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Memorials, marble, granite, stone : booklet C

items 6 of 12 items
  • wcu_highlights-12.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • | SPIRE MONUMENTS 1 1 1 One of the oldest types of monuments is ""\ a the obelisk of Egyptian origin, a specimen of '"' 11 | unusual interest being the Obelisk in Central ! Park, New York. In modified forms it is fre- * J " ' ...* | quently used, but is not so popular as in - H former years. t ■ ■' 1 ,H Too much care cannot be taken in the se i 1 ll lection of letters for inscriptions and in %M / fM. having them properly executed. , lift Spire monuments are usually made with ■ '■■■■■m^ fo K| one or more bases and a die. In large size jfeuvs J/. J===Sk and proper portions they make imposing ■^5=== JGll^^ylljy^. memorials. si 1110 v*?a

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).