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Letters supporting Appalachian National Park movement

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14094.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • March 1st, 1901. Mr, Chas. !).. Lanier, 15 Astor Place, New York City, My dear Sir:* Your favor of the 26th ult. just received, Under separate cover T am mailing you copies of such printed matter as we have on hand at this tine pertaining to the movement for the establishment of the Appalachian National Park. We are unable attthis time to give you any definite boundary wherein it is proposed to established such a Park. The probabilities are that if such a Park is established .it will be one of three sections, vis., In the Smoky Mountains along the line between Tennesse® and North Carolina; Second, In the region of the Sapphire and Highlands section near the South Carolina border, in North Carolina; and Third, In the Mt. Mitchel region, The reson that these three sections offer the most likely sites is from the fact that they have the highest mountains, the best scenery and have the largest tracts of un-broken forests to be found any place Rast of the Rockies, Our Association at one time did. define boundaries, but we had to abandon this from the fact lhat those living in other sections which also had favorable arguments in their favor, felt that we were treating them un-justly, and, as the first thing to be accomplished was to have everybody with us, and to show the Government wherein

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).