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The Log Vol. 22 No. 05

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • • • JUNE 1940 1 CONTENTS Pac;J'") Some Pt-ocasses in the Ma'.tinq oi Cbampion Paper_ • _ . _ .. _ .. . _ . . • 3 The Grow lli of O ur Country Parl 23. Iffinois_. _ •.. _ . .. _ . .. _. So~ !n.teresfinq Events wh k h Oecurr~d in lw:tJL .• _ •.. __ . _ . ~ . . 7 EDITORIALS 8 j?resi d®t Hoo&~v oU A.sks. for BillroDs for D-efeJ:lBB _ ·~ • . • • • • . • . • 8 Rarncssmg the Sun's !lay._ ... , .. __ Til£ CHAMPION FAMILY N£ lNS H am•' I toll D't vU• Ja•o n ••..• _ ~ _ . __ • • . • . . 1· 0 Can~n Division ._ _ .... ~. . ..... _ _ _ 23 1-I.oustcm Di vi lcm •.•. • •••• --·-··- 32 ..c..: a nd_v"'! ' -vt~t l6 u1"\i. •J Vt• sW• U- .•.••••••••••• 3~a • • • • Volume XXII JUNE 1940 Number 5 Es t-ablished 1 S14 - - - - P ·ublished by "The HAMIL TON,. OHIO HOUSTON. TEXAS •• .•, •• •• •• Twenty-Filth Year of Publication Ch,ampion Family" CANTON, NO'RTH CAROLINA •• SANDERSVILLE.. GEORGIA • Tbe paper 1or the cover of this ma9azino is Champion Co.rdw ain. and is mado in our Ca-nton Divis~on plant o~1 ol wood lrom the {oreBts of the s.outhBrn .state-s. i h 4) pap:et tor the inside paqee ie. Champion White .K'mgetold EnaJ;nol made in out Hamilton plant. We Qlanwactwe many cpade.s ef b leaohod papers. M'aC1bine Finished, SupeJ C.alendexed. and Coa ted. • 0 J, C~fJ!ifl/lJYL T i llS 1du·.to mnnl :•g<..: .of c~uldi~...I C:~liiCtr• ~~~~:)lu· ~ r~ l p \J , I:, a <.:11 11 11 '< ':-. 11 (.' J ' ICI U If' ul rlw V ti l I ftll S l'rt Jn·,.., t. in dtL' nJ.tnuf.HIIfrt: •A J'UIJ' ;•Jtc..l p~l}'t:r in ' l" hl· Ch.ttnl'i(Jn Pdpl'r :t nd l·ih l'c pl,tnl:-. in IJ.uniltrHl, Ohiu; C cllllnll . '\1111 h C:nnlill.:t <tnd fl tHtstr,n. ' f' f•'('IS. ' L'hc Cl,clt11J'i<Hl Cia~· l'l..tJat i" luLa tcd at St:tndcr~vill t ( ;corgi:t. '· Yn11 willnt •lL' iu tlli"' lnp l eft-hand cor ner i:l sltown 1 h..: fpr~.;s t -lht: ~uurcc nf r~.n.v rnatcri ~l for wr ,od pulp paper. ' !"he tH'XI pit.:lurc. f;-<un kft UJ right, shr,ws lt)gs bein ~ unl(laded fronl ca r:> and cut in trJ prupcr len gth ~ . The billets th<~n pas~ thrr~t.Jgb the dn11n barker. ''here all bark i ~ rerno' c:d, anJ the wocJJ th t •rnughlr clcJ nst:d with \';Her; after \ hiclt tl•c \·ood is \."lll inLCJ s mall ch ips and stored in bin loot­ted OYer the diges ters. ' l'he digt:~tcr~ or tanks (see first picture ::,CtPtH.l section), \rheH fi lled \ith ch ips and aciJ or alkali liquur, i;; cool·ccl under ~ tc~rn p ressu re until all th~ f1brcs are thoroughly sepa rated, after which the pu lp is blown f rum digesters t hro ugh la rgc p_i pe in to \·Vash pits and thoroughJy v.·ashed; then it passes O\'C r screens, through the b leachers and ou to the pu lp IYtachines, where the fib res are fonnccltogcthcr, pressed u ried ~ ntl made in co rolls or bales. In the th ird en ion are shown from left to 1 ight; fi rst. the Carnon plant; in the cente r the 1-I an"lilton planL a nc.l third the llo uston plant. 'l'he ce nter section shows a portion of \)omc uf the bu il di ngs, pc.Hn~r lines a nJ smo ke s tacks; the compoundi ng dam o r L a ke Logan nca r Cn r1lon; bales of pulp ready for shipment ; beaters and jor­dans for cu lling the Jib res into proper lengths . 'The fi flh sec Lion shows Lhe la rge pa per n1achi ne$ used in the Champion mill s . Si~lh sccLion; first) rcwinucrs; secondt co~llcd paper festooned jn drr ... ing- loft; thirtl. SUjh!r-calcnders and fuunlt c utters . Hc•llOm ~ec ti o n shows Lhe Fi n i ~ hi ng R oon1 \"here ~ ' the papc r is Gt r l.! full~ snrtcu, tuutll c..'d, trimrncJ to si%e, p ropt:& l}' packed for shipping a nd lootkd in c tr:::.. (3) ' 2 5 • . .._.....oun· ~ The Formation and Derivation of The States of Continental United States and Its Contiguous Territory Author's Note In thl' .\ilri\. 1)3S. issuC' or 1"1llt Lor;, \C lx-g:ll1 H Sf'rieb or n:i ... h_..$ ~m the l.'pjtcJ St:l~('S a!H~ its Contiguous '1\~rritory. Jn t' ·ts :tnJ (u\Uf~' i~SUCS WC shall Si\'c I) ShOrt history (){ ca.:i :-t, 1.. T his wi'l require ~ great c.h.:~d r>f rcscnrch work. J h:'\" ~,·~r. \'(' 1 l'i e 1 b t \ hcse artidt>s will be helphd to some rc:.:3l!~.r$ of \his ma~ninc. (PART 23}-U.LINOIS lllit'c->i::-. a s.latc it1 the ~orth Cen t ra l Di\·igion o( Lhe l ilttet! ~tate· of .\ mcrica; bcmnclccl by Kentucky, 1vli ssouri, \"i.-cc, l udi<tna, lnwa and Lake I\tichigan, \ :Vat> admiueJ u. The l:nion Dt'cembt:r 3} 1<. l t); the eighth state added to the nri o ~nal thineen. t:fbe state i~ 3/b mile~ long; and 210 n1iles wide. with .an .._ area of 56.665 c.qnar~ miles. P optllation in 1930 \>..'as 7,630,­(.) 54-. The sralc i, divided inlo 102 cOllltLies., with the capiLal at Spring11eld . sit.uaLed nearly in the center e ( the state. First Settlement The first white seLtkmenL in the state "'·as the J estlit ~li~siofl at the Indian YiHage IZ.aska skia, founded by J 1 larquettc, f.! French Je::.uit _1\ fissionary and Antetica o. ex-plon.: r. TLe first [.urc1peanc.. pcrhap.,, to sec I ll inois vcere J acques 0-:Iarqueu~ and Louis j uliet in 1663 . J oliet, La S~llc and Tc.Jdli vi~iled the rc.·g i(ln again i1'1 J 679~ and 1n 1680 La Sa~le awl He11nipin t:stabli~hed ChrisLian ~ f i ssions at Kaskaskt a, au lndian vi\laoc in the sotnln>'~ Cster n part of lhe sta.ce on the ri .. Jtt bank (A Lhe fZaskal>kia ri\ cr and nl:!a r its mouth. '1h 1: French entt..:rcd the EULLe from Canada by way of tl.\· fJL)rJ and \ li ·,i~sip,,j Rivers, and in the l:arly part of the ~·i.~.dn eent h c<.:nlil r: tr.Jns \·ere huiJl a lon rr the ~,l .ississippi Jt .. ~~~- 'J he cl 1i e.f c,f 1 h~ .... e for1s in Illinois wa~ Fort Charles1 . ·This reproduction of the Blue Field of Ule American flaq shows th:e Statu in ordel of their admiti'ance to th& On.K>n. OF Fort de Chartres, said to be the last fonitlr. tion in .\m~ii­ca to l()v\rcr the 1i rcnch !lag. lltinoi~ kJr"11eJ ~ art of the :\:o rthv.-est T~rriLory. anJ in 1763 be(atn{' a part nf 1\.merica. '1'h c Briti sh gu\~ermnent annexed it to Lt\e Pn.willc~ of Canada, bm the 11rsl settler~ \ere iron \ it~ini~.·· fore. \ 'irl!inia daimed the ''hole of t ~~ nl·r 11\rC~t btJt Iuter yielded i'u s clai1n to the llniLetl 2tate". Illinois Enters The Ul:lion Early in rhc Re,·0hnion> Geor~~ Rogers 'Llvk m~~1ni··t."\ an ~xp.ediLion for the conqnest of tht.• u:rritvr~r . lle ~a 1'~ureJ K r.u;k~1ski a a,.nd e tablishNl the title o( the lnit~..·\l Surt':; l l tl. 1 n 1778 tht' \ t'jq::i.nia Legislatur~.; ou:~~tni""\.'d .;t p Ht nf tl int( th~.; C0Lmty of ltli nni:\. H P\.'t'\·c:.·r. (liter th<' Rc\•luri\.!n n· \~' ar the wllnle rr.:~ii.Hl w~ .~ u.:d~·ll to th · l 'niu.-.,.1 ::\. ~tH'S .Hl~ .pl ~tCt•d U!1d ·r th~· {.'Pntrol o£ L't>t1\:n:~~ b) thl' f,\!lhlli$ lll'< ;_ n. ncl.' \1( 17o7. lllint')i$ \hl ' lll.tJt• ,\ .• d:,\t' •t\:rrtt\11 r vll l•vhnHn\· 3, I SOlJ, .tn l b' i, ,jl\l rt•$t•luti\•n r'\{ l \)tH:.h!.St\ .wJ dH.' ~t· n it '' ns m:nl~ ;l t\Htt~ 'lll<ltut<·r\.•J tlK· t ' 11t\.\n D-\.~cclq- IH:• 3 lXIX, f)tJ<.' hundn•tl :llld t\etH}' ott~ ~'-'·l'~ ~-wd :-. IDI• Hll IJS .~l.} I l. I l ll imt~s sulrt.'tt~d f1um th) l H;t~.:~ 1 bwk \·u in l~ ~- 1t\d (4} ,1 (~.,·w ) t,Jt!) 1,11\'1 tht ~ .. , ,,..llhJII~, \ llLJ h.n:l r\l't tl"·d Ill 1'\ •u' n '· \1\l' l t: d tiu·n tH tl h\' l tnliM\~- I llt nc·i~ i ~ s.tid tP h • tltt' l''tt tu .. h f•>lJll o( !\11 .\ h~, nq·ltf' II ndi \n 11 1 n'\L' \1\.''t.nltt)' ' f 11t C..: , ·k n" ltnd ww hurn..: b~ 1 u u\ {c •t.h· r.t\i·P II tlf t fdt\'' Ill th,• l' h\( It\ i\ 'li·,, j~~tppt \ l\k\ . fllirH,i..; , ..,. dttHl i.r~ l ;Ppnl ttiun, ..l ud ti1 ~ nt•JtH J'l)l'llkrus • 1 ,, 1 c \H · t 1 11' d w \ II q • Ia .u' \ j\ l n ll n I ft 111 ~ • ·r op 9l' y ' l;lw Sllll' t•l Jll it11•is i~, in th · t11 ~\ iu lt~\.l'l , ris111., in .tt\ iHdh\,·plt iW l l(l,tl\ HJl) 1t'H ll i-'1 1." L '<"ti lu h~ ~~I) lc..Pt...lhWl: ' t ... ·l 5 1 h \ ~1 in j,> [)({ Yi(·~ < \1un~. ·\ ~r'tll '"'f dJ\' 0 /:-n l. :'\Iottnl~,ins '"'""H-.. ;},e ~\)uthcnt ~"'Ht nf 1 h~ 1.. ;u~.. [ h··n: ~~a g t ;tthrwl ~n ... J .'\"ltt'ntl :-.h'JIC \PW<nd lht "' ... ~'- Drai 1aqe ~("Hl thf\''t"-'(t)\ttth:-; t.~f tftc ht'Und~IY qt tb (• ~ l ;ll\~ j~ L >t 11 H'd l \' l' .. \'P rll d~,... . \ l\" \'l. ;a'HI ] ~\ l..l"' \ 1i ~.~hi \l"a n. ' l'}u.-. tl\a I I\ rt oc1~ t\l dh' inr ·ri ... H .u-c the l'{wk. lll {pni .~ .uH.1 tlw l,;t sk~l)o. l{io. \h~d· {lo._\ tHh" list· 7\li ~is. i~'l' ._ flq·,·tt~lt th1 ir l:\1''!1.1lit" t -...ttT HllS w'rndt aff,,rd ~"•'Pl~ \4t,, ~lll pi~. · r h~rc' a f·w !nrdl Lil..,·s. ·n thr b uth !lnJ R(luth. R oureos and P oduc . \ L!ll ~ ~"-•rti )n "'"'r dw :·:t ,., r e l"i u tHlf•,·l a !d ''it h bj t u mi nnns 1. J t · "tit..ilh· t)nt"' tHt h nf ~ h(.. ent i1e l iLLnniU("~ll ' L't':t1 .tn'a • p{ ht' t'nh·'-'1 3t·He:; i::- \ilhiH i'rs l'<'HdclS. l·ir\' drJ.\', k c.HJlin~ 1 ·ad. 0]'l er. ,: th·. lfnh.'~l.d l '·~'. ~.u1d~t \ 'll~~. ~ hh, i 1 P ll nrc. l't!l ro­! -\. t :1m.! ~'Q:.: i, .. f,1n1hl in Lu~<' 'ltlJHllt1i~·s. <rl'hc ~\)il is ~x'tR'r~-dty 1 i.:h and ~tlit<.·J t cLgrkuJture. One mi~h\. $1~ f,·lf dt' ""hi~f i11J\t:o;try i~ farrnin.~. 01 at lca~t bas 1,,. ' . L l 1 ~)·elL ne i..'itt \ ~.:r·ops nn.:· l~f,lll ,,1,c,~t. <.aut. ry(', "ar cy. bndn tf:(·.n .. t )h.'"''\ .. , rot~no~s ,1tld h.1y. Y(!get:l.bJes ~ncl fruit ~\'C rrr rh"·eJ tn .. bttndance. 'l 1H~ ~tate is UJlC of the fo rc­f\: t .-.· in ~(..'t ~rai dfm ~\rudtr !Sand corn, pt~rhaps. rnn.k.$ fll st. rt~ 1 -.·t<' than •"~·.f'~lJ\1J)Ll0 :h:H"~ :-lre divit.h:J into 265 . 000 f:.nns. ,~(y: aiuin~ ~r u1 ~.()05 000 atres. 'l'he total v~luc ' o~i r::u m rr, 't <:i:t")' i!\ ~lout $2 .tlOO.:OOl\000. Ulin0is i.s :x tn > .. 1t nL~nufac..tu 1ing state)' largely due to ttu.n~; a:n:d;t n a h ~·•H.a~e~ by na\rigable ri \"~rs, Jal "'S and by nji~:·;:}~h.i. H< t "-h:t ( indusrrics are sl:1ughteting and meat :r•l ·:king. Ju.· n1annfa.\.'llll'<"' of irc.)D and steel, foundry and rnach1nt' ~!h r pn Jncts. furniture, agricultural impJernenLs, ·llltbi:ng~ rr= nt ing a nJ pu blish~ng. electrical tnachinery and •• r •. :'"""a.\ Cities ... r ... ~ntr.fieiJ. the Carital, is lt"Cate-d in Sangamon County, 1 ,-,0 n1!h:t- ..,utli. ·, \lf Chica~o. I t contains besides the State ~ C..a:pit-o-1 hniktir:g, ,\·hich cn~t $.+,000,000, rhe forn1er re idence ·:..f Pf~idt-nt Lin('.c,ln~ th~ Linco1n ~atronal ~l onu n1ent in t c!k RiJg-e Cen<erery-7 Ct ·ncordia College, Bettie Stuart In- 5t~l Jte at!d o·t her i)uildings and places of interest:. ,.fh.c ('~t.- \"3S foltnded jn 1819, becarn~e the county sea t in !'821. tind recci,·e~..l irs city charter in 1 \¢0 . l t was rn ade Lhe C a!"'. ta 1 ot- 1'.1." a not.s 1. n 1 <:'~J ­1 . • • Cticago, s!tuar.~d on Lake ~ fichiga_n _.and Chicago Ri\-er, a ro1ula.uon o~ Lhrec and a half mtlhon and cnYers ' tnore t!::ar. :!00 ,..(1\.Ja re ntile~. The ci1.y is locared on an ext rernefv rlain. and i$ surrounded by manr beautiful suburbs. I~ 16~~ the french built a fort here which soon becarne a t radl~ 6 rr~st. ']he. carljest Senlcr knv\n is Tcan Ba-pt.isLe P oint de , .. tible. \•:he· in 1777 built his cabin ·on the banks vf the _Chi~a?r.~_~h~er. ln 1 tC chis cabin. became the prop­t: rty· o: _J.,Ijn 1-...ntZJe. the nr~t Amt.:rican-1 onl white man to n:ak.-! hi~ b(Jffi~ here. 1 • \Yhcn C·:Avnel (Jeo_r~e Rn,g-e r~ CJ~~k. fro:rn Vi r~~i nia, made ..:Jt: co~u~ est ~~r. Lhe ~w rt.h\:t: st Jn 1;79., ·thts regH1n became nan <A rl.~ I n11ed ~tar~sA 1~t e land at t:he mouth oi the .cCnekajfl Jli,er/' as it was called al theaJ time. ~,as. ceded to ~he C nited States c;rn ernment by the 1J:Jdians. 1~he hj·s-ot. r:al .f o rr lJearborn was erected her:e jn 18U4- a reJ:ilica I l. . ' ~ o ~·huch $tapJ~ in H\Jrnham Pa rk. . 01 . .ugu&-t J 5. l ~ J 2, the fort ~ as am bushed by the 1 n­dtan:; and toe tnbabnants bru1allv mtts~;;H· rc:cl and rhe fon burn<:J. " . Ch~caf!O v:as in<..orp'JTCA.ted as a Yilt::.?t: in 1t ha~ a pr:-,p· L:ai~..-n vf nearly 3,500,.000. ,..fhe 'foda\ . ' - <•• Jl}' s gc~ e~v-.H • I tllinois Supreme Court Bu.ildin:¢.t. Spr1Jtgf!a,ld. lJUnole trt~gedy )C'curred in Octt>berf 187 1. thr- Chic-~go ftn: wh_ich ntach~ ncce~ s ary thr rc::li.)Jtilding of a great pnrtHH1 of tiLe cuy. In Chicag'' is maJ•llf<tctured e\ e rr conccj,.~.'lblc t ype_ of producl 7 from cnnfcct itlnery tn railnxtd c~1 1 s. Il r:'lnks hr<\r in lumber transactions · it i ~ the ltirgest c' 11nrnerual flower t1H1rket; it ra nks first i'n the v\Orld as Ji·vc~Lock ma rkf"i ;lnd meat-pack in~ center. ·rhc grniu n1ar:1<ct is the \vortJ~s la rges:1.. and the s teel area about Chicag-o is 0.11e uf the greatest. Jt is al&o the la rgest ra il road cente r of the world, and the ccnler of 1fnit cd SU1Les air, hus and truck tra n spo r ta t.i~Jn. I-ferc we lind hundreJs CJf intcres-ling b11ildings, such as the Fi elu 1'vfv$eu rn o{ ~ aLu ra l }fistory; T{osen,va ld } f useu tn of Science 411d Jndustrr; libraries; the LTniversity of Chicago" North western "(-n,iv·er$iLy; the .. \rt Institute r; f Chi.c;ago,_ etC.1 no ne of which i,s n1ore jntcrcstino· than the /\ dlcr Plan<:tariun1 . ·The city a lso has a great srstcm of parks . Chicago i·s the se·cond largest city in the l 'tlited Stales. Tcs water suppl}T is ta ken frrJtn Lake :\lich igan by• ttlilnels under the ·bottorn of che lake. 1·he nea rest intake i ~ rh ree miles f rom the sho"re.. The population is C<:)mrosecl of many (r.'o:uti.rutPd nn Page f;ix) Ge11tonnial Build1 nc;J~ Spt inqite-1d. Illinois. Lincoln's Bom:e. SpTin9"field. lWnois forcicn element$-. ~on1e occupy·ing a di stinctive .quarter in~ d 1ding wid1in i t!' lim .... its its o,,.n cultu ral and. recrea ti onal insrirurion:. On the west side is the ltali a \1 district. Along ).la.nn::ll treet is the ghetto wili1 its s i de~~· a l k n:uirket. Then then~ i$ China - t 0 \':\' 11 . '<Vh ich one loves to visit .q.l nigh·t; the. G reek d i ·trice CzechosloYa ki a and Others. On the so1.1th side the re a re more than 200,000 colored pe0ple. T he Ch~ca~o Drainage Canal which conducts the t ity,s sewera ~e into the :::VIiss.issippi l<iver: was coropJeLed J anu.a.ry 2. l<JOO, a l a cost of $33:000,000. · Peoria is the second ci t~' in the t a t e~ both in ]'eJ,p ul ation and in industri al 1 mponance. T here arc <dso n1 a n~r .oth er !a 1 ~e r iries in t he s tate C)( industrial jmpon a11ce. · Education 'fhure ~ re \Yithin the stare th irty-two umiversiries, c,ollegcs :and tcchntcal !:>Ch r,~oJ s. the n10Sl OlJI Sta nding Of which a n.~ : :•liv~rsily 0£ Chicapu ; A n nuur I n~t i tut e of T cchnologr ~ . 'UHJP.\CS1t ru LJni\ {·roitv. ,· .. James \Jlilli k~ n tlnrycrsir)r,· Krwx (_,.-,llcg-· ; Uti ,)t,i:; C.Ju (~g ,· ; ] lliuois \ o tcH,·n's Cn.llege; Lake I· c~(f!S.f. CoJkp.r!.; S h~Jli a ncl Coll ege, ~ uti Lite l 1It i\· r r si l }r or JlJJJ!(JJS .. . ' l it ~ ~1 H I ? IH.t. , dcJO~' and ifi dning. great t lti11 ~S f• )l' l:'duca­TI' •Il. v.tlnch tS fn ~· ~~ 11 d C: CiHlpllbtJry inr c..lukln•tt I H.l l. \· t'~l\ the." ii.p-<,;') t;f <: t..- \ ' • .. fl ;) )ld jiJI I!( Cf..'ll . TJ, <·.Ahrcd l ~ tn Lineoln li•Htlt\ dw o11ly h ot~ ,c ln: ,.,·et ·cl . 1 ~ locat••d at rh~.: t c,1 TH" t t)f J<iphth 'Uid fitt·l\' f>Jt Sr rt~· t s •l l1n• • ! .{f< ~ ' ' I( .JI , I ll'1 1Jt)J. • J n tin. s h uH •.: Litu t, I n t: t·nr 1'1) nv1i [ v• hi"~ CJl, lri~ JU;tnin.!l ic,n r(•J r h (~ J'lf H h ' l'h } . I [ t•t c i\ fr. a n~! . 1 r . L illi t')ln )JhciC·t~v: d l I \J ~~~ ~ · II flit·ruJ ' \ l tt' ll I " y l rt!V(", l to \Va. hin{•l t,jl. ' UlyJ;.S ~"'-8 S. < ,'rnn1 . r-is.dt t • r\lh !-'IJ ·~ t,._l, · rl( (I( l l~e• t 1Hil u.l ~lgt lt'& , t f j iJ~d til ( .:tlt•JI.t l.l l!11' :tj ~, I"' \WJllfi l q tllld l;Jrll ~ tin \C! ~d It r l1 i r3 '·~ I ~d 1,, 11 to llw p r• ~ id t' 1 )<. }'. .f fh r ; )I i d I I ~ llll' , , r d w ~ I f t I I ' J ') • f I' l·l i I l l'. J L' ' ( fill 1.. I h ,. GIll r I \{P r1f t} t,c.c '!.l:dl.! J lf) fl t' ! t'\il' l tl ttll l l lr 11 11 f 'I I '1 ft liH I .,l l h ', \·trh ~\'.'' 1 po 1hl t· 1-'J-,o~ p t Hrn~. T IJ'' 1 ·•lt tit J.c\ t' l is · ~V tt•'ld \ t· ,ld .,, R r~ C l. " l'LY ... ,t· h;1"i the P'~'il ~<> c•t at · cnd;rl~ Chu--c sc t\ i u~!> in ll •r··c: diff .• ,, ... nr dti\! .. and iH.,t£a i vi h<a·ij _ (,q p~·~ ll":C ... ~,C!;,:\!!=; . tfH.- prc,a -h!;r.• Gia;•l- 00 lne f'Jli6 •t~l itU;t- 1 Inn . t h .._. \.' ll ~ r ,j d i r t a t r,r J, i 1 a ntl · h c ~ r + 1 a ~, '1. I• i I tl l t.' I hat \' t' Jlf>I.!!J I (• dlink " ':! li,•L ly ~d·».t!:! r ' ;:: ( !·n~ · . b · nt· l w l icvt~ nrc •. ,t rt:''l,it. ·o ~,, C hurch ro he~r ·hc. Gnf.i ,...1 an 1 1 ~w t th' nt inlster sht>Hkl u~k 1 lhe ··r Jltl. U d <:rc "V a: . ~ .I L'~ ll ~ an·d llis L(jve ... In I Cnn-irHhiau. J :21. the A i 'n~tlc Paul S;iiu. ··Lr i> era~ : ( ;Pd b~ dw funli'i.l,nc.b.' of pre;1ch1 nv t, , S(l;te d .cm ·na be­l i e n~ .'· P rl'aching R.r_.~ nan I : 16 ~\r.: read.'" ) a:'Ti n~ t it~h a 1 nc cl ,,r th ~ ( ; ,};)pel r,( Chri l : f' r i( i d c r·,wt:r n· Crd un to :;a l vaU(JII to ~\ <.: n·o ne rl tat f.ldJ'\ctl·: 1') 1h!: Jei.' ... •. anJ o l~o to the (rn~ck . '~ hat i~ the (;t.-_.r d ,,( Chr:.r~·· J n those (la~s (a m ~ J t:Jhn. d1€ Btq ltSL p rcachintz in rbt.: ~·\· ­~ rn cs;; n( J qdea~ and $e1yirng. ·' R ep,~ .r ~c : f0r h!:. kin~J ·~ . of he a \'t::n is. a 1 it an <.1 ." \ 'I a Lh e tv 3 : I -2. I n .. \ cr- l 6: .3 I , f ~ J. s~ld tn the keeper 1.>f the l) ri ~(Jil: · ' B d i e~e on h.:: Lm-1 1~ Ch rivl , and 1 hou shaJt be ~a~·cd ." · \Ye are or Lbc opinion d t(l t it '-'\O dd bt.: raort effe<.:; :~ _ i..t mini sters wnl1 ld stick lO tlte olJ r;., )~pd rath·.!t rhan discu, ~ for eign s u biecLs. JhirJ J e'j: :J)itriJion The third leg) or lap. in th~ inu;r-rla:1t sar<: ~ C ~ c: "t of the Hamilton, 1-lnuswu a no Ca nt('n Di' ~~ion~. (, T ~ Champion Paper a1ld Fibre C<"~Jnpany .. ''a$ w~..ln t ~ t:h~ H~)-u~­ton Divi ion . in a, s:tNec·t)ing... rkton.· -a record t• it'!OUt ~ ...: [..:~ ablin~ accident d uring the rast six n1cm•lH. en !~n~ \ ~l"";i 2?} 1940. T he cmphy~·e~$ of th e I-lou ron P ki:-i<J~ ('\.~na1Flt~~ d~ e-\· ~ spcc1:1l commc nd n t ~r·n.~ for lh~~· haY'L' acl~it:, ~d hat \ ::i ·' the I lamilt011 ·a nd Canton Div i~i nn ~ cannot hope tc it• ... _ p ru\·t. bUI . sho.uld slri,·e ro emula1c. ln th\.: th ird lee of the co nl\':>1, the C.t 1H•'\n OiY;sion ~rad ~ • :. ,·er~· poor show-ing. and a::. n fe~u' L i1 Hi~ ln.~u in rhitd · r i: .. ,\ place. .lloi\vcvcr, we h~,.1pc: th :u b ·tb Ca th Pn an,J lLu·1i tt·1 wi ll mak~' a bcuer ~ bowin ~ ~.l urin g the pcri'-1d fr, •rn \ i"\,1 ~ n LO Octt..•ber 1_, . ,\ :, Lhl' C<HHC.:I I) oW ~HInd s , t ltu lld rtl · <·f t',h.;h pl... nt ~ ~ (' tH!. t'a \ eel on the t ll ll"hY whi ·h wi ll l'c prt>'"t'nt('d L.~ th,· p'~.\t wi. nniH~ i~ IIH' -grc:;::ttC$ l llUil) h{~ r nf [lllh~ dmin..:· tl~\: ('OlH~' ' · ' \"l" an:: eJm{ that the fi ,l£111.! 0( L'adl l"lcdlt • r• ;,~,,\''" ~--n lt'C u·c,rh) ·IIt~n j~ rhr \'~l ~ i 1 "hrHt\J he 1, ''' l"Vt'\, \f.~ ... t ""~l•ld tfkt~ I (J ~.l1t.' {IIIU n: ~fi t'S ufthl· .,lfH <'"I fl ·q ni nnt · !lh t l' 1 \ 't'h. ,\ u ·i,knl 1' ~''-' '' <'·JI{ i(.l l \ ."bvuld hv '-HH tl 1.t \.'t)n::.\l n-.u\vP~ Wt: ~ h .. ldd ~d\ ~1\·~ he ~.tfc l.\ \l ith lc: .! -~:tll'\ l '\1. - . \'4'l<'l'K-k •:.l WL' b~· ·<'.1\I V'IIt \ltt,I\Utr~·:. . lfu\H"U .'I. i l $~'\'t\1'- dut \H :th" IIJUI I.' iu tt· t n :t •·d iu l un ki tt l ~ }•ltlp ~utd l'il Pt ' l dwll p \ ..ttti n· ,tt '<-id en l bi. \ \ l' at~' .tll ~.l ect ' h \.'Olltt.'qhd ~\'\'\It t hl' dt"~d ~ n,l d~ in lr ou t ill~ b~t nkl! t· ld~ ( l r l<uH.'l'' , h~tt n(•t mu ~ It ,_.\,oc'"·n, ...· , l tlbP I II \ l\<t ! j ~ ti l,d r l d }!:1\ ' l '(.'ll \u II , -lnlt ~:> \(' a h~ C' H 'Illl i 11 I h c I' t I I ( ,, I :"I I ,ll h ' I. l i 0 u I \ \ I j d" : .I s \'\.I l H\ \ d \ li . h: i c h '\ ,, > .... ' 01 t ' \ '('Jl m tJtlt h • lflli' S. \ c J'h' .ILI \.'\1 th \t•tl In lw t:nn t ,· \"~~"lu i i l l lhl· p{·tf,wt" !lhl!' II( \ f•lll \' ft l "· IIPI 11\ f' l ·h llt ' t! ('II IIHJ~i(}l \ l' llq'll l~ , ... ,. I, :\ '\.' ,\ ~t rPd ~ ill · 1\ H vdll'd , ln.r 1hat t il l • •tlt' " h ~ lt ~u f\, I' Hl iup 1\ . Rt lt t•' H\I•c 1 1 in· l .dt•f,HMI d t ~ •\ . · ·dv \'\ o d~ •f. • . -·~-- I' tdwt \ 't·. lit\ h. ,\·, l'tn ~~ •\.U tHhk Ht:lll ~l iJl (_ ll.'t• 1\Pl '· ~~~ ,\I ; 1 \ k11 I. l,Jk l• , I b ttll{ } 1.:1 \l. \ till \I-I;\ .n ~ ht~(· l h ;, ld .t lli•· f II" v•\ \ 1) t hi!~ ~; . · • • _ .-~~ n J, d I'I~:J I i tl V 6 '":II l ! n k i · ~ w 1 u·r J ,;n .J~nc· · J11 .,-,/, ul!J -~uptH•t, n e u.Jh tch (v > J/~ tlH ~~~ f/' i "'«. rn 'IH l cJJrf hnw 1 , ~ -q...:, J... utlu(·kv h~"'ata~~ ~~ ~l.H"'· h..entucl, y i ~ <1 ~t:,:t> { f gt:~.t h;.!\t(\11 .tl i tH~r~-.t. C·J ,.,~~ t <.!l\d~ lht" I<'~ c:thin it~ \b id' \l ... ,;~h~~nl Li,u ,,ln \ <.&, h(1rn. I hrn ~d~ \ dk :tnd t \l1•th' \ lH \• 'H' too n led l'Y r)~ ll i cl B\ ·n ') in [7-;' . ln • ". hLh'\1' i~ tl'" !~'-me ''h:e1·· Stf'pbt>-n \tli lS l· ( ~ "~r. ,, rnt:t~br \ JlH,1'i ,·an l"{•fk ~,)u•~ \tl1·t~Vi$it(i'd j,~HJ \rt~ t~ "' ly l,}}.~ Krtltl ~ky ll· ·~\.t'.'' aHJ Ul<lH. ~ o(hrr. t'\j tud l. ~l& p( l' ular. t.''h\ htn-...· .~. }~\~. t~l-l"t>i'MJn 1 ):n· is. ~t lt .c\ n1\.'tl ·an St:ll~t!,ll\ r4~l , ~ . \, :.-. h..\rn in .\bbt.·, dk. Chtis tt :ltl ( 'uurn\., t\._clHll +). Ou l\·hn~ar\.' tr, 1 ~t' l,. h ,~qt· ch(nt,.!n r '-"S l h!nL < f th~ ( \ .. ~1lft"d ,.. fnne -+. l ~l(L til hr~~1 hnusc ,·na~ huilt by Ca l:)lain \ Vi r\ ... ~bi1~- ,1 , \"'" EJ:~lrntler, (\t) th '"'oh u11l ia, R.irer. hnH~ .· , I~+:;~ .\ .n l rt~w J a ~k ·.un, _\ nlerit. .. aH ~uHe~nhH\ '()~·~t.: anJ se\ L'l1th Pr sident nf the 'uiLed ~L.tte;::.. di<.:J cit b~ hu;'H.\ tht.: ''ll ... ~nn i1 age", n .ar P'astl \"1 11 ~ .. T. · t.l n ,·~~cc. Jt'i1C '{ i$ (,)b. en ed a~ rl .'l.~ D<l ~ iu the 1 ' nit·ed S L~trl.!~ ~ rhe aniY\~rstt!. vf the ad l tio1l In 1-:77, (i i U)e Amcri..:;nl Flag. ~ Hne 1 - '-.. 1 i7_,. (~cvr !"ooL \)~a-$hin~ton was n1 ~Je C\•tnr\1Jlndct ~ ~ 1 1 C~iJ of the _-\R1erican .\ unv . • _hH,e ~;.. 177:-~ tlt.~ t.; attic of ··Bunker 1-l iH" vi.: as fought. Arh,1u£h ihe _\ l<'t'cat'ls were defeated it is said the nJ®r~ .l !'t; 1lt )f thi .... ac1:ion was favorahlc to the .Amc6can {orccs. Un •·Breed's .. B1H'" ~tanJs the ~·H u nker Hill ) m.onun1ei1t t.he 'COI'.n~r~~0'1e ,,i '' !lich v . .as la id by [arquis de La (ayetle, J~ H:ie ,,- ~ 1~u "..". )-. J u~~ 1 '· 192 ), ..:. enator Rob "'rt!l. La follet te , an Atnerican St~ ~csn1tHl, <~i("d. lie ,,:as born on a \Visc0nsin fa nn a,n,d ~ ·r.~e:J ~l~ tne t Hr.ttJ Stat~·$ ''enate for nineLecn yea rs. Jcne 19? I(d9; the Yitginia Legisla t ure, t he fi rs t legis­lal u r cve=r rht ~Ul in An1eJica. held jts first session. ' June 2.). 1603,. \ViUiam PeMn.: foUlilder oJ th-e State 0f P&JH1~_ h,,;ania, fon:ncd a Treat y ~· it h the I nllia:n.s; the p ur­' t ~e ~1 \·hiLl\ wa toe tablis'h itl h i , colo ny, .bo(h by exan1ple . nd lt:~J si3t ion p rinci vk:; get:bcr.inely hu cnanitarian:. Jt1ne ~4, J 4-79, .lvhu Cabnt di .. covet?ed the ma inland of . tiit!:h ArrH:rica. .h ne 2.), 1876, Ge<)rge Armstrong Custe r> and his band ,f st idiers nunlbt:ring I , 100, a n at;ked the roux I ndi ans at L.ini~ Big Horn~ 1n the 13Jack Hills o{ 'l on rana,, and ·were C"Lnn+ilated. 'The Indians ·vutnurnbered Cuseer·s band 9 to 1. J HlC 1~ 1917, the firH e~i ced States sol cJie r ~ a n -iv.ed in Fnt! ~t.:- to join 'lhc }\Hies in the (; roat \Vodd \(V a r. In Ap r i·l Jijl7 t1.le t nir<;J States enlcred the \Var but time V\'as re­quired u., n ·o!Jilize aud traio her t roops. Hcnvevcr, in July, J '-Hf. . .'\t;"1erican ~rair~ecl ~(:,1d jers iH s ufficiGnt .(l'U n1be rs 11ad :t-r:ri \- .. d in F rar1ce to renJei tnat eriat Aicl. On June 27, t864, the bat !e of K canesa w j\•h;mn tai.o \>vas f,;mgh~ bet~ ~~n ·the I. · nt()fl Lrvops, ts.Hd~r Genera,! . hern~an , auc l:l\: ·C'uf'kderate HUOJ •s t1ndl·r Cen·eral Johuson, v:bidt .... e · ;}"' &i in a rep~Jlie of Sen nan with a lv$~ c)( 3,000 men. K ·1, t~ ~ a·v; ltJlllltc..iu 1, lQcart;d a:bou t, 25 rnih: · u<,rthwcsL of d~ Uta, Ct;f•Tgia. J·~ne 28, 177h, the Britirh 1'if~d ,.'\ nleri<an;, e J'lgaged in 1:>attle r:car Free;hr,kL ;\~f ornTF)utb. Counq; .Vrw J e rsey . · fi1e A2ntr.ican loss "'·a- ()4-J kirted nnd J 60 \~'F~lU J de<!i ; d rat of tht J!ri·is~. hearty 3< j kiH··d and JOO pri .... ·oners ra;ken . June 29, 1 77B, 1 -lnUy Pi tc.::hel a heroine of the i')l erican l(evot:U .i ., . '~a::~ 111~e a Sar tmt jll the Al.!~e ri £>t.Ln forces. ' • • (7) • 1 *@ 'X.:/1! Don't you know how to squr a wire? You're S\lp­pased to use Sulphuric A.·ctd not LEMON JUICE! · The American Enka Using Champion • Magazine Paper \"e reg-ret that -we did not kno' until r ceJ)1 ly th-tu T he E_nl?ra J:~ o·ice, pu ~ ll$-he~l by 01~r good n~i g.h bor;: f'he ~:~ rn~rita n l~~nka Corporation E oka )jortb Ca roli na, \· ~~ pnn L~d on Champjoo paper. vVe h ave bc~ J) info rnted· tha~ an ()~ O'O~JlCC­men ~, t.o Ll.\aJ:: efFect, appeaJ·ed 1n th ~ Decetnber 19J'), tssue. b ut W\! f a i'led to see 1t . The Arnerican Enka Ccrrp,ora.tiom. and 1 'he Cl:larnpi0n P r_- ~nd fib re Con11.,any have ~c<t'n goad .friends. f_<~,. ma11y yea rs d~m,on$ t~at:in.g th ei~ fr ienJline&s by t lle s p Jr.IL of ce- .. .,._ op-e ra tJQJl. • NaLu,rcdly:, Enl<a. and C1'1a rnpion· ftleJ ver-y clo~c to. ,oth:er, bccal;t&e a l <!.rg~ p:er cent of t h;_e ·e 1np l.eye~s. ar~ ktn by blaod or n~ar ri:a g~, cGn seq qentl y, t~e ,tWo o r ~ant z<H,.tons ar~ Jargely one .i.n spirit ·and pu rpose . T ht.· lf:'·nka J!r,i'(:f/~ an_ e~­cell ent~ publicat-ion h ~s fe>ste red co Jnn~ u~1t t ~· geo~ :\1\~tll m.ce jts incip iency , .anQl has ci'OL1e much ~owa rd d r;veJ o~ 1n g a b ct,ter comn:tun.i·ty s.piritE thro u ~ h 0 11t this se<ttion of the "'Old .Nnrrh " ta l e .' ' 1·:he E·nlea Voic(.' is a ·W'elcoll1e vi ito r, and a{Ler pe rusing irs· tnt.e res pages ~ve l~ ass it on t d- a fri e nG.I who is .glad t,'f~ l'ecei v.e it. D'tUl'~ P..t?r s-o n~a!l.ity Chubb- Js your gid a pos itiv'~ o r a l~cgati:ve <.:h a·ra ct e r~ ])ufT JB@tb. <!:fuubb-I-Io,w aome,. both ? · Duff-\~l.ti: ll I f)liGI ~)se.d to 1\er Ja6t nivlu a nd s he said ':posi Ll vely no .1 ' I-ft r re~ J n:.t nle wa .. · ~ r ~uy Lud,vig f-\a~·s) or .l'i.eis. 'The .r;oldie rs oickna rned ht·r ~1 oll y Pitcher a t th ~ ba tdc o! ~ Ion ­r: noudi when s hlG ca r rittd a pi tcher of w"a tcr through 1he 1:~ triol ic Ii t:les 1.r) ' rcf:nw::;b t·lile ~n . SI~H! ·W:iS r~ nti o ned lDy the Stat~ QJ P enn sylv;(-nia if:\ '17 -· S it~ died iB J 8J2. J ur~;e 3@) 183 4, Lhe I ridia ,, ' r\'t rrilory was c:-st~.t bli ~ hed )o o r . et a pa rt b} Curtg r css.. tl) ce n~a in d~e:: Cb c..r(~k c(·. Chi ·l< as-aw, ChF1<' tH-\T-, c .-cek. Se- Q1inol ', ~nd t:'fllll fl l' l t'ibt:.:$. T'hc fn·e Jn:,­dbn -"l tHJ'.;lt'l s. t h · l "ui red Sztat.e .~ g(;w e rnm~: ru ' and o1hct s (~lc ti es ~ ui } pnrt over 400 stlHJt.)Js f . r th e-ir edu~t:ii on. • .· \ Publi.:hed by •'The Chamrion Family'' as a Symbol of the Cooperation and Good FeUowship Existiug at the Plants of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company, Hamilton. Ohio; Canton, North Carolina; Huuston~ Texas, and · andersvi lle. Georgia. G. W. PBILIJPS. _____ • ___ .• __ • __ . -· ••••• Editor, Canton. North Ca1ollna aEtJBEN B. ROBERTSON, JR._. __ ._ ... . ........• -. -. _ .. A.aaociate Editor EMERSON BOBWSON. _ .• _ ••• _____ . _ .• Assistant Editol'. Hamilton. Ohio A. M. EOUBY _. __ . _. _ •••• ..• ____ . ___ •• Assistant Editor. Houston, Texas Now Its Insurance Two m.ighLy forces, representing two conAicting theories of human relations, are a L grip today. One group figh t · for the Lratlitional America.n way of free enterprise-wiLh its balance sheet of trial and error, mistakes offset by brilliant contributions to progress. The other fights for the belief that the energies of the individual can best be controlled br political agencies ~ for the grea test number. Both ai·e sincere. llut the case for political controJ makes us the vicrims of a popular delusion. As a nc)ted sociologist eA:prc sed it: '·The greatest falJacy in humart logic is to anribute to present sociaJ or economic'). terns those problems which a::-i3e {rom the nantre of man him elf.'' ln their cagcrnel)s to promote the ca use of nati o n~ll pla n­fiHJf{, its proponents throllf!h in,·estiga tions discover aud ernpha~ize '\hot>e problems which arise from 1hc n a ntrt~S of man hinL~elf." 'I'h us un usual t:pjciodes appear as t~.\Htj or dd':cts seemtlif! lo conJemn dte fr<·e etlteq:, rise srstem. Con­trol by f <;dera I buJ ,.au;) is th en proposed in the n ~ 111c of rc­l( Jc m. Thi ha~ hc.:~:n th<: r•,ur..,t- i 11 r ·lation to hanki ng, powet ~l d ligl1t,- Juanufarr•tnJ•g, labor rda ti0n·, oi l, coul, cmunlllll­,,.: H ,,,r,s. J u .. uran~ · llt:';' l<J banking IHJJd;o, d1e lurgrst 1•uol of w t r' I !!7 Clllh-• • • w a n Cl¥! (8) • I Jl I t 1 .; L . ' Jv ang~. , an o:rs os rnoney c-n(IO{."C'rs. \v'erc .SUr7'JeC ~a lo inv• l'.ltgatirm; ~2 Feueral lenJing age.uoo rcsul cd.. ToJtt) at, 1thcr ftcJ.cral iJivcc:tl atif•n ~~ pll~Jlicizjng the prc,blctns of in\ uram:e "which ari e from the na ur.e of t. au him~clr,·· in ~igni li~aut 1hmwla !ht} are c mpared to the a maz~ng CQIILI ib11ti m nf in. urancc () f IHU\fn • i!lfan.:. H the people accept the fallacy rl at thelit is cansc for rondcmni n ~ the in ~ •it 'llion (,[ insuranct. the camel's nose '' dl slip undc.:r the t~nt. · 'lfhe nose will rcpresenr a liulc rompctjtion~co npuh,..,ry burial insurance and Fc::·dcral :\nnuitic:; . a dl!<.orc..-c of Federat • control; a small part jn the dncrminatlon of how insura ce in vcstn,cnt !)hall be made; a hanc.l in the admini uation of the busi ness operation . But the fir -e steps along Lhi road, as history anti recent e\.·ent.:> clear. are never retrac;;d, but call for further steps. -. -. B. President Roosevelt Asks Billions For Defenses REC£~TLY Pre ~ ident R oo~e,·clt appeared beiore Con­gress and asked that the sum of $1,18':;.coJ.OOO· be ap­propriated for the defense of the C niced ~tale"> agatast European aggression. It is true thal no real true American citizen wanr:s war. and we should stay uut o f it as Ion2' a~ t- os~ible \ ithout endange ri ng . mcrican Democracy. bur, we belicYe that !\lr. Roosevelt i · right-we .. hould be prepared !o .. any· cmtrg("nc:. Some people tell us, war never selllc.:d a prot let11 . ' Hcow­ever~ we would like to remind them that the Re,·olutionary \iVa r of 1776-1 783 liberated the people of ... \ rr•c:rica from foreign domination, and ·rhat that libeny anJ free iom h ...... l astc~d for more than J 60 vea r . • The q ucs tion of Jayerr was also settled by the · \ tl \" i r. which ended sevcmy-si x: ~'ea rs ago. The .\ me rica n people want eacc. ho\ \!\·er. i; the c: l'fl1Y know th at we are well prcptucJ to d<..·f<..·nd O'tr~~he~ tht:rc i ~ less likelihood vf out ·iJe imerfercnct;. Tht·ref\lr~-. \ l! r<! for pr.c.:pa rcdnes· . anJ the better \"\·e an' rn:-palcJ th~ s~fcr we shd ll reel. . \" hc11 \c an· inf1 rmcd tint $omc Eurl)rl'Jn tH.'\'$p. pers forecast the.: '\.loom •A Dc tt1-ou:tc, ," \C Pn<.h:r~tanJ I n\ 1h .,. f'-·~·l tu\,Aa rd .. \ me-ri ·au tdca 13. '·Cot y()ttt Cltri ~ LtH a~ unl t'\ !1.' l, l 1nct .\t~):>t~?" '· I kn w ~ wh.1r dr·y's n th' tt·r hi.! .,.l)t.~' ht'lic\.1 dH· ~ . lll:tt l . ·· l l( tl l ' sc· ~"\t•l l t' ''ttL tt·r t ty an I g;• t a ' pn ·~I\H\ t• u:t cl.(• ~I.'ICld L:tWtl l k !\l'lid d .ll 1 l'l>l)~llll\ Il l\' W\1). I 'll kill\\ t\ ;t ll\ 71 tight k s 11\l' t t" l' hab 1111 k \ .'·' f'w flu: r I <l '1 'ft.· i • •\ hit• !, •.,ll u\•1 t; irl , ~ •.th:d Jh'\ \ ' ' .l Unu111~ t~llt~U 'tlh'l til :1 dltltl l'l I''"' ''· ll'lll' l \'I l \ill\'\'t:i:ltti•O \ith hit!\ b) i t·SI i II ~ ' ' '\ \ 1 It . tl ' I ') ~ • ., i I \ 1 \ j i 1\ It f' .. I 0 I If• 1 \•pi h I : ~ I t ud) .u.11 u.tt111H \. ' ··p · u 111 ', 1 ~ s tid tla \: gid, .. I Jmi hu.l t ·~t~' th ttu\ Lt•\t) "'tl.'' A 1''hought lot the Mo th 1'11·1 l h•\ lh} ~' II h~·,,Hil'i~ til t•d\dnd t\l.'idtt I lc• l h ~.~l& t JH' ' ' 11 ·•t ·llrl 1 1 hl \ (JI k( 1 \ , f t l l i •. juin·. I'll( /1 iblt 1 (.1\ till~: I J 7 r • .....,._ t a s O'!W' • • e •-~~.,. . ,.~-~•c...,>, ..._..,."'l''~ -·-~-~_..;,.,.~-""=""'"'._........,._~1 c = THE • • am to.n amt HAMILTON DIVISION I ' • Bv E1ner son. R obinson j Fil'st Paper Making Machine in United States Erected in 1820 T I-HS concluding chapter in the .series of artides on the history of par e1· makin? quite p rop~rly is devoted tc) a gen~.:ral :-.k<:trh of Lhe paper making • • a 1 t a net 1" t)g rt.'l:)s 1 n fJllf own cotmtry. Pn!\·jt,u chap1ers carrric.:d us on the l<mg r(Jad of h i!'.H.Jl y begi 11uing j n ('him~ ab,-,!Jt l\ 1.'111 y-two centuries ago ''~~ hu1 ~~ h:a.rn ·rl CJ,j ncbe schvlar made a very ~uod grack <A pa per-1 he {i rst papf'r -l1y l>t-at ils)l t11 a pulp some 1 tilllhtJ'J :::tnd C()tl(m !'~~'· JJq\~t. tJ JC'.'IIJ,gh 1hc )<:(;Irs W(J have l I 'h t ·J f•d 1 f ( 1JI ';:J \H fl g l} II.' C r tU t!H' t) f 1 h I' p~l t <!f rtt iJ f. i IJ? al l Ht\ it J•,t" •·d fr (JJ n C•n<' c unrury •u nw~dll'r, ft !>Ill u tn. sln lled v."rl !llhtt p -, .Jft<,dn•r. J, \a u't pa ptr wnl iw• ;• ( f:.tmpittn ~ Ln,,~.,r it tndnr, J,qt i \H• Jp~ b~'viwtiH!: ;J!Hf dPVt•lop · JIW1tt qj CJ!)l' r,f tlw HI' •til ruq•(JJ I i.lJtl HI (; (J trtpiJ lrwt·nr 111 I l11 JJi JCJJ )' • ,J JJI •n. Fu'Jt in AmaJi.,;a J 11 tit JH'IL(•,JIJt}.! dtSijdc'l it \)' '• , ••• ,, 1-Jt•d I h:n !Itt· w ~ llllf.H 1111•' n( l'·lJ I' I ',lffW iulcJ llfll·•·fJ;.:d IJ • j H lr'l l tc•p( til 1( l t' f • 1lH t " 11 Jl J i'l' H [ IJ I \ . }\ I rl1 ' I I I j /Ill' , 11i r.:ont ••.• J ~<IJ!t:.'l \a ~; JJHtdt· h) i .wei, ,tw.i iu l,.ll tor·\ tht·r, :tlt L'.1d ) h,nl dl ­v I ·I f) i wd ~i 1J I ll'l ' tf,' ,. j I I 1I J a I ' . ( i. tl·\ rI Oj II \d,illl 1·:q •• , c '111ld lh· sn rltl c. Eul !11 · J '''ti'•O ,,f IIH. ht l• •q II\ \Vh ich vve ~r.e iB.teres ted now is the period begi.nning in 1690 ·when the firs1 paper wa.s manufactured in A me rica . And in Lhis js found a most interesting chapcer. T he first paper mill in America was es lahli shec.l jn 1690 by \Yilli am R.ud­dinghuysen YOil ~~Iulh ei m. in Genna n­tovn1, Pennsvl.vania. This first Arncri- • c~ n pa per m~kc r later adopLcd t h~ name of \'i Ilia m Rittenhouse. One- Friend of Penn v\ ork ing h:)I1d-in-ha 1IJ with Rluen­hol. I S(', ,,.li<J was ( •C• m(ln h, hi t'th. ,,·as • • Ull Vngli}\h priut f' l , \ \'i llinm Rr;H.lforJ. of 11 hi lad cl phi a. H rad f urd was ont' of rh~· to tt l'il).?t.'{J Ut~ nt<:t\ who n un,· l (J t his llltl UI r \' wit ,, \'ill Pt: llJI , om· u r I ht' flfry \ Lo s11rvi' n l tlt t· \fl\ .lgl' tlt at t.nuk t h•· liv·~ ,,, ha ll ,.t l lt\,~l ''h(, ., l ,llt ·d fHHII l •: n ~·I.HI·d . ~ ~f'i\l lf11 1 d li \ l d ill lw t<llltf' ,\ nwli1n li t: l l ll il\1"1' 'i ttd it \.t'> lw \dl ' ' i u fl, t ~:ll • • ·d 1\tl(J f l, l'l ll \·~ l tii.JH • .hi r•, l trltl~ . j, trllllh"r f 11t Jlt(• IJI "t l l·lJh'l ''""'\·t Jl,,,r lin••·. the II\ m~tt··da l f<ll' tlw ttllltllf.:ct' l qn "' J ~;qrt t i tt t ltt-· t 1111 11 It}' ttJII i It'd rJ I ul l llll ntd l i ll ~'ll f ' I V !} .Had, ld t rlrt' , J• •Lll " ill iu I• llfll}ll' tl u'' · \l .t j.'l I ' d till I l. I I II tl l ) (' I Ill I I. I ll i Jl v d H. lqt[ll) ,,f !IH·,· llt.d• · tidl . N d o ( th, n v b.lf,o\1 .1\ I '11< id' \ t.'ll' t•td It I dlt I'CfiJ'k •. 1. k jng that all rats be sa,·ed and Qi\'ing notice as to the time :;;,o:nconf \VOUid be a round to collect the ma~cri •'s. But .. till the re were Jifficuhi~~. stiti ·here was g-reat scarcit ,. a~ illusLr;:tte<.l durino ~ . the Lime of the Revolutic~n wh<.') ;;._ L dier: wen~ sent out to seard1 ~ ......... 1~e$ iu Philadelphia for paper that CD'1l"i hc­\ Jsed to wad the muz.zle-k'~~Hiing !!un~ '- .... .\ fLcr the Re\·c·ltnit n. tf.c paper in­d u::.t rr p ro~rcsscd m(.,He ra:,id'r. . o that br the \·ear 1 f' l 0 t I er(,' \ere nca rh· J RS n{ill , operating in thi. l:(.•unur. · "'f hruugh the earh ~t·~:r.; <lf ·p .. i{'~r nHutu fa~· l ur~ iu this <:ounu\-· l• \1,.'\'<.'' • pranlctlly ~:n~r~ thi1 ~ " ,t~ c.l 'n<.~ h~ hand. [r '\Y;l , TI~'l umil l/l'::; dHl{ i\ dc.;rk in the celuhr~th"'J l·.s~'"IHH~' P.lp~r ~ Lilt nl.! a r I-'\u i~. F 1 .t-11'-'l.', \' lh '~ · na tnt' \ i.IS Lt1lli: Ruhcn. til\' ·uk~l :t m h hint• f0r n1ukiu~ p;tp~o·t it ~"'l'll pul1 . ln l~O--l. a P<~ l ''-' " m tkiny~ Hl.t\..ltin\.' '' ~ts \'re~tt'-d a t J(r"g"ll\l •H', f\t',ll' l• oxmvr · 11·rtz. l"'irst Machine in 1820 I 'he II rsf 1'·11''' ' 1\t trh i th' < r,'d<\1 in dw l ' nitl!'J ~t.ttc"' '' ·'" h•u thl til dt~· f' l(ttlt .,f 1 h,· l'. Uti pin (.', •rlll'·dn. t\1\ tlu: Btawh \ 1111'. in I ~]t l l 11 ~ ~~..!'.ttl' 1'11St l \ tlttd t ltti~·t p:i}'t'l lll.ttltiu~· \,h 'I t'\'ll'd . Th\.ll ~~~~ t be d\. \ ,.l, 1111rh'Hl •• 1 1·o,n·• l'"l"'" ti~ll' ,1n\1 hr ~~~tl n'u"L PI 1ltv p. l'l'f \ :t-. nt .t. ltith' tll.u.k It t:.. n' t rw•·e ,.,n '\ 11.1 lt:llltt:t •·th ,t llh' } ''.II:. l hil l Jolt. 1\H.'d s "' tlt t· ,l,•u·lcJl' ""'"' ,,r ,1m·,~ , !'Itt· 1 ll~··'l .11h.l n•Ps1 t '\S(.n li.. d iudl t sttil·:~ in ·\ lt~'tlll ill"l \ , l .; ll I •· I) L I H 'H':; !'I I I \ h' 'l- .I \ 1 h ~ I t} \C' • ( It l lllj•hl ll { '.t.lll'll p q•t•J ~ '!llliJ.'~IO\ l:t r,·t dw ( 'h \lltpion I' IP'- ' tft~l t~·a"'' • • I ._"" . nr • ~ pl .. \. '-t. ·u1 l" \ t' ii ll d \ i , l I 'I H !" n lll d n:s u1:lf\ 1 l c'f I J r J:.:H.:. ~~:u ·J nt .lw 1' ··~. ln ~t ii{n ) l" ts Ji "' u~ H ~ MultipUed _}pi{ t ' A' • ~ · ttP j,\·,t ("Jf i}lt' S:!ft•\:Vtl:t u1 dil ·. ~ lf 1 n,.~ltt n.d.t,,tf y. lt'l ' ,·np­.. 1 t' -.. • {t • f " c . \ t 1 h ~~ 1 i m c < • f \ h t; R.·,l ~lt ; ~ t i ~r · wa~ n• t -.: rffi ~'ictH 1 ,.t· ·r l ' \I .~ .. u .... 1~ · l , 1\l th~.. . lt t> t~ b , ~ jill f't· a~e.J h <lbc)Ul liHC f'\1 ll nd uf m;),eq· !.n ~ .. · 1 re··~ 1 in dt <:·-,lttlt r~· by 1 s.' '· l ' l' -.r ~· 11':1. t j lh. u.":t , '-· ttt ~l, ut nine l'\ 'Hhhl " f,,, <'<1..:h ~ t: t h L L. J ~l: ~ d.~ Ji!"'O I< h,'ht ju n t ,·cl : ~- '"•" t .~ d~ J ·r 't'Cl"SVll ttlld ~ll ) Q_ ,~ tf l :.0 "(. . nd" ft• I ~ ,r tlJc ~\~t 'i"k nf :_: _c t .ait '\1 ~ <d.f·~ ~·: c.· r-J..·)rc lli.{n t~oit­\'. ·v h· ~·l p.:l: "~-r ·:n:h ~ e.p·, a th.l r.hen T ,:.., tl"f· t ·,liit<J. 1.Jl'\.' j, tht: ~n·~n- <' :-.! rna iHlf,a.:l UJiet- t. t ;>J.PCl It nd th t. ·Ia rg-- .... ·nad~t.t f 1; i ',per ~ H the \<1r1d. 1n L-i. \'.t". ia dri$ c ·t.nt J\'. Jnlnn ttctLln:' .ind c .. l~\li H.' ·nor~· J ~~t';"l' d ·Jn . 11 the l..:".·: 1JI ~-he 1'. 01 I,J r·ut h l~~i her. 'fed rtv· d·.· j .;"t:·· r.naki!t! . .' nllhbtn i=.. a gi ~u1- J.... in iu ... ~r~. emr~~ying. n1illion-- of \: ·1kcrs :)'-1. ...ioii~.! 3 :-plend;d job. .. i e ~C\ ~o:C ··.i: 'iffl "'~H ,'HI j ·t-!t',)~·Th l,f the :nt: ud. ..l h .. ,_-~ ..... ;OHt• hand in h.-~ nJ \ ith t:e de·-·i~.;r·n·t ... nt ilnJ ~f<)\th of our ' , :. i';rr~. l 'Lerc }$ nr~ den:,·ing rh:u - ,... • t .. , ~~l t 1-."" ") ne· - 1'\ t. h ~"ll a ••I t .• Ji"t ( ~ 1. 1.:.'-· Cl~ ;:., , ~ , (;\o <. ' . hd .... ,.{~' ~ ·n ci . .-itized ..:ttain~1 ents. Bv he<:. f!J:ft£ the bearL~f of 'Crlpt ancl _rar'hi .. ~ i!~l=~·ra tir\J). r ::lp~.-r ha,.; b-een the I ' n ,..., r !LH orta.nt tL.dtLn-,\1 fnch.>r of our • Jn·t .::, \·::d vnt 1 a err. rhe re wuuiJ be • a ,'L-.!Cl;biin~ ~"!n~k in tla '"' J"alh of pro-- f[r"" :.. .~ n.d .a. ll vu r l~.!tu:--al a nainn1~nts ' ·ou1a catHS.iL Help Our Fellowman ;:.r.J l~e1e we cuule tc, tJ,c enJ nf this ki.:-t"Ori~al ~1: "'' ch on ]Jarer rnaking . . \nc.l it. ,:.. ,,d] that ,,. in Cl'ampion . a nd r:J:er.s in "''th{:r fiddc of paper making, rc, .:er11ber tha.( the p;.,p-...:r we make) f.?:tL15 ~he br:ca .~... e benvtcn the OJ u te ideas ot bun1ani y and tl'e vi .. ible \ro:rld. Paper ! r(_.\·ides pe.rma ne-n<..t and Eie t!J the th~t·t inl! v~·<)rk of the r.1 in d. ... r -<.:-re not j ,Jo,l J.nakin,-r a slJeet of paper= ,~··· t rc 014 J:J . 01! th. e I J..:? ien•a l t1 t ar heip-b mc11 tYJ;ld r1,.r;it Y.;C'a) F·-e:;, w~:re IJ;;.·l~JIH! ir; the .D fOl:rc~'"' Gf t..Jllf CCJltnlfV ~ .. tr.\ ar.d ~ ~; ; .~ lw.:.: in v;hit:h tc' Ji~e. £,\ • • J ' . . . ,,\•C ft..' 1n,-Ing C>HT !t:P0\1'-IiH':n. ' . - . m < 't; U ~ :;Ll i h.:.e f' 'II. I ,.J Uli r t l J\Yl'J S ~H~, f.o:· dl- ~ hl ·t ti•.rH: a b·H~~h c:Jf bananas. •• \ 11an · :..(J 11 :"' one. J eff~'~ ~ .. t·ed 4 fr:ir·nd ~!t -r :d-c.;n'ta_ ~ing tLe :1 .it for Lim. --~ot ] 1 cckon fHJ .; ... fcH tt nj;'weJ ed. •·J ·, · or.t .. ~ tnan:v 1a 'te HtJ\' T l:..air.; 't # s~ti~f;.r J ain't ~ia:n~n· to takt.: vn hint mn1 e.f.' • Mr. foh.ll Awt c;riving a bit oJ information about Chtlmpion Pa.patG to M.t. ·Jolln North. of Butlor Paper Con;1party. St. l • • our oct a ecur1 By P. J). Fah uestock) In font~tcztio n. Dt:partmt -nl • ] 'he Han1j1Lon ClHl Jnpion an 1 each and e\'ery one oi iLs en1ploye·es are panncrti iu the fina ncing of an enter­prise opcr<ned for them by the So,cial Securjty BoarJ , an agency of the F ed­eral Go,·erntnent. Ev:et:y Cba1npion enlploree pays a tax of one per cent of his \Vages and dre Co1npany In atc.hes rhis paytncnL wirh a like one per cen t. Both am on nt are pa id into the old-age and survivors trust fund f ror:n. "'-'hich d1.e fotk)'"·ing montb ly insurance pay­ments will be made to all fully i.n sured Chan1.pioL1 employees when t hey be­come 65, or their su rvivors i{ th e.y .. huulcl die before retiren1ent: 'l'o reti r:ed c1nployecs 65 years oJd, an arnount each monlh for li [e based upon their average monthly ·wage .)i nee December 3 I, 193 6. "L 'o \A; ives of such retired emplorees, if lhey an~ 65, an anlOLJ.O t equa l to one .. half of l1er husband's mOJHh lv check. • H there are children 1:1nt.lcr L8 who are JCg.u1a.rly ~utendjng school) they too will rec.:c:iv€ a monthly payment anv,unung lO one-half of their hnbcr,s w~u ra n~e payrnent. If anr Chan,riui.I t!Otploycc dies full)' <H rtlrn; tH1~ int;urecl befc1re 65, lta vi n<~ a ~ ido\ an.J dcpcndr.;nt chit d ... rcn. the: widww \if I bt cmided .t r; thr ·e­fOLJfdt~ of hi!> Alf.}JHhlv b<.:n 11r a nd <C'H.'b ,,f t.he <hil£.lrf:n tr1 ;,nc-half of this HHJJl rl Jy p.a yn w n t u 111 i I the chi I cl ren ate JX. ·r vul nhcr 'lht; { .. hllJren ar(; 18, tbt) WJ-dvw· wtll be t·utjtkd to thrc:e­fvurth5 of her husba nd\ 1a1olithly in- (ll) su ra nee payn1ent when . he becomes 65 j[ her was fully insured. 1.1nmarried en1p toyees who are sup­porting their parents are providing rnonthlr insurance payo1ents for them which Lh e.y, the pare:nts1 \"ill .receive at age 65 p rovided the,ir on was fully instu ed. Lump suxns are payable to certain close PelaLives or to whoever paid rhe [u neral expenses. ~f no su rv i \i'Ors of the en1p loyee are en titled to 1nonthly in­su ra nce payments. 1'he·e lun1p sun1s an1ount to six ti1nes the mondtJy berle­fix amount. CHARLES COOK CALLED BY DEATH Charles Cook, 79, 227 Pine .... treet, Lexington K entllcky l forn1er Cham­pion a od res ident of Ha milton died .~ fay 4 in ~t. J os ph::; ho. pital ~ Le.x- 1ngton. l\ na1..ive or ·~ r a son Cot.uny, Ken­l ucl· )', he 'vas \he son of (1re~nberry Camphtdl and ~rary .Arln Cook. I{e had r •ti red ~Iter being cr:nployosl 1 y rhi s cuwl p~ n } for n:tl.n y ye3 r~ . He be­longed ·' 0 the Chri·tian ch~n: h. Jie lc•:\ vt'S 1na1,Y ni~ces ~ nJ nt:phcvvs Jjving in ll:Hnilton ttlJld Lexington. · Funeral services \ ere held \·[o~-t d~y iu th .. \ Vc·b l::}, [u ne.ral he t ll<~ "''ilh Rev. Joh n S. Ht inktu~Ht offiliali n ~. Hutial w~ maJe in RrJsC J JilL Members ol the first class to qraduate ltom the vocational education school conducted by the Champion Paper and Fibre Company are, first row. left to rig• ht: Anell Kunningan, Esther Hender· son. Hazel Farmer. Ruth Raque t. and Romilda Sunderhaus. Second row: Anna Brown, Mildred Shirema_n, Ano Eoqet Muriel Miles. Maude Shepler. Aili Pierce. Nelle Wick and Beulah White. Third row: Antoinette Puma . Anna Mae Brashear. Martha Grote. Esther Brendel. Gladys Profitt Esther Fraley, Pearl S1elie, Mabel Bishop. instructor, Louise Apqar and Stella Perrine, instructor. Zl Girls Graduated In Vocational School Sorting Classes Fi.r<:t commcncemcnL exerciSC$ eYer hdd f ;r a \'ocaLion :-chool class in H a111ilv,~n 1,\"ere C<,nducLcd t\pril 30. when 21 ~irl~ in Champion sorting d ass(.·b fr,rnwll} n.:ceived Jir~loma s . The girls. sh(J\·Vn abo\'C. presenu:J a fine pi cu. re a~ 1 hey sat tlnr;ugbout Lh<.! • • • JnlfiHC ,. IV<.' c •xc rt.· l ~\:~ . J·• •r r t tmI · Wf·rc t'tl(~sts o f honor at • •J a t urkr y Jir.rwr g~\·c·n i11 the c(,Jlh fl!Jl(' f· P J{JJU. Tlu· ;lJ !1{'1 am. f rJJicJ\ i ng l he dinner. \·a . ~·r v si,(Ji r, aud "' ••~ for rlw; id and, r,:\, ill' itt:d • . Arh~i~d s. C:t l SkiiJ11 3 1•, I'' 111uJ I tlq•,trtrrH'Hl, and rrw:tl wr ctf II· lf amilt•dJ l~• Jilld c.( l ~c.IIH ·J fl( ,fl, I · • ~· llf Crl ctS dw tu~· I Jii:t.­r ,. J p l..;r IIIUJJd B:H• I, rnc ,rdwa I r J!' l.le lWt·t' Jl i 'lt:rmpi•,n, I h,• r f:'lllli iH ,I I • lat 1"1'"' ~ nd 1 he sts Lr· ' ' ,~;a t i •, 11 a I ~c1 ,. ,f>J d CJ ·11 r . 11)<.,: Ill . . l i ~o.t· S~ t·ll i, l'tilt JJL• tral h . !\~:.Lc ·l l~i . hop, lr•:edll I '(J nd :·a .. 1'1 Jlt,l n, iaJ 111 thc· f..O IIIJ (II•) .:ud J••lt "Jll' II ~ ( J !'.. • l rn r II Cd j It Jl\ tla,• II!< • II Jl" \ ~~ • t'l'ti r•cl I 0 Ilk H 1(.)1 • Br t .\ hi• lt \ .l • CttJ~ dt ·d l1y [,; 'lld ,,J d1c C"• Ju dll ~:t:li Biehl. state coo rdinator~ on ''\ haL Is \ UCtl ti nnal Educalion''; rcadinu or the Cl a~s 1-l i:;wry by Beulah \~ hiu: · s~rp-rintcrtdcuL C. \'. \. hi tc, of Hamilton Schonls, on "Need for Vocational l·:clu­ralion"; read ing of the Clas;; P Pc1phccy by Nel le vVick; Vice P te. iclt.:nt t\ ltx­eJn< k·r ' l'hom ~nn , Jr.. on <· Industry J ,(JCJk!> to \ .t)CarioJral J·:ducation''; \ i~c Prl sidcnl Cl ~llkc :\•st'lllatiun uf bc,,ll a; ami l' a ~: sidln t ( lnwa rd l\lr­lt' l' of the ll ,ttlliltull g qaul l'f Fduc.a tit111. pt('!ii.: JII :'ll i o n uf Ji 1•lotl\.IS Thl' d ,l ,.. 1111:.!' \'tl \ l'lliL'Il t)\ \hll ir:l \ Jilt::-., • a rtwrnb,·r ,-,r 1 he ~., b ~- THANKFULNESS! r .... I ,HJcr "·II , . tlu., '..\ (•Jld is not 1\ l 1 eau: :J_ ir. --hfluid be. I \'.fHH.lcrwt-·- •he\ dn 'IVL op .\ nd S''l t hr ;J.r"'JC. ~ · t free. r ,it de d:ildr~IJ ha ~c gro vn HI iea.r Tl tc ·c_,und <Jf dreadful,. 'rhctt S111nd: rha -ouLd s•'>dear Is C' min~ back t.l'J';-tirt. .f u., r \'h.v dn •he.v fi!-_ht each other: Pr ... v rell rne ii rou can. Tt.' .kill lhci r nei{!ltbr·r and bratberb .\t a diclator1 . ccH:tma.nd. , cnne de-y perhaJ•S the(H under utnd T he horror and the fear. I ~m l• Ja \' : todaY -:t..:c can ' , T ltank ( ,<1d we'n: r.1\ cr; ere~ -B: Bet,;; ;. Jvc'f WATCH OUT PASADENA. · Harold \' rigiu. ~c ~eduliatr. '·ho came " LO Hamilton fn:tm c ... nt ~,rr. 'l.nd Elbert Cook. k·rcman of '-:r,. 2 m:ll ca l ender ~ . should be in tl ~ p .. , plant br the time thi-: n:.:tga..:ioe re!lch­es YOU. Thu· are l)d td L' lt:d to tea H: J • Hamilton \la\-· 2~ in \ Harold calls automobiks. \ f i:Cl the)c felkm ~: th.!\. ft! i..lOth • grcJ t gu~ ~ . HAMILTONIANS IN PASADENA Hamilton ChJmpion~ \ill finJ in­f ormn 1 ion abt.""lHt H t'l n1 i i run (i1:. m­piuns '' lw h.n ( t:ulW h J l ..t~J ... i~rta. in tht :'~·~.:tion l'f this nH.t.!.. !P.ZiP · J ·- \'fH t.'d tn tlw llousL(lll Di,·i::.ion. t:kf,,rl' he ldt f'"'r Tcx.l:\. Q,, i· ht 'l'ltoJH$tlll -t .. .'Tl't'\1 tP td[ H~ .tll 1\'lOUl. t lw bo-\ ' '' ltn :n c ,d n: .1.~.h t n t lw j, fl in 1 h~..· W''' mi ll.;-an"l be hit~ "tun\; I. fl lv rt<:fh ll i tl (~I lltt h tdMt ul lru. IO\ lh Ro..,·. John S. bt'lnkn1JH. l l m1H n P4AI\On ' lrt 1 ~~~H.I j..(tl dJ t l ··d f, ,r d\1 I' 1:' 1 I r , p, } 1' 1 Wu .Lici I r l !w ll..t·\. J • Btt tll 11•1111 1 t ltJf nf IJ,. l ·11~1 H~s 1 til (.hut ch. . 1 t..ak~'t ~:~ indtH.f,~d: J. I • J\1 ,, nJc, fhOJ" •Jn J-. \...h 4 u i}H0r. '"' G Ptollld n t, How tU Col' to•• p 1 ld~ t li rualton On,u l of f.tlu r: ,.,, II ~ n. ymCJit 1 Uaflt. COQr•httll i(H ; l.let'lt• M rll"hl Ch(\ll1\)ion Vtto -Pt.ialu ,,; J, r ~\ hl ••• t COOt 11100 At nu dlo, N~. 2 t \111 hhtq , 4 1 u r.h a. Mal)el llt.uup. h \tUC: Ior (12) I \ \ I I I :lt CHA/1\ Pto" G'Ru t=€1 TH£tA.. o:, PLONIA S FoA. CoMPlETING- ltft , S'IUOieS lAI PAPeR, SORTtrvc;,.- Tt;E F,RST C. "iAM P t 0 IV~ I N H.AM IL r 0 rv TCJ B€ So HO NurV€0 --- M f<.£.ARO SOWD C:: I~ BUYS A TU6€" 0 F ,S ti A V I tV G- QQA P M IS T A ( t IV G-ltc \T I= OR. tO OT H PA.S re f .:.> - ........... _._ ~ - '_J~ ... Pe: I{ L. L.. I f 1 '-. C '-' rV lJ W€. '3 I~ I...£ 1: IN ..,0 vIE Fo {=> r:::"R rr11 N& PR I" t. ~ ----· F ' 1\1 t t LL '( S I)\..( E:. E. 0 I f\J "-.---- T AMfiV G- ~ COW C~ASH E ~ fi/E s ' r f\JtLSoN MOUeS \0 A NEv./ 1-lCM E A NO MOV'€· ME.N ~A. /L T 0 Tl<rr-4 leN SLA rS ' "' r r1 ~ a e 1> A Hamilton Champion's For nlAfll ~1.:: ~ dt ,z-in-z which I la n1i hem cr. amp:or~s !•a,-e be ·n pr~pa rin•"Y for b trek to Pa:>adena and the new· C a-tn~ i{ n. he f ~rant<.)tHst topic of c­\" t·r~ation ha-- cc:~.Te1ed on the subjt.•ct: \' bat kind of a t _,\-.'11 :1re v~·c going tu? 1! .... .-c::·~ lu? ans:wer. !\ [ .and ~trs. :...rord~"•.l Bc~HJett. l""·hn Jea\·e io:· 1 a sa .. d na 'O:>l1. h ;n·c recei\·ed a 1c:tt er f rr,m r. and h·~. fic:nn.- Hi'.·c,.: .,.J,o al- !'Cad· ar:c-: tl ere. 'J J,i") ·$\'~.hat it ~ a~ ~ : ~~\ 'e rl-:'H e ]eft H(_.t ston a ld ~rancd tlle car dO\'\i1 the n,;~d 1r .ward Pasa­de~. a.. mo3t of us ,, i--h J eav·v he a ns ~ and c:r n1~ nli .. ·;?i\:~1l 0 fur \'.hat :-. in - .. tl'~rt: :.t,r U . ·' \_ · ,. dri\:c ~ i~mg 1ve k,ok fru a n Wu1..:1 • Ch. n11· '·1 1~ _A~' ~ • r). ~ .S,. ."a r.. ) 1·. ' .. \ ·' a .. d di f£1.:.!11'. r US LC a Sh9jl\"\ lJfl1 CC.lll- • · ·. n1l -.. • . "~ d.denh· nrte of o h , tt~ in the ~ d!·ttl i ~,.. ill.:' ond. ~\ h1H ar·· r.l•rJ e L)l'~! =J·,l~. , ( l'l:U •. I. ~ • ··. -(; ii.d ou elv~.s in a L•.:au iftotf r-r,\~0. hiP~' "'J<:locJl, ;') ... =' and • • r fiG'.~ ;;r e\·eJ t \ J e1 c-a n ~~. 1 . - c , 1lvu\•cm1 ~d'nthecfdlqrt·v' n~t tht!:! .c< {,1). .\·\Z j .C GJ ·n~ \C ~\~~ d rcbe." tiC. •~· '-llifc.~f ~~ i fUJ. 11 ' • Impression of ~asadena hop pes, po::-t onice, bank and big schooJs . .. uper ma rkers. 1 'nJk about a s-11 rprise and a "·onderful place. ' \ ' hen we crol inL0 the town were welcomc:d by our ol<l friend. ])\'igln 'fhonl s<,n. and our new f ricnd , I\ lr. ) r .• \..(I'J f)'. 'The lcner \Vas enthusia stic. Bo said, about the nc\· ]or atio n> the ho1ne · and s urrounding~ . .\nd Bo "''hu ha~ been wilh Hamil­tun Cha 111 piun 1 nan y yea 1 s. is looking for~aHJ t<:J .hi~ new h >mdand in 'f cxa!\, and th C)nking all the boys hc rt? for the hlle tjme the,· hav~ haJ as Ilan1.i lton Cha lHpir ns . . ~-------- --~- Plu~tdJ.: r. ·rrl 11·re.. T h.H' l (·\'er,v · one 01) l (.ul al l ~ ptead (Jill uzl rlh~ ftnr•r. ln J"pt~c t,f ~11 the jok(·':- about r Ju rnh~.:r 1 1Javcn 1t roq~oH ·n ~ 1)~1t hiH J.t. J\ l} IJt!fp,,.;r ~ ~ It e r~ Wtl h 111 , . ;.1ncl \H! dr.n'r hctve {() (!(J h~1....k f(n ~ rl,in t!." \ J c-4 id of tfH; I f, l iS<:; " T sir. IJ,u otr tnU ~ I IJ vr· ~h e Jr~ s~ . \ c ha,~c rt nli!j;,;£ f '' to (h, 1.. .. ' 1('.1 ~ (13) a n1 &Of rv. • \' J't JTl \! c-l d - • ~~ r lu I 11 I ) r O~ttr O.un En.~ r v once in awhile we; see in our ' eve ning paper, a reror t of a coa l Jnine bein o- on fire an I urnet:irncs o( a coal mine bur ning for e v·e ral year"'. \-ell} Hamilton Cham pion had it.; own "coal mine fire.. ' Fuel is stored in giP"a ntic pile · aJong 'fwo ~:lilc Creek. north of the mi lL.. and rcceJ'lth. · a fire broke out. due to sp(Jntaneous combos-cion or whate,·lT it is that cau ·es coal to get afire without human a -· istauce. . ome of the boy: thought it was due t 0 the mauy hea\-}' rains, follo"' eJ b_, a f e\ h Ol da) ~ . \-hen the fire "as di ~t..v , ·cred. rhe heap \ :lS loadcJ inlo cars a~ rapidl)r as nt·cdcd and taken t0 th~.: pow·(•r pl~n r r.o be: fed inttJ the furn aces. l\nd rake: it irum. a nurnht' r irt this t.lerar1rncnt . . ts wdl :t ' rh:rc in oth~r de:: rn:l nds, ga-. m asl~ would ha \ c h ~en weknDH'cL _"\ fe\ did J,u·n.: t hl!rn. 0ftt:Jl our triah; rtl'l tt~ a thl•rn­lt ·dgt t< k•..+l'P n ..: in tl''-' .' 'l(.d p: t :iUill': hut. (JU t Jllo:-pcriq' i ~ n !!<l)l tl:rougb " "hH h "L' .L •O • ~ tl :l\. . -- S.t. ua~.. ' t'(IIJ • • • KI N 0f HA M IL T 0 N CH A M P I 0N S CR A D UA T l fR 0 M When the 300 boys and girls were gradua ted hom the Hamilton High School a few days ago. those shown in this group are s ons and daugb. ten of Champion_s or have other relatives in the mill. Beading from lelt to r ight. they are: FiTst roVT- Pick Stephenson, son of William Stephenson; Dick Weber. nephew of John Pteil; Ted K.roog er. kin of Joe Kroeger; Don Schmeer. cou.ain of Lou Meyer and Larry Scheller; 1Jlonard Medloc~. son of Roscoe Med· Loclc; Jim Coldiron, llephew of Elmer Hoskins. Dan Doa:n and Bob Craycraft; Jim Sellers, son ol P. Scllel"B; Harvoy Hensley. bro1her-in· law of &l y H.empllts; Kenneth Minnich. coUJSin of Gerdon Cham.barn. Jr.; Dtvid Hammonds. broth· r of Wcodx'JW H~Dlmondl; Jack Lath'ner. aon of Komor ; VIctor J. R\cbardaon. nephew oJ Alqie Horooby. S6cond row· Haddil', son ot K. A. H~doJx ; Dontord Canison. son o l James C. Ga ta Qo · E9elyn Sborp, dal.lqbt.or ol luth t Sharp; &uJ.,h B. ker, si:ster of J;nnan Bal<or; Edn Sharp. d~tucJhf t ol Luu, r Sh.J.TJ): Dorta Arnselm. qr nddd\U'Jhtbr of Jo oph J\neeJm; .fily .A JJ n, d,uqht r of Sam All n ; A una South. •fat r ot WOilcl 8o7dot and of tarl Soutla; Wa,•· d Rlnq, d.Ju9ht r of LIJUun Rin-Cf; Peldo CJ_, • .., tor(f, rJeuqhtor of Ji()be.rl c, ,;.tfoJ d .tnd lahn ol £Jm r Ctawl'.otd , htw l 0,) rld•on. cou•Jn o f M J.,el A Hem; J n J1au1 w JJ, ci"lUOhlor o( Alua PunVI 11 ol'\d itt~tr ~~ I1u,.l.t411 • ~~ " II .nd Al~d Punw• ll, J,,, H6va J' orn Pt·fl•ul, d lU9hli'Jr o1 'J ht>mli• n. JJ yiOJ1 7 L f Srh ftu, d&u<jhl•r ol Mra, Uu1h CJQycJ: fO'lJ Ct •f.'k ol\ ~~ /f1hfl (.,. Grr oh, J, rl ]orn~•. 110n of l. rl }(;ttt. , Sr. and (lt<~nd un of 31onho.n fob , 1 hlrd row Don J alk. c.m ol r rn • • I' II : VfrqJnl• H J , <lou<)ht t f'Jf Jc.lm H.tlo Uol n tlurfGn. <fauqhlt.r o f fo •· h 3u.rlon; RllOl Schm ' · 1..0\IJ n of l ole Mt• ~ : Ca lie• 1\ Mt:· Mt~ '-h •• n elat•r of Ct.JoJ Mcl-1 cu n ; DcJ•Otlty JaumfJf, chaurJhtor of 1\l U 6 1 ~·pf: L crl n~ a HAMILTON HIGH SCHOOL DeWitt. daug ~ ter of Norlense DeWitt: Evelyn Steed, s ister of Margaret Steed ; Evelyn Daniel, d aughter ol M:rs. Ada Steele-; Mary Jane Dickie. daughter of R. L.; Lillie Thompson. daughter of Sloven Thompson and slsler of Bertha Thompson; Dorothy Gardner. cousin oJ Theresa Zimmerman; Marian Trautwein. cousin of In e z Feyh; Eva House, niece of Mrs. John Hay. Jr.; Betty Gardner. daughter of Art Gard­ne r: George Thompson. son oJ Mrs. Paul Schneider. Fourth row- Edwm Turpin, son of Tipp Tur· p in: Poarl Sudsowsky. grandda uqbtet oJ Mrs. Josephine Brow n; Hope Carter. sister of fona Kollbob ; Marjorlo S:omps. cousin of Pa ul lllnc r: Luci lle Davt z. niece of Robort CraW· ford.: Charlo No Sheard. nioc:e of William Coop· e r and A . L. Smith: Mary Elton ScJH~erloq , cousin of Mar tha KoJlor: Betty Wbltlinqton. daughter oJ f'loyd Morgan; Ne llie Wlse. cla uqh· tor o f William W\o ; Elnora McElruoy, dauqh· tor of Raymond McElr vey: Deny BuoJI, et le r Jo-law of frunk Turne r; B•Hy Ri m r, aiatet of Chorlos R\omer; Alma Ha llen . aJ lut of Stovo Hull •l: Aoq 1tl\na ~1onolo. ntee of J ~ me P.!fhnOFl, Dorothy H( tc;omb, sf&lor ol CJ u\lG Hdkomb . l"lfth row - Linn D rickeon. son r1f C1 ' n('l) ncl M ldwct D Jirtk•on , {h)<Jh &y C utl\ll, bn .. th r uf Junu C.audtll unll • top11on of Wll\i •n Lun I I ( 1: a (ij ld 8 at, brolh.tlr Qf C:l)n' Bt fi t •Ht l 11olh 1 .tn J w uf B'fyCC) Ad0nr Tim J- rltud• bfolhot ul t; l..ti'Ulfr' l'C'tt• ~ h ; Oo11'"lon Srouf• , cou.1•1 e t ih n t c.uf ! tlu c>c U Pt>r(y, cou ,,~ v i Jfc, I.J Cubll 111: 1' .)J• Mt'l )Oth M. broth ur •"'( W lt1 1 Mc.llctMhh lac~ lol l~llln r\ t~lll r qf P U y linunw tl . n. T'U w uud nlu<·• r" 11 t "'• ly of lr1Y end M.a. ttl Y,i \ 1' ~ oL C.-ltlw ll. IJrutlh r u l Uoh t1 C ... htw Jh lr•lan li1 . II"JJ\ c•f W l tl C it( • I f• r ulUU ':)W~ll , •on u f ti t• II~ uwt!llr Ch atr,uu · ul\llt, nl c of l uth ,. r b OJ• u h t Mol fn• Wlhuo••· tf 1 bt<n etf WtUt m U. Wit r ,, , M ,,..,, ftm..: 1 ht. u uvl\ter of Rob tl D rntt •••· Sixth row- Dale Frary. u~phew o1 Wm. ~ Bolt Jim Ryan attd Allen Ga:ml)JelL tather and brothers: Andy Woedt son o1 l;1ike Woedl; Richard Rentschler. son of Wi lliam Rentschler and brother oJ William Re~$chler. Jr-.: J\aron Pe ttit. brother oi Clarence Pe ttit; Huqh PoU.s, brother ol Eve rett Potts. Oda Potts and Elmer Potts and nephew oJ C.b.arle Robin: Evans J, Jonson . nephew of Mrs. Fanner: Paul Satr1D9· h aus. nephew ot ~s. Clara Messner: Charle Shields. Jr .. son of Charlca Shields: Theojore Sa n,deUu.a. soo ot Sven Sandeliu.s: Shotwood H. Cr&wJor:d: Ed. Mullen!, nephew ot Joho Mullen.i. S0V'cnth raw- Charl&s 'Richardson: R:ly l"fin· ler. son oJ G. S. Minter and ne phe...,q- of Jewe l Die ln!!on · Johnny Marcum, uophew of e te Mar::um: Jobn Ov• rholu n phew of GluM Overho l~; Ra)• \! tgCJins. a-on oi Dell.1 Wiq _,, , RAMSEYS ON VACATlO .I P llll I{ u n:-1..·' , 'tl. I m.1ch i nc- ""'DIU . \1 &!\. I' 111 \ .. l' ' .• tu\l t wir l\'r ' ·hildr n, !t11b , tl\d !in1, !-t Jl\'tll •I t'\l •.b~ lll f\1 1 \ N l,::; Ill l >t•lpSH'I'• ~ ~\'Pf i.l. 1 e s t Y')ll d I \ ll ' I ~ t \( I\ • I IIi:> i I\ I I t h c.' \.""'"' II\ i Jl • " in ~~ tud,· 1 ' II 1,· '' l1 ~,,. lt..•h n i h:,,u ~nd ~ \'\'('1\L ll l' .1\ '>,., h td t.'\L r al ~;.l. l \:- '-•' f' 1nd ftsluug ' l • l l l :.II II H ' "til ntdtt :-. fo t I"''· ;d u II\'" tt .t' tl n ·:-oJ•••u • • • 1""11Jiq~ t1 IS ( ,• (.) ' g, . tbiti~\ i 1'o ,I 1 p.1hn."'· • '' I!<'" II'<' of r lH' '' ~~w.t n ' h., 1~ i ~M'!>. \ ''ll un h11\h l"h t k. tl is '' ·II nnu h t •l I• i, ' 11 .. L l11p. h , l lt l l k~ I ur I•J \ ~ .'' \1 t y ...,11. luir. • • T 'ti • Jroo·p Z I· Wee~ (nds a f. Chapaco ~\ ~th ;-n~ ..... H-1 . Jll~ ~ ~' it h ~~ l .. · n~~ h) ll-,, [, Jl~. d H' \ ,,tf ('~i. I 1,C l t' C~tlllp • I 4 \ ;: h th :ill ~n~t: 'htt~,~ ' un. \ · , r '' \.-._t a~ t: d l p ,1 ) 1). '\ .. \ pril . . L; . ~"l iam.ln callct.1 ~H ,he gjr}~ t '~ .. t: ~ f H d ,J) \ 1-d . I : h~ J ~ ~ j t 1 S l Ill @ ' ;. >-.i ) .a~ . ~ 1 ~ • . ·l th'l;\; '' (.' '' t:.~nt tc,\ wt.,l ~ 1n~· t··~. ''tl' h,.ls for tht.") 1·i('ht. .\Ii~ n · · ' 1 l I · ' l ~ ! rt ,.,. ~q~w,•, . 1 H' ·n ·w ~YJ t•s '"* rnu \ • • tl:~ 1""~Pr1·· / :_._,_" ~'~tl \. s pia:{"' ~tft\: r , ·ttf b.n..l ;\ ~"• . ~n~ le 6lnd ( .1p<-rs ,l!'- $-t~l ~ h'l u~ ~\ f1er ..1. d<;--1 \Qh tful gam~\ .. - l ~ r- ;- ~. ".l n. \. a r'~ I ; St. .1. n'· J ' r .H n. .' l I !"' t- ~i ·J d.l~ t~\ ~t11i ~ !"'lC'al; P.:Hn>l 11 t\(hr..·e= f:t' .. d: Pat rt~l U l t~e;:)n1.~J 1. l'· .1 :1(' l ~.·u: f\ · '\ ,' th<." ,ii:-he.:-. \~ ~.; ~e \yL \e~re .l"()Ut1d tht..·tabte l:\r ~·-·r l {"tW; i · ~al tc ~:1ttf , .. nq ri \lis$ l .. ~ ~1.t> ·'-1i•'Hed };~,. r cttl,ltie." he had t.' <Hell. La r t' i u i ht• e,·~ni n ., t t1 t> ~i rl~ p-~il ( h- - ~J • " t>rt.-:u =.t.rt. t n 1 l~, ti r~plll.ce . ~a n~ ., n~")'· J 1o-1 l =-' 'd·!"!es ;_t,d ,,·ere all kept merry b"· 0~1 ar~· ~ L0·~:!L 1'hen \·e we-ar ou t ~ :·t..:d J iO.kcd. ~-u_ thi' s Lar~. \. 'vent to bc~..i and aB the ltghts 'r\·en~ turr-<..J n~c~ ... b.ut "t: didn't ·!... ro to :-~t: ·p. [n:-r~ hoJ~· ''as np at 7:20 S ;!d~,. . ~n· n:in.~... 3nd read.v [0:· break-f a:·'!. at "-:00 l}'c+Kk, but Beny k ill-m~:~ n~ 3!ld ~he to be ru11ed out •t')f bed. C.>nt-.r.s \vere do11e bv the di'{- r . -~~·epl n4 ( r As a1!1J tht:n we had bnda ,. Sd·r.x:.l in the ··I..itde Bear Council ') • 1 rr' l K.14.Q'. . ne -C~son· w: · Taught hy our .lS:si ·t~nt lcade1. ~1 iss Beulah \rfhite. .\fter that \;e t t.A,k pictu·i·~~ and p re­p: :cd the fO<.~d fot· rhc noo11 rneal • • ,x·..ltC!l xre cr>OkeJ <h.rsidc, Elsie ~··'·eer:e,·. f>o.t otbv 'CioeneL BgtLy Pvles aLi R.:t~Ce! Bi rge~ pa~:-ed fire b~i-lding. ~ t: 3: GU c/cioek we g-,~I hel-ed our he&s ~u)o roHec! 0'1r hlauk~ts into blas­~: r:: rr)Hs tc hr:ng home ~\'"e t hen p a~ .ed garPt: until time for our e:ven­iij~: mtaL .\t ~ix o~dock we ·broke ca~tp ar:cl a 1 e lo >king forward to our carr1ni!1g period. The girls whn a t­l~ t ld~d c' .,lp t.~t. re : El$ie ~ .veeneyl D• . Jr-<rthv (;ucbeL Betty f:,!.:_i Hu.Ja .n,·- B ~t.­'- t' and JJr,rnthy Pyle .... 1)elore~ l.ovt:t1. '.(hr.a ._·_ }·.dl .. Jar:~· Noe~, Ra<..heJ J3j r?cl, Ffcl.e.i1 I lun! by. rv1 ary dC"xand'·l. 8 f't­ty ... lcCiea ry fJ,~ores Bak~r Jane . \ n n Alk·n a·nd ~ f arjr... . ri~ t~ icrman. Lf'"rr'Jer.s wen:~ i~;. s Stelhl J'erriu:r-•. !\h-~ .B~ulah \Yh-i!t; a11Jd ~ It~ . .\i)Jd rcu·J Sl,.1 f~,;fr.(a n. Girl Scout Escorts rfne (.'i ant J i"JU Sr·a <"icr;Ui 5 'l\ ;iS '" eva:, ff,r· r>tm,-t·· ~'"t ~r t9\"~ ) c;jrf Cf:iU'5 ·w , -r~ ~\ r:J c l!ere f()'f · C!:H'!ft:reaeet l J~r af es ~"11.111 .r~£ _ I a~ 11 , and a diu tee ir. Jhe e ·~ J i.n~ ' Lit~ Sa vlll~ Co~r~ l 'tN.' ~\,j 1 'f'C l7 i f t he S~ S '\ )l,tl ni ~ Jld ft v l , 1 r h <. "· i t' '' a r · l :r k H1 ~ tl t c.: }{ e'd C rt)~. "' r\iof li t<· ~J \· i~ lt~ coHr~ ~~ itl tht.: ),' \L l ' \ , tJ'h i ~ rrq' ui re. l H hn1 n's n{ i n ~ l t \h."' i v 1.1 Hobby Show and Camporee T'h · S<·D Sn)'' l.' ~n c phlnnr tl, · ·t tli s-rt: n ft r (he li<1 111pi >O I Tobhy Shn\t 1t ) be th.·ld Lbe fi r~t ' ·e k In r lH~C·. ~ 1 'h c ~· ... tt e Jtlsct pl .:t nning 10 :ttte11d the C<'nnwil 'tnnpore'"' t t ' ~ ~ h ~1.d .1 nne g.JJ. Camp Chapaco ' rh · S(!a S('nu t c am~ J 'C I ~i od ~t C ·lmp C hapaco ~ ta rt s .ftJ t~·c: 20. 'rhi will give US a ·b~llhX' t 0 ~d a gooJ com t of t a ll bt~f~.,¥e "Larti!lg on out canf)(;; trip July 1. lt \ ill al o giYe us a :aha nee to b lJ ild an onrside l ~nd shi l'; to l:}e later '( 11t lO f ~oui sYill e and rea-ssembled b\" 11 • wh ~11 we reat h rbe re by canoe. '· Sea Scouts The S.S.S. ~ [i ami ha·d its first Fat.ber fl nd on. dl nner cH Ca.m.p Ch·a paco ·~,;f ay 9 tu celebra-te its ft rst bi.rrhday a;s SGa .. COUtS. _ T'he dining haJJ '~·a s fi xed up like a ship '" i ~·h mast anel bt!J I· am;idshi p · a.nrl t a bles along the sides a o.d rai b11gs for~ and a ft. . T'he fathets were pi.p ecl a:n boaFt.l. na ,,.Y :-slyle, the Sea Scout.s . acting ;rs · 1Je bovs. . • A her flag r.a i"ing· and a .sltO,J1t talk on sea customs bv Coxswain Baker t11e rag' - was l'iois.te9 to the. p·ort ya rd ann and the crew and £p. LlH~1-s got down tO tJ!le bn.1 j tJC"'S of eati n cr. .~ C . B. Keber:t, Scout E~ecutive! gave a sbort talk and Ji ro Grit'nn, Cam:p J)irector, 1e.d · a couple of songs, aiad then Da reiJ \~l i .l s.on ho".,.etl some rnov­i ·n"" pietures he took of a canoe trip in (he 2\onh Woods. Tl,e eveni n.g <.!Od<?d with the crew r e­t ·i ri 11g to t.he ga'lley t 0 ·wash disftcs. l'. . 'Ilte ·Gid Scduts of 1'roop 22 rrep~ reJ anll se rv~d .che food. 'Th..a nks~ ,..:i r1s. <·Success is <:onpleJ ·w1t h oorbinrr !)ut a ~od id't~ ,., ""' harcl work.» Bal~ait . - -<J 'it<;.'et tHY b 'u~k wi r.h hope i rt 1 h.e .L l ea~, l t:!'avi·J)g ~ s t e c~ n. ' Thonur.r J eff t rsrnl. '~(;r)od teynpyrt Jik ~ a ~·dt..:d s a hrighU\e s c>.\f<·r --}l'. I r:;iu ~. . •n•m a.\. ! Ia- v. C\"r;r> r [ ~~ · ;:, fivlu h ·an !j v-c ~ J l :~!c r ., '-- .';, h ak fl J p:Pa r, (15) • • • If you recad the sports Pilqe ln .the Jo-um.aJ you won't ne~d an introduction to the qood · }Qoking chap above. £ast year ~mer waS1 the stal' pi tch e r for the Schisle r's ball team .. Ebner is the son of ,Kiser HaddiX, Cardboard Depa:rtmeoi~ a.od every ttme Elmer plays ball you can aiw:ays se4;' bis father out there rQ.otlnCJ fo.r him. CAMPING DAT,ES SET Champi'on B0r. a"nd Gi rJ ScoHts are alreauy pl-a nning. for the anriua~I camp­in( J' s e~sc;1n 1.v hi~h will begl'n soon after the middle o( r;his moncl1 «ncl concinue Ut'ltil n1id-August. Cal Skillman announced r.hat in ad- < • didon co ·Camp .Dire:.Citor James Gri1n, there also wi ll be a fu ll ®losded Indian to ass iS:J5 boy iH th ei.r ·woo~h: rafc e"fforts tf1 i-s year. l-Ie also an110unced a new • era ft b·ui ldi 111g lla:s been c0n1pleted, j1..tst n0rt:b: of th~ Jnain bl.lilJing, and thax 19 m0re acres ef woodla-11ds have been add.e.J to tht: t1·a ~t. l)~~es f9r bGlys e ~ rnp-ing are: 'Troops 23 and 25. fir t perio I· June 20-26 i ncl usi e. ''J'roO;p 24, s·econ~l t--'eriod ] l:l ne 26- J wly 2' in:clu . .ire . J\ l) ChaJn) jon S~otu,:s_, t hirJ period- J uly 7 ... rs indnsi;vc. . At I ·Cha n 1 pi·ot:t buvs bc1 ween, ages 1@ a·ncl l 8- J t1ly J 4 .. 20· i nd ~1 si v~. "' ( ~id · ca t)l pi tig dat~~ : Fjh h peri o~-J n l y 21-27 i J)dasi ,~e . Si;&d'l pcrib~~J uJy 2~ - u ~u ~ r 3 jn.- · du'$i v . St \J (·~tt h pc~ t'.ioJ-- '\ u g~.tlS t 4 .. \() rndu.- • SJY'e. • • • • a eason • By Carl R(}bfnu.r \ t the d v ... e nf th(.! t o~q ~'"'[tb.d l -- e~-.('tl a~nUi. ·\· L'llt ~ -li\'e plt{~ ~r:' uf the Ch:tmpion L l':lt-Ltt' hung up thci r 2'1 .,·~s . anJ dt"Jinn~h retired fl•Jrn JC­tl\ ·e cnmpc(ition fot :l ll rime. On L•'ri­UJ\.. t'\·entn~... . \L:n. tt..·mh. not k..:s tha11 isty of the:c pl.1y~rs C3me Olll of rc- (lfCMt'llt anJ appc~rnl in lhe b(l\ score~ of the ' a rwu · .~.. a me:, , none of them went home td] inb the "orld t hat the camt.> \Hiutd h ~n·e beL'll \ nn had they been in the lineup · and the last one :at at h0me anJ pouted because th~ ·'Elirzkrie~( tigh tened do"' n on him, anJ wouiJ not l~t him out. Two bits sa' we _ ee hi1n ue:u week. ·Bm. -getti nQ" into a more -crious YL·in, '- . . the Chamrion Leagu~. as tt op~ ns rts .. cason of rlay, appears to be much stronger than it has in the past. Part of this i due to the fact that the ~ational League is not in acti on this ~ear. and sc\'eral of the players of that team have signed with tea rns in the mill loop. .\ number of nc"· names ap­pear among the liH of managers, and ~orne new Leam names. but most of lhe old familiar lineup!:- ·will appea r, with bm \ ery iew strange faces. • \ nd 110"- for the ceremony of neck lcking out. T his is an action lh at Rutb .,,.cf Rc-h 1 te Kololhlk. twin • wlll bt 1-4 yecus old July 1& H h .· lb y .u. iH thr'~' o::oA!umurion uu.~~ . wom 1~~' 1h til t f~rt• ln Imman1.1ol l.uth&un• Clwrr:J1 P 1m fl~o~ , d •• y, Th y ~ro fh ~)ltldr n ol Mr Otr•} Ko l(ld. l • wltOllO 1 tq h ueht\nd fen ~~•o • lt w pc;ll( c. ' h\ I (II 8&mHLo1l ~·d Mlddtvto~o,. T u,tb K<Jto<J Utr •later. ia Dll C M fuu1ln<J, t u en u.nelq, H .r<~id lo~k•• · Sa -lr tr~tll lc; any nJic Lryint: In writ · mus1 •akc. afld the ~adit1 it " d on~:. lhc ~ I CII''r the t1d d s tit at no ( · n c w iII n:' m c m b<' r \ () u r J ~c: k-rti!lll Lo vuur later cri)ha rra, .. smcnr. The w r i1e1 's sdc.·niqn f<)r the lca(Tuc ~L ;lll dClrd lwa rcr in the fall classic, the city series. i:-. that ~H!~l c.:l!a ti·-,n nf ath­ktic man·rls pla}ing wi th the ·tan­Jards ·\ . C. and pi loted br softhall's most c<Jlorful lllnsLer minds. Harpoon­er Hurst. And just in case the Stan­dn rJ ~ A. C. shou IJ not sho"- the oiTt:n­sin:. power, and the defensive skill that they haYe on pa per, the battle should he bet ween rhc \ I a chine Room. under Lhc direclion of -loh n Ramsev. .' a nJ the :\lecha nicals, under Guy Compton. T he. tcamplant and :\amelos will also he up th ere to make life totrgh for any­one who wan ts to take things easy. ;\ nu .n O·\. for a f cw ret:narks on the open.m g games. "l~ l1 e games we re re- Jna rkabl)~ well played, consid ering the cold weather during tl1e lasL month making it impossible to get many prac­tice games. The {earure game o[ the eYeniog ·found the "FirebaUcr;.• £,-erett Pous of the ~'lac hine RooiTL and ''Di::l' Gillm:n. of the Steam Plant, matching Lh eir \\1.ares. Potts anu Company came out Gn top of a three to nothing game. 'Th c \Tj nne rs CO ll ccted a LOLa l 0 f ft V e hi ts \"hile the lo·e rs could get but I ,._ three. Another clo ·e cont<:'St found tltc Fal­cons Laki n~ the F orm~n aggregati on into camp li\c tn lhree, wich the win ­u er~ eollccling 5even bits to the losers six. One of th ~ c team. :-huuld tlnish iu the fi r~ t di\ isio11. wi th the 01 her hcadin~ the sccund division. but any­t hin~ <..all happ~· Jl. :>0 kL'<.'p )'OUr t'\'\.!" Oil h(Jl lt dtt'"~ ~qmab. \hhotH:h nc>t­ctl de)\ n \ itll '' t.a tnc'' {1 l.t ~ \·r~, bllth u a 111 ~ ;d w .t y s pl a~ 1,. ll'U. :1n d i 11 n:n: Ill y<~n t'~ h~t\'t· pulled tlw )'iw; l r~>m Ulldl·r l\.olll1S \1' 1 ~· !:> lll' ['< '~c·\ 1 l > fl ,t\' l' t l1 (' lll t,u, d:ts .:J. 'I he I\ ll•drit ll i.: d ~ lela nkt:,f til<· lu I'' '- 111111 tlritti'C'll t• J \h.1 l illl' lit•k b tl \ J,t.t U ' l'r}tt.h \l l Sw 1iu. ;r 11\'\ c liii'H'l liJ tlu 1,.n1 ~' ll' '''•l'd l 1tll 11111' hrl , tlld iJ IIi d.rlll.'l'e" IHII 1 111\.C'1 \-\ lr•' ll \ itlr lrl\l' c,111 , I 1~11'); 6 i ll ~ l ,•d, a l<~k t 'l'IJ~td and \.t'lll 111 rlriHl ''" •''I lniJd.l 11\ll l( r,\ I ' I~ T, h • f~~r··~·d '( illlllll ' \' 1 ' :-\1111tL { II Jill n •JIIteld llv t iJ.'ll l11u r,,1 '1, .1 t •• lrl ll t • I ' ,ttllli rrru.ILL it, ' '~ ' rr,l l h•' l ll rHHg . t'lw ttinpr• u•l • h.'"' ll''lllnl Hllll () ~~ Jt d I b,l } C\' ttiH~ . :ll!.d .I .I ll'• ttll li1•• Ulll •~lu h,l l l!h·d th•'IJI tl~t· .. •.'ut 1\t d •••bLrtrv tl"·~· h · \' l' ,,, t·t\ t>d in 1 ~f 11 1 y · (llr • T I, 1 • 1 l [II t· lnt• l 11 ~'~ I t 1 d i II for~·-''' . u c·t'•' ll t t •HI I\ \'h t 1111 ,, \ lult (1 &) .. We _)(new Jt. cleo . We _j~~ew Jt We'd be pleased to have Mr. Leo Geise:, No. 1 machlne room. meet his daugh~t. Mary. Sbe's four years old. Leo~ and for your iDlor· matio.n this pict~ was taken as Nary Gtood. dressed niher Easter toqs, in fro:u oi y ou; home. The boy of the family is l.~o. Jr. You see. Loo b.u bee11 promismQ tor low years to bring us the picture oi his da\lCJQtar . He didn' t. so we had to uss othet methods. The next time we'll tell MtS. GeU.c)r. l.Duck\ .. \l .. trtin, he-IJ the {', :>'ct.~ ... (' eight h.its Jnt..l n' ~) run~. . l\fa1Hl};C\ llur t h.•f!,' r h i~ manua~ on im .. icJe b:1:-\·baH and ht ~ l ~l~" c ol tn<.'mon ldt the St .. ttld.~r.._b~ .\. t. be~ hind the eig-ht h~ll. ~l h~: C( i.L r lz'"'~1m w~-tlku..l otT \ith th" '.!J11•'- H ) Uh' h 1ull (and l don·{ Jllt::tn ume) , f t•:i h- (t.l'll tn l'idll. ( ~~l~~ue.:. t 'irli11e fdt th·: (.\ d ('tH.l.ll Rl•\lln !irt'tlc!J th~ \ \..'. l.d· tu se,·l'll hit ·. \'hile Ius tt• ll11't,l\(' \ ~·n; C1..'llc ·ring f••lll HTn , .ltt't i"':' lh•t.1 d1~ w,·ll l·\11(:\ o;l n· \ bnll ( ~·t). Jio~ , l1tn ··, Th ~ l'l tMI ~ nw ,·,f tht· ~·\ 1.:nin!-!. lPHt11.l tht Stft-1\· l,·,• ~ t "'nni11t, fn•nt ' l'rim l' , ,k nim· {11 \Hll.. \ ' ''r". \'11'-lln· i ~> t dtl' \ i llH I.'I :' :d}\lV t\.{ "' ' hih, \ hil' L\n1H'r. tltc l't in1 l ,1-l-. l'ih·hc: , .. \ a~ tot~t:lw~l " '' , lnt tl \I du1 h t'fl. \ fh 1 th • n·u,,n l H tht• 1i.1 ~r 11ight. t h1.• hi}.r lh,· tolltl\ -\ llll\.~l.: riWil li\.·d h.>\ ,; , 1 wi1h ,1 dr.111 .. \H't·p. ' l 'h, llll 1, ~.ltlllptu 1i - - \ .~ U • • h ll , ( d l. II d IT ' l 1." k (., ' t ll-1 , F 11 c \ ;lJ I ~·n h \·h.l Ut\ l '.tl etnt \1 ~., .- h .ni\:d .. 1l )\ll \ lt 1t)t\ "1{\() "St·ll l !'Ill'\ I is thl· fir 1 • t'\'1 '\: 1 f t)u~·­~ ·t·~ '· ., ,.. lii('f'J llll, • .n Who Started t• M hin In first Mill l· n11 ' .j.:' t·n~n~~~ . t'l\.'h iT) f~ct~ ~~­l: Hin~ 1' t ht· ~t.1 1t \)t b<lrl'lpi'{ n in J ~:ti't't r :;ii,~nz. \ t kc·lk. ~llJ"t·rinr<..:u~ 1~·n t 0.t l'·q"t t :n. kiJ1~. h.J.~ r~..:( tlk\i the t' ' r1)< (:'\~· rh '".' t1H'1l 'lh ~~ dftl'd 1 ht~ 1 .-i·whi~ t.:~ .~'? ~ t:1•·~ a~u. Prit't dJ that ttatt? Ch · r'\'\.j it n did n·lt !•11 ~ ' 1"..-l ~'·-'L o~~A~ ~P~t t:d it. and it \:Al <l a l"'~ig d~ ' " ·hen du.: t!r,t rna..:ltinl'\~ stn rtt•d tn tt.Jil oA t 1 l~ j\1\,J'I.h"T \hid' \'"~,tdd be coat\.:d ltn"it : flH' 'l {H.;,"' [I)\ f. \ r~ !n{.'ir1('1r\ . . ·t~y. 1bat t~e ·~ l'!l~n st:Ht~J' 1he fli-~\ fi'ht\.·hjtl~ , .. ~'tf'·(\pt·i~tl' l'l.(>W h\'C':tll-l' tlf t 11 e : t ~ n ~ f t he R \ ' \ t::.t on t n i f I. 'r.-~lte:r \ L.-CtintiL 31h.l RiB \ l.lddix. '\c'. 1 ni.. \· 1 1~.1t'. rr.:-d l ~l,nt-.-ock and Len Ih"~gs . . '\ ''· _ rr ;\eh i nr. ... .\1 ~< lf~ · .-·\i lrhn Il ene.'. :\o. 3 ~ll ~ ~,..,. ~ m.-:.:i'i •~t~:. \{~--~, \.[~!. ,.,~II anJ ClttTord Bonner. I • • {":1 :.J. ,.,:;1 ,' •t••e • "'1 ··~"-4 ' ••• l'o· .1n~ ~ . .\ \ n.·Hn and l '"'li iT Bon ncr ' . \ o ·~1.ach1ne. ~· ~~. ~ ar-'-1 !. beaters were started bY )r .. ::ln \tah;.t!.- ar-.d J)ory tarrv· "~\)$. ~ 31 1 \,.1. 4- I tal ~rs h\r Henry and '\ ,J I \ i1 ~ m. a nJ ~o~. 5 ·and 6 b·eatcrs 'n \ J"l H.t , _ -.1.... h ana, E'd . 1 hompson. I Hamilton Chaco Credit Union R~tce;pl." Thi_r Jf on.J h ~hare~ PL ~d"<t ed _ -----$ 8.5 [ 6.20 .. _oa.u Re:\a\ 1nep·u·. _____ 3,_-oJ .f'7 : nt er~.:~ t R ~.·cej\ ed _ _ ___ 3 .D6 L 7 + Ent rance Ft ec: ------=--- 9.50 l)url'c«t:t: Pa£sb<} 1ks ____ .20 B(,rrcn\cd \1nnev ______ 10.000.00 • 1''<~{:al Receir-rs ___ ______ $2 1 .0 ~ 9.. 51 C.ash at be(Tinc.i r.g ______ 2. c3 .3S 'T' uta 1 ---- ----- ------.P<t-?'i"'. 9~t ?_ .t)c D;Jbune1nentJ ThiJ I onth Sha:-e \1, i hdnn~al~ ____ -$ 4.74k.93 } J .) 1•-,' J os • J..,r,ans. aue - - ------ --- , 1 I)" (~"I ln erest Pajd on ~·ot e s __ 47.95 N<1tc PaiJ - - ---------.... 1.500.00 Salaries --------------- J 82.04 ----------- --- 7.2.6 l:.q~j ~, Jnt:nt Purcha.'!.cd __ 402.29 Lon~·entic.n E:q·.~ ntic ____ J +5.00 '";\' ,. 1· - , -o ;~' l.! Ce :)UpJ lCS ------- - 1- .1 r[ l)f _a_] .f)j~{!;u fStHlf'f"l S ___ _,)26. 296.3 5 ar J'.nd of Peri(,d _ _ 1,6 70.54 To;; ---~ -- ------- - - )27>972J/J • Rebtives oi a number oJ Champions composed much of the cla.Ss which receJltly wa;s graduated from the Fairfield School Di>de Hiqbw--ay, south of Hamilton. Amonq the graduates. those shown in the group axe: First Row- Gladys Snodqrass. Ma"rgue Bruns, Jean Ganett and Viola Muskotf. . Second. Row- Mac Smith. Parkem Batson.. Kenneth Faist and WaJter :Hubbard Third Row-Dorothy Lentz, Fina Belle French, Octavia Linz. Helen lnqram and Alberta HileJnal). COMMUNITY CHEST AGAIN OVER THE TOP WITH BANG \ 'icc P resic.lcnt . lex rfhomson Jr. proved hin1 seJf a capa ble ·Iea_der, ""·hen as chai r·man or tbe I-Iamilton Commu­nity Chest, he put the d riv@ ov(.:r '-;v1-t.h a bang. Civic Jeaders in 11:an1i1ton, both in ancl c,ut of Chan1pion, ralJi cd to Alex s support and ~,·orked a.nd gave that the Ch e~ ( , w h ic.:b promotes cb a racter build­in? uno sodal agencies or the cornmu­Nity, tHight be fi}h;<J. IJ'he ca n 1~aign in the mill_. of cou r$c~ aL·o went (;ver big. ' r lte Champion Scr\'jce i\s~oc i at i on~ wi1'h a nlembcr­sJ, ip of nta rly J )00, subscribed $!,500 tu the Chest anJ the balance t}f rhc qlH~ta was c;11ps·cribed by Ch;un pions n·,t no\:v mcn1bcrs of the e1 'sot:icaL~on. (.I 7) lVfiss j ulian Fulco~, San1ple · Offi ce~ is very grateful to her friends in the tnill for th.e n)any p resents she re.ceivetl fol lowing a recent pa ny in her honor. She is thankful to Hilda Forberg for her n1any kindnc. ·es:- to friends who a rranged for a box at the Rccl lancl F.ield (or the party and {or a ~co re o( nrher counesi€s- 1\·li ss F u It on .wil[ be .JeJightcd. to r<tceive friends in her a pan n1e nr in the l)ai 1y ~ ew.. Build- 1ng. ~ he has been a Cha1npion 34 year~ . • rl"elL Rttuug,h Alont! I Toluwynge-f t 6a vs lh~rc in rht! ' ' . paper that lhcy are 110\V tn~"'ing shin-gk s out (A eon~r<;tc . ~ Cryt:O~'"~'--'l'h e n I take I iH:k wh~t t I jtiSl said abou t wishinn l w:1s « hoy • • • • • • oa 1n I ~l" tt'('n~J , •u 1 • • f 1 h '-' $<] u ~t'Zc n'll ~ .. nd iu d t' lh'l line. . ' w~ ~i!!n that ~ ummt:r i:; l1t'tC' ilnd t ~.H (he S\.'ft baJI St"'.l l" l1 l full HJ'l>ll LIS - \Yiudy Gillurn·~ annual . tatcmen t, "Th~ \3.\ I'm brt'c7in' th:H hall in thl'lC this yea 1 ~ the bo~· s will be proud c-.f them. d\..S "hen lhc,- hit a fou l ball J .• • c•n nte. )) )) Cl « B0b ~ lcQuCL~n. down Qn I and 2. hc.ts frmud out that h<''s still an amateu r r'lechani<:. Hob·, machine begin rnis. ­inf!. s0 brmher 2\lcQucen ro1lcd up his ~lee,-~ and \ \ 'crll to \"Ork. After trY­ine about - - different adjustmen t~s. Buh uill has the lldurn th ing' putt­r urnng along like an outboard motor­while he goc. around m u tu~ rin g in h i ~ bcarJ. )) )) « (( J .et;s \ake up a colleccion and buy a new pair of work shoes for you ng Corliss Drake. roll s tora!..!. e. E ven Pete. the tramp. '~ould have turned t.:p his nose at the bro-gans Corli ss was wallowing around in the oth er night. - Wh n M rq r t Oaborn . Ol<J J>. ,.'l ' B1 t ro, h ~ • d inJ~ to Ccnnun viii . lndi o•, ttl iU h , r 4oueff1, Joy Anu Sto r r. l.h y h "O th ti u1 • oJ tl't.;.lt li v • · Joy A un Ia Ol'lly ) 2. t, t ''t Ut t ah tr '& quHr " ledy • • you n 1 ., by the plt:l ~f . Joy .P.rJTI and McJHJaro l ,,, hr~lh ~;uJ tilf " ' h other and d uth.l 'if school vnc.uUQ•l Jr.~y lJ"t;)t. n (h l <i f .. w tn Harcultma '.Vl flln'J t..-o Bin Mcu­f , t. orne r __ --.:....-.,- u , o u ,, c , c , 111 {' "r , it c r { " 'llll w 1 (' • "hu :Ht<.·ndt•d d1l Champit •Jt 1 f(,hhy F i1ir t hi~ month. ·we hope ~ ou .tent :1 ~(lod lo0k l t l h<.· e·dllhir t,f ~i J 1glr cr,.ll ~ <.'rman l'" lon.l HerkncJI. Tlis rnr)t r~r • scooter was t h(' prir.e enLry from dtc coatj ng mill . and nHtn y ratC'd j l a~ the OliLSla nding ex hibit in tbc shn\ . Young Beckn ell spent a rear of spat e­time hour. on the project, and his capacity for deta il \ \ "C\o aprarc:m in every line of the r ed ettly balanced 111achi ne. F un hcrmorc. Flovd tells us • that the sC'ooter operate-s pe rfectly on the road. ) ) )) C( (( A tho\lsand apolo,!lics to \Vcndell '(Red:- Bord, co'or room. ]t wasn · c ' 1Red . at a 11 who spent the wituer mak ing a mowr boat which refu sed to come out o( the cell a r; rather. it was Noel ~ Cu ~ ie" Samuels. aLo of the color • room, and even he denies the sLOry vigorously. Jvly, my ! vVhat a li fe for a reporte-r t rying LO ferret out t he fact. ! )) » « « St ill our To. 1 borseman-Dewcv ~ l\ Iarcum. Even ·while we were a ll pl ac;ing our last nickel on Bimeli ch to win the K..entucky Derhy, quiet, pipe­smoking De,,vey insisted that the Brad­ley hotse would not win. I-Ie didn' t. )) )l « « The laugh of the mon th bdont;s to Denzil '<J iu -ji L~ U H 1\ [j nton. For t ht. joke js (JO him, and he asked fnr it. .'t )r ping by to pick up hi$ ht~ ddy . fo:schol Smi1h. 1\lli ncon a rri,·ccl jusL as :\ rrs.. Smith w~ doing- the lunch p1lcl\ ­in ~. La 11 ~ hin g-l ~'. ?v[inlon asked her to fix him a sc.1 ndwich- which she did, passin~ it ULIL throug-h the window . . ~ l i n t on horc !IH; pac k~t gr proud ly t 11 W11r k. ;"'nd thrt;c h·lU rs Jate1 tend ed\' • ttn\,·ra plwcl it, "i11t vrsioos nf juicy '"lrll Oua tink !' IH ... flll·c h)s ~\' I 'S. v\'ha t lit- [~)U ild b e l \ t•t: n 1\ ' (,, sl ~ h$ o [ corn ht•,·,Jd \ ('r<.' ::;rv<•, .d \'\t ll-I'H·~~f.'d d· liu11 l<."l \<.'"~, , ,, 11 h ll 11· vdluw fl t , \' t'lS • ~tid\ing t• l l l Htt1ltnll rlh' L'd !;cs. 1\·tc ~ ~~·~ l...h,tnt ( \ h 1H1l tht·\" 11 ,., ) tn ttl' "(~ ~ ~r H'tlt,,\inx h i s~ ~ ~~~~: 11:\·1h in ,,,c.h-t t •J l't 1 i11 :111 ' \ t r·t h.trH..ll ul u l I ' ' I .}, . l ~ ~ I ll I (I l fH• { ,II b • f' I r ,v Ill ) II!-. c· l u l I' pi' •H' tlrP 1 ilc• 1 t.tcl ~ t in dw l n i Ht~ ·• , • ' 10111\ t ' , ! '11~ rl,r; lll tl tl l l l l l tll lll [ • JII I; I. l· I :dt•j •· i n llll l lll'l,r ltl lll fPI n l ltc \ l ~J1)1J ll,ei1 rtul \l illy did .i I • Ul \ ,l it H' ~,, in dfl• J•'Piott d hi i 1\ \ , h111 •• 1 n ltl lc·cl ttp hi , ,\It II k IH lw \ J'"l \' 111•' I ht fl' 111 in l1t( I fq P( ' ')• b.t t-~ Jl,·h·. • J • f'l\ 1' llJ I IJ II ,( (4 om • Pete Marcum, No . 2 beaters, h a-om't any to rest wheo be q e ts home. for h ere·s the daughter. Patricia AnD, with bands o u \Strek'~­ed. ready to get into a qame of ball. She's ouly two and a haJJ years olcL but Jast about as sweet and happy a child as oue could ever hope for. Cecil Budd, No. 2 shipping. is an uncle. between lhc culor room and his i' ;~ hou nds. rcct:nd~ rurcba~~d ~ 2-}"t"J.r­old ' " Alker ht\l~nd frnm .t fam u;) kt:n­ne1 in ~ cw Hamp·nire \ltl'ou;~ {h · pri zt.:-wi nnin~ J~,.,f: \Hts tW'-"' J1. nn tht roa d . Cl1:\rlie se1ys th~t h~ ~u:-i' c~,.k n •wch !!C('U ~dupe thu h .. l•'l' lilt'\ ont (L tl ti r~ n him th~ s!lme ni•_ht. l 'turli · h a~ n0d11 n~ hut ptaise f,H- tht. dt' .... and cons1der.:\ hi !"1 t ht· l c~ h.. h<,s \:\. ~,· owntd. \Vt·'n· lwn1 J.!rttin\! s,) tlHtrl' mi~ill· kHm.ttt <'n Jlh.l Wl\. ng 1~.4 ·b:<ll" H. "" 0!1 J-11 :.hi l t, t h~tt Wl'\·~ lLXif..\. H' "b l nt"k lt ~ t ., t h~ h''> s ' ' hu ~\ ~· u~ the \ \ l 't >nP OPp lt H''-'d '{0 l'l"' t h,\t til l!' f'lfh_· td l:thk• ~· l\IH.t' \ Cl' Of\'l ll'l,lt\ t~,,t . I L,r k'-·t : b 1H t·' ~· t) it< ' ' uu , 'n th .. · " hLt ·kiJ._ ,·· th,· <1thc:r d .l\ wh· n h h)l,t liS th\.' R,·\l• h~l J 1~>-. l ) (l ,, ' · \l \..11l it It' ltl \ Jlt {' 1',-d._ \ ('1~' it.-.Hlllt~, i h' (', ~ tl I h ~- " i }'Ill h. . .Q • 'J'.i\ lnr l l' h:;,,n ,-.w h•1tt lt.ntl t \it h lu: lt<-.,d t h.Ht Tunv { ;,d llh>, \ ' 'H \I ll llll t .i ug ~~ ·'"'I..'~\'"\ •'tJ ,,,, \.h .. ·(·k IH IIH I pt(tl c1l i(. \ lll u lt \.1 tt\1 1 t ,·. h4 \ c 1 nlt'H ( ,; ·uds. l' hun 1 H t.'ll 111 \ , 1 h ll''!:' cr . . . \. 'h tl k' 1 ~ 1L hll ~ l ~ql ) 1 Sllllk ' : j.ll- t ·'\tit h p r~i ~.:·r d1< •• tl•t.\ : I I tht: tl.;l-..,;,l) dl \.it:) Ill t,~l~ !I ' tl\H! int" full ~l rid~· . . . "'l l(ll k ' pH'dl\. \ ' ltt.1 t dt"t'. k \.·\1" \ iJ1 \ i11 l ll .t \ . d • 1' l't ,, . I\ h 11 g 111.1' ll l;. ~ do lt ~ 1t t t • ~ 1ot th~iJ l..ev rl:oct~ '-lh h rnll'\l, ~k~ 't 'H n;, ·l '(. t td B "._.1\) • \ -.l.ll~; • • $ • • • \ \ , ( .. t': HP1tt nd, " t 11h r ~;n,·k ~o 1t1. 1· hen\~, i~· ~(\rJjr,~ t ~·u , ... t ~ '\~ ' we\(' \; t.·r ~~t' n . hH1l •. : 1~ "~.-I f.,·"· ·I Jin1 Can t·r. 3 ~ , ';J-; :>; s ... • ;/ft'" rt'"'ltt n I ra , llt.' \.ltn.-.· n t <' :o- C'\ · L'-:-; r h... ·1l 1h'r d.n . . . ~d11 ". J.l king ~· .n· , .. n ..l..: ~n 3t'ld\. -~ald . .,rj\1 \ ('tll in~ ~ ,,. ~rk r.. .~ lt b.nt. \·hii.'h rn.l J {'$ hinl h\r~l· 1JI.,.,· ,t pi. ~n~t'r t:\' \l•hcr t~~·..- ... ' ·L ink~· \ ''k , \ri h an ~ ·nt1tr:in~ r~~· l td of +tl "\~!$ ·,n J1 cuaT;n n"~l, $l.tll ~-r'''ns ~1is . t!nil\ di,,...-... ,itt~n .~ f'( i.:u ,"t rd~ t h\' • • .. : .. 1~nd., . f0\Jft) \.{\.\:'1)' . ~ ' \ ~ nstu l. " Link·; ;~ · t"'t:tiu~! a t:rt·u l kid, out of >· ·t..:~til:"\0 \·c.:·ar .• , \' 11>::\{ fnn 1w u, -d tt~ b~\ c ~l~niu t~ t~Olitit.·s wit It 1\ \H J\ [r • • • h:n ... .L 'hH E~:~;.l'~ =tT.lJ lJk' Zeller " ~ ~:vn.H:' ~)8( ~ h• ! e~ .- T !~ ~ r oi rh e c u a 1- r~ <-'' T\" I"'P,"<:' u ~1 while. anJ both arc • 1. ~ ~ nt~ pp;I_ · l ·~s: ~d .riS .:l~1~ 13, <.laJway ' ' !.a~;~~ ~n fl~tc. » « 1\-t>u '-h 1l·._ h:\c· t·'l be a profe,sor to be .:~~'~crn-rni;;Jed. Charlt'Y Asher • '' ,,!kt•J ~h ost \ ll bin ~i· ght of his h·o l:'l1€' •'de ' t- i1~ l!')nH'mn.~·rc-d that his car w :r -.. r d ·~u h~1d· at ~ he tnirl. Charlev ' ~ :'t-i &:-t e: l 11:~ $ .. c-p:, ~~ cnt a fruitless half-ht ur t\Tif~ ... ·,, ~tart his n1ad1ine. and ~nJ<·d {:1 by ~ .1lkir:g home an~-h ow. \ dt 1 ~ ,,. ~-n ! ·rlH·f~ .;:h the b r tl ~ h e ~ .. . Clark B --r.wp ·-:\ ... 15-yeai-:\...'1Jd boy ran in the ~rjonafilt; ftet you ta ~9 a Joc-k at the pictuTe abov~ :vou wm a"f',e43 that Gale All.D B;yan. a<Je 3, • 1--a::J pt.rao"it:&ty plus. Gale Ann lives m 0vDU$mvUieT lltdJ.a~. an.d everto ~i' comes in colitact w1th sb& fl.,she& lhaf smile a.c4 t-1fbt thr;re they U.lJ ia fqve with t.n' clla.rnti.o<J lltt19 m.laa. ·Mfllcm 1t)'.<m, t1~o .,n_,tf, is. .an ttllCle to Gale Ann. M..arsuet O&bo.rne~ 0 1;1 Pap11r Syste~ it a ceu&ir: ito Gcd . 1 n i 1 c j n t h · Lktn i {' I rt"l tt \ , al F;.t tr 111 re ~~ e-!H h . . . n 1 t:•\ ui L' q rll }{I n.n n d1:t h ~~n~l c:l\ t.: fJi, ~HI\~~ J'tP t .JJI 11Hl 1Jit)t ll~ i t\J.!' qf the r l.l~ .. . lt nn h..f lt ~t\. (.' h;ld "n;n.< c·it ·t. Jnr !lw k~d 1:1n St l· ;,, a fi ld P{ 44 .... \ mun ~ ndH!r things f1 tl l (d h i~ t"tHintr,· pl:h''e in \ ond:·d. lc, '\,',l lll f\ll J,dmsl 11 ha, f11l1r dnrrs, (l i t ~titc.:d,d ~- i <•\ ·t<.~r rt ('r, .lthf n 11\dl d o~ '' jth l\~o l"liP~'it. . . . 'fl t·.. r h :l \'t_· R:ry }nlc~ work in y tH'\ whel r· h£~ 200 p(,lHld . .; (~rn l...'c t ,f r\~• tl l!$ ., . . • 1 rnvn qn J 5 cJ nd I h, \ ]h.~r~ t hL· sh:d rs t ctnind ynu ( f \ I.Hir \ '( ond~\V JlH)r nin~ hl'adn~c:hr . . : Ed llfH in :i nd F :u:l D u rrla hot b nrt,)ndt:d opt:.· ni ng ~~ ttH: at Cro~ky ~ idJ, c.'lnle l ~~c k with glcn\·ing ,·~r()·t ts t)( l crriHgcr and Reds ... Rurn c ~ r h~ s it Ll1at j im Burg e-;~ W Fh lnc kcd 'tn h t ~ chi.l'l .. en ho use i<~r 3 hours b0 fore sernc- 0lle> h\'a rd hIS ~ h(n1ts above the se re~ nl­Tflt!' of {he h en& .. . Ru.coe 'fhon1~ s is \·anning up for the polj ticaJ catnpaign t his -- ummc.r. and he won\ be talki nf" hurne run wj th the. bases fvlJ e i th~r . . . Roscoe Elelon. reeJs 1 b roke his str in,u-c of boys when he became father of a b a hy g i rl on .A p ri l 16 . : . Th e day that Joe , cJndtz quit wean ng that silk jockey shin, St. Loni s c~une ~)ll t of Lheir slump and won a gan1c. You knu"· \vbcrc that sh irt is UO\V .• . i l1 lhc 11re. .. . CHAMPION GIRLS ENJOYED 500 AND BRIDGE PARTY Fiftr-rwo girls enjoyed a ve ry p{eas- 8nt evening !\ l ay 9 playi ng s·oo a:nd britl gc i11 the's lub. 'r he girls \>Vere grouped .i nto three sections, l wo of 500 and one of br:id ge. F irst prize ·wi.nners in d1.e 500 sec­ti c,n. ""·ere Genie Compton aud Ru~h ~ f cEJ ra:'\.,ey. · Second p rizc \>Vi nners were P ea rl Hapner and CaLheri n.e Smirh. 1~hi rd l'rizes \\re 1"e awa rded to Cora , ..f itters a.nd Ca rol .iVfc~tfoch (I n. '''inner l.n t he brjdge sections were E sther Brenth::l . !\ 1laude Ziegen hctrdr and Betry I.ll ner. Door pri7~CB we re won by T'helrn.1 ()"'f)owd :and !\ [ rs. Brown. 'Those present \ere: Cert ie Co1't1,pton J atk ie Sellers: ]\ l,j l­cl rc.:d Shjreman> T'-alherinc Newkirk, Lil Campl""'elL R ita 1·1n1. 1\IJary Gift Ern1a EnL \ ·Ja rf!a rct Beckh am, Helen Po\1\"­cr s~ Cele Su oderhrt us, Louise Bttchci t, .Betl.\' St eph Cll$()11, Ca rol i\'l r! l ecluln 1 Stcf I ~ ~V c:lii n ~h0ff . .f n I i a Fulton, R t.n h Ot trnan. 'fh elrna ()' f)o ·wJ t\ da Kar r) Pt:arl I l aJln~t' 1 J·:lene Or l , Ali-~~ [~[cigx n, Franc.:::<:-s Jones, Kar \' at ~on ~ Ru th Hrown. lktt}' fJfnr; t, RrJherta CaJd .. woH. ·r,,~ rie :Vfar\'l n, Co.ra '\Vitters, H.u'tlt \ 1.( Eiravey. J c>c \V\~jg ""l , $>ph F unk(;r. Ruth . 1nn rinc,, 'l'ot}i P u Jt l ;t , C~ttlwrinc Srni t hi ~is \'cihu1d, Eliz..1- ln:llJ Sr ~ i rh > Mrs. B rr}w n ~ ~~~dna l{j ley, (19) • We'd have thts a "quess who' ' contest except 1bat we doubt if any one would imagine this little fe Jtow on the left was th& Roy Hollister, No. 2 cutters"' o.f a qood many years aqo . . And the othei little fellow o·n the tight. is a brother, John, € M caJe nd.ers. The boy 1m 1lie middle js a tb.ird brother, Harry. . But fe1lows, would you think that the l.HUe 1ellow on the ]eft would ever be se.~n driv1nq a great biq eiqhJ passenqer automobile down Hiq:h Stree.t. Neither would we{ JULIA FULTON HONORED l\1ay fi rst. marked the b irthdar anni­~ re rsarv of 1 :Hss Julia F ulton, whose su:nn \; dlspos~ tion has endeared -her to of fri ends. and in h~r honor a chicken supper was arranged at l\1ild~ ers' Inn. The cutt it;)g of the \i hite and green birthJay cake w·it~ its flam ing tap~ r bro u ~)"h t forth happy coas ts ,\·h tch '\vc re rcsp0nded 10 by the honored guest "v ixh her usual wjt, after \Vh ich a s.hower) of lovely gifts w·ere pre­se nted to he r. wi Lh good wishes for nrucl!l. happine ·s. c ·ues'fs enjoyjog the evening incl ud­ed : !vfiss·es Celia Albers, Bertha Berk, ~tfa rgarc t Beckham H elen Buerger 0:ornHl Conrad, J eannerte Dir '-4arl 1-fiJd a F orbe rg. D0rotb y Fiedler, Pea rl -Carcve r, Ida j\1av I·lamilton Ann fen­nint!" , Sophie J{ u nk er~ I-T den Long, K.ath ry n ~;J c.Clos key, J{a y 1vfenninger, 1\!Iat~ri ce ~ l jxwe lJ , l a rgie 4'u lford, Blanche Ncwn:ran) Ka dh: rine ~ 1cw­kirk, R\1by Nej ll> El,.n Rei fl·. i~vf a 1i,e Salter, Lo·u i se Sti{·h l. Ct)nst..a nee 'f ro\'O­sell ' Elsa vVeh r, SLella ' VellinghcdT, Ethel \' dsh, Alfre la Willian1s Thel­ma , . cHand. . \ r:oa,o.a H rO\f n , C race T-ldron, A licr R icc,. H ~ l.d ~ 1 ;ani nl Fay ~ rl u If ens. J 0 R ·y~ter. J eclllt:lte ( ;··u-ren, l-l eh~n PJI'lme, i\~ l anr BJ len, EsLILer HreudeL Bll)ndie L~udc rn1a1t, ':l alH.i~ Zi ·g ·uhardc, \V~n­da J·fowdJ. I Bowlers. representing the Champion Papor and Fibre Company. rolled in the singles and doubles e vents at the Amer ican Bowli-ng Congress in Detroit. They lajJed in the live-man divlsion arte.r winning some money iD the Ohio Stato tourney in Toledo. Members oJ the team. left to rght: Front row. Walter Faber, Leo Rose. Bobert Craycraft. Sr., Arthur Gardner: back row. Robert Caycrafl. Jr .. Jose,ph Brunner. Adxlan Kuny, Alexand et' Geu and Alexander Thomson. Jr.; center, Heinje Voss. • am1 ow ers Hamilt0r1 ChampioA 's rwo stcUar bnwling team .. which made ~ uch a re- .\ . Gardner ---- 201 H. Voss ------- 171 f 7C} 20 l , 1 .... 191 178 5-+0 markabt~ ·howiuQ' in the Toledo State ' and DctroiL ;\ational Tou rnament . a~so bmrlrtl :\ Jav. 12 ~nd l 3 in the Loui.·,·illc De rbY. . called l·n. bmdcrs the tnu~hc,.,t tournament in the country. L. Rqse ------- 200 R. Craycraft) Sr. !56 l J 21 l9 l 227 618 145 202 503 The ho1 ~ did rcmarkabh· coud, a in- ' • • cttc:n~cl by the followi ng scores : J 12 i .5 JJ an 1:, ·;..·ent for jYo. 1 Team Thomson 165 140 154- 459 • --- \-".Faber ______ 145 210 180 535 lJt 2d 3d T otal L. RO$t: --- - --- 203 221 1 9 613 994 A. Getz ---- --- 163 187 1 -? _~ J--_? R. Craycraft, Jr. 139 166 I -5 456 \. (;ardncr ____ l ~H 191 ?__? ~"' 604- . h.urn ------ } f)0 J-+6 Fn 527 • ll \ ():.S ------- 1 ( t; 205 19(' -92 R. Cra,craft, Sr. • I 5, 155 162 475 9 28ll 'inc,les Douhle.1 !.rt H>G 2f)l 1 Jl 2d 3d Total T. BrunJ,cr ___ _ A. Kurry _____ _ • 2tl 210 171 3d Total J CJ I 567 20 I ) 73 I 140 H. \ ·oss ------- J \ . Ga rdl!cr ____ L. H <>SC ------- R. Crayc raft, Jr. . \ . 1'-u r f\' ______ • . \ . Ct'LZ ------- 199 J t.) 23c 2?_,")' J C) ?-0" ) ?-0""' 190 179 201 162 202 I\.. . ~ 201 16S 170 Champion Paper To "Head Hunters" On Muleback (,t•f (,,, }'1JIII uld ll 1IP l)nrJJ.• :wd c.rihhh.• d<JWil cl rae t I hnt f\'\ r,f ll ~ ;t 11 1 11 ~' (' h:n ~ 1 p i ( "J h J () w. J { ' lt.~ i I i ) : 'J'l,~t ( i,a n,picm pap<~ l go e\ n ln tlw ''ht:ad httllll'h .. or I Hil il:n i~ l r.i be~. ' J'Ire fr ( t : fJ. \ . Put ll c,f ill •' s,. lt•,s d~·!lt'll l r·~t nd ~· J't·~t·i,,•d fr,ma da.: .L,t·w ) , , , " , , r h ,_.. ., It " \. , 1-d, h.; h fl<• ; 1 : ''(Jw 'l'.! •·n• i11 ( • lt~Hdilil h.r~s • r wt· hacl ln 1Jll t I H~ ittli'IIOI \he · , · It~ }Ht l,jtf \tJ , I lf:"•ll ~~ t·:ttf hUUI• c ' lf1t H1•· lh1· fttiJlt'd 111d tllhC ,ntll • n l y (Jfll' PI I 0'1' J·, 1\~VlVI , 'J'I,,. 11td•·u; \I' h.n:~.: '~' ' h.ta•d 11 r t f, ,IJ, , , s: "?(J(I lh·. 2 71 .t. . 31J 1 I a i ,n I h. l•tlu• ! •. 11 am ·1. I JUU IL . 27 x; ~3' J /, 14 J,,, it, iOih, Pdttt (·u~,n·· l l'.td ;,,1,.\ p ,. llli ..... ~J,·d vu I ,,.,tJ n:J 11 .11 iu '"" •ullu (,,r <J I''''' · r.t,fll tin iJ ~t tl11 • · ".tJUl'i , . tda .. • " ''n · i l'.appn l 'Titc · ' t • iifl' td Jll't • sin "'' 111 dl • ' I • II liil•'rt••l' r,fllJtUkl'·• ~: ,,,,cJ 1t J d• · • ~ ll,Lh.l l 11 , ', Ill C lhL·y IIIli I ,., , i11111 d11· • Hill CJI IN ktlll li lt tltl. ll !J J(Jll. (20) • 6J.1 6-1CJ ') ., ) J 57) "47 ~39 f. Bn nncr 190 t "1 161 .. ---- ) JZ ~ \-\ . F ;1 be r __ ____ 171 {f,CJ 16) - - } • R. c~rt'r"Crafl. :r. J bl fit) lt4 71 • r\ . Thom~r,n --- lOr' 148 ,,. . , 406 l·(JR S \Lf-Plant ... bo•h flr.u~r and H·E?~tablc$. \lien \1·•ad. 2;6 \ \rt:•b,.,ft.r . VC!Hlt'. Sran \ \ nn. r). 2 · ·~"1. inclcr . j ~re- • • f'ar1n~ to lea ·e fur P;< :;adl!mt. but. t-,e-lic\ e it. or nrJt. tht.: I oy:· ar · keep!ng tab on him. ~,..-.-cr:al rcr or"t. .. cd tber saw him v.irh hi cJld automobi1t: badc:d i n5idc and <itH-by rcJr.e~ tied to the car-with rags. "lCtve~ . paper. o!d do 1- in!! and oltl furniw:-e. takin~ it to he ~ . junk man. He's gettin~ rid of all <)id sr uff bcfcJre leavintr. i\ qoe ·Lion being ac:ked c• ·~e rncn soon lo be Pa:;adt:na-hnum:l i;:..: •·\'h~· ; are so many burin~ 'i ec ade : Per­haps iL·s or ju~l maybe it·~ r-erhap~. FOR ec R(n· • nue. 'Time· arc pick ins up. \-(.' know. because we 'aw a n ln in ..1 ~"'cs<!1ine with a n eiecrric toa tcr 11'k;er l' arm. (~Ill ; - J,. t' t'fl '.;1/1{1_ ll w. a CQid d y l t win1 ; .\-'hon lht plc· hn w ut tAlc. u, but ' ' w~sn t too co\d ~1 tn cl1lldrt~tl o.f }o hu l'.usluy, ruac-h.\u \,OP~ and M.t• . p. t ~Jlo y , to the pi ..ta 1 ,ll\d•..PY ~ lnlleat tho~ lw ye l1 ve about tlut laQUAG. Thvy t9: M tti •. 13 ~ Ma 1\ , ; Jim. t\ R y, 6, and th boby, Mab. ai <m h . lt ha}l t'Y home ot lhG P~iJ •luyti \1.4 .l\ 30 t 9' rr Avt'nuo, • • r: T l'\-_' It r1•h,,t, \. " l.u np,~tll ~ ,,,.,., ~~ · '-t \ "H·r, -..l\' 1 itt ,1 {' \,·h~ l \ 1\t\H itl l w " ·ap ri'll\ .ln \1\liJtli l k\ ''l C'kS . ,, h ·r. ll \ . "· I \.'tll'l t II\ ''l !I'\ ~·d 'l'' kl '.t.l~ ~'\ ~kn :1 she I 11 n . ''" Jt l\ , ,.,, .n. \ \ t ~ • \ \ '11 " Ill h' !J I} ;-. , :\.11 , ! \ ~ ·'l ·, I , , ~ 111 . ~ h l I ltl \. r t r ~ ~ J od ·t h 1. s 'h. t\h' . ,,,.,d· ,l. tn. \. . d ·"' l'·~h· Jl, bill ll \ ( 'H !n .. i.~ "lK \ .Ht'~ i1. ,!11 . :--,,, n ' . . t , H 11~ \,:-.. f,~w ' n k~ a~' I 1 1 ts I lid \ t,fc' It\ ~\' .. •Jt fl. d~t h.lld­':' o.}H'i ,.f 1h· l 'u'pl~· ,,{ lt'.d ''U nlt _\. i i b lll~ ~ tl\.fi.i h HIS, \ Lt\. h , I I Ill •St \ I •n,·, ') \ <._HllJ ~ t' ;J!n ~~ t \Pte ,\.•r · . 1 l" 11, ~\.'i ,-p\.f l<::·r , t i llh' in llae :--w. ,J ·b \ 1 11., .. Jl . l t s"·~ il--t·, I ::. '!ih" r l L 1 i j \ \ \ { I . f l) h. I ! II I; ll. \ ... - "\ i 11, IP r 1 • l 'Ill'(' n :-t ~l i·>n,. '' 1:"'· c­, . f b \ t•. d f, lf n \ · i t h c . - , .. lJ -.::1 \. ].'l . .' ._ .. l '· i... · .t ll l \ .'\ e .. Jt"l l:-' ... h:~ ~ '1 ' ~~ ~: _ ' ~ t T.i I ':' l ( · I l ll' 1.. i1 t H \. I \ \ 1 • ' lil­t t: t·· .: . d, 1.' :_, j' \h 1 ~t't't:' I,Hl'J hy • ' I l ' l \ .. ' . 1l. l t I ;' 1 . .... I \ I '. ) ~ ~., h.J. t th.' . \ · t 1<'-=tt··, r j .... "<'' 1non. ~i- i: • nri1, ... _ !.c ~ id. are d( di· ·}·o.;:: · p. '~llH3l1\ =:- 3 ~Utlt(~ :;; J! ·~. 'fi~e~ r.1in ::. p.t Jucing ... ne ( t · 1 .... t ~. · ... ilf' t ~~e "orld ~r~ l rf~c· l.i c I , r<etiti. A. S. ERSO ILL !,de~·. en. t .... 1 , ~ ·nnel Ji rec-n J!i ·· ffic\: ... vllCI\ ing a Fnn. l·larnthon . l\ndY rl"mained ,. ' e-e ~ ~ and a t hc..:r . eek. J· l.d<J . \Y;ll deE{!ht ·d t<J 11 .,\. t l.tH hi~ ailrnE·nt J a- \,. be n 1 FH anentlr r ..... lnt:died CI.A:BKE MARIO ON VACATION L lark\ - 1.:..ri n. \ iu: f rt: \::i~nt. is t4 kn 'hi. , .. a n"i .n du :- i•!.. \1 e:n. l-Iarn­: t n Ch;.trn~ i n., , ... s i1 Cla:rke's f,.,J_ Jo: l.l? l :~ i:::\ ·r:1e Lo~ ln t_,{ far1t1ing • --------------------- HE:SALL THUSIASTlC I ( r ne h · .a'th n1J lcJ) n1ent. is aH 1. ed 1, i~ hc.j1nc on , he c I-<. .ad be;n..r " UJ. ~· Ken : ali th~: · CHh c '"' ~T<.: ,.·it1I 1 a ·JJI. t: 1 £{ !CJ t F. •: r lace ]of ks l.. I • '· t f. ll d"l ar . Jl ·11 b<: glad LO ha\ c· l .i n piGt·- k~~, .. j at it. H~Rr FOR FEW D ,y R· I 'i 1..: • , eraJ }' - ,~li-VJll ·ian· ~n J r. .. i' f> pn.:si· ·pn in t 1. }" ; a dent~ c·L. n: thuedr .-rhc r '( e H ,._l;.q- i J. f.1l; J- . lu \ ! le r ... d l! t H(iU·tors the j' l e i r J [;]11 ~ L1 Ct 1 i hllp ·~ t\) r.n-~·~ l .td l J i lant i i11 vp .. • t'd1tlild.1 H.IIH ' · ~l«'lll ' il . .11ltl l .d '•II \ i ,.,,)a n, { \ 1 l• tt~i .h in. \''11' 111;1\ 1- 1 \ ' I 1 "'1 • . \ l . \'1('11 ~'·'' \II• l ~ \ I 'll -I. 11\ :·\l. ·p ~ . p.n -'H , ~ ~.·. 1 he· R\·\. I • L. l)t nttint' , t ,l d 11, \ • , ' 1 I n \' • 11 \ • \ I . a u d .\ , ,.. . It •r • • S,h11 t'l \~li'C tltc .t rtclld ;tnli-i. 'f h h i J'~ t ntq 'l'• ~~I '' :tl Itt Hill' Ill f1it' nd~ u t I (()l '\tlrlh "It'' Stt< t' l. 1 ~ II :\ i I • \ I ' I() I l'' fll!lll'd h' \urk d l n~· , .. I h'h't' l~n 1 d. Oilit c.:, h:ts rcltllllt'd .dr~..·~ :111 i1l11 ·~~ pf . {'\'t.' l rt l ''l:(.'k" . --- ~ imr'i• \ ht'tc did ~"'' do l :1 ~ t \ cvk ~..:.ud in \ nur 11~ w r~tr:· 111, \ h\llt ("lt'lllllli l) )--'J\i jail. - ---------~ ~ \ '\) ll • - 1 kn l '~rk. 1 e:'. scH1l t!1imc. If [ ju ~ t :-:t \ " gr1 ahe~tJ .111t..l don't n1ind n1e .. , -------------------- arr!,·cJ hotnc Pnc night in. a very h.:1J state. l-Ie had a black e\ e1 a " \' Otllh.l in his rhecl and a burup Pn hi!i tu--ad . ··(~h.H \ bt.!.'' exclairn.eJ his \vif<', • .. ,,ho ha~ d one this~. , '' ~ h lH l~ . i t WaS \ [ i k e ~ f t1 r r h)','' .t. !'rnaned the Yrctin1. "T he ·ralrecn/' cried his w ife, .. nHn· all the . . _:· 1.-Jer hushanJ interrupted . ''Spake ntt c\·il oi the dead.'' :\Iariatn-~ l abel sav.~ she's wildly jn , lu\·e "ith her ncv\· car. Ch ri~t v r US( a not her case \:h € J1 tnan i3 ciispia(ed by 1nachin err. Lt·.rscr of 'l'-;.l-'0 Evils the sn1al1 bov caxne rc,uud the Cl}rner old lad\~ . • be cullideJ • runntng ·with an .. L> ta•r me. , \) s 1H ' ·a1..uI . '·\·ll erc arc \'(JU :r: • •> " <d1 1u: '"i-1.( nh::· h...: p~nLec.L -~rnother,:> goi11g to :>rank rne.n ,;Dut dr) you JJH!:an y<JU want to be puui .. hcJ : ., ··~<,.·said the littl~ boy, "bul if l 'm nor l;iack bt:f(Jfe faLhcr, bc·ll do it!'' ~\ I tJ rlo 'lltJ?l ~ Ji k· · cY .. lt::tw \~l~ ~rn(_,J•'" th · grcJlll' vf j, ~ hrneu Gtk!n(t ~Hi J'OIHH't\,1 . 'I'he h r 1 rrH..:~• i ng ')r he clQ.l. ~ wQ :-; held i 11 tl t' c}h~er ;H;•Jn tu\'~1" latt' nne L'\cl1- lf_. \l1·n tlH· da. l1ad h~en ac- • 0 11.nted f, ,r, th "lo fJI'Jf•· or \'"11[ tu it file ,· op•· ·:u :1 br'"~.t«ll1 H1 Phtkc au ~h~1.·t- '"! ti(,fl. J'j .l llwn <t .:.U.J fdl. \ likl ga 1 c,J. "Bl ~~ 1 ra dw.t ~\ :.t ... a ln~c· -.: h(Jt J j f , ' } t' a; d \.\J I ~l ~ f '~ rll.h lift (I f IC •II • ··\}sj. ) •• hardh· It d lit.· ~n t:d ,. • • •• : Hn tl.l IL (2l) The wielder of the sticks which made the boom boom on the drums of the Hamilton High School Band is Allan RutherfoJd, aon of Peny Rutherford. No. 2 finishing, a .ad nephew of Lillian Thomas. No. 1 cutters .. and Arthur Hum­meL C M calenders. He was graduated this year. For the infon:nation of Champion~ in· Canton and Houston, the band recently won high honor-s in a dis trict and s tate comp&tition . THE HOBBY FAIR 'f'he great an11ual hobby fair ior 1-familtnn Champi<JllS ant! nletnbr:t s of t h ci r i m mod i a t c fan) i l i e$ . will t :.1 k l: p !a c c the firsL fonr days iu J une and prob­ably- wi ll ha\·c b~en dcclarl:d a tn.. · ­tneuJous s u cct'~s bv the ti tnt this • nlclgazino is deli vercd. Sc()res a11d .. C<.•rc-s u[ rxhibit:; \ill be on the R.uor and a lung l he ·wall!- <A l he .\ rl ll r:1ll al the Buder Cc111J1t\' Fair- • ~rou n d s wht'r\! the ~dto\,. ' ' ill b~ ~td.gctl . ' rr hese \ill include-well jn sl ~~botH C"\- 1.! r y l h j 11 g f I'( l Jll a S U h fl1 a r i n C l U O:Hl J j r­plitl1e. ' f'))c CXC.:~Illi\ C C'Pill111illt .. 'l' i~ t..:C!ll)­po. (·J of C .. ul Let'. l .cndd Il ubb:ud ;t tld . fuhn l l •>\~11. \h~' :tn.' lx·in.~. a:- :, i ~ tcd l,r a cuq•..; nf otltt•r CrHntnillct.'S. 11'-tlllr·d ~ ... p.._•cially tu han lk ,·a ri• ms 1 an~ of th~..· 1:1iH.1W. \[nr~· .1\lout lht.·se --an·l ~n na picturt·s Ill XL 1nonth . --------~----~--~-- J f(·:uJ <;,(,c._., (lll4lkin~ np th~· \ht>h:- )o; ,t lt=- cq·dc~ l for t he: \·~·t:l) jdhn th \t • n.>quin.: Hll) n<\\' bi~.t \.'~L' ... ? \ . i~tattl - 11,~ir \ ._•lt.t\(..\,lll.. .tU!:! h inll~t: ~ trJfl.·~ flAIIIl lcJr ~lu<~lrt·r -.:\ ,. ,.}.. .... • - • •• We11 do a litOe predicting and introduce you to the Ooompb Girl of 1 960-Carla Sue ~ee, who at three months. has the smile that quar· an tees her future success. . She is the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lee and the granddaugb· ter o.f Clarence Myers. No. 1 millwric;thl. Dad is on C M calenders. MISS PHILLIPP'S MOTHER DIES ~ 1 r . Emeline G. Philli pp~ 85; meLb­er of i\1 is5 Emma Phil lipp . .~.lo. 2 sort­ing, 704 South Twdft h Street, died in f ore Hamilton Hu pilal. She also Junes a ~On; .\ugu L Dayton· nvo s i s~ 1cr~~ ~ hr()Lher. and fou r grandchildren. Servit·cs \.'ere hdu in lhe \Vebb Fun­\! ral H')me \'y~i1J1 bu 1i~ l in Grtcn\>\'uCJcl Cerm::H.·ry. BOBBY CAMPBELL Ht,bhy Cnmpbdl. n<"phew c1r f1 ma JVl inrir. C ~1 Ulll\;l,, dic:J in ~len:v ~ H<)bpit al on 1 h, .. 7Lh after a shun i 11- uf' ·. fie \''a or,ly 12 y(·ar;, nld. l11 cddiw''' In L}s J)ill•· n t . ~~J r. oud ~~Irs. f< ,-.twn r·4wpblll, he lt·~tv ·g a tv;•i Jt hr()"tilr~r, Bill}. h>t:rvio' Wt: tt: h.:ld iu ~t . ;,rtplt<·n Cf\tfJ(,Ii'-· (h~rn..l• ""ith 'J'IJi,r) Jrl or. , , I CJ IH;Il (I IJF'fU). --- -- - --~ Lnh1 P•·JrJJill~i • JJl, Jt'' " J tH..· d l(, hr1 P<1 t • • JJtli111 n~a. - - HOSPITALJZATfON r,,, !.. .,.,, .. 1 i t l~'4 h·r "h • an til tH' . 11l 'I JJ,. pl:n1 (r,t h·~ pll'lli~.~rl i•JU Lu ll•·''' ' l'it,u 1 l>rng, ,• i 11 ~ r ttpidl~' ., ... ~J,t<.lin:..;· to T<:j" 11 . :\!r·w d 'JI"' ' 1~1 ' lll ~t :'ldd(•d ;tp : .t _, 2 ,,,jJilJo l tt'lldt•t'" i 111 j· chuw t••trder l!J; '\tl. (0 '' ' H l,inl' l• 11 I ~ t ~ .,{ llti Cul'<"t~; Luti(!J ,,L,t t I rt p tilftt II ~IIJd d I I ~. 0 ; ll i I t'l lTl I I ( ., ., 1 :II HI <b; I i UI­Tlltf Ju·lp(·r .. ) ~ tt:J 111. 2 , rmdt r,vn r·r. CARL ROBERTS. HERO OF WORLD WAa DEAD Cnd Rnbc1·ts. 40, l 1rrt> nf the \..VCJrld \IVa r ~ nd a Ha rl'l lll on Cha11~pkm for ma ny yea rs. died .'\ p1·il 2cJ in l-Imes llusl'ilal, H iu~s. [II., where he had bc:<·n a pati~nl fnr th~ last six \veeks. Carl was nn C \1 ca ler)dtr , one of the ~1 n es t anJ r.n,,s t ace om rnqda ~j ng men Ill the \rhole mill. He \V~s nlwa}7S ready to coopero l e in any worthy ca usc, no matter what the pe r~onal _acrefJcc migh t han: been, and it is known now he suiTered intensely be­fore he abandoned his work and went to the hospital. Carl was born ~ 1ay 7, 1899 in J ack­son Cou nty, Ky. He was 1 years old when the war came uo and he \ as one of the fLrst to enter. He se rve<.l for two vea rs in F ra,ncc as a member o( • the famous R a inbow Divis ion and fol-lowing the Armistice was in the Army of Occupation. }[e engage<.! in all of the greaL battles in ·wh ich American troops pa(tici pa ted in the final p·ush • to VICtOr y . Carl leav€S bjs widow, Florence; two sons, Paul and VVillianr a daughter, Doris 1VIae; hjs n1other, :Nlrs. H arriet R oberts; and four br0thers. A ·full military funeral was accorded him on Saturday, l\•lay 4, with his in­ti mate friends) John CaUahan and Basil H olliday, unloadjng, as two of the bearers of the pall. His body wa~ bt,Hicd in G reen\tvood Cemetery. · vVe are all to see that Charles . oulc (better known as Charlie) su p­erintendent, has recupera£e-d and is back witb us again. Iil Reeves. C ~~[ ~o ning~ is sponin(r a new diamond. \'onder who the lucky fellow is. l\1l(lrtha Kell tr, Offit 1.\ rccctv t::d a beauliful di arnond from R0y 1'" ~ n ~·. Ct > ll ~ra r ul~t ti o J t s bnlta. ----- -·'--....o:-- DINE AT CAMP C:nnp Cb.t p;lLn, o t l tht· 1) :\t lln\.\ll f' i.ku, ilJ 0('r~llltli 11g ll\dt'\ ' nnd lti l )f' .1 l n1't -dar j.ll:t<'l' (lrl" ( hampinn.... ' l'h f l'l.· l·.wqu<·t .. w,·n• hl'ld r h~.•1c ''11hin rh~ In \ fn· \'c..·d, . 'f'lw ~\ 10nin)1 h.tsl t•t ha II lt'.tr'l1 d i unl d u·n· l' ' i I •1 Ll : tlw \JJ<' ll 's h<•WI111g tt J ll) • uf *) 11 \I'IH\ IC'I'S , di rH· I t•ll \hy Z l ~ und dt t' ~i d -> on \ r .• )' ~2. e I h l ' l&jl)} I ll1 f Ill I .. ·ht\'kt•ll dnn'lt 1 •• ••n =•=••"c eo 11311=-,.. A!i •• \ l' trill.' I \ l h tld ol t•Vr' l l ltdtdl.l ~LI l r 1 l11• d . d . t • \ ' 1·\ " ' t ·llld• ~ a ' I" I d n I' • 1~· 111 .11 l t t>lti /tlqck. 'i.lll\ - ) < ·~. lnutlrt't; bnl \~til ttH· \.l l .w,·l =•• (. ,, ,lltt' h ~ 1h ,• , ,. -llilltsill -· \ <:1\1 IJtJtd~.-ln I xu Ld hn.l :lt • II. • (22) THOS. CONNAUGHTON SUCCUMBS AT 75 '1 h~:HIW;, J. (ctl"J.a ,qhtnn,. 7;. ai,~J Ap1iJ 15 in l·vlt Ha:nlhon Hus. ita! after an iilnes~ (j[ six \"eeks, ra.iJhn~ frons a s•rokt uffer<:d !asl fnll. ·\ na1i:e rA llamli ·n . .Ir. Oo~1- • naugh.vln wa;) hr..Jrn j a1 uary 6. J~t=, ar~<l had liH.:r here~~ f!Jttin: ifl.!. H· rna rrit."d ~ (a• v \"dln-crr em 1 ·o,·t!Jl- • bcr 26. I () 1. • f nr mtJrc 2 .~ ,·ear:s be w .. ; "'m- • pJored at the H . rrincr-Ra.B- far ·i,u Safe CoJltpanr. J·1c retired f;vc: ~tar., atr(J. Ue was a devout merr ber t,{ tttc Sr. 1\ fa ry 's Catholic ch u rrh. 1 tt Hof/ ~a me SfJCit:l y, and th-e Catly,}ic l\..'li_;Lh of Ohio. He lcavf~s 1.hc widow, .·. 0 daneh- • u~rs, lVJ rs. Da rrel J ennin~~·· $-w:t··h Board operator. aod ~rr-s. Ro~:~<11 \riseroan, ,' rcncil~; tlsrcc ·.>ns .. -\...1 peJ . P au l anJ Thomas Cor.ml1Jf!! ron: t\( <. • si"t<.· rs1 .\f r:,. \'illiam Pbce c..hd ~Irs. A. B. Challinor. Funeral st=n·ice~ were hclu Thurs­day morning at ~ :30 n'dock jn th~ EImer Procschcl fun~ral ~or.e wi· h solemn requi\:m high ma~s ac 9:00 o'clock in the .'t. ~b n · ~ C<1t.holrc • church. Buria l ·was m.ade in Green-wood. SUGGESTION AWARDS The lJsl :uggesLion cc m miuc:.e mecc­ing '\-v:as heLd on April 2JrJ \ ith th~ following . ttgl'restion:> a i'f\fOY~d a. nd awarJcd: Rov. Hollister: Iron or hard n1~btr roller £0 smooth 01.rt rubb~r l-~m<:nl splicer made on the C"\ indl' r. : S. J os" ph }' lick: :\Iak\· pr"' isio)ls fur t a kin.~ out pans <.'t\ cutt~.·r~ for re­pai t s. f.S . FOR S..\ LI· -'rt>mpl~ Pi:tno. ln firt\t <:1{1$ ' ('\mditit..•n. Rt!~L,{II'l'\hle rli(t ~ C u It at 3 f) lla H(Odt . \ \ e tHh: 1. t • t'~ on·i n.. . 1\ h. h !~..·, . c :\ 1 ~ · :tl • . ---~-~- --- .. --- c'a.J\ • · l \~·o l"t.'llltnl mtl'!n W1.'tl' di:;c\ll>:-it\._ l"nlil ic' and UtW I'Oitti\'inn II\ p,tt tit ul~ll. "\ c·ll,,. ::-aid S HH, ·~. \ h li~t.! hitn <111 ti~ltt , ;\ h gu\~~t,, bul h:, tll,lliP'm "1in't ll\) ~~~Pd ," .. , ..~b t f~.,,·m.·· rt it'\l n,g Hill. ··pl.nh,'m · :-hl y. don· t ~ • H 4 k nv\~ d n t a 1 '' )1-i l " ~i. l I ILH r .. · Ill i ll' l II kl· .! l hu ("; H1 (\I\ Oil ' II' ' h.•').t · Ill l l \ ~\ l .. U ~ - h j l iII .l t1 I d\lll Ill • st.Ln' t'n; hit 's j~..·!Sl mv til\ t1l <~·r iu l\n:' t{uift· p ,~ ., •.•' ~~~;, l nl l ~llt ('l' • Hlll , d.nlth. \dt\' dl' }' l1 1)\ 'Ill' t tn 111\ lwonHI 1\., \'II''• ('d ~ l ~ . it h l."all t• nl Ill\ \Pllllt ~ • n.t.ldv ) c~, t, . ~ ttltpt 1,· . • • c a HE • am ton amt CA NTON DIVISION og. ewj ________ _ By f. E. Slo1i£hler \' nr i h.~:' .. r n1<' 10 t.s tha t there is ~ .Jnu_. 1ikt'L ~ood n[ Georc"c \ ·aincou rt ··t 11n: :P~ { · T -~'·' n C <.>J\S! :-1 hle in the ,,.:.. . xt ._~in· elt:cTion. Ou r reasc•n for as­, ~:lr.inl ·rL· :\lr. \ tHncc.,u rt will rnake ~ · i:, rd :r· i ... 1 1· at -a .::.hort t ime ago one l\ !~·. ~ Ia.:.itburn. a llh;mhe.r oJ his labor c-·e~ . ''a- icntnd locked up in the • ~ft?\'i·, offic\.:. (H 'rooi rO<.'m. l"ron in- ,-e.,. 1 t~. t~Otl it \Ya. re~;e:ded tha l (; eorge .~.~.~ .in(·i·dy f r.,Lt.ici nz th ... · an of lock-i11li! u. ori,on'"'r-> ill rhc ci1.Y jaiL \Thcfl ~ . . ~· n l· ion hu .. ..ld ~en 1an d nch ac­-; o \ In ol"'.l e h t•. ;: c·l •' "'t•·d t • i . .. • . .. ~ . ... I,; CL ~ •. fl ~b C;.; Blt .a11d hj~ ever eff~eient t:rcw 1 • . , f (' i.i.P_ u e 1 ~:ct ~··ffit s f'J1 a b t""J. o nne ~'!UtS cS a n·ward lOt" navi ng- drme a re<; , .. d j,..,h. o in:.::i · t ing oi t l-i e removaJ -.f d~e old Ja~..k Pi ~ c c ~,j p rer .COO\eyor a1h.: .. e~:laci n ~ same "-ith a ne-w . r~d '- ::n i'.'CT •r crml~•k.te in ttie re('ord time ,.f ]2 hrnJr'·. l 'hcre ·was n 0 ddav. In r,. ert.l~on of the .o lan1 clur;n2 tbi " ex- ~ r J ... un ·. '!~ . )r.s, all of \t"hich i~ v ...- r: - 0 • nnn t-J d a h l e and 1 he .•: ri t <..: r J up\" .. 1he c!gen~ wiU smr:;ke k1ng aud .\ .:. ,~_{}. c-.ngrat: JUs t iofi~ t ~ rt . u br>ys, ~n (. 1 .v r;u. J !S ~ene · ~ H y un ~t;r'f nod through- • • t. dCJJJHtin of 1 :le I<. ~ - .\ that the f xnttlc-J :'. {;(•ngf:ni• l '"j( ruan (If l he \ji1i ' .. i 'eo-i_t.. .and l. J t i ;nters~ C!aud H~-' ·:'If:.;,;~·, l d.:: ;ts H.:.n up fighing and l. · t.'· >' '~·. t:d 11f ~1 !1 i5 a·l·le... has 1nade ~ 'f'. ' .;J; ·a mi ,~! inve: tn1ent in f/..~lf equipn1ent and is going t.o devote all his -pa re tin1e to the ganle of golf. \"elL Claud, here~·s wishing you mlKh success in vonr new field o( .endea ,·cJr. • \r e n1ight want a job a ~ c<Jddy one of these days. )) )} (( (( Phil 1-largrove went to Robbins"ille 'L fishing sever a I "veeks ago, a n,d it. so happened that one of the rnan)r vvin­ters we have experienced si11ce the be­gi nning of 1940 caught Phil sitting on 1 he shore of the lake. Befo re he rea liz­ed it. the Ia ke froze over and he had to , .. r alk all the vtay around the lake in order t,o get staned tow<Ard home. Phil says the few fish he caught were frozen to death when they can1e out of the la kc. , )) ('( « Charlie Shepard is in a peck of t rouble. You kno\Y Charlie is buildinr a ne\Y home and has ju"t discovl!rcd he ha~ lo ... t the a ddrcs~ of hi:; best girl , whcJrn he had hr•ped . ome day \ ntlld s hare his new hon1e \Vtlh hi1n in Lhe nnt 1~H di ~ t anl future . \Nell. Charlie, 1•.hat ar~ ~on gqi ng to de; abuu t it? }} )) q (\ Tt is uot tlH: bi$'1 httr I t of li fe d1 at up~c1 u.~ and 'vV1..1r.k s:td L ~n oc with <>11r f'.:ntOli nnfll iX·i~ c. \. e oft en ~ur­I>' j ~ Ollf:,t•l\ C4 b} t h<? Wl.t~ W(' can f!H!Ct real h<! r' l·h ,ps ond 1 f<,Jd)k ~ . \ e ce~n • .'lit r.n « nl<.,untain. huL we ca n 'r sjt em a tad "'tlh currdr,, c-S;JlP.-!,t d. (23) The work nf rehabi litating the old sc..:rap bea·tcr is almost con1ple teJ~ and she v.'"iiJ soon be functi qning 'v\:t.: hope on a very satisfact 0ry ba sis.. A brand n eV\· heaLer ro] I has been i nstarled and s.h o. uld de li ve r the goods in great quan-tt tt es. SwilchboaJ'J Jroutfa Shu.f4 Plant ::bocim Sunday morning, May 19, about 7 o'clock, an explosion occurred on the second balcony behind the main switchboard in the Genera1or room; followed by s.everal similar explo­sions.. Presumably, an oil switch which was overloaded blaw up, throwing oil on other switc:hes and bus bars, v>Jhich are in close proxi­mity, causing similar explosions,. There are 36 oil switches in a row with bus bars and connections to the switchboard. Fortunately, the power was cut off before other trouble oc­curYed. The oil was ignited by a. spark causing a fire which added to the troul:l'le and dam.age of the switch­board connec·tions and the roof of the building, put the sprinklers on the roof ·responded automatically and immediately extinquished the fire. We are glad to state that no one was iniured. · The electrical crew, under the sup­ervision o.f C.. A. Stone and 1 ohn Milne .. and the Steam Plant crew~ un· der the supervision of W. M. MitchelL deserve commendation for the qwck and heroiG: work done in makinq necessary repairs and puttinq the mill tn. operation. \ l r. Philltp : rhe ll)CI\ l I) tbi ~ k p .1. l tmellt :u r shore :rrong h!1 ;~'~'r$ i11 t'olly tirks and l l.'­ligir P, ml)~d) pnllyuck;-. Th~r<' is l \'O bras Js of pnll~ tid'"· ath1 CYCr~· kind nf under dH' ~ \Ill. l" ll l'Cl thllt ~ . ti'e Rc:-rublica ns in t hi~ Jcpartrnl'nt :ur t ~l' bL'~l lmc. ,-ou c\·cr $Ce l. .. f'hcy air n' tlh.· mon. ·l ik~ D1mmcrcrats thew R ~puhlica n::. . E' ery man that ain't already got hiill a church ts buildin' one. Al ec. ·arJen hali fin i..;heJ hi s Presh.v tcrian Church here in town, and Noel fi sher i::. a fi'\in' to build bnck the one that burned at ~I o rnin ' Star. ~. Bud, Cars"ell and . .'anJy \f<'Cracken hHilt ·l fine onr on Thicket~ : they lcl Ll orcJ Pa rha 11 he I? th~m a lol on hit. J es e Ford . Sam Jamison. Thomas 1\'lu rra y and tbe fetlers on that side of Thicket \' • air a bulldin ' them one over thar on their side of the hill. i\ fillat·d Chap­man ~ti U docs his worshipin in Phi l­! ips\·iJle and Grady Swafford in the :\orth End of town. P. B. York and T ,Jl Jamison still tend d1c Central • \ -(.JCational Education Department Get). G. ATt hu.r The Fall and Spring e:;.:ion of Vo­ca tional Educa ti('Jn f(}r 1939-40 came to :-tn end on \[ay 24 with the following rrrJ~raro: Certificate P rc~enta tion £xecisc oi 1 he \ rJcati0nal I .ducation Deparunent ! ,f Th~ Champion Paper and Fibre Co. Canton Divisif;n In Coop ·ration ~.-ith the Canton Boarcl of l4.d ucati'.JH and dtc: StaTe L3oa rd for Jnd ns1ri:d J·.dw·atH,n \ I t ltl' 7 • ·1. •. \ . 1 1 n&l cr ()( < ·,·r~ , ,, nies--H. \. f n ;<.a ti( 1tt - H ,. . \7 • R. lJJ·~w·r ! 1t r1"' t(J11J I l <· k! cr h ell·y ( r,nJ ffii' l tS (,Jl \I lll)li tl ·r f.tJilitll' 1r. ll B. J{,,h,.,, 1111 I uttoJlH IH1J t t,f tiJ' p~~tl "' ~,~It . . n'''· \V c~~svin . c Sur··· VI '''· I I cfaJ fo,l r.i.d 1 ·~ ·'"' .d lttll ,~. ~~~ a/ r .,. :\] r. l I yd 1 .'\. 1·., v i 11 Su1 l' l'i 11f ,.,,.d,•J Jt nf 1 ,ul ,J,~ Jo I tilt 1 ttu' uf ·~rtJ tl ( :1 f~;Jit •. ( f nlHidiJCti t,rt • f l itS1JII(.;h JI \ fr. (;l'., t'. ~rthur I I I I • {' tH a II! "' l J J ) I pI r 11lHl • i fJ r •( h 111 11 :d J\pptc111 i'1•- l 1. { •... '111111' J' l<"l(• tHtJ ll lJ ,J( ( 'q tiftt ;:tl · 111 \ 0 I litJfl;d 'fraint·• .. , J,. IJ A. l ltiJu s~d,jt•t 1 • r o' t I 1 '.J'l r.>1tt1 1 r \leth ocl i ~t anJ Bn11.·(' :\'t~nne} f{ncs th~r~ tc)o. I k111 v Hamlt·t gr1C~· to the • one nn tmhc.r ~ ide of tlw rail r{)ad ll ack. In spit r CJf all tht!H' dilTct r n1 l'ctltcfs and c cr 1 hi ng I ne\ cr scc>d mc11 gil along bett er than lh~y Jn I O'-'~thcr. Sorne ti mes Charlie Char'tnan \~will get mad if any body says any t h i n~ against Ro<)scn:lt but he.! soon gits u\·cr hir. The onlY thin!! thnt intcrcsr<;, illl V nr • I • th em mor·n pollyricks is Safety. T his is the Safet.y mindcdest clang"" ed bunch rou ever s·eed. and since we got our pencils what \>\' uS give lO LIS as Sa r ety awa rds we hclicve in hit mor'n ever. \Ve don't bel ieve there is a man in the depanmcnl. Democrat or Repub­lican, ~ fctho<.li.L, Baptist or Holine, that would ,·iolatc a Safet v Rule. BuL ~ if one does and we catch him we air a goin' to takt.: his Safety 1\ ·ward Pen­ci l rite away from him and keep hit as l o n ~ as he has breath in his dcrneJ bod.,, r. Yours for a third term. -0. F. Gillis. )) )) (( (( 1:Iiss Dorothy ]\ [or row, the lwelvc yea r old daug hter of ~1r. and ~'I rs . Cia renee 1'1orrow, i rccupera ti ng at h<1me a fter spending se\·e ral weeks at ~orburn Hospital in A he,·i llc. \Ve all wish for her a speedr rcco,·c ry. Wilda Matteen Groqan. aqe S months. d.auqht97 of Mr. and Mrs. Jeue Gtoqan. JAMES CALVIN, FOBMER EMPLOYEE1 DIES J an1c (akin. former cmplo\ ee of The Champion Paper anJ Fibre Cc-m­pau~' · r assed a" a~ at hi' hc,r,e in Fi bre\iJlc, Thursda,·. !\laY 2. ~1r. • • Ca h·i n was 77 y. ears of a~.... e <And bad been in ill health for some time. ~ [r. Cah in, a na~\ e 1 tf Ireland. came to Canton in 1907. (t't:ncral s~"'t:' ­Ytce~ were hetJ at the~ Prc'b,~tc:::rian • Church ,·alllrJa,, .\[a, 4. • • jervalioJ~9-----~ By Fred Dayton \ \!arc nc,w t·nn:ri n.~. the ~i\th mnnth c1f thl! ,\ t'..&r. \'e i t f t• all, l'm surr, locJkinF: iltrw:ttd w the I. ~ t ltalf (1f llw yea t whL'IJ <Jltl' t!Hee lt eli,t ys, J ttl>' 4th. J.;~IH)t· D tv :1 r1d (.'j,,ihlnl:'h. \'\i ll .dl dtllh! ,lJ(JIIIId i 11 d11~ t irtlt; - il 1\tn,. ~Ht: • I It , I t_ It ~IIIHl'tl • riiiW is id ~n JIH• l rltJ IIdl l ll btidt!., ~1 nd '' , .• hotlt ,,f wh11 ·h n 1t \' t' l'} ~WL:t't u lid l '~tit' lll i I. .. .. \ ftt ,It ;~tll b , 11'1' ! dl Jlt"'lllJ..; l.d~l I I . j .' \ ~ 11 f) l• •ti · .11 tl 11ln lit ~· H•ll l·'d HI de• k, IIlii j,, _.l j \ JJIJ " ( I H \ dt•ll\', I \ lt'. l .., lii•IIIIH .111tl ft,Jit ll'. tl i ft I \t H) I !\ th d l ht onl l 111f lii1 HW ·111ll •' f1 h lu 111 1 1111 1.1111 J' , tlt-t t httl ·usl l; rin;• )lit~ lt ~o~ lt Ill hlrHt~• lw '' •ll \ \'!'\ •J.f ltia J lhJ\ itbl\~t l.!Wil ~I lt ~lp hiPI tl1111\~ (211) i l b a< 1-. in t h ~ ri' t' r. '\ ' t \ 11< ·~ l,' $. .' . l·:d 1s tW\ .1 lull-tlt·dgs"l n,~.·mh~·r (\£ "Thl' Fi .,h\.·ttlH.:l\'s Lint··~ l '!ul ··. "R ~,•d" P dbin::-c'n i., lt,in~· jtu\ ,l.ut} L,r t tll.: l<.· Snm; clc<..'ti~\,\~1." iH , •. w.J \ "- Ctl t j llhj ll£ •• lll ill r"}lh.' \ l.:t'k . ( lll l''"~lu~\l,,lln\lll u' 1. \L. \ llk­(.' t', 1 \.nnllll\',1 ft' lht· \ln b~tfli ll O$­l' tl ; \, tt l tl t l \ llllll.,, b\tl h~ t h1.' ti trw ' "tt H'n d 11 \.l' It~•)'\.' to h.1 "'"'. hi"' .. \ llh\1 , J.d' 1.' ttht· dt ;:P f, I lht• tth nlth ,,f .J u t ~t· \ ,. '' dl nut h t \'t' • ..It .• bhn ' ·" .. i l<·nt. t• .• , It tth)(!th tl, t t'' ''' 1"\' ' \d !JtHII Ptlt: Ill tk,., ll \'.t t'if• t J1.\t l h t JH''\1 Jflll!l l h 1.11 b .. \ ·mw dlt. "~ ' \ ritllt~h I ,l)t' :1l >\,{, • ,. \ th! i i :-.,(I' t ' 'll. ~~ 'tl'\.' I •l'ih t ' d \11} 1h · \ ,n, d.' • 11ark 1 Ull :'\h ~'ll~l k\·(.;'t' ~on 1i"!hl 1 hat i c\l· "'f' f ht mp.:-dt' t~ \.·h f ~~ ft •l m Pl(\1-..!('. lt . Ltll) • i t.H .ha. 1"· , hr 11JJ l'"ellt.~in sr n\ I . ,ec,Iu e I •· ,, 't \,n- rn. {I 1 hat •t.t '' • l ~ l·k1n 1. ~~ ~~ rt.: s} · L..l'-'(d ~n ,J ,.ix t t n. ' S) u (I I f d ~· \ !L, · ( t i ut-~alart tht· ( t~ r 1~ hk"' ~" 'Y\. \ Iil1 .. 1 ';,n .J.!.Hn~ 'arJ n .. J \:6 \'~i in 1 urnpP- \ 'll!d h·t,­ ··h· c>;hl. ~·t .\ c:- \ a· d 1:t f, ~r n tittk ,)untiu ani ···i,IH:d tc be al1rh~ . but l'iO- , \ U(' ('f. .5tcq hi.] ht' 111 "'t t· ~ •JI tb 't· .. , n ·t·n. tio1~ fdl\ \ s ., nd f! ar~u n~ · nt n~u~..xl .. 'H'\ "-' n1Jlh'U\ - • ~ . .:d :nto thr lsi~h :-.·dt"' "'-'· it ic:n ~tnd ,·u ;" .. c1d . nt.:::H~ :: t tll nl,l·'"L \)ll ~"ur­i H. e. ~hn''' i ~hi· ,,e1,.ht ad'ain~t th~ ' .nd~t.. .. ~..' \' ,3, s. " \ dl whjJe- h~ u: n 1 led dm' n h1il L'n~ \rar 1 just dunl t: d ur ri. (' ( ther war cl nd \' ent • ~1lc. ) .\t 1 rt~-- en o tr ~id~ };~t :ncluded C. C. 1 o.,<~n- . Gud£\.·r lJn.- :-cn E. :\·I. 1\.u~ kenda. L l'' u :-1 ..~. IenJ~rson and • i I 0{ I • t.are~ ~.ucrpa: L. l "nts 2'rour two th~r t\e k::rr\" of ar": in the l1ospital: f\.. .. ' k(;·n ... it~ll :1n~1 L •werv. • • T'Ll'i'(1 La't: b~, ·• ~ tnanr pulp men on '· ~.-(Hioh ;:ince tla.: la~i ''', two "- mnn~ .. " :.. ~e. ~~·) ~·tttle~. Fn: J)uchen anJ l-Ien-\·­.;. r .' .. ~ zer .. ai ff.t.·d i t h -t n · i r iH Det n;i l. i u- .:-CJ f r 3:-. \c kno\'; the.\ ' retUHled • • u fl(' J.n Lam nHtt <:c . ~ ~u rt H<.:r der .. on C!Hu c~rey "" hcp­l :i 1 --; cru. t .cir ' 'acati(·l-= at Lume sick it.. bed. Jtnita 19\li&O, dauqh•et of M¥, and Ml't.i. E. W. Hendon. Jc~ J h\'l ' ~~ J'hin~ .. h ~l l'l \ .H' :ttlccpcd II{' Ol tlh· \ \ .l' Jll'~ \Tillt· t'OU 1 t hnt l!\ • .1 j 11 1 t f'. ' l"h..-· f,\Jl•n\ing nwn, I g 1•~!~s, ju , l k,~ fc I 11 1 , \ 1t 11..l h n 111 c l a h : ( a k l \ ~''' d n ,.-. I '- .t, , , ,r '- .1 • i ( "q I n i p t o s h c \ i I k· : I \ .'(nil . \,. l '. _ll y,tt f. R. P. l' rnnk· lute I J l:udy :n1:l t l. ' t'. ll. J,illg, I'. ' f'. F~" d, l . '. De\ liu, ll H).dl ' l'ny- 1<''· \ . : . \l n.lliu aud .\ . \ \'. J)cv l •n. 1 !'t)b.tbly .\ . \ . ~ twnt hi$ jLhl ~l l ) l', lin :11 f Hilh.f. Fr.lnk. (Juecn hns rruncd in1u his l'' t'fl) new home itt Lhe fo rk of ' l'r..1 m­m~ ll l nd ~C\ footl<.l st reel s. Hy the time this gets {o press we hope that .\ I r. \~la llt e r wi ll h ~n·e left the h o~ piull and be back with us again. )) )) « (( l)oc · this n1akc sense? \.hen p rouuctioll is high 1\ nu aLcidcnts are down Our he~J s are in the sky AnJ our feet are on the ground . .ani Don, V'al Gene and Brenda Banks. children of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Banks. Mrs. Banks was formerly Neva Swaynqln oJ Clyde. • II. '. \4 alkcr P uxluction ~ I ana crer of the Cant(JJ1 Divi sion rJf the Champ­inn Paper and Fibre Cotnpan). has n::l urned to \vork following a fe\ days i llnes . ewj--------------~ By flu g h. 'l' e r rill rr hc happenings in the 'tean1 Plant are fe\ Lh is n1onth ga rdening and -o ftbJlJ takes rno L of the t in1e . ~ ·e \~cra l new cars ha,·e found e:1 plac.:c ~unong the Learn Plant employees. CraiE! Reeves is portin<' a new Dotlve ~ ~ 0 and 13 ill F rankl in a Buick. Better look out ··. I r. Filling ~ ra ti on ' . » .)) « {( J. ,an1 J ackson has a young colt al his barn. P au l 1-lyau ofTert;d to "Wap Sarn ten b ra nd-new pigs for the new colt. , » (( « \ ' 'e are "ery happy to have back "ith us .'\ ndy ~ \ . .\ It·Ciure, who has been 011 t from "ork for sorne time after • c.n opcra LJ CJU. » » (( (( P u ~e ll J'-in~ laJid ;, \ tJ y proutl uf hi~ n ·\-.: well JHln1J\ \ hich he t<.:Ct· ntly in -1 alled. ll ar;okl J[a J I ~~n ~t nd C . 1·uj' ~yt:d 1 h(~ a ft•.:1 noun links S. t•11 Jay> . Jar Jl. {25) ll. Fall. Jr., { lfl th ' (.'. (ll f 1his mon(h are -\.C. 1;orris. I\fack ' tam ·y. C. D. J-fa rrill, J-Tcnry Bl) the, R. L. Cockrell, and La wrencc Reed. )) )) « <( T'hose reported .. ick a re : ~r. S. , tan1ey, Chas. . Smi Lh, A. C. ~ : o rris. Lee Davis, and .f r . Ji. 1( . Gi Ire a Lh. Proof • Va uJ a Do y. ou r alh· lo\·e n1c ~ ~ P ryce You ought to know 1 do. Vauda H ow mt~ c h ! Pryce 1-lcre's my check book-k,uk ove r the sLubs. feeds T ime P.- h ·o n- Doe, v >'all take d is man " fu' bl'u ah or [o w u~s: L.u1d y~Ltu1> sa'kc, pah~u r l. how kin t\ h (ell ~o ·oun? · l lc-k n- 1 ft tul J rn( I \ ~l~ the rrct- 1it·"\t .1nd mo\i t in tc-r\·~ t in_.- ~irl hr h;tu 1..'\· l"l' l l l('l. Au nr J' nH:t---i\1\(j \ ou \ dl tt u ~ ' 'l..)ll r ­.. t~ l f f )I li fe with ,1 il1a u \d lf, .t an s to de C'iv·t' ) ntJ aL Lh<.: b~::inning of ~ nltr ~tH'. t •em ·nr ? • e,(,{/j------------- IJ~. f)t,;,,~·j . l • t. rh'tt'!'o nPt\gctlt~·r :\ rai11 Of 't~t: IH,\-.., ''riucn ltc·•m l..1kt: Lc• '~':!ll. II l) tf (C ~lr. Phillip·: Yl)t.J w.,uld d11nk lh~t a week end Sj't'l'l at L1ke LogJn \ith ' t'r! irnclli­~" t.nt f'\~'<.•pl~ all frum the :\Jain Onlcc ""' u!J h~ ~ondnci\ e tn ~0od Loc m)tcs. \"e "ill adm1t thaL Lo "-e Lugan ri ght nun i like J tiny ~nap of heaven. The tk,~wnoJ and aztll ea re n ect ed i 1l l he beautiiul blue mirr01 of the lake are jnde:> 'ri~ahle. The tin\' new shooti " \..•O the white pine.- make l hem look a~ if th<'Y \'Cfe ]aJ.en with b UJ1d reds or • miniatun~ candles. \'ou1dn\ y-ou jusl ;ma2'iPc that con\'crsa tion v.rotdd take only" the mo · t ele,·ated rlane a nJ tha t one \Ould be able to da::.;b off the most interesting tid bit:,? Buc no, so far not a ·ensible remark. ''There's criuers in 1hem holes in them posts, l\ lay.' '":\u. "ibyL them's a ''"asp's ncst." ,: ·a~-. what do rou suppose that ball and chain i$ doing in front of Dutch Hddet \cottage/; ··food. UJn, 'tim El: you are kind of small to eat tha t much." .. Let me borro"'' your bioocu lars again, 1 do bclie,·e some one ~ t Charlie "'mith·~ camp is eatind' too.:: ''Did you en;r sec such food minded persons a wt: arc?;' ·'Say. thar look-out tower !c1nks like a pagoda."' doc5 not. lt !vr.~ks like a camJ,allile." ·(J you see, :\fr. Pltillips, htrc: "t: are oYc rcomc by th<! bcaUlY r;f uature ~wd disillusioned • a. lcJ the intdljvence c.~f C\."rtain guod fnends. B11t plc:as\." Jun;>r Irlisunder­... ta11d u~. '' <: ar~ not contributinl..!.. au.v - Uotrllitl )G nJto Bru ltt ... JO mcmthe oltl d uc,rlur~r of Mr. ttnt.l Mtt C,l~udfl .(hc.yh~ • lJ urnt'IU' thim~ t c• ~"o~H'I i t~ ritlH:·r. .\11 we need mm i ~ to ha \'t· R hnd:1 .\1<:<. lure tell u · rhat th~ li1 tlt: man wlw wa,n't lhcrc: li,·cd upsr:1i1 s f•\l!r a vaca nt l11r. ,, II <• (( l)jJ \ 'OU h3 vc a nice "acatirm, ~Ir. Phi lli ps"? \" t: think )nu must have} and how about t.hat pusl cnrd ) ou majl ­ccl our ~vi r. Cci~r. Shame. shame! n ,, tt u l f this migrali on LO Asht"v illc keeps up. pretty soon there will j ust be the ne\" Po ·t Office and us left to make up a gh0st town. )) II (( (( Frank and El J a cocks are moYi ng to their new rcsiJ cncc at I ~- T'acoma Circle,. ~ heville. \'e hope their move will be a happy one and -;;,·c , .. ,.j ~h them luck. II )) (C (( \~ ·e a rc extremely sorry to ha\·c E. F. ~lcintyre leave us to join his iather in business in Syracuse1 i\ew York. T he Sales Depan ment praCLically hung crepe che clay he ldc vVe don't blame rhem. Fie is one grand person . ( Please excuse personal reference .t\1ac. And good luck to you in your new \·cntu re.) • )) )) ({ {( Jim mie !\ ,Larrison bas been ,~,.·orki ng in the Purchasing Dcpartml!nL while Hall \VhiLworth has been gelling in swnc mill experience. ( How abou t that cl(plomn l [all.) )))) (((( \ \'e t'XIcnd to ~l artha Carr our sin­ce re '>' mparh~· in lhe loss of hc.•r fath(: r. \ l r.·in \'\ a· lwlon~d Jnd dear tn the lt c~rrt of Lltt· Ch amp i~.,m f:Jilli lr. )) )) (( <I \ ,. rui'\~ C et•JC,.l' \'ild .llld \ .t g r ~ nt \ i~ion~. l .d U::> ft o lll ~uu. Gt•n rgt'. It )) { I (t c \ utw ·l d41) \ hcti h,tl'k l•hlk ,, , i ~it­ing ltl~'lli.Ul tlllnttgh tht· ,. ,,d t't' tnill in • igt. ;wd ( 111 1 lt .dl mintllp. t'.lpsld ~.: f"rm. ~~~Ill ~ pciil. H ll C\ 4l ;\ Jr. illhl \ I t~. J· uri \ {c,l • 111 IPI 'I''-'d bV (IJ tiCt' II) lett ,, ll\ lllillltl t"'ti. \ t' \'\ t , ,. ,},·li~dt l r•ll. ,, 111\l I ~•·Jlir \!1 I l1 tilt ha l•t(Jil \ti l t II, I f '\ d I '• , , )a I II . \I ~~ h hI \ tlj dus Ill~ l J J .1, ill ' t t•ll dto·"~ . \ < 1111 I ·wlc·) ltul lu·. t l .,,,I jul• ac•.oVt•ti n • ht.>l"' (,, •f.t• lt( ,. It~.· is do­t II.Jlll Jt l' ll ) II. Roland Lee, aon o! Mr. ani M:s. McC'lajn Sma.t.hers; qrandson of A. L. Jacluo.o. Isabelle ,·mith and h.a:hfee.~ teven.:­gave :1 bang up pan.• lvr the ~lain Of­fice <Yirls rcc(!nth·. Fun wa .. h~d b\· 0 # ~ tho,e prcst:nt. » )) « « :ome kind p~rson bronght \Yoc;J · a su rer. ~uper .. Peny'' girL Oh. ~ t. • \Vool_ty i: ranial to Pett: dr.l, ... ·,1gs. Bill B r) son. Jr.. bad a :\fcl\· l-hh. b·i 11hJ:t \' • . t) n tc <t CIHt