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Interview with Jim Bowman

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  • Jim Bowman 1 Jim Bowman 1 Jim Bowman 1 veterans. Somehow who’d just got back from Korea who were hardcore veterans. Who Jim Bowman 1 he’d been a strong ally to the Americans in World War II when we fought the Japanese, at’ll be loyal to the South Vietnamese government. And so that was our Jim Bowman 1 good leader and I did get a high score ….(inaudible)..... done to Fort Benning for the Jim Bowman 1 Jim Bowman 1 gone when it happened …(inaudible)... star mission and we had come on someday, and that's where we should be putting …(inaudible)... today on reuniJim Bowman 1 Jim Bowman 1 smart bomb which was not involved in Vietnam. I’m talking about our finest The government at …(inaudible)... and gave some schools, they didn't have the money Jim Bowman 1 f life when you are a young Soldier you’re sent into battle a picture of …(inaudible)... sitting on a tank in North Vietnam, and here we are in South Vietnam fighting and she was in North Vietnam, and I’ve never had any respect for her ever since and never will, she didn’t understand the uld’ve came down south first to see what was really going on. they don’t know the implications of what’s going on. They know that the war is wrong, soldier does, especially if you’ve had the taste of battle. And uh, a soldier don’t like war. I’ve never seen one that did, unless it was a general who got all the glory, and I’m not hey do either sometimes. But the ...(inaudible)... he don’t like war he hates war sentiment toward the end and I’ve heard a lot Jim Bowman 1 I don’t believe that they had changed that much because you have two small sister fair share of soldiers to war efforts. And I think that’s pretty and their missions and like I could see very little difference in anybody’s attitude. Some to get out of the draft or whatever was occuring at the time, but that’s common. Round here there’s never been anybody that tried to get out of...the Indian community lly, I’ve never known no Indian who has ever refused to serve his country. To my knowledge there’s no record of one that’s ever refused in this region right here the indian people have always been very prided, and they’ve been proud of their sons and that’s the attitude that I had saw throughout these two mountainous communities that I’ve lived in. It’s always been high in the Indian communities, we served with a lot of it’s people, people that we had …(inaudible)... they all served and they and they’ll never forget about it, the ones I talked to.Jim Bowman 1 Well no I think that it was an experience. I don’t think that we want from Japan, and some of those other countries didn’t care if the war ever ended. They were gettin’ big bucks from it ya know. And I would say that we need to loo going to stir a hornet’s nest up around the rest of the world, or is it going to be popular I was, I would uh question my politicians. I don’t sit idly by and I’m not passive anymore. This might be something that I think that needs to be

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).