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Study for the Preservation of Mountain Culture in Field Museum of History

items 6 of 50 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2617.jpg

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  • 5. The church and school were the social centers of mountain life. Examples of these structures should be included in the groups of buildings to be restored. There is no doubt that the tourist who visits the Park is greatly interested in the structures and life of the mountain folk who lived here. The Jim Cable mill in Cades Cove, Tennessee, and the Jim Carr tub mill near Gatlinburg, Tennessee, have only recently been restored. Though there is no Information available to the public directing it to these mills they have been visited by many tourists who have expressed their delight and interest in these restorations. Some of these tourists have said these mills were the most interesting things they had seen in the Park and hopedj^l^er^buildings would be res- Great Smoky Mountains Inspecting ov^01o4ferkthousand buildings in the Park and visiting many natives and spending many hours conversing with them, has enabled us to record a considerable amount of detailed Information concerning the life and activities of a generation and more ago and to gather many artifacts. The foregoing recommendations are made after considerable study of the material available and the possibilities for its preservation. No attempt has been made to enter into details in this brief description of the cultural material in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the recommendations for its preservation. These recommendations are made in order that those branches of the Service interested may become familiar with the wealth of cultural material existing and the possibilities and the necessity of preserving it. Emphasis should be placed upon the necessity of formulating and putting in operation a program to preserve this cultural material as soon as possible, if it is to be saved.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).