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Hardwood Bark, 1928

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6577.jpg

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  • •I- entirely upon sectional climatic conditions. Generally speaking the application of open piling in the Appalachian region where the humidity and temperature are correspondingly high, will produce less degrade from checking than closely piled lumber which permits stain and decay. It is under these conditions of summer temperature, humid air, sluggish circulation and decaying vegetable matter that stain and decay producing organisms do their best work. In comparison, winter cut lumber can be piled openly without fear of damage from checking because of the slow rate of drying which takes place due to the low temperature to which it is subjected. Stain, decay and insect life are all rendered inactive by low winter temperatures. The lumber cut and piled during this season usually dries sufficiently (to approximately 20% moisture content) to< prevent stain and decay from having any later undesirable effect upon it. THE HARQttOOD BARK Highline Piling Nantahala has traded a mule for a drum—and three thousand feet of wire rope. That much cable is necessary to> take our poplar and bass- wood to the new highline, where our faithful mule has already transported 100,000 feet. The drum will wind the cable by power from the mill. The highline is about 1,000 feet up and away from the main dock at the point near the sorting sheds and mill where the drum is located and a specially constructed dock that long had to be built to the new highline. It is more like a big bridge than a dock—high above the track and highway. New docks and pile bottoms are being constructed on the highline by Elmer Roten, carpenter, and Charles Angel, helper. The runways are slightly more narrow than the docks on the main yard. Instead of the highline docks being flanked by the fronts of piles on both sides, it has been found advisable to obtain more circulation and make piling easier, to have the backs of one row of piles facing the runway and the fronts of the piles on the other side of the dock as it now is. The hillside is steep at this point, and if the pitch of the piles would have been away from the dock where it is toward it, it would have been necessary to raise the bottoms on this side so high that little lumber would have gone on the pile, in order to prevent the lumber from touching the ground in the lower courses at the back of the pile bottom. As the job was done, the piles will be the desired height and the pitch of 28 inches is maintained. There is plenty of space on the highline for more docks and piles. #-. l1f f "I 'MMJif ri*-rHr ** ,1 \t i VrbV r' ■*nll'A • < ■WaP** Dock leading to highline at Nantahala, with pulley for cable in the foreground. The uprights and horizontal pieces along the side of the dock are cable supports. Division Changes Mr. Rush Cozort has been placed in charge of Barrett woods in addition to his other duties as woods superintendent for Raleigh and Maben woods, W. Va. Mr. Cozort now has charge of logging the three mills—Piney, Maben and Barrett—and Mr. Tom Poor, who has been skidding foreman at Allen Camp for a number of years, has gone to Barrett as woods foreman under Mr. Cozort. Mr. F. C. Brass has resigned as woods superintendent at Barrett and recently returned to his former home at Muncy, Pa. Care of Parquetry in Cars Men attending a recent planing mill meeting conducted at Lower Elk, Ky. by T. R. Crowe, p.m. superintendent, were asked to take more care in loading flooring in cars, especially parquetry, in cases where the bundles do not entirely fill out the layer in a car. When such a situation is confronted, it was explained that it is necessary to box in the unfilled layer in such a manner as to prevent bundles from over-turning and being damaged in transit. Seven

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).