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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9791.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • GREETINGS By H M. Jennison President Smoky Mountatins Hiking Club Having been asked to say "greetings" for the membership of the Club, the writer submitted this piece almost hoping the Editor would turn it down. Really, we should have an official greeter in the future, even if we have to send to New York to get one. To be sure this is Act II for us, and we are rather proud of our place in the receiving line, but — well, Howdy, yo'-all! Member or not, we wish you a very happy New Year. We can assure all that membership in the Smoky Mountains Hiking Club and participation in its various activities is one of the best forms of happiness insurance. "A word to the wise is sufficient." Undoubtedly certain of our Country's present day critics would uphold our hands, for we aim to cultivate the art (not the business) of Outdooring. In this age of "science" and machines, "go-getters" and business entrepreneurs, movies and radio, we know and teach a love of Nature and her World. Some of us can lay small claim to being athletes or alpinists. Others of us could compete with the best of these, but we all have the urge to "hike," and all have hearts and souls which, without doubt, are the more refined and artistic for having been taken out "hiking." Many there are who have been "to school" with us but there is many another whom we should like to help get an "education." In a lusty but not boastful manner we may claim to be doing our bit in community, state and nation. Our motives are purely altruistic, our by-laws a code of mutual agreement, and our work is gratuitously performed. But the organization needs additional support, both moral and financial. Hence, the present as well as the future Greeter would love to welcome a considerably larger membership. Always what we have lacked in volume we have made up in quality of membership. The present group certainly is no exception to this rule. Many of you have been active since the Club was founded. Few there are at

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).