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Correspondence regarding organizational meetings of the Appalachian National Park Association

items 71 of 75 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12629.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Form No. 168. • THE WESTERH UMIOM TELEGRAPH COMPANY, INCORPORATED 2I,O0O OFFICES IN AMERICA. CABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD. This Company TRANSMITS and DELIVERS messages onlypirjenaltionslimiting-icsTttability. which have been assented to by thesenderof thelStte^ing message. Errors can be guarded against only by repeating a message bacfe-tb the sendingsfction for cobrparison. and the Company will noJJioTditself liable for erronsor delays -in transmission or delivery of Unrepeateii Messages, beyond tkeamount of tolisjFidyhereou, nortn any case where the claim isnetfpresented in writing within s*^ty days after the message is died with the Company for transmissions y^7\ /jr J I This is an liSKEPEATEU MESSAtJE, and is delivered b#^*fii|st of ifi«p«ier. under the Conditions named above THO§K T. ^S'KE.jfT, PfSsirjSftt and 5feneral Manage IRECElVEDat o 1 ak w v 68DH L 1055am a Marshall. N C ll/22nd 99 I } Dr. C P -Ambler. Secty Parks and Forestry Cora, Asneville NC ' I am engaged in the trial of an important case in Criminal court which renders it impo^ble for me to attend the convention today VPlease ex tend to the delegates my best -fishes and say to them that I will all in mty power to secure an apporopriation for the establihment of the proposed parkythe secretary of agriculture says he regrets exceedigly

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).