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Interviews by Joe Hall about life in Cataloochee

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  • . ~: No. - 10 , · SIDE 1 SQUARE DANCE in Masonic Hall, Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, December 1939 "Going down the Road Feeling Bad" "Fly around My Pretty Little Miss" WILEY OAKLEY, Gatlinburg, Tennessee Tall tales JIM SUTTON, Cataloochee, Haywood County, North Carolina, September 1939 - playing banjo and singing "Cindy" "Ticklish Rubin" VIRGIL DIAL, CCC Camp, Mt. Sterling, North Carolina - playing harmonica Unidentified tune JACKSON, CCC Camp, Mt. Sterling, North Carolina Tall tales VIRGIL DIAL, LaFollette, Tennessee, at CCC Camp, Mt. Sterling, North Carolina - playing harmonica "Wildwood Flower" ROBERT w. RAY, Jefferson City, Tennessee, at CCC Camp, Mt. Sterling North Carolina - playing harmonica "Coming round the Mountain" "Little Brown Jug" VIRGIL DIAL, LaFollette, Tennessee, at CCC Camp, Mt. Sterling, North Carolina - playing harmonica "Chinese Breakdown" HELEN GUNI'ER, Mt. Sterling, Haywood County, North Carolina, October 1939 - singing "The Big Bend Killing" unRl ct: RA!T Dc-. 309 309 310 311-312 313-315 316 317 318 ' 319 319 320 321 ~ - RUFUS HILL and STSWART FREEMAN. 'The Del Rio. Tennessee - singing "Farther Along" ''Old Gos pe 1 Ship" "Coming round the Mountain"­" Careless Love" SIDE No. 2 HILL AND FREEMAN contd "Careless Love'' Mountain "Lovers Warning" - with Boyd Strickland ''Whistle Rock Stomp" "Rag Time Annie" BOYD and ALICE STRICKLAND. Joe, North Carolina - singing "Little Red Shoes" TOMMY HYLEMON and HERMAN SMITH, Cataloochee CCC Camp, North Carolina - singing "The Silvers Girl" QUARTET AT SAUNOOK, North Carolina • singing ''Won 1 t It Be Wonderful There" Ta1MY HYLEMON and DAVID PROFFITT, Cataloochee CCC Camp, North Carolina - singing "A Message from Home Sweet Home" 322-323 . 324-325 326-329 330 331-332 333-335 336 336 337-338 339-340 341 342-343 HERMAN SMITH and DAVID PROFFITT, Cataloochee CCC Camp, North Carolina playing "Chinese Breakdown" HERMAN SMITH and TOMMY HYLEMON, Cataloochee CCC Camp, North Carolina - playing "I Love You All" 344 345 contd GROUP AT,.SAUNOOK, North Carolina,­playi~ g :and singing ,_;{'- "Going down the Road Fee lirig Bad" JOON DAVIS and SHORTY SMITH, Asheville, North Carolina, at CCC Camp, Cataloochee, Haywood County, North Carolina, September 1940 r Square dance piece 348 at Masonic "Going down the Road Fee li "Fly around My Pretty Little WILEY OAKLEY, Gatlinburg, Tennessee Tall tales Begin 052 Break 066 Begin 069 Break 081 JlM SUfTON, cataloochee, North Carolina, ,September 1939 - playing and s~nging "Cindy" - Begin 084 Break .126 "Ticklish Rubin" Begin 131 Break 158 Begin 160 Break 190 Begin 191 Break 196 VIRGIL DIAL, Mt. Sterling CCC Camp~ North Carolina - harmonica Unidentified tune Begin 198 Break 209 JACKSON, CCC Enrollee, Mt. Sterling, North Carolina Ta 11 tale VIRGIL DIAL - harmonica "Wildwood Flower" Begin 211 Break 220 Begin 222 Break 233 ROBERT Wo RAY, Jefferson City, Tennessee - French harp "Corning round the Mountain"· "Little Brown Jug" VIRGIL DIAL - harmonica "Chinese Breakdown" Begin 235 Break 266 Begin 268. Break 282 HELEN GUNTER, Mt. Sterling, North Carolina, October 1939 - singing "Big Bend Killing'' Be,gin 283 Break 300 4{·· .. "' BULL MOill.'TAIN RAMBLERS l "' Rufus\ Hill3nd Stewart October 1939 . ·. ·' ' " "Farther Alorig'~ .• ! "Old Gospel Ship" "Coming round the Mountain" ·"Care less -Love" Tape runs out SIDE ·no. 2 BULL MOUNfAIN RAMBlERS • contd · "Care less Love'' "Lovers Warning" "Arkansas Traveler" and"Rag Time Annie" Begin 301 Break 329 Begin 331 Break 352 Begin 352 Break 402 Begin 404 Break 409 423 Begin ·ooo Break 075 Begin 077 Break 149 Begin 151 Break 183 BOYD and ALICE STRICKLAND, Joe, North Carolina "Little Red Shoes" Begin · 226 Break 263 -... TOMMY HYI.EMAN and HERMAN SMITH, CCC Cataloochee, North Carolina - singing "Silvers Girl" Begin 265 Break 298 QUARTET at Saunook, North Carolina - singing "Won 1 t It Be Wonderful There" TOMMY HYLEMAN and DAVID PROFFITT - Singing "Message from Home Sweet Home" Begin 299 Break 313 Begin .314 Break 332 HERMAN SMITH, DAVID PROFFITT, and ZANE BOLING - playing "Chinese Breakdown" Begin 330 Break 360 North Carolina, June 1940 "Going down the Road Fee ling Bad 11 Begin 382 Break 401 JOHN DAVIS and SHORTY SMITH, Cataloochee CCC Camp, North Carolina Unident~ed tune Tape runs out Begin 403 Break 422 423 TAPE SIDE No. 1 - Index Counter Number 000 to 007 is blank. Set Counter at 000 at beginning of recording Recorded at the SQUARE DANCE in Masonic Hall, WAYNESVILLE, Haywood County, North Carolina, December 1939 )00) "GOIN' DOWN THE ROAD FEELIN' BAD" and "FLY AROUND MY PRETTY LITTLE MISS" No break between them. Playing time almost 2\ minutes. With occasional square dance calling. >48) BREAK .. 064) Y' now listenin' to Wiley Oakley~ the Roaming Man of the Great Smoky Mouwntains. I have now diff'rent kind of stories t' tell. I have some true an' some is not true. An' when I (defe~t in recording) to th' end of th' story that's th' signal, you don't have to believe it unless you want to but if, if I don't yodel to th' end of the story absolutely (defect). So one time I went out a fishin'. An' I caught a fish so big that I couldn't hardly carry it in home, it wallered me all over th' river. (Yodeling) Lord Lord b'lieve it if y' 'ant to. (Laughter) Is that enough huh? BREA..l{ 067) Hello Folks. This is Wiley Oakley Roaming Man of the Great Smoky Mouwntains. Now I I'm a great bear hunter. One tyme I went out a bear huntin'. An' just as I entered th' woods why I looked up in a tree an' here was a big black bear up in the tree, seemed to be a chewin' th' buds off of th' end of the limb. So I up with this hyar~ big old hog rifle cap 'n' ball gun 'n' I took good bead at 'im 'n', I hit 'im right where I missed him before. (Yodeling) Lord Lord 7) BREAK banjo )78) (Indistinct talking) "CINDY" Melody - instrumental (Banjo) Oh Cindy got religion, she got it once before Ever' time th' banjo pick first one on the floor. Better git along Cindy, don't git that no more. Melody - instrumental (Banjo) I went down to Cindy's house hidin' behind th' door She let me out 1 ~ ----1 I won't go there any more Better go along Cindy, don't get rough no more. Melody - instrumental Oh she give me sweet taters, old Virginia ham Said I was th' greatest thing in shape of mortal man. (Banjo) Better git along Cindy, don't do that no more. Melody - instrumental 17) Joseph Hall Tapes Page 112 JIM SUTTON- cont'd- "Cindy"~ cont'd If you want to catch a wild girl I'll tell you how to do Take 'em in clover and pet her 1-----1 an' 1-----1 (Banjo) 1-----1 Cindy /----- Melody - instrumental BREAK been a number of. ~hings, ·I've been ticJded by. I've been tickled by a yaller bumblebee. '' (Laughing - to rhythm) Well, I tickle in th' morning, an' I tickle in th' night Something always gonna tickle me. (Laughing) Well, I've always got th' tickle sewed away around my clothes It doesn't really matter where I be. Oh they ask me what I'm laughin 1 at on this winter night Oh th' wooly owl tickling me. (Laughing) Oh, I tell you what th' best thiug and that's not fun 1-----1 way 1-----1 I could see Oh he crawled down his fingers and I thought he'd have a fit Then he took it out a ticklin' me. (Laughing) Well I tickle in th' morning an' I tickle in the night Somethin' always goin' tickle me {Laughing) (Laughter) 146) BREAK 147) notes) '-.1 (Talking ~ indistinct) Melody - instrumental Oh my lady thinks that somethin' wrong when I don't laugh at all Everything seems ticklish to me. I've been tickled by a number of things, I've been tickled by a wasp I've been tickled by a yaller bumblebee. (Laughing) Well, I tickle in th' morning an' I tickle in th' night Somethin's always goin' tickle me (Laughing) Well, I've always got ·th' tickles sewed away around my clothes It doesn't really matter where I be Oh they ask me what I'm laughing at on this winter night When th' wooly owl tickling me. (Laughing) Oh I tickle in the morning an' I tickle in the night Something's always goin' tickle me. (NO laughing) ...,..._, ......... .....,.....,.,.,~ ~~~~~ .- Joseph Hall JIM StrrTON - cont 'd - "Ticklish Rubin" ' When I say I got /-----/ and that's not fun 1-----1 I can see 1-----1 Then he tuk it out a ticklin' me. (Laughter) L74) BREAK 176} Oh I tickle in th' mornin' an' I tickle in th' night Somethin's always goin' tickle me (Laughing) 179) BREAK Joseph Hall Tap~s Page Sl6 "'-l VIRGIL DIAL, CCC Camp, Mt. Sterling, North Carolina - playing harmonica L81) UNIDENTIFIED TUNE (Playing not quite a minuter, L91) BREAK th' chimney ·t' ·see if th' cows 's still in th' pasture. 'S awfullest huntin' place ever I 's, w's in. Went a huntin' one day 'n' th', mountains so steep, shot an' strained my gun. Next day I went out a huntin' an' seen a bunch of turkeys sittin' up on a limb. 'N' just had one shot in my gun. So I just 'cided I'd, study up some way t' git them turkeys. So I shot up through th' limb caught all th' toes. Got them turkeys. So I 's goin' out farther an' seen a rabbit. Up there had a package salt in my my gun barrel. Keep rabbit from fallin' 1-----1 ZOO) BREAK ': '•' .-~<;r:~ a little ''Wildwood Flower." (Playing WILDWOOD FLOWER. About 3/4 of a minute) ;12) BREAK at CCC .. f::-' .:t·' ' 13) This Robert, William Ray .f'm Jeffer..,son City Tennessee play y' a tune on this French harp, o-f, "Comin' round th' Playing COMIN' ROUND THE MOUNTAIN. Time a little over one minute. That's all folks. Now you want to play another tune? Let's see "Brown Jug?" Yeah 1-----1 Playing LITTLE BROWN JUG. Approximately one minute. 41) BREAK }. LaFollette Playing CHINESE BREAKDOWN. Approximately one minute. 55) BREAK ~56) l) Up on Pigeon River down at th' . ·Big Bend A soldier boy heard of th' wimmen an' men. The ladies conversed it was a sight They taken Mims White an' Scott Brown's life. W's up on th' mountain not far away When Ona an' Buster were to pass time away Was there at th' rest log just sitting around Up came Mims White Oney's husband Scott Brown. Ona ran off around th' hill To Varn (?) an' Frank at th' moonshine still. She went to them in an awful fright Said "I am afraid they' 11 take Buster's life." They just worked on til they got that run out Say we will go up an' see what's about They went up th' mountin an' nearly aroun' Armed to teeth with large caliber gun. Far off sons are gonna hear th' news Scott an' Mims mended their socks an' their shoes. They put them off quickly with nothin' to say And without sorrow was soon laid away. * - Or "Up on Pigeon Brown." Said to BREAK "TEMPTED AND TRIED" (or FARTHER ALONG) 72) Tempted an' tried, we're oft made to wonder Why it should be thus all th' day long While there are others living about us Never molested though in th' wrong. Farther along we '11 know more about it Farther along we'll understand why Cheer up my brother, live in th' sunshine We'll understand it all by and by. When death has come an' taken our loved ones Leavin' our homes so lonely and drear Then do we wonder why others prosper Living so wicked year after year. Farther along we'll know more about it. Farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in th' sunshine ·we'll understand it all by and by Make us feel lifted, others. be masters Few more days to labor and wait Toils are over, let's all be loving As we pursue to that beautiful gate. Hall Tapes P~ge ..823 HILL and FREEMAN- cont'd ~· ! "Tempted and Tried" f Farther along we'll know more about it. Farther along we'll understand why. Cheer up my brother, live in th' sunshine We'll understand it all by and by. BREAK ._. m goin'., take · a trip on that old gospel " '11-7·c· • ,, ·'' f~r beyond· th I Sky-•. ,' I'm goin' shout an' sing an' do ever'thing When I bid this world goodbye. Melody - instrumental I can scBrcely wait for I know not too late For I'll spend my time in prayer An' when my ship comes in I leave this world of sin An' go sailing through the air. Oh I'm goin' take a trip on that old gospel s~ip I'm goin' far beyond th' sky. I'm goin' shout an' sing an' do ever'thing When I bid this world goodbye. Melody - instrumental If you're 'shamed of me you ought not to be An' you had better have a care If too much fault you find you'll be left behind While I am sailin' through th' air. 16) take I'm goin' far beyond th' sky. I'm goin' shout an' sing an' do ever'thing When I bid this world goodbye. Melody - instrumental Yes sir. BREAK LIBRARY 9REAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK Melody - . "" ~ ~ instrumental (three She' 11 be coming round the mountain when she comes She' 11 be comin' round th' mountain when she comes She' 11 be comin' round th' mountain She' 11 be comin' round th' mountain She'll be comin' round th' mountain when she comes. She'll be drivin' six white horses when she comes Let 'er come. She' 11 be drivin' six white horses when she comes She' 11 be drivin' six white horses She' 11 be drivin' six white horses She' 11 be drivin' six white horses when she comes. Oh we' 11 kill the old red rooster when she comes Uh huh • Oh we'll kill the old red rooster when she comes Ummm ummm Oh we'll kill the old red rooster An' we' 11 have chicken an 1 . dump lings Oh we'll kill the old red rooster when she comes. Melody - instrumental (Twice) On we' 11 the old red rooster when she comes " •· Oh we' 11 kill the old red rooster Oh we' 11 kill the old red rooster Oh we' 11 kili the old red rooster when she comes. She' 11 be ridin' old Sport (?) jinny when she comes Let 'er come She' 11 be ridin' old Sport (?) jinny when she comes She'll be ridin' old Sport (?) jinny That's th' one that somebody gimme 4t She'll be ridin' old Sport (?) jinny when she comes. Melody - instrumental (Once) Oh we' 11 Oh we '11 We'll And (ind {s t inguishab le) comin' round th' mountain when she comes Yes sir She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes Uh huh She'll be comin' round the mountain She'll be comin' round the mountain • She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes. Melody - instrumental (Four times) She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes She'll be comin' round the mountain She'll be comin' round the mountain She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes. Oh we'll all go out an' meet 'er when she comes Oh we'll all go out; an' meet 'er when she comes We'll all go out an' meet 'er Oh we'll all go out an' meet 'er Oh we'll all go out an' meet 'er when she comes. Melody - instrumental (TWice) (259) HILL and FREEMAN- cont'd Yes sir. The Bull Mountain Ramblers folks that w's doin' · that w's 1-----1 Freeman "Comin round th' Mountain" that's right. Bull Mountain Ramblers. BREAK • ~oseph Hall Tapes HILL and FREEMAN- cont'd Guitar and mandolin (362) Playing CARELESS LOVE. Twice. (266) (Tape runs out at 283) END of Side 1 0 SIDE No.. 2 .;.' From Index :.:~ .. Counter at HILL and FREEMAN- cont'd Singing with guitar and mandolin accompaniment "CARElESS LOVE" } Melody - instrumental (Once) Love oh love oh careless love Love oh love how can it be Love oh love how can it be To love someone that don't love me. You pass my window you pass my door You pass my window you pass my door You pass my window you pass my door Don't ever pass my .44. Melody - instrumental (Once) When my money hits that floor When my money hits that floor When my money hits that floor You're always hangin' round my door. Now my money is all blowed in .; .. Now my money is all blowed in Now my money is all blowed in You pass my door an' don't look Love oh love how can ·it be To love someone that don't love me. Take me back to Caroline Take me back to Caroline Take me back to Caroline I left behind. Back to girl 1-----1 Love oh love oh careless love Love oh love how can it be Love oh love how can it be To love ·someone that don't love me. Melody - instrumental (Four times) BREAK Who's low'? Was that J Get it together Didn't git it. OK 1-----1 .(UNIDEN) Howdy please this is th' Bull Mountain Ramblers. They're all Tennesseans. Just brought to you by the stock 'n' barrel. Mr. Boyd Strickland of Del Rio Tennessee also. The number comin' up, up folks will be; "Lover's Warnin'." Here it is "LOVER Is WARNING" I am sick and broken hearted For th' love I love so well She has left me for another Let her go I wish her we 11. Many months through sin an' sorrow Both together we did «ay Now I'm sick she's gone an' left me An' th' Lord will make her pay. Can be faced and nearly paid To a girl that is hard hearted They will do you as they may. Melody - instrumental If I knew my day appointed Never trust 1-----1 is here For a girl is good an' modest For the girl with heart of fear. Now I hope I've helped somebody With this little thought of mine With a word of disappointment I will live with it behind. Melody - instrumental (Twice) All the girls are like their mother This old world would be surprise Every boy would then be happy When he kissed his love goodbye. 9) ~oseph Hall Tapes HILL and FREEMAN- "Lover's Warning"- cont'd He could know that he could trust her He could trust her anywhere He could turn his back and leave her And for her he could not care. Melody - instrumental (four times) BREAK Page 335 0 -" cont 1d and guitar WHISTLE ROCK STOMP (?) and Brief hesitation between the two Bull Mountain Ramblers. An 1 th 1 tune ''Whistle Rock Stomp" /-----/ will last a long time "Rag Time. Annie." Bull Mountain Ramblers. Another round of "Rag Time Annie." Total playing time ov~r five minutes BREAK NOTE: In his "Contents" Dr. Hall identifies this as "Arkansas Traveler" and "Chinese Breakdown," but neither tune sounds like either one of these, and near the end the names of the tunes are given by one of the players, as above. The question mark because "Whistle Rock Stomp" is said very fast and not clearly. Melody Oh wher~ did you get those pretty little shoes Dress you wear so fine Got my shoes from th' railroad man Hoo ho-o hoo I wish to th' Lord I'd never been born Died when I was young Nor never had I saw those two brown eyes Hoo hoo hoo Melody - instrumental Who's gonna shoe your tiny little feet Who's gonna glove your little hand Who's gonna kiss your rosy red cheeks Who who who My p~pa's gonna shoe my tiny little feet Mama' gonna glove my little hand No one's gonna kiss my rosy red cheeks Hoo hoo hoo Melody - instrumental .... -,._ gonna roll your red gonna sit beside you Whos' gonna hold you in her arms Who who who My papa's gonna roll my red coach in Mama's gonna sit beside me No one's gonna hold me in their arms Hoo boo boo Little Red Shoes. This song is sung by Boyd and Alice Strickland, of Joe, North Carolina. BREAK ... ,. (f. :_;. .~·if,,;. ~ -~ of Windom; Nort.h Carolina, ,and HERMAN SMITH, -~:;~'' '·~· .• . ...... ~-, .· ~' ~i~~~~~;k~>~: .,, . ' . . ·Haywood County, North., Carolina, -· singing with -~ ~ .. "THE SILVERS GIRL" Copy cat /-----/ will write it well The Silvers girl I loved so well She courted me my life away And with me then she would not stay. There is another in this town He goes right up and sits right down He takes his girl upon his knee She tells him things she won't tell me. A happy dream I tell you why She had more love for him than I For love is deep an' she will cry A lovin' one is 'bout to die. A widow's stack is on his baid * An' nothing new my marna said But son if there's to te 11 me right · What's th' matter with my boy tonight. Oh mother dear you need not know The deepest sorrow grief an' woe ·- "(ave me a chair an' set me down ' ,.. , . · ·~ With me an ink to write with down ·HYLEMAN SMITH ~The Silv~rs Girl'' -~ ·~~':.~~;-;"-:"' ~-"·. v_--~ • • ,. • ' ' . ..:<;, __ -:'l Go dig .. my gra~e both 2~ide ·~~d ·deep ~~:' .. - ~- Make marble at head and feet Upon my breast a snow white dove To show you where I got my love. But when her father first came home • Where is my boy where has he gone He went upstairs an' door he broke He found him hanging to a rope. He took his knife an' cut him down Close beside him these words he found The silly boy to leave this earth To hang himself for Silvers girl. Must I go back 1-----1 Must love someone that don't love me Th' 1-----1 will ever be Til orchid grows on apple trees. (Talking - indistinct) That was tl\' Silvers Girl" by Tonuny Hyleman 'n' Herman Smith. BREAK ·* Wonderful there .• Having no burdens to bear. . . ;\ \ Joyously singin' with a .heart filled w'ith ringin' Oh won't it be wonderful there wonderful \ \ --·~ c. '\. \ ) r' ( A walking an' talking with Christ /~----/ .) Oh won't it be wonderful there. Praising adoring th' master eternal Oh won't it be wonderful there. Won't it be wonderful wonderful Having no burdens to bear there Joyously singing with a heart filled all ringing Oh won't it be wonderful there. wonderful Why was I tempted to be never sleeping An' won't it be wonderful there Surely forever the Lord is me keeping Oh won't it be wonderful there. Won't it be wonderful there ·.~~~~ Having no burdens·. to beaf} .. Joyously singing with a heart filled all ringin' Oh won't it be wonderful there. • f>. - II A MESSAGE . HOME" 84) _ Away down on a lonely ranch a rough and angry crew One cowboy said to another "Jack a letter here for you." ."I 'spose it's from my sweetheart dear" said a rough and haggard voice With a laugh and a gust they gathered around while Jack read it aloud. Only a message from home sweet home from lovers down on the farm From wife from mother from sister or brother who pray God guard you from harm. The baby is lisping in prayer tonight to bless you wherever you roam We'll welcome you Jack if you'll only come back In a message from home sweet home. "Farewe 11 my friends an' boys" he said "I'm going to the land." The cowboys came an' gathered around an' take him by the hand. One said "if we had homes like you we'd all be better men But Jack oh pal before you go please read that letter again." wife from mother from who pr.ay to guard you from harm. The baby is lisping in prayer tonight God bless you wherever you roam We'll welcome you Jack if you'll only come back In a message from home sweet home. You've just heard "Message from Home Sweet Home" by Tommy Hyleman and David Proffitt. BREAK -'""- 1 ,·,,. u .....- .. ....... and ·DAVID PROFFITT•, CCC Camp, ·cataloochee, NortK: Carolina~ >:June 1940 - guitar and harmonica . ,J.>' . ' • . . ,_ .~· (Buzz in recording) 1) Playing CHINESE BREAKDOWN. Approximately 2~ minutes. That little number was "Chinese Breakdown" played by Herman Smith David Proffitt and 1-----1 ) BREIU< HERMAN SMITH and TOMMY HYLEMAN, CCC Camp, Cataloochee, Haywood County, North Carolina (Talking real fast) (325) This is 11 I Love You All" played by Herman Smith Tommy Hyleman CCC Company 415, Cove Creek North Carolina take it away. Playing, not ~uiw two minutes. Thank you for ever'thing. (343) BREAK (344) Melody - instrumental Oh I'm goin' down this road feelin' bad .p,· Oh I'm goin' down this road fee lin' bad Oh I'm goin' down this road feeling bad Lord Lord An' I ain't gonna .be treated this way. Oh they feed me on cornbread an' ramps Oh they feed me on cornbread an' ramps Oh they feed me on cornbread an' ramps Lord Lord An' I ain't gonna be treated this way. Oh I'm goin' where the 1-----1 never blows Oh I'm goin' where th' 1-----1 never blows Oh I'm goin' where th' 1-----1 never blows Lord Lord An' I ain't gonna be treated this way. Melody - instrumental Pack up your train Lord Lord Lord Pack up your train Lord Pack up your train Lord Lord Lord An' ain't gonna be treated this way ' ~ . ~ ' . (360) Joseph Hall Tapes GROUP AT SAUNOOK- cont'd "Going down the Road Feeling Bad" Melody - instrumental Ain't gonna be treated this way. That record was made, John (Owens ?) an' Norma (Cogdill ?) Saunook North Carolina. BREAK JOHN DAVIS and SHORTY SMITH, Asheville, North Carolina, at CCC Camp, Cataloochee, Haywood County, North Carolina, September 1940 - playing SQUARE DANCE PIECE. Approximately two minutes. Tape ends at ICN 383

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).