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The Log Vol. 3 No. 08

items 6 of 6 items
  • wcu_canton-71.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • A CLEAN SWEEP Record of Accidents BY DEPARTMENTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1916 8 to lire fact that the Accident (hail p.k. and the black, disfiguring ;rvvious charts published in ;©f their absence." As th-se of accidents which have ents during each month, this occurred in any of the de- Sovemher.' We know that the has In en highly satisfactory to Committee, and we are equally. > the men, whose interest and • ecoid "a month without an ac- "As m an attack of infantile Whali Which vvj Do you v. s little daughter, '"Jin- lad to report, is about When\ ■ Man Thinketk ell a dent." When ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^_^^_ es, daughter of Mr. and M A. V. Haliburton, who was operat stop to consider it, the entire prevention of disabl- on for tonsilitis, is improving. teidenta, for a month, in a Mill of this size, employing such Mr A D. Woo<i ia in R,x.i,e„, a large lumber of men on sue-: • at variety of wot k, is no easy New York, having been ealled tfe< taking and when it is accomplished we have good reason to on aeeoont of the death of ftis owl : ,.irselves. While we can hot spend too much time in er> Mrs- c- v Wood. Ob Sum! self-congratulation when we have a big job on our hands, we have ^l"l°°^'t ^ T'^'r —!' , 7" the satisfactji n of know ing that we have found the means to solve „nt0 God who gave it. for m» a difficult problem, and v'-ien we have done this the only question years she suffered physical pain. in the future is one os "Eternal Vigilance." So let's keep after most beyond endurance. &nring I it. so th tt. the exception to the rule in the future will be the Chart '*s* two ¥«*r* of her life she was c« with the disturbing black lini fined to herbeil, requiring the constant ou would n eare ofamirse. In this sad bereave ment, the loss of mother, the Cham tl- ht'fil pion family extends their sincere ;;ir.;;iM,ii sympathy. Some of us have passed through ' , " ■' this hour of trial; we have stood by lv lick the open grave and looked upon th* eask«1 wbieb eoatained Iheefcrthlj re- What Did i ( Profit Hi .•■>-..-. in the friendly bosom of mother At the Fulton st -eel nation Purposes and Methods of , the Cheerer Club 8 PRIKTBD IS MADE FROM CHAMPION SULFHrVE AND SODA PULP |

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).