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History and mission of the Appalachian National Park Association

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13437.jpg

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  • GEO. S. POWELL, V DR- C- P" AMBQLER- _ „ „ ., . Sec. and Treas. President. ®hz Appalachian Rational l$ax\$ %&&0tiaiimx ty. @. ®ox 384. ILtfJutoiUe, gt* ©*»Apr. 2»d, 1900. On the 22nd of November last an Association was formed at Asheville, North Carolina, for the purpose of interesting the Government toward the establishment of a Rational Park in the Southern Appalachian mountains. Prominent and influential men from most of the Southeastern states were present at this Convention and were unanimous in expressing their belief that there should be some effert made on the part of the Government to take up the tracts of mountain forests land of the Southern Appalachian before the present lumbering operations have rendered such a move impracticable. This Convention resulted in the formation of an Association now known as the Appalachian National Park Association, with head quarters at Asheville, N, C, Mr. tJeo, S. Powell was elected President and Dr. C, P, Ambler Secretary-Treasurer, Since the formation of this Association the movement has been systematically pushed throughout the South as well as in the Eastern states in such an energetic manner that prominent and influential men in every part of the country have given their aid, numerous news papers have

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).