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Scrapbook by A. H. McQuilkin


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • cL-*^-*5*"- &S '3 \ <7 BOARD OF TRADE. Special Meeting Called for Monday, the loth of November. The directors of th.e Board of Trade met yestefilay to receive the report of the co^mriftee/On consolidation of the Boaixl b/f ^frade and the Public Health antf^esort/association. While the directors favor the plan, It was impossible tty take final action, as a change in the constitution cannot be made except at a regular or called meeting of the Board of Trade after 30 days' notice shall have been given. This meeting has been called for Monday, November 13, at 4 p. m. in City Hall, and it is hoped there will be a large attendance upon the meeting. The consolidation committees are: Hoard of Trade, John A. Roebling, W. B. Williamson and H. T. Collins; Public Health and Resort association, Dr. S. Westray Battle, Dr. Paul Paquin, Dr. Charles S. Jordan and A. H. McQuilkin. Thomas Wadley Raoul was elected a lirector of the Board of Trade to succeed W. F. Snider, resigned. The election of a second vice-president was deferred to the regular October meeting. Dr. C. P. Ambler and N. Emanuel were elected members of the Board of Trade. President Nichols has appointed Dr. '. 1*. Ambler a member of the parks ind forestry committee, to succeed John A. Roebling, resigned. PURPOSES OF A NEW ORGANIZATION CONSTITUTION OF THE PUBLIC ' HEALTH AND RESORT ASSOCIATION. An idea of the purposes of the Asheville Public Health and Resort association can be had from the following paragraphs taken from the constitution as adopted by the recently organized body: OBJECTS AND PURPOSES. The teaching of public hygiene, \ school hygiene and personal hygiene. The study of infectious alseases (including tuberculosis) and the prevention and eradication thereof. The study of meteorology, climatology and topography of Asheville and surroundings. To secure desirable conventions In Asheville (such as the American Public Health association and the American Medical association). The agitation and securing of parks and places of resort. The establishment of an Arbor Day and the beautifying of the city and its environs. The encouragement and creation of means of entertaining and providing amusements for visitors and guests in Asheville. The improvement of water supplies, street cleaning, drainage, house building, ventilation, disinfection, etc. The continuous and systematic advertisement of Asheville as a health and pleasure resort in a legitimate manner in every quarter of the continent by literature, lectures, illustrations, discussions, reports, and other effective means, not offensive to the dignity and principles of the medical fraternity. The perfection of Asheville and surroundings as a health and pleasure resort, and the increase of its permanent and floating population, and the dissemination of knowledge on hygiene among the people. MEMBERS. The members shall be known as active and honorary. Two-thirds of the members present voting shall elect. The active members shall be residents of Buncombe county, North Carolina: shall constitute the permanent body of the association. They shall be exclusively vested with the right to vote on I all questions. Application for active membership shall be made in writing, stating business or profession. When vouched for»by two members of the association in good standing and on recommendation of the executive committee, the applicant will be elected by ballot at a membership meeting. Honorary members may be of both sexes and of any country and shall be such persons only who may have rendered themselves worthy of recognition for any service or study or special fitness in any of the departments of the sciences, duties and objects involved in the provision of I his constitution. They will be entitled to the privileges of the floor at any scientific meeting. They shall be proposed for membership in full meeting, by two active members in good standing, and their i names referred to the executive committee who may defer recommendation for admission until a later meeting or may present reasons for immediate action. Any charlatan, quack, gambler or any one engaged in immoral or dis- [ reputable business in any profession, trade or other walk of life shall act, di- I rectly or indirectly, against the inter- ' ests of Asheville shall be inelligibe to membership. Any member may be dropped from the roll or expelled by four-fifth vote for dishonorable conduct within the purview of the preceding section or for good and sufficient reasons proved by the association.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).