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The Log Vol. 14 No. 03

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • •• ' • -- - ·----- ~- --- TQL • • ~IY APRIL, 1931 :::::-:::::::=:=·-::::;-=-·.::Y.-=--=-:;::=i::::::::.:i:::==--=-=-=;;::;: ==r:=== :=:==:;::;::;::::::::=~=======-=~:<:;:::;: =-=-=-::::::-::::=;.; :::;;=:: ~=-== · 't-HE P. PER. FOR THI~ 1\1. c~ ZIN'E IS MADE lN OUR Pl,.ANT OU'f OF WOOl) FROM TflE. F'ORESTS OF ~ORTH C~ ROLl.. ~ A. WE l\lXN"lJFA TURE MANY GR.AOJDS OF' BVEACHED SULPI:JJTE PAPERS, MACIDNE FINISH, ANO Stt>ER-CALEN.OERED. 0 .~ T E'N T •••• +• Pn•Ye ••• • """'b •••• Cham.1>i ;n P r_ \" :ranee 'B J,,hn Dono ·an ............. --·· •• •••• + ~•. 2 ·:. .{. + ,\utom bile Tragedy . .. . 3 ~ B e.lrground:. . .•....... ....•.. 5 t + + t •~ '<due of FrientLhip t + · By ••. .R.. 'W'il(l ---- .... ......... .. 6 + +• . ++ + Th . V .· e ,f :fndu"'trial .Plant$.. + + + + Th R ~ult M Thinkil'lg_ .... .... . fl ~ + t:. S. Ar · • Jn ormation : .. VIe ... .. . . ... • ....... . • . . .. 10 .+.. T lk B J. Mast{)n ... -· ~ ... . 14 Y. M. C. , _By G. 1 · Our Sick ... ' . .... -· .... . .. . 19 • • .. • • • this iss11e we are presenting to the readers of The Log, the out-'of-town . . _paper salesmen who handle our pr o-duct. Thes·e men, together with "Bill'' Benz-ing and bis eorps of salesmen! are largely responsible for the continuous operation of · the plant during ,the · business depression · ·.through which we have been passing. Co- per-ation between both Producti. n and .Sale departments, is essential to the uc­. ce s of a Manufacturing plant. .• . . .,. ++ •••• . . .•..•• . •. . .•.•• .• • + •••• + .•l. - 4{• l • - THE LOC; . .,.,. - - ·-------..--""'- .. LES OFFICE THE CHAMPION COATED P~ PE'It CO., H.\MIL 'VON. OIJIO II . . Fe-rsru~ on , J. T. Backu . Thelma Clark, Jeanette Dicl\ta.r. \Ym. CreagmiiE', ~1. Stephens~ .\lf-redJ~ \l' Hliams, Baruey Hall Richard Guima r a t•s. lt. C. \·aJs h. )\" m. Ziegunhardt. EsteJJa 'Bro'S\:n, Jan1:.e .,; Stricker. Geor~ Mosher. Glenn Snrreh.. Ruin ~ e.Hi~ Louise Raine_, Kendall Wyman, G. F . Oli'\·er. CHAl\1PION PERSE''ERA.NCE r;:c===z=:::;) l:IO. E of us who 'Yver e a t the 1930 Book Nlill Pat"ty can very r eadily reca ll the words of congratu}atjon which rvrr. Br oo]\S extended to the l\Ianufacturing Departlnents a 1. that time on the . plendid production record which they hung up for the year 1929. ''re t·eme1nuer h ow it was hi "~i sh at that t itn e to equal in 1930 th-e r ecord rnade in 1929 .. Anoth el' \ea r has r olled a rouud. and "~e have had anotLer Ho.c~ k :t\lill Party . \l."e have learned that thEl ~Ianufattul·inf! Dey,artnlent: h·1 e cun1e through nobb· and Lh,n 19:11) b(ls been another record year. 19:31 i ~ !.<)\ ' well u.nder \.\ 'f\.,V, a nd it of cottt'iie a i'<i • to tbe ~ncou rage.n1e.nt and ~)pthni r;m r.•f the entire CIHttnp­ion l amHy tu 1\nf)w that \'e exce, d~d 1n .J ::t.nun ry, 1931 the :.111 tinH.. r etonl fov <tn. • v re iou::, n1on t·h in the hi l-i­lot ) of ou1~ t tJUlpan r. J ~b rtt r" . tuv. ,,h J\t: l t h ~ "f · :.1 test tJrodur-ti .. Jn we hav~ ltad for ~n :r Ft.Jo ·uary wf:t 1utvr vet· thJcl "Fh :: 1anuJacturing I>epartnH .. nt llf' ... n titlt•:d ~) thc· il· full ~ h<ti·~ of Ct't dit fur ev·t·yt hiTJg tiu1t hns h en don', fl rtd we a re inll'<Jducing lv tlh.. u l j n t hi: i. · u ~ of h he Log'' those men who represent the1n in our var iou'"' oJfice... the n1en whont most of us shall never n1eet in s.pite of the fact t hat 't.hey are so closely conued;ed "'ith us. Our Sales 0Tganization ha.. \:VOt~ked unt it·ingly to n1ake our records possiL>le, laboring \Yith every cteter­minat ion to bl·ing about the e very creditable re ult~ and ·we must a lso give thern full credit f or their lo~·.c 1- ly and persevering effort~. ~. But te t'"' orth. of our Chieago office, h<t been '\ith the con1pan~r f r thirt~· .Y. eaJ:l:i. 1\li..,.. Toekslein. -of the sa1ne offi\."e, has been a Champion En1ployee for sev~nt~en r ears. \Yc could go on lhrough the old guard in all our (lffi ·es in this n14:u1ner, but a ·ide fro1n that and our cfl'ici · nt n1anu­fact uring depa•·tments, we are con inced th<\t our g t·· H.t ' l :-ts~l i .. in :lhe personne-l ~:;f >lit:' distl'i~t o tfice$ witb thei r unque ·ti{>ntd loyaltr (\nd enthu. iasn1. 'l''he.Y nlt n.·gi ter their f ntu1 ~e :uubition t do their be.: t for th ~ cmn11an ~r the.r r .pre cent. vV ~n·c ll luol' ing fot"'' ard to onr Annual Ptltly h\ 1 tt3:... \ ith th . hope that '\V hnll t111l that [or the .'· l~J;ll we lun e gain xc · rl J ~lUt' t:!XJ)tctatiou3. .J I u.> no ~ll n. • t t ' THE LOG -·----~-----..,.----'---·-----·~~ -.---·~ . . . PUILAD&LJ:!>Hl;A. O~FICE, no Dt·enl Building Mr. C. A. Laoor, lVlattager; !1iss · M~ C. Labor, Sec. THE AUTOMOBILE .TRAGEDY ENERAL W. "r. herman said> c1Wa:r is helL" WlH~ll ,.,.~ thinl of the great war :which is be­ing waged between the twenty-five million au obiles in the United State , a.p.d th..e one htmdred a.nd twenty mHlion inhabitants, and view the terrible pieture of death and su.ff@rtng on the fie4d of battle, we -are .b gixming to think that the auto i even. worse than cannor+, hrapnell, machine g11:ns and polson gas. ' " - During the eighteen months of the gTeat W·Ol~Jd waT, 50,51(} American soldiers \¥ete killed. Duril}g the past · ejghteen moo hs 50>9 0 people were killed in automo­bHe ae.cidents. For th.e five .v--ear peri oiil ·endi:Rg Dej!:ember 31, 19BO, 140,041 deaths :restalted from au:to aceid:1.m. .b . What of. the next five years ? Last year 82/'00 '~ere killed, 962,325 wer.e injured in 335,250 auton:wbile aecident!(:, We al'e told by The lers Insurance Company that' three specific driv­violatl. on-s by ~;pe;rators. or automobiles we.r.e re.- ' in whole o:r Il~rt, for sixty-eight percent of 'the U30 acc.Jdent.s, due 'to imp:.t:"opel' driving. They • were: exceeding the speed limit , driving on the wrong side of the road, and failing to grant the right-of-way. EXJceeding the speed limit was r esponsible for 21 per­eent of all automobile accidents. Dri ing on the wrong si'de .of the road 16 percent, and 31 percent for failure to grant ri:ght-of-w·ay. 'I'hese three v:rolations figured in ne&.rly three-fifths of deaths caused by auto accidents. Exceeding the speed limit was responsible for the greatest number of fatalities. The Travelers Insurance Company also tells us that more than 7,000 pedestrians 'met death during the year in automobiJe acci.dents primarily through their own fault. In the death of more than 5,000 other pede.s­tri; ans, the resptmsibility was shared joint1y. The in­juring of mo1"e than 150,000 persons Wl}S found ti"ace­able t0 the actions of'S, 45,000 to motorists and more than 110,00'0 injnries wexe due to the actions oi both. . . . 9,"752. persons were killed while attempting to cross tl'l.e tre.ets, and 113.,173 wer~e injured. Of: this number: 4.,24:8 lost their liv s while cr(:l' ,~ ing betw~en intersec­tions and 81,52'7 w. re inj' . 4 • ·- CT ' Cl Colter Rule TJ OF.FICE. 1401 E nquirer Ouildin~ . \ .\:'e are ~d "'o l old that 65,(; 11 children ·were injured while pla.dng jn t he treet. i-\. very dangerous prac­tice and ·h ould be pr ohibi ted. \Ve cannot under sland whr n1ot her .. let thei r children play in the s treets and UJJ( H1 th <-' highway. ~1 ore than a fifth of' al1 pet·son , inj tn·ed in au ton1obj le ctcciclent.~ la&t year were under 'the age of 1 ~- Ollt of i h<.' total of 962,325 per .·ons injured, n1ore than 1 2 ,0('0 ~u ff e.r ed fractu red ~kull s, 'vhile a thousand :--u ffe1 f:!d f r f\c:tur<:.s of t he spine. Neal·l.v 78,000 frac­ture.- of vthPt· parts uf the l>ody ' .vere su. tained, while concus.-ion r>f tho J)rajn nurnbel'·cd nlore than 8,000. 'J't-)(,:-;e ~u fi eru1s.r hevaYo g ene raJ shock, con Lusions and la<.:(:r atjon "',;J"' a rvunri 210,000. Internal injuries t o- 1 aleci rn(n (_ t hall l {) (HIO. Among i h • s o-cctlled n1i nor i 11 j ur ir .:i1 tJ ~ rt> vlt rc rn,,re th an 2 10,000 d i .~lOCtlti o n s c-uul 8iJI'nl lJ '. A J'l~rrh tfful sttwy indf'·(?d. <J ehnpt. r t n ;1!l,v () f tJ ll' W(11ld · Vr<·~t l A'etrs p.n ~!'ictlt a 1110rP t l'aSJ;ie pict un~ . \'hHt will b?· fJ••· ~1 v rv 1)1' H-ta t 't S he!JJ w ~! cnnlinut· cd llJo JJI'( f" (•rtf l~V c) r- in e rt-}t;:;i uij' rat'. ' '· t l11 Y< ·a r~ con1n ;.~ n d f'' J't \Vt• hu}Jt> llut. We Mn iJI( Iiwd tcJ r•tiLi('IHt tJH· (Jtl tf• r r lltJ N bu t, J, n't H b ' llP Uud. Wf rtt·f• a iJ 1 ,, l t!~l rtl l' '"VP) '~ tnH· lt() driv•· . . (. ~t • "' \V• dn 11n{ u l\o\ fn ,· ~ oJ,. 'i'\W Ut •' tl1 1(' -t,f . :II «·1 ~~. \1\lr-~ tl,, wd ,)J ;:{· ~ f h<• ( ,·afJ'i r. hnvl), no r t..ll'e W•" rh· c'.H<·Inl ;,J, ,uf h 4 t-o\fJiug o•u· e ~ ~ 111 gAmd , t,odil inn :L· w~~ i lt,•tfld .. ~t~.ft t_, J l h t" b•;o t pn1H·\ . F-o, 1( 's • t • lno ~ lt •d! ' ' trtl t ru u l t ~ fltl! t'~. vt v :l t. dlt }tt•l· .\lesutn.ler Thom:s(Jn, .Jr . ter. E very accident i .. a wan1ing tn u . know who will be the next vict4Yfl. A N TIOt : ~ BUILDER . • • Tot gold, l>u t only 1nen ca.n rtm k(:! A people g1·ettt and strC\ng- Men who. for truth a nd htHl\11 ·~ $:d<e ... ' t and fa ' t and sufl'N' long. J,rn e n1en who work \ b ile othet·s "'Jeep, \'ho dtu·p \Vhile otherg th·-· • The,v huild ' natilH1·s pJ ltar..; d et' f' And li f t thcnt lu tlh' $kY. ~ -·t\ aJptl \ .~t ldn Ern ~ r~< l . 'rh • Old \~e ' ' (•r's .Pra"' l '.- An t,l·t '' L'il l't" in ¥ n · ~ • 1;uld 11 ~t·d to tlW,}{\' tit j., pra_\'l ' l' ~Hch lnontiHg, ·• L n.t t N·tc ·h n1 to 1'N·'I) ·•d nu ~ .~tf." 'l'h \~' a~ ~~ r igh{ pl'H. t l'. ---nu vicl J runt s Btu·rl'lt l ·',~t · nh r (tu tlt u ggi ~ l) · ··. P'-'' h • s tn e an' ,,·t'ih · Pl. tiH ( •11 I h I 111 I ,., " t I . :-. w h J \' 11 ' ~ f' >I. t I H\ T t ' l' ~ ~ \' •: t) \1 ( a., h l ' \ h i i.· I n J.' nt.\ '' tf• ·. I flpn ' l \aut 11 )thing h, h ·tpt .. ·n L< t1 , •. , f ' \' f\H\ ." • n.,,,ul An.·iUl\HU Hullt•tin. v • • < ' • - Re~epfion Room, CINCINNATI OFF:If;E, l!tOl Miss Ruth E. ):'toy Enquirer Bu.i1di)ig ABOUT 'BACKGROUNDS' --- _ How m ny peopl are there who buy good clothes, :rent g od houses to Ti e in, e11tertain lavishly lhring beyond ti1eir mean& while doin,g so.. 1\:nd how oft~n, when h&~t)en unex:pectedly- in the f;ai;nily, is the r l po, ition of these people exposed and we ee there just i~n't any b.ackgrom.nd. All the ti.n.i:e they had been putting up a g:Ood " fr<:mt" and nothing else! JVIany a man_ suppo ed to he fl'nancially con'1ft>rtahle ha died leaving nDt a cent of - and not a penny . of -insurance for hi f"amily. · And wh.e:n depend­ents are lett :in such poverty that they are thrown . on . :e public for upport, the ma11 appears as l'idieu- _lo-u • as a nobleman :wh.o js r ichly dres ed O'utside but l as not a hlrt to his b~ok. When this company ananged to prmride G-rour> ill-wane for it-s yee.', it was thinking Df the back­g'rolUld. It had in .r:nind u;pplementing the estate which e-very man hould create :for his 'd€-pendents, o1· the estate ·which ev:ery indepe1il'dent pe1·sou should oreate to k ep himself or h rself out of that dass whic:h is UJaprepared f<Or · em r gencies-, It wanted to awak it e'rnployees t'6 tl1e -fa:ct that t!D y needed th:is ptotection, and a.t the ame time help them to get it at the lowest p. ssfble 00 t to the:ms oJ\ies. In 1trance is some-thing no one e.a.n afford to be witJil­o: ut. -For the head of the famil y . it a-fford. l)eac~ of mind regardiag . his dependents for -tJi unmarried it aff-ords a eN e of jndep~lldence in case the ha:,;pen . Far b tter than putting on a "front" is- to live with­in .your inCJJme, aYe roon.ey. invehlt wis.ely, and pri¥vide ' }"'otl~££M with adequate insu rance protection. · The b.a:eilq~.t-:<rund you build up in this way will seTve yot). well t~l'Oitlgih life, and f OUl' :Jla:miJy after\ a.:tdS. .,; m "" .,. J " ' PLEASE NOT.E!! ~! •• . ' . - F!Dr. conve.niemce in :P:t0mptly reporting illness wi h­ ·ing the Metropolitan Nursing Service, the following ca~d is issued. ' Date ___ _______ .... , ________ --·-----:---- ------------------- To all eR1ployees carrying Metropolitan Group In- . . - surance Ilf ease 0f siclmess fill h1 this card and leave with · w'atchma:n at the time clocks or Metropolitan of­fic. e in Canton. Mrs. Hawkins, Metropolitart Nurse, Will you please call on - Name . ~ --~. ___ ___ . __ . -~ -- .w- ______ _ -- _____ . ..... -;:- . ____ . ----.-- -- --_ -- - -- --- ---.-- ... ·. ::.· ... Street , road or part of town ... ---- -- --~ - -------. -------------- -- ---- - -~' -- -- Nam.e olf member of .family that is ick ______ ________ ___ ______ ___ __ . . - . ~ Remru~]{s --...--_- - - ~ ___ -~- _____.. ....... ____., _______ ..... ·-- .~ -__. __.. __ ----________- ---. ----1 ,. ---... - .,_ _ _. _____ --- --. _, -- ---:----------- - -~ --~- . --------. ---,.. -... ----.... -------..-- - ~- ------........... Can reported by--·-- -------'----------··-------------------- Fol'·eman. _________ __ , ___ __ . __________ -------"----- ______ : _ • - The~e may be had in qu-antity f:tom the watchman or tbe nurse and theit regulax use ts reque ted that the ca-sef) rnay r-eceive rear bene:flt from the Nur e's -eatL · · Foremetl are requested to be rea ' on-ably :mre tha,.t empl0yee i;s re~llY-' sicl\ at horn and to note addres careftiUy . · · Mrs. Ffawk:im , Met. Nurs - • '"fF1 I.A >G - ------ • CLEVELAND OFFICE, 1004 Terminal Tower Joseph D. Reed, Jr . KERR AND WILD INJURED On 1\iarch 6th, ·wh ile on theh· way lo Raleigh, N. C., D. J. Kerr and N. ~L \iVild '"·ere seriou ly injured in an automobile wreck, near Burlington, ". C. rfhe wr eck was caused by a dog, wh ieh .i un1 ped jn front vf the auion1obile and wa. c:aughi in t he steer­ing ge<:tr of t he car. the aut01nouile to Jeave Lhe road and 11lunge no,vn an cnl l)anlunent <tl>out fi f teen feet high. M1·. Ken· :.>UffeJ'(.•rl et J'r~ctu1 ·e of t:J1 <! rj2·ht clav icle, and sJigh t frHcLun~ near th~ rig·h t ~ar. J. •lr. Wild •>U fft•rpd a frartort-.: of tiH t ig h1 Gh c k bont'. Mr . K<:rJ and :.Mr. ~' ild have; bt.•f•n n ?nH,V£•d fP<Jl1l Hudingtou. Nod .h C~t!·oHua to t h f.! Nfu·hut·n J to~p!i11tl. Vv't.~ ~are ;.d(.tfl to rHtHWf ihaf; UH'Y Hf(• in1 }wnviuK :~nd th Jr nlau..v. fJ jt•nds wj ~;lt lh,~ n1 a :-lJl ' f d\ r•·r~•>V<; I ·) . W.h(•fl ~On'-I.C.: nu•t) ptd, tl, •lt run( d11 \ U uf ltcJ!H t .. ~ ), ',\' first tu~(· () fT I }l('jf { jlfJ{' ;-IU "1l Jluf rc, \IHJ {1 fidl nrl wif(•, Tn a genf:!l 'al way there is wit.hiu thQ hit )wled~e nf ever \· one of u the thongltt Lh<tt lafe b a ' nnrierful and .valuable thjng and our place and po.·it.icn in life our n10 .. t treasured pos essi<'t1. \Ve all feel and know thi~ truth and .. c{·ent it in cu · ev£>ryday, nlattet·-o f-fnci· n1ar1ner and 6h ~ l ut littl' thoug,ht to il'tl, sub.l eeL, 'dtic·h, perh~-lp~. i~ <1.., i C h'")ttld be. Son1etin1c, hQ\"CYm·, ~nll pr b. bly it l'\)na ·~ \J ea<·h one in Lhe course of c1 lifo l'Unrting it~ fu ll n.atunll ~PH\, Lhel:e 1 ~ l;ro\lgh t f01'<.:ihl ~· to u~ j ust h<~" 1 \~ '\.H( ifu!. and how \'0nrkrfu1ly int 1 n1 ihg l~?d \dt h o 1 r Fdlo'' hf'iu~· .... I if \ l'N\ 1 b is. Tl·avf lin ~or nlnng· in th , th)nn l "' u t ='l' \)f !o!'ndrl h' ~1Ith ~and tn,Hi ·~ ll y ~u c•e~~fttl ~h'<.' Olllt h~hn' •nt in t•Ui' \)H\}1 t:. f c \.V ,lr ll~ \tl1'JWec iH,l lh ·"" 'ttlth "ith \ hil·h \'" nn.· $ Ht'­rnurtcl •d1 httt let t11 i ~ furfll\lt' C~ 1)ll)' :nhl $ \1 r\ •J'ing 0 1' S1>\'· ··u\ c· ul,•t· fh, h0nw .:\nrl ~ • tho n:.t.sult. ltuHh'(h td.' lh ' J h ' '' ~ h lJ{ in,.,.fo ri llt ·•· t h\·oth.rh, it: h·phvl'w IH: ·in lt) riu {' bri••. iuH "urd ~ t)f ;:..\ Hl }':ll hy • ud th· 'Uft.l~(lnll' l\l ltrHl lhl' 1-Hntr i~ 11,• ,.r tnn d \rl, ot• h ld to F ·t' \.t 1 t o ff, . ,. ,d· ir(llHt: tli ~:\t, • u. t-..,1 • p •t•dr l 1. ul t-l('Pl. t:lll\'.t1 t , t f;, s-;r.·u<· .,f nd ... lu"l tun•• nt stu·Lif;k 1'11 1 tlL.-e 1Ht'od (>f I • -------- --------- THE LOG -7- ~ ... ..... - - - • • . Ct,EVEL.AND . 01r Fi'ICE; )-00'4 'iferminwl Tower .P aul A. e heve.l la11d _ t11 friend making the offer. · eli sacrifice i forgotten 1 the wi h to be of erviee to th f l1o\N being jn em rgeney. Au tomopile. , telephone , teleg:l"aph lines, rnails, ser­vice:! of flor1 t~, poken word and every -c~mceivable meth d of expre ion of inte1·e. t, good will and friend­ship an~ prt!ered .lnto service and, :regardles of phy i­cal disoomfo:rt a:nd ufferir,~:g, just o long as one shred of int ligenee i left in t he inj ured human brain th ere • c:ome · the t!wog'ht, 'l n't God good? Aren't God's J eople, nv f iend.s, good ·?" I wan to . ay, in all sin.c rity, to the peopl of Can­ton and vici.Jrit ~ many of wh m are I umbered among Th Champion F-amily and man of who.:m have not that added ti , on behalf of my iamily, and -p~king for my lf pel· nally, the manjfestation of }n:t rest, good ill, helpfui :I-l1d sinc~l·e friend.·hip '~"hich has beeJ;). sho n to u. by you folk eah .nev- r J, fo ·gott :n, and has. 1ade .on m.e impre. ilYP of th value ou dail~' a·, ootati<,n -with others, and all f litt.'s ti "· · and • rth- · DA \VlLl). The eye of a ma ter will do mor work than both his hands. To lengthen thy ]jfe Jessen thy meals. Rash mortals, e'er you take a wife, Contrive y.our pile to last for life ; On sense a1id worth oar pas.sion found , By decency cemented round ·; Let prudence with good-nature tri ve, To k ep esteem a.nd love alive; Then, come old age wh ne'er it ' ill . ' Your friendship shall continu still. • This i t h tim of . ear wh n fath r begin< knock­ing th mud off th golf shoe-· that he put a a la t fall. -n : f;he: Tie: i J -t p1pe. '' Oo you like smutty . tori . ?'' "N t, to nu.ttt .'' • '·TI e l cant t 11 this one. It • • • b ut tove- THE LOG ..-.,..:.." ____ ___._ • ....,._~ .... _...__.=. -- \ ol. . PR£L. 1931 Pu\h sh~<l hy .. The Chttm:rioJl Family; as a ymhol of the Co­l" f>t:'l"~tion and Good FeHcnvship Existing a t the Plant <Jf lhe (bamp tr~ll l•'ibt't> Comr~wy. '""anl.on, No1th Carolin~. Editors R. \V. GldFFl1'H • !\I A T't fE LE T HER \V 0 0 D ........................................... Lab01~a tor;y ).!, .D. PRE .. SLr:Y ...... ··---·················· .. ··········· .................. R. & A. J 0 H~ DON VAN .............. - ··-··--···---·-·· ...................... Main O!ice f' A L H). .... ATT ······· · ·-· ~ .. ·· ~---- · ·-····· ·· -.._ .... ., ..................... ~--· .............. .. P.owe1· o\. C. GA RDB.N ·······- -·-····- ... -· · ········~-- --······· ............ E. B. Dept. EY~LYN L\lOORE ···-·---........ ······--·-················ .. ·· ····-········Bookmill T HE VALUE OF IND STRIAL PLANTS 1·ecenl editorial in the Brevard Ne·ws, speaks ver.v high}~~ of Canton and it6 progressi\'e spirj t. 1 he secret of Can ton's })rospe1·ous con­dition dudng lhe bu sine..c;~ depres ion which has over· shadowed the '·hole vvo-rld during the past t'vo years, is du(:: to the fact that it has a sound industrial back­ing. Th~ Cham pion } ib:re on1pa ny. "'"jth an expendi­ture of nearJy eight rnil1ion dollars for labor and sll p­plies during 1 9:.30~ not only keJ)t the wol f f ron1 t he door nr th(>UScHlri Df people iu Canton a ncl i.he SUlTounding ClJffifJlUnitl' , but WcH; a great help io \ Stern North ('a t·oU na. lnrtu ·tries an) t•. ~enti.:4) in th(• building· np aud g rov•"'h (Jf ::J ci1y (Jr trJv.-·n. rJ ll ~ \'()1 '~\ing peoplt· is 1 he pur­C} taliiin::r j)o'..v er tJ.f ~' nat ihn, :uvi uuJ~:s tht·Y are pl·t>· vid d \·Vith wvd ... and l,)Hi f ~ Ji;vj : J{ wage, Ht> · ~ mutHtntt v c~ n 1ar,}J@ b> p1'vh£J 1 anti l.~r~ h<lP P ~' · j t IS .fJfl) )f ilt ti rte~ hk<' th i · 1 t,•fJUJ"h ~ .. h u.; ll, (' ZU' l)<ll:' iTJ?' {l~t,f. W<_. ) t't I Lt,t · th · 111 'd tA' :tJJd ~\ ftJW• t'l !t f P ti ~t · g ,· J.t. Elllt· nf J ~tge ,.t,s·ptJ1':,!t4 fh thut · ~ll . lt n1 th'· (,jdf:i ~ Ttrf fUI'Hjf.ih t }rtpJ 'ff jl·fll lJ U l I I l td "tiHH'rl t 'tH I ~ Ull<J . 1. :Vht.>U praopl!:. .•tl ft\ I t.l·· ,v.,. ld i(H· idl u td 1Jt11VftJU$'' ff) l4 \Hid, in (dTd~r fftt1l tJ t 1 U). j' 1;,. l-tf.f· l(J pureJia.' the ll('('{• -it ie. ., r,f ljf{? f<':l th :•ir Jamili ' ·~. \V () l'Pprjn t tb~ «~ctitoria l t •t:low : ''\Vhi le lh€• ''-'hole nf Hh;: rr c.t t;h•: ;.t .. : tr- '1 • :«l. fb Cat•olina is nffel ing ft·oor a r rn!plu;~tH'.In of acu' e p .. _ lt0t~ I JoetJ stnng~nc) 1 p· .·~.:in1 i \ic d .v·-~pe, .~i(t, h1 ig :ibii i t.\!· of h::u~d 1.itnr·~1 a nti i11 "4JOHJ.ia :-uv ,.rir1 ueE·d ~ . UH UH,entV{U(• r a lJl ~ fet1.r that lhe whol ~ tattJ 1~ hell~ )otu;d, litt le old Canton, over in Ila) VII rt C'"JUttty gr... n ~n:-:il y on Its way. Thf:;l latest achie"enlf'!nt f h~rP i~ the opt:n· ing las t w k r_,f a new ldg,l ... ch cmJ ouilrhng. ·1n e :ent mar ked l>y r iLes and cel'etnrnic, in k':"~ping \"\ 1th t he . occa 10n. So ra1~e was th l!:$ evidt.:nf'(> uf progre s and pt·v per it~\ .. in our neig hbor ttJ\ n t.hal \ \Vt C f}~ctica. cil :a1 hou!'·s J) rogrant to Can1·on and tb~ matchle.&z> :)pil'it. telling the cockeved 'Norld that there •s oDe V)wn in ·, rth G:aro- • ljna far r emoved fr·om the poor. ho11se and the bank-rupt coul't$. Canton does not owe it: pl'~ · nt ellvjable po3iti1'•n to any rnh·ac}e at all. vVhile th:e rest oi us \ere ~~.r· ting the fool and fighting one anothe:t· with ha.r.nmer and tongs, Cantor1 imply used okr U)lnmon ··en J>, ~rnd went on working and build ing ~ anrl tod. y b an Oit i- of p.rosperity in a de ·ert of de .. pair a:nd de~.~ pone enc.v. Hats off to Canton, ... orth Carolina. and may the De vil get the man who trie to interfere in any wa. · wit h t he splendid progTam which i~ n:t;Iking t'· ..:. on thus p1·osperons. Bt e, ·ayd Kews. SNICKER N C~ Jlaliiosls h ~l ~ not cut a n u1ny f(·llow·~ \"}Ut 01 uHt~~ as not havjng a ca1· ha~. The re· s a l>right s ide to -e·rer~ thing hldluling !a ·t "~in ter's suit of clothes. The wo_rst feature ttbvut tr~ n .. -athnui rubbish ~ Jt owcl'ed on the ~lviat-vr~ in . A 100 per cent Am.t:t•i ·an i~ a nrcll ,., h tut·e g·olf, cont. ract bridge ll•l the a-dit . flig-h L~ i the ,., Yot· r. t-' ' ..· tni nia- B C<Hl~~ ft girl fit. into _\'Oll l' c lllll~ i~ n. ig1l :..1 \tll til into yonr pockt-tbo ,k. . ·onh' p ,pl \ hftve n t n i~~i~ u in lit.t.•; ·th,.,., tlnl.\ a11 i ntt}l'O\ i :-;. ". 'ion. Linttoln 's ltt>ini nf't.- . lH·il h~un lincoln w:t~ ~uc .. l 1\n· ' k illiug a du~t 0.\ Htblaing n pitch fork into ldtn. ll ~..~ t\)ld U~t; j udg' U tl ,1 0~' lu d at l. ~·kt••l ltinL ' ' \'\ h r clidrt' f 0 \l \1 st' t.h• \lt lH'l' t' lHl ,f lh f )Jl, , .. ~ ;.a s l\ Pel t lu; j Utlgc. ' "\}1 \ didn't tltt' c) ,}~ \~UH h' at ll\t \ it·h the n{ftt tJtl '?'' :;hi l Ltt1t <•ln. ., ~~-.... - ; .... . --~ -··· -·--- -· ' .til; -... • THE RESULT OF TIU:NKINO E TY-FJ;VE .. ears a.g~:> , :hotdd llJiiyon-e have · been so b~ld as to. .sugge t witbin quartet-s Qf a . ee.ntur. a per on could sit ·lu n.1~s: an@. taH\i t-o a fri~nd in Efurop ~; Qr [i ·tetl t a -a~d1· s >OJ.; c n e-rs-a:tion U:tot~s-ands ~f miles away; Ot: pre . a button and flood the roon1. . with. a;r•tifi.. . e:tal Ji!rht; x ·t~·a.v- l thin~ or fOI.H'. hundred u)j l e~ com· fortabfy o ¢~ the ltigli~vay ·, of ouT .·tat ·. wi~.hin ten or -wei ~ho urs; 0:r se . on a screen on.'i:e of the moot " Ol'i:. deTftll play. e,rer pro·duced..and from. Ut s:~~u~.d(JVf , lH~-aT ~1e oiee of the a to-r and a;etresse;s; or fly through the ai1· safely at the r-a'lie ~:& e:ne hundr1!ld mile per bour; or ail b-eneath the ~ urgi:n;g 'bi Uew of the great seas as s11rely as tl'a etin,g on an t)X cart ; that perB'Qn ~ou ! d l1.a'lre l>eJm deelar d in ane ;:J;nu perha~s placecl. 'b~hind the bar . in a t11 for af . keeping. But, today th ·~e tJ\· ail"e so eorumotrpl.ace we hav~ cea. ed to man"el at th:e \.Yo:m.derful change \._;h.ich has taken pl a~e . in 0 short a -peri@d or ti;on.e, and th aeeomplishment of what at one tir:ne eern.ed impos~ib1e. R:ecently, we read a roeket-pla:n Wa:s being built at a eo~ t o.f two million dol1at.l\;, that will trav:el at the ~te ()£ mhre than .a h.undre<i mites a minute. The: pu1::·~ 1){') e of \'Vhich is t-9 vi it the moon, circle -arownd trhat body, scrt,ltinize its outward appearan-ce alild return to thi .old wo,rlel and tell the story. Our ni·st thbught as, "It can't be lione", but; when we thiJ;lk of rnan~s marvelous achievements in the past we should not be SlJTprised someday to hear that it ha;d 'been ac- . c-ompli he.d. . , Just a Httle idea, a sugge tion Oit' thought has revolu­tiemized the factory, changed our mode · of Jiv]ng, and . tiroo,g:ht succ s and fm:andaJ reward. to many indiv.i­duab. Tf e .sieanl engine .was suggested by the aatk~ of a lid (IT] a tea-kettle, J;l',l.Q':ved by the team from boiling wate.t. The th0usand . ·of electrical appliances which s ne as 'SO well is the I"'umlt of Benjamin Franklin's idea ()f g~tb ring ligh tning from the heavens with a ltite and s ring, Galileo, while in the Cathedral at. Pisa - . ·one .day 'fl@tieed a lamp .Swinging to and fro, with this · uggestien he Mnc:eived the idea of n~;easu:Jdng t i m.e by a pendulum. · · 1t has been said, "1' he Trou19le with us fellows is 'we want our <OPPO.i:'tunities fully develomed and delivered at our d 01~.'" Il'ull.v· dev:elo1Jed 0pportunrt! ~; are .seJd0m ftrund. · People whg think anQ observe mf~)d t~.ei:r ideas intcy -something wot'th while. The Great C . eaten' ga'\re n:s a m i11d t~ thin)t aT)d r~a~ w,itl1. Some:one ~id, "I d.:> not befiev · that it js for man t think seriou 1-y foy a r~.a. senable of time V.7ithout -developing a. sl.iggest.Lcm that pa ~ s. ve:J•al tlmes fo.r the t:roubl.e of u~i'tl·g 0 tH' • head..'' Therefore, by clear th itlkihg . imd x •aSOfiing: \V"e . wil.l I · .rnore ~l.lC.ce ose obset:Vctti Qifl, fu' l in l1 o. f ou. r undertaKing · . . S A MAN THlN10!/f'H. . . If a 111..111 thjnl '8 ev •tj',Otle is against, he '\ Ll1 eon begi1:1 ro !J:re.~t tb.eru ·o they wiH 1.> • ' If b e. thinl{s .¢vetyooe is hl~-:; frierrtl:. he WiJJ Lreat th m right, 11ncon .. ' . . seiouS!i¥ , and tYrey wiLl sl:>on b hi~> friends. The m~u!J who JiVes his da ily l'ife ace:ordin.~ to this fi~r:rn1lla h~s J'n his ooake up a s par:l~ e>f sonnd an l true phi.lo.sophy that wi41 make hi · hie brighter. If ~~e p1;1t into all the J!!eiJ.. ation:s.. _._w ith o~Jt fellows -a i ul(m' easure. af :frienellines.s and good will, we are pn:ltty sure to get it back, fuU a:nd o~rftow1ng, On the other J:1and, if a mar:1 is s us~ pLdons o:f . eW~er:v~o€1y, ev-eryone will be Uli\pi;ci0us of him. The man who goes about l-ooking for a fight~ is sure to get lick~cl some day. Trt,le frien~liness is ·foundpd on sincerity. And sin~ cerity is about the ,c;>nly th:in;g ·in this wo:dd that can't be counterfeited. The impulse toward friendliness spl:ings from the ver}.,. soul of a man. . The _wo'I·ld need friendliness, ancl kindness, and good wilL Not Sundays only, but everr day in the week, '·,.a.rti.t every ROUT of every day . Think friendly thoughts. H you've got a. soul, .don't be ashE)Jtled of it. Bring it in:to the (;)tfiae w:ith you:. :For the soul is the source and the A:ouhtain-head or every g-ood and worthy im- . pulse. Put your faith 1n men. Believe t hey are your friends, and they will be. Earnshaw. · · · BE OPTIMISTIC Sweet little ribbon, Do not CTY, You may be a bathing suit Bye and bye. . "'Do you serve lob,sters here?" a man inquired of the pretty wait:r•es-s in an Omaha cafe. ' ''Yes, sir;· what will vou have?" • l'eph ed the · waj.tres :. IS HE '? A measly old .gee~er named Pell Said "'Insurance'? Jha.y why ~ I m well. ''. Now lids widow, po@t thing, . Mu t wash, ~:rin c and wring·, Let' ' hope th old tight wa,d's in H aven! ~ B ,H TeJ phone Ne A fool ~nd his mon y ar SQO!.'l parted and a fool ru~d the :naachi:n:e 'h i o~ex·a:tillg are .Soon tangled u:p tegethe (lnd both wrecked. , , • l BOSTON OFFICE, 201 De~onshire t . Mr. G~rge 1'. StanbridgE>"' Mg r. \ E DlTOI~ TfiE LOG. TlH! Go Jer11m <1n t is anx ious to giv~ the younger rn en of the n~t t.iOll <"'tllal opportun it ies to enroll .fo1· the CJT­JZEN .. , ~1IL1TA J! Y Tt~_.A I N lNO CAMPS fnr 1931. You, no d<J u bt ~ a n.: f ctrnilia.r wHh LhE-s c~t~nps wh ich h4v,_. a:-; Hrr:il dtH-'f ain1 t he b ui lding c,f lJetter ciUzeu­. hjp. That th( ~· s U v<:'f~~sfu ll y fi ll LhPir missjon i~ evi­dt- ncpd by tliC· JlT<"\H1 P<.·Jn.t lari f..,v of tl 1e t':lntps nutl thP 1JJ :'.t ll' <·u• flrut~ r· d~ltCJJ'Y lt~itPfS on fli P RUh j ~ct r~(:c iv •d hr th (· \iVar J)f. fJCl l'trn<!nt fr<>(JJ hu ~in("Sli finns, who* ' POl­JJJc,_ ( t,:~ lJ;,v iH.t :)tHIPd ; fJ 'JTJl p(.&t•oJL t~ ~•nd Ft ·onl ~ t. u d ' li t :-> ttJ ' l fl ,<·1 VIS . • La st :/<•:J t' f..h co1 ;~n ,1; of kpJiliA·atll.:s h .td tu ''" rPfu~,-.d :Jt1uJt ~J(H t Vl 1 ht· l',\IJll•~ t.) tl :•rrt~o tt n1 oJ 1tutiLN1 n ppi ' (l" J)l h.d.ir1rt:- ;uJd d.t:f:J.,Y Jll ul;tl~ HH!. .tfJt,lir•u.i ion , J\l o n~ t lran tl i ~ ·t.v ( lll.'~ d U1oq .awl a ·tontl ~, .tl1 t• 11 dc,d ,u,d wt •r• f r~tfu .... c.. rj at .·ut,. }J t•;t JtlfiS wJdd ·• Wt')/t lJ., J,J r!fl l'i •)S{ <ltdy a rHt Au. gu~f ;:. 11d ill b~, hr .. ftl l11 f·;.aat dtl• ' i tl ~ Jt, -.~lll!• ' lH~ tdA •S. rff C• :~ l n'C I I Ji rt( t tl \1.'; 11 dt ·t·pJ:f t:h<r n ·;M(c·n,' ;J1 tl · u~ jr,n tn 11d 1 , ,vt~uu ,,1 ~ IH II ' t•;,)fl ltg I y d 'v o ti JJ lX as mt1ch space as n1ay be ava iht.ble to th , en~l v-,.;::·'10, t iel e .. ''1' N LE. ' J. ~ 1 ~ OG AN • • • Ctipt. l ni'. ( H f In ' h at•,r ~ U. S . ..A. ..t-rnv Inf(wt•1a tuH'I '.1·vi e • 3 9 \•V h i t.ehaH ~..; tt ~: t-\-. ' ot·k C i I; Wh •J:e a re y ou gning· t hi :\tHHrtl •· flh-\ r.} u lti An . t h0 ~cd<t?~ . t h~ sea shc l't'. C un fHtn ·: rr you ~\t'l' H ht·atthy \ rnt&l'ic tll \ \; '- uth~ t\'. \ L H l,tt ~~.J! 8 of :-.H~ v~.~n t ( i ll. and L w t i t)- •iglt t. 1 l t!IH i u ni.J· rn•u()f Ot' i{OOd l' hl\l'(:l('t t-r. \:' 4)\1 .r\· lli.gJbl t , i t~ Jtd •lt•' of H tP nnUon w td~ ncnrt qnth'H t~ n£ ta' it:·· 'ns:. \ lali~ tur) fl' n~ illi Hg Cnnl p~. .\ nrl lh .. ·l' .·,~ • l ' ~ . .. i\ oh---­pl a n niu~ fo·r l h t· ~,::t' f'f\ i tt ,. stun tlP l' ~ C!Hl ·itlt' t' tlu~ ( '.r: l .. lY''; w h(•l' "' \ tlU ~~ tt • tn"il\l) H IOtJ th in tilt· g n .rd ,uhl c ~t t" :"(. H. l \'t j, u '1\: ~ . ttl p l) til l.{ f t ll U N'«·~~•n · , · P~ p~· n. ·s iudtttl' ltif tl~Ht l'"l' l :ilh)H, ct ltl f' ulli rurn t,,\ g,t.•<ttl \ l iL'I I t~ :{-.. ~ t rh· 1t1od, nt.,•t it'.J! et l~:\11- Linn 11' u <., •. .- ll' \ , Rp t> rl • ' lpll plH •1tf . t \f •• l,'t,,· ti HJ J II• "' n ll t •• )t\• th...- it i ~l'U ~S ' l Hiu 1 \ f l' i • '''!'' t" llltf '-• ht-n'• h ··tt <·•ut hh·dug t h ·ir nnuu 1l pta 1 in ~h· · t ll tld n t • 1>t' tlt''Uitood HJHI g uJd ·i r i · ·~a : httl. T-H-B -L-O·-G- ..... _____ .,..~~ ___ ..., --- 11 ~ .. , Reception R:Oo~_t\, BOSTON OFPJCE, 201 Devl}n;;;hir•e St. Mr. Geol"ge T. Stanbridge, Jr . • . ha you kn ·ome lad who has received the benefit of one o these thirty-day period · a:sk him what he thin!- of the GMTC! A tho amp th >re is a minimum of Jnilitary d:riU, rtnd ab olutely no obligation for further military training. But if your ambiti,on is to win a com­mi ion as ec011d lieutenant in the Officers' r..e ~erve Corp ; you will find attendance at the Blue Camp (fourth ear) a big help. Grad-uates oi thi Blue course who uccessfully conclude an additional conesp ndence course and wh.o have the required education, character and physical fitness may be r~ommended for thi commission as second Heu­temmt, ORC. Citizen h ·p, sports, ,recreation, American traditjons and ideal these are the outstanding fe.atures of the Cjtizens' Ailitar Training Camp . Usually, the fore­no~ n is gi en over to elementary military drills there are branche · or Infantl·y, Cavalt , Field Artillery, Co t Artillery, Eng in el'S and Signal Corps and in th aft rnoon hikes, swimming partie , ball grones, track meet · r the order of the day; at night, if ther i, no dance, show or other big ·ocial event planned, the i usually :a gathering a out the roar-ing camJ)­tr and th pin rung of yam. until ~ ilv r ton s o{ the bugle s ummon. all hand to bed. And how yott leep in the e Cam [!IS! and eat! It's no ' onder th > aveTag· attimdant 1·eturn · born so w ~tl s t up, b1'onz ,d and b althy, with houlder. ~ d, ey es cleared and w1th renew d "p p" to t~ckle th old job againl Your future prospects and our value to your em­ployer will be increased a lot by attending even one of these Camps. Detailed information and iUustrated literature may be ·obtained by addres ing the CMTC O.f ficer at any tJ. S. ATmy post. THERE'S A REASON Jones had driven his ear into a garage foT a ·light adjustment to the carburebqr. While he was waiting he became greatly interested watching one of the mechanics working- on another car. In about fifteen minutes the foreman approached to advise him that the adjustment had been made and that the car wa ready. "I've been watching that m.echanic over there," aid Jones to the foretnan. "The:r!e's a man who l nows hi business. He didn't pill a drop of oil n th ground. He put down the hood gently, fastened it ecurel .. and ·left 110 fingerp.rint:s. He wiped his hand with lean wast · before opening the door, spread a cl an loti OVt!l' the uphol ter. , me hed his g ar noi el ·sl ' and tl en drove sl wl out. That' s m , idea of onsci n-tious worker." ''Yeah,'s his ov n car·," r epli d th fo1· man. I BACKYARD GOLF' l1'ath J' dri ing f1~om the stoop Kno ked the r oster for a loop, Saying, a h wut ·h d the h t, "Thais hircli , i ' it n t ?" • • 12 THE L<) - N E})V YORK OFFTCE~ 230 Park \'enue!l' John. lon, Mgr.; J ohn 0 -horn ; Vale .Toluts lon: Summerfit'ld £n<'y. Jr; (;~or1{t• Ma ..,on~ Cbarlt Ru ... QPil. Jr. ONE OF THE SERlE OF TALK BY J. 1\'IA TON CHAMBERS . ttnuuer is j ust a t~ound the cor­ner, and bo~·s are getting camping in thei1· bone . A day never pass­es wjthout someone a.Jdng me about camp. A11 1 can tell them i::>, that Can1p Hope will open about .June 15, and frorn all indication we \vi i] fill ever y hut \~tith ruddy facPd boys. A fev{ days ago I rlJ~o ve up to carnp. \rhat a different place it i:::: 01 the winte1· time. J~ver:rthing j::; dead. The ·wind that r attled and slamJned the win do~· shutter was ahc,ut the only noi.~e one could h eat·. Aftel· ~-a J kfng at·ound for awhi le 1 f(Jund severaJ signs of spring. Tlte 1C1bin , ~, .. ,·e c.:orning in. TJu.: g"ra.~s p •teped f.t·c,n 1 unde1· the le-avP8 hP.n· aud tlv-n:). ;.tUd t.he nut of :• f,,.Jd . j)(U nrs '·'d.~ bt)a J'd. 'fhclse U Ji i 1 S.!s ::il wa:,\'. · IJL:a t u ~ t.r, t•, rt1 p, and wi1Ht a j11y 1 h · ·~: Hrid \' I HlcTJ \i <• at'­,., v,.. . ·.hJr'H.~ y c~;u·s H1' !1 I W:t'B uak,:..d 'fl.r l Iii ed to g_u t.o en rh p. \Veil J W«•itt a(tP/'llJ t lo t,·JI )Ot1 in thi. ;tdtr•}o J,r.-<·H U ~ f · il \1\t,u)d hll n l,tJr,h.., IJII.t r ~JJtdl f1Jw uu l H fp T ttt' ti t•) l't :tsun . w h y;.~ IJ,,\ ld.t !-- t'J t' lop : hil ing, wirnrn111J!, . fl .. {tin~- . t•u tiiJp · rul . Je .. pin,· i; tJ"" OfJr,.u. '.\illl tltt! blue sl<Y above and shining . tars for a blanl<et. Do } ou know anv ~ boy t hat doesn' t like tl1 oHe things 't Last sun1me1· when we had our largest enrolln1en t of lJoys at carnp, we had two boys who lnsi t ed on smoking. When they were told that it was against catnp rules they }:>ac}\ed and left. rrhose boys gave up two weeks of ln1ppine s in C~od's gf'eat out of dOOl'ti just be­cause they \i\·ouldn't give up rook- . tng. Let the parents r en1en1her one thing the good emotions awaken­ed in the boy b.\' what i done l'or him in ca.rnp, we try to dit·ect hirn into healthful upbuilding ch.at1JWI ~, in olher wot·d~ the spirit of jc.y Hnd halJpine:s, give ·hape lo lhP hnilcl­ing <Jf H lJO) '~ "·haract L~. 0He of f.rlt (:! g:r at sl tlling·s at camp i!:l the cnrn p~r:;; irnn~d ll d ion , c.tud All.\ d1t···e tol· who do~~ not up­JH't · l" iHl fur gnud Ot' iJI in llh· eanl p· c t . i11m_g-inatiun i:-; nt •y;let tiny, t)I\C ' of t h <~ gJt~cttl S l d :o;Sl• l : oF hi!' Jut ~ j .. J1 ·~. I r t lw (·,ttllp "'{•1· I a~ J.'.•Jod :1 ~ . tllltc J,,,_ ~ .tud gi d s JJl:d" Uh'IH, , ,l. ~Hi I.J;td :•} , t•tu t' 1nrd .- t ht·tn :o;•'••Jn I il V. hltld ,aj(h, 11 .lJ ~ H lht\Vt' ll tit' :t j f •I It' flll . t. I : tl h \ ... H t..J "I !(t \ t \ I I t" K. .. 1 1 c nil. Jt•• a lt'tw havt·r•, \,t l lv · .. tl•• tJ ti }t J I t\ .~ ,I I rll '!Ill .~ b' lt pI H • ·~. i ll l' l h '. ean1 per's imagination. ..:\. b<",y in a large camp wrote the foUowing \Vord~ hon1e, lf\Ve had a terrih1e storrr1. it hlew all the b{ ildings and tents and ever.:th ing R\·ay. Send me a dt>llar:· lVIoth~·· replied. ·1 c liked imagination. ·'I an1 ~ QJT•\ ' about the sto1·m and ~uppose you lost your laundry bag, for J told you to tie it to your l>ed.'. The <-Une boy wrote later; "\Ye hiked one hundred miles today. I fun c gained nine pounds .. ince .:und~ y. Don ·t forget to mend rn!: dog and feed 1ny pant ".,. A hey gencr .. lll.V '''riles that way \ :hen h( O\"'tlS hi~ n1othe r ~\ letter and \Vnit · until tht' la l rnirnn be t\ n.• s' ·inuning ti-t11e to "rilt?. J ''i~h that it \a ('{•-.:"il~lt' fpr u-:1 to tak C\' r.r bn.\ in nnt\'11 tn carnp. nnt lhal \H' rn,lk~ nloth.•\· • "' i l h i t. ht'<"H ns • w • tlt.''.: { r do that. l)ut f•H' t l\t =-' iwpl ~ t •as n th t it l s ' \ I h t) f t h ~ f!. I .. H l. ~ t (' h ,l t t C.' t_.p r l •tdldi n ~ phll' \ ' ~se:-\ ·n t.Hl' \t•rl'-t. A lt'lt ~ to a "-.' n' &l ft· •m a P~ t 't' n t. '' t '· t~np ..;\.·nl lny bt>.\ \m 'h lu Ill~ full ttl' fh'p, IH ~tlth.r . 1\\· tt t ·'. lJright­t ' .\ • ·d . all br. n lh.\d up. . , ntn(l ( ~ 1\ II ( I'll d \" it h llH' u 1J ll~ t li h: ~ f :' t: • ... U~ \ 'l1 • I r that \~H -' ft ll thu '!lDIP lmd dont~ fc1r htnt, I \tllld not thint i1 \fit th \rttin • • hcHtt~ E\l' r ''\ pto."¥id .• ~lenty of fo d, out­doors and e: rc'"' . All M1P ··teh th ir ·harg~ s car utf ·. T~1e ab e r~u!t. th r rer~, wa, only what J had a rigLt to e< p ot. ••The Yean~~ , ·twth \ hi! U1in that camp did for my loy was tf! rea-rraJ."lge M. me tal outlook · n l.ii . Jt ·en hun l · ck t m a e op~.rativ hum~:tn behlg. . ' f r h -.. ~ct aw,· ~·· h did 6n1y . hat he anted t do, a.nd as h " anted to do iL 1t n1igh · b . more ~al:l cox­reei t say h · u ualJy di · not want to o what hr. . ldcf' ~:antec him to_d!ii, nor whe they Wadt~"d 1 im t.J, o it. Wben a. ked to h 1 i nn.e ta. k around i e hfolu. 'e, l :Hways Wlil1 -ed to nn· ·h his sto .. 1 (1}' do • om t :iru l; frr. t O¥ p~n· · h~ , h ~ " ·r tir "d." Whten i · time ff)l:' him t~'J do 1-i<• u t hj:ng t ';\'<t.. a t of b is r:uu iJ); or joh, uclt a going to bed th . e ~ i ~ arially '11 rgu.ment; t u alib~ -Ut· · n ~. ·, and f uquf>mtlv a11 ·J, t . ''The fln;t 3n; J ived w.a vn t.h<· e> t>niog vf 1J,. ., d<>:;', h . - tllrtwd. A out n W. t/ d r, l ~a d, ·'Wlt, l (j', ~uu' _}ad ar<~.thr a J n IJ' d'· v'..,... gu . it'"" . }JlJU 1. i . ·ou to turt in." .! w s *Juit~· f.-, · a hal:t'-bvur '~'•f 1 at:ittn1 ln.g c. l1d ins' tem: . 'rb. i4-IJ,., TliE LOG llec.•pUJ;Il\ Romn, EW 'iOltK OPJ;' I('ffi fJ.,drll.d<~ Hi:1tltn ·r; (.~ d Cttnt,ou ' . s-.. et· w. !'1. •·oK," 1<uad off he w nt to b d. Sine his l' turn he eh< r~ f uJly l'dl' , and ofh~fi vol1mt · ers to help . ar.oun<il Lh ~ h:onse. Wh · n there is a job t~ tackle. he- j1Jlmps I'ig'h t to it a.nd sticks t:.ll~tiil it's fin­i hed . . ''That was wl at caiu~p dfd for my boy. It V£El wetl \;V0:rth ·the fee 1 p~id for ·UTJ.:rt'liter vaea:Hon." · · If you at a ;pa:r. nt and have a ho send him . fa camp thi . yeaJ'. lC you don't prefer ouTs, .s. nd birn tp 3;n_other on , dol{t deprive hjm of 0ne of tbe greatest ;joys of Hf , - Camping. NOT G(Jll .. TY A. tirr'le-k epeT :for ~a. I·ailr.oacl ~ . ang in M:i$S.ouri · · }ted a ne ~ ktli1aJ.a his am .. •· .~ tw'g . W.a. h ingrtQn, , uh ," r • 1Jii i}d th · o. on of toiL 1'You't' Jl()t th man who cut tht) 'f {> :r'y t ·, nl"'e' . JU ?~' fl;~ f'd thP ti moe ·~w~t, joldngly, ''. aw, . uh . 'Tw :rn 't rne ~nh.. J)1s ~m de fuJ·f:!t wtJ' k al'1'. dvn {Jr uvah y e1)1.h,'' Add suw tn . ff•\ f . h ft'Jlit tift ' . t i~ \Vii "J it. i~ ·Ull ho , qrj d, Of •tJ k \l hut 13 . GRANDPA WAYBA . K S YS "fhe best way to k in toucr wjth di !$tani relat1v s is to have a spat 1' m in youY house. You ~n ut me d0wn tts fa odn' th~t new 1ong . kilts · 1 ain't fell over: l> two ft t· plugB n Main str et . ine · th gaJs p.lJt 'em 61 • Th old-f •h,i;on c1 bonds of rrr t­rimony s . m to h v iilegeneT ted into. hort-t ttn d. b ntu1 s. - · The ' 1 .re , af ty Z:on in the city ar. nic . tand inside ne and ali an · otomobile can do is to hit you . rlancing blo . ~f'b e aveta.g man. i lik a ther­nlom. t; r. If y u rna e ~rungs h t .enough fM him at th b ttom h 'll limb. 'rh m~lill trou "l with the · eho 1 of xp ri nc t<; th:a ~· ou ne . r gtadt1at..e Yt' 1m lt, • l ie fo. r tl1 . t:h•gL. tim c ttt ying h. T' kitt n by th !-W en 11 p of i s n k. · • . • · uu n1n' tit h .. • . . moth ·h~) ~~l'if, d . ' hingl '. 1' ou hunHy t to h a fF.lA:h ·1"­Y. cllttr s _1ntnpanion. , . • • 14 - R. AND ~ ·. !\.QTE" ._i'nce last j ~sll e of t he Log our department has been eon .. iderably strengthened th r ough the courtesy of ~lr. St ork. Those eon'lplintent~d iJ.\ · hi~ 'i ~its are : ~{r. a nd Mrs. -n _ - B. McCracke11, a g irl, Mr. and .lV{Ys. C. R . . F!hodarn1er, a boy and Mr. a nd .!\Jr . C. W. Paxton, a boy. RoheJ·t , the lit tle son of Mr. an<!l .1\.b~ . G. \V. Chu,k v-,.as r un OVel· uy an automobile on last Th ursrlay evening and .-;erimJsl .v )nj ured, r e­J) IJrb~ a:r~ that he i~ making a SJ~,.e.dy ~e-co very at the N(Jl'bu rn Hut-,pital wlH!l*e b e wa:; t::t;k f3lt i n1- fHP.d i('J. v.d y att ~ r tlH~ ae,~id e n t. L. W. King has bven eonfin'Cd lo niB hrJrne f ol r.>ev~t·aJ da\rd •tLh flu . • \Vf; ~n- ol<::af{~d i<J lPat'n t bat ~1r. ' .J. T:. ~ h.t vg.h1 ·r , witt) w~s np-4 • rait~d 'JH · jrn~ apJJl • Hdjt~ J ti s t nD n~ lth t-tn f1 Y-1 • <.. J, ~${0, ; . g tbuo· ujnu'-' v .. ~·y w<·ll a t d v. fll :--;o,,JI h .. t hl•• 10 t•<•t u}•JI flOTt JC". W. A. Ch-n·J\ is 'l;.t~ h nu t.ilt.l j cJI, afc 1 it f( w da,Vh i ~h::li"lJ ,., ., on 1J.t: ·1<· k fist. Tttc f: . :tHd A, 4 , ... I,!.U t~ru •'p f ts t: ~(ft H S jl1 1ldHJ Jt poll t;c., Itt lltfl VI\:-1C \,...~IJ f(Jt' ,IJ(; ~·~ l H: rrlfH) . ~ I r ~ J·-~ ht~ lll r ST. Lot· I$ OF'Fl(' 13:. 1806 1'\ rcade .UuHding ) Jr. John R . . \u t~ Jr .. M a na g~ a larger mem lJer~ h ip recorcleel m our f a vol· than at any othe-r tirne sinee the Y' estabJi. "hmenl. 1f in doubt as tG h0w to get the b'oy 's co-ope1'a.tlon l e~ve it io Leich . y ou ·can't o-o wronO'·. . 0 . 0 Out entire organization deserves to be eorn_me:ncled for the splendid efforts put :forth so far 011 the next y-ear, each ma.n '~s app1·eciation of u st eacly .fob al'ld icl e~Ill ~ur r ·oundiU:g"· is exemplified-by his zea lou eff'cwts to do his p~u ·t t'ight, safe ly and i.n a::; shol·t ~L period of tin1e a i;;; Ct.">n­s istant to do so. Coni nbnent and co-operation are two good wedgex with which to separate ~U< 'CP~cS from fa ilure ~ h:'t'~ d t"iVt;' 'ent np. --~-~--·~------~~ woon Y1\RD NBws .IYlt· . .J. 1~. lu nl •Ut, \~· if'( • f J . t'. 'l llrnun nnd nwt h r ul' ,luJ)t ;:., In rtUHI ~·lo f h f':XIIployld CHI U1.., .\nud dH·d ~'i'~I LJrrrfH.\, 'l\·lt-t n •l• ~ · I . :t l 11'·r =• lh rfJ,i•i i1i r il ll h •£41"- ol l 'oi r;.d l 'HnUt l ' .\il t ~ l~t nl ;t O dt iiJ•l lt l' HI\' al. \ }1, ·1 \ ... :'!\ lxwn. ;uhl )lv d Jtl\)~ t • t•f h.t ,. TiJ • n ctl ('h dtt,. - 11.- .. . - -- w:.t. -.: h~ld i,n h 'gh est~ero -y a11 whr.; 1-n.e"· h~r. S.he wa~ a L.ou t fi:fi~, : Pili:S old, .va ... , manied to .J. E. Inn1an nee;trly r 1ixty y e~s ago. She had been a con .. i~ten ~ lnember o:t: UH~ L otl i:a cha1>t=l 31. ·". Gh ' eh for a nu n1ber of year~ ah-. h Y$ tak­h~ g a pat·t in the .atthtities L ~ t h@ churcl1 as J"ng as her h a ltt .. ~ ·­n1itted. F~1neral M?::\ k - ~ v,·ere ·ond \'t d iu her c h ur(· h :---. u Hh · P. ~f. at ~ : t 1) • 0~~ ~\ ck bY her pn ~tor th.(1 .He' ,--. J ahn ~on ~~·k l~u b \' t he r~ ev . \ . . • 1\ fa tn.e \- ,. f Cant"~n. I~ ~ :P. \f: J'a, - • k0u of th € 1: te 1 }:tti ~t. ~.7hU t.,;}t t "t'Y. Ui·.\ nan f'J' t h ~ Ch d . . I·~, cl t ul~c• h •. :{'lith ~t\1 h.:~ . \ ilH .nt ~ r H ' l\l r p~ ~h>t q f M s. l'Iln\;. L i\:h ·s. h•rn. c1~ i~ ~ n r ,· h· ,:\ l z. h~"t h t.t ' h~\11 i . nd Ultlt• (' hild.t\.1111. tHU' g .\ h.i r-h i!tJ rt ll , t b t 'e ' bi'\ H.h "'-, I{ ~ •b ' f't ~H'l d \ \~h_,,, . 'eHH r ~ .n~ C1.\ ,.h\ ,1. IL ~t·lln r -.. v i _.\l h \l' 1 ~ •Unty . ih.·""', . '") :~-4 t~ n ;, ~ f.l'. , • h ll I 1 \{ \ \ V l H { ~ l"' ll }1H l tr · .. \ ncb l ~ llh~n. '"n c.tU (I-f ~ k\· • C 11 (' (Hill,~· . '"'" '' i, It tn l \. t.,.'Hd t t h, n:t\ at­hci 1 .-~ .i\( {Ill' t ·Ut\ iJ.~ t )Ul' IHt , ') t \ ·, , t , • h 1·1 d h ( · ~ u· t 1\·' 1L ..... ) ll t na l h ' flh'H· ~T\'~ l l h\ t ~~ lVdH\ ·tt ( . • RB EP'r:tO ' ROOi\1, ST. VJULS QJ.":FLC.E, l ()6 ~larie ~ • .lU lieHcr DE TH UF' MRS. J. G. ROBINSON Mrs, J. G, :Hohitr on. ~iecl at th home of her ~on. J. C. Robin on, whe¥e .he mad.e home, March 13, UlSl. l\:1:r . Robin n wa th.e wido.w of the !'{ate J. G. Rob-in. on wh C> pre-: ~W her to the grawe by ev ral Ye1ilr ·• he wa . · 0 .vear" o1d, had !u!en a life long member of the B~pti t ChlH'Cli. . Flme!'a.l e:.rvice were held . a:t leas,a:nt Rill -cnurcb in Bun:eonab-e couniv. . eanduct:ed b ' t he Rev. W. . !! atne of Canton and the Rev~ ' .. . . Ef;) Self of Buncombe. Bm·iaJ iJ1 . the clun·eh cemete.ry. · I . R-obin on is . urviv d hy a ho t of frien · a nwo. er of gran.d- • chiJdren and the following children; J. and ~ oah of Canton, William · of Act on, Bu.e.lab. of Hcnniny, · {r . F, S. Steruman of' Acton, Mrs. R CHne of .4b:et'de.en, \:Vasb.ington, M.r • M. E. 1\-fe'fritt of Winst n a.lem, and .M:rs. Hick . Ow~ of Ac­fun. rhe men "Of the .war.d extend to "Curt" a:nd 'the oth~t member .. of fa:mily their mo$t ' ncer~ SYl.ll· patb,y in th.i& gre-&t .li>el'ea ement. CARD O.F 'I'HANl\.B . We wish to e ~pr~ s .. ol!l'fll! thanks a-ucl apprec:ia:ti dh to · l!ltu' ;friencb and neighbors for t he many aut's of and ~y:m:pa,thy sl;lown . . ue by them durhi~ ,the i'flness and · rleath of OUl' mother,. : Es}j)e"cially to the ti arn c:re·w eJn The ·Champion. Fi re Yard :for thebe.antiftal wreath -of flower sent by them a:tld the -many other expre&.sion of · ympa-th r from the .men of th:e crew. J. C. Robin on, Bvother- & Sisters. FlNlS!HNG ·ROOM NEWS "Amon.g the new comers this month in the. Finishing Boom are Helen Grogan, Leiia: · CooJ< ·and Ruth ease. We welcome t11:em and h pe t;;ltey \VITl like their wo·r1c G. C. Watt , '\vho · ha been oR , th ici\: Hst fol· som€ti:r.o.e, j -· 1:: - pr,'l.·i d improvi.n.g . W 11, v 11 of aH the surpri e . . I v ~r -a,gain be-Li~_t hat a w ·ma-n can n.ot J\ (}. p a se ~r t. oro.a C e Kkb. , who wo:rks on . ~ cutte-r, will '0 n ha • been m4rr'1 ,d·. years and i · · t: I ling .i't. - -- . The 1ucl<y feHovv js l\ir. Lethel Gar-land of Yoang Hanis, Georgia . The c upJe ·was married jn Yorl;:, S: C. Ma~ 13, 1928. We wish them a long and happy manied life. Mr • Carrie ·Amos ha been con~ ·- - . I fin ~p. to her home fo,r s eventl -;~·eeks with the flu, but i now able o be about again. The tork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Duckett on 1\b;reh. 5th; and left a fine nin pound ·.b.oy. . As -tve go to pre~ , '"·e have jvst heard that 1\[i ~ Vergie Bur:net te is .going t0 the hospital for an ap­pendix operation. We hope that he tands the opeTation well and · has a speedy recovery. THE PWARD ROAD I will follow the upvard r a-d today, I will keep my ;fa e to the light, I will thin.! hig}i thought a I go m way, I " ill do what I kno i right; I will look for th fi we-r by th · · d :f th 'l' ad, · 1. ~·H I lau!fh. a:nd lo e and la sb:·o1;1g, . I WiU t:ty t tigl')..ten anotbe:r' load, hi da. as I fa .-e al<mg. ' ](1 • CHICAGO OF f"[CB, 1 41 Conwny .Buildjng 1r. R .. H. But.ferworth. Manag t•r ; G. E. Runice; Hele-D Tockslein; Hazel CtJrd'='Jl; Elizab~th R ichl B.v G. L. Suttles The Y. ~1. C. A. a character 1Juilding Institution. ''\.Ve do not need n1ore material dr.velop1nent, we need tnore spirit­ual development. We do not need n1ore intelJectual power, ""e need mol'al po''-'er. We do not need more l·nowtedge we need more chat·ac­ter. vVe rlo not nePrl more govern­J n~nt, we need n1ore culture. \Ale de, nut need rr10re la\", we need more religion. We do not need n1ore . t !ling..~ that are sPen, \ e need n1~ore 1 h ing~ tlutt e:u·p 110t seen. Calvin f'oolirlsr . Are you helping wtth lhe c har­; Jr•i(T-buJ [di fit! pt·ograOlS of i ll e Y . :M. C. A.·~ JJo \'JU .•mppf'Ht j1. b.v fJH.\'tng a ~mall fn(J>robe:r:hip fpe ·? l)J' do V<1U fl.l f'Lf~r~ lo jc,in h f>C;tUSt' .\ '1U d(, 1111t twrtu·qmto in it~ ;-H~tiv itic .. '? J JO ,r«Ju th wl~ t hat' iJ von p:-1 v ::.- S I)J;.t II • 1l PTil bm·c;lt i p f, ·~ t J 'H t ou hr· l.-l11n~ , .. y~ral l JHt•·~ ))raJ wrJ t.;l~ in ,,nlt•J r.hal.V«JU rnay w ( .'t,UJ" rnrn1 ·y' Wt•r Lh.! Or• rln \' Oil tJtink f lt:;tl;. il IIi Wt,, UJ1 . 'IJ)II t'fJ tiH ~ to the· t<.,Wu, und it 1m.\' ~~·l·w~ ot h ·t·s a 1 l IH·Ip 1 l1(·u1 \"itJ , f J,( it· ' , ;.• u y 1 n u 11 I f"IJ ~ J n 1 11 • ~ • ti n fl I 1 h • SfJ IIL.U (•Jy. Do you know about the work of the Boys clubs, their character­building prog,t•am~t a11d what it costs in effort afld in dol1ars and cents? There are man\· men and won1en • in Canton that help in the progran1 of the Y. 1\1. C. A. by paying a men1bership for some worthy UQY or .girl, knowing that their money will l>e well spent by an abJe Board of Djrectors. 1\fow let's think for a few mo­nH:' nts of our health and how to build with s.vstematic exercise. .A few weeks ago an anditjng firnt that has offices in fifty-. even .. of this counir.v a11d cotTesponclenis in &'-'ven oiher counit·ie~. printed a four 1 ag folder called •·'rhc vat­U<- of Ji vJng nu~ n. " 'l'lw OIJ(-\ning and du~illg pnnt£,n·aph 2' r t> d cl ~ fo i ­Jow ·s: "Ea<'h vl~Hr n 1td nH•nth • lake• t hPir ~o il of li\{ (:a.~ of HHnl allll \V(J"'H n on wiJOilJ lH."Jlg l tll'$.'("' atl'uu's, un wJH,nl HI~ d"JJt11ltl ut hntufn·,ls 01 tlu•u .;un d ~, lh •\ untl Lh ·i t· IHHll rliHh! f'u ruilrl·. :tHd frtf\tHt t-l. Smnt• li -HVt! 1T. af'ltPd Hn ·1~· .. \ \ hh. h Jl llll~ It L: 'f ·rn thnt HH'll ' wntl \HP~ dow·, \ h t ll tiJ&-~ it· rual• ·•·nl ol•liJ.,.:·a­ll• n 1 o fl( lc'l • · l :Y h ttl hc•c•u .un plr fill ~d. ! Ltit \ h tv•· nnt. t 't .. l ·It, d uch an dge, and their death l"' .:1 n1atter of public concern. .l 1Lt of p1·ominent t~u ~ in~s men wh· have died in th{~ la ·t ·i.x n1onth · is rH·e. ented herewitl". The pu1·­po e is merely to sugg: .... t bo i1 l­mens~ iy valualle me.n aJ·e w.aen • thev become l e~derc.:. in an - reahn, • and hO\-\' livjng m ·n .:-ho id ,fu their utn1o~t to preserv~ th~•n~eh es - 1.· the . ake of othe1 ~. if n t iot the~ 1- seJve . " In the li ~ t of two 1 ·1de l»l...~ ~ of the l>u Hen n, eo' et·ilJg a pe,·io~J of six u1onth .... , '· r' the narne~ <.>f fifb ~ th· . rnen \Yho w~~l~ l)U ....,t~ttd- • ing }t;'<ldP r~ in t.h ir IHI'llttl~~h' bu~l~ ne~,. 0 f rt1 s~, tift ~t h t:! Ill u ~ lwt• nncl fift~ pn $~'-'"1 ~.: n 1 b L \ \--' ·n fr 1·t.\"· tl ft \ 1\)ll rt ' .. tl b t \ ~ n an(.l :-:.i'\ t' . ~ix l ' ·n b\'l ,; '-'{'ll • ~ ixt\. nnd . • ,-)ut,. ·. Hin t"-''n lh. h \ t'{\ll ~t \ t.1ll t y und t'i h t.'', t h re · U l Wt't' ll •\gh l~· lHHl td ll ~t;~. ~l'lO JH:-.t LHI ~ OY 1' lltll~t ~. \Vh<l t \'4l~ tht• ll\Ut , ... '' ilh the l I f I • "' tl t' t l1 t tl t I h ' ll t l t l-1\ t { 1 l1 t }l i ,: bull 't 111 :· \ h' dut liH'.' p2: -:s uut b,·fnl't' their 111lll' had u-rh t'tl? ' l ~ll ,,. ~·u,plr did th'i "tH_, ,. the l nh · uf lir\ . Tht _, d td r11,1 l,('t p ·'rh.' ,·j l.dl,\ tit:' I'll ~v ~;ud .. ,, · ~ ~ ,.~, .l u i- 11(' ' nhn. \ t-' d HPt ha\ t~ t•\ ob ' " l know ofno on ._who cam€ LOJ\h~ · ·job as .~Ph · 'e.aJlv fit" as: ai~. · Me - ~ .• v - . 'I:'lm~e iJ\ hi.s -~"J?attle ~)f 'a c 11"' tu:ry , .. ~ita .ioo~ Demp e.~; W dn not hQ.:Ve ·"' koop the ·1-ulti of Hf t.l~ ~ifl ~·ne 'fl~!I,ey, ~eea:u~e l, . ~e.d ~ver-,ythi~ ma. . tl'nrt. aitte , . ~~e .. . in th~ riP..g. Wi acre u t ,work ·11~ ftn: ~trlrt.)l~nci:ne . m1Mt' ' but for 1U:~ \¥ 'Pla1:t ~ · • ei'­d . e 'ffll a. mo,elil r-np ~ . modiet::a:te a"k.. ut w:~ tllU · .o;b y ·tlte ~ul~ · . laid d.Q>\'ll by· G'"6d at \h.e b·'egmn{tt•:r of· tl\;e:" World... ·!t · ta;;ke the e-oiH:l~ que:~~ ·fl. ~ ·~orter Jif~, ,t;e:sE ha:,p­Pil~ lowered ~ffici'(tl)£y and lir:Rilt· ed · tt~e & Th dangerau day·s ft.1·e her·e in .Marclr an'd ~l)ril with !p:'.:tn~ · pe'O­ple laifl u~ with ·coldS. and '-Flu~·~ . Le~ g~i the 'habit w 'of sy~t~n1:a- · ·t;jc ~!X.e.fct.~ The Gnampior.l Y. M. - . - ' C. A.,· is ready rith. it! .equ<ipment, . ·-to serve Yeu. ft matte;r net what > \'0U dO, y~u n.eed SO!l'Ie exe_rci ~ e >tmcl pia;y. It m<,\ttel"$c nat wt_, Yl1l1L \Vofk, we can arrange -a "Wm';k -tiflU •• fo()lr; y{).ti in the Gvw, amd you t:an .fQllliw this wt:th a bath ami &wim. · . G€f a "Y~' member ldp anxi get ' . . } !;l'fi!J th.e' activit:i~s-• . and took arQ:uJllifi i. . . " .YtltHU'td ea. if ~roti can h-elp .a @l,)yi • • < o.r. to p~ticipate m this great - "h.a,taeter buillling program. . . . "ttlfu: e:ai\ h.e~in to i;IOO tfie rrre11 gat:l":er in g:roups aro,!m:d the Plant and it yO\i listen: )'OO ~n· li~.r ~me real ~ebali Of e · IJT$e tb-e . . . gam~ \'a'~ pipyed ' last ear, oot · they ~l;'e ;rea1 just the s'4me1 ~ · thes gr.ow ""~;th . e¥tcr:l te:ttilng~. ' l'he Labo:ra.tory. E!JOk MiU. So..da Mitt ,a;n.d ~nY' oth:e~;s are~· g~bitrg · oGu,t ~ gM eqrupnie~ a:nd ~l:Ieek .jl't,g -UP. to see- whet-e they stan€1. . Old glOves ~re · 'bein.g , tliled and . ·um~red"' u.p ~ady for. t}Je 1931 ~,!h '· uttl~s and. eha:m.~ ar.~ g~t.­t4: rlg hnfr illt ~ •rf olt~lriill..g up· . mate"rlaJ .~ getting ~Y. fttr . an ep}d:oo]ie !()£ ba,. ebali kvet ·- . ,. • • ' • on ·Mond,ai . Eyenin~, Mat'<!ih i!f:i the n:temberS' ol' tlii.:e PeOOt; G. Tfititn.,. . $QJl Bib-le Cla~.i met:' ,at ,Th.e Y. M. c. a. wti.ere tfte:~i' we:r~. entertained by the Yocmg.IML®'S eJJnp. " J. L. Worley, Sponsor for tne \ Olu:h was ill eharge oil the p rogram. ' ~ - ·- T.fre Y Clu'ij string· lra.nd w-as o.u · ltaud an:d ' rendete<il se . eral ver:y . fine nnmber;;._-whicli wef.!'e tho-rough.- . l\f:' enjoS.ed by all tli0se p;reseiit. 1\1;J' . .Pam ,Murray G.f the Ba.ptist CbQtcb waJ$ ]!)ei·es~t with 'l:l v~.i>Y kelpbl n1(}$sage £011 b();th-the boy,~o and the Bib.lQJ Cla.&s;, · · Oatt.e,P Rh1nehart., te~her : of the ;sib.Ie e:la.'-S, iave ~ vea:l m~sage · ani ·~X:Jlre'ssed ~~fs. a}lpreeiation of t'he Yeo - g :Men'J;.1;:' :C.J.u.b and tla ir . · many het;ptu;f axt.ivit~- - . - l-1titt-olm. Olis:P1 :P»eSi~nt ct tb.e . :YoA:J.ilg .M~n·~ :Y ~b :·« ·· · ·ted b~ Quentin »lW.ook, gan a -hl ;t,ei' Qt .. tfie ,Club axtd its wm-k. · Ci:g,a:r:.s ere furru.s!ted by t~e · Young !1e:n's Y €'ltd): and th meet .. . . .. ' . "' • .. ·A ;Y-i.H.!Ilf ~~·~11 who; ' w~fe W"'J.~ .making' a prolong~ vl~:·e t<~ · tht! ljf.llilte- i,t tv~r va ~nt~ ('}e.oame . qU;ite exdted 011 !;ece,iving tlle f'QJ., lti>wb.1n te!igr~u'l;l : . '''E!Wins arriyed, ~.oing fine, uro1·e later/' · . ,lie l;'i.tsb. ,go to the near .st t i.e- . ' .. grapll oft1c and. wired to. b~ wife~ "~1¥ :g~h, ·kid:, ~ou~terrna.Jtd o:tde~. two 1s· pleRt'Y/' ' WJ;Utmg Umi·ted~ · "B~ie,., do you m-ean by s!it~atiug ~lid atornttn.g about . like tha,t ?"' denra~.cled a mother, as . he · <::ame inh;1 the ro0m whare her chil­ilren were pl;<a..ying~ ''Why can't you _play qui:~tly; like Ted 1 He isn't saying a wer:·d/' .. "f}f C!!llTse he's not · It's hi-s part . . . in the gatne to p.lay tike that. He i:s being 'PA~a ·coming home late at nig~t .. -and I anll: .. y-6u.'" EX'cha.nge. . . . -~ . . . ' DutiBg the ~evere weatl1er of last winter · Mike and Dennis ap­plied for work at tee harvestipg; . · uDid yon ever eut .any ice·?" . . aske<ii t})e man in enarge, "Di.d we'?" said Mike, "sure. ask ' . anyone rutound the stoek ·arcls and t hey'll tell ye we re the boy that eu t some ice. ' . "l d'On't mean that way," ~aid t.~e n'!;a~.. l'l:vu:t I ,gue you'll do. ':Cake thiS'• (hw:n:ding thern a cross~ cut. · a~) '.'and go out ttl~ here you see the c-r-0~ d on the lake." " 1 ·a aft · nap we have, ' Di'b"riy,' · a.:id Mik<;l a . theM 'ti-oued· .alop;g,. ~'~hree t1onar$ a day and we a~t~;'t. kno'W what we'l!e go:Qtg to :.t ,, . ' . . u'O. . .... . 'tt' know what we•r:e going to de .~U F1:&'ht;' ~id D~nn-j 'but v hat l'Jin wonderin.g i •hleh ARe of l'l$ ' I • o is gli>ing t0 get . at tb. hQ tom · ell..d: pf ~saw.~'? .• • . . - - --· --.--..-.-.............~ -----·------ CJ Er . l'E E- f LOIJE \.~ I~"OOIJ FA Lr\( IE. F,Jo i fat1a~ies that have long ~"in<~> uee:1 exploded in the course: of i.h ~ dL:1velopn1eni. of lhe n1odern ~ri~ue~ of n utrition a re discussed in th Oetobe.r i~.: ue of Hygeia by Laura lh1. I ananas used to be th.ought in­ctig~ tjble, she points out; now ripe bananas are considered good food for a bab\·. Tomatoe were • thnught to l1e an aetua1 poison 10() year· ago; now no vegetable is con­" ldel·ed more heaJth.ful, or is n1ore popular. lt is no longer cons jder ed dan­gerous to leave food in a t in can no}· do al un1 in urn vessels poiso11 the food coo.ked i11 t hem. Celery anrl fi h have been advocated as brain food because t hey contain phosphorus and because t he braJns and ne1~ves are h i ~h in phosphorus . Now it is kno'"-·n that phosphoru. reaches the brah1 only through t he tJ1ood J;trearn and the brrun eells hav£~ no gt<eate1· ehanee at the phosph.vru. supply than (U1Y other c~ll~ in the body. t~\.dY .Pin~eJ·s J t·up tl.(JUr, :v, cup powclp·,~e/1 su­$;: u~ 1 4 egg;.,, ~.1: t ~ ~ p()Htl } 1a k j ng ]Jt1 rd~t', p llt..dJ t}i ....,blt. ;.;J ff: tkmr. lJe~J i nr powdcj' ~f nd .~aJt thn~ \.iNlt-~. P t~O:l. C I{~ yolLH U.rrt jf \ hir.:l , add t-.. Ugt-t · a,tJ,<I lJr ttf. liH til 1r"nt•,n t·t,Jnrfi.d. Add :)ift ·rf IJqut =~nd ~h i •Jl iold iJJ r; Lil11y l;c ... l,ttl yg ltllf ~ . J)i ttJJ in llil)t.t ) ,Jf·tp, t1 ! A. IJ>p r;H fJt.d~ Jng she t :tt ld d u. I. ~ ith pr; ~ Jtl(»J•l d I Uft'H I j !r, t ( uhnut tw . i\ ~ rrd .. Wh tJ t'oo( (a,y in TRE L<JG pai t·s. ptacing fla t toget'h -~r, ·w ith f ollO'-'\'jng fill ing ~ :4 eup po ~;vd ~1·ed sugar, 1 tahl~!­spoon hot. :water. Add ·water to sugar n1j ~ th<w· oughJy and spn~ad on lady fingerlS, pladng the:r:n together quicJdy .. Mince Meat To two cupfu ls finely chopped cool\ed Jea11 beef, arld three eupfttl$ chopped sour apples, two cupfuls seed less Jaisins, two cupfuJs cur­rants one e·upful finely stiGed cit­ron, ctlpft:Il chopped dried peaches, one .cupr u.l fine ly chopped suet two cuwfuis brown sugar, one en pfu1 s,vveet eideJ·, one tablespoon­ful ·e:ach gJ•ound cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon, b"'o tea"Spoonfuls salt anfl {;)ne cupf ul n1eat stock. Mix well, aitHl sin1me1· one houT .. Seal at onc.e iD bot steriLized jars. ~ * • • • M:i.x. the soft bread crumbs1 suet, apples) sugar, frujts and n~ts.. Sift flour, spices and sa.Jt. Combine tbe mixtures·, add the eggs and n1Hk. Oil 2 large, covered n1olds and d1·edge ·wi Lh suga.r before putting in the pudding rnix t ut· , tean1 about 2 h:ou:rs, keeping the "''ater boiling all the tin1e. Serve with ha t·d o:r foan1y sauce. ' 8cuwc J ('4 .. ·g, ) ~ Ct1pfu1 of ~u ­~ tu·~ .... t <t~ponnfy, l c·>C vanilln, h:.:: cu.pful of ~vh flJJ)erl <·r·onnl ~Jt' 1 % tHbl .:•H:lOoUl UlR l:ff J11 ilk . l , [!, t ih n egJ.r wh i Lt• u ntH tlir ,JJu] b{~n t im gnl chl!\ ll ~ t.tic• Ptl vdt't"_. .. fl s U~al· Wll u ~ nit t>th ~ tnd li!-{ht. ·hld U1 • ·n~dlht ·LHd '"• Jl J.J, ~t l Pn ~ ,~Jk . l h r J1 ( fr 111 f'IJt Ca ' all'l Ol' N11Jk UIHl I! 1 ,,~ '11H' :tnbl d ) g .. r ts I .. , r;ul' tl iH I tw n .JVt•r d ) 11nlfl ~ HH1 j u ~l ;a (•n ticj n ~ a.· arP t l1e h(Jt .·teamed nes~ MfJu.,·~e c+re an e · aruple n.f a froz· eR dish p1 epaJ•e(J in rnoldS. U'U uH;,u ... e is m-ade ll:"om ~hi eo crean1J s~·e~ened aniJ f1" \:,red and ' f roz..,n by fJ, .. ing pa ·'k!ld in a. mrdd .. to-rounded ·vith ice d 1ft "?:alt --"--------...;;__~-· SC. LL(}PED C . tli-"LO\V.En WITH Mc:·aaoo Ttvo ea.u~ftr)v;ei·-. ·Two lb.:;. nnl h ''*'' ms. One small onion. finel. r .minced. 1J'en table poonfh.tfs butter (Jl mru:galin, one-eighth t~h :::t ·1oonfttl paprika. Orte- haJf c upful :Dne M:~~ bread crumbs. ..._ ix tables·pooninls I:: om·. Two and one-half cupft 1· n1i1k On e-ha~lf cupful mushtoon1 hqtt r One teaspooutuJ ~Jt. Cook tret il te rler the ca 1litlo~·e1· ·which ha,.. been pl·eviously bl·oken into Ao\·eret.; ~ Dxnill and ~t~rru o in tv.~o gt~eased ca. ·s~ro1e~- Mean­ ·wh,ile wash the sl :»ln 0f tlt.e tl.1U hr­l'i: l>OnH~ , co er thent w1th l o~htl , '\'~~u~r. a..n i ~i nun r bout · t ilit)' n1inute.· 0 1· un bil the U )tt· ,. 1: re­duced tO <'U n·al · eUt~fu } .\ l·o t' t. the mush.1'foon1 c. 1 ~ tnt: ' tthin - tw~ a·nd coo k f l •t· tl\ ~ 1 urut(· •.- .. in ft'r{ •· t~~thh.l~ rH('ltl f lJ t ~ \ ( f~l t t\11 ~ l n(l• f ~'t;­qU f~lltt )'. N x t. rneH ~i taoi - ~pr;)uufuJs nf bn tt ...... in hE' lltlt"· pun. ·\ ld th ~ riu 'b- ndrt(,:'-d r.~hj~ n a nft c,,l"'k uuti .}. t. a. l td~ ·. l'h~ add t.Lit:' r11ur. while ~ ttt J in~ "o• ~'-'t rn\.f.'· \"ht-n .. tllllOt h, add. t b llUlk an( ntttslu ~vLn fi.,tUHr gt~adtt clH . ' "h:ile 8 l.trrill "· C<'~'k nntil t>h ini"'\•led, 'l'h P-cn .wld t hf- !iHlt. p«1\"1 · i k~t" itJtd hHa. htoon\ W· t.~ 1\Hu· thH~ .athA O\ r tlh~ t\ &rU}ilk •\ t": l" . THE LOG 19 ~--------- --~- _ _,....._~---~--~-- ---___ .;___~~------~ ............ -~---·--c---.c Fl ~ d \Yine has been c.onfi.n"f:'d o hL home ~ufferin(J' from an ab­ce - on the foot. H. 0. \'a~Ten. who ha~ been uf­fering from an .a tack of pneumo- · Ilia, i.:; abou well again. • 1r . T. E Boy-d, ·ho ba b-een in m health for <: me ime, i im­provino-. B. ~ ' . Pierce, who ha~ been uf­feTirt~ fron rheuro.atli'm, is nn1eh i'Tlproved. J. E. laughter. who was· oper­ated on at The Torburn Ho pital _fareh "th, i- getting along nicely. D nald Parris. who underwent a liP'ht o-peration a few week ago 1.U oon be able to return to worls~ .I. R, the little . on of ~Ir. and Mr . Mack t..amey, who fe-ll and U"a.C ured hl arm thr e e ago, is imp O'\ and ·e hope will on be , "'ell Mr Johll Wetstioe., ~·ho has been unde-r th car of a phy ieian for ornetirne, i impro'l · ng lowly . Uobtlrt. the li t l t ·eh~e year old sou of MT. and Irs. W. G. Clark of West Canto who s ruck · an au omo i.le wh:il on th ' ay eom in.g f om .. ,hooi, · itL The Totburn H ·pit l, Asheville J. • ·lntll u.fferht f10m a fraciu oo \ e. ar glad t · r '1) r:t that he is im r . BIR'l'H B rn: To 'Mr. and .l'J)-. . 'BJ:'u e Jo lin. a darwh er.. rua -.v £ h. l3 th mother and daughter are do­ing fine. 2\lr. and Mr. \ ~. H. Ward r . o the arri ·al of .a 0 on on Narch Lt. ~r. and .. Ir "'. n. Rhodarme are 1 jok-ing o ·er a 'On, ·h a.rri ·ed larch 10. The fa ner paaed the dgar to commemorate tht> e ent. TOM YARREX On Fl'ida.- 13th, T'Om \Ya.rrt-n · dropped dead on Acad-erny 'treet. He lef his home a .,hort while be­fore, apparently in go d health, and had not compl-ained of being i'Ck or feeling bad. He leav-es a widow and :five c.hil,- . . . dren. He ''ras -employ d in the Ex-tract department. On Frida.~, 1\>lal'Ch 6th, l\Ir . Queen, '"''idow of oleman Que n . deeea ed, died at her home f Hen­sou ove Road, after a hort ill- 1r . Queen i the mother of Fred Queen, ernplo ed in the da MilL , · But thl ek's prize go to the ,'cotchman ho ent the 1nge n' bill to hiN wh.en he learned that hi wife ton n really hou1d have been tak 11 ut wh n ·h~ wa. ;t little girl. Judj.f"e ' I n 't understand a b.i.g hU''kY man Uke ~ u beatin a poor fr-a il Ut le :\: Q-mat'l: Hk~ your wife~~ · '"But · e 1.. p nagging and taunting me 'Until I lo my t®1P,.. erl" 'What d e she sa.\-·." • .... he :ell"', 'Hi mel I dare )"QU. . . ah ad ~ J ll - hit me n e and rn ha ·e :ou dragged Ul:J before that ln:l.ldheade t old fo ·il 0f a judge.' '' ed." I I TO RET:R.IYE Jack · n came tripping m r.rily into hi tiny hal[ one dav·, and aun t poilt his manly beaut: by tripping er some one·s ·hoe' !ef Jring- about. " Those ferry boat are those in the J1all ? .. he asked later when he ente1·ad the room. "Fen,· boa ~ " hi- mother-in- • law cried an.gr1l:. " 'h.·, tho~e are mr 0 hoe~:" "l\1y dear, good ma,'' Jackson said hurri dly, ''who aid ferry boat ? You mi ·under to d. Fairy b ot , you b1 w fairy boots~,. And then he wiped the weat from hi . brow. The eacheT after 1--ea.ding to her da the tory of the landing of the Pilgrims., a ked them to u~e theiT i.magi,natiot1 and draW a pic­tu. re of Plymouth Ro~k . One li tie fellow rai ed h · - hand. "What is it, Eddie .• , she in­quired. 'Piea-e, m 'am." asked Eddie, "do you want U " o draw a hen or • • a oo=ter ·." QUlCK THINKTN .- \! j e n t lepho "end me a cop~~ of the Child Belon · t . M . • • J rt ( o ck boy) : \Vrap up a cop, of •·y es That hly Baby." , . 1\Ir~ a11d fr . L. 1'. Fo l r v1:-ho ha e b n 'Nin &'ing in Fl rida xe­u: med hom a fe da·v a . • ' 9- .... . •• •• . .. ~ . : ~~ r ' ~ !! ' .. I 0 C "-'I !' c ; ; "'" '. ,..~ .. ~~ : ~'ti·~ 1 :t : : ·'t·"-: •" "~.".:.' ' > c l ..,~ ..~. : • •• l .,.t .,:. .I t ta -::.- •- : . ·•'• . • .. : . ·' ' ... .• u. • .-:. ~.~. .. ~ l , !:- ! > u • : :. . • • • : :J ,: J .... i .• ~ • ~ .. ~-- 1 - . ., ... • ~ --~= l -• ~ c ,. ' ,.. ;,'1-~ ,.. .,. • ... s •. ....'" '""J..- :. .,: s. ...! I '~. ,.: -~-~'i-t J ••• .J-'' 1 'It ~r~.'t. ~·;r.; ~ ~· .& :!.u '-t .. •• 1-; : ~;I;. ~ . '1 • ' .. . •• • • e est Is none too 00 01' ou In th is day of adverti ·ing it i · hard to tell hen it teans t.:omething and \'"hen it doesn't._ More than likely you have a h·ead of lettuce or a pound of sugar hoved out at you as bait to keep your mind off of . omething more important. QUALITY is more important. Here is what we offer: GROCERIES and FEED the best brands only at reasonable prices, 1"1EA1"' . IARKET -highest quality meat products to be had, ask' anybody., SODA FOUNTAIN clean, quick attention, COAL and WOODYARD Fuel that will burn, complaints are \~ery rare, GASOLINE STATION and TIRES convenient service, easy to }Jay, OUR OTHER LINES from the best manufacturers. We put good merchandise on your kitchen table. Wh ... - spend half your leisure time trying to ~nd and deli,·er the necessities of life? Call us up and let us do it for you~ Our desire is to please our trade. Our. business is al"rays good there must be rea~ons . STAY LINED UP WITH THE MILL STORE . We give you a refund next December that ~viii leave Christmas tnoney in your check. We he:tve two telephones, 233 and 65, three delivery trucks with snappy drivers and a store cre'v that is hard to beat. 'J he b . t is none too good for you . • amp1on tore, R€. ..,. our c 'onl)Jan ' Stor I •hont• .. 2;1:1 nnd 65 •