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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 07 Number 10

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  • THE CULLOWHEE YODEL Believe It Or Not Margaret Rowland went to Sylva and did not get lost. Twelve W. C. T. C. girls have gone on the stage. Bemice Benton didn't try to talk back to the vitaphone. Miss Maddux is not sentimental. Our males are increasing. Homer Wilson sings duets. Fincannon likes Coty lipstick. Guy Sutton's sprained wrist is "better." Ralph Smith has a new name. Harriet Pierce has pet rats and Margaret Rowland has pet fleas. CHIPS He: Yes, I've been married seven years today. She: Gosh, you must have broken a mirror. Bride: I would like to buy an easy chair for my husband. Salesman: Morris ? Bride: No, Clarence. Lady (in pet store): I like this dog, but his legs are too short. Clerk: Too short! Why, madam, they all four reach the floor. Wife: What have you there? Husband: Some insect powder. Wife: Good heavens! You aren't going to commit suicide? She (indignantly): You had no business to kiss me. He: But it wasn't business; it was pleasure. "Why does the woman take the name of the man when she marries?" "Well, she takes everything else, so she might as well take that too." "This is their first child, isn't it?" "Yes, it is their first bond issue." "How do you get along with your wife ? " "I wonder sometimes, myself." Smith: I lost my identity for two whole weeks last summer. Jones: How did it happen? Smith: Spent my vacation among my wife's relatives, and I was simply known as Anna's husband. Lawyer: Don't you think $25,000 cash would be punishment enough for his breach of promise? Revenger: No, indeed! I want him to marry me. "I'm not going to play with Jimmy any more." "What's the matter? I thought you liked Jimmy." "I did, but he went and kicked me in my stomach when my back was turned." New Apparatus An automatic apparatus with which the colors of transparent and opaque objects can be analyzed with scientific accuracy in ten seconds has been developed in the graduate laboratories of the University of Pennsylvania. "Got Yer Trash Out" Is Reveille Call In Davies "Got yer trash all out?" This inquiry, disturbing your last beauty nap before breakfast, comes from a middle aged colored woman who is caretaker of Davies Hall. Delia seems to enjoy waking people, as her cheery voice and ready laugh can always be heard, even when she is her work. She enjoys nothing more than to think of a humorous incident which has accurred in her morning round, and to tell the occupants of each room she visits about the incident, often causing embarassment to the one about whom the incident has oc- cured. When she asked Paul Buchanan if he had his trash out, he arose from his slumbers and said, "yes, Vir- gie," bringing peals of laughter from Delia. Delia is not old enough to remember the slave days, but she states that her mammy was a slave to "Kunnel" Thomas, whose descendants now live in Waynesville. "When my mammy was freed I was just a chile, den we moved to Cullowhee. Just I nussed for Mr. Madison, when he was principal of the High School; den I started in to cooking and cleaning for de college students who stayed in Davies Hall. It sho did keep me busy cleanin after dem girls! But lause, chile, how it has growed, I reckon dere has been thousands of students done gone from here, and lausy I jest can't remember dem all." Delia is very religious and declares "Dar are some mighty mean people, both white and black in this world." When asked how long she had been working for the school, she said, "I'se reckon dat it will me mighty nigh nine years since i'se started working for the college." She says she is satisfied at Cullowhee, because it is a mighty fine place for poor folks to make a honest living. Jackson Co. Spring of Indian Legend Marks Continental Divide Traveling from Sylva to Cashier's Valley on Highway number 286, we find on the left of the road just before entering Cashier's Valley and on top of the Blue Ridge a small spring rising up out of the ground, dividing, half of the spring going down one side of the mountain, easing along, gradually growing larger and larger, until finally it reaches the Mississippi River where it unites with its great waters. Starting from the spring we find the other half easing down the other side of the mountain flowing along, gradually growing larger and larger, until it reaches the Atlantic Ocean as a large stream. We do not think of this spring just as being a mere dividing line but when we think of it we think of the old Indian legend connected with it. An Indian brave other than of the tribe of Cherokee sought the hand of an Indian Chief's daughter in marriage, the Indian Chief being of the tribe of Cherokee. When the Indian brave asked for the daughter's hand in marriage the Indian Chief didn't want to see his daughter go. He fell on a plan which he thought impossible for the Indian brave to do. This was that the Indian brave must find a spring where half of the water went from it in to the Atlantic ocean and the other half went into the Mississippi River, before he could have his daughter. The Indian brave searched diligently for days and days, finally coming upon this spring, on top of the Blue Ridge. He then, happy- hearted, turned his head toward Cherokee to bring the great Indian Chief to see the spring. "I hear zoologists have found a lamb in South America that can run forty miles an hour." "That's the only kind of lamb that could keep up with Mary nowadays." They sat together Worked together All semester long. Played together, Strolled together, Happy as a song. Then- Crammed together, Flunked together, Wondering what was wrong A girl A date Perhaps Out late. A class A quiz No pass Gee Whiz. —The Chalk Line. Mr. & Mrs. Stafford Give St. Patrick Party Reverend and Mrs. I. K. Stafford entertained the Baptist choir with a St. Patrick's Day party at their home Monday evening, March 17. Early in the evening each guest drew one name of two Irish families, Murphy and Flannagan, which finally ended in a tie. Other games typical of the Irish were thoroughly enjoyed, one of which was "Kissing the Blarney Stone." The home was beautifully decorated in green and white, carrying out the St. Patrick's Day scheme. The serving of green and white mints and ice cream and cake helped to make the delightful evening even more enjoyable. Arrival of the Daffodils Velvet carpet, cool and green— Heralds straight and tall; Whispering leaves sweet music makes We're ready for a ball! Fairy Sunshine wanes and wand, Budded capes appear— Tiny fastening strings are loosed— The daffodils are here! Wind blown ladies, golden bright, Dance and dance in glee If we spread joy as much as they Would we not happier be ? —Bessie Warren. "Operator, give me eleven times thirty-two minus six divided by five, add to it twice the original number and make it snappy." Misses Lambert and Munday Given Party On Thursday evening, March 13th, Misses Annie Lee Munday and Odessa Lambert were honored with a lovely party in room 317. The party was given in honor of Miss Munday's birthday and Miss Lambert's departure. The color scheme of green and white, in keeping with St. Patrick's day, was carried out in the invitations, place cards, decorations, and refreshments. Delicious refreshments consisting of sandwiches, coffee, cake, pickles and mints were served to the following: Misses Annie Lee Munday, Odessa Lambert, Lillian Dillard, Estelle Johnson, Lozelle Campbell, Lucy Yelton, Mildred Starnes, Bessie Snyder, Mary Thomas, Lucy Lee Gabriel, and Vivian Thomas. SPRING FEVER Symptoms: Loss of study habits, restlessness in sleep at ringing of rising bell, frequent talking out of head about good things to eat. Cure: Don't consult a physician. Take regular afternoon walks. Stop at Trotter's and refresh yourself with an ice cream cone and a fresh box of lemon snaps. Take home light refreshments for bedtime lunch. Get plenty of sleep, and don't worry about the cost of this treatment. H.C. Bryson Company JNO. S. TROTTER, Manager "Just a Stone's Throw From Campus" CULLOWHEE NORTH CAROLINA EASTER JUST AROUND THE CORNER Dome in and get first pick of our new spring line of dresses, coats, and millinery. Shipments being received daily Your Easter Outfit can be matched in close harmony at LEVINE, CO-ED, PARISIAN DRESSES, PETITE COATS, GORDEN HOSE, MILLINERY We appreciate our Cullowhee customers Phone 104 Sylva, N. C.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).