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Subscriptions received by the Appalachian National Park Association

items 72 of 78 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12306.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Vs-vC SUBJECT: In re Appalachian Forest Reserve-, Virginia-Carolina Railway Co. W. E. MINGEA, Pres'T and Gen. Mgr. Abingdon, Va. Hovrv 30, 19©1. Dr. Cj. P'. Ambler, Secty., Asheville, N.C1, Dear Sirj-i- Yours 19th. to Mr. Sv Pw Withers has been handed me by him because the article in the Richmond Dispatch of Novr'. 3rd?,was written by me and signed by him as the correspondent of that paperl I did not wish to appear in the news-papers, but am very muoh interested in the proposed Appalachian Park'. • You can enter me as a member of your Association, and also Capt. James L'» White of this place. I enclose oheok for *',4€,e to cover the two memberships^. I suggest you send some of your literature to Mr. Robert M. Hughes, Norfolk, Vafc, and you can probably secure him as a member of your Association, as he is very muoh interested in this enterprise1. I have written another article and sent it to the Manufacturers Record, Baltimore^ This was signed by Mr. B. M'» Slack, Editor of the Abingdon Virginian1, I hope it will come out in the issue for next weekt We are very anxious to have the boundaries of the proposed reservatioft cover this portion of South West Virginiar. Oapt. White is in communication with Congressman Brownlow on this matter, and we hope the Virginia delegation will work actively for the extension into Virginia territory1. I would be glad to be kept advised of any matters of interest and both Oapt. White and myself will do all we can to be of assistance. Yours very truly, end. PLS'—- ZfouA^-fr If you will send me some of your stickers,! will use them, 7 y

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).