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The Log Vol. 2 No. 6

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  • TELLTrf MAN WHO WEARS A BUTTON Our Safety Organization---Its Scope and Methods To those who are not famili; with our Safety Organization we desire in this issue to explain to some extent, its scope and method of operation. The main Committee is composed of thirteen members, perhaps an unlucky number but still we feel the hoodoo is on the right side. These thirteen members were selected by the General Manager to obtain a representative from each department in the mill. The term for which they were appointed is indefinite and revision of same can be made at any time deemed fit. For information of the men in the mill we wish to again call your attention to the representative from your department on this Main Committee: eer A. G. Pounsford, Chairman. iill-Sebe PlottandWm. Robertson. Sulphite Mill-R. J. Sprang and Eugene Walker. Extract Plant—J. L. Sanborne. Wood Yard-Hub Evans. irs and Alterations—Gro- ver Smith, Clyde Hildebrand and . ffii LQ5T TIME fiCC/DENTS OF HOU/fLY. ##r£L FROM APRIL. TO OCT.. 1915 made by one man who worked on the previous inspection and one new man selected by the chairman each two months. New suggestions or recommendations are made as well as checking up the work completed on the pre vious inpection. (3,) Statistics Division has in charge the collection of data on the cause and methods of pre- enting recurrence of similar ac- Also the making of harts, etc., showing safety pro- I \- The Photograph Division •h i pea on the Safety Button illustr above and •: practices should I them. This main Committee is posed of the following divis each division having work to perform: Room Foremen Di Sub Safety Committee Supervi ion. „ Inspection Division. Statistics Division. Photograph Division. Bulletins Division, Plant Welfare and Sanitatk Division. Emergency Division. Taking these ka order and e. believe that the personal element among the men can be reached only by advertising Safety First continually. The more we Talk Safety First, Eat Safety First and Sleep Safety First the greater reduction we wil* find on the debit side of our ac cident account. A. G. P. September Accidents Looking over the accidents occurring in September we find the following which call for some comment for they are preventable. "The injured man was going to the store for a gasket and stepped on a nail in a plank." "The injured was working on fuse pile and stepped on a til.' 1 was cleaning up : and stepped on a ts still continue, r efforts to stop 3, regarding the t nails is still in ire that you are '(■'■ dismissal for t| w!.T ' walking i Md and a splint- >llo rung t side." It might be well to put up a sign on the yard, "Look and Listen." Men working in the vicinity of wood piles must be on the alert to avoid accidents of this kind, ' 'Two men were throwing wood from floor into conveyor and a stick thrown by fellow workmen hit the injured on the nose." "A man on the.barkers threw a stick of wood and hit fellow employee." "Look before you throw" is a necessary slogan on the yard and in the Wood Room. Team Work , (Continued from Editorial Page) disturbing the peace or is effectually muzzled. Aesop tells in one of his fables about the hands and mouth which went on a strike because the stomach got all the food, while they did all the work. It didn't take them long to find out, however, that if they didn't do their share, they became weaker and weaker and finally useless. So even if you don't agree with, or like, those about you. get together with them anyway, because if you don't do your share you'll soon be useless—and if you are useless, you stand a good chance of being transferred to class "D" league |ob, Kodak Park Bulletin. Record of Accidents Causing two Days Disability for September I9IS

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).