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Horace Kephart and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 18 of 18 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11229.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 23. Horace Kephart, Letter to Asheville Times, July 19, 1925. (KC) 24. Asheville Times, Editorial, July 20, 1925. 25. William C. Gregg to Horace Kephart, July 29, 1925. (KC) 25. Horace Kephart, "The Last of the Eastern Wilderness", World's Work. Anril, 1926, 617-32. 27. Horace Kephart, "The Great Smoky Mountains National Park", The High School Journal, 3:59-65,89, Oct.-Nov., 1925. 28. Asheville Citizen, "Swain Schools Add to Fund for Park", January 6, 1925. 29. William Gregg to Horace Kephart, July 29, 1925. (KC) 30. Campbell, p, 30. 31. C, J. Harris to Asheville Citizen, January 3, 1931. 32. "Great Smokies Acquire Limited Park Status", Bryson City Times, February 7, 1.930. 33. Kelly E. Bennett, Personal Interview, April 13, 1971. 34. Horace Kephart to Paul M. Fink, Letters of 1927-1931. (FP) 35. George Masa to Paul Fink, Letters of 1929-1931. (FP) 36. Horace Kephart to Mrs. George S. Kephart, September 12, 1928. 37. Michael Frome, Strangers in High Places, New York: Doubleday, 1966,p. 155. 38. Will C. Barnes to Horace Kaohart, February 14, 1929. (KC) 39. Horace Kephart to Will Barnes, February 16, 1929. (KC) 40. Paul M. Fink, Personal Interview, July 9, 1971. 41. George Masa to Paul Fink, April 12, 1932. (FP) The location of the papers referred to above: (F?) Fink Papers, Paul M. Fink, Jonesboro, Tennessee (KC) Kephart Collection, Park Headquarters, Gatlinburg, Tennessee .(WP) Weaver Papers, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, H. C.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).