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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Glimpses of the Plant of the Champion Fibre Co., Canton, North Carolina

items 21 of 38 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2930.jpg

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  • CopvjrigliteclMaterial-n • 1 _-. Western Carolina Universmj Hunter Libraru »» ; i i • Waste Sulpha ii I -km [OR has been puzzling scientists lor many years. When wood is treated with the sulphite process, about half of the wood content goes into solution, forming many complex chemical combinations with the inorganic matter in the bisulphite cooking liquor. All lliis liquor must be washed from the wood fibre, celluloie, before the fibre can be screened or bleached. Bindex is evaporated sulphite liquor, and when ■! ll applied to the sui faoe of a road, it binds together the small particles which otherwise fl) ;"s dust with the passing of each vehicle. With continued treatment a highway can In made practically dllltless. Thus another "waste product" has been put at work and is rendering real sci \ ■< < Bindex is also used extensively as a core-binder in foundries, as ■ > nllei in the leather tanning process, and in the making of adhesives. Ii hai been fermented -•«•*! used in the manufacture of alcohol, it has been proven thai il will yield cymene and toluol; in Europe it has been dried, put in briquettes and used as fuel, and ii has been UK <l in an experimental way in the manufacture of dyes.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).