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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 02 Number 04

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  • THE CULLOWHEE YODEL ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦tM*MIHII MttMMl »»1 OUR STOCK OF LUMBER j And All Other Building Material Is Complete We guarantee our prices to meet any others, grade considered. If we can be of service to you in helping you plan to build, please call on us. It will be a pleasure to show you plans, and to give you prices and estimates. BUILDERS SUPPLY & LUMBER CO. I J. C. ALLISON, Manager Sylva North Carolina MUSICAL RECITAL PRESENTED BY MISS BLACKSTOCK'S CLASS MAY 4, 8:00 P. M. (Continued from page 1) Piano Dance of the Marionettes Mrs. Crosby Adams Kate Stillwell. Piano Clara McGuire. Tiptoe -— Carew r ♦»»♦»♦♦♦♦»♦»»♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»»♦»♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»»♦»»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦ BRYSON'S DRUG STORE h We sell only the best and charge a moderate profit. Head- | quarters for students, teachers, and others that enjoy good f things to eat and drink. We desire to please you and not £ merely to get the dollar. 'Good suggestions will be appre- * ciated. Be assured that you are welcome here at any time. CULLOWHEE NORTH CAROLINA New Board Members Named For Cullowhee By Governor McLean (Continued from page 1 ) will be missed in the counsels of the institution. However, Governor McLean seems to have been fortunate in the selection of his new board. They are men and women of high character and ability. We are sure they take up their responsibilities with but one purpose in view: to serve the cause of education in North Carolina. We wish to welcome them and to pledge our fullest co-operation in making a greater and better Cullo- SEVERAL CHANGES OCCUR J IN COUNTY SCHOOL HEADS (Continued hum pane 1 ) compulsory attendance laws, and in raising the standard of teaching. In Jackson County, Professor Dillard is succeeded by Professor J. N. Wilson, who has been for many years identified with the Cullowhee State Normal as business manager and bursar. In Jackson County Professor Dillard has made a remarkable record in building and equipping school-houses, length* ening the school term, promoting elementary supervision, consolidation, etc. Mr. Dillard and Mr. Wilson are alumni of Cullowhee. Mr. Henry was at one time a member of our faculty. OUR ALUMNI LOAN FIND TRUTHFUL* PORTRAITURE J Shows you in a characteristic ex- % pression and a natural pose — at * your best. Our ability to put you % at ease assures the success of * your picture. Make the appointment today. The Photographer In Your Town The Rogers Studio Cullowhee North Carolina A WUK. AL-UlVim L( * 1 (Continued horn page 1 ) Amounts are being received from one dollar up to ten. Let's make our drive 100 per cent good. Let every graduate of Cullowhee who is now living and reaping the blessing of this institution lend a hand to some poor girl or boy who otherwise could not enter its doors. Mail contributions to Professor F. M. Brown, treasurer, Cullowhee, N. C, or to Professor E. M. Stillwell, president Alumni association, Cullowhee, N. C. Further announcements regarding our regular annual banquet at our approaching commencement will be sent out. We take this occasion of informal notice to all alumni to be present. Haywood County Entertains at Cullowhee Wednesday morning, April 22, the Haywood County Club gave a chapel program at the Cullowhee State Normal School. Those who furnished the greater part of the program were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Dale Stentz, of Lake Junaluska. The stage was decorated for the occasion with the County colors, green and lavender. The program was op. ened by the singing of America by the school, Mr. Stentz leading and Mrs. • Stentz at the piano, followed by prayer led by Mr. Stentz. The club then gave a short exercise. One member, representing Cullowhee State Normal, carried a burning candle, which represented the light of education; the re ! of the members marched past her, lighting their candles from hers; thus receiving their educational light from Cullowhee State Normal. When thej had formed a semi-circle on the Btage hey sang the school song. Mr. and Mrs. Stentz were then formally introduced by Mr. Rowe Henry, a member of the club, and conducted to the stage by the president dr. Jack Turbyfield. Mr. Stentz Bang a very amusing Haywood County song, then asked the club to sing it wit'n him. Following this was a variety of humorous stories, duets, and solos by both Mr. and Mrs. Stentz. Son f the songs they gave us were: The Sweetest Flower That Pi, aninny Lullaby, Daisies, Tell Me Tl ily, A Friend 0' Mine, A Gingham G vn, Man Linda Lou, and When the Lights Are Dim and Low. The following morning the same club was fmtunate in securing Dr. | rank Slier, Dr. Siler being pastor of the Clyde and Junaluska charges, to conduct the chapel program. Dr. Siler was introduced by p Vladlson, founder of the ,„ old friend of his. Dr. Siler, in turn, introduced Mrs. Siler, ted us with a story. He ,-v interesting an helpful lee< n.,. ,m the subject of Nest Building," followed by a short, touching prayer. We feel thai we voice the sentiment of the school, as a whole when we say that we hope these folks will visit us again. The Haywood County Club wel- Subscribe for the Yodel Husband-"Telling lies is not one of my failings." Wife—"No, dear, it's one of your few successes. -o- Jim—"I wish I could find a way to stop my wife from spending so much on gloves." Tom—"Buy her a diamond ring." Most of the people killed by hard work are those who try to avoid it. comes four new members who hs« entered for the last six weeks, o the spring quarter. They are as feltoj Misses Ruth Smathers and ine Collins, of Canton, Marie Cogburn, o Cruso, and Mr. Rowe Henry, of Waynesville. STUDENT BODY OFFICERS ELECTED At a mass meeting held Apnl ^ the student body organ.zed, elec the following officers: President Roe Henry; V,ce"PHel. dent, Sidney McCarty; Secretary, en Saunders. • The student body greatly W ates the privilege that tn«i . gave them of having charge of ecthat one morning each week. the this is a means of making J «£, talent of the student body and •. k opportunity for students to cui the art of appearing in public

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).