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The Log Vol. 16 No. 12 (1935)

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • • • • • ' • • , ~o. 12 .... - ----- ----·- ._ -- ~- ---·- ~- ..... _ fHE PA ER FOR '~;HI ·~JA.GAZlNE fS M DE IN OUR ·PLANT OUT OF WOOO FROM 'fifE FORES1" OF ~OitTl:l C.\R(t.t~l 1t\ . \t 1.\l NUF~4\CTURE MANY GRADES OF BlrEACHEJ) SULPHITE PAI)ERS. M,c\ B~ E Fl ISH, AND SUPER~CALENJ>ERE D. · - ... .. .......... ..,. ·~~• ._,.,..-,..... ........ ,,.._. _,.,.,. ,._.,._...,..., • • '(, . ......... ~... , . ..... ,..,. •• "-". _ ._ .... , .._,.-, • • ,.. .... u _.. .... .... .... . ..... ..... .,.. • • , • • ., . .. ~ O •" •~·•·'•" ·~ • •••._ •.._• .. • ... ••_...•.,., ........ , .. ~'-•Ot ........ lr-..,..•ftue.-'ol • • ,.••• •-•• . , i . t ; . I ~ r l • t •~ J t + •• •. \' L; ·ONTEN TS lhm -? ~ 't• ·--········--- J,;J i ~i'J"· - ji1 r .... ---·~· -~-------~""··~·-·· - t :h ; ~ "1tl ./"" ~ j d ll. • t • i i 1 tat .~!..,, . n '1J."[ IU l'.ht-r;k· .'. ..... -.......... ... _ .......... ·o" • i t t ; • J 1 tin;:-- .al•t.i :P!':J\c !'. • .t Jme~t t ;. ~i' r:rrt "a.w-)Hnn.. .••• . . ···-- ······ -: l + + ........_~-- _....,. ............. , ... . .. -~. SJ 9 ; \ fK3timul Cht'· ... _ . r p filT HoJtda) ~ l:U. t 1 0 • j . .,, . "- ~.. • \ , ,.. t1'! "''n'! I .n. I , ~tt. • t • • • ~·· .. ~ .................... e a I I I I W I I 4 • e a . , I a & ~· • a • . I e I • • • • • ... . ... -. .... _ ..._ •• •• • ,..__.. ... 8t 1J .u.. ._. e s .1 f 1 ·• • a I). 1 - ;r • ~ • , 2 THE LOG ------------~-------------·--·--------~------------ -----------~-------~---~~--~~~~----~--~ Norri~ Dam, Coal Creek: Tennessee, Deeember 2. 19-34· energy. THE NORRI 1 DAM 1E of the n1 .~ot interet\ting and gigantic proj­ects ever attempted in th is country, jg the Tennessee Valley development of electtical The Tennessee Valley Authority proposes to build a series of dams on tJ1e Tennessee Hiver and its contrib­Ptaries. and generate cheap electdc po'lver fol' use in indu stl \ anrl t he homes of Lhe 11eople Ji,·ing in the --=tat..e of T~ nne see. T'ht \Vilson Dam at l\lt ls(·}~ Shoals, which wa ~ eon ~ &t:ructed by t he Feder a l Governmeol during lhe World War, is n ()\ in ope r atil)n. 1~~i ft e4im nti les tlp-strearn ~'b ~]Pt· J >am is unde c. nn ~t rc. c ti,,n, and n(.lf\.rly four hund red mile'' faJ1lJ~'' r north thP . <1 tTi~ Dttm is under Wi3 ~. Olhe r rian,!::> ;.tl Auror a , Pic ln-. tr k Lunding and, perhap;;, r~n ~ <Jn tlw l liwassie IUv(•J n1: 1 ~ h<~ lnlilt be· • fore long. These power plants will be connected by h)gh po,ver transn1ission lines. The Norris Dan1 js located on the Clinch Rjver. aboul t\'enty-five :miles northwest of Knoxville, Tennessee. Work on this dan1 was .sta•1Jed in January, 193 . and will take perhaps th1~ee or four year· to complete. Tb i dam is being erected \d1ere the CUnch Ri ·er passes het\veen two hills that extend, perhape, t\vo hun­dred and fifty feet above the riVeT bed. \V11en com­pleted the dam v't ill be two hundred and nrty-three teet high, two hundred and ten feflt thick at the base. and one thou ~and eigh t huudr~d feet long at th c1·est. The top of the dam wi ll be thirty feet .thicl . whic.h 'riU be used as a drive""'ay. To gual'd agRinst the nti~htr for~ exerlecl b~· nlil­lions of lon" f \'a tel·, tt we-'\~ n et.:ssar~· lo e~ca \'ale anrl . E'Xt end th ~ foundation vf' l ht:• cbtm 11U~Il \' feet bel0\ ? th • s urfac':\ of the ~nr t.h, a nrl bed of U\e 1·iver. ln othet • • THE LOG • a ~.....:.:-~------·- 111111 . 'orri~ Un m ae; it wi l1 n l>pea r '" hr n completed v.or s. p·, 13, h}1d to lli anchor '\d ec ttrel ~ i11 .i\Tother J. t •• l. fht~ <.WnJ is. deinj! con'tJ ~uc t d of reinforced cvncretA. 1\ i... ~"~J.11at .d lht 1~e 1ni lion yards of concrete \·ill 1 :") s·e 11h'ed t.o c.:ol plete tha dan1, an~ the total cost ·will ~,e approxin1atel~ ·:\:-:.oc .000.00. The ..,to 1 a :l ~and ·-..ej i-n building the dan1 i~ quar­l i-c ont ef. the l:tiil adjoining the abutn1ent of the dam ·n ,he ~~ ,l we. The ::tone i~ tran,. po-rted from the qua T.:\ by t;L~ek~ ::tr,d dnn,ped into large crushers. The P"'ir1ut· · cru i1er 1·eJ uces the larg~ houlder.s to rock ~b u~ . . 1'neJ1e;'\ h <ze and sn1aller. The si. inch rock aret t\.iiLJ-10rted h;· Elt cunve.~·ors n1ore than three hun­dret1 feel to the secondary cru-her. The small rock a th ~ pa . tln·ough the . econdary cru ~her are reduced i:{• , tUn~ of t~ 1e ,·equjred size. v.·htch pass over screens and ar~ separate .. according to ize. A part of the ~ione i pa.s. d tlu:·"ugh the han1me1· mill and redueed = oo ar1d anu ~:.or€d ~:1 bi n··. Cnde1: the bin a conveyor engt.t1 T1s~., which carrie .. sattd and ~tone to the ' maxet~ . .. a6cbht\! equi! n1ent. L u:td to mea.5Ure the right amount of sand and stone nPeded o feed the n1ix~r . ~h!l c ment L .. pun1ped fr tn the cement .. He;, which 'Gioa a (a~~t - oi si thQusand barr ~1 ~. 0lu .. , _ · ,f t\ 1·e~ 3 - ~"~ r! mi ·ef capable of n1ixin5( J,() 0 r.:o llt ~ ard ot ~P:nCTe P. a da,, are usPd. \V1u:n proper]j 111ixed the co11crete if; dun1ped into lilting buckets on nalTO\-\' guage cat·s and transported by gaso­line n1otors to six yard bot tom-dunJp l.>uckets on the cauleways_ . On the ,~un1n1ii of the hill on either side of thP Clinch Hiver (see photograph) are two n1a . ive ~tee] to~·en'i placed on a track. These towers carry four large cables at least three hundred feet above the rive1·. These cables are three inches in dianJete1· and eaeh has a ten­sile strength of 550 tons. These cables are used to transport concrete. rein­forcement steel, timber and n1achinery \vhich is S\vung out fron1 the west abutment and dropped into place. The \vaters impounded by the Norris Dam \Till forn1 an artificial lake of 3,600,000 acre feet covering about eig·ht:v squa1·e mile with a shol"e line of n1ore than eight hundred miles. The backwater \>~ill extend up-streani ai>out 79 n1iles. and w111 cover nftr-t"ro thousand acre,.. When finished it will take six month~, or perhaps, a year to fill it. There V\ill be three spiU'''a.vs one hundred feet long, four feet below the top, of the dan1" The penstocks, \vhich are twent., feet in diameter are ot 1 b-8 inch steel, and eacj1 \velded joint }s carefu.lly X-rayed in ord er to guard against fla\vs, blo,vholes, etc. The ·orri$ r>am pO\Ve r hou ... e v: ilJ contain two 60 ,0 00 hnrsepo,ve1· t urbines, and \·hen t he plant is operated • , 4 !'\ "rris Dam. on · e.eendwr 2, 1934, a it appeared fr<1m the hill on t he 'Ve t Side at f111l capac1ty it wjl] produce 120,000 horsepower of Jeclrical energy. About 2,-tnO n1en are employed on the project, \Norl<­ing four ~hifts. The T\" A employs about 12,000 people. A hard-surfaced high. way frOln Coal Creek to the Xorri" Da1n has been constructed b,v the TV A, also a tnw·n of ._e, eral hundred houses. 0 'R NE'\1 HAlRMAN R. D. Plemm0n.s was recently e l ec~d chairnu\n of the? Ex.~cutive Gotnmittee of the 1\Iill Councjl. .1 r. Plemn.ons ha,_, ah~:a.\7 S been a loyaJ en1 pl0yee and w(• f 3:d !JOitt ure that h -i ll make a gO<ld chni rn•an of J1 Cr,uncil. On l Tmp c,vPnt()uf "Gao yonl' wife C(J<Jk ;; s . 1 lJ a your 1nothe1· UFP!l to. 't' •· . ..;h r;~J l n<rt.., IJH f fl f.,V(' r 11 (·nf itt' it. l~ hP r un t iJI":(H' rrJ n t;. J{1 BrabJ) L.ot1.c>r.' ' LARE r('E E. M ·oJ. :320 Broad ' ay Nf4:'V YOI<K. 1 •• Y. vVot•th 2~t1 0~)~4 1\lr . (:. \V. J hillq>s, l~: ditCJr, The Lng, C'an ton, N. C. 1\•Iy d ct1r l\lr. PhtJlips : [ recent lv s~L v a cop\· of Th • L'>)! which I ;?rcalJ ~ ell­jo~ red . J haV{' Ue(>ll engaged jn lhU t~xtiJe bu sill'.!~.S for many yeurs ; while Jiving in Ch;.•r J<,ttc, '.C., my f4fni ­l. r spen L part of the ~ uJn m cr. f'1H' man" ~ f.'ar.,, at Wa~f­nesvillc, n ~ar you. and l ant in Jove with that ljr~flutiful \A/estern or th Car ol ina nloun t ai n country. I clll1 wQn· d el~ing if I mn oligiulc for a place on y flur n1;.1 ili"ng li...t, if so, I will be so pleased lo recei vc .\fOlu· gr,cd pa]'~r. and thanl\ you col'dia11y, in advance, for your kindae.-;b. Yours '~ ry lruJ .v, c LA R E ~ c ~: E. n r so. , . R. & A. MEN DESERVE PRAISF., Placing of the h.ead-box betweea ~umber ~ and 3 machines without ml accident \vas quite an accon1pli~h ­n1ent, and the mechanics in the Repa ir and Alteratim, .... Departn1ent cert.ainly deserve praise. The work was done u ude1· very seriou difiiculties. and it was alJ the more hazardous on account of ope1 at­ing the 1nachmes while th.e work was being rloue. Those who deserve special mention a1·e: Pipefitters under Clyde Hildebrand; 1\Iillwl'ight. under Ben F-isher and Charli~· Setzer's crew. Flv in the Ointment • • u1 suppose your husband is tickled to death to g~l bade to work, after being out of a job o 1{)-ng:· said the neighbor. 110h," replied the \Vife, '·he i · rathet~ d1sappotnte I. There isn 't any chance of a s tril e being call ed. n ht lhough l ther ~ would be . · ~ . Con• plete Replac~m~nt !:Jinks-I'll soon ha,·e an w rnl'. Jinl .-You' re lucky. Blink --- ll ~u·dl y. Y u ::;,·~ l'm sitHply I,Ppt 1>n. ·' r,· .. piAC'inr, f 1\( \ '' nn, .. out ptH' l ~ nn t lit li!T.~nt'. :~url .1. c"'l upl rt 1Ul'P LHlJip.· futd it willt ·v··n ha\l' t ht> ~l1, 1 lP l hth.. ' f~th•d • • • ' . • Bf Glen·n Gtu"dbtet· •• .. t'C.j1l OJ1 tt ! fl t'~ t.~)J.XH?~" tf1 bt ~' ~ ·• I i: ~~t the l"'jr\d of w~u 'f1ing .'Oilr wor ·ers faLl H d~)~~n he Hnce \ h· n ~ tJU app,r .,a.c.:l1 '? ~~n1e :-upi!fvi&.:.,rs let u~ hot e theJr are 10 the tnall nn.n·H·ii-.\- . actu<,lly nl,lktl th eir \vor,J·c-rs ner vfluS <Uld · ·Jittm~ . · · tlulltl ne acciti.cut i. · cau. ed LJ.r I; udd ,n speeding Up t! CHUS.e .. the h( ~~ i:• com.{n!!/ ' TI~e an . Jet~, o1 c .l't<tin workers tG 111 h~ g ~od in th~ eyes of the m.a u f1'bole then aeiu~ U~· tna )i<~.: · theru ~:uscep·tible tlJ injury . . Fear that i:he ~up riot nls) he cH ~. nttstled ~Tith the <1U.aln;, · ut quantity of wo1 k eaose ~ ~on1 \V rk ·r\; l( I.O·"·~, pA '{per control of ~t.nd:-- J f9' .. t and nuu\1. ~rl \e gt•od ~ UI)er is --1·. \l·h efiier he reali~e$ it or not, i~ H p1·actical p ~·ch(•l0"p:L~ t. Be 1~ead~ the signs. of ner­' tltl.~He.$ "' ·in ~\ \·orkex~ · actin l.S. il1 his faejal e#'",· si \,ns · Hd in the \~ar he an ,,ve1·.: 1uestions. "he good super- · ~1s T k.u "'""' the nervvn" t~ pe of \'O t" ·when he deals ,,~ ith hirn. And h · \v.ith h in1 ~~cording·ly. it is a lfl~ght~; iot~l'e~ tiug "''tudy for ru1r n1ru1 i.n ex­. c"'Cuti ·e .OJ' · ... ·upervi.' Gl'Y Tin "i i n:-, to careful1y observe and anal~ ze the cha l'a~terJstics of l1is .variotls subordi ~ n~1tes. It is m<rt intertsting tfj> ee l1o'v different hand- of di ffe~· -.111. type o. ,,~<1tker ... ~em . to get best ~e. u}t ·. 11-he -t()!U etcnt upe1·vi...or em)Jha:sizes 'the kind of r e­i~ 1tlonship betw~e11 h in"L$elf and. hi~ .\~01 11-er \vbi ~h \vill lt~p t.he \~orke:r <t.t e-.4se. This Gi~~s a~t mean loafin". L .. n1eans that th~ \Vvrker i -t'ry:~lli' t~ d'O hi·$. best and'"""' tha.t his ..,upeJ"vh~or l!n<let .... tan.d. tlfat he is t r y­: ng \10 dtt hi lJ&sL Con egu~tly, th~e is Ji'O n~ed for . ' n1m to trr to rnal\"e ern y false in:tp»essf.enJS· ut)on his su- . • r~r \ l..:Or . • . OL\e ~~ ,.a . . to ize up :1 ;:osupervi "pr is t.o . 1~~al.lli thr.{)ugh ;1i ~ oep-ru·tr11ent ,~dth him and stud.r t~1e reaoti'on~ of h.~ · \~tarket '"' as h.e approaches --or p.a~ es t hen1. A1·e tr.ey rul '"'· hin1 ~ut of t he cerneY of their eyes·? Ur1 they "Sl.tap into it" when he app r~a~he ~ Is there ~ :1~ent;e of ext1·a 1-elf\Si t n flJl t11le t1a.rt o'f w.orkeors ,\.hen in~ s i) ·,aks t~ tlrsm ? · V{e have no' ~Y oi k no\ving hvnv m&ny mi ·takes. a11d ~eci<llh.ts 1·esult directly or i1ld1r eetly i:r,0n1 nervolltsne ·s ca.u ~ed by a upet·visor -, ho tal\e~ pr ide in aputting 1, P f~:tT o1 G-ocP' int" th'¢ h~~ut.. of his \'\rorkers. C:A-rtar.n­f ~ the uper !jsor ' - accident reporls are not likaly t tl ,.e ·ea] tJ1is as a contributing cause. . P~l!:h aps ~ou have a n1ar1 .ah<rve y"Ou wk0 keeps- yo~1 .he ·"'aJ1Xi<>tl. seat.1 t If YO\:l do,, you have some i<iea (,f h c~fw· : .eh .relationships \1 it h. supe11visoTS atfect - . ,,·ot·k r~ . Jf you l ave ·ever had such a b Bs.- you can ft:Ll1y raa117~ h O\V u r,r). "-jjit r~ • rna~· JJfay a }l<iUt in JOaJ<­ing a rnao Jiat le to tnif) ~ and aecident # It if-l j ust as easY, a.nd n1ucb 111o1· pJe ;tnt to ~­v ~~lol~ in .. otu· ·ubordinatr; ~ seng ·of c nfidenee fn tP.~r SUpe r iOJ' ~ l ich \Vill C~\l'Se tt1 etn tO gl\ ... e wi!lli1 r, ft'i.en~ J y , co·Ol rati v ~ sc1·v iee r~t he1~ than .he +~~ca; r)<i raJ.;sl,it" t.rp of set· ictl w· h i~h i.· n ith 'l' pffieiont n ( J'. e11tir1 J ~· ~:-tfet St a.xt t.o(ila.v, if yon haven•t done M befo1"e., to ltuiJ~J t he kind o-! t,-eJaLion .. h i11 with yotu· tncn Lll;tt wHI c~ ~l S~ t h€n1 L0 reg~t· ·d .von ~ . ~ .~\ fl'ie:nd a firrn. iJ11J>frii.iHI ilit~nd \ JH) has a l-in I tv; lnuuan. f eUng· to'"(; r1 then1 clnd e. PCC~ tb~m t ·O d• f he ir p~:a:rt faiJ·}y. '1 }t(JL'~ thf• kind ~f t elatitJn hip ''"bt.Gh \ in ' eo~orerftttiv~ ~.. s u{4. s. • WHAT DOES f'r 1\'IE. N? VV e a re jufornted tha.l ev. .ry rnan. \ omnn a nti t hilu in Turkey n tust o"'vn. a gu$ n1ttsh .. Recently a haw has been p:.tsred reqtliring all cit.i­tens to own a gas mask and ·1n1o·w ho\1 t·o nse it. Fac­tories are being buflt fnr the rnanufactlll e of the latest type nJ'a$k a.nd e ve~.rone 1,;vj-ll be eompelJed to have one. A:ll child'ren and Y'QUng p~ople rin the schools of Ger~ . n1any are tnugh t the u ... e of gas rna. k .. . - Gas rnas J{ d ·ills ate l ~-jng h u~d once a ~·eel,. and the importance o.f putting on gas nra'k$ co:r~re-ct1 r i · ·olle of the things stressed~ • \Ve ·\vondet if the people Qf Arnerica should not io1~ lo·w theil~ e..xan1pJe? Should ~1n European enen1y cross the ocean and drop n te~~v d·ea dly gas botnbs· on Anleri­can sh~>re , 'vhat wou1rl \'.e oo? Never Objec~ to rrhat "vVill yoltr \v iJe press y-our trousers for you?~' .· hNo, but st1e ahvays i.e w-ilbng to take spot. out of the1n o11e, f tve, or ten ·pot s, you ltno\v." . - Straig:hten Up, Now- · "'Lead tne $5, old m·an. I promise you, on t he v\ro.rd of a geatleman, te pa~~ .i,t back ton10Trow~ hBring the' ge11t lernan atound and let me see him.'' Lightning No Quickel! Blinks Are yoa (1jya1d ·Of the germs t hey clain1 are . so thick on out paper ·mo11ey ·? Jh1ks J Not a bit . My money g0es out so f ast no gerrn could be <:tttick to get frorn it to n1e \Vhil it 's in HlY pos ession. • • • • • • 6 THE LOG --------------~ --- -- - -::....- 2 ix in One--One La r o-e and .fh·e Small Ears • . .. TCRE DJ AGREE . '\'ITH F E R rfhe above lJicture of an ear of Indian eol"n seen1S to .indicate tuat Dame Nature is not in accord with the :Farn1er' · Eruergenc· ~ n ecvvefy Act. This ear of corn ·s ·eal, ,· h; in one. Instead of one ear a ~ we u:suall~' firld 1n a ·huck, tl ere were ::;ix ears in the shuck or hus k" f'A)Vk J'ing the ~;ar. shown in t he pjcture above. Y'ou wiH n•,tR t.J:r~t around the large car there an~ five (jt~- ~r ~m HU t ars ~rttocl•(•d to the l1a&e of the cob of tit hv f'l'(, <-:a·. 'fh.e la.r,Jte, ot C\"LJ tP:t· c~u~, j ~ about l n inch e~ long. ""fhe l)IJ1aJ1 eal 1 '-' r'(' r(J\.11' (Jt' five Inch e.; ICJDg. TJH' grain · I'Jn the s n.tall ed t ~ :1n ... fJE?J'ff~cch· rl velo}Jf"'tl. . ;l.tu:r~ . !l1S V> b(~ o( lbe npilliOfl that 1 JJ~ lltltl)'l',\' ' nt .. ed, ..--tnd 'tlu~n the •• i~. ~n HIJU rlJ I:uH: uf pr;-tiu no uuc· rl~ d :f') hungry. She d r,<-iH 11fJt o b. in falV'Jt· 0f t•t·dr Cill!I W.:'J't>Ug11, J,u t ;,tlJ<-' f', i1 <~ 1 :-t ~i HI{ 1 ht· DU r t.J wt' fJj "";;tt';':l to ihr.. hu·~k. i\·Ir. :>. h. I 'pJ) . on wht'se farm Chi · r of · 1l in fonTlt'd tt that h :\ f, •u w · lJ .lHtm lJet· vjth th "e f1nrl liv e( r in a h u~k, jn he . : r 1e fiel 1 , .. 1dc·Jt tht was 2'' '0\ r; fle i.' pl(.-nnilt, 1..< plant the c• '1 fr1 t tiP. c·u· ''-Hh l he t~ • p t.!cl ntir·n <>f de\-+eluni , ln!f.:i.U.lf.• co il with tl gre:tt l' i ld . <:er tai n good-}c,oking ~ u· Jng btd .. : 1 l · ltographcl· in nn r>f the dep,n ·t n1ents, '"hv igns hPr nante 1 . r,. i ~ vt~ r~ 1nuch int~ t·e~t d in r;l':-tj•holc~.L.Y •. ~trqlog~t an N unlerolog-y. \Vc arc r1ot certain HS t •) whttt it ~ il !YJ·an ... hf'\·ever, we have IJeen infornH.'cl Lhat. it h. o..: to dtJ ~·ntll fo1·e e 1- irlg the future by on ;)s handwriting, by t}te po iti,on of cerlnin ~tars, et c. A Jot of lwkurn Wt . u· pect. \'e understand that t11j;;, .\rnlng la( y ha.-; been cor­responding v:ith one of tho e dnr l· -. kinned fpllows wh" wraps hilnself in a toga of n1an v· co lot.:: anrl we .. :.r:s a tw·ban when he goes inlu conference t.h t bn .:pirits. 1-Iowever, we ·want to tell you that that vld boy, ~h.o­ever he is, surely did give her "a rne - of taffy:· .tHl t the thjng that puzzle: us mo~t. why th~ patkag~ of (llove ?"' Boys! We want to \Varn you now·. \ '3 belip·ve there is a trick in the " ·hole thing .. orne" here. \~hen you are around this young lady and notice the onor of j(Evening in Paris,'' or ·ome other ' ·eet ... melling aro­nla, rentember she mar have som.e of that powdeY (tn her cheek. Don't get too close. we under .. Land thal !t acts W<e f ly-powder even strong men are t1verc •.r e and fall into her clutches. on1e would like tu, 1.o dottbt. Ho.we.vei·, if you are inte:rested we shall be glad to gjve you heT full name and addre for cent:5 . Swee·ping .F'ull of enthu ia. n1, she had gone in fot poHt:cs and was ouL of the house n1o$t of the day. Th o'"h r nhrht she relu rned at ~ o'clock and sank into au arn1ch~ir. ·'Everything's grand,'' ... he . aid. \'\re·re •insx tP :-J\>..•eep the country." Jiet· h usband looked a.round W(o>-anb ~nd ltd : " h,\ not shut ·'-"\'ith the dining rvon1 '?" .\U~ · \Veil l:'llrf!l(.tl ''ti \t\•Jf' (~ ~'- nl .) Li t·u, Jt hn! 1 t lduk lhcrc' ur<\ p11hct'n u.:tl in lhH ltfHl ~t'' • gurv htr- I Jc•t. 't: rll nlr:nH•. Tht:".\ wun'f l \1\ lt•h 1H)tlling IJtd I ht ht> ·r .:u ld nlcl t hicht"n • • • • T.AE LOG 7 ·, THING" ~. ·o l:.L lCES t).f I NTEltE T IN ·eRTH C Alttt)t.JJ~ .A --- • - . A'- ocy c~n:.urleS agt~ \vlfieu tlitt Ch:erokee·lndians n~an. ~ i e hi U o--f N-of'Ll1 C1trolina in thew: n.o~ ~a,." ·ne<i feet, and ~.,e~e maste1· of the fot­~;-. t>; t) e rGck c1t1f or~ rlte l"H-trtb b!uak of: he French t·i ad R~ "er. ~ i,J · t . i~ 111·lle b~lO\"\' H }t Spcings, \Vas . caJ]ed '·7t\:! PAinu:d 1!o<:k,. L)- .~·be.s~ 1-)riJllid~e people. 'F-J-~ -r roek)~ ctiHt ii ·e~ perr. endicular ab{)ve the French Hr0ad +rver to a l aie-nt of moo·e tlilan one hundred • y I,~t. A.n o d .l:ndlalr l'tSgev..d counected \:ith .. Paint ~~\?~Ck'' reh11..~, tbc. rono,\ ing r~unan .ic event ·which ma}<( oT ~ ~ y nut. b~ true. lt i said lhat a1,1 lndi~n rnaiden. = ~ r €- t1au!'bt.:e:f of a l ,f)w.e,rlul nief be.came de ' per~tely . ~· .d€ ·vjf}l a ·t~.iUn« l:nt.\ian ,,.al~rier, a n1embet· af an ' "'"' e.~esny ~1--i; ~- T ·!! ~ <' ng '~ arrior ~Jso dea1·ly l{)ved the e~J.~if l Ind!all girl Tu~.y olemnly and reverently promisetl 1 'b _ true· t(.J ~ach <Jtht:r and ·estilved tl~ at not:h "n ,. hu.t d'tt{t should ever . ~eJlq,~a.te thtem .. Whe fa: - e5 ·it1;; t-·. ~tin.g pl.ace of the~e claHde ·tine Jov:el'i.-4 ......... Qll th~ \t}' .·t of ® .. e PaiHt~d Roel f)Vef'hXJking th ~ ,:; Br ad ~j 7e· aTLd the valley bel . AS; th ~ duY-!-> ~d * ·eeks 1eng1Jt ~ne<, 1nto !l'\flllti , they rea;li~ that life w1t.hoot tb. ' utlJ 1· ' ould u{)t be 'Vol·tb th fvjng, ,vraL, t.hey kn ., tlJ.~rL th " Old ~ hie 'iVfH.tld n agrtt" to th u nn ion'P Hy eU\d by, \.·heu Ute Old J fl di~.u1 Ch icl h :.· rd th aL hiP. d3tt rht.- · h;Jtt h ~eu cni.PrL~~iHin g a nr .~;tu JJ 1r of n.u cnf!IYt.Y tHhe. lu~ beca-n'l ~ and fot.:btldt~ his d;.tuf(h t ~r ever , eeing h~t· lover ag~aJn . fJ () \·CS 1)1', •tt.~aitl t J, <.:v n1t't · t the <iltl t·t•udu?,. ous, pHg-htl7d heir In·\(' fo •· !filrh f MJt'r ~n1d l't\.ol vrrl ncveJ" ~\p;a il1 tCl part. l brtil th· ~ \-\.H l hont ~ ol' thtl n\o l ning- t hPY s"-d: upon UtP le<iJP'~ of ~he f' lilr oT 'I' he J=>-aint ed I ~.-ock <:Ia. · p@d in e(t-Ch oth • s :u·tn~. As th (:4 n '' on hid it :-; f'k!.cc Jj(lhi:nrt th t_. wr·s t ern hori zon, and the dawn of ;.l l h'''V cla.v GllJPC~t ret"i in l,ht e~· ~t. '\vilh thf~iJ· ~trrus ont" ilh.'d ~\IJt •tt t c··~t c h oth~ r and tt " &rrn ids.~ !Jpo:n • ltt~iJ· fjph, (l ~!)y l O(t J)ed ~OVj.l' fhc eJjff u ttd theit· f piri lQ "''~ 1·'" u het·Pd into th< .. p.t>e~'(..snce of fhc Cteat ~pj l"it .. \rhen the su11 had duu; _.d a'Ntt.V tl te f\hadtrw:~ <)f Jtight, th .q · .tn}ingh d l ,orhoR wex(:\ diset ver ed r>n Lh<.' rock~ Dt th foot of the cli ff'. ~L I . At·lhllt' in his h istoJ'y of \--\"Bst.t~J1l Noeth ;t-H'oli n-n refers lo t his h1uid~1-l.t. l\ is 'Hid, in th e- rH tnory orr son1e of the early ~fJttler)l; lr1 \~'t~;s t~rn ortn CaroHna. o;r.1 the faee of ;, Pa.J n t H\>Cl(" a. l1 lHllber of t1gu_re~ were prdnt.ed JJ.v the fnd.ian;.;. Othet. that the f:--tce of th t cliff \'vas \vrap_ped in a blanl\et ot· nu u1y colors. JJGJ\'CVer. wh a lever figures t)f n1tu1, auin1als or oll1er objects Lnay hnvH eAi~ted upon its face~ have long s ince been ohlit~rated. 'f aday, there are r~d . tain$ whic.b, per hap , ate caused hr the oxida­tion of h·o1, \Vhich may be in the composition of the rock. Paint Roclt, a~ it is ca11ed today t is not one solid tack, but i~ cotnposed of thousands of stones piled upon each otheri as- a s.tone maso1l ~vouJd build a vvalt 1"he stones va1·: in tl=licknes;"' f.roJn one inch to two feet , and in length from one foot tQ five ur six feet, having the a_p.. pearatiee of soone \V hi(t.Jn has been eut to practically one t:h ia kn es.s fr01n 011 e to :the o theT. Paint Rock can be l"teacbed ove1· U. S. High\vay ·ro. ~0 from Asheville to. Hot Springs, and when you reach the btidge a~oos Fl:·ench Broaa Rive1· at Hot Springs turn to the r·ight and follow the sand and gravel road on the nortb ide down the riv,er about six miles. rfi·aded Some .. A.dvice Joe-So you and those neighbors a:re 11ot on speaking terms any n)ore '? ~1111 No. All diplen1atic re}~ tiont:; have been sus­ ·pendep. Joe J-Io"'r did that con1e about? Bill H.e sent rne a box of a.x le gr.ease an.d told me te use orne of it 011 my la\NTirnower when I started in at 6 o'clock in tJ~e mo1·ning. . ,Joe What then'! Bill 1ihen I sent it. l>acl{ e:'tnd told hun ·to ttse o1ue of it on hi daughter'" voice when ~h~ sing at ll 01Clock at night~ • THE !JOG - ..... ---.... -----------·-- ,. __ ... ~----..---·----------...... -~.;...;.;..----- ,.......,. __..,__ - -----=--__,..._.....-.;'-""'~---...... ----..,._..~~ fJubH ·hed br "Tht! C hm'l\~'ion Fam;l~ .. ·a~ ~ ~~ n1liol Lti llw Cn peration and Gotld F"'U\l' ,;:hip Ext~t rn • t the I h1 nt nf Th<> n 1sm~im; Fibre C',mpany. C~tlltt.m. :'\ (' th Car,,lm.t. G. \ : Pf-II$ . . . . . I.. aa . .. . . . .. R \j BEJ jj_ R 0 HTSO~ . Jk I .. u. 'tL (~ UFI-'fi'H I .. .. . . ~ciat~ Edit••r.,; REPORTEHS llAlS\ Bt:tO:l"TTE -·--· ------·- ..... ~ .. ·-·- .--·-- ... .... _. __ Main Of1'i cc: J ... i DEA.TLl :-; --·-· -·----···-._ ... ..__ .. -.....-~··-··-···- ···-.. ···-.._--·- ---·-~- Doo.k MW .t ·. BRA ILliTT ~-... --.... - .... ....;;....-··--·· .. -- ....... ·-----.............. R. & A 1' .. 4 LL ~t •rATI ---·-·-------.... ----------·-····-·--·--· .. · ··~· ·---·- .J•o,,,te.r <t. 'F. Gl.LU=$ --.. -·-··----·----···-.. --.. --.... --.... 8 . 8. Uept. J . lt.lfE },Uta .··"·-.. ·- ·-----····--.. ·· .... _,. .... _, .... Vocation nl Education ••DJC&I-r B'. ----------- --.. - ··--··--·--·--·---·- Solpblle COG" R.E.ELS --.. ·-- .. ·-------·------··-·-···_.____ ~lachine• L£. ~(JR.\. Hl GR'£:0"'- ·----· ..... - ""---· ·~·-.... -- ··--·--~ ·---· ... Fi..nis bin~ lloom 'fB£ COl .. O).;.EL ·-·---- .............. - ......... _ ··-· -·········· ·····- ···· -··--·· ..... EJ: t rocl THE NEW YEAR S \·e come lo the clo~ e of the old and enter the ne'.Y year, we s hould r emen1bex our blessings ancl forget oux sorro\ s. Bear in mi11d, life J=- lar·gel: \vhat we nHtke it. Again thf; dCJck of time hc.1s 1nade the circuit. and \ ·~ ta:1d on th,e threshold of a new yea r " ·ith lhree s t..Hld;:ed and sixt.v-fi e IJ1·and n e~w days, V\7hich we hope hall J ~ futJ <,f good things for us all. A,.. \'e think <1I tJH'! da:s and mon lhs of the year j us l Jh>i.,tt 'U1.J1 tl ljt~grn ... as the~ cro\vd into our rn.ind s : L \·odri ar.d Jny f1 H'JW lJf> jogs better off for n1y hav­ing JL <J ~ f1 av~ I <,:J~otd l;u lNi a nyth il1g· tnwaJ·(,] lh e haJ;~,jn _ r,r oth•r '! ,A/hat p t'()flTC~., l1av ·· f tnad >, aHd ~:hat ; il:le :n. .' ph Jl.y 1 or 1! J;j;J '! Su('b U1nu-zhts v:i lJ difilU t j, the 1 ind ,A· lho..~c.! who ar-e intt •e=~f;li Jo tiH~j, h·lJ•,wn an, and w:i1o dc:si t·P Lu r P·rtd r , ;t re:d f!t..::r,.fPP :o (jr,d artc }Juruatdty. J) rnvt~V<H', tho.~(.) of us hn b;tJe r·(,Jl 1 ILuv~1 lilt l~~ qr n-~ ,thir~g to Jtnd e f) ] flt,P.' "-'')JJ I ' t-:1 a pUll}! t,f J (·) ' ~~ 1. As '(: P.nt r th•~ H v.· .~'t:1!Y, :'<Jud .. -\'Ji u1•onf.; 'IJ' itt order, J:lPd t h l ' ;-:t· 11U1• b :.t H'JD Je• rrui a JOJl n ou1· p, 1 f(• 111H l\ ; •n()t .... <;"J• ly irt th ~ fnt t. f iJ .. < h ri:- . whn "wen ~1 huu t u<Jhlg • oHd.'' ·vve ··re MJ id Lhat in tlit! vld Saxor t.l "' i w thP cu:-:ton' c·u N .,,. Y en.r·s PtJr to fJiJ,r La'·e JJ . piced ~ ie pnss d a t'(H llld vd l h th • e..x prP ~ · io, ~~ ·.sh iJ. ·• wl i~h nn~ant. "'I o Y0'tl' h t!~dth.'. l· l enc~. th () ·ig"n n t e \ l)H( ' 1 \ • .1 , .. iJ. or ' ; d howl. .. 'Ph'' J'e a ""' nrc who . t dl nh.s ·l ',, t h ~ Hl1titjtJl ru ·tt•n' nf $•·r .1 g l e howl nn )'" ) (..a ··· eve. \'e ar.-' infOl . r-d th~lt in E.ngland the h<•\ l contaitH ·rt 11 \l;{C~> cl0\1(.t, t r:,l ·riwnan r ciJ)Il ~l.lll (>tt, g in }!<·r. n •t trney ~ lld c(Jrittndet· sc.. I · tr1.;.:ad with cquul proprJrUt) JS c·f JJO r t and · ll(.!l l'.). ~ith ~ggs. Vid yon J·no\. lh< l \!ew Year ':s IJay '\aS not a.l:w~t-Y kept on .Ja nu•trr l ~t ·! E ·en lorla.:· the Je '8, Tntl ·,. ('h in · J and others do n<Jt tJlr')PT ·e .JanHa.ry 1 ~1. as.~. ew Yec.u·'s Day. ln fact. Lhe ulJ.·( .. rvance of Januf•r.r l. t as '~' e·w Y <:6~r · Day i& t-el ~• ti v e l ~· new. In L-f;"3, bv a.::t edicL of Charles lX, France changed the tin1e of the beginning of Lhe year to .Janua rr 1st. ln 1600 ~ct:>t~ Ja11d made lhe same change. eut not nntil Ll -i~ d1ri England arlopt Januar.v L!'t as t he beJ(i n ninr~ of tli~ ~ew Year. vVe are infoimed that in 'pain, France and It:al. · nlote is rnade of New Year'·· Day than Christmas. a!(] L 't. S\'l vester 's eve, as the last da~ of t h.e ~ea r :s cal!erl. is the most joyous day in the yea1·. As \ve enter 1935, ""e wish you all "A happy aud p1·ospet·ous New Year." And when we sha JJ have C->Ol'1 to i t"' close may there be no 1·egrets, but rather a fe .... l­i. ng that we have rendered a real s e1·vie e. and that we have helped to rnake this old \V0rld ~ bet ter I la'-·c in w h.ich to live. fail. CO-OPERATION NEEDED 0 -0PERATION is t he force that doe~ things. It i ~ neces .. ary to the g ro' "'i.h of nn ,. (\t gani­zation. \Vithout the ~p il·it of c o~ope1 ·a t ion ''re In our organization, we ne-ed n1vst of all. ~ ·hnlehears­ed co-operation in our sa fety effort. Too n1an. ':\LCJ dent$ ~n·e occurr ing and the larger percenh ge l>f then1 cll~e traceable to unsafe practices. \~Ve <ln nut seern J. '" th inl· uefore we act. V/e a re not saf t \ n1in acct~ \i.f~t .. • ly ccm ~c i ou ::;. The cmr1pn11Y can huild guard:; ttlld f~n ·e in u\a ·hiu ~ nnd <langt·rou.· pla<·es, hut ar ·it..h nt~ will t<(.lntinu · uu J e s~ we ha e ~a fe m n . ns:--tf.e pr:H·hef's ltacl t"" a\,:ti-d ~nts uud : flrl ouH trouldP. ~ \d' h ~· ill tht:~ 1 w Yrar l et' ~ ntel' tu ll ~, int<l "hP s pir·it •f ~tJ't--t .v . l j n)t.·~'t \' • d '-1 ~orn bod .\ L ~ going h ~ulf<·r. (lrHPinu1r n l:\~ IP.'l! h is lit'\ . ~tc p n.Jtd think! lt ~~. l rllgh f.ltf• .\(111, il 11llV. Id h~ llH'. n. \il\1 WH t to !(t f iH.· • • d l · h.i ll~.:d ·~ U}f cour ·p ~ ,u (lu n t·. but li ~ tc..'n- --u n­J ~ PJ :u.: tc .- \'" u e. per h·4).. uinety pe•·<·ent tlf the ~c .. j -If 11 · t 1 'Hl' ll·tnL If \ c '' t? re :lll ·af()t.r CPnRc ious :lld ~}way s lH';lCt'ieing a. fe~~ r nHH' OUt of 'Vt' l "j ten 9 ~ dden 1" \\ 'nlrl not occur. \\-H. '' h. .1 1 ~h ;lll \C io nbout ·it·. Continue througlt 1 t :i > ~1, >vre di i 111 1 t j.J ·t If ·we- rlo son1 of u · will b• ~ "f' ~ , ... ~. tl er for~. we a:r pJ ~Hiin,sr i1'l' 'Yholeh<-'art<'d ~- d-· Pt~ll1 n jn ou1 'Hfet · efl nrt rludng l!l~~ C<tn '" . 1·U,1t ll 0 Jt'r nL on you? -------+--~----~-- ~ U lXr~ UE. TH TOLl;~ ~ TILL Ut 'I .N :--:till th O<- ~~th toll (\ · a re. ult t>f autotnnbife }lccirlents ~ ... ,1lt.intt~8 t t \ lHOUt'lt. ..~. c" ll'<hllg t 8tatis tic~ gath .. red l·y· 1 he Tr!!' ~I t ~ 1 u ~ ur"nc ([1,iHl\pany ~.\f · lartford. <lP· vroxin,{,f\.1('''~ ~( ,4tl0 p l~·~ons " ·ere 'kill~ d and 7l0.000 inj ur a ~ 1 \..·~ult l f nearly ()i)< 000 attt on1ohHt :'l.Cci­d Itt, in ht· l ~ n1t,e,l ~utte.; in ih tl.r. t ten nH nt.hs of tile p ·1:\~f'n.t , >:..\1. 1"h i reprP .. e1' t ~ a.n incrpa~.;.e of 1 6 pt.H' c tin fa t~htH~ : 1.: \'omp~red \Yith th~ ~atne }Jf'rind f 1~... Lt i stat d 1hat h~re 1 a~ b~cn an incre:1se o · :thn )~t 2 1 er r'cnt in the nutnl e1· Df driv r :" inYoh·ed. in au l ) rr.~ bile ~ <:c1 , ent .. who ,\·t're declal ed to h(l in­tbxi"' · :.t-d rul ~ "1 :nlTf!;'\. e nf :--3 p~r c nt in the JHlnlber ot: p .. le~ 1 :. :.. ;nvuh ·cd tll ueh accirlent " who ' ere • ~ · clc. red iln o. ~k a ted, Bcn.ibtl ~- t h '"'t'- ,~. h o opv ed re- I ' cti u , i'H ruaht. D1Uel f the-~e re~. B·ut Connecticut ftn(f. e J ~>r~ey he:tJ f~\' er auto1nobile falaliLies in ep­t-. einl et~ of thi V ~(\.r th3J1 in ~eptern her of lt:tst year; anci . e' \ ,.. ltk 1~e..:o1·d rl a dt1cre:1"'e in the number of fat lit'!e~ {)r tlie nr'"t e:-ight nlonth~ of 1934, the pel·iod 0f tl"-e 1- ar f, r \h ch fi:rurE' .... are 110" available. ~ -A "lie ville Citizen. • :Y 0 - ..: RE A ·""tALES lA ~ \Ye 1l ' .o\ w t, business is up against today. ':J' ~·~. h.. e b, .. ~n r1:tne ~ whro1 the gteat problems of b 1s. \: · $ \ e1 Cl in J'r·~d iCt1on methods, in n1anufactu1-ing ~n ,.tg:\1 {-r-o lt1 • etfiei Jntly. · ~ ' I ,~ ~Jjoblt!n ha_ Lecorue pretty \V~ell solved. Th.e g1·rat l'J ]em f;..ting bu. 1n~ · today 'is the problen1 of di~t fibution. c-.f _e1\ing the good or ser\Tices 'vhich are .. j ·'f:) 1~ i.: p t.; the Sa.! e.- Departrnent,.. you say. \Vell. tnat ~s L 1e to a b1g exient. but ho'\1 many em­plo. · ... ·n t 1e dep· rtn1ent,.. of th~ l.Ju iness realize the x <: r.- o ~rJuch the it· own ' ork i re. ponsib)e for the ~ .1\sce~.. ' "' le cr,!lipahy in selling its goods? ! 10 ma~;ter ho'\i good 'Lhe ale · departn1ent may be c ""'t n·..e· s ~,-: n n~t lH1;: unle~ s thE: goods are the be}1t. ~ h~t car .. be c,lJtained for th~ price, and custGmers will J ep·1ai n :cu:-:t ,)rueJ·_ unle"'::; the good themselves, or e "et'Vict p1·orJ , · b(!d, etc .. l)ve u }J to what is clainled. ~ oo~ mu~t ue made yight -made efficiently so 9 t h c.\ c ;rn h p•·i(·cd rig·h t. un d { ncu a c·n x ton1 (' t is oht · 111 · d h ' tlltf ~t be giVt1 tl th<- htlf..i ~ J ·t · tt Hl in E'VI(' l'Y \VU . ,vh.ich '"' ill l\ cp hhu a · u f: iOnlt..! L'. N·o'\.V t hi p-u t.s if ' tp nut ~tlon E- 1 o lh .. s:• I~H d pu rU· n t~nt, but tn ~ e t'j sing'lc Tl 1. o~E· \ ·ho p1 udtu"t , tho. e io the rvi c ·~ ·wo.-k, Lh\) 'e doin~r UH)· ccu~re~\ po n­( 1(\nf·e and <'lc1'1t'·d \'t>t'k. iht\ l cleph, ttlf' n•· ,.,, ,:'va.tol· p l'­~ tt Pr .. , th ' ~ hi1 per::>, v ry~ nc i · ntd. onJy dc~ tJC'ttd ~ n t on th ~nl f'~ . but h:-.: :\ J:!t*Pn.f d •;,d to dr1 Vt' i l1 {,h P f f he .·a1eS-. (' ·pe ·iull) "·i t.h reJ} ·at trrd( t ' . The whole bu ~ inc~"of is tht~ sa le-., d~Illlfthl nt. }, •r.Jry r.u i ~ a, salP ~ Illill l. He lli <1Y llC•t t;d l ' ut•d r ~ dil PCt- 1), J u lH~ h. s n part to pl>t · one W<J.Y fH· [ 111 1l.h r Jn \o\riu ­nit- lg <~o nfi1l cuc ~ in ynnr prodLH·t. '1\'\'' llt} .. fotll• huu U'l a d lt, • v ~ry ern J)-lo.v0 i ~ in flt.enc .. in~· peopl .. in S< rn \ way t O\rO.l'd i h<.' bu:;Jneso. {-{e i. · ml-'J"-h1g f rien d ~ fu1· it or nHtkin ;· "knockP.r.s. '' . nd .vf:i. it is sut ptis ing how li Lt! ~o rne -<·Hnp f0\' 0~ l · l H>'V a iJLHit tbe things th y n1~1, to be &old. It is to tho In{CJ'est of c er,\'onc to kll o'vY Ut r l'(.)ason bacJ,.. of i he C!(H nva n:\.·, the ~erYice thnt it 1s l ·~ jHg to givt- to the public. Fr<)lll the P•· sideHt lo t.J1e office hoy PVC'i·.vone should be ab]fl to boa ·t of the thing.~ they heJp lo nud· : nd Oe glad to spread t he goocl JlevYS about th 1.r products ever y\'\ h er ~ the\ go. ' If y.ou cannot dire-ctly ~ell \''IJUJ: con1 pany'.-- prod net~~ you can at Jeast sell its per~o n ali ty 1 and both CY(!atf! good '"";ill. And , o, no ntatter ' ·11 rt t y our pos l iion, you have aL siake the sales a.ctivity of your' company. A p1,·on1pt :ru1d efncient perfor1nanee of youl' duti e~ ha::: a oeftnite bearing on it s .. ale·. And b~li eve u , sale~ th~se day mean bu~ine · ~ucce ~~ and everyone of u~ is af­fected by the e tent t.o ""hich our company is g·etting then1. Babson In ute. 1~ uneral Etiquette Rab has been invited to the funeral of a neighbor's third wife, and, as he had attended the f unerals of the first t-wo, hjs O\vn ·wife \Vas surpri sed \.vhen he inform­ed her he \vas not going. ''But \¥11 )r are you not going to th_i-~ one?" asked his ~vife. "vVell, ~1ag, it's Jike this. I feel a bit a'vvkward to be always accepting Tirn.'s civilities "~h en 1 never have anything of the sort to ask him back to.'' Frances \~.That did father say, Eddie? Eddie I I don't exactly know. I -er-don't kno\v if he said ''Take her, 111y boy" or "ta1\e care, n1y boy., Well Nicknamed The teache1~ \Vas cuTiou. to lnow why the boys -c' lled one of their nun\ber 'vVe~.theTstnp'' so a ked hin1 ho\v lae got his nicknam c. wcause I kept rn. father out oJ the draft." th youngster replied. "I was b0111 during· the \Var." • • • 1-0-- THE L G ---~-'--------~---------"'-""""-- "~----.-- ·-------"--...:.:....,--'-----:----'-.,;_...;;'--- --.---...~: __ __... ______ """- • \ . u~ u r ion<l I Eriucn t i l}n lust r u ct ()l·s Y OC _ TJO; '.\.L C' S 'E STOP FOR HOLIDAYS Dv J. \~a..rTen mith • .A Yt'r\ ~ucces._ ful fall ter n1 of vocational cla 1 ses has • i u~t been Cl'rupleted. Dur ing the n1onths of October, . -oven1ber. and December, t here was in regtllar ession :30 different class units, stud ~~ing 17 ent s ubjects, , under 19 dit1e1 ent instr uctor s. F oY these cla sses t here ~~as a total enrollment of 520 ,,~orkers . This represents a high mark in the h j tory of our vocati onal school. The different 1nstructor s and the men who attended are to be e01nmended for the splendid work accomplish­ed. During the whole session there '''as a sph·it of en­r, husiasrn v.rhich was gratifying to those in charge. The zneeting regularly of this nun1.ber of people \vith piv.otal n1en to discuss technical problems and learn new trade ... kills. is bound to ha\"Te a healthy effect on our plant. The second ... emester of classes \'t·ilJ begin on January 1. ~iost of the subjects offered during the fall wilJ be co.ntinued through the spring term. The subjects with th.e Ttau1es of the instructors are as foJJO\iS : Metal Lay­Ol t. Ho., d :Starnes' ; \Velding, F. C. Holland ; Generall\1e­eha. nics, \~lillianl Battison; Blueprint Reading, H. G. ;)Ln key; .~team Plant Practice, G. C. Klopp; Shop Mathert1aUcs. :vi. V. Bra.rnl,ett; Paper Making, L. H. Hartshorn ; Hoan] Making, E. M. Sligh ; Pulp J)rying, F'J ank Qu r:!~n; Suir1h Jte Pra:ctjc€, J . H. Sechrest ; oda Sulr>h~,d.~ P1 ac:Uee, \·VHliao1 l{obert:on, Glenn S111athers, (;u Codi) Chadr~ ,1w1llf~~, and Bryan By rd ; Soda-Sui­phd. p \1:.!.themaU ·;}, f~rya11 I.;vrd; Papet Chern ialf.\1"1 • prf fJvtl tt ; p;_, !J~J' 'f f!~Cing, (; U]lilH l r; ..,h Jl>· d<ll d ; Paper Fi nj~hj h r. f ·~ n·~r ('o.vtA.n·n; A fJJ)J'e slt" ,. r-slt ; p, .f. Wat'l' .-n , ~-- rJJ ith. '1 h ~rt-> \Vill }, .f.JlJfhJ tuoit.v fvl"' n ·w JHf:Jnb ,.~ tv JOin the f'h-1:-..·BS wht:au tlt ·',y fY ,(lv,.-w~ roc iH· .JJ)tl U~' lt rlr l. Auy n w grtJ'..IjJS '\'JH IJO f.l.f'(.'1Jn1fU 11 latl a WllCJ wfll pl41 8, .. Ht tJH;n sclvi s :' r ~ tLf. w cJ~t ~\s. Tho~r~ · b~eu ·heu th. lktu1·e \ · c.:. nr ' , ~u 1 BPh n ·dahl E l. ~ 'ligh. •ryan bynl, " rry 1 r h G. . Klopp, ,h)1u1 '-'n1at1 ,~ , :.s Hnd J:. H. ~· ·ru·e t. E"l Hf.; t~ HlJ \I 0 {r ,., JIB P L ~ 'r·· By J. 1\'1. Beato • ""'-'"--- \' The lnfaut H· vi:n ,. y l t! full ,\ f'11 tel•JtPd r '0111 t!Jc ~JOl'l ft{tS Yuie lde! 1 ~a:s n of 1. 3 1 wh ich r J i maxet"l a Jear 1f gradual1.> in crea:~ing J; ro pet ity tn vp·luaOv e·'ery line of efldea.vo1·= w t urn o ut· who l cheart~d at. ention at this fJel'i1 d o t he :::wadriling infan t o.[ l ~)3 ,) v-t !th a geuuine f ling or opti rrti m and good cheer. Unquestion ably it is the CGunest hop'-= und de,strc of every 1nen11Jer of The Champion Frunlly that th i.~ JllPl ~> infant of 193!i will rapidly n1ature intu ~llfTici eut 1~~ and abili tv to usher us through a Ntw Year which nH • be cUmaxed by a n1ammoth, but stl:~ictly not1nal. prt>- gram of pros perity generally. Again They Repeat Carrying out an annual cu~ tom whk.h ha .... .tor ;3ev­eral year.., featured the actions of ho p·talit · on the part of the Cham}Jion Employees and the Cr~amt>ion Employees tore, the hearts of no less than l -~ needy and destitute families jn this terTi tory Wt:re brigr, tened Clu·jstmas when elabol'ate baskets of food were placed in their homes. Champion employees were only too glad to donate s uffieient money in order that more than $700 wocth of Christmas food could be adequateJ.v· di triJJuted to persons tlu·oughout this section ~vho had no other visi­ble means of securing Christmas cheer in th is JI.Lanner. This department learned officially that more than 0 D Champion employees freely donated to this ' ·orthy cause this season. It was fUl'ther revealed that each family receiving a Christn1as cheer basket \a... tho t ­oughly investigated by a con1petent committee in order that no unwise donations would be made. The C hanl­pion Foreman's Club forrne rJy carried out thi.:- annu. I program of Christn1as cheer. The worthy program was carried out und~r the cap ~ b1e $llpervi ion of W. 1\IL Rol.>e1tson, as,jstnnt uperin­tendoot of the Soda 1\!J ill. with the following ~S$1 Stnnt rep1·es~nting various depa,rtrnents of the ntill =. Pet r~· Cogburn, treasurer; V eaver 'orrt?ls. J esse .\ II .... '\ . B. Willirunson, J1·., J. I~J. Btn-rell, J. R. B~ \r~. l . B. Yod\, Uen '\iVillian1 ·,Louis [•~. G, tesJ ,V. V. lv ·-.l r , ll r~ old I-fa11Son, C. .J. W ils.on, F~. ~1. Ryer~ . W. S. llh. t t. f,·ank Su1alher~, <.'. n. \~ ' ill , t;ilht.rt tuttt . \' .t\l . l'·n­ti ~on, n. c. R uUlt-'~, nill \.hitin~·~ \V. ~ 1. Atlt~n llHl ~It~S,~ Thoroas, t)rnplo) ('~ c.•f t he Svu1 h ~rn nHH·w·Ly, in C·ultt'n. Th • Clu i::;tn1us lm ~~\~t " \l' ro Jd i\' ert. d tu th :\ tw ·,\ f tUrlilies p;n•l) 1\lumlll.,\' Ill •rni n r, lh.'l('Jllb••r !.. tl 1. "r~ W 1<" mu~ .l)avt' 'l'hJ · t•~p.rlr~ •wttt t d\l'" thi npplHtU&\ity OL ~ladh \t•l • • . illg 1a\ 1L Fl:~1ri.~ i.ut{) ·hfl Chan pi n fan1R\· a~ ;r•,f c.1f'.l. · o th ~ (:'"\. ~utive <:unln'litioe of. th .) ~Ht"\"'lY or­~-- ·d t iuvnpi ,.tl Hou})ital ·~veiat i n. [n,e., ,,.hid1 "t#j}f'l~ L· R.f;;t pl~x · latol~ l ,OCU1 n1 nlber.:-- at t ln tune . .Aft 1· .;BtVh1g l~tr h· tltreP y ar~ as d >put..y citr clcr.h :n~l ~ · · Ct Jit:ch.n: •r th · tt-vwn of Canton. Da v,! r esi ·n ~ ~l~ \'~ral dn v~ ~·u rn a rue his du tie~ 'A:'ith 1'he Cl\Qnl ~lm Fi 'l f\ Cc LU1JHJlS in t h.e a forenlt-rttioned eap!lci1·_\'~. U · until the tinte -of hi · esicrnation Da, ·e htld al~o :erv. d < s cl(l<rk ,f the C\f.\ l?t lice C 'U r t in conn ction \~'jth 1 is oth£- · d1tj ~ f<H the to~·n. Dr. J. L. ~ e ' -~. Ma~' ~)lr of Cant )n,: highl.' Ii!uded V-~·· e·s allJh .y ~~ etn e ·ecttt~v·e 'lUd 'Ta ... d&r.idedly open 1-\ ith thi. .J ate.1n nt: ·· Uav..e Ilarris is vne {if t b n1{1~t e'flfi ic t'leri.~ai )l1t:"ll \ -jt},~. " ·h1)tn r ·c e et eOtlle h1 COO v e . til "·oxk ,,.h n ~ b.e was emplux"cd by ~he t t1-w11 of ··.ntoH} \i ·~ ss. J fil' .. tl~· ·eh ~ .. e. :!lht)ve l~cproach.· · Do,\ e '' ·H 11 ak~.: l1is ll!a<h.) nartcr~ fr-:>i- the tinl l be'ng it tb.a P.u 11a .. ter' ~ oiT~ce of the e.otnlJanr. _-\n £1abo~<tte .. fl'air ·· ~~ e ~-l· o a \Y()nderfnl th11 ~~nd the p ogrur.n ''-'"aS 1 J~nd1d,'' Jeclarred ... ,,-bj} \Yllson, ' hil ''fhea J ent.z ku~e!ed the a!f.a.U: a ''dBe.,ided ~ uc .,~ ~ frc,rn e er,· angle .. ,. Tht\ ladi~ \Vert' ·cornn1.fU1ting on th~ tmnual t.hri 'imas Ba.ntJUet of !he'.n · &u ·ine s and Prote~ iol';'s \ro.!ten'~ Cluh 1eld iu the Chan1pit1n Y.l\l.C ....o \. g Ql­: n~ ... iun .. here 1lo11daj 1 ight1 D~een1be r 17. Foilo'\ iug rbe in\ ocation by th,e R~ . A. \ ' . Joyner , pu .,tm: nf N1e Cau~on Bapti t Churel~ . the anntutl event ' .3\ ng htt,. ~<:ti-on " "'ii h ct ot·rve.r add ·ess of "\J\·elcon1.e by ~ [! <.; ~ tlngh .l\len~~. ~lub pl'~ ·id~~t. E>:r. A.. P. Clin~ can1e ba\;.}t \ 1 h bH~ t ~ pun~e to the \'Ome. Pauline i~un-b te ~ J.> l'e~ded oYer . re occasi()t~ ·wftie-h \?"as decJar­d t,l . e no-s-~- .:ucc~s ful of L. .s 'kilrd ~:v·e:r 01Ji~Fe'a i n local ~ teTrt te ·\· . - • . ~ nid scene-~ of genuine mel:TIDJl.ent interm~gled with t~e Yuletide s_pirit. exactly J;.~9 . p.ersQns emJ'Oyed the e~. :on. !.\H~l 1ber of tt1r.e ..~. cla Gr~ys~n -Cirel.e ef the »bs~ona.ry Soeiet\· vf the F1rst Ea~tlst Chur--ch pre<-- f;laf and €.,,~ ed the ~laborat'e -banqu~ n1.:ehu. . ~\it~mber: Df the club entel'ta~ned as the.ix gue ts the he~ds _ of vari()u -civ~ org~nizaUons of Canton~ Yule­. ide 1·:>eoraLion Df e~ergreens, poin~ttias a.nd holly~ v. .re at t'2·:ti'" el~ a1~1·anged for th.e oeea~ion. Place e·a.rd:s ~-t:1 e ll1a_de of · th-e c.l~b se.als wit . the gttests nantes ~n·itt&1 '!.n gold.. .:\ t each plate was a poinsettia }ll ~lder ~ on:t..amha r fl -. hire candle. · · 'F:. ea. Jentz as chahntan of the comntjttee on ar- • ·a1~geni nt~ ruia '·.as a sib ted by J.Jencme Johnston a:ocl. 'arah OslJ<)flt!?~ The inte:restin.g -1 wor snow ·was in Ch~-rga -'If' ~h·s ... ~her rill, inst•~uctor in t11e Sbel~ill Sehool Da .cill ·~ in A&\eYille. @n 0i the f:e~tur:e e''~nts of the entertainment and r,f t1'l-e l~igp:~.::t surp:t:.i~e.s 'vas the a~robat1c dance tl€ ~~-~.? gJyen br little ~ anc-y ~ease, daugl1ter of • rH'ograJll. ... U th ~ 1~alk l O\Y -\ · Cil~ '· I.~tt Pe ,· ing·' · (.1round in the ~ ~ .... t.he oth ~t· nlght and \,\ ·1s t\ttraet..!:.._l by n1an.r and va.ri d tii scu ... sir)n~ re­g: arC1 il1~ the propo~(j{] ·· e~· J-Iobb ~ Clu l/' idea l.tow un­der cau~ id euaUo.Jl by G ... C. Suttle , general u n · ~ec ·e- Wl'. ." .. AJl \"ou ha,Te to do is let rout \'\"ishes Le known .and the ''Y'' t11Mag·enlt~llt pt·oposes to sntjsfy ,Y()tl \vith ~ ust th~. ·ltrrc.11d of recreatjon you mo t earnestly d sire. ~eer -~ ary Suttles declat · that·iuntunetabla J.nembe.r.: have .-approached him Ye-centJr in :regard to the p1 o .. posed -1noveme.nt_ and - ~ev idently at~e taking unusual in­te~ re t in the Jl1Rtler . An1o11g the ma:ny recreational features cotata.ined in th Ls 11e'v proposal are: archery, hand \Veo.ving\ nature studj es, hikjn.g. ph.otogyaphy, pine needle ~weaving, bool\s, bicyclingl bees wax tnodel- ·in,g., \-Vl'Ought n·on \V01'k and many others.;t .. Above Par Although eld man ·winteY' bas been blowjng his f r igid lJreath ~veT thi area ftOr the two n1onths,, inter­est in the ne\vly orga11iz,ed Chan1pion Riding CJub re­nlains ~ a litt le above par, aecording to H}Ia:I-l·k'·' Allen., active cJub men':l.bel" who has cJ1arge Gf the horses. Mem­berships ave graduaJJy jnereasiug as t he new recrea~ tional feat·ore gro\v.s older and all members e·em to be taking unnsual lnter.e ~t in the ·ente1tainn1ent. 'Ibis new project hould )Jrov.e one of the leadtng ~ Y:' fea­tures by the time spring ar.r'i'ves and the blue birds are flittering hithe1· and yon. . ~ Anothe1· Good Dee-d For the ben(efrt.. of underpriviledged children in this s.ectjon, members 6f the Y,s Men's Club mailed out 1,800 Christmas seals this season. More than 700 ' . seals had ~een sold to n1ahy person's before Christmas while several hunored others brought in r:noney before Ute camp.aign closed. Wallace W~eeler announced after Clu:istn1a$ .. that t-he ptogtam was a brilliant success and .many dpUars and cents ~7 ere realized therefrom. This gl'owing club is a}ways alive to those things wh.ich tend to elevate the c.ommunity in general and eaeh member is ptoving an as~et ·to this section throukh his frQe co-o).4el!ation along many lines . of gen­~ l·al a;d v.a~ncement. • • ' ' • 1_2_ ________ THE LOG ......,..._ .......,. ..... _ .. ..,.. ..... - ---------------- Th . . d partrnent i rqJe that an metn of E Chanspion fatnjl) , th ·ir ir· nd , neighbnr und other acquaintance$ have nj \yed a \·ery ~l rr. · hd --ttn:\"' and "ish~ tlH~nl every brand 0f happin s · · 1d 1 to-..; ~ pe ~i ty in ' bund;.u1ce t.h t·ong11 ut the t , , . eni. BY. Dai$Y. llurn~tte P ~ r .Jlt·. Ph if H 1 , : I'he ~\?W )~e- . l$ hete. Th~ C'hrl:·ttnn~ or ninctet3 ll thil·t.\ -four i ~ O\ er t\nd gun~. ~1ay w keep on tiny sn in ina- Ch n "tn1a.. t h0ught ~ f "Olllt t.h in. r b ·nut j{ul to cru.Ty u~ 0n through nineteen thirt~·-fh· . Therp ar~ a few things ·we U1jnk sh uhl hn ve happet1· ed :n und here at Christntu time. F'irst we \·ant-ed Doris Keener to }et us help open her package .. a .. t.h y c~une in. he :would have had plenly t K.trk. \''e think bould ha\·e had a new · fascinator. \) Of cour .. e he i~ \lll ite fetching in the .old one. e. peciall ~r cold wintev n1u111ings after r eco ering from a case of flu \ ith red no_e and Jog horn oice. But his old one h-3 - had so n1uch ''ear. (Get I{ irk to give you the Je-fi.nition for fa cinator.) \Ye would have had Pauljne laughter presented with , me ve1y ne'\ kind of gasoJine so she might drive the di -tance bet " ·een Richn1ond, Va. and Washington, D. C. in le than sL'- hours. We understand she spent tJ\e remainder of her vacation in the above places. \'e would like to have had Wlary lVIcNa.ull make up her n1ind about the time of her departure. ''I go, I stay, I go. 1 stay, I'n1 off.:' TI1e annual Christma party of the Business and Pn~- fe .. ional omen ·s Club was quite a success. .Ask ~11' . J~ntz or a ... k ] Geier. • 1 rs. P.ay Jamison comes to us f1·om t he Time Office. Happy :\ew Year to the Editor and reader of The Lvg-. No .Jail Bootlegger The prison vi ·itfJ:r was going around t he cells and .. ·a. d. l·ing rather fatuous qLtestions. uwas ii your JQve fo.t' d1·ink that brought you here ?" she asl,ed a p t i~on~1· "Lor, no, Aliss/t ['be l'Errllied, ~~yo u can't get th • I l I I no 1n t'H~J·e. 'l'be Cut-Up •·Y~ iell"' ~# id tl1e .unreon as he shat>peued his kl1ife. ··] ':v~c: got. it> trpen rr,~, m:-dP! ' r1-l e nan l ho aP-TE.:f·~ wi-th eV~'t Jrth io '1' you SAY lies , t r1 fJtl ~ rs aJ o. I -~--'---~-------~----.....,....-- . - \ Hl th~ poiu Ptf ia., h'-' ht~a,uHfu l cOlD ' ' t ' be " JH)nj nl.c:au · vdl h fht' <)u·i .. rclel"il''l out •)f lt s d 'P' ndt.\rH,.. uw~ l ru t ;>1 il:; tubher s 11pply? . ~; ·perin-.. ·n l 'i Ll1al h~t'-"~ f!Jl the t' u ·n· l"k · ~f ~;:jn suN'-( ..... :--fnl h:~ ' · h(' ..:n Jnude nod t!.ete j e 'o;;;U no-.\ :1Ik o f plnnti ng 20 O(J(J <tc;r·p, ,J tj (: flo'' '(·J· In "'luri• · ne · Fehruary. I H<~ricCJ Uhu: f;• r t-,,t • tart .. ,J n' natJor.a1 can l'aig.n tu providt . lJ b!-:tH n t ";-. fJ 11t • .rntiH.~1ic pro I Jcfio• ,f rub­~ el· has iut ·resled , i ntbl~ . inc~ i woulcl l en n ·•· ~ j­l\' in tirne Of \'Hf Wht. n the ) J ll£1{ fl,,W r\f J •­prnd uct mig ht bfl pre.r\ t·nletl. The late 1:'honLas E di ~>n cvnduct(iff Jeugth; e~JJf!l'i­ments in nHt l' ittg ru bb~r fTr..~m goldl;!llrod. l~ t\ nl·r l·or l in a r ecetti iotet·view ·b'tl&J t hat n had r1tidP,l.l fn a car with Ures mud ~ fr·on• the golden1od l~bf e1· fJl o­du: ct. He ilJtimated, hoY\ evel·J t hat it wiH be tn necel:Y sru·y to n1an ufacf it s,r nthctka!Iy a Jung i:t • it c~u be easily impo1ted. He did not say "'O. btL 1Jt'e ·ent costs would probably IJe h i gh~r fr,r the _y nthetir pro­duct, also. The late t plan, ho,vever, if ptelimina.ry e~timatil pan out, may nHlke the synthe tic product a comm~'­cial success and free this country frotn it ..; de"t endenc{: on foreign markets even in t io1e::; of peace. ~hE: flower would be planted in the Everglades of Florida .. Poinsettias grow wild in wlexico and it i planned to impot't seed fron1 that collntlT. It is sajd. the flowers tnay be .gro·wn also in Geoygia, Alaba.n':la. Texas and Califor nia. Poinsettias are a garden flnwet· now in Charles-ton, Savannah and many other :·o,1the1-n citie.::>. He11nan E. Pitman, t. Louis chen1· ~~ c.redilect '' ith discovering t he vroce s, thinks it will net gr-o,,·el·­$ 18,000 000. It is pointed out t hat 4.000 pounds or rubber can IJe obtained fl'c>m eigh t m ·nths gr \YtL of poinsettias and would l>ring about t wo cent per pound. From para trees planted 13 to 20 feet apart, a 1 uxi­r. nurn of 1,300 pound"' of rubber eau be '(:lCUl'ed <. 'ter ten years gt·owth. PHn1an. it is aid. disco\·ered the process accidentally, having found upou brui:;in · a le~l f of the plant that it was ·ticky. Ii' hopes ru·e realized. the pvin. etlin ct·0p,. d ~u btl "' :', '~itl be th~ rnost b~autiful C.l 'OP rnis-ed in . lllt\rica l<c.S well a .. one of the mo ·l vA iuahle.- A "hevillt' . ~ iti t~n . Made tu Ordf'r A ll ~'-·V I ~· ct·eated pflpa r N ·tl-iVL<tj t • t~ g_Ia ~ t idiugs in .l ( PlAgJ;CtJJ\ : " ' "HHZt.:'l J.{an· b it~ th l'' ,L liltl ~i •·l lhi . uaH· iu : lh •th doing well.'' On th ~;; liJ<' 'itiftJ{t~ wa:; a ~ lidH'l' .- f~t1iu!{ · " \Vn c ~1 t ~ t•U \ ~l.Jit \L boy nlll \V t'~h rn lJJ aiun ." .U \;\ 1D, • c.t}}he oJ t'h~ :) "h tm lwr~ --- -r-t,p Cvtnlutu~it,· \·as addel ed i ' J Ieat·n of the de·1th cf .B .. D. llaYnle • • \ h iels <'~CUY-Jt:d ·Oll \' edne&day O\O"t"lllhJ.r) 1lecernbeT lL.. ~lr. Haynie had· bttc.n t\·orhipg far The C:l1amvlun F'bre eou)!.1~tn~- t)lrly _ a ft~-~ a1unths., but had made marry f1·i~nc.L . HL bl·otht·r~ Gtads.oo1 'I :ta v:rue is f.o-reroan of t h€ ~atfl te.Vs. ' ) i \ish to t1u'tnk the ~J11plvvees o.f U.e Rep~ir and Altt'r;:)t;io\1- rlepaxt­nlent, .nd all of D1~- friend 'for th8ir exr ,e_: ion" of s_r1npathy dur-in~ r th.e ·ad . be1·eavem nt o.f losing }"Y J'l.:ir?t 1er 1 B. D .. J:llaxnie. <~ LA.DSO:-\ HA 1 ~IE . -~--------------~ .r nf ' . Bramiet i-unting till eern to l1e the main tor'~ · of' cl cu 5:-io:n al~ound' the lt. '"': .... :\ lune~1 taLl e. l b seem~ Ur'1t ?;Hi1 Ba:rgr-uve arle:t : ome !'h!nd~ \ ~n 'J0l iJato lh ~ tllttl'.\' r en 1.1ur l hunt\ng- a.nd f1r }n1 • • • THE LOG "hat ,,·a · old 111 ust ha e ~t1 po ... se ·ion of .. orne JJ t() Ul)t~un d~,v . An:·\,~ .\. y n. t.<£n to t11i s and decili~ ~or .v ·. tll". elf. fter th"~Y arri vcd and s ~u·ted Hll the HHH1ll hliJ1 it be­g- an t{) rain. Fortun~tely UHJy· w~te oto a faru1e1·'s sprjng ... hon ·~ so thev 'vent inside to ait • for the ._ho\.\·er te nease. PhH ~ai<.l that he k pt waiting f nf' it to quit · ':lin ing but the no' 'e xf the r~}1tier Df the r:=dn co ntiru~ed late in the E' \ •f ning w.h tna hr . tar~ed and founrl out it l·ee1 n <dent rlav • w·ith thf\ e ceptiw1 or earl.r in the nlt'l11ling ,,,.hen it had come a lig·ht sh \rt?r. lie sa\d '~vh · t decei ·~d hin1 :\as l;hP noj~·e of tlJ€ "'·atet· f r on'l tb e sprin~ b(lbl,hng ovet· • on1.e r) ·lo::. J..' hil said at another tin1e he \vent ht.mtrng and it rained .:·o 111neh h·e killed only one -quirrel and that \Ya~ to prevent it frotn d t'O nhlg. F1·ank :n1atliers &ncl }len ~'right _ate both !;irk orer their trade last lecLion in wb1ch they s" rapped nigget· . But from what Be.n says Fl"ttnk is the si·ck er of the two. Frank Vi ants to get rid of ru s and Ben don't want hun so I cton't kno'v 1H>w it. ' \rill all come out . We will h·ave to '\Yait until next election to s;ee. The boys in the Soda Miil repair gang. gave Bill S1:nith a Christn1:a ' tre-e a f~w clays .a.go. Any one"\ ant- 1ng t.0 lea:rn n1ore .d·etails see Tom Wright . . 'IIt L,. Bailey attended the D. 0. K. nJeeting at Spartanburg, ? . C. a fe-tv-- vveeks ago,. and one of the bo)ts .told abottt a11 the ci~owd being i11v'ibed to visit one of t 'he cptton n1Hl.. . S.o the buys started out thrt1 the mill dressed in ~aJ1 the splendor of theil' lodge t<1bes etc. D. L. )n nJ.aldng the rounds get h is robe ea.­tangled in som-e of the· machine·r. and the wo:rlnnen l):a.d to ~ hu t d o,,~ n !, alf. the eottQn mill in order to get h i.m loo e. For more detailed de ~ eription see ~!h~" . Bun1gal11er· at the Sal vag~ Del1).al~tment. Tlte: stork visited lVIr. Chatlie . ·. a er last w·ee1< . nd left lhn-t a !\ 13 fine hab~r gi1·l weighJ.;J1'! ele c11 ~n(l one half 1) nJuds. ~-\ a re ~ o t 'l'f to ·hear of f.~l.RJl k , ·n1ath.ers l1<1ving an ther wreck ~ lth his :tuiornf,lJiJe. Lvcl·Hv no • one \ \'AS h tnt .I):Ct'ionsl.r. .F"r·:tnk is no"'- in he rnarket f ol' an at1turno­bHe \Yith \Vings as f1e S8f~ the mode ·n h ig· ln\·gy~ are not AAf,... enough antl Lh<.' av·()fagr.; n• au- • itnnc.:>bile does uoL run fa ·t e t• ugh. So if you hear of a car h.avjng and un u$tnBlly '~peed.v get in touch at once t ith Fnu1 k Sma.thet: ~ if .v·ou \rant a quick ale. rt iS Wiih g.r·~nt, S(JJ'l'OW tJ :\t t\}Q I \·Ti Let rep rt~ the death of Be,;vJey .I-ut}'llie \vl o h~ts be~n en1ployecl in tb c TI. & A d~artment for several n:ron lhs in the n1i1l \'\ ri)!h t craft. H <? 'va killed. 'A'"hile working on a job in the " oard [)e] artn1(\nt ~d h,. .v falling from tJ1e roof to the cement ~fl oor. We extend ou:r syn1pnth~· to h. is fa1ni b a11 d to his, brother G J ad .. on Ha?nie who is en1ployed in the R & A Departlnent as fot·etncrn of the painting cre,v. • • CARD OF THANKS . W- e '\~i. ... h to thank ou1.... n1an .' ' fri&n.ds for their kindnesses sho'A:n Rud beautiful ftoral offering .. , .es- 1)eCi'aJly the Book 1\rlill Beater room. in the loss of our father and hus­band, I\!r. H. J. :Brp,vn. Clyde Br0\~"n and. Fan1ily. Sign limguage The Sister If your girl.~ father­never spoke to you how do ,v, ou know be dislikes you.~ 'Fhe B1·other He used s)gn lan­guage \1ith a cane, and l had hal'd ' ~t:>rk dodging his gest ures. Ob"V;ous, My Dear Wat.sou Cl1ief of i \..111atetu· Fire Con1pany ---You're late in getting~· here. Young. Fixeman I live. a long \vay away. Chief That's no excuse. In the 'flltture you n1u t live nearer the scene of the 1u~e. . • • 0 • 14 THE LOG ____ _ _____________ _,__..;--,:-';o..-::.:..·----·~----__.;;.:"'----~--.-.......~-:!-:-"..-·" ------~·--__.;;.~- PEGGV ~ , ~ Oa ~hter of l\(r. and )irs. E. Clnrk OUR · ICK Richard. t-he little si.x ~rear old son of 11r. and J\lb:~s. Henrv Blythe ' . ·who suffered an injuTy to his eye, -a few weeks ago wh.Jle playing ~ith sorue other boys, is not im~ proving 'l,;•ery rapidly. Mrs, Bob Harrison is improving slightly foflowing several 'weeks illness. 1\[a.rtha Jean, the little four year old daughter of Mr. and M'rs. E. N. Devlin is recuperating in the .. 1or­b- urn ffospital following a mastoid operation. ~Irs. J. H. Vaughn, who has beetl. In b~Hi health for several months, is • • 1mproV1ng. S. T. 'Vhitmire, who wa~ badly injrn·ed on th "' Henders(Jnville Road a few we~k s ago, is g~tting alr>ng nieely. Mr .. n. A. \?\fils n1 has ht;Qf.) Ot1 th~ sie~. h,.,t f,J-l' S(iJUt ti cne, but w-e hr.Jpt) a he i.n lHJ'-".1 j1n pn,ving. . A1rs. ~iV. ~. S.toathr--, · iH ru the , ··l c,r >u}·1} Hr)c· pita.l recu r,r,.ratln,g ~t·t,~JJ an "'IP<eJ.ati•;n. \V.._, h'>Pl·· &}h ..w 1 il S'--'Ofl hr, /te'}~ . • . c. • B. G. C ~ ~"t u 1 tie V\-e of t en h<.ro r 1 h~ w rd~ hobhv "' and leisure Uo~d together in thi ." if\ o:f the r ew D~aL ' h1 1hi · t illl.> of til-e fntt\·-honr • \ Tee·l·. v.e ha~Te nHH'h t hnc t·hvt nH:t, .. • •'e uo.: 'cl on a h hl".v. ·r he f'luun - pk~n Y. J. ( . A. is d~voUnsr. rnucb t ime and flt ud ~ to Utis sttbj C(''l. OtTieer' of the Y have ~:ttbPted tl'1Ut h t1ne material itl order that th ~y n1ay be of service to the Y mt'n1bership iu mat·ing the mo-si of t heir Jcisur-e tin1e. \1\l e- are aware that t here h~­ing orig·.inal j n this idea of ours. Anybody anrl e~ery body is working ~way 0n some b,obb ,. . What we are uxging· is that you get in touch with others that have the sante h obb:v • • as ~iourself ancl shal'·e the jo-ys and the co~t. The Y. M. C. A. has been'" able to organize The Y. M. C. A. Rifle Club. ·witb Hugh Sn1.athe:rs and Ray Hayn~ as leaders. 11h.e Ri!te Range ·will' be moved in the s pring to a better location and Junior Olubs fo1:~1ed for both boys and girls. The Y. NI. C . ..~.- . Sl~eet <Club has been organized a.nd a n1.odern ·1~aJ1ge built u-p on the prope:rty <i>f Mr. J ohn Allen. Leaders in thjs Club are L. H. Hartsh.otll~ Jim H~I"d:i:o, Arlie· 3mathers. and Deaton. The Y. !VI. G. A. Iduntlag and F jshing C~ub, · wit1~ P. lt Yorrk, Gardner Calvin, G'lael so:n ]Jane-}r, Roy T:ramn1eU ancl sev-eTal other nne leaders is going geocL They are w0rking, hard to make the o-lub ten·ito ~j' la rgeT for 1935-36. The Ca11ton CotiJJion Club, w ith D. H. 1-larris aocl asSistants in eh~r~e.. i·"' growing and enjoy:ing tmany nne f.lclld clean danees. The Y. A1. C. A. S'quar: Danc-e Club \,J:ith ieo. 1Ian:gel\ 1'. 0 . Ttl01l1pRtY(1 , Grady ht.rth"l and se\l­J-! l 'a l ot her. Lemh·J·:-> is rtutk ing $ ph~n ­di< l l• t" rg.rrn:.s ~Jild having ;1. J.t<xHi Lil OQ. < , ,,~ (Jf; t,.be rL't. ' flditior. ~ .f, th(• v url-. ie 'I'h " f-ihet1 t"'iU D~o1 _iH g • , ; h n j 1 n cfiarg o-r ~~ :er ;~nd a autth ·e ·s '0 .A.~ heviH . .1\1r $lHH·rill a'nd d. lt.;ht t ru·· P 1;; r: : ev(:!qr \Vetln-f!." Jay ai.Jd ~"'atu •(.1-a·x-: t~ t~a:ch any ki-nd Gf D~r · ii ~ ' e­sir, d b .. n zrJh@ t\.~ of the · . ~nrt th.nir fan1llie . ,.1 he Cham 1 ~wn Bt nd c lntinu~ .. tf, 1·end flr :-: '"l~u,1ift .. p ''lice uhtl"'t the le~d eJ· htp of )J r~ Eh·ne~t G '~t. , .. an1. M,.. (;teSnHn-1- also tet1.ehft i hr~ie at theY, TIH1 f~ irbn~ 61ul under the lead­ership ef 01Ul1J31" nohn ~rlahl and ass t~ta:nts is gTO\ ' a.Hd W(.d'}' l 6 towards O'Oe oJ o u· largest {!lu.l)ij i r1 the spring. 'Phis hM beoo a ~;tJ·eat ~~ on t • !_}· Vocatjonal ela es at the Y. 1-1er;l are coming in lal'ge nu.mue s [f r this part of the r)l·qgram. 1'w~ work is under the leader hjp o~ .} . WalL-en Smith. The Y Skating Rinh. ha ~ been closed untjl after Chri~tmas. but -wil1 be opened again in January. Other CJubs to be formerl at'"€ Arts and Grafts, Dramfltic. , Public Speaking, Law Feneing, and Bible. There are n1anv and. varied horJ'­bies that are ~vailabi e fo:r our n~e­Up in Nfaine in the Jw:;vely Ken~ nebec Rivel'. ) 'fel Acken:nan. guide extraordinarY and woodwo1·ker of • no mean skiU, maJ{es r ast ic ca.nd te-stiek holders fo1· $ttm.mer ff:)lk wh. v are disc-rimi~ating co tomer s. He gathers the material for their mal·­ing from his · native woods an :i fashions suelt material things- · :!4- Fnngus gro~vth s, bii·ch bark. srnall btanches and piece of sla.hs into alever and ~lnconveutiona l pie<>e~ "~'liich bring a eleome ' ''"hiff , f t-he outdoors to n1an a sumn1 :)T h(;)nle • and eity aparttn.ent. An~· one who care, to $[.'~ 1d tm o(.ld day irt tho ~ ood..::; finding ui..t abh? n1at.eri ~\l. and o ~ nv r·tg ~ "" Jll. nnd \Vtth thf\ :-s.in1:t'll,C. t of h)Pls e \,l i.lo ih ~ :'\nn1·e. -~1t n-. rc~:. n .. ih '' it'r ' the thought of Hing t hta Luti~lt ect ltnld ,. bnt hlthN' fot· ~nl .-·8 V\~) ll ~~· tHH:i fnr Jf}ft¥- fnt ' fri nds. \if r )(we of th t~ (>uLdvor:- al ld tlf • t,, .... &m qt ler t h<utgti , lf li f 1.;, t ) ppr\; · i \h • • ,fli ft~ Th .11 th •r · ~ hik~ng. rrrcP- stndy, :ll·~eht.'n~·. he.tu cl -'' (\a \'­ng:, ph 1tf\g1 ~ph ,\ ' . pine \(' · :ilP \ ~'av ~ t11 '~ . lit('k~. hic r cHtl ~ . be.(~ s w·~ .. · flll\(l­t'hn~ · . ''l"l ught i roll \n'rh aT)(! tl"l.Jtll~ 1f hfl l\_. , t'he r f:lt) (ll'gauiz~ fot,. • ~ o-\1. <f·tll up o1· rvnl€ t.t' the "\: }tt <({ 1~1 . S O't'f.!-3 1 ~. ~. . rtlOK~llLl ~ f' .\. lt,\GR "'~PH~ H \r J. ~t_ De~ ttrta • f ·i o hird htnlt it·~' 1 l'"•na.' if ._nlJy I (; ttlti ~-r~u~Hit' '>i tU\ "n~ \.\·hn t"HJt :kil-l ·t· n1 tt :'l.CC('l'n tU -n v nl ~.. .·i c\·ln·t';ld ~ ~ l , ~~· '<'rrtttt ia't \rn h. ;J~ l ~' ~~ x~'" ·I i'r n1 ~~rnr·n~g tht'" H-ol)l .. ·~till , 'N-1! h ii1 ~ t c tndu l ""t' it' ~1 \ l,;.I v of • Pti b~1hl~ \1 aver i.; nnt U 1i .\( l b-e f 'lt D\; \YhO 1 ld h l wife ~ ~ ll'i llin~ that 'jf \'l"(\ ntl'll .. · ltll ~ r.- ~~s t :t\;·~ l'll\ 11 il ... ~ 'd ))~l · hstn , l1(1 r~~£"~ if \ e had tl 11 :~nt. ,. in J \ t.-e 'v;~it d t { o l n}1: t· fill 'Vt>. n :" 1a np ,\·i h "t1~w~ ( irJ J~ i~ ll10"1th i l '' ('St. r ~'. h'l ler rt nr.1 \').J ,n,~n~ n~ dgf"·d hi ~ ,-ho el1P...&rt.ed ~up n:t t~ th P~ <:(J:un:~:R ;"O da~ ~ c~go ·~·,.-. 1"''!6l f" tG fn Pl~ ;'l Stt'R·;ci ·nt l ~\Y ~ ' ~'~"". :H\ii'lt...r. hci~ nl.et1 to fiH a. r e ~! ~-t~, } - . kl l . 1 apjJl~oached ~ . B"l ev·~n as ate -~s tJ e 1· h and • • rlcvt!l bil't1. J·!P }t~\ ~ S*' v t::rH I Jbnt ttl. cxtre'tne ·li~ta Jw e . ' • 5 i Httving h<! \ll tbn 'Vll iu c lo~t.· ·untHet w jth th ~ . 101.1 th ~ .l~pt~· ialJ,,· "' hi.l~ t] lC .,htJJl1l ion Sl,ert t 1 1nb ,,.n\: in its in fa nc~y n ud ' h t:~·n h (\ WBS t rap l.t)ttd <' r. iII rtlHtnbc rN ~rf U tt S lu.·t~t Cluh ~Olltdbnl('d a · . ~l tt i fttl \ rc~th .of fhnv(\rs; fn th \ funPnt.l , rYic., . \)[ IJJ"O ~VhitH.l l', ]{;, ~o u vf 0 . ft l..-Wh i1 al et . c)f t h<:! ~ d ~t iVJiU dt•l tt tn l :nt, \vhn clJed; : t. th' N.h ,, $j 111 }h!~p ital ·'llrl.v in. J f.?l' PtTJl, _r. Lt~ u W.(c~ a spt<'rH~i 1 t har;1r (Pr. t.tnd gt"~O-d \:l tH I ~l~. He \'H • h~··r~·th t iu his tudt ~ ~ tt1· t ht.\ G~Hlh n t HJtb S hool "'·-ht.u·, he ' t\ 1) :;ll ... tud, nt tl(} ' ;\f lo~ .1l t.{.' S ~'t'f'.f Cluh fl'\el1lue r ~ whn · 'j 1 i o ~ cd l d '-t ~e-r,;rir tt~ -wl1 11 r· on th ,\ .fl-e-lcl. ThP gkect Gl nl.i 1"~1~n1bers anrl nth r ~1nplP}es ot th<-~ entnJI~Hl\ ,,·hv coo'~l·ibul 'd to'' :trd this Cloi'al "1:c..'\ th f t.H· 11:.-'0 did f'll ~ith a f(l)el ­lng · ( r 1 ~lJ(l t for h and b i ~ f~llll il ;\·. ·;'(~~ r frl::t·~ ~ h"~ hm1 t:~ •.I.)()lo~ies-. · . (l r Odq_ \ ~ faith in B!Jl 3 .. Id ftrn:Uy Lni.' l{~ezi.ah. daup· of ~lrs. ,V. 1 . 1-\.ceziah, of Highland r~u4l<~ 'ha been suv.pLyi ng Hs sec~·etary to our general .. t;J.petinlctitlent George Hi v 1.'" during t.h·e aJ3sen ~~ {)f Mr .. Rcn·ve V\ ho ha~ been enjoying hel' vacation. 1\:Ir . Ro.:we said on her ·return that ·she enjo~~ed everii Il10- rt'lffi1t of heT vacation to the utn1o L - \ h r9:\lrh \vlth L. "~d- :\Hl"n tfrn is up(lu us and hd.:: ~ n l<': :--e, .. raJ \·eek;"'. '"'ar~ iou: .ne ~rt tl\."te ht-ttn ov rber:wd t. -~h · ut th 1Sook1ni1l area But .,_ . ul!}':lc:ten~ depth "fqr an' :.ud;ihe .ti-e re:>vrt. \-e-·n eheck u-p mnntn and fu1: ~ -oel - t) om faeJ . Rocl~' 0 ·en admits he \ "1'-l.f..t ~~:.e~ i.1 t tn.u1tfng in the ·ug-g~ e6 ?['- --~ _ ru t?1 :-ectiun of Ha .. wood ""~. 1 • t:. 0 e t1te ea..~on officially ~~· a~ .tt to the surpri~e of tl)e rr- ·Uno t.h\: mac'i .in openly oil .... _ •• ~ :~t ~~~ t'h.a · h ~ w af nAt crafty enungh t(1 ge · · wi hio l!ange of the • - . . ~\fte'l! r~mBining on the s:iek-list !oa- several days dut';ing '\vhioh thne th.ey hf)rl every oppo1:-tunits' t e> pur­sue the p1ea ures o1 the universe. ' Joe :Nicho1.s and Larry "gig Heart. ed-,' Wes tn1oreland lia ve finally re­turned to their ll'e._pective po ~t of dut~ \vithin t h.e don1-ains of the 13ookmill ar ea.. Joe suffered' painf.ul · injury to sev<(!ral .fingers on his right hand while · "Big Hea t~ted" L.arr}~ wl"t·(;) admits he can1t help it heea.u e ne,-s so strong allowed a po. 1e1' jack t.(t) ·jrtually amputate one 0f hh; toes. Larr-:\r, even tht:rugh he ~s ~o ~trc~n~, lirnped almo 't help­le ... l~T a'h<rut fo-r orpetime while .Joe nurserl his right hand in crt cQm· f~n1.t:\bl~ .. \ri~ng Joo ·artt that ~inc ~ , • • ~LA I i UlJ«J U~tttght~r .uf Mr. and lt~·i Chiltl · Ho.ndn)plt • 1 ') T..rsrt·~ catne hncJi h"J wor1< he deenJ ­cd it advisable to·rollow ~ujt. "\i\re~tHe R"htd t.c) h,ny.o the hoys ·\o·jth us _.L\ttelrtion : B )h U1 wr nee, f{.ay Byers, vVeavel\' Oll:'e l~, LatTy Ifart­horn} l..:Iob Goolsb.'·, Bill West. et els ~·e vV.t\nt some ne-ws notes next month and -re don.,t n1ean 11erha11S or as John . Goolsby ~ays : "George teld n1e to push '~rn, and boys l)n pushil1g· ,en1.J1 Slin~ You seem to be extra busy Jim. Jim Yes, I'r.n writing a love let~ te·r to m)r g~1~l. I've been working on it over an h our. SJim Why are you taldng so much pains? J-im I want to make sure that if this let'Ee.r is eveT read in court it won't rna.'ke me look like a fooL . W 0 aYe litera.ll~r scoul"ing the COL1nt ry to find gc0d subjects for our film. , aid the great movi.e n1agnate. Wh. don't YOU those yGu ~ready a e1:~it i c . • scouy . on1e of have ?· in qui red ,. • 16 -·-·------ ~- - • • CH.\ RL.ES Son of ~t r . and ~h .. . Andy J ob·nson BOOKMILL LIMERICKS In th-e DookmiB there ir a pers0n nan1ed ~1ru:1in, \1-los-e gene1·al physique is that of a Spar tan.. And v~·hen he makes his round All work is p rofound1 For iea.r of that Spartan named Martin .. There i~ also a fo1·enutn nan1ed Arth uJ~ Clark, Y.Vttu at his bu::;ill'e ·s is qui te ('t shark. Ile can a) ' vay~ appt:ar F ron ~-..... nt; one kt'H)'I-:~ 'vherc·. Tl1a'J 11'1agical forf:'lJlaJt nan,ed Ar­thar Clark .. Ther1t \" () ft}H .. l;#.d. · n.z.mN] '-.l.a,)Jy, Vvt (J~~ c.hi~·l dut.\' it i:-\ to l a lly 'J ·,e J~a~JP.,r . {JJter~ tn v•. , urk ~(: that tht':V \viU tlr>L ~hirk That la ly nf tlt€! B u~Jl.miU 1 &llt(.)d sany.. I-!Rzel is ~ngag d in a. ~r~nrt of ··:\e­ing, l. p and d()wn the HookrnlJl ;pacing·. :'To l'elp th ::ts'e in need ~·ith ·c·:::"i ve sped·'. 1-. \ h~ motto of :Hazel whose chief , port js rl.lci n ~.--A . "orter. I .OURK('TJON \."e ofte11 l'H«.'l.k.€1 Juj s t.akes, ~oTne­tinw. s 1--al her ~~io n on e~, but, in the 1 ~c-e1 nber \sst:H: o.f 'fh~ Log, .it · ~enns that we a.lrno~t comrnitted the U11Jtl~lt' sjn, You will recall that our papular lHa~.n OiLice COlT·espondcnt, Mi s Dai -;.-r Burnette, in her news items, said, ''Deat' Mr. Phillips : Right he1;e I think I better put you straight on the collection business. s for the old shoes I still have one good pair. Antiques can ahvays be h~d. I know plenty of marriag-e­able ro.~1ng men. But I d on '~ need the rice." Out mistake! What she r-eally said ~,vas, 'rBut I do need the rice." Harken~ ~'oung men! No\.v is J-'QllT chance. We wjll :f3u:rnish: the .Fice if you '~;ill atteJ)d to- the m0re im­portant details. JHr. G. W.. Phillips~ Edjtor, The ,Log. We want to than'k the R. .& A. D·epartmen t. fo.r the beautiful wreath of flower,s w1Hch so DJl:uch expres-sed their sympaHt:Y for RS ' when we lost our de-ar father and bus band. Also, the Boara 1\IIill and Ptt lp Depar'tn1e11t for the offerings made up by Mr. T. R. R::)y, which \VQ;S of great help to u$ durjng our loss and s~ckn.ess . We cannot ex­rn ·ess our feeling ·towa1·d each and every one who was. of an.v assi:s ... tance . <il:uring his. $ick ness and death . • hg. l ll. Respectfull y. ~rs. Gevrge 'fhmna~o'fl .and eh ildt·e t). Y m. ot f..h c gotd sbnld \.ttl. V e h:::n e \~ jth s tbi~ n'l~nth"'" brid . !\rlnrglt:r·et . 'l iHe ·. • he 'Ia r11arri >rl D een ber ltJth, and 'iH mal<e her hon1e at f nrt Ji, ra~. 1 •• C. ~ on ie J ·gan l 1 Hq, i.u ~'' ret'UU erl fr01n a w~k-e ~ vi~· 1: \ i th 1 er t hrc cli.ildren at ')xf,~rd , .N.C. vVe ~r.e ~tad to _ee \_./illi~ ,J;J~t.i, e bn~k b) wod aga1n. . '1e had ~ n atbacJ of ap-ven(.Hdti$ ·vfnrih kPpt her out frotu h r r '\Vur k ev-e.nJ There are ev~ral new girts on t he · orti~ Line tht::; ' eek. Flvw­ever, they an!. just girl" fron·r the Cone De parhn ~ot so1ting whlle; h~ co-ne tnaaltines are down. Everyone in the In ·pecti m B-e­paTtment is very glad to ee Gun­nar BohnS:dahl ba k tv~th us again. He has been ill fo1· several da_,r , ·We are, also, glao to see Bonnie Cb a.ndler ba..ek to wtn·k a-gain. Hope s'he "\<v. ill sta~~ ·with us a long tinu~. - We wish to thank tke Finishing Roem f0r their ~ndnes~ sho'vn us du1dng the Ulne ... s and death of otlr son. Espeeially do ''-~\?' t-:ha:nk them for tbe beautii?ul flotal offering. -Mr~ and Mrs. D. B. Va:nca . A F'RUIT SHOWER lVlr&. R. H. Wan·en of West Can­ton has returned hon1e aftE'lt an oper~tion a.t the l:laywood Count - rl0S:pital. On the night of NoYem­beT 18th the ladies of We.:t Canto~ ga:ve her a l roit sk\ower. Th~e present :were: Mr·. 1\fa r~hal1 Raby. Mrs. W. 1\tf. White&ide. . i\fr~. J. 11. . Ramsey. 1\ilr" . G<n·dt"ll _l:~rans.on ~1Ts . 0 . G. Clatc·k. lVli:s~ Louis-e TI·ult. ~! Lee Medford. [rs.. Hn..n1\:--'Qn Dt'lckett. ~trs. J{)e Cagle. :i\lr&. Mat·ion Crhtnee. t\ft ~. .A. R. \?~tt~. lVft·~. Gu ·~· lt .ed, ~h-. ('onni 1 fen son. 1\{rs. 0 .. t. }In.rdin and. 1rs. Co-l m~lfi Hl'OWtt. ~ ~l l'R. Wa ·t:·en '" i, h~ t(' (' pre ­he: 1: fltanl ... to h~r hi nd .... t\"r th ldnrhl· ·~s shown tluhng h, ~lc.kta ~s. • ~ •