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Guyot and the Great Smokies

items 22 of 27 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10302.jpg

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  • / sad the preaeat day Luftee S***# thus paralleling to the south the/'' \ / \ true location of the State Line. Guyot*s etattjaeat that It. Alexander \w*a off the State Line oa the tap sust be regarded aa having 1mm inadvertently In view of tho fact that the State Lin* was run la ISSl, it would be ratasr unusual that each a rdsspprehnusioj* ' should,be earrantpealy four decades later. Guyot** mp mkor, ■Sat'jdos, however, was under no em*»pprehea*lea as tOyWhieh aside of 114 Creek the State Line followed. He A&m t*VU however. Into the error ef failing to eenuaet Ht. Hesuy withyth* stata Una-aad S ' f designate* the peak, now known *a Luftee Hack''at the junction of Balsam Eldge and the Sterling range as "Bfg Cataluche'% placing Lufte* Knob further aorth em. Balsam hleg*.". Guyot's aoi*i«ats oa Buckley inkiest* the ertgia^af the asm* &t. Guyot* a compliment from one eeleatist to another. Buckley, them *-w f a Prefeaeot at the University of/Tenaeasee, had done preliminary sorfc oa ths elevation* ia this/region aad'aad.;-pi.-bltehod hi* result* la "Mountain* In Horth Carolina «ad Teames****? lesultiag partly free* the use ef faulty instrument* sad partly from too high baa* levels, the Buckley observation* were found by Guyot to be of little value. i He reelprecated the eempllm««t by designating *» &** Buckley the peak (6,899 ft.) immediately *sost of Cliagmsm,s,3>ome. Tfci* same, .-• however, ha* aotf survived. Buckley*» determination of the height ef / Ht. Guyot wms^pubUahed aa 6,754 ft., although on his eecoad vlait / 7 be ebtaiaed'sn dotation of 6,994 ft. Pe/hapa the most difficult of all the Guyot tisnes to identify la the/peak marked "Brother*", designated as "The Three Brothers high/st or central -prnkT oa the 11 at, aa "Brothers (Oeatral)* en the asp and aa "The True Brother*, highest or central peek-8,907 ft." w i 7. American Journal of Science, To. 87, 2nd S'erisa, 1689. - :., v»

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).