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The Log Vol. 20 No. 02

  • record image
  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • MARCH3 1938 • VOLUME XX NUMBER 2 Published by t'lhe Cham.pion Fa:mily" The paper far thi magazine is ma e in o r plant o t of wood ont t e fores s o~ North Caro • 1na. We manulacture many grades of h eached Sulphite papers, Machine Finished and SupeT Calendered. ... "'"fhe iJJ1posjrion of heavy ta~~ burdens \V hi cl~ j ncrt'a ~es th cost of useful prodqcts be\'ond 1 he reach of the ,·n erage In an's ' ~ po(.ketlKl<Jk, destro) S th opJ ortuuity for ('.tJJp]oy uteut.. Such burdens \ri l1 oor long be toler ;.t ted 1 n a de n a oc ra c,~ if t he- citizen!" • r ally unde rstand tha it ~ ~ a, ainst thei: 0\¥11 jnt:crests. ~\ ~ indu ~rria l ·uper\isors, it i"' our n~ 1 unsibi li ry to h Jp ih~1n un­dt f :5 t and."· Charles 11 • !lor_ k. • 1 i t J I ' i•• • zt.stnesf .. ( ~\n a idt~" dell\ ~c~~J hr G ,1,~ l. G ·.-:;~lh'VHt. J ,, Vi._ ,. Pn ~i­!.. h.m oi the.. "~dlt.:•)-itt H.tnk \l:h.\ ~1 'rust (.'r •... rwd Vt ~, Pre :-ldt·ul d l hr R 'l.!Pirh t ~IMmbt.·r I J <'•"111Jll~tt..~ n\'~J "'\[Q.f.101l \ l'TF) P E~}L P~ we .. huul~. fil"st ~1~ k oursdve . if there i~ an}•­thmg the n.auer wHh hu ' u\ess. \Ve have just bn.nrght to l do-e one of the n1~~ t ·uct.'C$Sfttl :lgricultur-a I $eaaons .Easrern Carc.lina ha., enjo~-cd for ~nrut: years. Almost ~t half hill ion dolla t: have pn ssed t1uough t he banks of R 3l­eigh durin£ J 93 7. ~ '- But ther~ is som thing we mu'"'t nvL o'\·erlook, and th~t is: business is nl()re than a local thing-what happens 1;0 busine .. s eke\,rhete 'vill sooner or later affect us vi·tally here at hon1¢-becau--e business is no longer just a simple Flla t­ter of n~ighborhood barter. Our va,t textile mills, paper manuiacturing plant ~ .. rayDn factor ies! and tobacco producers mus't have an ~Jutlet in the other 47 states w·e are definitely concerned that busine. s stays good generally-not just here at home* So~ let us look a 1inle fu rther than the end of our noses and -it '"'-ill nor take us long to see that something is the matter. \ \'ithin the \*eek steel operations hit a tb.vee-ye-aF low level; air travel is fa lling off so tthat for the first 1:im,e in months air lines are hauling passengers at less than cost. The stock market continues lis tless a·fter one of the sharpest declines on record. T he Federal Reserve Bank 'for our own discrict. which comprises the states immediately around us, in its monthly bulletin tells us that "general business £~j led · to make seasonal gains in October and earlr N.ovcmber and a number 0f indicators are more unfavorable than f9r many months.:' Employment has slumped. In our own dist,t:ict there were 40% more commercial failures in October than in October a year ago. Fewer new cars 'lrere sold in Oct~her than in September. Building permits are declining in a manner that is rnore than seasonaL. There 1s a drastic cur­tailment in production of cott0n and rayon cloth. Therefore: the person wi!Iing to make an i.ntelliget1t sui­vey of the national s1tuatien x:nust admit t:hat something -has happened to bus iness. Few believe we a re in for a prolonged dep_ressioa. A new word has been e&jned for the occasion. 'This is .a " recession:'' As I uaderstand j,t, waves on the beach fl.·0VI and reced~. This wave is ~eceding ab­norntally it js staying out too long. T here is something about jr that i~ not attribut-able to t'la:tural forces. What, then1 is (tc matrer with bu"-iness? nf0nunaUy, J c.ann.ot give all the ur h>\vers. I dC"i not know aH the answers! Woulrl that I ~id! lhn t here is oJate -thing thal JS gu1te obvious · OWl dting <;.~t which a.nyone wirl1 the } li-ghtest bosin "~$ C1Jn p reb 11ol01l i~ fully awa re an.d that is: busin~ g i\ nervo\,r , nvitcl1}', timid. Pr·1prretor:s Gf husiJle!->s- r. ')tablishmen t1) <Hi: o nwi trli• ~ , o plan v(~ry lar ~ h ead -in fac, tJnaulc •o piau. and , YO'-' w1B fi,nJ ~t t he· h .'l.StA o( thi~ nenl()JJ~ne o, t~i s timitlil}'~ ~o H'):(.ft"asii,~~ .rut~.-:te a f r·t~tl UtfiOnS and Jt.: · trtltivn:' tv rhi<: l1 tlll ... tU~ ~ t~ b( ill~ uhjocted in ..ClJ.Hd i):U~cr- . ior •. iVTr-ln}' r)f t lH- t.~ rt!gn Jat.ions ttH~ ~lt t unllv UI,kJlOWn t;)) tl1~» In~n -affc~1~d. ·t~t f~~l)l ll tl1if. fllC}' !I'' ~ ud ­dt H~ y r ,a}kd Up lO iJ1H:t.Wl-.f fnr C,Ql Jlr• yjqJ ~tion 'l'hc. tC h-<ito g-rv~~~n up a ~ c nf muhi~>fi<.iry nf bur uU, c oll tt rt h i1n at,d =nt thr~J it~(~ tf •it1 ht:1.Vt: 1 ht pt ~r '0 ru h~ n wl n·;; n 1• tc Lt.J in , '· 'rh r·~(;. l.Aj.Hdj:' JHR.f r~MH- r t_"'tthll inn" ft I I h, fort .... I I (·,.,\'. VfithoUf f"flt..: l~ •w•f~t of d butC .:tlltl pa ~ <JV~ IJ j ('(IU~~JI' r, · 'l'hey tr.ay c.:ao e $UJfknJy ~tnd without uotic~ lii\•tl;: in~~ il (2J n ·cr·.:s .. ary to a lrer in1fl1cdiatdy the c <:/tlduct ~_r pokey of a whole industry. NtJW. why is Alh·inc-:s ~o. pr:l!ict.:!d a,nd reg-ula ed r F.·Jer;- . body i .. tt' l cnlX}. There m us, be a rea or:t. \Yhy ib bu;i­ness restricLe<.t, hctrded ~ crir:ki~ed, blamed. and regulated to disLrac ti<7jjl} r WJH·f Hecatllse biJSiQf>RS has bt,..C;rne tbe n~­donZll bog~y-mao·-Lt'fc se.n..pcgoat. \Ve have almort uncoo­sciously<t ~ecl the coLntn«f to pa 's of poiitie<tl s-rra :e~y of placing .Uf'Gll busi r)'eSS Jl'lOSt of the bf.alne fur afl the ifl!i that beset aU the people. V'' e :ea.nncOt. compute the cl.ediae in £reigltt ca r loadings. ~tcel p rodnGtton, par rolls bu-t here is a thi.n.g that d efles l>tatistica1 a naly.::is-a mass thinking, a meh ~sych ology of bJaming b-t~sine s for ev·erytl)jog that is wreng with the countr y. We are told that business is res ponsible for thi'S ureces­siom/' the increasing uner;n,plo}' ment rJJe f aUin r off .of pro­dtlctien. \Ve are vold tbar business must be rnade to cor­rect these evils . '"le are told bl lsiaehs i-s greedy, p r.ed.ato'ry. rapacio:us> selfi, h: c rafty; that it i~ imcompetent and a blflngler. 'This < business they talk aoout- you have seen his pjcture in the cartoons-a fat-looking thug with a silk hat and spats. Yet we ne·ver seem to g-e·~ his name and addre-ss. lie never i~ anrone we kffow. AU we do know is that 'he is son1owbert! else. He is <i.l.1ite 1t1ythicaJ-as myl.h­i0al as. I;t~ i.s monstrous. But one thing is certain: he must be regulated. But ·when the regulators start ~oming around: th.e:n we {i..ncl OlH who this ~<nl:.zs iness'' is. ~He is my comer dr1.rg ·store maf,) 1 the mH:kn1an who brings me my milk, th-e 'lliatt~riaf'ma:n who sells me toofin'8'--,-in £act he is my home town merc-b~n,t m.y neighbor. and my friend. is who '<busimre~s" is. That's the fellow who's got ·tG be punish-ed-. And he turns. eut t6 be someone I knGw quite weU-n@t at all the mythkal gentleman in the high hat. For busia~ss in this la..nd of ·ours is interdepenaent. One part of it can­not tb:rive without the other. Business is con1posed of over two miHion con{:er.ns in the United States. \Vhat .is business? It is ~:o "be busy/ ' to trade, to ha,re commerce and activity. That's what busines$ is. F rem the smallest shop keeper to t he most fa r-reaching corpor­ati c:m .~ each is a pu.r.t of bus·ine s, eaoh d "PI:..-nd ·nt \:11 on the at. her. each ron fronted with the sa me prool "ros o-f me ~"ring the pay rQU> gettint; the geods outJ satii' fyin.g- rhc ~.·ustorn'-·r~ keeptt~g abreast of corn.petitio·n ; 3.Jld the bi~ct ·r ttH" lru. I nee~ s, the rnnot \OlllP-Ie- an<;! pt:flVt.iki~g are 'its r~ t 0blem\ , · n i \ ht: greater its t• l1ro11e;ibilit)r. Busiucss l'"tH1110-t bt> "r1.rrcd r~r .st' JPl'C l ~r some t~iltPH' phee by the pu hh1r of ~ button. 1-\w inM.alil · . '\ 11t:n ~t ,d lpt!'rotiuntJ fall dff, il i l <·~a ll !'ti_ sun'l«.! \~{ :tkc · ollnty farrn·1: J >"np-tt.n (~d ptHtin ~ ~ , nt•\v r.k.,r nn his b~rn : " lh u. ~... .... wrft.· s,~c id>f"~ l l .tf {() b 1)1 the I ll&.\ ·t ~-~ 1hi~ ·t• \J·~ .l R l~i~h c;l tor i.."Ptl~t·!i to t lu• ('<HI h.1 Sitl'U Th.t-t tttS ,lJ tttl t, -, tS p-.:-J.6d 1 <HI h - th(· >l' nt H il~ t l\(Ad h~· humin l · ,f rlh)US..1uc1s et ~im ... {l;n il! l. n t ,. tht nut hctt:Jt t h"" bt, .\d t n,d ~a n~..l .h. n~! th<-' f ~t11.nn , l c.t ) J ~ c1 •. 1.-e in .,nr indth tri d tc-rrar~·r -; .·'n\>\·. 'Dn­' iu u~· tlt i:\t • ku1 ntn l ~- • l lin k i u_t~ noe ~l<~p funh ' t l H\'l we sc fh·,f tl tt..; ''bi" h ttt->i t}t:~t;;" tfH· c'lC Jr~).l ~ p ~\lt :tt and a_bOUt ~S m HI :t 1\,tl'loo wiJ(• t•l,fn!J@ .' i ~..- of ~ H t h u~e who w" K. • • • • • • ' • • -. f \ i ·t: ~ l'i(X'l~t~,~·. ~JJ ,L,,1 rii.1\ltt' g 1\.'~l . iH-. ~. l ~ unn, 'ti~C$ • · ~ t . ) '<)~fh C ~u-~1 i_t kid,( 1 «-. , hn~ · ln:tt>\ ~ .KY.•Jc-\"lY · fH' t"$ ' b-l ' biJ'1(p J tl " ;Jt c~,.;J '{blttl ·~ b ·'!Ji lt,{ I,. l•l~r ~ fJf '<'ll •• lS't.t· Jl ~t ._ 1 Hif l1 Jhn.~ · t(ltton~~ \. l L~' t;~rtt~ \tla ·Jrrkt~1\ tli'<.l pt rk\ ·liulc' \ ~)t f'C t: " b . S f ~ S -~\-'1 r h ASh Ch.)\U~ \:1·\ f n. \ft r f· f \ :<tt, 1' ~ • \ h :. t 4 ddler _\ (:i ·h~n~' -t ' c nrots tt' :·.l)nt· . . ;ltt . a.rcl-- . U P.A ·_ (!:l th.i~ tbh th(' , .. ;\1\ b\Pin,~"', . it. l•trth 'r il1•aMr t . ih • dt .; ~ ~;i; i t._l~;rf1t t_..t rr, a n' h'ttpn)vt.. ~~ u · d(tit.nni 1') r ( y, 'l tt trH p-} ha:u~p ·jn~,. t su~~ t1t1 . ~· l1d p t .. ~;Ct1t · t ~ l t1~1 tlt! 6 . . l?t(•t:.P. ·t' t .r C<"t all the ['er,p},~ - " ·'~ .,or.v l.r ~·rhit.' Vt¥r1 hy .KHJ 1o.g ('\.1' itt~: :nnl tt dflinj{ fhe, 'niti.i.H;vt. ( >U ' 1'14~~5 mt:n .. A,nre-t ~· 1 ··· ~~ hH itH'&,. it1 th t· l'~~ h.-H. ·.b~..~ ~n e~~l:f~t:lt: sj~c for a. Jrt b(;t . • · :uHJ, ~, I o.f ri'Vl t\g:. 111. rre ntil tlt ~- try If~~~(\ f11Qr~ ell1ft:'il ff. hti,e ; . ·rq~J rH.'t\ tr l'ni·n~ ~\ me l i\'l i'Ct1\h ' · t i ntft,J .. tJ, it.i·n. a ·u.l st..H'\ ' c. ~ i~ )t ...:. l '":};al ~n ..... 1 ·"~ r ~ 11-t tb.;.t 'll~ttl • ~·~ ';..l p tit~ ~c h. ·u:t )''i '"ti )tl. a•'-' t h~r""·ur•"n h \1 ill d eh\~l' hi ~('h -~f ~l -..'11" ftiY\ t\tl l rn:i0n 1· b~.t '' b~),-"~nc \';$ ~lll~t t 'tN - f't . n• .,} .. ~ , l'\ • t t-..: . leS~ lH t " t '~)i s\: W · f·~; \.1;-..Y . 'llHJ' t · ·r .. ~ ~ l U , ,\: l J . r • "f-)."\". • . \ 1 \;.t-{ h 1s. H~ll U . \l !V itt j that • H' £~hr. r w1H nu . ~\..: n ~v~ ~t:l.lld Jlli1~ t' :t-~t 'Y n ~ '"t1 ~1\c t'\ : t h.., .:t ~ tt'1fl. ~ ~c~.."t h · r~ i H- l ~r , ) h~ ~· per i1 l.t}h -un,1t\· 1ntt t !~i e ., ·~ · ~$: t'h.t tb~ t:' )tt'2n 1nill a1h.:l dtt" ~tr.· · l'~u~t fi~lt!e- 1 urt't)~"in~ iX>'~c.!r. r'n:d th · ,~ wh n t· nn,ci·" l'V\tUOt\ i·, .uot prc ~n tptl)' rt ·ted. ~ll~tT tb( . ._, thin~ Jf) t'\flt i.t lt.Q\ 1j· Hffr o~ ~Pl t\ . llkt"· th~ ll inR ( f, i\ li ;g ,.s- ·~c"t'~ ta l-t!t.· r~ i f)'t\ll' offi "'iru bls-i ~"ci'th l~hat hu~i-. a ". '~ i~ ·HQL . ""at . r:ttin"~' : "hal b't1~in s"' :p:lust d'litlr.(v'l)t~· ~ be.:- H:'ill~tu; SO'l"te ·n'r" it ·mAt ~t . ¢ itt\·('~i~a:t. d .. ta~cd , re- ·Lt;ed _<litt"'i. ined,_ · h-.'1\- ·tiniJ, ;).lt l pta-c ~ lfr'<: di~ _l;'lUJ1ic ···:uori , ffir ~u r>a~ ~r.b ~- to n. l ~lnd Jcri1~e. 'nd don't • • f -,~d.; d• r· .. u u: ·~ t.:.~lJein:.: about-·..a . ll ~t' n~ who wag<" b. in~~s. \J!i' ·. l " . ge.s. ttont busine~~- \ · ._, ' l· .-, l · ask;. Hl~ bu lness· c:t-st i,n Ntnt Uin~ na ': y l,)t :p~;.tll~f'~ · the ~ t ·a ll S\::er r~ t{la::t. bliSID¢£-S n\e.n h.q. ~ b ., ·•t. · :tl' I ' ill sile~u:e too_ lang. .R\l$.i.ness .-·nl.en· ;-e no » i("'~~ h 1)\l ){ .... .ak . rs. ' Phe~, (tre more c.onctmed; ,~ .. · .. il · ht;tS _ness go thax~ they ,at7e '\·itb .tna k.-in~ r.Ji . 1 !"'t;l_ lahn r~ ~1 a "m' tnent lbat .n.usi ae~ j l' all , .rt ~: tha11 h I"{ nir" of p<U_., ~ne ~s men do n6t imelude seme \. o ·. r, ®.tc!1il.,\lkm$.~ I beheve ~tha-tr. ,·w·ould cor­r.~~ Pnl d at~!-~, . a a n· -s-ecti.e.n.: ef our 0"\V:ll t-0~·11, wd . i-vur. ~ 1iet: · h~,·i~H~S' rrren are. io most case ~ hone~t fair., . t.nd' sctn4lile aft · perfc('dy 'lf"jHing ro de thei'l! part. t~ _ - • J the _ s~r. .port of t'he go-vennneat·· a~ the. ~~e:Jfali€ <d£ · tlt-e 1lt4.'SSes: ~ ~ ~y, ·th~n~ s~~ill all ::busiue s b~ bta;ckened -vv--id1 nhe Ur .~nq brriah r ~gain, _ l , s gge t_ t~at it is oocati"Se · bh:s4a<";l>"'s n:e.n fr.a-ve -n:ot been ale rt ·to s.pett~ ou~ t:o protest · ~en aCC\J eel nnj1,1stl: ..... , lo p~~esent -fheir vif~ue-s at ilie same ~ ~ne ~eir-. s•c:Jtteomi~ ~ an~ b~g' pa-Fad~<t y . ·merio.n busifl~SS n.a"" mucb of ·wJiic.h to be pn;>\tf;i. Jn .f-t;: .r ~ep.ressi n yea~ it paid Otlt 18 billion dollar<s''" nmr~ . · \b,a-;n·· .i,~_ ook ir~· ""·11ot-e i~dustti~s went in ro tbe. red r-o keep 1 ay ~.ens gair,~ r · te ;:nake 'These t;~ings ~ne dema­~~ .for- ets t.u te-ll llt. 1~36, 66-lh cents Of ev~ry db~;r of lUi · . al- ·. tome- went to 'the · orlter's. fn t he ~~ year hr. who h.a& t fitir ~a.pi't~l investe.d 'in busil~ss reeeiv@d m cf ... f and. ·El' vi<lendl ·7.6 tents- out ·of -e:.very deHa..r of t a··Ot ;J. income~ f ._ "' I 1 1 ~ r l~i tJH!;. l1 it{ht r WlSI g~~; . tnf lff~ -~ h, .' n ~ ''=9~ ~ rt'- 4~e-. -c 1t'fl'fvrt 6 a_.nd (l!)tl 01\tl!n.l't !i " 11\PIC r'a.n:k <t l f l1. 1t(JI ·~ J~).CJ_rt If! ll 'tutC~ · r~lil(;"• bt)kl ~r$ Jtl tH 1')-("'r nuth, t1 n a rtY o ht•r t ('JUJ:ttry itt th · " 'c,dt.t '() u r 'j ~Jl' i·11 ·t I w f~1 ~ 11 rc t · bo f.wi n1e t h t' .' .. t..: l:r. f:1C1t1 t u , erl gf, -- ~tc•r nu'i·HlYCr!i . ·( trJUl' ti tY..t; O ~ thaH l rlW (• JOY ~J('JTL ~ ~~ u irn·" ~ · ls f:'l r f-t.- 11'\ p~.,;n "'-' t in its c~Hl,'(~'Q.t7.a t:iun and c u-­tlu ·t. Our t_~,f.:':.P Olllit. R)'SH'Jrt r~ J);() ((vJl P'roof1 but 1 ~nl t lHl l .ht·iu~i .rt~ ~1 0d ~f'i n~ii!, b1 t~j ilt'SS i anged <I round :t.ftd b1 ;~nJt~d for ~ 11 the il thar. tf~S-('t vv. as a r e()}1 le . .. . 1 ~~ ·id ~ f i\t rni.t).lHts ·ago t;h(l-t bCtsit,ess Juttn were n1t:ire. · i))t,~ ~ · ed !n •n;a k:ir1g_ ~~~~; n~}S · t rj than in -ma:Jfrng sp(!t .. <=:het-.. ]'' ~t~ it j:\-~A.• rt be' &aid that bH'Stn u'tfs rnen TH.:,g_Ject all t!'h~ but t hch hn&hh - sc$~ )i h c tl ~-\o·t;;>f tb.e re i · a CCrJT\Ill.hniiy jf.jb to be lk)nc . -th~..··- u s~nct,~S n;t:en 3r.f: th'· '·Ones who do h. 'I'h.ey prG-· vide . the c:~t..fni-~ n\-e nt :for .n ~w hos-p1tals; tltey caT"l,Y on d1~ hui-den ~'( cdJ)lrrfutdty f (kive.s; they hav~ at heart the '-' elf~-P'e of th~ e~1~~snunit ~ •s under(>dvilr:jJC(l. 'l-J t4~c yow ever se-en th ~ . pr0fesS'tOiilal t'< ~itic.ian, l he cle,_m_~gogue, the c~~ ~~O!'ljc JoaJ~r fr .~~ m .. tol'e to store, dfi~ae 'to offi{'·C1 solltlr tn:g f . nds ~d .. ~ ,a' wort11y publi€ projecJt? You })ave 'lot! You see th-e htt"Sines-s men Q{ th.e Conlm\J tJily. The ·o-rher- group is t €)0 ·.b-cl,S,Y <;r~t.i(: itfl'lg to d:o a o~thjn:g! 1~h,ose .o:f , ou 'who are in bu;s.ifl~ss, 0r 'vho d-e rive yol1r lr'<tin;g \ ro.M· l)~s.ifl.e s of k~nd ?'r a-o.oth~r · ~nd ·most of us de ¢al.l w:~IJ :~frotd to t~lke t1n1~ o.ut to gmve to your $t;i·~ndts, yoiu~ ~ci~J~borts,- a.nd YO\ll' ·cu~tom~rs a i)it.t~e forritula W.]dGh p~e~.g lfl~bl. ~a fe~w :wn~~ds an, 1n:po~tant p ~ ·~op~~phy . l~etb _pt?>~1~~~an~ and ecnn~rnu:alJy .. ~ 1t 1s ~~ unpl Y, _tt1 k, w~~1at h~rt~ .tTb~SJ!t,f!'s·s lturrs. me; tvb~t kelp~ buS;.tness :helps me- ,, . - - ~·b-at ~m:.S.l:!n~s&:--n .. eed~ most of ~11 is a ch~ng:e of a ttitude - ~~ ~w·~ala~~l}g10ii. "f;her~: n1nst be · a dispo?i~ion on the part 0f" eoru~ress. .. a;mf t.b~ ..rcgultrtOI'¥ autho.tltlf!S 1.0 cooperate r;!';th'er nb:a.n t'0 .. Gudgel. We eanno.t ha vc staaility in business so W>n~- . as - th~r~ i·s complete i:ns:tabiHty 0! legislatjon). t(L"t ­ati6J1, ~ewJJtl<lt.ion, and alf the _rules by wltid1 busjo~5-~ .tn ust · comdue>t hs . affa1rs~ l~.epea.J ing;- one GT t"\IV0 l,',e'st·r (cttve Ia ws is n.-o:t enal.J;gn ; the recessj·an has go:ne teo far. · "If th(t A.meric::an bus-iness sy~t<Hlh-w·h is respons-ible fo-r ~he tftlflgfrcs I bave jmst tttti!Utioned., an.d to -;,vllich \lie , mus..t ,-Gottti i1ue to look fear our eeon.01nic wel'l-\Deing­i£ it js t~ . emerge fro1n .~ts J>re-s.en t \tUfO·.QUlDate posit.iOI-\ of indecis~.on aud dmidity there m.ust be· a· complete rcve_rsal G)f gove·ftH~,ntal aLtitm.t:re t~wan.l bns l n e~s. I do ~.ot ~e,b e~;,e a1nything· :~hort of th is w111 Gorte¢1 the pr sent s t:)tt: • . ~w h~~ .etertd-y been propo~ in Wa ... h~ng~p that ' · rctJaa req u~¥e a:ij Business concert " to sec-utt:e · a ~edera~l tket ~e berote ~lng atiowed 00 op.s:rat -. rl~re l~ what. ~the . If.\. non. of hat- f~w SA.y' jf witt dQ ~ ~-~tabil~c ami-· stitn.\1- 0 1"::1,,1 ' ""1 ( ' ':rr PJ 'I·t' . . . . . 11' ~ • • ·l:Jr wvtlQ:f1 J...' r. "· ,,, . u tp~, .A.ow S·QJ tn:Uin u~ ~cL,_e {'om:merce:~ pre-vef\t am·~tnl - l~w violaria n.&, tiecont:e .- Cha'destOt1 .. S. C~, shoul:d ru,~t ·be ·mlarttcd for a.ny sllo t-..c~-.'~~- r:4 t _ e onom.ic. we.a}\b and power" sategua d l"tlve§lt.o~ im- ># p \l.C" '?ta;ge and :h-our st~ad:at&1 .abofi~h cbi~<i u,.t-,or, gttar ... , iJ,lgs or mistal:es iJl-·th~. ~ !\$tH~ e:1f ~rn~ 1to(:~. . tt. Phitljp~ ~ ruu:ee colle£. ti~e hi-'fgXt:nl.u'g a{la tmJ rnonORoly.'1 fn other .r ·uperaci~ tl""0tn a s11gh:t illn - ~s~, ~ a« e. a.r l()ok in~ · tv bi$ \ tits, u ~r in tht m iUennium .a~rl . a· ltue.y Lt;~tr~ w;etJ to re tJ.r-n beJ(l:)re ~h€ n~ ..\. t U,~u9c is pliihliW: d . . , !Ji'a e e ·er.y tn~ t' a ~in~. ~ there a y<)n-e, i~df#lin~ . , ~ . Ht: ~,~~~ V""or:: of . ...,\ld) a bdl) foo}j 1, 6llQU~b to dunk t\at In 'tvft. Pha]tp ., al>tn~oGC~ ,,,r_ L e ~ k Elrat.h is l tJ~ ' h- · · 4 · aw wil! do ail th(·a.~ bin ~CGll"(;tU~J~ate ~afti, hitt ·:n ~ on 1\t~. Lu<'i. . , , • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • B·y ]. ~1 . Clqm.b.,r.r , H.: T do you de about ) t)Uf J)h ~rs itllll couJitiDu? Have. )"'U eYer stopped to rh:nk ,that ) ·:>U nJ·~ gnJ\ ing older ~ver: day .. aud that )"( u n1t~t l ui!J ttp nH te <' l'l~rgr l~'l wkt' the la\~ of h> amo\H1t th-at ) n.t a t·e \Jsi t'l.g Jl 1..i\.\'? • t'CI J}l-u' ·fofks use up all th{'\ hav·e bef•re the} n.'~llj7.c that they tttred more ~Hd then rt'" tOO late. There is no su<:h thing as standt~tn still in (his world of ours-you are .either goin~ 11p :->r goillg ckiwn. l r '"' the same wa~ .. 'Jrtth that physical body o£ }Our.. . How of.cen do I rass own who wcn·t- day In and day out wi tho\Jt eve-r taking aily ~in1~ off ~o let dicir body rest~ and gi\ie i ~ th~, pr-oper exercJ:.£e :hat 1s so much needed! On€ man s1.nd : I Wofk hard and 1 g-et all the exerci$e that I heed . : One aften.'loo.n hen: that ~an"s week at tn:e shop ~-as finish-€d for the day h.e decid<:-d hat he "\Ould chop a few wcec_Is iQ. the ga rden. A,ll went 1'ie11 and the fello"~' got 3 big kick ,Qut of diggi-ag i11 the good earth until the follo"· n1.orniJ,lg, wh~n his 'v-i{e had to call up the shop and say that John wouldn>t be in t.o 'Work that day. 1\~o doctor wa$ called, but J ohn lost two good days {:)f work and con1plained for a week or mere with his sore muscles. Are you like John? Or do you try to keep physica·Uy fit? That little t est thal he had will ceme to you some .day; so wake u.p a·nd be in th.J~ "piok' for it V.le can h€1p 1n ·the physical department at tb ~ c.c-y.u Come dow.n.! Volleyball-. A few weeks ago we inv-ited G't?een,rill~> S. C._, Knoxvi ll~: Tenn., and Ash-eville over for a t ournaroen:t. \Ve ar.e ve-ry proud of the fact that 've won the tournament. W1e de­feated Knoxvitle (Southe:a·stern champions ) 1)-1'7 and. ts...:s. \~1 e defeated G reenville 15-6 and 15-11 ; and " 1'0 fl over A:shre­tri: U·e 15-4, J 2- 15 and 15-9, _ i1ote powep to those lecaJ f~l­lows who hpve improved won,derfu lly 10 the net game. 1n the p-a.>t three years. They wiH have m,a ny n1ore tr~sts beiore the .season. ·is ov~r~ for right now they a re plann1ug to e11ter t1le Stare and Southern To.urn.aJuents. Basketball Vfe have six plant teams,. six church teams, four scollt lea.1TtS: e~gbt gra.mrnar sdlool u:.eams7 aud fo~t" · "Y" repre­& e~tative tearrJ-s. These u~arr1s, have been keeptng· ·the ba~ket hr, fvr th~ past three fiTOl.lth . Out· men.'s tea~. under the leader5hip (A H tr.vard Setzer: haH takefl .i)fl new l&fc an~ the}r ar¢ fa c gertin{J bade rnto th<: stride. Ralp'l) G0 .. £o.rth is dfJing a fine iob of CtJfiCbing the grfls' t ('aJ\1 . ~e ha& won the J a~t _nir.te gameg h · has pb.y<CJ, and a r du~ j$ tQ tL~ t¢arc) in ~b.., J\ . A. U, 1'ourn ... nment :u , p;l rJ anbllJJ. H~ r rl) dw ~t~n<iJI'lg' of th( pfatlt leaf;,'l:J t• ~ ~V~"I·n Lw r. Jowling- \Vi th nne t.J! e-.~ IJ"r i.uflt Sc Ft~tJf!£ in. hdl: :o:w •••y.. w~· h,..v:- jt:i$1 'Jp ·~1 1 ed o~t r t~tlr ys tO J.he lfc.d it"ti c.utd thc H~ :uc· s ·<-JOJ f'st ny [4) '' • taking advc:~.n: g (,f th'# ,..~,i r,.r. tUJ·i t) ,, l• .. alltl the 1 1 pia ~a nte. .f ert j, t ~H "'l&t),·l1nr of the p!.lnt f£r"~ r lc· ~aov ... ~: Champion Y Bowlhlq League StaadinliJB Jf 'nt L'>~ t t;c n~·rtt..l .\l ili _____ .., - ..... Hl · · 15 C . .E. Stor.c. --- - ----..: __ _ :1 l'J H. & R. --··------------... 2b 2(} r'[ /'t rcmcn _ ,.. __ __ 24 t ~ --~_.._ .. ___ - .B. B. ___ - __ - ~ __ - _ . -·-_ ... _ 22 i 0 Cutt ers --- --~-- --·-- ------ l'j 23 Arm<>ry - -------· _ ----··- 13 2G Fi,nishing - -------- ----- I l 2'" BJq Elqbt Ed Ii:awki ns --------- - ----------- - - 180 Jud Pa.x toa --- ---------- --------- f.78 C. B. \IVItt -- -- --------- -- --·------ t15 0. Shar~e ------~- ---- - -------- -- 173 v . 0. Murr -------- ------------ I tl \V. T. S•.Jttles - - -- - ----------.... .---- 176 R-',. wW. H'ol~<i!law ----------'--- ------ 162 C. . vC',, ma~''l: ler.s ________ ._ __, _______ ' '=/..J.{ ) Big Five C. W. Smathers ---- ------ --- ------ 622 "'VV. 0 . Nlurr _; _________ :_ _______ - -- 575 H. vVright_ ___ ________ ------·- ----- 5.62 T. Pa~-t<iJn ---- - - -------~·- -- --- --- 530 R. ~V. H0hzclaw ---------- - - ---- - ~;1:6 • • Y M. C. A~ Membenhip Drive By G. (;'. Suttles T 'HE Y. lVl . . C. A.~. onder the ieadershi;r cJ rhe prt:se~\t h0ar:<d o£ d irectors a ncl secreta rie-'8: tV!S been .,teadit.~ exp~.lilidi,~g its prog~_aJn, and at p__~csent our rev.en~~~ 1$ tou smadl. 'The Champ ton Pap<o--r &: l~ tbre qompaay wtll ma~ch our tnrn:nberships dollat: ior d0l.lar. We should have )00 more, !arn.ily memberships. Thi~? mat._ 'h.oo by O\lr Comptt~ry , would allow us to cl.o n1~0)" thmg.' fer our ~oys ~n,d C?t~h; young people tlaa t .so fa~. 1\"C: t avt; been , un.abtc.."" ~o '!o. '1"'h,ere are so many tteLn"S .m our bn igc.!t Joat .l~'e m,yJ.c­qua. te. F or example, boy~· .a.nd ~id_-: w\;rk, .r>la~~gr6u~J ~ tiviLies., library, camp ]'Cttvlt tt: ·, J Ul'llor t\th!ettc::1~ sot~ball. t<~nnis and 1·oJJeyball. F ebn~~ry $,~nd1) ~e ) -~ {.( .- .. flM':'l )· ettr. A new year begi h&. The. Y .~.iLL .A. ~.~~.~~l uzH n~n ts a t11Nnher of the Chatn rion.lo'an"'t l y~ Othe~r nh- tub.c~:; ot th~ 'h~.J•l:p i en fau1d} rlln helr the \" ·- "1. . 1 \ : t~v h~l ~nr- ' t'th rt ''Y'~ u\ u1lw·uhip. 1 f c,~u-r t.' 11l:l"l oy~ .:)1. ~"' ' p~n;t wuuld juifl dt~. . HY!' whcH a pr ~r(url we coul:(;~ J:I L. t. on! Ut" b?.~d ..tutl .s-ir I>;, ww ~1J e1· J"')Y 11 ~ HY m·'' allt !;V'~~ t hnt a.r · lJt~ po~~lbfe l1Llder dH~ p.r &q } f ~ ' l\tp. ~ur Co. p~tuy 1$ ' 'f · Jilt(Ch i Htc r'i. bl.l~d. \-\' til ycn1 Lwltl? \ -~~~ ft '-tl t~ n ~ J .... ~t t'l bhJf' i!pp}lr tt tnn nuw in 01d~:r thttt we 01 :1)' '"~L tfti. Hew p1 • ~ t 1m lL1 l · r \'\'~l >'? - .,. -- - A CORR£.CTlON tu th« l•-t·l·r ~l;ll~ 1.,1), ' J'~w ~ hJ ~ i it•t. ·1,. ( u .\ nnu.,l S"·· ~t•)n 1-l t'b t: fPUdr· t ,f f I. I'\ . l > .·~" i~ \'V,,l~ lllJ}JIIt cd t i"l ~r.t tf\J ' li-st tlt~ l· 'lCt~ lll d~etlh'• l HW"I ~d $ ln lc l~ ol ~,.·n~-on . V..'f ~,.,. \ t··y ~un) r.httt KJ1 . !l ._ K. l hvi.::.: nuHt' \ ~t ~ \.HII11r\.~d . uHl wu rw ,• fhh.l 1 • mabx tlu~ "Qll t'C"ttO IL • • • • l ill ' /. i it 0 ]. --~.p r-1 w {1'\eJrint fmrn 7·!1, r.<rr ... .,.} on M,1de' R l·.C : ~·r )w · 1:ot - l' 3d"'li.\tDk1n~ '' un,~n In hc:-r lll rudh~ thirrie-1) . 1 enl"e,1 at (l ( ('tiot tl uull and utt erf' 1 a wt h 10 gr.: thr"' ~h. :,! \.! '' a ¥ t.tin~ io(;rnation fe r 11 t.l1csi~. .. '" t ·· k 'H'r at t ·r ··•rd. :il i :'f\lJ.:le"l h('r hither :uH:l 1 hit h r. "'' l \'ill ~ ·r1tl 'ou .! "t)P) [ m~· ' hesi~. ' qu th ~h - f l . . .d 1.. "~r.~r~ 1t 'S :-- ~·\\,x•d ~ Jne~ ' pt rhc paper rnm itl r.Jh ~ "~ndc.Jo.~ ( r 1\ •e ... i ·n ~ild i~ dncrpt.!d in ~ · .~ pond conta iui ng I H~t w~tl .. r. 11 tl: "{' h.i -m thtr<' He ~1 la tg nntnbtr I'){ n1et1 C'n-ge\ J tn ~awin!;., ;1H: l _ in tv·c and th ro\vinr? theul into hu~e r~vP' ·ing tl!h '\'hl h ~cra 1 e off the t<~rk'""' and bt on•n the ntis ~u tf1ci <)titl~ t<) rt rrnit it to b\: ~round into chip . . The:- chip~ t a"( I C'U a helt to the sulp h i ~ · rn ilL '"' h~ re hey re pnt in1o a rotatintr deyi c .:-ailed the stdphur burner. 'fl1 rc 1h~ \Ood n1j.c· '\ tlh salphtll :tnd th~n the chips arc \:o ·!e • 0ff in tbt" cool< r n".ad. for omc ci the wood go~.}s to the crinder room and is ~TO 1nd · ~ . hPr · a. hi~h-pr- "sur · watt:r pun1p forces the · , fr rn ~he bins to t~he grird-~t~J'll', '"l:')ultiog in a pulpy . u. ~tance ' .hi 1 ~s pu111p('d to th(' s.tH.~ r ion presses. The f ree -.:t ... · Hu. '\'~ . nre Jo,"ly. .l3cfore the 1 ulp gets to tLe paper ltHrc '<A ~ > i .. pas~ .J thxough scrc"ns \~hich take ou t the foreit-n rn~te ·ial -J1:r1,ed In from Canada. The {;~a,per n1'ac!1"· ·~ !s a huge device consis tin ~ of a lot vf ro 1s whlc:h rev·ohre at t~lC rate nf 500 to J 000 feet per tn1nute. Tt e p~:lo first goes through a copper screen £all '"i a ~ i" '". t h.en into a " ·ire pit '"''here the ilbres are c riss­~ ro~sed bv the tna(;hinc tend er. 1"'hc back tender takes care of t .e I "cks:t!e o!" the machine. Tht ra~" r i the-n rulted through perforated rolls, call ed .. ·:ction roll ~ by m ""ans of vac1,1un1 pumps. In order to get th~..: p~r~r ;n good .. hare for printing it must be d ried and h n ·:ru~nd o, 1eel~. w·hert: 1t is rubbed thoroughly with d(!v. a} 1m. chlorine and 1 ordanR. ·J, a c .boiler !. ~,usc , tht:r~.; are large stoke rs filled with -tnbe-5 aitd ~~.::per-ltea e r~. 'The coat is emptied into a hopper on the. roof and let down to the boilers. first passing through tLe o. rt:hed' te:-s and then throuoh the stokers and econom izer . . \n attempt is 1nade at all time: to keep \ater in the boi lers, cth"'. ;vise d c.. firernen \W.)uld be put to a considerable in­cat ·.efl.ef1ce.-.1u;.hor Unk?'O':on . F.OREMENS' SAFETY MEETING t no_~er 'ery :intt:resting anJ helpful General Safety tee1 in~ ".!S held at tre . 1\1. C. :\ . on February 3 rd. 1'138.. A1r. H. A. Held~( presitlt.:d at thjs meeting and ~ve:ra1 good points were brou,. .. ht out which will help in ·~ta ~ · a gQOd ~ afety record !n our plant. A fe"\1\r of t l c' \: are }!. h::d belo· : L Every 1nan must bt~ Safe-t) Conscious. Back of every aceiden:t is ;>omc one s ca relcssness. 2. '"fhe icremen mut-tt keep hi n1cn rhinking and act­in • Sa fecy a t a 11 t i roe~. 3. C!eau ii!e~s and (,.rderline~.: pla) a big part in acc ident • ' rt:vent.Icn. - Len u trea t' a cu~t'.JnH? l l;O that he win "rant to c.owe ~ a~ain, yr;u ha . c; tnadt: two r-rnfus un one ~ a~c. ------ ---~~------ ~- ~--~·- 'hat ewe. rY wc,rnan k no vs: '1 h~ c,nl v tl1 in•1 that tra veJs J - fas.te. "'"han J;~ht~ u tl. ,: ff: J.Oiilirt · 1uind, ii :l rur~ in the svaing. • G. E. JO!tliJon I:IOuJ ton 's· ''Flyin({ PP'eld{; r '~ Takes . SrJ111C Jllz.otJ· ronz the A i1~ • G. E.. Johnaon. o~ " FlyiJlq Welder'4 The MlU (}:louston}-Looki.nq East Part ol S_pot of TeJCu • [5] • ' llfit\f • Health f) · par tnt n t • lfl Cli,,ir. - to Be Helcl 117 , . . l. ~K P t ~R: l-.. ;(T to a resolution aJnpteJ by the l · .!fWO d Coun ~- ~ledical '-ociety at it~ ~~~g"\tl~H rne€ ~Jt\g on F' b­ruary :"rd r que£-ttng tht."' I-l J~\-nX'h.l Col;l.uty 1)~,.- l ,art­mcnt to ef-.-tal:-Esh clinics in ..anton a·u l \~~aynestvillc fot th.e tl"eat rnent of . yphilltl<' ca~ e- referred by the phys ic i~ ns au\:l welfare officer ... $U<:.h diniccs haye beeu tt'stab. lishcd in the Cit}'" HaH :Building in CAAton, a.nd at th<· 1-fc-ahh Depart­ment office in \,~arne~viJ le. 11le dinic in Ca:ntOll will be 0>penu:eJ .f1yora 9 tj!l j ~ _\. -:'\L_.. and in \-ay,.n,e rviUe f~orn :! to 4 P . .\1.. ea~h Fr-iday. A uomrual fee wiH be cha rged to {\a - fv-r the !lctua l co -t of mat.eri a.l .. u ·ed. • • h is th~ inteJUion of the Health Departmenr to enfufce l.he hn-s requiring aU prsons infected wirh S),. philis to re~;;eiv:e adequate trea{n1<'lll by p rivate phys.i<:ians or in these cljnies. Pro ri~ion i$ made in the law for priva1e physicia·ns to han­dle cases by number \stl1out d,ivn l~·ing names; ho.we~e.r~ if an indi•idua1 discont:jnues t reatment br his pilysician be­fo' ·t'" bein.g cured. the physi-cian is required t-G ·report the case br IJarne ro the health office "»hos-e duty it becomes tr<i> l.egaTJ~ require conti nuation of ~.:reaHnenr either by the fam­ily phys-ician . at the clinics~ or in r.h·e cou,nty jail. ....,ev-eral instances have come to tho attet1tioh of the health department recently "vhere , nme ®f our most p.ron11'"" 'inent citizens have been stibjecting th.ems,eh ·es and th~ir· cbijdr~n to s.yphilitlc infecti~n by ~"'Orkrng a syphiJitie ~o<­r. nest:ic s.enrant. ~he law requires a d:<?Pmestic s.erva.11.t t0 p res>\!nt a .certificate from a ph.ysk-iaa showing fueedom from comn'iunicable diheases,, ind syph:ilis. when apply ing, {or work. l 1: is the duty of ev er~~ household em· &u€'h help to demand a he~lth certifica.te fro111 &~rv ants~ whiGJh o1av be secured either ff.-orn the fa~nily physician 0r irQm the. neahh Full coqperatio.n by the public in this en.dea vo.r will be helpful. SrJCjal ,..ifuics has decreed it t~ be lmprt!per. t.o publicly menti(.JFI the ' ord "syphHj _,. The press ha-s fonuerly ~c ... f~'sed to rrint anyt~i11g conccrnin~ it..~ ~I!~ radio pnograms­ ·have he~n cut off ~I en. the ·word s:yphdts'' was used by a _~pe~kcr: y;et sy·ph_i!}; i~ tbe :no~t wide&prcad of aJl -~O l'll~1U n- 1Cablc d~. ea'ies ..... rth appro .. -tmate!y S% of eur en-are popu­Jasrcm rnfec {.!(;{: ~v1tb it. lr he.(td~ the l i~t of aU dis-cases as a (..Cil,l ''(! of lfl (!fl"~d and r_,hy ·kal degce n eracy~ ~nd is im. the f, 11 efr~r.L a .a . t.aH .. e of d( ;.u·h. 'l .hc Scancl1nnvi-an cotuttries h:t"vr pran ir~1ty t·h~:1inatrd .~Y J ,hili~ amon~· ~ht.~i~· pt~pnktti?,'~ by krln;.rtfl~ i h!! t>UbjCCI l)Ut. H) tlit l"1Jl?l! and tf) 1171g St tJN r rru}~h:J I;, ;JI 1 . . Ul a.ea~t'"n'\(~fJl ~ud cr.~nt rnL \Vith '1 ht-- Surr­ ·~~.:.t11l (; ·neral ctf the '. L Pui;Jk. f-fpafLt Rcrvict· ilS leud ~r. -we m-r it~ rlv· tJ' ' (,f :11 t ~JC' i, g d~ i :i LCJur;r.e .j n l ht.J Un i1f1 , I ( . (~:f (" j Il fi I '~Pica~ (iJicl ~-j ) a ~ le liW r )H I h·) tif · l r<'tel (j\ ing 1h~ ~~(;. JI(:c;-y ~U I 1'0-tlilUi:ng J~. t:thd by f f<.Jtid: l g ~~(lt:--C1HWtL f ft' ~ l - li.IZJill an:U t.(JHtHrf TJ,lf ~' II '-•S. Th ... l d'Jt; c_t(i t,c (:A • rJ• d1 C a rnli1 u ha 6t~ m~.- i~ 1 I tn IY"i tf) J'H'dcJ~ ldt•ltt fe {:()fd N!lu<h•l (},j~ dt <-Wtl l ' ~t. -..hfW.ll hy l ist foJ~r.w·.io:r qunt tdior1 ~ l""1,bJu:· Lal4 1'/t •J Art 1S. • t: «LI•J~Jl . ""t ) 1 / ~. •:Jb t ef tr.~ CI~Jt/Ji~> c.l rtd Hltllll< lpjd fM·,t l.f.h vf1.J f•l • fill' th .i ' ;uHJ'hnn~d d l ' U t~~~. \.'l lhin lht·h: I ~ J U'l tTV•· jt'lft ~LH flll JI I) 3 \~c fwH h, ·li11'~' 1 d IH1d .cmp(h' cr ,·<>lj '\"\ lws fl:)' d11 11 Jli cl:snh·:t t. t~ • Cunpen~tes · \vitH Syphih ·C a Jt/OJl (/fltl /kVay lleS'V i flt.' j~ 1\C"CL'f."-, ~li Y ~0 rruH·.tt tl,e prrrb1c\:c b<..alfht t0 rt"'aJ c· !.', .. arvcina­l tO.nS t ( pt•rson.:. r~'a.s~.·ln ~bl y suspccr€d ,( hej ng ; n f~t. t ttJ ~i;.h. Y\'-nt.Tc?al .disease, :1n-d r.c, detain 1t1.1ch pr.:r ·'J."-" ~~md t ~ -t: r~oi , of ~ uch exantiiuuiOftS a·.re known; to req U-ire P' r·. ·Jf;i 1nf(;CtP.d wi~h ~:nere'il:l clisea~e to rep-ort for rrcalmc t t(; a rei t.ltabk ~ hysiciar1 avd u, CQt1tinuc trea trttJ~.tat u9(il c'tua;d cr tty uh­mit to t rea-t n:n.:nt p-rewided a.t puhlk eA. f. ensc uo ttl cured; an<d ~ I so~ wbe-n in their judgment it is n.etCS&ary to prv eet the p,uhl.ic ht!::lhh_.~ .to is<)} ate or q UCfta1lttne per.~ons infected \Yen-crel41 d'isea~c." · P ublic Laws 1937. S. B. 3:.lfJ: rlSecti.o:e. 1. That IleFe-a f."ber all demestic;: .se rva11ts whQ .->ilaH pre-~t then: set:ve· for ernp.loyrnent shall fu_rnish their employer with a certificate from a -pFactiting physicit}n o.r the public health officer of ~h~ COl1n~y in w-hich they reside, -certifying that they ha"'·e been exam-ined :w ithin two ·weeks. pri.-or to the time e·f said __ :p resent ation of ce.rtifi€-atte: that thex ar;e fr.e~? from ~dJ co.rr­tageous dis: eases. ~ ud showing the nOH-e~·$t~nce of any vene real d iaease wbicll rnight be tr a nS:tpitted. uch. {:ertific(4te sh'all be accompan ied b:r the. origiaal .report from a laboT­atory approva-cl PY· the Sqge Board: o-f Health for ID-<lking sucn tes~~" sbow:ip.g that the \f\1 a serol a,no or ~ny orher apP'J O'-~ed tests of th i~ nat ure a re fle.~... ative. Such r.e st~ to have be-en· made within tWQ weeks of the ti n~e of the- p-resentation of such c€rtHk ates; and "Such certil1cate shaH also a$rrnati"Vei) sr;ate t:'he' non.r~Xi s.tence of ri.tbercu10s:is in t he io£ectious . tar.e~ . ccs_6otioo. '1: 'T hat ail dor:t\l~tic ~ecva:ns eml}loy-cd $half be exa.Q'l ined at least once eaeb vea r and as of-tetl · a;:: the enl­~ li l-ay reqt~1re, and vp·0ti, examination ·hall fur.ntsh to t'llle ern p,l~ye r all ef the C'-'idezyce 0f the cmd~tiou of Eheir h<talt.b, ·is set ·0or in cction 1 h etTQ[H Vocational. Training WE wan t y<:>u t0 know that it is Ilever ton tat to enroll tll')d attend ooc (J>f more of ov1· VOJ:atit:>nal 'rTa~~~~n . ' . d as$,e$. · Rhougb y-ot1 are. late incu rnlting_. Wt.' feel that y:)~ w·i\1 profit in so d:oirag. I f '" e do O'L.H ha' e :1 das~ in d1\' s·u bject in \Yhich yrou a t'o in lcr~su: d 1)lea.-e s-c Geor~~~: C. i\ tthur) Vocatintla1 J)i recttr'lr o'liice in ) . ·l.C.A. ba ~ ·m('nt. or W. Lt!e 11lcl1lrath, Pt'rsonmd Office. 'fh~y ,~-JH ht: ~bd t~ t.Li SCUS.S· this m .1 t te-r V\; i:t h yo11. 'I'hc vrtt;a·t{iou:d Tra i .. oi1ag l )~p<Ht ment now h .~ on h. nd a n un1b~r of W(hni"·n-1 1 (' f\i .. r~· t.'1C~ I ook.$ a1ld 1\-lJ\filline~, which may be chnlcd .u l · b~t l ht! \'tS'u.a.l,t_ 111H.'thot during t lw lli}Cill hm:ch hu-u r 1' 1YHn 12 t'O 12: ;> () p, t., I. by tht• '-. hcHH­pinn F tmi'l)·. I ~ is r\l r i~ntt.· nti t."~-1) to budd up thi~ lib1 :nv ac~ oFdi J.l f~ t (? yut:lf in t-1 ~~ l s. -'\ tt \' su~~c · t inn~ a . to H'fcr l 'l\' ;,• · a. wl tt- t t rl t l 1 i1d th(l ~ wi l'l l r1 f i:t.:t(f•r ·st ft) t' OH \.\ tH l <= ~ ~~~ l} a p.ptt: iat.-d. ·'f'>lw f~)ll wine d J >,,sf'·, ~It' Ult..~t ·l i\1~ ~ n\~· ularh· : l'nird I di.H \1 .u· hi ll ~ll, r·~r~·~ iVI:rk i u~~ Pu.p j )J ~ in~r. E l · · trnh- ti ~ Hle~td1, f c-HI~ L,,vwn, P t:tp~ l t .. h ·n1--i~J c v, Luhri -~(ti , n. :"''.1~ Sulrhitt\ ~1 t.M t u Pbm\ Snlphite p , t• d~t'l..\ \Yf·hti ~g-, P ba1 ~ 1',::."\d\ "tl ul­, K l ttrllt~ J.q • l tC;,. ' J_'r.t~k . }~c lr u tl . \ [pt . tic~-.·~ ~. ' ltllHn l~I il\h ). )J I u'.ipJI'tH {( • • ~.h tV , f•.14·H' t n f.'\ 1 y !\ ht w .. u rt~,.., ~ lc \ h:c...tuf'al 'fi r .rV, , · • • • • • Clzanf} io 11 ;< Jlospittd .A~\J(;)t~i tl ti'rJ~t, 11zr. Ctt1ztrJ1Z tJ.1~t'tl HrJtiJtozz ~T ; .it ·Lh{ ,, h 'l Prl th .:H ,1t tht cl"':w 'f l u. inc ... tHt Jnn. L tq~:-; , dac: dt+ -if '' 1 ~ ( nlv ~1.~ .~\l. '1 h i~ it-t th · t ~ ,,.. i-; t .:1 . t t l m l't t·.t. .... tt '1 1oa~ t('.h 1H .·, I H. H"\. ~'".,~.. - ' "" ' , .;dl tnt ~t tht· tnd ,rf the.· 1it'-t ~ ·Ar ui tl["t'r:tti1'l' '' · h,nl <.k,h.t~ ( ·f ·t , 1'l ·i rt1 ~~~.()()(). rl'l te m, ·mlwrt-hip l 1'~.H 1::, ·J \~' ''pl. n uf t he ~'<.xi:Hi ,., :1~ t• Ol'n\:f• t ~ ;tnd dm~~ . . tl,l '\ \ :rhl \..\()I'~ I Rti{n ha: .. <:n Jbk ' • 1n.lw: c· d.;~ ·~tt:~;\ ·, th· ... ~h. v fi~>q c. 'l'h · f~·H(m'in '-··. rnr,t t :Ht \ t· ft• un~~ will ~h(ilW th ... pr ~r~, · tb :tt h ·t~ been n'Htd · in n· · ~-r l('\nu: 'til;e ,Jd. ,-; : l ~~·, H , I ~ \ ~_.· -. {)_ )'}3'----- --· ..... - ~J7, ft\~.4 2 I ' ("\! l ··~. - . lq .. ' _____ .. _ --· _.... (J n )1.6~ t. t 1\ } ... .. {'~ _, ____ ___ ...., __ _ t' .... ... ~ l (ltl ...' 1' 1' ' ·''"~ ~---~.~ -~_,.. __ _ • li C1r'l thi: u \tll n••lt! th.:n d u,n~ he llrs t .\ t ar Hn d~.:r \ · nc \ r lan tr.~ \.ie1~ it w a" redu ~J l"'r ab HH ~U 0.000) and du:in'~ ti.e f~.>P 'in ·.·· tt \<.! . rcdlt~.. ·. ··d ln ath..>Ul 1-1 ... 00, • ~ .. "! .i: \.\. f \.:-. 6 . 193:---. it ha bt 'n rcdu ~d h,- :tbutn. $1,o00. • 11 e ;·.; st·, n inurtedbtcly rat~e itself a·s to why the mall e•• !n thr != t 'l : 'a t ~cat. l ci \:~ hclow ~vn1e cc)t't'\pa r~ tiYc fi _ r. · i.!'!ll hl . i it; l ~nd " \1 r~ical ca:-e$ for the past th ree • • rJ ·. c ·i • J.i;t } .. , . ) 1 }" . 3rd Yr . T otal tt:Q ; ;;... I. C T . • r. ~its ---------- - ~ - ) ,_ 143 13 7 ... .. 4 / ) l\la: r ( ""L '"i. t ion -- 1 i7 1 ~ - • I 1~0 ~94 • 51 .... - l , r ltlt1 ns __ 61 140 ·' I • 'V 1 Cattes ?~ - ?? ~"') • CC'1l t'. ---·- _ j ~ -- , Le ..l ic .. .l C..t. .. • I 7() J1 7 254 ~ ---- - Lat€rr. > v -- 5Q 0 c .)9 .")'.".) 520 175 1 ~·rom ·he ab i."e table ... ou will note that du ring the past : e·H · ... h:tve had. 122 m~Jre case::> than -<luring the second \"'ear. [ f jt ha"-1 not bt"en for dl rs dec1ded increase we 'vould Jia,~ cr ..._id all rhc oki dt"'!cit. \ e aLn renort a deflnite increa se in meo1bership on l . 7. I<)Jr~. ,.; had J.()f '3 .1nember:l. anrl on Dec. G. 1937. \e ~a~·e Ll ~ ... ! <;m bcrs---65 of the c are jn the H ouston 1" nt. e aJ~o rep n: that the l1ouston Di\.·i ion of the Associ­a :..-;: •~ c. pr<J\; en to be an asset-"ince opening the office t" l:r · in J. Ih'.• f 37. tLat divi-.ion has paid its h0~pita l and urgic i uarc., a~td a-t the clo~ of bl.a siness on Dec. 6, 193 7, i.3d a b~rak babnce of $"'06.70. 1''hc affair there are han­Qlt;: O L·v a cvmm·uee of three men1bers. • • .:lJu v:iU c. . .. r;, be i n te re~teJ in the fact that d\lring the thr.·e ·. car~ nf or:~.t ration the .. \ " oc iati ot~ has pa id out ou be:.. at· of • he rnc:tnoer anJ d<~ reJH.icnt:s over ~<)6,000 for hiil f iud rnd care. 'l'hi~ ha heen a great help to 1e • erobt"J-. .. ' ·\ fed tLat tLe C!ta.rnpion ~rn pl oy ce~ arc hu ildin~ for 1 1em elve ~ :Vt;ry u eful o rganizatir,n-and th<tt the hJ1 ure ~ ill &:'€. ~1\ co g:neat<"r t hin~. done for the rrtt~ntber. ,dong ht fine of hospital and ~u rgical carr-. R ·..; ectf u fJ} , 'TtfE E .~ J-t.<..:L1~1 V E C<)\1~ 11T"'I'EE , F .. :t. H¥ 1.,k~1 Prt·sidentJ DA\'f. 1-i. i S~ ~('('11 I QT). -· , I ... • .'5- ~- CHEE:R UP MY BOY-THINK HOW IMPORTANrr YOU ARE! DeAK StR: In reply to yunr reqtt c~ t to send a check. l .wi~h to in­fonn you that th~ present: condition of nl) bank account tnca kes it alm o~ t im possible. ~ [ y shattered fi oancial con­d ition j$ due to fed eral laws. state la'V~S . liq uor laws. mother­in- la \' s. brrn her-i n- la \Y .. , sistcr-in-la\vs and out-l ~nv~. 'fhro11gh ~·b est! laws 1 nm l:Orn pellcd to pay a business tax amusement tax, head ta~ , ~chool tax. ~as ,Lax, light ta;t . watcz:r tax, sales tax. meat tax, ca rpet La x, income tax, foot! tax~ furulture tax and e ~cise ta"'\. Even my brains a re taxed. I atn reguired t o get a busjness license car license. truck license, meat l i-cense: not to rnention a ma r riage license and dog license. I <lm a:Jso req\ti red to contribute to rvery society and organization which the genillS of man is capable of bring­ing to li fe~ ro won1cn's relief t he unemployrnent relief and t~1e gold d igger$ relief. .Al..o to every h o ~ p ita l and charitable ins titutjon in the city including t he R ed Cr o~s, Black Cross~ P i-1rple Cross. and t he Double Cross. For tny own safety I am reqttired to ca rry- life insur.! a n ce~ p roperty insura nce, liabi li ty insu rance, bun!lar insur­ance. accident insurance, business i n s ura nce~ earthquake insu rance, tornado insuta:nce, unen'lployment in~ ura nce, old i n~-nt ranee, a nd fi re insu ra nee. ~I y busir)e s is so governed that it i no easy m.attcr for me to fi nd out ·who owns it. I an1 i nspccle\..l. expected . suspected, d i.srespected rejccred, examined, re-examined in­fo r med~ refnrmccl re4u ired, s urnmoned. fined, cotnman ded~ and com,pelled ·until I pr6vidc an i nexh ~.n1 tible surplr of mo ney for e\rery k n o~· n need , dt·sirc or hope of the humon race. [7) Sin1ply hccau::;e [ refu se tn tt> sorn"~thing or other r a rn boyrnt t<.•tl. talk C'd a br;ut. lied a bout. hdd up, held down and rnbhed until f (l lU al rno t rui n-ed. [ a11 tell ) •Ht h c11H.' tl )t th nt except for tht n)ir:\de that happen d 1 C"o\tld not endos(,; thi" ~hc'-· k. l'he ,v,>li that rome" to rna11y dnor!'o fi(H\':ldJy..,, just had pup: i11 rn: k it~h"~Jt. I. sold tlH•rn a ud here is th~ ruone,v . ...--r-R c pri nl f rrnn llutrhtir' J .1 d·on(.\tl-f:. • Publlshed by ''The Champion FamilyH as a ymbol or the CO""rc-ation a nd Good Fellowship E ...:1sting at the Plants of T he Champion Paper and Fibre Company~ Canton D ivi sion. Canton> North Carolina, and H ouston Dt\""ision, H o·uston: Texas G. W. PHil~ LIPS . _ . .. . ~ •. ~ . _. _ ... . _ .. . ___ . • • _ . ••.• - -- •••.. • • . • Editor REUBEN B. ROBERTSON. JR._ . ___ . __ .. _ .. .. .... ___ . .. Asaociate Editor REPORTERS D A!SY BUBNETTE ... _ .... __ ___ ... ..... __ .. _ ...... ______ .. . . ... _ ... ... ___ .... __ .. Main 018ce f'B.EI) DA YroN. _ . _ .• . _ . •. . . • . __ ..• _ . • •• . .. . . __ • _ ..• - •..• . . Book Mlll B. H. ~y _ . _ _ . _ . _ . . .. _. _ . . _ .. _ ...... __ .... . _ ... R. & A. PAUL HY An __ _ . ___ ..• __ •. _ . . __ . _ . . .. _ .. _ . . ___ . . . _ . _ •• __ . __ . Power 0 . F. cn.rrs ___ _______ _____ _____ _________ ___ __ ___ _______ _ E .. B. Dept. .. ])JGES't £B" _ •• ____ . • _ . ___ • • __ .. _ . . __ • _ • __ . _ . .. . .•• _ .. .... _ • Sulphite KAB.llY .B<>THA. JR •. _ .. ___ . .•. _. _ . . . . _ .. _ . ...• . . .. _ .• . . . Pulp Dryiliq LENORA HUGHES . • _ • • ___ • __ . _ .• • __ • • __ __ ._ •. _._ .•.. Finishing Room 1 HE COLONEL • __ • __ • __ . ___ • _ . •.••. _ .• _ • • _ . • ___ • - - ••• • • • _ • •• Extract P. G. KINXEN __ • ____ •. __ . • __ . __ •••• __ . __ • ___ • . __ . _ . . _ • • •.• Soda Mlll ND.L BlliGHT _ .. __ .. . ____ • __ ___ . __ • _ •... ___ . _____ __ . __ .... .... Cone JEAN McGRAW and JACK WrLI . .lAMS. __ .... _. _. ___ - .• -- •.• Cartoonist. REPORTERS FOR THE HOUSTON DIVISION A.M. KOUBY AND C. R. P. CASH For·ZlJttt·d With Today l 7outh tt Jtd Torno1,.t·o1-v !h: G. C. Suu/c.r T H r ) rJtlflg ~ ft· l t\ Ch1 i~ ti a n A "~ ucialion fllk:J an im­~ ·ortaJJt p la(t.' in t rH .. J'4' t. H r) \' :~ buuL its place ut ... • .~ ~~ r ocla ;' ? \ hat qf _;,_S fL,u tre : T ile J~. l l. \ . tnd a)' jb ;,n CJ rg<.t uiY.a l ittn apJ•roaching il i 'tndrc!.hh atrni\er ,1ry wi lh jn:>l ... h1;Jl ,Jf twu rni llion lu·m­br. I S and ranici j;.an , in tlw l nitJ;J S!a1( ~ altHI ;• Of tltis HL u.o!.:J ship 70 pe:r · ·nt ar· ll' kr 2- yr.:a l"• r,f 3_H\,;. Tl t~ou h~ bt;t:H ~ t' in in m ·wb·~ J !Jip 1>f (J\' \·r \0 1 r r (cu i ~ ill< t I 'J22. '1 he rnr.1r·· l tJ fl !.> ehd a.ct i\•iri'.!s o f tit ~ " \ ' ~ 1 c c.111 i,·<l c,n in ~' fl aH fd Util}' vn:ups an.} djj. s - }l{)l t da~n fnO,r no rJI therll .iH ~ Jt>CUH '•tiJ Jll , Jc Jfc' tl,:ttl 17. {J0{l 111Jdu •riritt·,l c: iz, 11 • t lV.f ~~ \ lJIU ntc,( r l ~.:~d~rs t,f tlu· w g •Q•l p:i, u 1 r ;! dt tt!.Cl OI tf ( ' ' "'" I I.ICt~ lll•'l t t,( rl,, ir 1\ •r>•rt j tt i, ,ns. '1'},, \dd t~ taiJ' 1 (,1 activi it is srnd(·l d i• 1. -" tn ;v.· d t t,'Citr )l t ol .3.!-<{)(_J P"~f ~ 1vr ~ ll y llaitt d !'' ,.J ,•rs. ' ' 11 . • · ~~ ... , tl'} tJld I ~ ·I c- 1 • dirr ' lt,l S aflt c· r, ·•~ ••l . plu blu l t l lllll lll llft) gt-v~d ,; tl ·q d r;r •r ,.1 11 iZ~tl j, ,ft c·1q oi 1 ;. n t u, ' '" I he· 1 , .,., I s r j u I it '1." 1 ·v,,r i d1 w hi~ it tl11 1 1 <. ' A , u " , \ ' f t 1 • ,Jl d \' i l h 3 t,u; l, i ht O th •'f tid ,f ff111ltJHuW. The p r r ti)nlfn n! th• \ . J.< '. \ . lttdny hd t \~«H' ' ''' i'(' pJ, to matnt ain hca.lrh. phy 1ca! and me n~Ctl ; help ·hem to und<:1 ~ t and 1 he world in ~· hi c h they live. i t~ i~~Dp l c: its prob­lem s. ir e; ot·c up~ni<Hlal pcJ:: ,ibili ticc:, and t' ' make tb<: ri~fi life choice . J l el ps th('rn to r ain ~kill in l' r~unaJ rela ions. in ChrisLian leadcrshir' and in cr;r,pcr:ll;. r· a 'tion. Offc~ them oppm·tullity for act uaJ t: ·pcricncc m m.tking a bent:r ~dH><>L a beller community and a better W')rld . Help.; t'lc n to acquire uew and signjfica nt lci .;urc. re l·~i .:-,1 1~ life ~ a d er­vice, citizenship activity, pnrts. rhc arts and crcaHv ~ •: ~r~. T oward these hi()lh endf, and wi th dcpcnJable r es·• ·trCe.5 ta personnel a ntl cx.J,eri<:nce the i oung 1 len·') Chri t ian .\,:,so­~ i~ttion serves the youth of todar and will do .::o tomorro ·. ow. \rould yo1.1 like tv bavc a par in th is f!rl!a or­gani?. atton ? All that rou need to dv i · ask for a J>y :·. \cr­bcrs hjp. \Vhen you do th is you "til. f~cl free to : ~ ·u~t l~ •c in its acti\·ities. If you do n ~"~t l arnctpate your '.> "' ,jl be used for ou r bors and eyj rls in the program of W"icl: ro 1 have just reacL 1'hcn~ another t hing. that hapl en~ . o~r r Company will match your d<.)l lar. wh1ch greattr :ads u1 this work. You can readily ce wh) it is n~ce . ar;t for us to have a large loca l member hip. T f every man W')f ·­iog f0r The Champion P aper and Fibre Cc:>o~pany \vould ~a r the small membe r. hi P- fee we would elsllr be th(' fea -.1ers in the South in thi t-~ great proan-101. \Ye are mcm~e r of the Cluunpion Family, onr pro•"lram is t cadil~ e xpandin~­and we need you r heir. Some of our volwu·eer lcadeP \ dl ci'lJl on you . \'"by· nut help ? The "Y's 1\•Ten s Club i c Hnposed of 3 .. yoGP ~ bt ~i n(·~,) ~no profe:s. ional men from the towo ~nJ the plant ~~f Th · Cham rion P <t per & Fibre C'om pan ~. Pre ~c_nt mt.. rnht: r~ arl:: l) r. . \V. Bot oms. dcntisl: Lex1e B.1retooL nf ~Ia run 'Drug Co.~ !\ f a uri c~ J3r, ok~· . of ~lud er F urn:Lur\! C'-). : \ H. J)uckett, R . E . LJwrcnce, of Pile t Lif~· 1 osurancc o. : H.-' \' PctllOil. of Lhe Canton Bui'lJin~ '" L onn: Cha~. R hodarmer. of the Canton La u nd n ·; ]. Boyd '"' m:ulwrs. '-'' tlh: C .l''ltOn High Sehoul faculty~ Brraut Smtth. of P l,· i ~- ~mid ~h~>t' · jnvek·r~; C. C. S11 tdt.·s, ~uH.;r:tl .;.·cn· c:HY Pl {h_' l lHH1~' t-'0 '\ .:\.1.C t\ . ; T orn \~ etc h. m:~ u ~HTr of t_ht~ \ ~ [' "lt n·. J nne _ \Villiam '\on, (If Th<.: (.' ,rnfo 1 l·."ntt rpr11. · . 1· r.tnk \. ' klc. nl o. :\ 1 ~m••d ll' r-s Clmltiur StPtc; l•.,h,,n lb. n•,:;, "H thL L1'' ftttl) of J> nbin on · l h n ·l'l : Pm.l) },:ttl!'. l·h·l Du•ttt. n .-~~· ·· · Fl hn , •\ . ~ 1. Fai rbt't"ll lt 't , H. ll ntgro,c. Ui1l Httni. f)4l\t H.HJI •. ) c1 ll l~·, l lt11k·\, •t•r ld ll ill . ll ub ' l tthiv, dll , J, , \ ld t.h l ,tl, lCdt h R.11H.Ltll. I P ~,dlrl~ ... t. (, i\[ 1',,," 7, I. lr .. ( ·~H I \ rlh'. \ tll•u· \ h ·\·kt, \ \ ' od :\ dltuns. 111d i q \1·h,1t'l l\ itiHll . Htl 1 lll~l,.,,.,t "' \'t::"\)'(1t l '\ ihl..:· I'" itic·l\ h ) 'I "1.. · l 'It ·1 111 1 'c n 1' n 1 ( '· ~ I· 1 h 1 \' l 'o . ' I f •• H1,1 •. , (lr ''" lll th .u ... • .t .. ,.,n,),, · r I I • 1} lJ ; \' ll •. :.. , uod f ·II t !\'\ t IIJ' 'In l u l\ • \ 'I \ l c· ll :u l I \ l ) tl f11r i\ I ' l ' ( h I i t ltl tl I \ . { i ' • tl i I Jll u I \.ll II b l I \. \l 1'\ .... '•\J IIIi', T .. t'lt 1d I,• \ , .\lc tl l fl ~c' .,.l ' I CI•Ct !uln1 IIH'•I ll l n l\ • • • u~jl~ t s of in1 nwd ta tc- · r\'.i~-. t't·nnt'Hl1 i~ and M ~"-'A I nto\ l - m nt~; · To urrl rt by ~n· ti-\ (" ~ t·n· i ·e. d<~ CJ \' lO.C l'h1l;n\ ... thropic (lnd s ia l anovl'nu·nt~: T<l f'n dUra~ d}icit'ncy and ju~ti<, in ci\~ ; · . . ~~qRtni n~ ::tlWa ~ s {,rl'\m f' ,ljtica\ SC'( ( (HI.tfli:..n'l~ ' 'T\~ dt .. \.:dnp l ~ ~uund "h~H'<h'h' r hniktinL ~uh­. tai\t1aL As liit't in)r! Ui :-,ht·d fn.1n1 f JJ"la.l. p~t-nvt-isnt ~ 'T · serv~ ~~- "lilig(·nt. ttt:ti\ c 1 <.·r .. nat ;tnd unitL·d '-'tf<)f1 in ~arr \·i n~ ft>rward C\ ('ry pJq .. ~ ,,f th"" l''"~ra tn 'f th<' '\ >Unc \1 c- ,·" l"hr-i~t\an _\ .. ·oci~tt i 'n. \rl:at "'! lntfnrm~ \n I ~lu t·h ~ hv~ Hl tn It' T lti-. ~· J qh hdJ' \itt' t. t•Pll'~r hq'. t"'ainr 1--loJ'C. furt) \nlunt('n fr r .·(·\ r:tl - .t \ PVmti,·:- and furni~hc:-; k .1dc..•r:, Cnr '-t'V< r~l h ·,}::.· lu-b". ·rhis ;~ ,\ ' "·ry lc~~al ~t>up. \ t ptt; .... ,·nt~ F' t·d l)\'1llt i~ at the l{ln\ 1! thL duh :1nd i~o. m;~kine ~ T·kndid l .d··r. "l'l v Pl. ahr~ ' lub j ... 1 tww \~ club with a u dt\n.ll r, rga ui ~ )_, tion. l'h Cantr)1l ~) .1i'H't i.:> ,\1\lll' M.:d ( r :s ) vung men. l "' tn 2: ~ ·. t·:- o{ a .~e: th1s roc~ru t.:t , hip will ~non fOtal 3~ ~, ,unb ~~; l. :vhi. h ha-. l~·cn , etas t h\! ll\~"i nJ unl nun1h "r : t th\~ lu .... ·red ~ t it~~heH i· Primus nr P te~idl~ l lf.. and h~o r ; ,--u }n H) th~ tnat.h in ·y f'f\t I Lti()n .. T' t" J.'l· J.>~Sl uf 1hi~ t. L,,b t~ ''l .. n unite yout1g m~J) in co­' i <,r i\·c t'ff t t ! '.Jl. the ,·n · ,)ura~~mcnt of J. high .. ta ntla rd ' f CLr:--~i~'\ r \('lnh .J : in : n Lns ~Hi~h .. 'ervic~,; to the io.:ornmun­j ·.: in a'' !'.ql!..; lionabk Jorahy f(' .\mcrica a rhl her insti ­tu t~ .. '$. :uu:.. 1n tLt' ~1hin1at~ c~ran ~on of Ch r i.t' ~ id als of l ft· c,.. . liberty :-tnd j·: tic\ in the 'vorl d.'~ 'I'\ i ~ c-:.uB i ~ also , tnli ar~J ,vith the \ ·oung 1len\ Cou ncil nf tht~ l a • '"l jnas. J , . I. kh<,l 1:- HaH \YhinvCJrth, \ -ay ne HalL Jas. Ric k- "iFd, :l 'ld (;. (; ~t.ttle :> :Htt\nJccl tht.) Second .\ n-n..nal YtHlllg ·n.. Cc n{er J cc of dll' 'arDlina , . .A.t thi :) cou1~rcncc the .~ L " .. ' . Mau b\,"cn. abl to sce\.lft; .. on1e v~q fine speaker. anu. l~aJ~.ti. J)r. ~am. Gr:tfl~.t1; oi Xcw y·ork. 'as principal "r.eaker: af th.e con f~rct1cc . ~ ' Tl e h:ala.i.·\ Ct uo n1eet~ at the Y f(>r S\:~:pper every ~(.!'on 1 aad fc: rt 11 \~ • eJ nesday at 6:30 P. J I. .:.,·.._1~ ... 1 Ut> .. d2v ni2ht the .. quare- l)aoccrs ~ather at t he Y a-,. tt · - :~0 P. L. the mathers String Ban.d file in. anJ .'C n ~1~~L tans, Sara Q'JCcn . calle r, get on r.hc Boor. and 1 , · rJ' y ~o h&n~e! Everybody has a goud time. Square c.. an in:.. t. ""00~ ~xerci~c and recrcat.ion. 'fl1-e Y secreta ri es and CCiffim!tte<;rf\<.'11 arc C;fl the job tfJ m,akc each d a ACe. night <11-. enjo-ya(',le oc~a;)i(•D. vrade C. H1H , the CaHton Po t-na~[ er is rrcsident nf tb1 ~ club and is ably a s i"tcd by 1-loyt HartC:>n. 1bert Burnett~ and J ohn Hall. A friendly place, a o-ood tirile ttncl )!C.od rnusic. lf _'OU cc .. AJld ~tay with tbe ): Secretary for a week you \oukt :,.~ 'hqnd1eds of rnen . wo nen, boys and girls in action i:n bJ;~.~ketbaU ~aane~ . ,-c,lleyhaU ga.mes, badmin1ton · gy rn cla~s, , ~' ~"itmn;n;..r . b(Ji\·tin$!, billiards. square dance ... , ~oc i a l , c~u , . Bible sr ~d~.~ rroup'. vocational cla - ~es, forctncn s ,rr) :p Y DiT\.nt:r Cluh. y·~ _ ten· Club> Phalanx Club, Pal s "-..... ub .. Ietbod~st Y Club. BGy Scvut groups, Presbyterian . len's Club. \fc1hodi:--t ~1en's Club .. n1t·rican Legion and trxiiiary, \:-< m"·u·~ 7\Ji:-.~iona rr C ircle. ".. he(ri ll Sehoul of D a: ("in', l~c:t.u·n .. ~ . R~ ~ c·r :v t~ Officer~ · Club~ H{)~ pira l C lub, Chan f. in!: Cr-edit \ ·;,ir;n ~ safery tncttil'l1f!<>. comn1it tee· a:nect­ila~:: .. lamr· Cluh. ltandball ~ Smathers Snin ~ Band, Ch~un ­t ·ir,n H ~tfJd_, 01e:arnp ir)n ( rd,t'l~tra, and ntanr tAhers. (,i pPopk aJ<· <:"'1ming to rhc ·•Y" ea~n day for r.n.'i ~<Jf.t ~"J1·• icc. Six secrdarit., and manv voi •Jnt ecr • leca ... h:rs a1c k,.;.pt ·~.~r~' bu:,) with s.~ many ac ti it~t .. , and tht· •· ) r. .. is CCti!St.a r1 t h· C:l JJ t 11 y n(· W ae(·ti \: j lj t:s. rf t"Jl the "}"' ~<·C"- * . , ·r ;Jrit'". \h-at: ~ ·~ 11\ \.'rntl.d l 1k.{~. ~ l'J ,ey will tr)' tn hclJ'. Chanipion • .t\Hl , J"IIL,. Rf.P()If l t>F Bl'S l '\il· .. :.' A ~.1:7 1· XPI·, \;S I·.- • s~-~rc·~ _.,.,. .... _ ----- --. ............. -'-.. ______ ..,.. .. -;,f..-.---~ 1> R(•pai,:l <til l ,uan ~ ... _ .. ._.,_ ·---- .v. ------------ lntt"t C' 1 R~(·ci cd -~------ - ~ ... ---------- _.__ -- Entra tl<"t' Ft..T · _____ . ____ -- ... .... __ .. _____ ,_,_ _ _ ,.. -·· • B ~d a rH .. \' rtn !land 12! 31 /37 ... _ --------··- .. --·· RAt1ncc in Banl.:!'l 1 ~/J I/ J7 ... ---•~ -----1"1--· -- 11J, i7.Zt J () . J 1-)(,_6r-, (lf J.(, .,t) ,). •<J ') 2lJfJ. 14 13 .5~5.2 l --~--- "f t,tal ___ ---- __ ~ -------- -- ~ 44, J 08. 'J I --------·-----~-------- - - _ Y., 12 .2 X 7 ~ j l .oan · ~ l ad~ __ -------------------------- --- l fJ ,527.i() E. pcnses --- --- ----------------------- ----- Hala nc · on Y..Tand 1/3 1/3 1 .... ------------• ------ B~lan<:~-c in B:tnks 1/ 31/ 3 ---------... --.... ------- 307.1J:? J,009.l4 J 3/J76.>35 '!'oral ____ _~ ---------· - --- -- __ $ 44.108.9 .. B .. \ LA ... C E S H r~ 1'.' 1' - f 1\ \: l . A R Y, l t 118 • .lsJt~LJ LG~lll$ o~HS t a-ntling - ___ ,- -- ----=----------- ... - -'1> l ntercst on Ccnilicates oi J )cpo~ ir --- -- ------- Expense Account ----------------------- ---­Fa rn it,1re and Fix-Lures ---------------- __ ---- Prepaid Ex pen "e ---------- ----- -----------­Accru ·d I nterest R ecei\·ablc --------- -------­G; ertificate., of DeposiL --------------------- ­Cash on ~Tand 1/ 31 / 38 -·---------..- - --------­: Cas:ll in Banks l f3 1/ 38 - -------------------- >,) .../. . 4"I" 4 . 2")" 90.67 307.<J2 773.})1 20.~9 5.()1 0.66 1l.6 l7.50 1,009. I 4- 13,976.R5 Total _________ ------ -------$120,281.37 Liabilities ~bares ------------------------------------$108.732. 19 1n tcrest R cce·n rca' -- - - - -- -------- -- --------- o"'ur o.o -.) Entrance Fees _______________________ ...; ____ __ 9.2 ) (~ua ranty Fund -'--- __ ... _____ ---- _____________ ·- 4 ~tJ 7 6.4e:> Su rr lns ------- - __ ---- - - --- -------- ,.. ___ ~- __ 5.963.40 (9] 1~otaL __________________ ---- ~ 1 20.2 ~ 1 .3 7 umber o( rviembers at do c or month-1.>569. Number of Borrowers at dose of n1onth-J 03 7. T. L. \ Vo.REY Tr?aJ ur£·'J·. w pproved: R. B. Ro.aERTSON, JR. G. \V. FREEMAN \'. J. DA_\ .tTOFT. HEI.DERS' SU. VER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ~Ir . and ~VIrs. l -T. !\ . J-lc ldcr c01ehrated the1r t~vent v-tlfth • wedding annj,·crsary on Friday Fcbtuar}' J ~d1 193 ). 1'ht· 1narria~e took pla·e in .. Belmont> :'\. C .. Feb. 1J tb , t9 L3. 1\1 rs. llelder was Ion)u.:rlv .Vli s~ AJfl h lark. ~I r. Hckkr • i~ 'fechnical J)ircctor or the.- Canton J)j, i!)ion of (1'hc Ch:tnl-pton Pape r ~tn d Fib r(,; CctU11'any. One roay do a ur(·~ t dtal of vnod in thi ~ \vorld if ... rH: d'c cs t1ot ca,x'e \Vho vet (.Tetlit f(n· it. HOUSTON PLAN-y, ntE CHAMPJON PAP&B AND FIBRE COMPANY ous The Champion Paper and Fibre Company, Houston Division HOUST ON NEWS ll · ( ~ . J<. )J. C'alrh • ''D .• Shift Party T ht» ur- and- coming br)ys of CtD'' Shift ha \·e done it again! On Febru­ary ; rd ~t Camr Beau~. a dcljghtf ul t:Otmt r~ ciub ncar \lagnolia ;a rdens, :i mus· e njoy a ble stag party '\·a staged. !\ lmo-t all of the ·•n·· Shift "ere the r-e. with a goocJfy sp,;nkJ ing of ciU~sts from 0ther shi its. The mill foremen seemed to [Urn oul in a buuy. After a 11nJe hand \varming before the hug~ fi re of burning logs and some ref re hment~ to overcorne t.he cbill of the d ri \*e from I louston, the evening -got a v.a.\ l(., a m>Od start. I t wou ld M a k t: a ~< ocl sturr [0 tell ho,,· some ( f our co-'"·"rkers unlimbered and cast u ull care a side bt 1 will be content by · ;~ yin~ evcf! Of! I.! haJ a real ~rood time. O·lr La t' ofT to ··U" Shif 1 )) » « Cl' Tabler Tennis Exhibition On 'fc:Je <lay. Feb. 15 a ·--·•.:ry Hrte e~ h ihition of 1 a bk-tcnnis was given in the CJ•;b IJou "- by Coleman Clark, ft; r m;r l 'ni& cd S t :l Lt.JS cltampi<JII ~nd n.:r t<)'.~·uetl ,...~ 1 f Jia ·ut cA the game. Jk . ~ ah ;· tc.:;d 11. 1.-t•k S tev1·n.:;~ m· tA d •: aUJJ J y • f0rnacJ 1 dcf J1 se play~;:r ,. ~I ') •• ;Y cH~nti ahl)' e:..flnt )1IJI C:I d th(· I rr f • ( laJ y and ~v?v ,.: n tH:agcd t •vo ,_ ... citing gamt 'uid :1.1 ti m:t--.S 1hr· pl ·· y ~ t · v~· p· f}( <!C'fl f~, t fr<.,f•l hc~ 1abft· d11V i rw .. with :dl tJ,, '" t<.r(: t; J\ ~' r dw h' • 'J tt ft t J •t (J1 tilt ~C Jllf! Cl.t IJH ,. rhibtl jtJO Wet~ 1 (; Pial if1fl ~ ~ il 'S fi-l Wl~tA tabh · l f~Jlllf S t,o bt H /"•1 111-4 '' ' llllir;H~· • ()IH:Wit·nd:Jle tid· • ;< J·fqwt •a:b wJu"H :.vcTJ ph~r·d. b . l 'h,~ h: r•t.•ulttt r. •~· d J1j ~ 'IIJ fJrt·l (,Vt •r tiH· ht.cli h;• llVlfl ~ f H.m (. 1 . n i , t f I ,, 1 ) ' f \'I ·1 f H ~~ 1 1 tJ' 1 1 ~ hI c • } J :6\i11~ th• b ·dl i t) l tlt\ir.g H1;.:; l•t It pas-.. ctl 1hrough a houp held by an as­sistant and landed over the net for a perfect ·en ·e . ftcr 'he exhibition game5 .i\ 1 r. CJa rk cha llengcd some of flU r , ta r players Lu a even point ~arne v.·ith himself .stal­ed and tied to a chaj r. !\Jr. Crute was the (i rst tn accept the challenge. con­fident th at he wou ld annihila te NJ r. Clark with hi · ··Crute Specia l. ~' The fir st fo ur po1 nrs ' vent to ~1r. Crute, but as soon a~ '[ r. Clark sent h irn one of his innocent litde se rves, the ball lost all sense of decorLt m and re fused to even ap proach the tab1e. For his \'aliant effort J\'l r. Crute \vas awarded a useful little book entitled 'H ow T o Play T a ble Tennis."' Other gladiators '~'e r e I. D. ' \'el1s. D. E. Collsins. Me- • • Canby. Jl ison and Spears. All went do,nl to J e feat with colors fl )' ing, 1. D. \'ells going further than the rest by land ing on the floor. As he limpcJ a round with a lame back tod ar he had about decided to take up icc iluc: kc~· as being n nice, quiet game. lt wa ~ a fi ll l! sht>W and no"r t,he bu} · know :what can be done:. )})") ((({ Vocational Traiinng Hc;(lJl c lhc mill wa · Htn ,·tl. 1\.J r . l<. obe rt ~~m =..nd tHhct 'i Lllllrt l'nl.'d \1tth 1 he Hou t<Jn J >iv i ~ i.on , had ',.,) dt· ll ­ni t ~ plan~ fru the pt: LSCJiltit'l lo lw ,_rj, t"ll :'i ll UJJPOJ llJtlity 10 1 ·;_11 11 mor. ~~hon l th,, hu sith . ~ of pulp tti,HJt r f~u:·· ! I Jt I .... :rJ i 1 n ~ .,, .1: i Gf l "-d .H t ~. r n (I JJlQ I H •J .l, "ttl VI It lt I~. , .. ~ · .d l' Dt•- 1'· Jlt1H; ll l ,,f ldt,r. ,;lliull. tf 1c l 1111tf'·UI > J, ., ll{•'' t J••·rfc., tn! ~I 11 1..,., \ •~t .ll u 111 d l t ,*j tiiTI H1•f b, ' rft •' littw tl11 j \ll" j, JllHt• d it I h<•f(•tl t\-\1• \llql , _ \ Jij h thl !t: r' \ ' )' · nw d •llt .. in hltJt> r·ti:nt If' IIHI I ~' lfH.l li t. '-'•Ill I ' iu la .dt pllll' 't1 n I tJr l ifl' lJ • In (\,· ••fltt rd dlr .sp'. " '· flO! J n he faU the da· S(;S will re~umc a nd other course'; vviJI be added a., the • demand fo~ t.hcrn ari se~. Kraft pu~y man'' fa c ture include~ aJrnvbt all of i.e unit chemical eno-ineer in~· prf'.ccs~e:,. J t also cmhr;I<:es most of the prir.cipal l~·ades . Even to operate oue ueDart ­ment intelligently a man needs a gen­e ra l picture of the entire procc:.-. t kraft mjJI is somethinz like a huma.o body. :\ meal of s·trawbet rics may result in a case of hives. and it. i • nor at a ll far fet€hed to . ay Lhat some peculiariry of operation .n the recovery deparunent could be reflected on the drying machine. gi\·i n ~ the mach;n\: tende r a case of hive-.-or an.\ wax-. th~ •• jttter ... . A pipcfitter n1aking a small error In reading a blue-print could ~asilr ca usc a lot of dam~tge · nd d{·lay to production. On 1he other huh.! the man who reads bJue-r r"'ll- with fa­cility can work to st11.:h clth ant . ...: • t r:n he will be the .!...!.. 'ctiner h.\ · hi~ totUt:r workn uu1·hi1. 'fh csc cl a~ses- :1 re oth•rl·d du·u ~ h s in c~ n: dt~s i rc to <·nablc Lh(' ,·;Jlpl ) '-'C' t•> ll•arn mttrc :tbi ut th •i1 }·'bto ..1Ud dills rn them·(• hc·., fvr ptnT·'l• tivn. It i · the itHl' lltion H• nHt l .. tL~.· lfbllUl"tiull a :; g,·twr~d ,1:-; plh:- ihlt• in <'1 \.t ·• 1! n £h • "uu.. knt !:-o m.n, <h'n uu ul ,;n,· :t fHn l ". u ·t.:fu l k t h\wlt:d~ ·. •t h\.· rb":'l'~ \ til b · J'l'l'st·nt ni w ·"' intt·l~· ·tia ~ .l m.1.nn ·r .1. pn"'s i bk :t ll\1 ~.: 'I: 1 ' dfnn \'\ •11 b~ J'UI f'")rth tu d tl· ,·nd t lt .. ll 'l'l\'0\l,. ..t ttl' lh.hll \ ;n I<> u n :, nw th in~ ~t l y · ln • ' f' lt l' l \.' .II<." llP ! t•{ Ui HIIh lll ~ f I •llli) It tlh· '~..t n. ~.· ..... tl\ I lltJ (.'X 1111in. it ~' .. "' •n: lwld \'P\1\ iott I <.l.i ... ::.t' ~ l t.f\1~ j' l' )\' l\.1 ( l t • ' ' ,s l \ h-tl' tn da~te-;,• \ idl 1LII • H t'W ·t• d,· iH· '" karu llJ(\f<' h,Htt 1h h \,~1 Itt' dll \ ,l l •' ' ll ).'.'l~t·d l l l Hid ilt)H\ • 1ht· '~'1''•11 ~ . .Ill'•''" u ~otdt' I \ n. !l~ • • nt tl1c '"''l•'Yl't" .,f thr; '"""' ·n ~ n h·t·l • lu' '' iH • ""' . " . \.\ -~ .. Meaders · Whi n ) \1 t 11 n; l ,, ( ., . . ' - \ l h t t' \ l\ll,"h't 'lH.l t'\h . l{fou~r .. , 1 n ~tn,, · d.t~. F~ ·hr l'.i '~ ~t l H · ·n ·.·d r:, ! Lt .htt..''' t-f \ it. r-tl l \1 t""'"' l· t:l \ \ . i\ ft•.ad 'l$ i)i -\d .), \)l, I.L, \a ... 1111it , i 1 1 ~Hti • qt rt\ t \t r. l,(,l'· n ~···t ~ f l n~th.: -.,"la. he "'1: 1 ''fl 'f" . ,\J ,i ~•, \ . 1~ int(\rruat. 'a:- ,_·\· n<htU·tt·l, 1ht• Re, ·n~nd j )r. Q 1H •n. 'f 1u: bli'-1<'. ''l1o ' .": rlculcd l y hot-f' p ft'lH~. '' '·'''f• c1 t'lH !:; Ht. nr­~. ·hi .._ tor 1l ~ an .. ·\.'..._·e, ., ~ri~ lO tnc t ' h. 1he ~')1 'm '' :. ~ :Htt·n kd b hi: l r<!tt',~CJ,. l r.'d \ bitt"' -,f \_ hid~3- ~h a.. ( 'k 1a. ·ro "" ' a; <l \ r~. \ hit\.:, ·s.~ c tt nd r.: nr "~, a ... 4 r n~a nv ,-~·. r~ < f l...1 ppi- • )) ~ ur Lie.tid • rent-~" " nders wa· con­UO'Hn: otin a tL"iit:lt :s tkal in town the othe .. L. )' . l '' i;t~ r.( ,~~Ea ry lor hin1 ·:;_ , '1lpalion . Frt!nchy tin~~ \l' u~q c1 • and rnodc.:.;dy announced, · ~j . t c:aJ~ roe a coo~ ·· . ~"ha( the sp · n . f ren c1~_. ~ n1a k~ n h1f!. » « Cl ~rm m ~ G~glc ''a" lc ~king very _inl- 1 rt:rrt n the l : th-. ;< ea~o n:. e 1 ~ht ' nd a n-aif ~ \Hhi~ 0 -ltmmtC, .J Ufl lOf , ma\.~e hi" cl ·but in tPc Pa -adena Hos-r~ i~l. » • fl « NOTE OF THANKS \J\ e a~t t , ake rhis opportunity to ~4 ~re ~ our apprcciati .u lO all our f ri ·n '\. ~pecially J ·e 1 {oman, A. P: .'il on .. and t:h~ n.~cu er~· Rc10m, for I Jr,-.j .- h·~~p in rae fund rec~ntly con­f ;,u:.(;d ro i.J:> jn the rtccnt ~i ckHt:$S ~ n t)U!' fa 1m i lv. :en " incereh· ~ • • • ~. 1 a. r\~ f> ~lRs. J\1 ... LE , J)A'&. » , cr ca ·e have hc:'"c a iew ooci aerial pl1o­mg raph maJc • ~· (;. E. J cJ!~n son) 1.1-tH · lvin;; \1 ielder.·· G. 11.. . . <twn-. hi ... c,wn i h;r·. "T;d ~s ~lttn -<·en up in the blue n-iGt. • UnUay !:.. , .» « • 1a·4y COTnrL :;,t, ba t b.een rr·cciv\!~.1,ut ~he JA;,.r,r pi.c ·1He of h(! I i <.JU trJ.n hf ·ioion n;hich IJead , JU r ra ~c. 1 i•< 6 · Jef.L ~it< ·nt.u '() a J t"ft;tentJa ry, a broom. fac1r;r .f. a av.t!"liJ! ()f Oi and tn:an oth~r ~11 i.:t • <.,n r;{ a far lc, C•1RJ.Hmcutar; n<-.t.·rc itl.tead (,f th fi~,·-st .and mos 1 rr:• J \ · r 11 b leat h\:Cl k r a f l uu11 in th~ Sr Jl,lt .t. ,, • I•rurui ·f,: I h.n • Pete WUaon and Bud Port .. t ('\ '-' ' , .. di lrt will b~ tn:l dl' to ha vc a g "j l'it"tur .. nf tltc plant, which \vi.ll d' it ju s tic ,~ t o hL;ad nc~ l n1nnth s blurh. J') ).) C( C(' 1 'o :111 those who fel l duwn on the ic>h of g.1 thcri ng i ntc res t ing ne\vs 'for th i::; eJition--J\ ~ t\ T¥ll!: ~ 1 J\. )) )) (( (( I f a dea rth o f goud material c~n­t i rru c. this w r i t t> r t h rc· a ten$ t o \ n t c about 1-he bi r L ~tn<.l bees nnd flowers­an} way it·s ~ p r in(l' down here ttnd that' · an exc u ~ e. \Vc \vant more V\"in­c hells anJ fewer Eleanor R oosevdts for our contributors. ).) » (( « A New Feature fOT The ,-Logu \Ve want to rake this opportuni ty to welcome to our cohnn ns ne,vs i ten1s from our colo rC:;d b.oys. }/Jany of the colored men ha ·e been "'rith us since co n ~n ruc ti on . a nJ \ \ re counL them a loval and dependable group of our em­p l~yees. Sho rty 'carboroug h, an olJ veteran of the fiery s po ut ~ of many pu lp mills: is re1 orter. .H ~ has s tar.t­ed out ·well by gett:ing hts lle\'S tn th rce da, ...... ca rh - "' . • E. A. Dickaon [11] • COLORED NEWS lry J. j . ,)'rtu!J rn·ou[!h., IJ , fJIJff£r ~·\ f• .. \ wg i t~ h arn i'lf the J CC(J\f(•ry R~:)' ) 'll . \"\.{~ ;1 biJI J1n t nrt i thirt / .J.Y Y.1c:tt inn . I l r JJf } l•.. pp '01,, ~rlad to s r:T hi11'l _gn, fc1r h ~~ \fa flted t ~ ~ct tPck in the Het..D\It·ry Htom. le ltad a th (w ~:ttJ J OI Jll :~,- gJin. , . . (J rr•rgc Bu. h \ill t(l'U ~nybody­" D un't me~~ atr.und with ch1pper bdt1 j ,~CC\US · the belt will get you tf yr.:u d un· w ~ ch out!'' )) • « c B. OJi ver known as Cover Shflke rt i .. the b~~ shot in the rvtachu1e Room, \ i ~ h Smiley and Baby 11 ace. . R. J ackson has 1cws for THE Loc l>ut did not have time to give same to hortv, . » » {( Cl \Vi llie \Vatson t hinks he is a man­he i the proud father of a boy who y.·orks in t he Bull Gang. » » « q F ather Cline th inks he is the big shot he is the o nly concrete finisher; but when his 'Niodel (( " hit the rail­road t rack and turned over three times he thought th a t 'vas the last of him, and knocked all the · h air off Jack ~1oody's ( kno,vn as '. IontrQse") head. , • « « Fred Oliver is the big shot in the Recovery Room on "AH Shift. He is so slow a nd shoots so much. "buill' until a ll the ·white men on t~e shift ca ll him '... icodemu s." » » • « T o all colored employees of T he Cha n1 pion P aper and Fib re Co rnpa.ny.: Do your \vork well and you wont have to worry about whether you have bread at home . \Vif(!: \;\/hat's the idea of the suit­case? Going away? H ubb,v : o I heard you talking about the church giving a ru mtnage sa le, and l 'n1 ta kin aH tny clothes lo the office until it'" over. Ex. 'fwo dru nk., were Uflccnai nly OiY- • vering their \ ay home. '·Hob," s:tys Oli\oc r, 'l 'cry carefu l. Firs' thing -' o u' ll havt: us ina dit ch:' ancha be Y:l kn w • ·· ~vl c ?~' . aid Oliver. ast.on i ·hed: ''\Vhy r th llJ ·Itt you " as dri\.,io g.'' · • RROWZIN' ABOUND B;: k £. U. / ,,fv 1h c, · :· ~· =-, .. lf ,HJ\ ~~ \ \;\I r\.n('\'' AUt'-<.' nu~ a nrh .. ~rt ,;f I., !~'"l him ha\C it. He waPl' ~r dt~1 t ~ hl.$ bqtn:d .r di ~'ring. -r L' w 'u fl.u:ct i$ :tbr. ·'t (;') e3r a l'('lc if' •lt:> lir. · \ft. ~\hren· hns in .. LaH~d another " .. .. .... t c:-a .. ,·tcw m n· IT 10 hts '"'a r. Our g ue ~ ts to ;cr a be t •r Ytc" t,f £he Len . \"et'b ·s 1c<J...~in~~ ft)r :inotheJ trailer. 1 tlvnk lhe rent musr be due. )) t> « « J-1rown s .. l ~·~ he sur~ is glaJ the Ja,~r s at·e getcin"" lo n.;er. I t's da:dight n;,y 'r. h~., he lea,, es hon1e. » )) « ~ _}-lop~ e\ cryone is Ii, -ing up to their ).,~, · ) e"ar re.ohnioas. . .. ome ont' remarkt'd dH~ other day t ~ey iladn 't seen Jack Eddy driving ~t Ch ry ~ler .since he tried to drag off the rail ~oad track. \"hat ·s rhe ma:-l:ter, Jack. d 1d they take your driver:s li­cen 'c a \-,·ay from you: » » a « . Bvoth has gone in I or big stuff-he tned rr~ knock a who)c train off the track-he succeeded in two box: cars. Metter Juck next time, son! )) » (f « Chas. G.reen bad a For Sale sion ">fL his car one day and next d.av .-:;.jt was gone. Someone a~ ked him if he ~ad sold iL and Charlie ans'\rered that he hadn~t e.vtn had an offer Jrom the junk rnan. i) )) " « The Bnss: On \'CU r w;:, \-.. hum'-! )'li>U ~. ·i1 I pa.-s two ~aloon::.. · . Or.~-e nf tf)!Z: ;{3 ,-_,:s (htJI·efufly): Ye~, SfT . Th(.! Br ~1-i: \VdL pau 'en'~! >• •) Is (( Tht• f IJs Lr nr ters <1 r ' ·.~ i11g each r;th~ r a lir rl«. HJ.t,rr.; <Awn n•1 r. - 1 h ~v·re bod1 · od.- ing th1 ~ame .hi f1 -~ · 111! 4 : J0. \~ t: !w .1 1'"11 f t h t;j;l l d ;j J J w tl d n h ~ ~ H. ir-\ J&tc.:l~·- wha 'fi the: trJat tt•r wi1h Y'•'l f1 Jh ·rnwn. are ·, dJ ·1 IJ windt d ? Ur lt:-rv_ u \: HH1 tri.I,',_A s1< ~1icbr 'f he \.\ 1J.,I)d •o: Hfr.,'\I.J II'' f>f'JlllJ tJu d ·ll li·~ ~ Jt·<d ly b(•••f r1ll 1hc jt b 1.-r(t·ly- · rtfl 1 he) arc i't: 1 i.n· .. ~ ''' J~tJ<,i\ r~r lt~AI',.( , ''··~I Ut& }!} (' a IJI. y; p~ fl. tnn. ( I ;Jit (} I J. l Lclf( tirm '• f.•ll \:,.'"£; 1 (""J'fH ./ Jf'll, t .h;n•, t .Hl r l!r. L(ll,t~\; h ai l Jr, ; (HJ llllfJk ;) Gary Wilson ( l6 months), son of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wilson VA GRANT VISIONS By ' 'C t1~tlrman ]'im ) Jr11ild A foamless foan~ ta.1~k . . .so1netimes. Once more on the fr0nt page . . I-titler .. son of wortied fo1~ a whi-le . . BIMe 11aze_ .. wf e1npu_s Fwg"ito.' ask P eck Calvm .. A long road~ a blue Chev­rolet~ a bUiup_,. a Gcas.h_, then O·iler & over .. Dewey B\ waJ~iiflg again .. that grassy plot nexL to l\.1·r. V\fetJ.s' office a S\~ve l1 spot for a pllttihg green . . vtouJd be a help ~ too, .. . .. A dance ~oo r some 1nea·l . . First Down .- . F O'<t·ler . . not alone t.l~O:ugb .. prettY soon t hree at a p-op . . . French Anders'" ga l - less agaio . . need a detec.t.~ve. .t'\llcler.s? .. Hio-h''"ay cons truet iorll . : J)ornbcrgcr .. Danger . . Caustic Soda. .. Koury's new· leat.h c·r b c~ls-a slip: now a sore spot-all becat•JSO· of a ping,__ p~mg ball. .. You know she has the btgge .. t brClt,Tn eyes and the n i~cst smile ~could i!. be, ) ou know ~-b·etter watch • SOME. M£N THtNK t'f's THEIR WOR-t< THAT lS BURDE.NSOM£ WHEN 11 '5 THE CHIP ON 'fMEIR SHOU~ THAt'S HOUll~G iltf:M bOWN ::(( 4C;;; (. tH . •• 'J", . d t.s h·[1 :VC d:tacm,... .. m~ra ;t 11 1 ) t• i"' Hd l)l 1e black li~p:1 H' c,a a ·u1k ~ E,'-r.ll n rm is ear .. sriil r 1.:1 k. 1q · ,. '11.dd ht~tp ... H r·)I ~~~ tc •.t ., ~. ,. .'. d· l•· ~l.l -1c tf . e JbacnI r ~~ .. mer-h"" 'l.ay., he fJ •·\", • ( ~~+ i 1t a~hool hu~Hd- 'r ,~hsU W." m·)kf" it _ la• ''r~ • • 1\ 1 kat • a W)•'"'r \it •t Cr a ~· r-s ""a AU T~n Hed, r3, in~ J'Oli t · :{ nc.~ • . . \· c can be heard hnnc•r d~ LJ( trt... ~ o.n a ~rJlf t' Ol!J't,~ - h~h!fHI e~tch trer.! a $we a ri 02 •' 'Vin,f!'iL.; t..;hampion I u (. rJ1 the fairwa r ln(Jkin-g l' fea.,e--1 JlC Pt)nck . . \7\' ~ntct & kCany .. Ail1&tJI~ rtp~rt.s an ~J at ·Gk:·nbro•J1'-~·.·11 at ~ ooiy nine hvlf·s? . , . \-Vhy is the g:ras.-. in rh.e other pa ~ ture$ greener ~ . . the .hired n:an · ~ wahpan up~ide drJ"vn v.itt a tlbbonc1.n it .. 1938 motielladi~ · har. . . Bt owu eye a,.s .. . Bob ~~f eF a ll · back £rom h.dme via ... li ~is-s ippi,. ~-h y~ .. . Pink !ips­ ·G>.methn'lg new-vocational da$-.>eS al· Lmigbt . . Gle.1Ht \~ .. ebb on ay abead~l­rea. d~r attending nig;ht school some.: wh~re . .. 'True BJue-Arlie .... rtHl hers. . . A r-eal t reat Ior ping p~n gers­Cha m.p· Clark-\ltor:tde-r if he can take V\! ens & Cousins: . . . ·et 1·r ear~s .. a Champion \"i"ande-'ring aro~ncl "a ns t,ro:u .. ers-wondcr wh o~ . . Rr:w "F isherman' :\/[ease . .. "\tVodds of tuck and best \·\""tshe$ for our Bas~et BaU­ers ill the T otu;o.ament-come on ~an ~ . -: A n f.nv book j 1,.1st out (,Fro.;, To Hypnot ize Dice' ~-au l hor-Ch de 1\Itl- 1 e r. .. First ntstorn.c r- Chades · .. cblt:m­mer . . a man at low ebb .. Gilmore Cajn.·borough Thompson at 4 a. 111. on grav~rarcl .. q.ont,ta. ts . . the lot in front of Thfr. Cotn~in 's 0lnce this '"car ang a·t " t hl"' sam~ Lime. . . ~jce ~eath~.: r this '\ int~;;(" . . ·1\~'\a$ in'lprov­' ng : . Run1on; of :1 C~>ntptH it iv" 111tll a rmln I. . . Compctlt t(;)n. the li rc 's bJood of bu ~tnu,;~ . . tnn J\Hh'h bluQd - - h i_gll hi o...l pI'~ · u re. . • 1:~ F a tlu.or 1-LaTvillc .. l>ttrwin Br} .Jn, 1. r~a l d uc:k sh<.l0tet' .. . Sotne tun ,fl. tb :.H. lasL shin l ick·in ~ .. R:Huu kJn~ )in ':!·1 roH~ a lt ~o' a h::t 1d dfl) \;, ,,.\>rk ' ..... K <:H IWih ll i -" it~ s . , r~o: .d hdt-e ·' HHH1 •. t~ i<.:'ll ~,Jt, k, l d . . J, . ~ l~ .i rofJ}h:l :\ { a.:.<.: all arwiu~ ·r :.tltxr .t Ltt - WtJke up lu~ rc n 11, ... ,,, n t~ lQ t:c-11 hint .t1' d tlt it .. <)tt ·• u ,1.\,,/J,·! , . \ al ... ·ntint J lm. . . 1: 1, ~ t\'l ... , ill lw t ~ ~ \ c1 , r, ,th•. • . "\t0'' :H~tttf lt' f 111<~ q1 h- . / ./i,1~ ... -~----·----~---- t\ n pld I ntl t. n lii ttt ~ hJ h ;'' 11 OUt ~ l h l f \ lt tl1 t: fJ f!U ti H h · 1t ._. ~ . t-W a aidlfh' ,t l ·•·~\ c h·. ' ll ol.1:·· J;, _.. "-' liti nw,l. ''w!t!r· II(' .~.p 1 , ~, : &>it dw\ u , ... '' .d J, 1'.) • • • !\ I t• ' • OFFJCE NOTES it ! . ~ l dry . J r .. 1. kv . \ . ,·I • y ·. 1 i~ · K )\h ~ - ( hlr H <'h).~ --H l\. .l i\ t•d n. l•1c'-. \ a iNntiO{'. 1 lt ·.1hl. \ · hn ·c.. l tf."n cnjl"~yi,n~ a ' i .. it Jr1.)n1 ~drs . 1 · eH ( uni'l, ;nr'){ner </ Fr~h~h. .-tnu ra l l.:tt. :Jih.l l1Pl""~'l' ~ h e w1 ll ~..:0 1~1 -, B: ~ k tP .. ~ tr ·;t~ in. » » (( « • • ' -'t f'(~..'d (l D ~ <' 1"' ~c b. ~ ra l"J e l. lnh 1-j,r u..-e, \VHl i 1 ha \,; .1 \ nty·· s~ ~rn . Q()~ K.0t'll' .~ ~ ~ • • lll tfl ~ '''\f "\n ... !'. C. n:t~ i ts c-\~ ld~ 1 a ted a ·1: irth­~ ta:~· :--i1·'-e . t :. b ,.. t J~sne ot 'f}lf. LoG. \ e k ·n:t tntn.k he feeL a vea r oldt"r. t:hoe.:'.!h fh e s.a1~e ~~ es fut: ~·{ r ·Dab~ n t:' • • \re ~vi· •. t:u e.· LenJ. to _ tr. :t\: rth u r }oo ~on~ J ~-. r;;~ rr sincere ~yr'@pathr iu be l<) 'S of i I.S : ather whQ passed a way F ~brua ry- 1 Zct· at hi: Ttome in Pea sa­C0- 12.~ !itt • )) it (( \. e h<.:;prd that ~1 r. Oo rnbe roer and I ~. Ca L we n~ se-r}ou. h: cons.idt:rioo· - . .. ~ b- ~ou:g ;ntG -the paint r m.ovet busi,ness. •. » .. " u ·r bG$e 'Ttembers G>f the ~1T_a in Office ::\~"h<, co1H :rrue to be c0nsp1t u\0u bv· t heir · a-nt='f:Oce a • our s.emi-nlonthJ'; rca.H~ Jon' t kno,. what the.v • • r rt re 1J su1..,. » ,. Cl (i( .:..\: ~roup of the trb ' e:u1<1 ·wives of eiT-ti~lu_.-ee~ Lave fvr~ed a - K nittiP..g OJ t'}. 1 be t.:ltLb w-Ill meet ~c~ a. ".VU t . ·eithe~~ in the Club 1-l r.mse (;r at 1 Le h OJ"tte f Jrte oi the nleJnber~. ~\n,·- · nne ill"ereslcd nLtY comnn tuicate (-; ith th . ~ ril ei' "\~ ': (J will ee glad t c; im~ >a rt ~.w..:h k.n.owlt:J"l'e as ~he has in 1he t ~n. • . CustQmer: L( Jok here. y (.,t,J a!"{- ~1v­Hlc n1e a b~~ piece c.l bcmc. \Vit.h m~t a "'li?h a .. 'it i-.. J dt ~n · t waAt all that · pone. • (5t ~~'- ~ pa y,'t ng- . ... Mr. · ~nd l(rs. A. ? . Wilaon and eon. and Mt,._ anll M:rs. Bob He fner STOREftOGM TO:MMY~S NOTES I< y D. C. 1'/11.) m ps rnt '\' t; ·;1nH.~ t :lf olo,grze for tn issi ug the J~ n1.:ra f") i~ tte w·ith thi item: ··ct.ande ,\ mos P ~H.:~; ~ I r,. h ort'l 14:4" A. ~f.~ J a n:uary· i 1 1<-l:H\ at tHe- Pasadena I Ios pitaL ,§ \ . ho ay :) 'Vcs.a ~ d oc~ n 't. change y our luck, Cl~ ttde? )) )_) «' ~( l R. C agl~ :~, ecei ved a nice \ ' alen­ti. ne and p a~ se- I tiga rs c_,n t h<! ·tJ n· ival of J. R., J r., , ¥2 J b. . , born Feb. 14 t b . ~1oth e r, son and fa~tht;r Join.g Jl icelv . thank you. · · , )J ) ) u · « - . • '~'o\Y I '~ro ul d li:le t o kiilO\J\' \iVh o that man ~~·as that. ~e.rited th,e airplane Oli the n 1 g h L of J a,nu:a ry ll cl.~ a nd tr ietl. to get th<2 "tork s lic~u~c ntlm,.oer? ?? •• I• )) ' )j (( {( I t looked 1:ar,her ·fi·shy. wb ~a ·Cf·ibbs his car q;nd, t.bem tpok up> a t,ollcctJU!l · trwt oHr dete:c 6"~~ fo~re.e · Yc-­portcd it was· 0. · K.., as he \Va$ only coU-ec ti ng flowers . )) )) « (( D:uc to the sc~rt·i ~· y oJ shri n~p and fi sh a-ll pr1ces have be('T\: adva.uced $0.05 per J1on:Hd.-Ike \Valton rfh<Dmp­s~ liL » » f( (( \You.lJ yQu like Lo a .nice col­J~ tc.tic•n 0f il<..1\Vers? Com.·e to our danc::es. )) » « (( On \,.e~nesda y. Feb. J1:J a crowd r"foTil the Pa. a<.lena J') UtJ),t journeV'ed U' ) the Recrf\a ~ion Club flous.e·i-n H~w s tt}n a<Jh:l . aste)nj "hed tho e present with a Jer'r'H'>IJ~ tt"'a l ion of a Champir.dl. ~qua r e d tt nce . J) ) ) (( {J I dop t kno,\· a tl.aing-1 Ut>J~r heard that ~fn e ~ 1 r . L J). \ \."ells received the . ~t:W gotf dub~ he has iro prr'J t:d "' uftt ·1<rftl ly t (J IHOVi.' out cA t he 4th flight. » )) Cl( C( Did ')'utl 1a >t i~;<: n ()t\) .T h·:;ntb)<:w h ~'fl!! d au n~\. \- g c (1llp ~; . (131 . MECHANICAL MEANnElUNGS flv 0 . }. ( r'1 '/; IJL . 1\'l• \Ve l! il> \Yf'~J·in !! a hi~h P•' pi tl\ • ll ~ ~ miJ t rhN.c d }.G. t\ od whv Jl ( )t? •I tt(.· • o: 4 Rt·r;, l f'f'Y { ' Hi t , a thr~c­ul r unl \N, ... t · h ~tl t b,.)ikr \VI tb B & \V 'fnm lio :,cJ il ;n~,, ""'l'Y l)fl f\ c h. i nr~r-hJg ( nm pJt'( ioll. · "\ 11 t he t u b,·') ~ n l h · h, ,j f <· rv and $ u­~~ L"rh c~I C J f> havt' b{.;cn H1 ~ t tl llt!·J aucl rnoof of 1hc bri.\..k inf uL!.uion i .~ do n·. JXH rhe tul~c n.: f (" opc1 r 4 11 r n ~_.,-· H CJ(v f 5 QHd. I h ~ <.:f>Jl< rt:tc to/>f ha ~ ~.! bee-n puUtc."LL l·eaving <)Il l ' IT)c Saaerne rd' noor which ~\'(II he r.ornpl1. ..H ·d 500.n, a, the '~ L" d 1 a i'll$, blow off treocht;S and eq1Ji p­Met\ t :foundat i('")mJs ha ,~c heet1 finj ~ h cd. r-rhe d ecr·6~t.d anJ pipf:.: work. a re vv,..JI uHder way~ and t.he 7' x 65 · f,n1oke s t ~tt. k is now being ratsc-d. 1'h{· fc1rted and i nduc~J fans l1a vc been in <.i t a lJed as \t:'d l a.s the dj"c e\tapora tor"· tank" and saiL coNveyor. ·rh~" leaves uniy t he finishing up and touch.tng tJP. o( some of the abuv ~ jobs, afld ll w·orYt he Jong now berore 'Ne hand iL ovcr: LO ·.lhe Opera I ion f)­nt. e:o-t. )) .)) « ((' OF G·OLF - - It lo~o ked like Cham­pi0u D ity ar the (~oHcrest C ount ry Club t~:, e pasr Saturday. V\te onJr pi aye .J 1n t ne rough anc.l t rees. Found -: . ~t l( o~lry and the ]3a ron King playt.Q.g t'herr, weekl y- "grudge n1atch.n Heard WO(d that 1. D . V{eUs and D. E . Cous ins w~re (.)tt t, but dido L see th enL ~fhey play in the fa i,;v;7ays. C~Ie n n Cri~bs, l\Tho'~ out e.:S"t\ it,' learn­ed lt at ·the 1 rocod ero. v;re unders.rand. 'fhere \~~ a s Art flison \Yho had a Boy Scou t book · ~n his h a nd . He plays in the t rees o rnucb that he 's d~id ed to l<iarn n:1ore about :them. Ed P rice afld ,..~· B .. \~Valke r' out hoofing a nd mot1 th:~ng tt. Al o ran into Candid Came rnHtn (reorge \Vild ~ who savs that S~m ' nead l'l it~ '-en1 a long ways, t oo. Dtck 13ean ta lktng seriously about taking a c:.ollapsible eano@ oul Lhe nexr tirnc he pla s Glenbrook. An' ,.~, .. • .._ . .. ' .. J rt , ... ~ne \;var to to~npet.e ·with those water hazards. 1--lave y<.. \.1 e t·er notice-d Lhe set of ch1b. that \.V. E. \ H 1- Plaved­(' oktn au-Cla rk") ~d.c-Ca rtv- has-r · \' c ' en.: j usc woudering ·wh~ Jie c::t rric-s th~ ~- xc. lf the golf inte c:cs.t keep h11ild- • 1!1g up. v\'e are &01ng to s-uggc$t gct-llll fT up ~ t·lub· th.t spring. )I » t( «- "rhcy ~a y ~ · sah: ~rn an ,~a r~ ,., Do·n'­h~ r~t~ r touJd · seU o.r l r:tde ~ l ect ri<· re­fti~~~ ~HOI'l> 10 the- ·F.skinto. ! • • • ~ • - •, Don't look uow. but ··H0ne" ' Al e·· liamihon m~n- tttrn .p rof~s l bf\~er t hi • spnng. • - c tt Lni.s of ci ~ars pa~8ed around thi<: '.! e~k. l..ct·s cnogratlli.~te Claude Pa<:e anJ J i rnmJ c2aglc., \ ho hoth boa~t b0uncing bov :ts the latest add it ion l:1 the htt~pi('\n Family. • • • !\fary {lea 6nt throu~11 ' lonthly re­ports}: ~.\.hat comes a fter.!\ E ?" Phyliis (ahsentiy ) : used to be G~o e '\Yild. :> » » u « Best jo]\.e of the mont11: Clem 1'vlil­ler and Budd}' H iggins recently bought a game rooster a piece. \1tat's all t..he "£c.ratches and cuts about BY.ddy? D.idn ~t you know that the roosters ~vere supposed to fight each ot11er­or were ,·ou the referee ? • » • « • pecjaJ to Canton: R uth Carson said to be sure and teU the folks back home that l am losjng weight. Oh! come see for yours elf, <<John." ll'.l 'r.l • .. Rece.nrJy rhe re was a r-equest to <t • • ., f t!ttvate one o the washers in the Pit Room. \~·e now find we can titi­vate roads. bulletin boards and even fi.Jling s tations "OnJy, however, in a humorous way." Ell, CASH? » • « c Soliloquy- T his storm brewing overhead con­cern ing repon ers1 someumes blows rather dose to us columnists. The Houston Djvision is blessed with only two rf!porters as are listed on LHE Loc,s ~i t.Je page and ~ursed with a <:our- le of columnists unlisted, a.n,d do~ed. by several spasmodic newsy cor~­tributors a lso u.nHned. \Vebsler says a co1 unmist conducrs a colu1nn~ while a reporrer repQJ:ts pubii~ prt'Jc-eed ings, ..,1 ~echC;:S, n-ews> <ttc.t st.) t.h er:t1forc, two rer;.vrtctr ~houJdn't have any difficulty ir1 unde:rs.tanc.liJ1? one tHi<.>th~ . . H<"JW­everf a ~ 11orace say~ ~<Nodli r);_g i. bo-a u­ti fuJ frorn ~very ,,oint of v)ew '' S<1~ Chanre (,n~c! rm0rc· and bt· dtHlJ l• l ,et the v~~"'t <)rb"" W<1"·n th-t·y l: <JnH~ V\7h 11 tl.e r r,rt · <Ji fl(,Hy fa II Find thy body by th ~ wz. JI If • ewrir It · Thr r~e ;~ ttO ~ n t i11 l e;._.r.ltr~g :t h \! brJy 1Q r t1UUI (rVt t HJO. I ~~ (';J t hill;. ~((. f)U f:.t;Hit. lt I U(t hi . br)r.M l.r cepi llg. ' f ut•11 : ~, ir ; h,IH h P' J1 WJ tr l iJ p:itl ¥ ln .; ( J\V')) gaJ()c c,} . riJf. 1N f.lll 't Ia~ ~ " Skeriff" Tanner THE MERRY ~ GO • ROUND Ope'T.atBd by Doc nSh.o-}:lru.ff-Skyn Quality-High Quality! This column is now to be seen with quality fi rst, and high cruality at that! )) )) « ({ There is a "Junior" Cagle now and that box of ci-ga rs went out in a hu rry. Chrjs tmas to0k jts tell P).£ the pO'c.ket­books. Only see Slick l?w,rter arxd G.u:y Lockhart out ~t ~tbe icJ~ i"illlk since. Come on outJ Mr. Cas h, th€ wa-ter's nne! • » » <( (( Repe~ ting the abe:V:e in a uFashion" : M,r. and 1vfrs. C. D. Caglt! an: ... noHuce the bjrth 0( a son,. }\rfr. Slick P orter and J\fl r. Guy · Lockbart have been enjoying· ice skating at the local ri,nk. » » (( « Sur€! would like to see _some trees planted in t he parking space 1.his spring. SOJne shGtde !'Or the cars is much to be desired {~ct a lJ, what ia a pulp mill wi thuu t trees? .. 1 t.bmk thaL I ~ halt neve r ~cc A poem I<} ~el y a~ a l Tt~e .o 'P J) (J « nd 6ay Kf•tlf':. h J~" ·$ .. ,bout a ( IHI .. J J r ' j de of CIJ "'l H~ n 1' pi "ttlll.::l o ( dH: f. J I'C l~ fl ~u1d st'"" U•) .hip luH: llag. in th · Cltib • f-l < ,tJ~t· ) 'tVo•dd tt V~ sortL. a r ' lJlu!Jt nn ·~?fJtH l• Cf0U' r hl t-)Hg •Jte sLi; l­ur ·[ h 1 Jf:. ~. h ~~ H rJ\ se ... --a d ( IJJi l't'! a p 1, r Jp H• H ' 1 , ·(rn' t c . .;pla&n 1.hi) ery "'•llr t·l t}te rt: t1 r he ( j lJC · • ioH r)f rJ t ,;~vpe lad­d~ r epi od ~ in f) l)b " ..rJ'i e'-s unm.ur<riea li fe. • • • SHOP NEWS B v V. /,. D u.IUJ1l .I Ent.h u&ia ~ m aod pJed_g_s of co-oper­ati< Jn exceed ing e xpecta rio-us of t he r 1'' ·resenta.tive of C. P. F. Co.., t~ ·f}tJ-t?'h ; r;.~t prin1ari ly ob\~i-otts. t he fact remain· that lhe SJtopJ though n o't a~ . 'et com­pletely equipped; can ~till e x! cdite job assjgnrr~eflts wjth swift precision arid commendable a~sura!'lce of cfti\.;en· abjLj l}' . · » :9 « 41 Before a v1ctory over a job assignnJent precisi\·e adjustme"~'i:s are fl'll!ade to. overcon1c aH uns~itablc: parts t h·at r:rtight have been overlooked. Upon .an induction into a rnrnary co.tu·'"'e G>f m,ecbcanics, we find that Bf.ue Px:;int Read1ug sometitnes baffles d·e best of us. To oYercome that fault and baJfle the Bl"tJep;.rints:1 the Company has arranged for a duss in b1uepr ~ nt rea ... ·­ing fpr those who are intere ted, and beli€ve .OlC, it should intere ·t atl con­ce rned with the ... fiJlwright and ~1e­cbanieal po .. jtions. To top Lt all. th~ COUf$(!. in bi'Ue[:)t: ~nt rcadin& an~ K laft:: pulp manufactu re is soru ~t hin.t-, we .. el­dorn be~r~ FREE ! ,.. o ta ·e ad\ ke f rO'liTl an app t•ent.-ice and ~a-k e it the \toea tiona 1 1 'raini ng, :U .» « A 'l hc {;nest of job as t~ nol:etH' arc a~ fo lio~ : .: .. E"igll t, thf e and oue·hnH m. h n Ht •. fourteen ioC'h(l1s tnn§, w ·re orJ re-d t f,jjr the Liml! Ki l n~~> Tw~), thrN· by (\ \,) ~~i pc.~ ~.::nur-li;n r •.. ; r~ r the' Rr,·ov\:ry Ne \' l ·--- ~(St'\ <~ll c"•riJke pLt ce~~. f,Hlr in(..·ht:"- rn d ~ lll)~ l )l fur I h • Rl . uv~ } Nt>w t nit ' K'u nw•·nu s: •ther ,tes&# f1llh..: t'lt ~ h t •t; ht•eu nln'l.ed out, hut of k·s• ttnpnna n ·f'. Th ' J.L'k L pl.Ht~ lt ~r ;~ltp & ' •\•t·nu nt vf tltt~ Sho(, <a1 e .a· t c .u._ ,~, ~ : TIJ rlip \ Hi t 'l ) thl· t_'q~ \ t'll;Qt ~·c of l' . l l h ll l.l hi Jolt·. 1', . c..:" t ". n u t h t • ~"·a 1 t•: ·~ .k < .. ~ t he I at J. ' JlllllC,h·r~ 1 . , tH.i 1\ · p•·~~ tl 'l'· 1 ht• J;n1u f ~ h u ( :~ 1 . \11 ( l' I ~. N d c' l I (l ( 1\ t ~ ~~ II )I l d llf) r.~ 1 PHl ll • t 1\ cttll' (.( m I I i Il l n II t> I til )\ ~· H H. 't ll • • •• • , . .l hnnj('.,: ';H.\ JH1 Vlt ~ \llf.~ b ;ll\ ijt de.· \ )\r H l : :, \ik to d \ \l •U ktl\ \,\ ~n·:·' 1l bt: ni ·: l .... \. ti, n: ell "\u:· 'Nt', '' ll~ t.' < Ch~" e vu\lr .~·\ c.s a11d l H • • - _l, "n1n e (t:lo~tnv. e .: ) . , .. -e n ~' D11~ton, ··\'~ "\ do -'~ c.~ua ~~~? ) J oh nl' i e · ,, . -'-"~1. in. ..... ~" I )u u on; ·~ \fell 1~' n « « <.;ro. II:U enio1;;ed his. ~,nu:rda \ and • • • ~' unlav ~ i1lvd l~at he r.d tO take J or.~ l a> 0 to !' 't t~ed to \ ork again. • ~ • < j .. ' 1 1 · ... ~1 "t"t:a 'l to -t.: ~0 flea,-en. a on t ~ ..... h<.'L.k . o l..n· .-.... .....r. {ln t a ifver s ar: hook 1t · <) .. r. _ftill nsoa .a,n,l " . .:'vfickey" Cat- !~O I and li!t tht"nl puJl > ou atong $1~ee < ·q i ·. Thl~ \le~ ~ rs. J '-'h B<Son and Car­ro! l ha e {cn~n: so1nething of interest Ut' tl'leTh?. ~ la ,·be ~lt-c «ev is S.l'rHtll1 ·b;.1· h. i_ urel~- brra-re. for he flonts thn:·t~t+. tl~e It~ r W'lth the ~ rea t farne. ~ ~ ~r1-e da.rl-t2g ~ oung man on the '~1ng Ot ~ p1 :Hle :cok U ~"e ric.tu.res Wl1 ile ri diug a!3 ··e the C. P. E'. Co. Plant .and over l!~e famous. an Ja<:into Bat- 1Je G ound . :!\fr. Johnson pjlots the ph.i e and ~~!". Carr()n rilots the tellS . of the Gamera. • • • c;entlcrner- of THE Loc: I humbly offc r r.ny contribution t0 ·f!HE LOG, our esteemed m11gazi ne~ and. '-c ·eech yaur k;nd patieuce, and ex­u e rr...e fc·r l ivin~---'-'bu t here she goes : 1 ' Siea·m br./ 't Bill If ar.t/) P. S~ It takes a t o $O.t~ke TH:.~'r 1 !PE : Sa.dness.!!sw--- V~/ih~n I counted my grave) ards too CJllit . .:ldy and \vas et)nfronteJ w;rh the s,Eid fact that I was ··4 do·wn and 0ne •• ~Q . ,. Gla.dnes1l<.tsro·- :"'G(Jubf'r'' Dalley fin<.iin~ a sack of Ga\vgi~ L>ian10ndf>-r>edlYUts to you, ~-I,a tus: d<.~es 0 o tr :n1ule ever kick ' .. yo-.u :· "\V c1l~ hr..':! . he ain't < hbcr k ickcd me hut he kicks qnitL. fn:q·,Jenr, w.l1ar ant:. ) s j• ~ .. b ecu- 1. " Mr. and Mrs. C. M. li:ar\dniJ. Mr, V, L. H-atld n.s and scm. Vinson: Mr. a.nd Mrs.' Harkins For Sell Cheep.- 1 -rig rc ~~ rnule ;l 'foJ<:I Ford Yin-tag. e of 1 9~9~ onfy r ivalecl by Bob Ho1 :n­hack's titck ~ )'31 a c k I-Iawk" of same vintage. · t<:ering wheel bent) top tav­( Kl in sealS on r:he floor- and don't thiHk yo'J)1'l go where s€nt. Axles are knoC:kneecl.. tires a re tbi)1, but it.:s a jolly good '"~ agon for the s ha pc i L' s in . P rice: Cash or terrr~s- three en1pty sEniff cao.., , t'\VO 0kl coat rucks, or 3c ca h. aHd two rabbit feet. See Lilley at Power l-I<;>tuse. Tel~phone: on~ lon,.~.. . SEVEN KEYS TO SAFETY 1. Good Health. 2. An alert miJ.ld .. 3. Willingne_ss to leam. 4. Knowledge ot rules and safety practices. 5. Consideration for others. 6. Care in planning work. 7. Application of Safety. The McBride ltrothen [}5] • ·rot ,(--_; J·J! I dt n ·,. k Ut ,w h f1W tJ ,t•v~~ p"•, p~~r '{Ol in tu tbe \); (.11·h l> llld { rio l \ h<.' l t~ vc ( nd d()es, for Ffc ain't go1 D ttl11ng tr, t:Uy -a. hnu1 f tWn iu the J ,.ih l ~. l thi~k t he ed itot· iii ~ht' mi ~sing tlnl< 'vc ead. c1C artd ~ lay •d in the bu sh r,~ after t ht flcH;d :tntl t he1l t:Ft r1H! out. an1l ~wro e fit: rl11n ~ up: antl h .t~ bt·("fl here ever si ne~. f f , H~ editrH~ rna kc& mistakes. foHn, say hi; {JIIgh LCc, b . hung; but if the doctor 11ake& mis t.:Bkc.: s he bur ita them anc.l pec~1 t(· clon:t say nothing bcca·use tlte:y­can ·'l read ~ n 1 writ(.; Lat in. Wlu:n the ettl.itor makes mistakes there is a big 1D l and S~\"earing and a big fus9, hot i r th~ d{)ctor makes one there is .n f11oeral, C!Jt flowers and perfec si­lence. A doctor can use a word a yard long w·ithout h(m. ot anyone dsc kn')W­in~ what .it n1eans, but when the editor uses one be has to spell 'it. If the doc­toe goes to sec another man's wif(·. f,e charges for t be visit, but jf the editor ~oes he gets a charge of buckshots. Any col lege ca,n make doctors to order~ b1.1t editors have to be born.-S£lected. Soap-box Orator: We must get rid of rad icaliso1) social ism . bclshe" isn1, co-rnmunisrn and a na rchism." 'Voice fro1n Cro~vd: And 'vhile ,\ ou- 're about 1t, "'·hy not throw in rheu- n1at.l m !" So1·ghum : 'J-Iow is y our garJcn do­ing this yea r ?" ':~:afflcs: r:Wal, my cunv·orm~ and catcq ilJars were never better. But mr pota roe.s. look under-nourished for some reason.·' CJ.erk: 1-fr. ~1c l:>herson) how about b uying the latest atlas ? " lVJcPherson : ·o.r noo, 01on; 1'11 ·wait until the affa irs jn Eurore a rc more settled ! Hf want a divorce ~ J udge~ bee a use n\y husband a lways makes tne wash his back ·.ever y Sa tu rcLay night." ''"¥ ou can't get a d1vorcc for thal.D !C'Tl:te heck I aan t ! La t aturday n ight it wa already clean. D oe tor: ·'f'herc --oe.s th ,. on I r wo­lncart l ~,·C'r l vvd.>) N ur$t' : '·\iVhy dor~'t you tn~rry he-r?'~ l }o(lOX; (.1 ~a n't ;.ffQrd it. ·he's my \, . '' ()('~ t p lt t'lH. I • • • B ok lill Pa:ragraph F l'i'r·~a n. th ... ''Gn .undhcl6 .. mont h (If 1 f .. , Yea· I . has .:H!ain ~t"~'n rc(t •rdc(L a:- cinciem hi:-t(Jt ~ ~ ~ l:lrch. wi th its, n..! wind...:: a nJ t h~ approa<.:h of . .'r rin~ a~ain stir~ u~ into action. Let"s £..~t \ ari·-ltt" ~cJ rden h.lOls .. ha rp and ;t.(h.h· fot th\' :! ~J wife·. instant usc; ;nr ··I ere- are t~' o things T :'h udder to --et : tJne i$ a woman Cll ll ing ·wood \'itfl a d u11 ax~ , and the nt hcr, a wo­man rlan t in~ a ~a rden wilh inade- 4u·u.,· irnpkment'. » » « {( R~ (,~e ,·dt ha<.l a not her binhday! .\h~r that came Lincoln 's. and noy\­wc haye j u-.r celc braced \Yat'h ing~on 's. \Il lh<.>&e \ere cel ebrated here quted y, Gt,\ ne,·e rthele~ $., \' ith much re ·pe.ct anJ patt·ioti sm. In regard to the R(' JSt\·elt BalL there co m e~ to my mino a lirtlc inciJen t t ha t happened o\ er at t he Employee's Store one morn­• nv. /\ •Yroup of the boys were read­in~ the 1 v~tcr announcjog the time, rlat - vr<"h~stra; and what have you, f'onrn~qed with rhe Ball, when P a ul Hr,wdl. tit.ll' ''H amihon I mpon '; spy­inb t he ··<;~..ript $ 1.50_" was hea rd to remark vcr~· ·r,l<:ronly : ' ·1 )'OU cr.~•JIJ i!Ct in U) 1 nc dance that n1ght for a .._.,,liar g,ol)d money:·' • • • Jn~!..,mc t<:Ue~ arc agsm stanng us n 'he face, v{itli tl1c dead-line set for . farch l5. r!'hat is (JDC advantagc-­~ f (J 1 caH it an advanugc--t hat 3 rn.a~r!ed man ha over the murc fw­l UJla 1 <; j ngh. rnaH: he evad(!¥) payrng jJl~ <JII ·: (a~ if his sdlary ir net t ~o lo i:?,C. B Jt orr,c say d "~Y had f~~h ·:r z1a.k • tft.c r cn:rn- ·ach mttn fnr hu; own rlecl.;HO 1! F in l ~y C'JCJ:k till maim . .aine that. }J I ' i nor t~eCii m;t Lv,....n for t he ,At p s1r pt1 r;. (,1 ihf• utt .,m, .. w;.r t A-t': Y• •P''un Lhcn l H~... r.ltord::; ) :1 :~1 . ;,y t ll;.~ t :-dd o, h·"" . . ( L• on J m~ y !H,~l t -~ 1 ft,4 \V: Llle t eGVY in ' he ;rJt!r.L ] e '>'all lt.t a U• id ·d :td ... v. a 1 .., t~ <~ <"" ,. t J • ri . P a yn < •• • • • ton antt Jimmie McElrath, 3-yeal'-old s.on of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. McElrath losing fight to keep our buHetin boa ~d s clear o( a ll obs truction, save that 'vh~ch js be neficial a.nd up-co-date. H e now has two cC:ord in a tors in t he persons of J arnes }fall and J ess \Vells,. ma­chine and beater .foren1en f'es pec ttve l ~. The reason ? .. t he girls' bowl i n ~ l e af,!tH~ advcn.ises their gam~ s a round .t~n l h l'S'-' boa rds, a11d on the rughts sp ec1hed. r.hc two aright hand'' men can be found eagerly obs\!rv!np- rhe !!rnc: "' a nJ he~ u­ty of the p a rt 10 1 ~t nt :., on lh·· bowl1ng aUey. The c " be of 'T'i me has again ta k r-n <oOmt~ r,f ~prized pp.,s.c~~inn .. \'c ~:\­tend our deepest sympathy tn the. lo1- ltJ·\·iuv: Rohir1 ·on Familv, in the dea rh uf J. \V.; JT!\; tly FPJt& ily, in the lu~ ~ c.J! ft i ~ m-oti,L:r; l'lft . G,ii!,J\1.- ,l\ .lfld clad­d, ., jn d1• .. unt in ely d\.'ttth u l \lt :-. ( rt~ llr.wo~·; .and l h, \•\ 'he ..:h·r b ;y-s in Lh· ttddnu dr j 'ft ll tJ f t ' , ,,-the n IH .. rlt '-'1". ~ » (& " s. th ,J(, J, m11 ··v, ~~ , R ... lg,. ,.»• ti•t}'{; . (: ~.-~ r. f'.lt fl Wdl he 'L• 10 II <tf tn y rLtc iu , ud J t. J· ~L P.ry 11 ' k 11 w \uy­t hin ~ ,~h t :J,._v• r · botH il .. . .. ,. . f1. ~1. nd lr.t). I. J~ F, "~! lin , ,,j tlw [16] g , .tll (';' F o Jlr1 i l l'<.: ; I L:. r,,gnllula ·eu , ,n 1 h ~: ru ,.,nt !lrr:va I nf a . vn \'iLlktm. 4 • '' ('t)Whe>\ ., ;:t\': h•. ): U(Jl {)In ~ t <) t;IVt.! - ' o u1 f h · cig~r t n H il f.) jfl ·ft- cr ~ets back t'J wf')rk. 'l'h · i f' tl~ a11 a~ft;<-1- rn en l t' Xistin ~ bc1 Wt;f:n tlscm. iJfiO for \'(·a rs. cvet v y ·a r. Hilt h~- bcld to . J :\.' his 1 an (A til" r.~ reem ~ nt. r .. ow, Fra nkl.m ~\:, he \ jlf vvair till !v!esser l!Ct able t;J <:owe bat:k to work so he c;1 n share in 1 be (·igars. )) » a: fl D. :\I. Ca_gk, T r., is recovcri g fr()m a st.H.Jden anack 'of tbe biccoughs. ' '.le arc all anxi-ous to learn the p-re•.-eo,._;,..;n o f these, as well as t he cure. 1) » Cl « John H a ll has had a slight a ttack o( amnesia, but is ~11 right Tl.OW. Thi~ js how it ha ppened, in J ohn's own word. : Last Sat urday he had severi teeth drilled out. p ~epa 1 a tory to ~ ll in g, a nd tempora ry fil ltngs \ ere r ut U1 for the ,,vcek end. Tha t nigh t. d ue to some ca use or othe r, amnesia struck fohn and when he regained his cqc.iJib- ~ium a tl seven of these temporary fillings were gone. Si nee that he has had a digestive dis turba nce,~ a-?d the local bel.icf is that he ate the fillrngs. » » « CIC T oo often we hear tb ing~ or say t hin2'S that are not j ll st a· pleasant to the other fellow as they should be, altho they may be in fun. Th~ fo~-: lowing poem is a pretty good gu•de 1t we would follow it: "J f vou a re tr m pted to n."\ ~-:- t · tale to ) ou sorn~one h.1.. l oli:l . \ bout another, makt' it r a~"s1 Bt·forc you peak . dn·cc gates :-.f ~ol J: Tlw.~ n~rrow g:ncs : Fir"tt ''I~ it tfll\! : " ' J'hcn: '· T ~ it neediui ?" in '\t•t1 r mind C i\l· t t ut hful answ<'r, :1l'h. .. l tht: n l I ~> J a~ t ~~ w.l <.·lo:; ~ t : • · l ~ \ t k i u f ~ • • n\.l • i I 1 u ru tC'h •v '-1ur lip ~tt t l~ ·t , It I ~h ~c..·::.- rJ t 'SC ~ :t t l"\ a.} l) t.'lrt" ' , 'I 'llc' ll \ nu t n .t , td l tht:: l l'l l , nor r~ "' \ t l.c· \' \llt Ill ~tl't' t.· ,·h IJ\<\f tw. · llr t : \ h dv \ t'iU , ;1) d,,ll 1\d cll!\ ' a .. I i k ~t ; ' , I in ~ · li nn i lk · .:, , ~,· they ' ' ok l' 11t ,f him tnd 1 n ~~ l"· .• llt\ld :) ;wak'-' ' · • • itl Office N tes lll ) • h . t: • 1 1 ·~ ~) p r hi n I ·'~n · ,, w · ~ j'-'' 1ui l~. d 1J1Ht ' k i" \ pll.~ ·· . !~Q\ ~ .1 1d n~. · a 1~ h" H l\XH' s 'l ' :') ..: · ' n\}t 1d 1n o · th · ,. ·<·r- ~t 1\ • allu"cy .. ,•J , a s :itt ~ue tl at h\ ,~k tJn ~ '- r~-t· ·n t' bt\' "t t b: \''l'n\C tH ~ in 1\ l..1r ·b r ,l\ 11' l,l\ ._ h lil ra (' in ft.J1\(l" :"P{ l u1;-. l~rc h ~e r.<.:et ,.,nt~ ! • \> « {\ 1 h 1:J.1 .,k~ l\· H t ~; ,· 1 t meut w·~ ~ iu ~ 7 v~ l h int ' t \· ~t :~~ · "'h~ ·· ,. g \ 111 w; ~ c ·. \._~u 1e -.. L j)a · .,., an\, and 1 ' ~' = <:.n·, •• n t; "'-:. tt 1' " ~n , . 1 i t ~.U.!f:C't in ttl! .'lJlle:, . ~ ~ r ' \...lll ~u a w \. •\ i"; .. L \' iS it ·~ n' t·eaf. in. v <J ~e t' ht· ·\'·'. an (t~ hNtur,~s · h Jl. a bu~ !d. '\7'~.. .. t J.h' j ~ b,· ~('h~ ol ... ! iarr1. gr·a. t hul.k <:f ~ · l~d s.n IW-J. l {· 11\i no n ~ h.~d ... ·k~ t 1..~ l ets V"?~nst. th :: · .. :--. \JI·h!le ht~ huddy 1· ,l/..~.ea c•a ~h:e ~1 r a'' eP · n' $ r him ~ it ir mi i bt. .a 1ap ~u a -su b,v-a·,. 1 ;e ... ~. \.~t: ~_aJ 1.r~. Caqton P ubl{c, _;ot' •• . -~ ior you anJ your>;: to en­~ oy ~f!\ Ui~ ut~~s t. He about joio­Hl a tl ~~,~ . t l< rn · nagcn1en.t to help ~.~ r: · e rve i:r? 7) « 4' I · .:vas err plea~ ant to see ~e \'il A'"''ru~e aro1: : d. Canton !11isse-- it$ C.rtlte 'iamii~, ( lt, yes. i:lcar rfe~as "' OU~ in , ~h(:!r do bele . 5!' to t..l,is. branch of the ~"~U. •l. t' y.' .!: ) """ » » ct« ~ '( - . \, on ..... er h6iV I1'unt Ba1ley rated t o .. e :ki~ses at ~£ he bu-.s ~tation in Ashe­~ · 'i~e I:eccndy. H ont kis£ed a very c~ .. _ r·~ qn · yau:l? Jaay \·alke.d o:er and ..a~Ktu the d.r tver hcd; much tlme he a:11(L U}. OJ learning that he had tGUr more Jll.nt;··e'S:, -cal mJy w·a!ked back ~nc. 1 is.sed. her agajn ~ 1.,h1s time m~ing , p H \... •. - . ' } a l l tu:t:. t lme (1 ,; at ~ ble. You did l (;> ' l~unr ! 1 \•as. u~e su-an~e person ,Ofik:! · ... .' !OUt the J !Wo~·- D1J I hear : ~u say > ou ba.J just m~t her: GooJ­r ess, ~::-ac io us , Hurt~ ~ , « « \ ft:.\i. yea rr a ·o when tl~Ct Euro­pean po}itical t.4l ~..ts we:r: · shuffied, al­v.# ar8 th j bkt.r : u-e ht ·t .\dolpl1 H it­ler popped up. N'ow, wht::n the card .. :i' c .slnJfficd ah a~ · ~ th - highen trump rcud FOPS t.~p, and . till it i ~ F" Ji_do:~J I1:tt1e•·· » » « • :>'Doris K(.;el1{·r }n:d BecJl d( ,if\g. a Pied 1 '!p~~ • t'J!l ~ . ~J I)e 15 the d a :np11.1u de­- stra, er ot m1· ~ . • • Gl&ndale Teaque. six aod half ruontbs Qld. dauqhter of Mt. and Mrs. Glenn Tea~e. woo is vtsiUnq )l,er u.ncle and au.nt. M:t .. Mrs~ John F. D.eBorct 135 Pisqah D:riv.e. It 01s that BettY ,Coon has ·been holdioo- out on us. ~ he has been 1"1 rs. Earl Cabe s ince !\1ety,. 193 7. \Ve \vish them both happi$ ! ).) ·.u '« « I ~o ·wi .. h James H. Caine, Thtnnas \: oHe and tny gi·aedfather had gotten together with theit: v:ersions· ·of what reaUy took plac:e ?lben th:e man~ki H­ing neg rc) ran amuck in A~he~ ll e in 1906. t) )) (( « T1~a·rd 1 .l r. L. t -. F owler~s voice over the telep ttone. " ' \tkorfl.e back to the ru.ounta in s, Mr. F c)\vler! » » u a Pa tll ine S1avght:er a~J.d Sibyl \Vil­soo are both a ~vay on sn1aU vacations. But , oo can b et they are caeh having a large tfme. • J) ,. u. « \Ve wish to offer Paul and vValhace \ hee]er our deepe~t sympathy in the lnss of their mother. !\11 rs. \Vheeler was a pcrrsooal friend of t:he write;·'s ~nd wa ~ beJ0\ ed bv rnanv lwho mnu rn ltel rase, i n rr. .. . , Cl J ~ct)c~ and Lq)s Howdl a1c reaHy n0t: ' Uc h s t~l!l:lJI 1\ ti!"Abe- rs . anJ Jt~iui . ~ft.:Gra w :.tHd K :u ~n·c Sw:ulp(·r a.r - 11 f •t :iiJ.d~ t ~ll nurn:bets but tht· • 1 io r u..~g 1·1 her do f<.~ •In co11t ras1 J • • r 1? 1 \' j ,, :- •) 1\) f'tt ~ 't itd t..h;t.i I c, J tJ I w h ~,t ~ J 1 a •.l tl 1 l Aalt St; ·. tcJn 1'"' l t:lir is. T lr· lh.n u :.,t :: ·f·, n~ ro ht~ ll H ~Itt ~ ~ 1ndy ~\ n ~ W~'t\ , iL l q~t lJt'P fJ j,J { y.! . • • I 1'1 te }:1CII II' nil r.wnr r rl F, 01 (!!. J L;~ t> lt. :th\' tl } .' Strnl ~-~ ~ jt ,l} . aug)u t lJrzHt · h~ tl \ 'Jr. J e ut :~.. c_;· rH: -lr)lr', t ;u<l­~! cr J' a]m ~ , .. tJH.l F dcltc SIU:ith all J:te'·:tu tn l u1~·e ( ~! ~ nd t it:J; ·· geu lng the il \'\'ork d~mc... _'\~HI ·t ht·y &' '~H' to ~t't plenty uf i 1· done-. » l) t ( " l·I0w prcdnus t ho~ las anides writ­tu • hy Q. -). r\lf t. f l1t) IT fLaY:•' b.cCOlft{~ ! ~) , « « 'f om ltt>eves h a ~ been aJd eJ to the tra fl1-c fo1cc. 1\lt eady he scern ~ ve1y -much at horne-. )) )) " (( f t i-. with 1nncb S<>rrow we learn t llat Ut1r ed itor ~/L r . (;. V\r. Pl~ i lli p~ is not up t<) sn ufL Pl c a ~t.: ht1rty and .get well, J\ 'J r. Philli ps ! )') l> « (< And fina lly st opping brf0 rc we a re a$ked to do so, we give a cheer for Lee r i cElr< vV·e know V.. (>U are \'\orking under diffictd ties) but we arc betli Hg on a good Loc. R. H. DE WEESE DIES AFTER YEAR'S ILLNESS ,Robert H . De\Veese,, 75, dieJ at the home of his d aught er~ D.~ f rs . N . J. Rob­erts on rf'rammelt _;\venue, \~f edne$-tl ay, Feb rua ry 9, after a year:s illness. ~1r. De¥leese was an employee of 'fhe Champion P aper and Fibre COm­parry here for a number c,( - yea rs, having helped in the laying of t he foundat ion of the pLa nt in 1lJ06 . - rrhe fune ral service was held at the East Canton Bapt ist Ch u.rcb, Sa tu r­day morni ng at 11 o>clock. Intennent 'vas ·in tbe Arnon Pla ins Ccmete rv. J Mr. De\VeeS€ was the fac her of P .. D. De,Vecse of t.he R. & A. Depart­Jnent. c.t\Ycll , J oh nny, 1 h ear t h~ t vou hav\! another baby at yotlr housc~n , .. \ :ah) and mc.1w s.av.s if \·e o-e t one • m:or" ,,..c can .;et in the Patht! T e" · R eel."- c.'\Vh ~,. ·was th .. period b.::t \ 'Cen A .. ). 100 and .l ). 2000 kno'.I\ .O as the l) a rk A ge-...~ ·· ~ ~ ~"~d tbe tea ·h e r. "·Be :t u. t: tb :>sc we r~ th lt m ~· h t~ ,'' t <'plted t he sl \·~ py daYs nf ' tHdt.:ill. • •• • • • 1l . R. !I. Jf:.·H a.n.. ..' " h i~ r \. P."'fL('~~ t!)~t lPn, P.ntl \ l ut·­ay, ~ t a .. '(!~) :r··\.l ~~ r. F t._~nk ny~, s, _\.tdt"rm,.,n. \ { C-'nllYO ar~ having their ~tret':: '.:\' cJ i1 h m arb~~ . • 11:!' mea'l \.1 f tbr- .. , & _\.. De('>:l nm(>nt .. l1~~~v~ {:vns..iderabJe me11tion f0r their ,-.· ' crad.e..s oo the safen ~IJde. ·rue eener3l an~·nure for the R• . & ' .. m n "' .. 99uc. » • Cl « .l oe ~1~Antch \; ,,,.ife recentl-y nnder- ' e-nt an oper.nion for appenditi6s at tqe \"a;:·ne., "'"ilie Ho .. pital. He report­t> d she ~ :1~ back home and imp,~ovinv ni~dv. • » • .. !Bill Penland ~·eports having a new arci~"aJ in h\s home on J -anuary 21- a hoy. » l> " u .~ youn.g man bas been hanging arnund \YaynesYiJJe quite a lot lately. He is a cle:·k in the Svstem Office. • A certain foreman in ·the R . & A. Department has been \"\'earing a bJ,ack eye re~ently. His wife and his stov,e­wood - - - nobody's business! 01Jr "·Little Black-eyed Boy~ Phil Ffargro·H~. c~n sure doa the I1ig Apple. » • (f « Ir wa~ n:J orted IJ,~t Bill Bumgarner n~~~n tly bo rght him a radio, and l ha r. l e i'"s up w late wit 1J it tbal he has JKtf bet'fJ very alert t""Jn rhe joh. A rr-J Lain man of the R. & A. D·~­" P~ r:rrnr, Ld ha ii lwfln f.<~(· n ~ toun.d the W~ayn~sviHe tlr; .. pital h1-1dy, p.all •rta­ins~ til 1 lt'lrt•y gobbl,~r ~;?t1 1t ;iring J1_,,~..,JJ ;c,ll the p~nki f ~ ~it~ .fF~l'IHly ~Jitt up b ( ,. L. \'. J tJr f~llll-t~r in f,;rrt• ;tioJ. ~ ~ · 6m-<A<y. H rffuJn, '\i. Y, I-'d .. n;uy <J. l'l 3>t 'rl:t .. dey a .d, ~: dlt! Nt·.ath~ t l ~ad. ( Jrd• r ·vt n~ s l·~ :"' J•f'Jf•'lt; · .i'lt tnad . f 1 , ·f·· 1,.~ t~p ' )'H J I)~ ;tfh.i Jt"'ady Wt•Hf C"ffli4Y.~ 'n P~ I c .. ,. u " t lr . I I i(J .. r,;. l b ~, I I vV •. ~!I ( : J t·d J h£j, Y~ , The three children oJ Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Scre)(J'qs-Mrs. BiJl Cluie. Arthur and Chris­tine. Scroqqa. M:r. Scroqqs has been with Champion for 18 years. ·Oue ran a oo-ffee shop.-tl)e {o®d was fai r s·he writes fo.r .TaE 1... oc-aflru get..s jn folks' hair ; Sbe works .in; the offiee-a.1itd is gen­eraJly laey- T hat:s lVL1ss J. B.un:~ette - t1,list &a me is· Da·i ~y . One dazzles the ~~--orld •with hair [·lat­inum. bJon<£1.£, She tr uly i.s one .0 f t hos:e /e1n ?Jte s de la. rtlo-nde; She is a swel I cc;,ok y<:>H do mq>re t ha tl lllebbl<t \Vhen you eat a· m~ a l )tt:(:pnred by ottr Sibyl. rrhe t~& St. of rhe trjo a-1. ('), ha~ h&l ir, J t 1 ~ Lhel"e if yt>:H look Jit~l rd- :tt ltllo ex­c t eor\J in~:; ] )l ·pit rt:. S.hak~ hando with thi.., h1g <:;hC)t~ ln·tHes and ~·~ nth-.. TL< I IJ'JI1 w~ tl ~ fh ,• ~ 1fdlv 1\1 1. J{ 1•. \V ~_•nl7. 'l'h< n• d w; a r · 1 othi~C>nh · ~ 1 w~ o ud three. A 1 u h;n .t lr ir1 )~ •·vcr ft:,H~ It . 't', )J.t,:>n't !< \ ' l }t Wt h 1 • 111 1nu~ .,,. lhf·y'll ln· t ) •.1.t1 ·u~y t ,, J 1 , r >' t. r , c)]l , . , . h t• : \V ( ·1 H ~ "'tiH! I ),lj ¥ l 1~(~-a ,·~i s fl'. '!.. lx:- /J iJ {)II '<(In Nil • £ nrJ • ·~ alphite News I~ J•f • • ,T;) y h .,, f tel Our nev ~ hj · mrunb l ~ nlbir:,. a ft ''''Jt11t <!l ~nth 1 7n a r ~ the .. :q drh ~ Cf':, have re.ptt.Jrrt· t. 'The rf)n"",· l clt'e. ,(.OtJftn ,:d v h a .. TOtHlt (1f • :ck11 ''f tJth ·r ailnltllf &: fack Car· ~y. L L • Lard: fc,rcl ! Ndson HLdockJ J~ 1. ·L,. 1.. . ford, eugene ~V:n r ·n and fi t1n C ~­l' c:!d Steppe a11d T r,.,rn Mcr:r .. , ~ } a r.ecentJv I"~·H1rncd tfV work .after griJ­Jongetl ·a bg(:fKe - • • • cr \V. V. I\.eSter has takeu lli,:) w·fc to • Bal~im.orc for treatmeDL :\ -e hope th~t she \'lfttU ba lveU on the road to health by the time his i· pPb! » .D • • !\1r. Sprang has reeen ~y become a pooud great-uncle; and is ~ng nic •r thank Y.. nu. » • • « There was a building boom in the office durjng the first wee:k io Febru­arv. vr e now ha,ve Mr. Melder aud ;h i~ seclietarr nest to us (w~e mean thP next oWtce) , and wisti to t~k.e tfl.ic,. op­portunity to wekome them to our ne-ighb<:lrboOd. » • • « After looking ov~~ the bu 4ne 4 s situ­ation in the newsp8per~, . it lc.10k,. a, though we were rea lly go1nc: t:o nave a Nude Dea] .. 'B:lack: You JBtl~-t be k~n •'U ~~ht• t alkies, old 'boy, to go t.,~-i ·e ·w·er'k. H row11: I t'.; nor \'Xttctlr th:tt. \ ov see,. if I dnn't go l't.:~ ula.rly 1 tan 't un­dcrstani?. l, ..~..'.h._at_ _1_f\_}' ("hild1-01l a·re sa: in . ·~·,-,.-~- wJ'hc}l $~. th ~ ·d~VI..'l-t.:.'~t l'Pl'U !t\a.~t. tlh: w,_)rst hu~l ,and ~. ~' r Don t vou beti vc tt. 'l'h·· d •\T ·1· • ,·~r flll'tl Jlt'V{·r hn .. ( '!HC ht1 ~ b~tnJ~. A f lt rmt'l. \ i ~ih1d his .un\ <.~<)lk~· ­\ Vttcltin ~ \nd t.'lll ~ in J •he:·nt1·-{lt\' ·k ..; ~~ ~ w ~ ~ ~c:.~ld fhP} '-H"l ~ l:t•~•kmg ft;, ~~ u u i v f' l ~ I . ~"I (' n l. '" \V h ~u ',') I h.d :" ~k e,l d11: fa~ nh·r. t. \ liquid th ~•t w'U dt. 1~h·c .tH' 1 h.j II \" _' ' • ''Th .\1 )~ Vtl'.lf i~k u o • ~ t·~·,l th f.H lt1l~L '"W b ,, \ PU hu I i1. w Ia • t ~u \. • 1 " ... -.-, jo\1 t•n• ·~ ( IJ ,..~·I' tf 111 : • • \ c <l t' !'\ :--\Jll \ •·(' f't ·ar th l-nt' l ~~. ('(tit\ · , {, • l . iHips, i· ·li:rhdy ·u~' _· 'I th~ :\' ~n ht~r. \~ l' lh 1 " he \viU "'' n l 'f' { ·1-Hv r ~ J t..' t ·d :lntl he b1. k a;.1 idn~ :. ~ \ .:1 has rn J I) ('C ( rat(] ~. da).tgbtea ot _,\fr. ~111\.l \l : . ~lf"aH' Ht.,_,. ~'L has t \,; ')n <Titkall' ttl " ~L w~"t\. rn t·o~pital but '\ e o ~ happ} tha · ~h\"' :s no:w i vin.g- and hopes t b, ho.11e \"ithin the h\!X.t d~n or ~ • • Ze.b f'n.!L ·\,he\ ha.s been ont about four m ·Hnlt ... \as. in H"'t s~ us this Ult rnin 1 • Zcb says he is feeling tlne snd. al:h .u ~h l e \:,~in not he wich us i~. !it• f \ ~r Depar~tnent. he, expects to ~o ' ork t n1or-row in a(),G·ther d· pa· tm..: 1t. Ht.. man Ptt' q}ey~ who has been sick al- · nt e~~ht 'n.antJ~s .. hail an appendix perat!i 1 abor. th.ree 1Yeeks since.) but yol-l can~ k ~P a l!OOd rnan down. He ,;i~' surpr·se u~ o;}e of thes-e d~y'S and c~llh' in to work. .. Cl (iarvi;a ~""'"l:.tlters is rec.ot--criug nice­ly fr<)nl an c et atk.~n at Xorburn Hos­p.! taL \~?e hope to see him back on the job in the near future. : h·~ -and Tvlrs. b . .a.-. Fowler are back l£ilme a'!":e: ~penrling several 'veeks in F! ~.J , .()rtua. » J) « « Hen,ry ~an1an, Supt. lJf the \~,. ater vepartn1E:nt.,. bas goc.e to Hamih.<>n, 0. ~ on Coi.upan>' busine s. » ~ • • Our gen.ial en.,.ineer7 ~- fr. George /.lorgan, has ah-;-a~-s. treeo a Lover of p;t"e t;r cats\ but, according to b.1 r..eighbors. George is n0\v going into t},~ cat-raising s on an exren­... ~ le scale. Tliis neigJ. bor ~a ys that 'George has t ilt a. .)t:ven f0ot fence arc~nd hi~ I !a-ce au 1 h~"' e·;en gr;ue ~o iar as to hire a man ro cut off t :Pdr claw~~ to ke;ap "them from. <.lirnbing (?)Ut}' T his sao e neighh0r al~(·.~ said h.t: did · .ot \ a . t to seem t:o be runninif Gl~Orge'6 hut- ~ne:'\~ f.or h · ~n, but he be':. 1revecJ that ~ f;eOfJe sbCPlld ba \'e CUt his fence clo . .., fJ~e feet a lld ·with he d~ff~re11ce . a ;e:l gJ) and buy- h1m­::. Plf a peraj . bulatur .. ' ~ Patsy, da1J9hter of Mr.. and Mrs. Georqe Coleman. an,d James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Co.rdie Lou Burnette. MRS. R. H. GALLOWAY DIES IN HAYWOOD COUNTY HOSPITAL J\·1rs. R-. H. Gallow.ay) wife of R . H . Galloway, watchman, di.ed in the H ay­wood County Rospita.l, F tid~y, . F eb­rna ry 11 , a iter ~n illnes:; of several weeks. The funeral service tvas held at the home of l\1rs. Gallpway,s parents, J~ E. Arrington, Way nesville. IJilvt;.erment was in Bon-a-Vennn.-e Cemetery. tvlrs. Galloway ics surVjived by her husband and three cbildten, Kenneth, Robert and Barbara Ann. Ann Dudley eutd .Dovie Jean.,. dauqltt.,rs ol Mt. abd Mu. I. P. Rardin [ 191 ,..... t • ll mi e rds of \Ve wi,h tu t~lHnf: u n: friends and nc.i~:;hbun~ lor tb•ir kiudn:t}SS t(ntl sym­J'Uthy l.h.Ui flf~ rhe de:l h Of Ollr Wtfe a nd llHl·lha.;r . \,.'{' :dso th;1nk e-vrtyouc rcsponsibk kH the lwantifu) flor ~ l ()f.­( c ri 11-f' ~ . R. If Callo,.v;,y ' t d ~a tnily. \ e \ i .., h to ~"X pres~ Ottr appreciation for the kindness and sy tnpathy shown in our recent bereavement. We &lso ·wish to thank the Wond Yard, Sche­duling 'Dt!partment '{. Nf. C. A., and Y's 1VTcn's Club for the beautiful floral offedngs . \;Vallace and Paul \Vheeler. We wish to express our appreciation for the kindness and sytnpathy shown during the illness and cleath of our husba.nd a nd dear father> !vir. Joe B. 1vtann, Jr., of H ominy. \Ve also wish . to thank the Board Mill for their beau­tiC o 1 floral offerings. Mrs. Daisy !vlann and Family, 1\lr, and Mrs. Lloyd Jones. I want to thank the Pulp Depart­men. r for the beautiful wreath of flow­ers. Also, for their kindness to me during the sickness and death of my fat11e r: which occurred January 29. J. B. H ill and Family. MBS. · WHEELER DIES StiDDENL Y We \Vere grieved to learn of the sud­den passing of _ irs. Aln1a \ heeer, which occurred on Saturday: Fcbru­ar: y 12. She becam.e ill \"\rhile in Ashe­ville and suecum bed at. her home on Newfound Street about S .: 30 that night. The funeral service .was held in the chape.l of the \Vclls' Funera l Home on Sunday a fternoon and \vas conducted by D r. D. E. Can1ak, pastor of the M. E. Church . Sou th. Intern1ent 'vas •' at Bryson City. • Irs. \Vheele;:r was rbe· mother of \Va lbct' \¥heeler of the \Vood Pur­ch. a inP" Office, anti Paul \' heele r of the Sched\T.Ihlg De}D-anrnent. 'f\H· L c t1\ tend. )'"lJ\P:l hy to her loved ones. . ' .. te By fJ. ' ?Vlt. P iUip : , n~ · 1.11 "'J 'ith.' L' tPlt ha.: been nav t .. · and pro\._:.,)-· ion ~~:ut~d tt . )t. Con~·ll ction. of the bt.ih:i:nta'' ~~ s com­p! e·ed 1l.nJ t1 ~: r:.Htl.·hiPery in·t:a llcd ~'ritl~out a 'i~ab''n....! n ci'-~,~nt. To the R ._ \ . l er .. 11·t rneot goes ere 1 t for l. i,t' l<r.u t.alb- fi ne CC'ns t r uc- • ... l\),c '~ark. and for the insta lation or part c-f tl1e equipmcnL T work was ~,.~~-cr.,·· scu o' :\1 r. Camn. and lS said 1c • b a:; m0den1 a .. any bLllding of i b kiuJ in the countn· . • :l\1 r. C'hc::-terf dd of the Ho\"lkcr I:lec­roche~ lical Company had charge of in::-tall1n-z 1he cdls. In addition to "" bc~n..:.. an efficient chlorine cell man !\1r. Cl1e terf.e~d i.s a splendid fe llow. and ;;·e retrret Yen" much thar he will soon " be leavin•:l' us. » )) q Cit ~Jr. .f ohn GaddY. . Dean of this de-part. ment, and · · P re.:-1dent Emeritus" of the Sulphite Department, has recov­ered from a .:•spell-, of pneumonia and ;-;\~ i1 soon re;t'.J rn to work. \V e will be glad when _l uhn gets back. \Ve ah,·a•.; .. miss an Old Timer! » » u .. 1t "'a~ our 101.en tion to \'\"riLe an C"~""?lanal ivn of the d ifT ercnce between T Jepit~; · o.o and R ecesojon in this is­~ L(. 0f THL Lvr; b ut s pace will not p~rm~. You know t hat from about 3929 lO J ')3 J "'e had a De pres-- ion, ;;.1 d now we <:ire h;H ing a Rf!cession. 1 would Jih! fc,r all w b0 rt!ad th is ro wcit~ 1nc thejr op'iniun 0f 1i1e diffcre t1 cr·. FUNE'BAL lUTES H£J.D FOR JODI£ B. MANN. JR. l un~r<tl S• 1vices h'n Jndit· B. 1anu, Jr., wcJI.-Knr"Jv<..~, f~ Jll•J of fll, J ll/miHy ~ui(Jll. ~,_.,h,1 di··d a 1h'• t~{ayyr;ocl ( ~_.tllll, Jf, tif ital · ·ar1¥f:1 1l!l J· d~}' mt,Jfl ... H·~ tilUtl..t) 2/ .-(:!t' hd·l u l rhc AJ- 1! :~r. ,Jaw L 1·. l.ur h, 1• dd; y ., ftcfJJ III 1J {-1[ 2 (J.C lfJ k. 'I ),.. I 1U tc •! I Vt,V. ~\. f r. lJ ir· • w:t -"t I ''li l }'' t t·r l<.ev. ( . ( . t·i ' 11 1 I Ill; (__j j tr ;. I nrc 1 .11 T t·OOCJ!l t,l 1 h.: } .ht vi He I ) j d , ~ ~~ ; f( ~. j~. YV. Pric·. >l ( l v.d• " 1 :a lu i ,_.~J d w ,..1, l•. ~h ufdr ,r, o l1, ze I ltl'V. Lt~IJ ;, lt wl , pu6tt_,r (r du.· lrr 1 J. 1• .. ( .l o rd J. Acttv•' 1 a]lbi.·m ' ·l s vt••n •; 11 rJJlF) Miss Evelyn Edna Warren, dauqhter of Cheater Warren-in school at Nebo. N. C. M ann~ Day ?\ lann. C. 1. HrJHand~ A. J. Holland. J jck Robinsdn, and }fei11J' Robinson. ~l r. l\ fann wa ~ the son of the late J oseph B. :\I ann . Sr .. and ~/Irs. Nla n n of Hay,,~ood Cut.uHy. I-Ic was \·ell k nown throuahout }faywood County. l-Ie wa~ a member and a trustee of the Arnon Plai ns :tvf. E. Church, and was one of t he outstanding farmer~ of his cornmunjty . 1\'[r. l\~[ann was the fat her of. Mrs. Lloyd J ones. big buck Indian had just ordered a ham sand,< at a drug counter and was peering bet,veep the slices of toast when he turned and said to t he clerk : "-Ugh. rou slice ~em ham?" T he clerk repli ed "Yes, I sliced the ham.'' c'(igb !" gnmred 1 be Indian. 'You l . ' 11 c. am n nt?ar liltS~> e rn. fih iJ'l"Y Mr:.;ctn•Y. -.ut Vlul H.olybu'lto" l20 J Our Sick J.Ji t ctJ. h t 1.-Jt p:i :.'. • uR,J)nby .. Pu ri".- on of ·.fr. a· ~ t fr ­R. \r. 1'ar. ~ : · i:n or :orr: l s-o!· ... I r<:~<.w. ::ring from 11 altae1 of pneu-monta. ,, " u « ~dr ·. n. J. Cl<Jn'Z : ~ iH •n Hospital. , ,. • c J. \V. T rcad\'.·av ha~ b.een cc)nfined • • tn hi" hcq:te for several days. C. P. ntith. of the \-Yooci l -a .-d. i ~ a1:1ain (JJl the sick li L J~elson 1". Blaylock has o• een o lt · ick for "'Ce\·ral week . f-fe :s im.p rov. ing at th is time. R. 1~ . Cibsoo is re(o' ering fccxn an operation in rhe l-Iaywood CC'lJ H ospital. » » • cr C1avtou Burnette ha~ been ve, ~ ill , r in the Harwood County l-ln~ri · al. • ., « C( 1\ ·lrs. :\ lak oln1 f \ ou wlf.: l :1 ~ecn • in the Ha}'\'oocl County II~pital for :evcral days is improY in·~. 'T ht! following ~..·mt' h '~~..·s · ,~ nl o at t l.i ~ tinw un rhc :ick l:,)t. \V • ha .. that the~ will all ik b ck L"'H tbc j b S~non : \ 11 \:tt ":.tmrh .. Ji. l . \. . .Fi,h, R. tl. \L.t ' kt~ .. C~· t.d"l \'f.t.h.\ lil'n. \V . .\f. t ;r,.TI), \' n! lh' ()p 1 l'-vH. l . f'. l '. •d .J Lk,, d \ r& ll~..'t·. R. \ l. l 'i 1 t u' l ' n. ) ,, . ~ \ . l'ah ', \ I•. I hi I. .\ \ . ~ r ·lt I • (",. \' . \J i ll~..·t. \ . \ \kh (\n. l k ·t.l ~..· R.1i in. <- •u, JdhO \ l. S"'·•dJCt >- \'\ . lJ \ l,• -. "f' t , !',), <'Lui , U. H. l1r-\lnl. \" Jii.ul \ 1t; 1 c: .. id, (I E :--.mi h, llnt 1.,.. . S"' it l, n. h, S talt!t•. l'. Ht\d\ l' r,· .1 \ \ ; • t;d ktt,· l ' 1 . t1 R \~, Frauk \ \ • • hu1 H, Jpftfl i,hl,h, lliJ~I.1 ~h . J .. h. l' ov lllf lt "· Ll· f~"\ \.. , ,,\·f .. l.ld., \ "1&.1 ·, Rnblu.oti , ( ;,JI.u•d \ ,· 11 ~1 II l< rt.t, ·. \V t·: \ ml, 1. r su , I " ·k l · ~Hht· \ J l.. l..tnkf ' J" (• J ·u~~..·u \ .u'"' · J. ). I ... \ lord . 1. I• ) tllk. Chttl,· .. 1. \Ill u.,. J ~-. u H •·. ~ l'l .i.l l ltH~•"II , l{ u\ lll JJ \ P 1ul I U\ Jll. •