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Report of the North Carolina Park Commission

items 10 of 62 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2856.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • AUDITOR'S REPORT Purchase of John Oliver Tract in Tennessee $10,650.00: This purchase was made in accordance with a letter dated June 15th, 1934, a copy of which is given below: COPY United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Washington Office of the Director w C°P«^tedMaterial June ^ igu Western Uarolina University Mr. W. W. Neal, _ Hunter Library Chairman, North Carolina Park Commission, Asheville, North Carolina. Dear Mr. Neal: Under Certification No. 13 from the State of Tennessee in the amount of $32,879.03, only $20,000 was requisitioned to Tennessee and the balance was held available for North Carolina. That has recently been made available for the purchase of the Suncrest and Ravenford Tracts. This $12,000 and odd dollars, therefore, was an advance of a part of the Rockefeller funds to North Carolina for purposes of the part to which Tennessee at that time was entitled. Tennessee is now urgently in need of the amount of $10,650 to cover a judgment which I am told will be rendered on the 18th in the case of the John Oliver tract which has been pending for four or five years. One of the arguments that will be made on the part of the owner is that the State of Tennessee has not money enough to satisfy the judgment. I am therefore requesting that a check be issued to the Treasurer of the State of Tennessee in the sum of $10,650. Very truly yours, (Signed) Arno B. Cammerer Arno B. Cammerer Director National Park Service Tennessee Allotment: At a meeting of the North Carolina Park Commission, held in the office of the Director of the National Park Service, Washington, D. C, on January 22nd, 1934, the following resolution was passed: "BE IT RESOLVED by the North Carolina Park Commission, in special session assembled, that for and in consideration of the cooperation of the United States, through the National Park Service, with the North Carolina Park Commission in acquiring lands on the North Carolina side of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the North Carolina Park Commission will not, in the future, spend any funds for the purchase of land without the full consent and approval of the Director of the National Park Service; and further, that when the lands on the North Carolina side of said park have been acquired and there is a balance in the hands of the North Carolina Park Commission, the same will be turned over to the United States for Great Smoky Mountains National Park purposes, except such 10

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • This North Carolina Park Commission Report was completed at the close of 1939 and submitted to North Carolina Governor Clyde R. Hoey. The 62-page publication, compiled for the Commission by Albert H. Blake, begins with a letter to the governor reporting that all of the land on the North Carolina side of the park has been purchased and conveyed to the federal government. The report includes an auditor’s report, information about the Rockefeller fund, and a copy of the 1927 law that brought the commission into being. The report includes lists tracts of land, family names, and values paid for purchase. W.W. Neal was chairman of the commission at the time and G.F. Hankins was secretary.