jley P lllp tJ.nd Paper l\•till Superim e ndc.n t's Association and at­tend't~ d the national conventi.on in. Portla r1d, Ore. , as a representative of Champion . H is first 1ove in sport thro ugh the y ars has been bowli:1~g. He establish~d an e n viable record and \vas . ca.ptain o.f Champion 's big_ bo~Ji~1g team _for abou t ~0 }')ears, Hcz a lso managed Clark s Sportm g Cot)(!:-; team it~ the . Hamilton I n d ustrial Softball l .. eagtre in 192..;1. T his te<u.n set an· al l-ti:me record 0f 39 consecut ive wins. Art is a etcran of tbe First \i\Torld \t\Tar, serv irtg in )~'ra n ee as a mach ine g_ttn serg-earu in the 87th D ivisio n. Mr. and Mrs. Gard n er have a lovely home at 98fi Har6son AvelHre. T he are paxents o ( thr ee grown c hiktren and h av·e four gran dchildren. One gra nd­da ugh ter, whom l·\.rt h a · n ever een , resides in ~o uth Am<)r ica with her pa rents. T he/ a re due to r eturn in the l.a te suntrner for a vaca tion iu the Sta tes, a nd An and h is wife are eagctly looking forwar-d. to seeing their lj t~ J e gra nd h ilcl. '·ALL ABOARD'" - .. f\ lra1' r i1k 1q1~ ~~ ~~ io}.t:d bv th ~ l, ot fl• (· Hamil tc•n. l)i1rSi<m durin g- Lh<: mOt.II IJ oi J1111 t'·. J.;po tt -;oted h) th f' l ' ;,,J<l;<J Cull·ttdl , tl1 c: h<Jv 1iclc ;, Ot ll.• nf llJe m,,n ;lJthi t i •;, P' Otnuled IJ)' tl1ut gwup. i ' 1 ' •f t a Hamilton Ribbing the Rib B ' Otto R eid • \Vheu I \7 • born - whid i · on oHicial fuu tion ·onductcd b , ,. ~,men tha no tn::m can Jod,1·e - l W'ls gi\en the rai·n HIS Brandf'nburg nmn ( E ) llt ... b ·­ca. u ·e the posterjty of Hilly Brandenbu~~· ffll tllth:r >1. Heidlebur ·, K ., li ·cd ne:u- my lol .. 1 h ru marnag ~s and the £a. ·t J1a o· ndpa· razor-ba rb .. l oar n o ted up their tater pat h . ~h (amilic: l eca nle q_ni t iabk; all(i I t:arted I awling· for fr ~h btu tennd k und r t.h terrible ide of Ono. ~ p ~11 me fon ,_ n l or b· ckwanl , l'm 1ero at b th L11 1s. Hm\·e ·er. I showed Ji r. tle pn m i :-~c :n1tl the n ame w~ . hal 't<l in twain - to fit tl1c sh n mkl'n pcrsonaJit 1 was kno~'m as "T : · 1 was a lwa ·s ensitivc t th iu .. ult. (One half ( ~ t'' o-. y l_l ~ bl~ name. . And th n I marned. whKh. 1S always a .loregonc londu.ion for any 11nan a ""~' man thinks sh ' can go. A (di lo(ate l) rib b a . woJTi "'d man l1 10re than a ll the broken b nes he ever mcurre l. Aft r a lew months o( lighting f r m • le~·a.l h a lf of the _bed. my dowery of CO\·er .. , and the pnvJl -oe of sr e n cllng a dm1 where I had been squandering a dollar, 1 was elated to hear my spouse ann unce. th a t . he ~bhorred the nam.e Toe. (1\m.\·, thinks ], sh e 1 · ~ eli ·cenung '" oman . _. . knows a man of complete phy 1cal _and mental_ ~ttnbut~s .) " . " Yep," he anno'unced 111 a patromzwg, v01ce, In the future, I hall call you Ott." And I wa rite back where I started from. " wile · of women" ·were d etermined to make me believe that I ,vas elected ; but her main ambition ·was to show the v.-orld tha t she could belittle me just as much as anybody and n ot wear ? ut the same end of, my nar:ne. No man i .. elected to marnage, anyhow .. . he s made an example of. _ , _ , I'm glad l saw thru her scheme, cause . when I vc been away from home a coupl~ of hours l feel fr~~ to knock on the door and be adm1 tted f:or what she thtn ks of me, which is nothing. * * * ,., Pearl and Earl May, of 'Calenders, are two of my favorite p eo p le ... [avor iLes ol a lot of people ar<?und Champion. On is a Democrat; the other a Rcpubhcan. But, don' t Jel dtat give you any hope to separate these two gents. T hey are identica l twins, and they are ad­mirable in th ir loyalty to each o Lh er. A new helper 1 ft the stack to wash his hands. Pea rl was n inning the 5t:ack.. On entering the batltroom he spied EarL "Huh, you're pre tty fa st aren' t you, f ll cr?" '' Yup," said Earl, Jawni alJ y. • ' / . 32 . H E 1AY T W L 1S ­I'c3 t I and E;ul a n• w ·I I k t ll') l 'l l Champion. in lit II .. milwo 1 lli1 i.;i on . llolh :u al •·t1i.l r rnn · nc n. itt 1 h l· C . ~1 C;tl l' ol · d r De p .HI rr ll'J ' t. X • ; . })a k u th · su\ck. Pearl w s sliH ~ t t.l e throttle. Th h ' lptr s rat h d his hea and mu ttered: "Ho ('nmc . . . ou'r her . .. I ju t ... nob dy pa d me." ·• I'm h<::t· ·,' aid l'carl. ·cau~ 1 have 't been away . ;n o;.s vou s::tw • arl. · 1 g~es , a ft r knowiug Pearl · J:1d Earl for 20 y an, th t there·r. no tiff tenc twi t a D m raL alld Re­publican. Tl ~ look just ~ Ike ~W<J p~as lhat wa · in p d ... ' ·ept th R p n bhcan 1 )tHsltlc the pod . . . u : 1 g t ge t back in. luert May strutted in with a new ha i r(ut .. . his rowning glory and pride was his crown. £ \ i.l forces began w rking like a h ~g in a ta ler pa . . . Said "vVhity" Hoskm ·: Somebo dy fi tted a poor ly trimn.1ed gottrd over his head, and Jo llow d the notches with a blow-torch." Opined Dave Durban : omebody d ropped a pot over his head and ut off all that stu ck out ... " "Nope, ·· came from Jim J enkins, th y d ropped th pot over their own head, eye and aH, q,nd cul by the touch system." · "vVell," drawled Bill 1-Iatri , "my own belief i that Albert was running past, with a kinda limpi 1g o·ait, and the fell er wa swiping at him with a d d1 co rnknife.'' "Anyhow," chimed Adelle Pelfrey, "they set his ear1) back so far that they look like the gil1s on a shovelhead catfish." I saw that Albert was mad, and aU my Ji fc ha: been dedicated to pouring water on _trouble t oiL . I calm d him down by saying: "Forget 1t, feller. Oi cour e rt looks tike sonJ:ebody had started to kin a ' po um from the front end, and quit al the shoulders. ~ ut, Albert, you look strong of mind and mt~ ·d e. I be h,eve you will live at 1€:'as t a raonth, Now, ·on. lf that h a p1:1em "you can' t take it ·with you." tAlbert was con oled .) * * '*' * It i.s with profound regret tl1at we report the p ti ·ing of Daniel Baker, Hazard, Ky. The grandfather of Coy, calenders, and Sol, milhights, wa born in 1 42. The famous Kentuckian Jacked only three days o( r each ing the breathtaking age of 109 · ears. * * * * Socialism, commurti&'l'll, fatisnt, or , ny form of regi - mentation is fatal to an individual, w a · nation. and to a 't-\orld. A man's soul is imrnonal, and ·o. inseparable from the affairs of GocL A man's rniHd an l body f ds on the inspiration w e.x:cell and create - to ta t ' the fruits of victory - of glorious, p rsonal victory. A tuan Jives a pet-sonal drive for p r naJ reaso,ns - like he fights for life itst>~ lf. His amb i ~ i on is to b~t~e r hintself - 11ot to creaL .• that bums, loa[ers, aJ1d snptclny n\a v thrive. No ·her in the 'world did re~?;im nta tion tlu·i v". It is pr·orui, ed that H a \'en wi t1 l a l with en h as an individual.. [ tri ·d su · ialism on rny tcan.1 o f ste t's. \Vben Lht f:tll ,. ork w·ts o cr, I toJd Lhem both the could .hang aro t·wd the barn all winter arul build up a g·ood .n•anure pi k: for rhc s priltg;·plowc:d 1 tul.. I set ~ dail · ptow fnr huth . and impress ·d Lhem ·wtth t.he fact that tht~\' rnu ·t rr<1duc · the same :<tnh.>tuits. Prt:uy suon out· ol them !=i.t)t bow1<ls i11 his b wcls, hut th hal>it o( following lite lt•ad t: l was too stt·ong to br<'ak. The , elOJHl ;xen co11Jd not r a~wn along th lill ~;•s: "'1 , be, or nol t0 be.'' llc was a so ·idisL, and d ·wnnin ' t.l onlv w do hi - pan. The both eli d of n n, ti patiou . AIn d I uuard s • tc tlu.:ru . .. on t h eu• · own . . . . llllt Hi.l1 ~ '. ... 1 OC\TI' D !1' THEIR . ' E\' Q ' \RTER. , Dr. Kenneth Hi,.;gin ~. H~·acl ;"\ul";e , la rie Keating and ;'\u1 ·e .:\~:u·Lba Spr·inl:..le c..h >t.k au c mplovec·. health recorJ.. Medical Department Relocated Rv .Joe Blevens ' Hamilton Divi:i n Champion ca.n well be proud of Lhe , ·n it.c oHercd them b their Medical Jkpanutcnt. l'hc ue>,· (tHices and rr ~atment room. of thi depart­ment ar · a far cr · from ilte tiny quarters located at the south end of N >. 2 Pulp SLorage. Th ham pion iVLt:dical Deparm1ent wa founded b::tck in 1919 hy Dr. Louis Frechtling \hen the need for ·uch employee protecti< n was realized . In the earl, da}·'> the department hour were 8 a.m. to .5 p.nL witll Dr. Fn:chlling on call during the. night in emergency 1 a e. \'ith the doctor th!.: sLa.ff cotristed of one nur·e and a senetary. La1er, when the offices were 1110\'ed to the ~'la in 0 lie Building, a night fir. t aid man was cmplo 'cd to ' 'Ot'i~ the 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. hours. Si nee in tho c d<~~ the cduca6on and rraining departments were uot -tabli-lwd, the rraining of key persunnd ill busi­llt: s'> economics and wage pnJo-rarus was al ·o in~ti ated and carried out bv 1hi office: and aJ! the sanitation ' aud mill c leanline , a well. Tnday dee depanm ·nt at Hamiltc n i , guid ·d und r the competent supervi. ion of Dr. Kenn -th Higgins wh,, i~ well yualifieJ jn the field of inuu:.trial n1edicines. Dr. Hig-g-1n ' '>Iaff. in Judes Donna lluehlcr, Marie Keating, \Lmha Sprinkle, .Bonni ' Flag and Virgjnia Sm ith, all ol: whom an; regi 'Ler d nurses, and Lucill · Weston, the rco.::pti nisL The d ·partm nt has in a peak da ' about 90 paLicnts, and lhi., year expects about 20,000 pal ient <.:alls. It is <'XJX.:Hed h) Dr. Higgin tbat a harp inaea c o f pa ti 111~ wiiJ I recor leu due to the more: conven it:JJt l<H:ation 'J the offites !>inc~: .1 'rsm ~ . us tainii mi1 or inj 1lrie~ '"1\iJl ha\~; Lhet·n tr ·ated imtead of not reponing l'h<:tn as in 1he past. The depattmenr handled. 3nO 1 n .:-·mploy­llt nt t:. amin;;nioo h't L year which occupiC's ·• JHa jor portion o the time of the staff. The mo~t tomn on trcunn:Ht i. injur~ tO (he ling .r'l, but lhe; inj 1ry wll icll f;LJ.I (''> fJ cal<:\t cm1 en1 to Dr. Higgin is tl1(: 250 c~t~c:~ PI \t: injtrl) ' L ~t year and 1he 290 ca!!><:s in J9JY. He i., cn(.ka,<;ring to cut tl1i. figure through ll1 h Jp of tl1c .':lalet , Dcpartnwnt and employee in lormation, a · m•> L injuric:;; of this type tem from carelessn ess. Th medi ·at taf[ i. aware of new d evelopments in indu.~LrialmC'di ine and carri s nn an extensive program relating' to mill aniration_. lighting and t.:111ployee health hv, '- orkino· in do.·c associ:Hiort with the Etll- ~ ployn1e:nt aud Saicty Dcparuneuts. OLD TIMERS ·- Two men wl10 will be remembered by qu ite a l'ew Champions are Jack Henes, left, S.:J years of age. and Jake Zeller. right, 78 year oi :~gc. Their early-day picwrcs arc shown above. J NE GR D ' ATE- H arold C:r<Jw[ord, on uf i\fr. and Mn. Robert Crawford , 439 Nort h Fiflh St .. is a gra luaLe of Ham­illotl High SchooL Harold's f;·u her, Roben Crawford, work$ .in Roll Storage and h is !>istcr. :\1r~. Thel111a Cuzi~, works on C.\f Soniug. ' AN l VERSARY e I IH <1 t i n g t h e i r Lweilty-fifth we deli ng· anniversary recently were Mr. and ~ frs. Wil'liam Creagm i 1<;, J 7 33 Hel e n Aven ue, Hamilton. Bill is ·a veteran Champion mploy e a nd a ii1em­ber of the Genera l Sales st:1 f f. HO I OR ' C:HOL. - F. lbs "Ju~>inr " 'C ley, 'i1Cpson · ot Cl1. 111 piun Audy HtaLll, g-radu­; t l ,d fr0 111 1aso11ic High Sdwul , Masm1ir· ll o1n ~, Ky .. in ,} n11c. Lie lw I 11tc l1 ighe~r ~LIIol u •,Jiip I' ' (OI'tl in li1C hi LOJ y 0( lfll' ~d'l ooJ . Ju.niGr ph ·ed un •he f>ast ·t htdl :.t nd ha,ell:dl t an1s. ,,1111 wa.., :tssi ... tunt b. ud 111;1s Pr. lk is •vv• at th<· Hamilton l)jl i"'i011 lf1i11 , lllfllll(;l'. 3. li r R ' • < Flo · d Gillis: 40-Year Champion lJ · Bnrl(t: .\'m-ute· l hi ··n:lumn thi nH ntll ' il l HL mpl to J'c· lUre ' !\~ d t~itli , \ h t}l . 'nt:'d hi lnrtit·tlt :uwin'J ... ar ' wit ll ' Canton Ch;.nnpinn Jum.: :1. .F I~ ~ u ft-l' •I, 1\.lnr't ' lh,tt :h:1 mpion ha'> b t T \l p a l ietll :md l01w... - ufferinu . H e i. r :-:at ucd 0c. the ''D an o E. B. Foremen''- .in fat·t. th declll f quit a J 1 · Lhin~·s. flt:: i · 0 rea t stor y­teller. (ju. t foun l the '\ 'Or l " raconteur·· her .in the d ictiot ar) . but mayb-e \ ·c better not cx1 o::; him to that.) H the .. ·toq t Uer" duo i · out of a dean they rnight look him ver. The Fict Pre b •te1·ian Chutch. made d ean of me Lbin recentl ·. flo ·d'· list o{ hobbie. , both. pa t and pre. cnt, r uns w reat len · th . ·ome o( them are b eekeeping, ra bbit rai ing, ~oat exterrnimuion, hunLing. 1l hing, borse trad ­ing, bo·ding o·ardening, fl o'\>ver s, writing, and a lot 1t10re that have been eli carded. The story of l.ljm and his hobb1 es i. like th ~Lt of the monke, and the cats. He is an expert w·oodworker, painter, paperhanger, elec triciai , plumber - he can v.·orls sorne at the mill. One item that sprun · from prolific pen jn~:o The LOG has not been forgo ttt ll, a t least by m.e, and I qtlOte: "Brw: Kanney was somewhaJ as ton i -heel late ly, when t.he .city poiiceman con fron ted him at his do01· wi th some 22 caliber lead slugs aml a hu nk of Dr. Russell's w indo~w pan . It c l)1S th at E ruct: was shooting at sorne rabb it~ that vere eating we d i n 1 j~ gard en wh ·n a few stray hu llets played a tatLo on th do wr's dining room win· d()w, LabJc, tc." \.o\' hy could.n 't the g u}' 1 aye s<r id tht: rabb i l. w ~Tc ati ng v<::getabl ·s-'v·ry !Jr>dy doesn.'L n ·<.:d to k 1HYW a bo tl l til : w ed~. 1 f[.(;r a ll d 1c1t: w ·n· as nany v<*et·:t l k s a::; w "'eel !\, ,\ 11 how, J <hdn't rlo all fiJc ga tdv11in g. One · l1 · told tr "i ab u t stJHI <' J olll h OJ g1 a "" in hi 1> g:tnlt:lJ 1 J\a t gn:w . n fa ~t i g c·w 1 i:4hL ·th rough hi .., bo<' l!<t tld lc a-; he W<t11 ho<~i Hg. 'Fa'>l gJ•nwi ll J.I; or .; low lw ~ i n g-. ·OLI ( ;m l:tke }'OLI t' dmkc. • .J. H. f aum:y J n<.. l wo ·d jnto )t j-. new hmm· Oll rfw Jug 'T lH rJ R Jtt <[ 111 d1c CandlL.-r lkigh t'i S(•( t.iolJ. M<tlk Stu at·t Huwl T , ~~~~ ~ (Jf l\ l t. wl . fr . T . ~ J. n( }111 (.; 1', was l'rt:l 'IT i •d Jut(' ~3 j( ) Mi~.s ' IMg§ll l' ( lrtl ' / Sl('ed of l•.lku un, S.C. 1:1Ck "'tu :J rl i .... :1 juu il)r i 11 l<' tll ;.Jl tli · Medi al Collc:ge o/ C ('or~·ia 'tlld :~ Jll l' nthi: l u~ tlw Rhi Chi Meclt al J.'talt·lnfty. P . R York, ~on Jirnn1i , .nd <;rt> 't'l . S!Ltll ·., C' njo)t. d a ~;H. atioll to Pt:: nn ~yl anii:l , F1om tl H't thi' '~ 1 · nr to :t YM(:A conv .uricm 1.n Clev ·lttnd , O lt it . I (:J F { O l ' I rt11 r•, n1 , t ~rr i n~ l'>[ '2. 11 ~>tit h d~t•• .,.._. j (,Pnt l :HI rJ;md , li \l, I •ttl ,,, of \IJ ,l!'ttl \J1 . n. \ , \ f .l< r •• tland •<;!It' h. ltllf' .lll I• . t~k' '("Itt ~ ~· I+. J-li, HI ~' ith C ;tnl•H • l'h mq i•m·, ·11 in . 1 ing hd I. \ OHkl)t \J.u· f._llJ.Itl<l j ~ ' jlllliiH IJ( nil(ll!fl! \: I hAll d Pill. ' \ llt\iJh . AT TRACT I £ LIND · - H n.: i'> Linda Carol y·n Curti ·, tile Lh ree-year·Oid daughter of Mr. a t1d Mr - Hugb £ . Curli ·, o f Cbattaneoga, T enn. _1\<h . Cuni.s i .~ the tormer Atleen Ja ck: n, or Clyde. and the daug·hter o l Ghatnpion 0 1<.1 Timer J. Sam Ja ckson. ll fC 'i.\l LL ~ J.1d< at tltat 111 ile Rtma.ltl l'h.J(l 1 ··dt'm d i' ~ ;Hit 'l<· Ron:ll-d J ha£1 i.., 22 Jnont hll •Jill ami i'> r 1 • 11 of \lr an•l \ 1• "· 13(JHI" ~ctlfonl. ol ( 4111lull. Ruuafd': dad i ·m · plu C!l ill til~· ~O{IJ. ·rdphu•t• Jkp nment. Deaton "Knows His Beans" By Freel Fergu ·on 1t cannot be truly aid th ar o ur ' T : .c~ n I )(Jpu h~r di ision d itor, Jimmy D a1 m, ··rtoe·n ' t bea1Y' about anythi ng.·· • 11. l :k n: w ·v\ <.: s u ~ pect thHL J.inuu. know · L ans ~IDthtl nton· than one thiu g. H.i - ca n, c:t·a gets a 1· o u n c l to t h. \'ari('d C h a 111 p io 11 ~lnivitie~ but il is st•hl fJI) l that . jillltll). is t HJ I (J if tl w u·i·• · " >(' r ClHI. T h i, r i 11 tt • we got ;1 ( h <tn< ' lo 1urn the .tliH' I'a · 0 11 .J i tqln y as 1\lr'>. . I i < ~- J b II n f r lw •> II il t' -;t; rl r wa ~ J.ll C· ..;l'IH ll lf; I h t· p rt7( ' I u ~ till' 1 1 )11~ I' HL'':'l l · ly ·' t.ut <llt ' g il <''~'~ .t 'i LO h•>W nta 1 bc:.H'l:- Wl 1 · ' i 11 a ja l d 111 ing 1 ht• :t tlllu •d lil tun .: 'P~1 rt ' ;:ll L:tk · l .Dgnn L"fl w . Jiuttll} tC< e i\:• ·d a n it c ;tnlon::unir ]R'I l.'olator fn1· g 1t "'~i11 1-; within a half dutt'U the 11 l 1111b r n l pin.1n, irt ;, piuL ' E. '.\f. GEIER. retited Canton Cham­pion ca~hiet, ~;~•a tches c J'k frotn L~ ke Log-dn bridge. He had a o·ood strike, hut U1e ffsh I,>"Gt away. 'Twas "0 ne - ..( MA J{ BARRETT (above) and Bill Love (drcle) h~rl g ocl ln r k. Ma k is holdin a !~ - inch rnin l Oil' . Bill ' troul m e:tsnrcd 1 0 in dw~. of the Best" T B ERE v,· .- NO Qll.ESTIO ' about it, personnel of Chant­pion Employee' Store had a grand time during their annua l outing .\t Lake Logan late in June. . ''It was one of 1·he be~r.·· declared a majority of the approxi­Imuely !)0 employees eJljoyillg the reneat.ion program ;w e! rwdi gllt m -alo( outnrv fried chi h:n . • The tOre doors were locked ar noon on vVednesday and the parry started as . oon a. they cou_!d drive the 12 miles to Lake Logan. Many grabbed their Gshing cguipment immedil:l.tely. Fisl1.­ing, hiking and dancino· were main iterns on t:be entertainment agenda. after . HO'WARD. HEMPHILL, n eaTe.-~t camet-<1 , and S. L Rogers did n oL bave fioo much lu ck with th eir <lltg­ling fr om I."akc Loga n bridge. Ni\NC \' WI· .. L.L~·-.,,("'c ·iv . a 'F •rg-1 TSOJ1, at t{llJr l, ts io.n vf hillg J pr il. frvm Fre•l Lh ~ hi ngo gam .. j j l f tt 4 2 oe e s a q 4 a ----~~--~--~--~--:-: ----------------- ! l I· I I I r • CHARLIE \ IOO. 'LV, relircd Cnntntt Champiou Oltl Timtr. i · ~Ito " n . t ld t {'fl jovi ng an e<~~'· nunp chai-t on :f(>nta na Lak-e :hore. , ,.ith him i: Rob tt R ~~· ·. ' S():(l ;;-Sui ph a tc. 3G 0 HE RY FARMER, left, and broth er, Dave . are di ·pla}in an c.xcei ­Jeot catch of pike snat~;;h ed Hiawassee La l<e JaLe .in 'May. Yes'm, there are a few ba· incl~tded in the tring . ·Hent y a{ld Dave aTe ell'lp~oyecl . in tbe Soda-Sulpha te D epar.:tment of Ca 1tt n Champwn. Henry is a 12-year man , Dave, ~0 years . WHEN FISJ;I.LNG Tl~fE comes a1ong, a n- . ton Champions, their families and frien ds can be. [ in virtually every section of Western North Can l.tna en­joying their vacations in the all-out-doors and trying their luck at snagging members of the finny tribe. For it is in this "Land of the Sky" that bass, pike and trout fishing is unsurpassed ... and many Champions are unsurpassed in their enthusiasm for snagging their favor-ite pecies of fi h. Plans are made far in advance. This i a ne~ s ity, for lhcre are rnany i~e m.s to be included in th "1 ack" wh n on tak ·s t tll · mmmtain. for several days. T cm <; .mny ha,,e to b · r pair d and stew . '<Jlripm ' IH to h g iven the once over . .. au 1 arc lTst·rva tions to be made for the famil if c ;1n..: lu ta I.. .. c Ullllj)l. llg " 1" n ljl • l'C)llg j l. " aul.l then the o th r th rc do m · 1 l·.n s:vtt I H. Je ·t, (i 11 {>hot <t t 1 ft, a lw \1 ) oihn in the .. l'lla ·Stllphatc ,).. rca. 1 0' " fo r thi ~ pi ctpr_ · 'ith Cl yd · ' ha<l p . Sod ;;~ S.lillphaJC", jnst In l il t <' li t(' I t oke ca111p lo lCIItfn LO C~ ttlvn . ' mlth I:KJ.. hen tl'ith ( h;I!H io:n 17 ) ·ar ... 'lklt , ·Inc I I W. , ' l ·n U , Al7fOR'D UOO E ;\(i Ll~ of Sntl;t ·Su lpl.Jat td t) m or pk<J'fl l n : r)J ,IH hh 2~ h .p. J buson outiJO<trd m<H<!lr. He i~ p tli.Ul -d h en~ ;; , llf' s:t il ~ tlcrl''n J;ontnna L,lk during his,., ·;ttion h o ll'S. n oon Ita ' ht••, l \ itll ('a nt(Hl C:h 11 mpioll since J 9:13 . -----~'"' ... " ~ ~1N~JE H):D'E. Fini .hjng, came t1rro ttgh With a ntce CJ.<ob of ftsh at FOJHana du r­ing May. Het' hubby, Henry, a fo rmer Champ ion, now operates a work bu - for €1.'11 pi oyees. HERE'S PAT CABLE, tb.e Canton Chant pion \l·bo always smiLes. Pat is in Roll Storage J lld b as been wi th Chan1pion since 1925. He is holdiJ'g a string of era ppie raken f1: Il l Lake Fon ta ti a. ELLIS SMATHERS should be proud o r: tllis 19 V2 -in c.h rainbow be jerked from the frigid wa.ters of Cataloochee i\:lay 25. This was la·t·gest catch ever made by Smathers. A Period of Readiustment By Clyde R. H oey, Jr. Closincr down the Extract Depa'rtment h as had its repe:rcu sion in lhe Powe~r D epartment, nece" itating a re-balancing of the steam and power load _ The Extra ct Depar tment was a lar~r user of steam th~n of electlic power, and when it ceased op~rations, thJJS caused an increase in the amount of electric power that had to be generated by sending steau1 to the already lvell ~oaded condensers and creating moz:e hot water lo be dis posed of. . ome _steam was blown to the atmosphere for a short tune un til more markets for hot water were found and the loads Jtifted around 0n the gen erators to obtain the rno t efficient operation under the new conditions. ' ·. market a~so had to be fo:und for the lmv pressure e. hau r stean;~ · from one o[ the .'Book mill e ng in s tlnn had h .m to l1h Ex tra ct Dcpanm.eut. · A major rha nge like this, together whh: s '~"ral u-b­~ riwtinn ·of high. pre . Stearn lov., pr ssur<.: :t.ea ~'ll had formerly beea used , has ab0ut <taken up all tile '· ·lack" in ou1· st am aHd power balance and r e­tmpha izes the n ce it, h>r a progt<Im tb . Power Department ! been preaching for )! ars : ( 1) Don't u ~e ~ 21m if hot ~~ater \ill do- the job! · 2) D-cm' t 11 e hi-gh pres~ ure st am if e ·ha:u t '> team witb it · great 'r eJec;:~cric p<)wer ge fl&rating capac ite wiJl do the j( b. ~ eve A. if . i1, om times rcfiujres equipwc,;nt a Jm l . hio·hcr ip fir. t cost. \fe extend our ymp;;~thie,<; to Harmon Moore in. til d ath of ,hi<S menh :r, Mrs, L uisa Mann Movr , and. to her 'SO.n-in-la,v, Hugh T errell, with whom she had made. her honJe for the past several years. · "Aunt Lou" as she was affectionately known in her conlmuniLy, had reached her ninety-second birthday only a few days before her d eath and was fortunate enough to be wen and acti e until the very end of life. Joe Thompson aod family visited his wife's folks in various parts of South Carolina during his vacation. He reports plenty of fried chi·cken, peaches, watermelpns, ·and warm weather. Clyde Blythe's wife took a trip to Denver, Colo., with friends but left Clyde at home. "Blue-nose" hasn't gotten to ~ake a . trip. with since the time he drove up to the1r desnuatwn and th€11 found, when he started to take the bags 0ut of the car, that he had left them at b.ome in the middfe of the living room. floor. That happen ed some time ago, but he says he still hears mem­tion occasiomdlv o( this occurrence. ' Fred Tru.I l took h1s family on a good trip during J1i. vacation, going up through Virginia and stopping by Char lou svilJ U) visiL Monticello. From th re th y ·wen t 011 to 'Vlashingron itnd sp .nt e~'eral clays Ll'tere se .ing the var-ious point!\ ~ f i,nt ' res t h,i.~ d augbl c had picked out 1.0 rn spect. On th wa. b:1ck th ·y sp ·m so1ne t.ime u Virgini;;t n 'ach after 'vl~ Ltin g )1i tJ b,i-other a t CWJ on News and his sist r a t 'cwfolk.. . . Fre<[ re por tq .;:1. g rand tim ', even if hjs girh lid have hj~ tOJl gjL'IC J1 anging out trying lo k e.p tlp with tb :m . igh tiiiee ing, He say.s 1b y lra vc ' on, · esp • iall p t ·nt 3Un.•5'hhlc <H Vi1 .g-inia H -ri ch, lmt bis 'W1bwrn is do"'n to rile . CI(;L( t1iug ta g~: Hf::l\ and should b · <.:nmpl td ronl;(orta: IJ'lo .soon. 7 f ~ ..................... ----------~--------~------------~X-!3------------------------~--------~--------~ 53¢ 5 4 1 - j •• 'Pt " \ . , Tl DE, T--He ar the arrra 1 t\ e daug-llter, o( ~fr. ' and \tr J~1hn \ • 'ance. \ 'an e h.1· beell 'dth C:mh1u hampi n for ll \CUls and i« a 1nemh·r ,,( th{' h;nat,re CJ"i"\1. t riglit i,; fklt\ Stt \ 'anrc'. t ~ . ncu ' uc i.; a gra,Ju:tt ( r Bethel Hi<• h . rh<lOI anti j,. nnw in l)tll'~e\ ' training a1 Rtllhetfcr<l Ho pitaL Rntlaerfonhou. N. ifanha J 11nc (a bove, left), 1 , g ,­a. tt>d fwm Rethel Hi h School thi ~1 rin~- -amh Lo\ e (abO\'e . ri hll i' 15 Year old; , she i. a IUth «r<:~d "ltldent at B.etbel 0. Htgh, \ Ol ' ~G \11 . .. ES - The e li ule irl" are the tl.attn'hter. of :'\1r. an l .:\Jr·. Edwiu Bur­nette. At the left i · (:a rollu Ltm is . four, Hnrl a' t ri ht is Mar · aar t .L\ntJ , LWG a nd on -half. Edwi11 ha s 'been with the Cafeteria <~hottl fi ve ,ear. a •1d ' is 110W 0.1 erator or :\o. ~ C; tllcen. • ' Canton Tricycle "Fans" Til two ]ju te lad i tt.~> w 11o ar<:: ';l1owr1. in 1 he phnto· gr<~pl l iltlrn diat ~h b -low ::u· · Lh ' <:tl.Lracli ve daughter · o( · L C,lllanl N. \All-11..,, H.. tow i 11 c1 r Roon~ , wl o has be0t) \·vi.l'h Cw t<1n Champion Sl.' •n yc..'<H s. )'r,,i tt g' on th (' ll'i< tit' is ' Jt~<lith ,\un lour "'' ~L1 '1 of i to l.', and :', tallding n11 lw r l-eft i't t \1\' ll 1 t' fl. l' · Ctl d F tc · rlt~ (;nil. ' I .lll'il ntc.,t·hc·t ;., " r i{'t e o.( C tty Shvpf;U td , ~~ ,·vt ~ ran Cha111pion . C ;;u ,. v < ..~r k ~ i11 tlt1 ' C. ntnn Divisio:n 's Plllp MadliJLIC J\re:.. . CO,;) ;) u \ Y" Team aAd Band Is Busy By Marie lJ ll Th · Y~ I C.\ .\l(JII3r · dart<( t am and " ,., 1 h tl 111 b~nd m:Hk <' beaut if il trip b , · I ci· 1 ittviwtintl to High~ aml, 1.. C. lot thrc · dunce exhi!Jition-.. '. he hand pl<q.:c·d th(' nt i re dance; l:.HlC!It HnlUHHb · di l a tmght l iuc -job r alling. l(cg- LLlar o;qnar , rl;:rn e prac i s arc held in ~he "Y'' C ·m ·ach Tu ··da y. nii' rlH "s th · nwml · . ,··•>rk 01 tn<:~n'v new figures and mutin s. The dane · team a H~ tand wok p~1 rt in the fJaywood ,nunty f(·" ival. The da ne t.ea11: will dane~: a~ain·t the winn·r rn tile ann tr a] f(·st i v;.~ l in AsJPvill . '. C., , ugu<.;t S-7, lhc ,' b ' ing sta t · Champirms of 1950. Twcnt ·-one H:am:;, vill b · in ~;·on rp • cition this yeat. By in iration the band enjoy d a trip to Burlington, N . C., Gram rtCJn. Divi ion . B urling~on 7\. fi ll~;, pla)ing, for a St juarc dance and ou t~; id e harbcctt p icnir. · Jimm Haynie made a hig hit with hi 'iinging, and (li(l Jl <tn request 11umbcr . On August 7-9 the winn.c:n of the Junior l4eH.ivat, t"\<vu square dance teams an I individual ballad <,ing:n ;, will go to Wa hingtoll , D. C., to p rfom before the Dance <lasters o( America, at the Library of ·ongr<'s and the Shoreham HoteL The Yi\1 A band will accorn· pany the group, playing fot th , lance tearm nd ing ' . . The group wi.llJ ave hy special bus and Yht ruan · place<> of interest. Hubert Hayes, manager of the Cit. Audi­torium Asheville, is in charge of the trip. ; ;\I QTORISTS - Who wit! .eventually ·get to · rjde remains to be ~een, but in temporary cha\·g.e of the auto is Rady Creasman , three ,·ean old; her l.ittle s' i ter, Rita, age one, seems determined t.Q take oveL They are the daughters of 1\lr. a 11 d :\11 rs. H nber t Crea s­IIH~ n . T'h ei r tllOther was formerly emplO)'C I in the Finishin.g Area. Tile · are the grand­dall o-h ters of Will i\fi tllZ. Tr ~\ n ~fcr Of­f i e. FRJ•.l) FO:'\ , ol Cl1.1111pion \ .S itippi&tH De l';trt lllCIH . i~ N.lo\' 11 ar 1 lj;jht wlih ll\'11 ''' ~ ancl ~~ c 11111hincd. c;lld!, has~ aq~l cr;cppi ·, t;tkl'11 hom Fcnilill'ia I {th· lnw m Jolw. Sn&) . ::t l(' J!ll&nltC, l j, ldL, .tnrl Jv , If). • l'Hf>E OLIJ ' rl.\IT.l' , guc I of Sit ·~ \Yhittlc lodg~. play d :m important pa1 t in Champion·· early wood; opera l ion · . .-\ t left i · \'e~le)' .-\llen. \ ·ho l~<ts a ntt11•e1· fm· ~:he B'ilt mo t·e fot .e 1 Sc'bool. the first ~b Jl of fo,re$trv. in the Jnited . ta.le, , fo uudecJ b,· llr. ' Car! . \ . Schen 1:.. ti•'.b.t. El i Pou,er. one of Cl!ampi<m'· ea rly super-intendents of l ggi.•~g op r:tcion , is shown at cemer. Mr. Potter >.ened a;, :t, · ·tant su1 erim · ndent w S. :\Ioutgomerl' , mith al lhe . unbw t logging camp of CIJ(IIl1p ion and la ter Look charge o( the old Quinl<tntQ\' 11 loggitt<)· operati.on on A.Uen's Creek, in .H aywood CQunl). Plan t abor Day Program Canton' · forty-fif tl1 annuaL L:abor Day and Fall Fes­Lival this yea1· prom:i e to be the most complete ever ffered, a . to tentatiYe plan lai.d at a . pecia:l m.eetino- in Can ton' lmNn hall iu June. A a triln n to hi con t tent lea ler ·hip, C. G. Poin­dexter general hainnan of Camon' R reation Depart­llK11L wa una.n·imously r -elected general chaitman oi the .annual cei:ehtatio.n. fo.T the tenth co1recutive year. Repn: en from alJ local civic dubs, churches and the city government \ ill support the annual fall Date fot tlte cel ebration this ye'ar fall on Septetn beT l-3, :UJd £ull committees vviU , 001:1 stan action on their \'arious as ig;tlm eo. ts. Mayor W. J. " Bill'' tone wa · elected trea urer of tl:te event and Mrs. Eh,rooct Ebie was named chain:nan of the baby h.ow. Other cbairmer1 include Gu 1'eagl'te and Al w ·iley who will h amdle the beauty conte t. Decoration of floa ts to feature t1 e colorful sq.:,a t para ie will be handled. by ~ farsha1J Coopelo, whi.l C. \ . Hardin, newly elected otnmandel- oJ rh_e Varner-Rhi:rtehart American L~gion P6 ·t No. til, of Canton, will sene .a chai.nnan of treet clecora tiol'l.:.. \rind-mv dccor.arions \ ill be supervised . by B. L Smather . L.oranzo Stmtthcrs, Camon bu ·in ·"' man, wa1> nan ted Gm:tncc chairn1an, · amd grounds a nd <..o-n e:;sions will fa.IJ under Lhe supervis-ion Df .J. N. "D.ic;k" Powell . a lilJ< - (){' th town. hoard of a ld rn:~en. Jimmy Dear:on ·will b~ n a; tet of cerenmnie~, and r h< i (}tb rrw~i tvj ll be handled by Jehn \ Vood, d ireuor of mu it. lox the C<H1ton Fir t Bapti ~t C h titrch. T ull Jami'>on ttnd F1·aflk Smathers w.iJ1 set ·e a co-dtairm,an ~'![ the annual 0 11· ' oft.f)aJI .e;ame sched uled for .Satur-da.y niv, h ~. cp t · be:r 1, 9 t CbampiOJ.l l~a.rk. Hnlet: Learhe1'W<Jod' as u nanimousl,v re-elected ch(!ir-man ot th.e street patade commit t e. Matthews will s.upcrvi,e the pet and doLl . how, [ on on:d eacb. ){ ~.<tr !,v Canton Cnb and C:i:Fl Scout~. ' . T uruer Cathey, · lOng activ in Haywood Count Cornmunit De..,el opm~nt activi ties, will b g nr:ral dlainnan of tht p lalto.r :n entena1.nmerit program, and .Jimmy Deaton anJ J inlmy Williamson ha ·e been as· signed publici t affair. dutie • ll1 Ont1e tlon with the annual The Rev. C. A. Pha up. pastor of the Canton \re ·le an M thoch-t Churdl, ' ill ha ve charge of religious acti itie. on Sunday afto·rnoon and "'vening. Quartet ;"Hld <>roup singing, always an omstallCling­Labnr O~t · fea ture, will b h.andl d by WalLer ·Holton o[ t.he Champion "Y" staff. and riding devices and band m'Usi will come under the chairman hip of Tom R eeves, n ewJy lcct 'd pre id nt of the Camon Lions Club. Cad ton B llamy, a.ssi tant afct · super visor for th Canton D i i ion will ·erve as gen ral chairman of the safely pn gtam durin,g the three-day event. Jack Justice, "Y" staff member, will supervi ·e sporLs, and . q uare dane and string b·md featutes will be l1andled by .Fred Ferguson. Chi ef of Police W. N. Stroup was unanimously -elec ted cha.innan of the traffic com- • m1ttee. .Jobn Sharp was rian1ecl d1airman of the p1·e-Labor Da · clean -up committee, and the R ev. C NI. Thompson ·will serve a · general cha irman of the Negro . fe tiviti s. Ma, or Gerald F ish , of Clyde, ba. named Larry Cagl , Clyde b e-s man, to serve as the cooperative commit­tee in the Clycle area for the a nn ual celebration. ·\1\Taynes­viUe and Hazelwood ·will annou nce their cooperative chairman . oon. ,'\JE \VLYWEDS- Peg­gy A nne Pay ne, da ugli ­ter of_ E. C. Payne, m a chi n e tcttder .in Bookmi'l.l d\h nufac tw·-· ing a t Ca nton Ch am ­pio n, and Lee Evans, -Jc , 0f Asheville and - Dallimore, MeL, were married at the Ca nton 11 i r H J' res by t e ria n Cbii reb J nne 23. T h.e ~Ri de$TO~U1 , ~ n of .Mr. d.nd !\.! 1 ~ - Lee E a ns, of We a ve rYill e and Asheville. is emp loyed II)' the Sta nda r ei Oil Co nt p::t n r in lh l ti ­tno re . I liE £.YflRE l'';\ MILY of 0 St:l-tr " Pete" C: halt!b rs (front, cn te t') <.~Canto n Champion for 31 ~-!!,r ·, i:s ~>ktllri:ld he:1:c jn the C l~drl beJ :i IJ ~Jlll · d~J-riHg a r ce-nt . famtlv 1 ' UIHOn. l,• tr tO nKht, JJ Qut row : ~I rs. No(and l'le .; !Vfrs. Osl'ar hambors: Mr. 'b;Jmb ~rs; Rel>a ' ·lta 1u!, ·r : anti Mrs. Lucy VetitOe, of Na'l'hville, ~l'~l tn . .flacK: tO'\ ; Ehv()otl'; BUl. nf Hn ll :i!l 1, ~1.idt. ; O~tar, j .; H sque, t.i[ CJ'tillf.lpion 's l?i n ibhing Are.!t ; and f , :wk. Thisp1'1oto was ~n:~pped I ' laarl s tlawkill~. a Ch!l tllpiou ltewiuder Rourn forCJoan. 39 • - ' • ,! • Olive r Orange Makes His Bow How ood are · u at deciphering doodle ? On this page are doodle drawn in a rnoment of coi1centration by a H on ton Champion. Since we are unable to read doodle our elve- , we have se t up a Doodle Desk, and appointed Oliver Oran ge our doodle expert. See if you can figure ou t from the doodle and Oliver's analy is of it who the "ar ti st" is, then turn to page 42 and check your findings. This morning a str ange doodle appeared on the Doodle De~k, so we took off in search of Oliver, who knoF s all and will sometimes speak. Oliver is a trange, lost little creature, not good for anything ex­cept reading doodles, and we are glad to have finally found a job for him. His name, h e says, is Orai1ge be­cause n-Othing rllyrnes wi th it, and Oliver doesn't like poetry. To tell the truth, we haven 't so far caught nyone trying 10 write p oem about Oliver, but who <.tre we to a rgu with the doodle exp ert? Oliver Orange it is. Oliv r is not always ea. y Lo find, b~tl today it wa::; .omparatj vely simpl . We di cov "r ed him flat on l1is back, taking a snoo£• under N o. 22 M<lchin •. H e was tired , J. e CX{ Jain 1, frora Sf ending th night 1J ·fore u·ying Lo locat_ the nd of th Fourdr.inie1 wire. H11t lr.e r 11 Lb ~d the Kl e ~p fmm JdQ':i 'Y'I-l ~tnd con:wnL d to ana lyze this doodle. "One tl!ing tLat is v ry d ·ai," said Oli er, ,pvaking in his <k ·pest dooJ le ' xp 'rL · oi. c, " thi -,; doo dl<·r liJLi SL sp 'Dd. a lot of tin • OJ the L ·k pl on '. Sec tile rou gh · c>lch .s of small 1 -1 1 bou :!:> in Lh s , tit ) Hl k r.;?'' Olive Orange t.w iNI ·d hi..; lei t ~·ar :u1 l sf·ud u l 11le doodl e. again . <•Noli .e hf)W d al JH jc(.; fi rr lt; i~ i dl•d ( '1 I.J <tl i.ud ica t ·s h · i..; a cau t~iou s br1y ·r ot '>diet . Hn l, on th lh ~r b a ud, til · u n d c: rli.n i-ng in dica t e~· d (·c b,jv p t.:r SOJ ;;.J i ty. " 'ow tlris tl1ing,' ' <ontin 1ed Oliver, 1 o inliug to (J il t:' t f th d t 1dle , "1 Jo ks \' ·r n 111 d J li ke Hl l anviL ·nnt th a t do <>u ' t s.ccm tu lit. My g u t:.s j_ th a l i r l'I 'JH s n t~ 40 , tl' igt lor a ·i,'1J. I\e ~ ~en '\oHH.' .~:uHnHl the mill Jik . th..tL :-,ec. tl e en Tal d'\)ig T i rqwa.ted 111 hat thodl' wrnhi!Hcl wi th }Y nf t'1,phont·." Vjth th·t OliH~r ling~t ·d a tea r in l• i-; unnalls and LaiWll to wander cU. "\~; i t n mitHtte Oliv ·r ," c 1 allc . "Tell l'" ·ju t a lil d· · mrm.; h -!"vt ' yc)ll ~u." (Hi v ~r o;ighed and 1~ ·lu<t· ·wtl · ct llnpl it·d . <•\rVhy · nyone \.\ i1 h h lf au ye <.an . •c. ·· h , • itl a - w loo k.L l a.l ns little s. ·0rn l utl~, "that this il Jbd ie w. s tloodl ~d by friendly m· n of lorc.efttl p et onali y, ami · good sen c nf h umfJr. l-Ie l'> ·s th • tel vh me a lot, prob· bly tal king ah<Jut money. t-.iow don' t you kn w who it is?'' nd with th a.t Olive wandered slowly df)Wn loV>~rd t ile wl i te: wa te pit at tile wr:t ·wJ o( th mad1iH , a l'.i ·J1in .r p Jl over hi slloukler. --------~---·-------- ------- "- HOUSTON . TEXAS I 0 I 11 I 1'1 f I I ! '-------------------------~----' .JI { l If" 1H.RSO ' . r hi f ofh'c mak><Jf M 1h1' HW h:"' l a I ~ ,-c , JH( n t' , w: dt'h e~ :1 · \1. L . \Vc •stmmeltH\d ~ <t111pks a Wt:UH'l IO:t :s! <I b ' \ t1l t'V lfaust> ll. .. , e-t:'' g.t ve his st::.:d or uppn ,·al (0 N:W• y': J • c ldina t y ~ ill. Tlw Hl <·t·l,atfics' sJii11clig \11: 1~ l1 t:hl jl the Chttn\(>1 '\II EntpL 1y <. IS' Kc•fl c iH!un l , rouild s, with a lmusl a l.llO pcrt:Cill t111 H•li iL • OL\J '\' · 5 ~\fATHt. RS ·dght), di~ughter of J. fi. Ina hel'~. ATHLEE.0 WJ f (below), daugh ex of Jim Witt. . RUBE. 1 BATTLE fright), , on of . Glfben Battle. J> \'1 ' \' .'\!OR ·.\ (tirc.l~, d<~ ughrcr of Ra) rnond ~'JOl· ­gan ... • TALE ·:r J:'>l TtlElR ·J •ern · and in the.i ~ ·~~ was {li playe l by CharnpJon young Lers '3.L re · nt r ·dtah j~n Pa!.adcna~ Piano students of NaT!cy Sm~ther, dae.gllt er of Pu_Jp Mi l Superim;enden · Gknn St~ttatbcr, had their pubJi(· recital ()f'l June 3 at oCarter Recital HaJJ . · ven of th(; 21 ~ tudt.m fi' wL1 played at the te( ita] wer(t .~ou or dawgh­. ter of Champion . Tal ntcd l n ~s tapped their way into th • picture a short lime later when J\.ir<'. Gatbnd MurpJ1y's dan c studem 1Jad 1h.eir recital. 'their l1ig night Wll<> J 1 1c 9 at th~ Pa adena High · dwnJ Auditorium. l' iv Cb<:t J ­pj() lll r t.lllg~ters l() Jk pan in this re ·it. J. Houston Talented Houston Division youngsters of piano and dancing schools display • C;EORGE TE HAYNES, (rigt<tt), is the dnughter of l1 \.'in Harne ' . C:eorgcue· lster, T'onia, a !so danGed in (he recital . J. K. H ~~ H, :!(JU of F. A. Smith. . .. ROJ.Y t J~ORTER , do~. ugbcr of J. E. Pot t r. 41 - : Houston Division Is Host From Hamill n. hi · , t H u t 1, 'e a ·, i .. lot · trip- b. plan , t_rain r :tut mobil . And e . '1 . • en rive. Ch~ rupion c r o therwi ~c, ha" a wullitu e tif " hair­born ," dntie. that 1m. voidahly • ·upy l great p- r l. hi.· time. ' In , pi I.e of thes d i ffi r n l d ~. m ll I r. of Q, mpi n ·: ~ncral office 1: p man· g-en 111 n are ·equ .It visit 1s "do> ·n T . • wav." a ·ion" llv. an e · . 1ti · tlf a rrm that bn~ .. [rom t h ampion ' ·ill· L vi it. ll1 H u~lon mill. "ldom thou ·b , ch>e· th . Houston DiYi i n pla · ho' t t mot than n r n t a tim . Pi tur d h re, a they ' ·ur ed and , ·jsired in th mill is thn Jar · roup to appear in ~ everal months. HERB R..\_,· n.\L left, Yi -e-p1 i(\enL in · · h <~rg- of . re ar h ;:wd en, i nc~ring. rh~tts with Papt>r ?.Jill SYf erintet'ld cnt Dick lkt t <,. center, and P roduction )lana er Ste\e htt t: ::t bout a curter problem . Lucky, Lucky Masons By Julianne Hunt Are you thor­oughly tired of the constant heat? Stud)' this picture for a few minutes and concc-ntrale on all that cold, cold now an.d, maybe, the thought of it wi lJ bring your t .mperatur down a few degrees. Mr. and Mrs Harry M s :m ar- th Ju c y p opl in thi:s pktur. . lt ,vas made on J un 1 at S1ory, \V ·n. * • • * You h ·ar a Jot 11( :t.afk ~tbr1 u t court<'l1JY 1 Ul tid-, itt'Hl do '!; a particularly fin j 1 of ddiniug )I: ''Ljl ' is JHH so l1ort hut that th 1:' j j) ;cJ l way~; tirn ' Jor (Oifrl ''> - Emerson. ' . ''And cou t !>)' lllak s for a }Hlppi 1 working d ... l.ot· 'vcryoH · .. : lt's Ur· fri nd1y "It llo'' ym gi c : . you ~v· lk 1hrough tl) (Jffi .e ... t 's rJw l1 ·lping hand you g·ivc on tl~-.e jnb to a fel'low wor r who' jtht " leun· n'lg the rop s ... 42 Ll. • M ZfN .. F.XEC ,~nvE Dave Btuml}aa(l'h., r ight. and 'ln. BtL(mbangh tm1 the n1iH with 0i¥hlon '\1 an a<Ter \'. R. "1nte . hey .an to Houstcm with the Ch!'l:rnpion exerntiv gwup CH.·\MPJO V I ~E- J?Rfl:. ' LJ ) I~ ~ 'T JOH~ OSnott::-:.1:. and Henn Ri~by, ass.i<i fanl tn the prc' i lent. two oi th fi~c di •!inguishe;l n ·J tors <~t fJollfnon, hol·d ;t ·birr- sle ve s. rut o\cr t;>li ri .,, Noticed and hean J around the offic : Jerry ancl P1:e ton Blal0ck are counting the day. until they can move intO their new hom in Pa adena. J err y says the weeds are a ir ad r three feet hi ·h in her front yard. Pauline Pitre and hu band Jenning · spent a mOlt -njoyable week at the Eagle Rock Gue t Rat ch t Ea,gl Rock, Texa ·. Pa'ulin rode a h r e the first da • an l had to eat all the rest o ( the week , up. Curtis Mease, th t; n e·w '";ist nt di,·i. ion co11tr ll r~ replaced Les ter Glart.,_,r '"''ho rec ntly resigned. \ V. J. \'\ <;tover was th en promoted to t?lhu htt ing; ~~ ~~ en i:sor to tAke Curtis' p lace jn Tab. T her sc m~ to be a contest b ·~w .en Roll11 H )pki'm and G l ' ntt C ri b.h~~ r() s e who (:·~ n w ar t ltc lnud ·sl , po l .•d'li rts. Somvtim ·s we hav to pu t on . on glass ·s l ec<1 u ~c u f th ' gla.J' . OLIVER ORANGE'S ANSWER I kr ··s th<' answer Oliver Onnge g:l\e to the dondl iHg qui:t 10 be louud on pitg·e 40. CHAS W. DABNEY, JR. 1. fRighH J. C. Archer is making a test with A. Ammeter B. Hydrometer c. Barometer D. Thermometer • I : • 4. (Right) Jim Schooling is adjusting A. Brightness Meter B. Analytical Balance C. PH Meter D. Mullen Tester 3. (Left) Dan Potter is at the controls of A. Number 22 Machin~ B. Hydrapulper c. Number 22 Supercalendcr D . Number 23 Supercalender • 5. (Left) Clem Miller i~ preparing to light A. Pipe Burner B. Welder's Torch c. Spot Burner D. Tank Heater Houston 2. (Below) Jack Dixon is measuring motor revolutions with A. Tachometer B. Odomet r c. Speedometer D. Manometer Do You Know • You r Mi ? • Test your Champion niQ" with this short • qu1z B -"~' .S rwz f:t li1 Hoi\ \HI.f. do )Oll k11ow \O d l 111iii :O let yu111 uull ··~d\~" by LlVItlg to id, · ~trif dw Lool' , op('r;ttiou-. ,uad lll<~. tl it t( ''> pi(lUrcd I H~t·. F11111 <ltoitt '\ at,· lhtt•d v. ith l'ad1 pilltu. · 011 " <OIIC·ll. .\fake 'CHit t ltoitt\ .l!ld IIJt: IJ thr ·(k ~0111 <111\"(f~ \litfl lJHl · J~.,tul on pag(· 11 Rat \Otn,, II dl UJldin~ to tlli' \c, llc . Cntlltt .111 \ \H"J \; I t tt ·llrnr , I g11od, .I .11 ("t 'tgt , :_,! <Jl fe,\ jJOOI. 13 t I . I • HaustoR 00 YOU KN·OW YOUR MilL? Her • arf' th ans\'CI'.' !) th<.: qul1 tJH .,.·on;~~ ou p:~ . }. : 1-B. a hsclromct r; :. - \ . t hot K'l T: :t-( :, i\ n. 2~ Sup.enaknder; ·1-B. u ~wah tic:tl b Jan c: ,HI 1 !l-H. a wehk h. r ·h. Honeymoon In M exico Bv Addle (;ufth· • l\li~ Rutbic Jea.n R< l eru u and L u Hauk.~ \-\: "r ' married j \:Ull' 9 in th ,;\I tth odist C h u r h at J a Porle .C•:,;:as. Rut! i¢ t.'\ on th oning Line a nd L >o is in the .\tnt ' Air Force, sLa­tioncd a l Elli ngton Fi lcl. Th ' honeymooned in Old Mexico and are now resid­in at 6 1-i South Main treet in Pasadena. * F lying high - with the Air Force 'plane ail;lbulance service - has _put a lot of weight OB Kenneth LaFay Bogg . Kenny was practically "skinny" whe:n he ·worked for Champion in the summer of 1944. AJJd b:e st~cyeel thin until he 'vent into service. Now tlu:s husky young son of R. L. "Booger" Buggs weighs 240 pounds. Kenny is ta.t ionecl near Springfield, Mass. at '1\l t?..s t­over Air Force Ba e. He went into the in l)ec­emb r 1 50 and like 1t fine~ The ther young fc JJ o~.v is Booger 's grandson, .Ylichacl \!Valla ·e Holmes. Grandfather says he was good by the titlle J1e was nine mon t.hs old. Michael is R. L .'s only grandson. M i -hael's dad is 'Robby Holn:les, also a Chamf ion. He works on No. 23 JVhdtin (;R NDSO Wi! llare Holm .44 D S ) of H<>Hil i Olr' It 1.. Hog~ .n c· s, Lcfr, and K!~ nm· tl Lc.tJ•·•y Hv~ • r)~hl , longhorns In Louisiana - I '\.' !: 1 nl Fwtv" T!lj t 1 lttcJ (I lo\ '} u tu~t J,av don • -,on c tra\.di11·. . t lea t he lnoh~ li 'c rr f c,·a.., «H: r. l-hH this. pi(­ture • 'a'i indtult. I i n ~ \a- < Lion por Jr tH ··t 'fld · · .J c~s 'lh ·rirlg and th i\.1 i).,u, aHd he a .. i.t wa: ' tak ·n in L0ui .,_;1 na. "J hf: £riJ(;J idg , \-'('TlE tc , (tJHFO · to 'i i 1 their d· ugh ter and -~ ~m- i.n - la. \', ;\[r. and ~h · C. B. Fluit vl:ho li"e ther •. The F lu ius a lso have about 7fl a cs of <lit over timbcrlau l n ar Columl ia, La. and tb <I t w<Ls. where this p i tttr · I· a tak n . Je s~ and hi wit· sp ·rtt mf>'H oJ Llle ir vacation out on the farn , wa t hio:.. bu lld:uzers cl oar tb.e ground for pasturtla.nd. He 1apped thi" picture along \ ith several of the cl arin~ opcratirms. T..w enty-fiv acres .of the land already under culti\-a-uon. .Jess particularly likes to talk. abf>ut hi -, John Loy Fhtitt. J ohn attended Loui iana Sta (' l'ni­versity where he was an R.O.T.C. ~tudent. He \Vt'll to Georgia ckrring J tme for six weeks o( can1p trainincr. . "' . .. This 1 icture might well be captioned .. A > of Little." Thee peopl·e in the picttue are feur Tenenu iom of the Little family. Thomas Little (rjgbt) i a · tired Champion from Ham.iJ ton. He worked f r Cham­p> ion from 1917 to 1950. Pearl Lit le is a Hou ton Champion and ·on of Pear;l has worked continuou ly for Champrf 1.1 since 1926 -and he came to Hou totl, in 19<19 where he is a supervi or on 25 <mel 26 Machin . l;Ii:s son, John, i. a superin t ndent ()f the l'i her Body Corporation in HamiltOn. The yonn man 'itrin r ber·ween his kRees i his son, John te ,'eson, Pearl' . grandson and Thomas, gxeat gran lson. This p.ictur was made ·when they a ll rame down t Hous·wn to vi ·it Pearl. Pearl also has a son, Glaarl s, who is a pip ~Ltt\'r for Champion at Hamilton. '\notlJl'f . on, Thm11a , ,\·a~ a H cru ston Chan~pi(m unlil Uncle Sam called him into the A nned Servi c(':s. He i a ow' scn·in t; with. ~l nn alr · unit i:n J apa n. •• • •,. J' O lfR (,Jr:, Lf:R TIO/'\'i of rhc LiUic famU • lll('tt at the hnnll' of I'•':J ll 1-JttiP, J llmhton Lh:unpinn. ThtlllHIS. righ1. g,.,.,_., gTan.l L:1tJ Jt 'l ; Pc.t tl , left , g raJ)d"fatllct; J~1 h.11 , (eflt,:l', lach r; und John . 11! I;SI.Ifl Lillh'. CA~TO:\ 'S C.\ 'fr' HOPE. ~h01n1 in this aer ial ,·ie". occnpie, a 27 -aCie . mountain plot, with <tn adjoining- -10 · ------ ' acres for f u t ure cJeve lopr.n e nt. J\l ain build ing is linked wi th an open air pavil ion a nd :1 shelte red picnic unit. Here emplo)ees ca n e njo: fi,hing. pitnit~ ;ond dioortlTS, dancing. indoor game~ ;.~nd :1 \,·idt \ ,oric:t\ ot >flO•t,,