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Cataloochee tract 309: E. A. Wood

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  • Tract 309, on the Cataloochee-Jonathan Creeks Divide, was owned by E. A. Wood. While, in general, the Great Smoky Mountains region was sparsely populated, the Cataloochee Valley remained an exception. By 1900, the population of Cataloochee had grown to 1,000 residents living in hundreds of log and frame homes. A few historic buildings have been preserved on site, including two churches, a school, several homes, and outbuildings. The North Carolina Park Commission was tasked with purchasing land for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and people living in Cataloochee were among those displaced. Cataloochee families continue to return for annual reunions. In 2001, the National Park Service re-introduced elk into the valley.
  • ~- of ······;;·····:.: .... ~.Jt~.:.A. •.. ~J!to.o.d:·······,·························:. ......' . .... . _g,; .. i'+,~;;.;' ~ - "'· ,, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION · Tract /1309, to be Acquired from 15. A. Wood BEGINN!JiG at corner 1, a point on the d.iV1de between Oatelooohee and 1one.the.n creeks, near the. head or the Horae Fen Ridge and in the E, A. Wood line, being s. 21 E, .t 2.31 oh(;i.1ns from the E. A. Wood cheat-nut corner; Thence, leaving the top of the ridge, N. 21 w, corner 21 a 24" chestnut w:1 th old marks .• About 2}5.00 Thence, With the old line,, Corner 31 a 48'' chestnut oak stump, 6' north of the branch and below a spring, t he old corner. ';rhen.oe1 N. 52 li:. 5;.32 corner 4 1 a 16» 1ocust on top the 41V1de, the old ootner. Thence• with the meanders of the Pi vide, 8. 13 E, lt5l A point 4.38 A point 5,37 A point 2,95 A point > s. , ... 36 w. s. 11 ... 12 w. 1.64 The plaoe of BEODffliNO, containing six and Thirty One-Hundredth• { €>.30) Aeres. ANALYSIS OF TITLE Traot #309; E. A. Woodt Owner 1.. 'l' is only a small p{)~tion of a 312 ... aere t~ct. being 'hat part that lies on the Catal~.oohee side of tP.~ diVide between Catalooohee and JQnathari Creeks. The entire tnet, as well as thi,sportion, lies wholly within the b$unds of state GrEuft 251t, , issued to John Gray Blount, Nove·mber 29, 1796. As the title to the hol dings under this gr8,llt has be•n analyzed in detail in the analysis of t1.tle to the Sidney Nelson traot • the same wil+ not be repeated herein, but maY be seen by refe1'ence to 1 to 10, Book 7, ot this abstract, 2• On May 26, 1874, the Executors of James Jr~. Love, by deed in regular .rorm, properly executed and or reoo~d in Haywood county, .. oo.nveyed to J. M. Davis, J. H. Davis and .J. L. Davis; 306 acres. Desortp~ ion is . by metes and bounds. The records dis~lose no instrument by which t1 tle to these lends passed from the grantees above mentioned, However we are of the opinion that anyone attempting to oleiin tttle under this deed would be barred by the statute of Limitation and by long adverse poc.seasion. pt.. ~ji/M~ (,. y., ,..? "!.(~. dl~ ~r· 3. Further reoord•d title to this tract is continuous and un- 1 broken from March 15, -1892, to the present time. The firs.~ instr\unent . appea.r1ng ill this chain o.f t1 tle bea;rs the above men.tioned date, · and is a 1'elease deed from the lien of certain judgments against H. c. Rice, who evidently owned the tract of land under in·vestigati on at that time. The release deecl is from J. M. Rioe, Administrator or J. n. Rice. ·The recitals · in this release deed state that H. C. 'Rice acquired title from the Executore· of Jas. R. Love, and :reters to a deed by date and by book end page as being made to him, As a matter of tact, the d~e.f. t· referred to is the same as that of paragraph 2 above. see page ~ Yfr or this abstract. 4. Also under de.te. · Mer<th 21; 1892, the same J. ~~. Rioe, as Ad­mints ~,rator of J. D. Rioe1 released these lends from. the l'~n or certain Judgm.el).ts against H. c. Rioe. The se.m.e reference 1 s made to n. c. Rice' a source of title as in above paragraph. see page L2 c? of this abstract. 5• · under date April 4, 1892, H. c. Rice and his wire, Elender Rice, by deed in regular rorm, properly executed and reoordt~d, oonve)"ed lands menti aled in the above paragraph to George H. sma. thers. see page ot this abstract. e. on April 24, 1893, George II. smathers and his wire, n. R, ..... smathers, conveyed the t ract mentioned in previous paragraph to L. T. Harrell, "The deed is regUlar in fc;>;-m, properlr executed and recorded in Haywood ·: CoUhty. see page . 4 91.. of t his abstract. l pv. 'I,. On S eptember 3, 1896, r.. T, Harrell and his wife, Elizabeth Harr~ll, oonver•d the traot lllentioned in the previous paragraph to George n~ Slllathere. Th~s deed is regular in form, properly exeoutec! and of reooM in Hay1!ood Countr. see page /c f :J of thi$ abstract. · a. By deed in regular torm, properly executed and recorded in . Haywood County• George n. smathers and his wife, Daisy R. smathers, oon• ': · veyed the lan. ds Ulldtr investigation t.. ·o G.Z ~f~.e A. Murray. The i.nstrUl!Bnt bearing date, June 20, 1899. see page .· of this abstract. · . '-----"' 9 • . Geo:rse A. ~r&J 1 by 4"d in regular t'Ol'l'l• proP.,rly eseout•tS and reo.oJ:'4e41 ·oollteyed the lands xnentioned in p:rev1oue pan~apbe '~t c. w. teaeu•• . NothillEJ &Jn>M78 fit reoortl to show whe,.her oeorse A• : )(Urra·y ••• llarr1•4 or idftfjle at th• tiM t• deed was exeouted. .Ai't1q.,!1t on pqe ....--, ot this a\atraot euppl1ee ~bls 1nto:r•tton.;. The tranetel waa •4• on. O'o\obt:r 10, 190?.-. see page . t, f( ot th1$. ab.,~ract; · 1(); mt4er ·date ntoember 11 1 1916. c, w. Teague• J·~lne4 by h11 tr1te 1 OUJJli Teague, oonYeJed ~he same tract to tee v. ~oge.rl ·,jnd 1. A. Woodl the last mentioned~ Ih A. Wood• l)etng the p-eaent O'tftt&r. :This ,._. at:rumtllt is ~re~;ula1' ~n torm, properly e~eout•d and or reootd 1.n Haywood Oou.nty. see ;ase .~'t'Pe of tllis ab•tract.- .. 11. Only a . tell days 1ate1'.- 1anuart . ~5; 191'1 .• Lee v. Roge~• aa4 his W11'e1 })ella . BOge~s, eonveJed the1r l/2 \mdl Titled 1nterest 1n theae . lands to the seicll lt. A. Wood, present owner_, 'l'h1e 4ee4 1s regulel' ~n- ,./ to:rm. pre>p•rl'J ••ou•$d and :reoorde4 in Ha"ood COUitty. s.e pap ...t,J;L. ot this e.batJtaot.. . ·: · 12, !h:ree de,ds or truat,ooverins the lends under. 111Yest1sa~1ou, , appear o.. t .~oo.rd. h$Ye $ll beell duly pa14 ud oanoelled ot reoor4. . see pages fc:,2 t to . 2 P./ . ot th1tt ablt:ra~_t, 11. TWQ 4ee4s ot trust,. oov•r1ng theae land$, appear or "oor4 that lULV• not t1een oanoel.le4a one beating date March 25, l889t t:ba otberf' .· Apr1l aa, . 1893• . ~e in4etrte4nctlliJee eeoured by theee two d•ede . or trust were in all pr<lbt:b111tJ, paid loag ago. At any rate, any olaim Wt4tr their provitioas would be· be.r:red by the sta.tute ot Limitation. jfLU.- ;~ 7 {) 'l.. - 7 (; 3 No wuJat1st1e4 judsments or other lifUlS,. ~~~ r;3!i/t>--~·r r,_,.._ Pot ~/1- In Preamble William H• Thomae R<:>bert G•·A, Lov~ W11l1o t. H:l.ll1ar4 samuel. I.•· ·tOft J• '4· DaVis J. 14 Davia 1. L .• l)e.v1a ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed samue.l L·, tov• R, G• At Lo'fe w, Lt ll1111etr4 As Acknowledged Proven 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... Dee4 ...................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ........... .. ~.2.6~.'l4 ......... , ............... . 3. Is it properly executed ..... , ........ Y.$8 ............................. . 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... JUC!lge ... P .•..... 6. Acknowledgements, regular ......... ....... Y$1 ................... . 7. If inegular, copy in full on back. .................... : ............. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ................. NO ................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .... ~.28~~4---······· ···· · ··· · · .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ................ ...................... .. ................ . 12. Was order of probate con·ect .............. Y88 ................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ....... ...................................... ..... .. (a) of seizin ....................................................................... . 15. Book ................ L ............. , ......... Page ....... .39J. .............. .. (b) power to convey ...... ........... Y.ea ................................ . for .......... Ha.y.WO.O.d ............................ : .... County. (c) against encumbrances .......... ..................................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations,· provisions . (d) against claims of all others .......... YO ................... . · or restrictions ........... None ............................................ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .......... TO .. HA,..VE .. AliD ... TO ... HO!.ll ... the ... ~Ql"G~id ... traO.'t. .. ll1$h ..... . ........... the .... pr1v1lege.a .. .and .. .appurtenances .... ther.eua'.o .. :belonging •.... unto ... :the ............... . ........... sa.1.d ... ;r. ... l!,. ... Davis1 ... J'. •... H •.. ... e.nd ... I.•--·Lt----Dav1s ... and. .. h1s ... heUa., .... to ............ . ........... h1-. .. .and ... the1r ... onJ.y ... use. .. and. ..b eho.ot. .. .toreve:r. ._ .............................. ~ ................................................... . Exact Description of Property HEAD WATERS OF COVE ORlOOC BEGINNDJG at a large sp~uoe p~l)e a little above the head ot tlie falls or cove Ol'eek and at the point ot the J'olul Barnes camp ridge; thence . up the top ot the . said ric1ge 164. pe>les to a locust on top ot the mt>unta1n between cove creek ud.Cataloochee; thenoe along the top of . ._h.e D'lOUntain .south• west 1~2 poles ~o a looust .on the mountalnJ thenoe South 41 We&t 24 poles to a mountain oak near a aprinea thence south 6-i- west 68 poles to a chlstnut} thence south 21 .Eaet e poles to a stake John L• Ferguson a line• t .henoe with his line North lO ~ast 3 po1es to a .ohestnut, Ferguson1 e oorne:'t thttnOe With bis .line No:J'th 87# East 353 .polel to a lynn in the liileJ thenoe North 02 poles to an ash ill the ed@e ot a laurel; thertoe NoJ,-th 57 East 52 pole• ·to a White oalq thence North 6 East 22 poles to a chestnut t thenoe tiorth 40 Wes1 20 poles to a l .arg9 &Jt4 ~ small oh,stnuta in the Bear Pen gap; thenoe to the beginning• oonta1n1na tl'J.ltee hundred and six acres .• S!Jut B _;. - I.T.; Ill Preamble ~ J. M. R1ee, Adm1n1a. ~ ot 1. D. JUoa Same Proven ~~--------------------~--~-------------------+------~-------------- "Q.'> Q.> = H. c. Rice «.<. ~ L_ ________________ -L------------------L----------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... Relete.·ae···Deed·············· 3. Is it properly executed ...... .. ye-s-···································· 2. Date of Conveyance ................. 3..,.1t5•.92 ...................... . 4. Date of Entry ::~;nd No ......... ............................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... O······S·;.····e-.·· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ....... N 0 ................ ............... .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........................................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... ........... 3-28•-9J3·············· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ................. ......... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL .. .. No·················· ···························· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ..................................................... .. ................ . (b) power to convey ..................... ~ ..................................... . (c) against encumbrances ............................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ...... Y~:nr ....................... .. 14. Date of filing for r ecord ... 6.-t4•9'a··-...................... . 15. Book ............. ~. . ............. . ... ... .. . . age ......... J,6.'7 ............ . f or ............. fi1tT.IfoO·d .............................. ounty. 16. D?es deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all -others ...................... .. .............. .. or restrictions ........... ~ ........................... ............................. .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. ............... ....... ...... .. .. ...... ........ ... .................................. .... .................................................................... . Exact Description of Property THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this, the 15th day ot Maroh, A. D., 1892, by and between 1. M. Rt.oe. Administrator ot J. n. Rice, deo._se~, toJOmerly Qt Haywood• Coun\y, N. c., now of Towns County, Ga., party ot the first part, and H. o. Rice of Haywood County, State ot North Carolina, party or the second part. WI':l'NESSETH: That wher~e the said J. M. Rice, as Administra'lozt aforesaid, d1 d on the 28th or December, l987 • acq11re a judgment against the aa1d H. c. Rice tor the sum or $1487 .&a end costa, which said judgment wae duly docketed in Judgment vooket "J", Page 122 of the Superior Cotr t ot Haywood County, N.- c., on the 28'lh or neoember, 1867J and did on the lttb of Deoem.ber1. 188. 9, acquire. . one other Judgmen. t against said H. c. Rice tor the sum ot f 451.15 ant\ coats, Which said Judgment was duly docketed in · ·Judgment DOcket "K", Page 164 ot the Superior Court of Haywood County; N.O. on the lith ot December, 1889. AND lh1IEREAS, the said u. c. Rioe desires the said J. M. Rioe to release the liens acquired against the land hereinafter de•cribed bf. virtue ot the said Judgments. and whereas the said JI. c, Rioe has suttie·• oient other land in Haywood COWl.ty, N, o., subject tothe lien of aatd Judgments oV8l" and above exe:m.ptions, to satiety aa1cl Judgments. · now, TfttmEFORE, in oons1aerattt,onof1.;the premises and t~. ful1he oans1dera:Uons ot the sum or one dollar paid t o the said J, M. Rioe ae Administrator aforesaid by the said H. o. Rioe, the reoeipt whereof is . _ hereby aoknowledged 1 the ea14 J, M. Rioe as Administrator aforesaid, haar ·'· · released end by these presen$s does here'by :release all the right, title · and 1nteres"' wh1oh he acquired by vir,ue of the lien of the Judgments Shut B atoresa14 the.· tol1.owing t:rttQt ot . landa \~ .. ;1, ' ~ .: : ~; . ·-;- :;_ . >. , . n!A~ WA,TEps oF p o/,E _SU U!:l~l( . --. ·,.;;. ·'t, ' ' . _l,diftlp --- at 'a la~e _$ p__r u _oe P ine • _11t tle _above the head , o · • ill.a ot Ool'e O~eek ana at the point ot tm J'ohn - _ l311l:rn•• oamp J't<1sef 'b.Onoe UI> the t .op ot ·the · Mid ridge 164 pole• to a loouat on top o.t tba mountai-n betlteen aove Greek an« · Oat_e).Qoo_h.t•s _t llieao_• _ e1_9 n1 the top or _th e mou_ntain south- ; weet 182 pol•• to • 1oouat o.n the mounteia; thenoe sou"n 41 West M poles to a moun-. in oak near a ap:riast thenoe South. Oi Wee' GS p' !les to a oheatl1Uti theaoe SOUth 81 Ea•t 8 poles to. a etakej, J'ohn L• F,rguaon t B line • thente W1 th h1a line North 10 E••' 3 pole~t to a ohestnutt :Fe:t8U$QQ'a oorner; thenoe with h.1 e line Nortll 8'71- :maet 31$ »olea 'o • 171Ul in the 11••; thenee North 32 poles to u aah in the e4s• ot a 1aU;rOlJ tbeaoe llorth 3'1 Faat fSB poles to a white oak J thenoe N:trth I Ea$1; 22 poles to a ohestnut; theQoe NoJth 40 West 20 poloa to _ a large ancl I Slnall ohe8~b." in the Bear Fen 8f1PJ t~,'!!"~0 -the BEGI'NNlllOt OOAta1A11lf' ···- three hUl'.d red an8: :>t1f$l~l:"*tt~e•• raore or- 1.,., 1 t lHtlll'l til& same traot ot D'JOUDtain land conveyed by deed by EXeoutol"a o:r·"V&:m~!3 ~, ·~t. Love to aaid li; ·a. lUoe on the 26th ot May, 18'14, and r egistered in · Book "L", page $92, on the l~th or June, 18741 }lecords of Deeds fer Haywood County, N. c. · ~ ..Q.. 1:1 •.. ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT tri' Preamble J. li.IU.oe:,. -.. A4il11.t11s •. ot 1. D· Rio• As Signed- J. M. Rite • Amini a. ot J. D. R1oe As Acknowledged ~~----~-~--~--------------+-----------------------~r-~-------------------- Ill ~ ].. H, o. IUoe' ~ L-------------------~--~------~---------L·------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ......... Rtl~.~-~.f. .... ~~.<l ............ . 2. Date of Conveyance ........ 4~.11~9JL ............................ . 3. Is it properly executed ......... Yt.~ ................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... (h .... S.L..C.J ... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... YS.S ............................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ....... , ...... c •• ••• •• •••• ••• •• •• •• 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ...4..."..."..8. , ..1...-..9...2... ......... ............ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ..... J:f..~ ......................................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... Ye.S. ..................... : ..... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ............. Yea ..................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing fo:r record ........... Q~.l5.~9..2 ................. . (a) of seizin .................................................. ..................... . 15. Book .............. ~ ..................... : ... Page: ........ l8.2 .............. . (b) power to convey ...... : ... ................ ........................ ......... . for ........... R~Y.~.Q.9.4. ................................ County. (c) against encumbrances ............................................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ... ............... ............. ........ . or restrictions ..... ...... JiQ .................................................. . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. ...... .......... ........... ......... ........ ... ........................................ ... ....................... .......................................... . Exact Description of Property HEAD WAT':SBS OF COVE CREEK !JOlfNI'g at a . la. l"88 ep:ruoe pine a little above th. e hea. ·d o · 1fi e ills qt cove Orttek and at the pe>in t o-f the John Banes oamp ridge; tbenoe up the top or the said t-idge 164 pole• to a locn.lst on top ot the moun ta1n 'between cove creek and oe.talooohee; . then<Je e.long the top ot . the mountain south• west 132 poles to a J.ooust on the m~untainJ tbe n.oe South 43 we•t 84 poles to a mountain ·oak near a spring ; thence · sou~h Gt West 68 pole.a to a ohestnu'; tnenoe south 21 ·East 8 poles 'to a stake; J!ohn L• FergUson's line: thence W1th his line No:rth 10 East 3 p<U•s to a chestnut, Ferguson• a torne~J thence with his line No:rtb S'fi ;East 353 poles to a lynn 11\ the; tbeaoe Nt)rth :32 poles to _an ash in the edge ot a lau:relt thence North .a'1 East 52 poles to a :white oak; 'fiheuoe fJOJth & Ea.. •t 82 poles to . • ·ohe&tnut; thence North 40 West !0 poles 1io a large end 2 Smell Chestnuts in the Bea~ Pen eap; ~henoe to the BEGINNING, containing three hun~ed and J1X acres, . . Slutl B . .. . As ' Signed .rsr R. c. R1ee and wire, . ; Elea4er Rioe n. e. Rioe :touoiada E. Rioe H. c. B1o• Elender Rioe ~ :· t a="' L_ ________________ _L __ ~--------------L---------------~ 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... .F.ul.l ... War.ran.)':y ... De.ed 2. Date of Conveyance ......... -4~1-2""'-~2----··· ·· · ·· · · · ······· ·· · ··· ·· 3. Is it properly executed .......... Yes ................................. . 4. Date of Entry and No .......................... .............................. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ............ ... .................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular -·····YIB-·-···-······················· 7. If irregular, copy in full on ba,ck ........ .......... ..... ............ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ....... 4~l.9:':"'.i2 .................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .............. YOS···················· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........ y ...... ._ ... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ............. NQ .................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ........... y ........................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ......... .().'!'!'.l$!!~!.9.2- - - ·· ···· ·· · ·· ·· ·· ·· (a) of seizin ...... Y&.S ........................................................ . 15. Book .................. .3.................... Page ........... l-'18---········- (b) power to convey, ...... Ye.S ........................................... . for ...... !Iayw.o.od ..................................... County. (c) against encumbrances ........ Ye.& .............................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, proVisions (d) against claims of all others ......... YfUL ................. . or restrictions ...... ............... No .......................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. ........ TO. .. HAVE .. AN.D ... TO ... .HOtD ... the. ... abo.V~---de.aor.1-b-4l4---lf1-D4·-····· g,l)4 .... Pl"., .... wt.t.b. ... all ... tll.!l .. :a_pp.\U":t.enano.e.a ... ~hett.e.unt.o ..., ... o.r ... 1n--c--y. ~.1.M .... $'t.a.1.n1nc ... :un:b,o ... the. ... sa.1d ... part.y .... ot. .... :the .... .seeo.nd ... part., .... h1s. ... he!~•-········· •P..4. ...••.- ..1.P.~-•----'o. .... tne. ....o .nly. ___u se. .. and ...b .ehoor.. .. ot. ... :th.e. .. J!J8.1d .... oeorge ... fi. ......s m.,be-~• and his .eaia heirs e.nd assigns forever. Exact Description of Property B"EOim!I'Q at a large epruoe pine e. little above the mad of we -alls Ot Cove C~eek aril at the point ot the John Barnes oam.p ridge; t he l\Oe up the top ot the said ri de• 1&4 poles to a locust on top or the mountain. between oove creek ana oatalooohee; tmnoe along the top or t:te mountain south• west 132 .»oles to a locust on the mountain; tbs nee south 43 Wea1 .,14 poles to a Jl0unta1n .oak near a spring; t.te noe South ·fii . West &8 po1es to a chestnut; thence south 21 :s~;~at a poles to a stake, Jol}n t. Ferguson•~ line; thenoe with his. line North 10 East 3 poles to a chestnut, Ferguson's corner 1 thence 111 th his line North 8'1}- East 353 poles to a lJnn in the line; thence North 32 poles to an ash in the e4ge or a laurt:tl; tl'e noe North 37 East 52 poles to a wht te ou; tnenoe North 6 East aa poles to a ohestnut; t:te nee North 40 West SO poles to a large and 2 small chestnuts 1n the Bear Pen gap; tb$l'loe to the BEG!NN"ING, containing tlU'ee hu.ncJ:red and six sores, Shul B In Preamble · As Signed As Acknowledged Same . 1. ' . 1. Kind of Conveyance .... Jr.ul1 .... warranty ... J)eed 2 .. Date of Conveyance ....... 4~-22,..·9·Z····· ··· ·· ····· · ··· ······· ······ 3. Is it properly executed ... ............... Y~uJ. ......................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ............................... .......................... · 5. Before what · Officer acknowledged ....... c:,. .... .$ • .... 0 . .,. G. Acknowledgements, regular .y.s: ............................ , .... . 7.· If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Y.e.,s. ........................ . 9. Date of acknowledgement ....... l.Q.~Q:'!'".93---· ·· ····· ······ 10. Wa~ privy examination of wife taken ...... lea ............ . 11. Did officer affix Seal .............. :»o .......... : ... , ....................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ......... y ........................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ....... ll~-13-~-9-J .................. . (a) of seizin .......... Yes ................................................... . 15. Book ............. 5........................... Page ............ !1-Q .. , .... , ....... . (b) power to convey ........... Y-es ...................................... . for ....... .F-fay.w.ood .................................... County. (c) against encumbrances ..... .... Ye.s ............................ . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .. ........ .Ye.s. .................. . or restrictions ...... NQ. ........................................... , ............ . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ........ ro ... HAV]! .. AND-· TQ. ... ROLD: .. tl:e-····&bO-V&··-d&&CJ1'1bed-··1&114·--··---- ·&nd···Pl'eJI1SfJ·•··· ... al.l. ... the ... app.urtenan.oe.a ... th.ereunto ...···-Olt ... ~ .. .any ... apper,.t.aining ... unta .... the ... .sai.d .. pa.r.t.y ... o.f ..... th& ... .se.o.ond ... par,t .•.... hi.s .. .hei;s ... and ... ,o ... :.~e .... only .... use ... a.nd ... .b.e.ho.o~ ... ot ... hi.s .... said.,.heir.a ... an.d .. .as.a.igna ... t.o.r.e:Ye~ •. Exact Description of Property HEAD l\'.A'I'ERS OF COVE CR"EEK SEGINNING at a large spruce pine o. little above the h-.d of 'he' falls of CoYe Cl'eek end at the point of the John Banes oamp 1'1 dge • thenoe up the top ot the said ridge 164 poles nto a looust on top or the mountain be~ween cove Creek and Cataloooh6e; thence along the top ot tne mountain south­west 132 pOlQs to a. lo~ust on the mountain; t~noe south . 43 west S4 poles to a mountain oak near a sp71ng; ·tnenoe south 6i west 68 poles to a ohestnut; tte noe So\lth 2.1 Ealt e poles to e •take, John L, Ferguson's line; thenoe with his line North 10 East 3 poles to a ohestnu~; Fel"gUson's oorner; thenee w1 th his line North e?i East 353 . poles to a lrnn in the:twain$ ; thence North 32 poles to an ash in the edge or a laurel; thence North 37 East 52 poles to a wh1te oak; thenoe North 6 East 22 poles to e. chestnut; thenoe North 40 West 20 poles to a ·large and 2 small ohestnuts 1n the Be•t P&n gal'J thence to the 'BEGINNING, containing three hundred and six acres. . t<<i <> ~,~'ld .'.J. J ,~._,;. I Slutt B "t' I. • T. Harrell &. wife, Elizabeth Harrell ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT . As Signed 1. T. Ha)"rell E. J. Rarre.ll As Acknowledged ' ~ ' ': ~ L. T• RaJtrell Lizzte ~ narrell ]... George H. 8ma there "" 1. Kind of Conveyance~~····~F.Ull .... Warr.anty..~ .. De.ed 2. Date of Conveyance~·-····9-~3.~.9.6~--~········'·········· ······ ····· ·· 3. Is it properly executed .... ~-·-········'Yes ....... ~.~~-~---·-~-~--~·~· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . · 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ....... .T.•~~~-P ..... ~~·~······ 6. Acknowledgements, regular .......... Y.e.s ......... ~·-········· ····· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back.~~---~--~ - ~-~~-~~~· ···· ·:~· · ····· ·· 9. Date of acknowledgement .. ~---~---.9~.a::-. .9tL.~~·~·~···~······· 11. Did officer affix SeaL..~-···~Yes ..... ~ ~ ~~~--~· -···~··~····~~-~~·-······· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... ~~--~~---··-Yes. ... ~······· ····· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... ,,: .. ......... . 12. Was order of probate correct .. ~~~~·······--Yes ................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ...... ~l~!a~l8.9.6 ............ . (a) of seizin ·---~·-·········Y.e.a ..................... ~--~~~----~~~---········ · 15. Book .......... 8 .............. ~· · ······· ····· Page ........... ua ............ . (b) power . to convey ........... YIHL .... ~· ·· · ·-'···········-~~-~-··· ·· ··· · for ....... Haywoo.d ..... ~······························County. (c) against encumbrances ···~~~-······························ 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .......... Ye~a .... ~- -~-~~- -······· or restrictions - ~·· ····NQ .................. , ................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. .. ~ .. TO~~-HAVE~.~.A.tiD.~~T.(L.ROI.D .... t.he .... ab.Ove .. ~~desoribed .. .. .and --~llr.t~-''~•--~-w.1:t~b. ... ~ll .... \.b~~~-~~-PP~'Ul"t-.n.ano~e.$..~ .. t~her.e.un.t.o~.-·be~o.nging., .... .o.r ... in .. aq .. ~.w1se ~~-~•P:P.t.l'®'to. ..~ ~l1~-~~~~ald. . ~.J>-~.:r.t.Y~-~ot. . ~.the.~ .. .seoond .. ~:P-a.:rt.,.~-~1l1s ... he1r.s. .. and. .... ,. ... ~ -~~~·§•-~-gA~'·•· ··t.9. .. ~.t.h~ ... 9n.lY~~--~ .. •~-~§Jld~ .. b.~.b.99.f.~_o.f .... hi.m,_~···:t.he .. ~s.a1.d ... aeorge. .. .H.; ... .sma.thera, his said heirs and assigns forever. · Exact Description of Property BEO~NG at a . large spruce pine a 11 ttle above the head o'f fie falls of' cove Crtek and at the point of' t:te John Ba:rnea caamp ridge; thencte up the top ot tlB said ridge 164 poles to a locust on top or the mountain betwaen cove creek and Catalooohee J thenoe along the top or the mountain South­west 138 polea to a locust .on the mountain; thence south 43 West 24 poles to a mountail1 oak ••a:r a spring; thenoe · south tit West_ OS poles to a chestnut; theno; south 81 East S poles to .e. stake, John Lt Ferguson's line; thence with his NO'rth 10 East 3 poles to a chestl).ut, Ferguson• e corner a thence with his line North 87-i East 363 poles to a lynn in the line; thence North 32 poles to an ash in the edge or a laurel: thence North 3'1 Eaa.t 62 poles to e wh1 te oak; thenee North 6 F.ast 22 poles to a chettnut l thence North 40 West 20 poles to e. large and 2 small chestnuts in the Bear Pen gap; thenoe to the BEGINNING, containing three hundred and six acres. Simi B ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Ach11owledged .r.n. ~ Geo:rge H. Smathers ~ ~tbStsDaisy R • same Same r-----~~----~--------~----------~------------~------------------~--- 1. Kind of Conveyance .. Ful.l ... Wur.anty .. De.&d 2. Date of Conveyance ........ t\:-!!-2()~99- - -· · ······ · ·· · -- '· ······ ·· ··· ·· 3. Is it properly executed .......... ..... Y-88 ...... : ..................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ................................................ .. : ..... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. l)ep .•.... C ... S •. C. 6. Acknowledgements, regular --Yea---················-··············· 7. If irregular, copy in !uu· on back ......... ............ ............ .. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ...... ye-a ........................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... 6~.22~99 ...................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... y•s----······· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ..... No ............................................ . 12. Was order of probate correct ............. ye8--····-··-·······-···· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .... -6~-2-2-~-9-i---···· ·---· ··· ·--- ---··- (a) of seizin -------Y-es ...................................................... . 15. Book ----------ll----·----···-··---·--· Page ...... -393 ................... · (b) power to convey ..... Y.S---···· ························ ··· ··········· for ........ Hay.woo.d ...... : ............... :-,----··----County. (c) against encumbrances ---Yea .................................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .... Yes ......................... . or restrictions .......... NO---···· ···· ··················-·······- -·-···-·····---- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... TO ... HA.VE ... Alm ... T.Q ... !:I01.D ... :the. ... ab.o:ve ... 4e.aari.bed .. ;p.ieQ.e ... OJ' . ,p.~o.el ... ot ... .l.d ... togeUte.-, .... ... al.l ... ... an.d .. aJ>.P.~-t-enanc.ea ... t .hareunto .. belong1ng, .... or .... in ... any .... w.1se ... a .t .a1n111g ... unto .... the ... .s.e.1d ... aeor.g_e. .. .A. •... ~raJ'~ ... part.y. ... ot ... :t .h.e., .. aeaond ... put.,. ... his ... he1r.s .... and ... asaigns ... t .o:reYU ................ ···-··--····-····-···--·· Exact Description "of Property ~GtfNINO at a large spruoe pine a little above t~ head o e falls or Cove creek a nd at the point of the John Banes camp rid ge; thence up the tGp ot the said rldse 1~• poles to a locust on t op ot ·the rnountatn between Cove Creek and ca. talooohee; theno·e along t he top or the mountain South­west 132 poles to a loouat on the mountain; thence sou1h 43 West 24 P9les to a mountain oak near a spring; thenee South .6-f West ea poles. to a oh•stnU'OJ thenoe s~th 21 Ea•1 8 poles to a stake, John L• Ferguson t s line; thenoe wt th hie lilie North 10 East 3 poles to achestnu~, Fe:rgusonta oorner; thence. with his line North a-rt E•at 350 poles to a lynn in the line; tnuce Nol"th 12 poles to an ash in the edge ot a laurel; t ·hen<le North 3'1 Eaat 52 poles to a wh1 te oak; thence North 6 East 22 pole a to a Ohestaut; thenoe No:rth 40 West 20 pole a to a large and 2 small chestnuts 1n the Beef'" Pen gap; thence to thtt BEGINNING, containing thret hundred and six ae:rea. Shul B \...,-/. ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT ·' In Preamble As Signed ·As Acknowledged !~·-G_e._o_.~ _g_ e _A _.·_ _M_Ur ·-r~s-y ____ -__ ·~+·1• _______ sam. ___ e------~----~~--P-·a_m_e __· ___________ _ 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... F.ull ... :W.e$.ranty ... Deed · Yes · 2. Date of Conveyance ........ l0-~-10~0.!'1-. ....................... , .. . 3. Is it properly executed ............................. ....................... .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... N'.L .. 'P.t... ......... .. · 4. Date of Entry and No ....................................................... .. 6. Acknowledge~ents, regular .. Y8.8 ................................. .. 7. If "irregular, copy in full on back. ................................. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Y.ea ................ : ...... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement... . 10~l.O.~O.'l .... ~ ............. . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .......................... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ............... Y~UL ............................ .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. ................. Ye.a .............. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .... l.Q!'.l2.~.0! ..................... . (a) of ~eizin .......... Yes ........ ? · .. ." .................................... . 15. Book ........... 2.3......................... Page ......... lU5.8 .............. . (b) po~ver to convey .............. YfiUL ........ : ...................... .. for ................. .Hayw.oo.d .......................... County. (c) against encumbrances ............. Yes ........................ .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, _provisions (d) against claims of all others .............. YCHL ............ .. or restrictions ......... NO .......... , .......................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... T.O .... HAVE ... AND ... T.O ... HOL.D ... th.e ... ato.:re.sai.d ... t.ra.nt.t .... o.r. ... pa.r.oel, .. 9.f. ... l~,Ul.~ ... ~Jl.~ ... ~.l..l .... Pr.1.v1l~gQ$. ... ~n.d ... ~.PPur.t.ena.n.o.e!'-.... t.her.e.t.o ... b.elonging ... ;to ... th.$ .. . -~~1.'l .... C ...... w.~ .... 'l'.•.~-@.~ .... ~.n(t ... b.1.~ ... b.e.1.r..~ .... an.d ... a .. s.s.ign~ .... t.o .... thei.r ... onl.y. ... uaa ... and .............. . .. b.~~9..9.t. ... f..Q.~Y.~.:r·*·········· · ...................................................................................................................................................................... .. Exact Description of Property HEAR WATERS OF COVE Cf!EEK 'GI!!I!~G at a larg· e apruoe pine . a little. above the head o · 'fine Ellls ot Cove O:.reek end at the point ot the, John Barnes oam.p r1 dge; thence up the top ot the aaid ridge 164 poles to a looust on top or the mountain between cove Creek and Catalooohee; thenoe along the top of the mountain south­west 132 poles to a locust on the mountain; thenoe south 43 west 14 poles to a mountain oak mar a spring; tbe noe south Ot Weet oe po;&.es to a ohestaut; thenoe south 21 East a poles to a stake• John J.,. Fet'guson's line; thence with his line North 10 East 3 poles to a oheetnut. Ferguson•s corner; thence with hle line North B7i Eaat 353 poles to s lynn 1n the line: thenoe North 32 poles to an ash in the e.dge of a laurel J thence N()l'th 1'7 \~''" 152. poles to a wh1 te oalq thenoe North 6 East .aa poles to a chestnut; thence North 40 West 20 poles to a large and 2 small ohestnu:ta 1n the Bear Peh gap; theaoe to. the BEGIN-r-!ING, containing t}\t$'8e hundred and six .aores, • fE Shut B As Signed As Acknowledged Same 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... FY.l~ ... JtQ1l+.-~Ut.Y ... ~.~-d 2. Date of Conveyance ........... l..~-~.l.l~.l.G. ........................ . 3. Is it properly executed .................. Y~-~---······················· 4. Date of Entry and No ..................................... ................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ......... J'.L .. P.t .......... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ........ 'J.QJL ......................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .... , ............................. . . . l-2 .... 1 '1 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ............ Y.~-~---···· ············: .. 9. Date of acknowledgement ............ , .................................... . 10. Was ·privy examination of wife taken ...... Y~-~------------- 11. Did officer affix Seal... .................. J:'.~---························· 12. Was order of probate con-ecL .............. !~~------------------- 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. . Date of fi~ for record .............. l.~":':.l.Q=:i·ia ........... . (a) of seizin .......... Y~~---··························· ·······-·············· 15. Book .......................................... Page ................................. . (b) power to convey ........ Yt.$. ......................................... . for .................... .R~yWO. Q4 ....................... County. (c) against 'encumbrances ...... Y~UL ............................. . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........ Y~-~---············ ········ or restrictions ...... NO ......................................................... . 17. Habendum _c lause i!ote _fully) .....T .Q ... H!Y~. .. AN..D ... T.O.. :_HQJ,<D. .. tb..e_ : _~f.Q.t'.$$.a.1.d ... ...o r. ... par.o.el · _g_~ .. l~-~~:--~~-~ : .. ~ ....... ::_prlYt~~UI~~-::~JJ.4 ... ~'P-Pl,ll"t.fJ~~Ul.9.e~ .... 't.hfr~.t.Q ...; ...... o.:r ... 1n .. an7 .. W\.-.~---~llP.~-~~fl.-~_g_~_~g_, ____ ~9 .... ~-~-IA •.... ~-'---~-~l9 .... t.~•---J .•.... B.QgQr.~- ---~P~l., .. E ...... A ...... W9.9.d.-. ... J>.arties __q _t_ ___._ ~~----•'-Q-~~-t1. .. P.~'--~-•----~-tl:~~-~- --;Q-~~,r-~----~~-A ...~ §-~_,._g~~---·t.9 ... t~.1.r. ....Q .t.lY. ...u ~J.e. ....a nd. ... b.ehoor :tQrever. Exact Description of Property MEGI.NG at a large spruce pine a little above the head of t , e i'alll or Cove Oreek ·and at the point or the John Barnes camp ridge; thenoe up the top of the said J;>id,;e 164 poles to a l~oust on top ot the mountain between Cove Creek an-d._c ata;toooh_• •! thence_· a_l()ng the top_o t the moun_ t ain south· we at 158 . poles -vo a lQeUst qn __ the mountain: thenoe south 4Z V{est 24 poles to a mowttain oak seQ' a spring; thence ~1- w es~ 08 poles to • chestnut J thtUlOe ·south 21 East 8 poles to a stake, John Lt FergUson's 11ne J thence with his line North 10 E~ at 3 poles to a oheatnut, Ferguson• a oorne:r; tl'>-enoe with hi61 1.1ae Nol'th S'li Ea8t 353 poles to a l)'lUl in 1Uae lin<H then~• No!'th 32 polee to an ash in the edge of a lllwel; thenoe North zv Eaa5t 52 poles to a white oakJ t:ra a<Je North e. East sa poles to a ohestnut; thenoe North 40 West 20 polea to a large and a small chestnuts in the Bee.;r Pen gap; thenoe to the BMJINNING, oonta1n1ne; thret htllldfecl e.nd twelve acres. l. Simi B 1. Kind of Conveyance, ....... l.ill ... WUr&Ul't7---.Dee4 2. Date of Conveyance ........ l~-25~1-'1------·-····················'··· 3. Is it properly executed .................. Yea ......................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ .r .•.... P ............. · 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... Ye•-······························ 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ......................... ......... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge: ........ T-$8---·-········· ··········· 9. Date of acknowledgeme~t .... .1~JUS-.!.l'l ...................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ...... Y.ea ........... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ............ Ye.e ................................... . 12. Was order of probate correct ......... Yea .......... : ............. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ....... l~30~l.V. ..................... . (a) of seizin .................... :Ye.a ......................................... . 15.' Book .... ...... 41 ......................... Page ......... 4U .............. . (b) power to convey .................. Ye.a ..................... , .......... . for ........... ................................ County. (c) against encumbrances ................ Y8.8 ...................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ........... Yit.iL ................ . or restrictions ... Gran~.or.~.s ... l/2 ... und1V1.d•4. . ........ ............................................................... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ........ TO ... HA.Vlt.A.ND .... TCLB.OLILtlB ..... .... tr.aa:t ... .Q.r. ... p.e.oel .o.t ... la.at1 .•... :on*-!ha.l.t .... Ulldiv.t4e.d .. i.aleraa.t .•.... an.d. ... all. ... p:r1.Ti.legaa ... an4 .... ap:p.urten~ · .anoe.e .... lh•r.e:l.o .... b9lons1aa ... t.o. .. t.he .... a.a1d .. .lh ... A •.... wo.o.d, .... hi.a .. .heirs ... and ... aaa1gna ..t .Q.. . h.i_, ___ onlr. .. ua.e ... an.d.. .. b..ehoo.t. .. _____________________________________________________________________________ ,_ __ -------------------------------1-- Exact Description of Property $Ring t he aame tn.ot or land deaor1 bed in a deed trom Ch w. Te•au•an4 wite. -0\uni Teague, tQ the Lee v'"' Rogers e.n.d .E. A. Wood, l>e~1ng date; . 11th dar of Deoember 191&. and tegiater•d ~n .Book .a, Page 272, 'Reoorda ot Deeds. Haywood Oountr, N. o., oonteintng 312 aores; aore or leas. Slut I B . ,; ·'· . •• u,. ... };. ~- -· <,_. ~{ .~· ...., i.. In Preamble ' :~ .. '-ABSTRACT OF. DEED OR GRANT As Signed As Acknowledged ~~----~-----------------4------------------------~--------~------~--~· ·~" t 1: B-• A• liOOD 01 ~ L_--~-------------L------~----------L----------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ............ Jl.e.IA ................................ . 3. Is it properly executed ........ YJt.B ................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .... D~t;Q~S,..Cl •..... 7. If irregular, copy in full on_Qack ........ .......... .... .... ........ . 9. Date of acknowledgement •... l.!1!15~l.!l7 ................ . 11. Did officer affix SeaL.NO. ... : ..................•..... ~- -- ·-··· ··· --······· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ...... Y~dL ............... : .......... ····--------------------·-· (b) power to ~onvey .... J'eEL .......................................... . (c) against encumbrances .. Y.f,B.,.----·-····----------------·-----.- (d) against claims of all others ... Y~JL ....................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .... 1~.$.P.'J.,.9l,f ............................ . 4. Date of Entry and No ................... : .................................... . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ----l•-·---·--·-----------··-·------ 8. Did au · grantors acknowledge.Y~•---·---·----------- ·--------··-- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. Ve.IL ............. . 12. Was order of probate correct ..... f.e.a ............................ . ~:: ~=:~ ~~--~-~-~~~~~--~~-~~~~::::~~j!l~:::::::::::::::::::: for ....... ~ood. .................................... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ·--- ---·--····· ·--·--·-----······· ·-···-·····-·--·-····--····-······-· 17. Habe~dum elause ~Q:te fully) ... 1'ELHAYE .. .P..NJLTO. HQtp ... th.e ... a:t.O~$aj,d: ··-~Ot:-·H--·pilrJI•: .. ·---····-··"-l ... r#. ... ~---··--·---·*-··m~~~n .... :tn __ s.a!A ... ~.--ani __ a.u ... pri.'fr.Uego;B .. .e.M. ... eppur.t*-·-·--- ·· · ·····-._t~ ... tl.J..~~~-to. .... b.t.lo.llg1-. ... to ... the .... aaid. .. .E.A-•woo4t-·-ll1a ... -.i~•·dd·--&e-----·· .......... f4Slli .... IQ ... hl.ft .. ~l'\ll .. 1ls.t .Jlad ... b&hoot ... ~twel.!& .. -.. ---·-···-···-----·--·--·······----.-·---···: ... , .......................... , ...... . Exact Description of Property 411 the · r1 Sht t· 1d. tlc alld 1nt ~s t ot the I>U'fl-1ea ot .. the ra- st partt .~~- an ~diVided 1•te~e•t . J:n · ~ efltta1n tft.ct o~ ~-1 ot len41 adJo:Lntng thf. lanA• ot uaok, Getntse uesaert Champion · Qt+ ; ~Ohase M1 •· tant\D, _ b~k Jenld.ns ._ be~ tlle .aa. t~Ob of _l$d ~-lbed 1n a ,deed ~- c~w• . · WEt~ eaa wtfe OUBle T~e 1iO the scald Lee V.aOfles ao4 E*A4WUdt bOU1n$ date the 11th. day r4 . De.~$-efi 'tle ellA reeo~ded in :eook No,t 4Bt paQf.? e•a• J$."'1'48 o-: :Hepeed Co\tlltJ' • N.c. , eon1a1n1ng &~ al!Srea mo:e orleea. Shut B , , ·._ .. ' ' / . _i!·/-~\-. . . -l' • ·~,-~. .., .;.. . Belo~ e .m.ugu,,.ge of release or cancellation, and if by otlier ·than the > by which',:~e cancellatio~ .~r release is made. ,, > .. ;; > • • ••• •• ', •• '> <;,,:: 1. Kind of instrume1lt, .. ...... , .. De.~.4 ... 0t .. :.;~-- .................. . . 2. .Date ~f inst~~~~t' ..... ·~_lO.~.lQ~O.f .. :: ...................................... . a. w. Teaaue 3. Considerati~n t ... :JlOO. •. Oo ......... .............................................. .. 4. Maturity date ....... lO..~.l.Q:-.0.~ ... : ........... .' ..................................... . 5. Is it properly executed? ....... 'Yea .................. : ................................ .. to 6. Date acknowledged ..... . lQ~lG.-!0.7 ........ : ..... , ............................ . 7. Before what officer acknowledged .... .... lf:t .. :.P.:t ................. : ......... . oeorce th s.·,h••• seoond Pa,tJ 8. Was privy examination of. wife held? ...... :.: ...... JIO ................... . n. Date of filing for record ... 1.0 ... 18~.0! ............................... .. ~ora• A• itut'r*7. 10. Recorded in Book ........ L ....................... , .... Page ........ lffa . .' ............ . Th1 1\t Par' 1 . .............. Ba.poo.4 ................................... County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title?. JfO .. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AI in Deed trom Exeoutora of ta-.a R .• Love to ;, M. tllaY1a, 1• H. Davis and 1, -Li .J:»vta, beaJ!'1ng tat• or May 16th, 18'•• and reoorde4 itt Book ,.t•, Page 191, R•g1s1er or. X.eda ot Jiaywood ooun-.y, N. c. . - THE RELEASE OU CANCELLATION OF ABOVE MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TUUST IS AS FOLLOWS: . The 11o•• whieh this Dte4 or Tl" ••• a1 v• ~ MOure haa long ·~· betn ~id in tull• and bJ 41reot1oa or 1. •• FolkbeUl, A~t., and the, 01t1aens Bllnk ot Asheville, N. o., Bx•outoJ" or George A· !lunar, thia ·Deed ot T:ruet 1• t. Hbt oaaoelle4 b7 •• · · This Apt>11 19• 191 tt • . aeo. Ih smElthera,•t" Geo. o. Ue.Jnes, Reg1 ster Of n•·•·· .J. All cases and authorities relied tiport to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any pro.position of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. S/mt if .·· . · ~., to -Lewis Madctux, seoond Party Vleetern Car-olina Bank. 3. Consideration $- ---~- ------- ------ -- -- -- ----------- ----- --_--·--------- ------ -_.-.~-r -·-- ---- -- --------- 4. Maturity date ---- -- --- -·---- ------------------·--------------------·- ------------- --------- --- --· -- 5. · Is it properly executed?-.. ......................... ......... .................... .......... ... . 6. Date acknowledged ·-- -------------- ---- ----------------------------------·--------.---- ------ -- 7. Before what officer acknowledged .... .. ........... ......................... ........ .. 8. Was privy examination of wife held'?.. ........ ..................... .. .... ..... .. ,:. ~::,;:,·:~·.::::~~·~!~:.,:.···· 11. Does ~his instrument form a link in the chain of title? __ ......... Asheville, N • o., Third Party DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As in Deect trom Executors ot 1emee R. tove to J. At. De.vis1 1. H. Dlvia and 1. L•· navis, bearing date of Mar 86'th1 1s741 and reoor4e4 in Book "!.'' 1 Page 392• Rest.&ter .ot Deeds of Haywood Oountyt N, c. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this inst:rUtl1ent ·or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. · · Shut H Below give language M by which the cancellation or I~n V.i Bog~ta "~nd ,,,,,,,,,,..,-,"'''" !• A• Wood ·· · to 1·. R• Boyd, Jr., seoond PaxotJ', c .. w. Te-sue, Thil-d ~al'~J Kind of ~nstrument. .... P.:e.i:.-;iiW·~"-·: .... ".... · "·"····~-"-- .,, 2. Date of mstrument.. .......... : .. " ...... " .............. " ................................... .. ;~. Consideration $ ....... ~-~,C)-~-~9 ..... " .................. " ... : ............................ . . 11•19•18 4. Matunty date .............. .......... ....... : .. .................. ............ " .................. .. 5. Is it properly executed? .......... ..... J'~-~ ...................... " ................... . 6. ~-~~··~~~·~~~~~~~~~··_·_·_ ·.·:::.:;~:-~~·t~:~:_·_·:·:::::::::::.·:::::::::·:·::.·:·::.·::·: 7. Before what officer acknowledged ... ..... .... ~l ... :P..~ ........................ . "· w . . t " f "f h ld? wo . o as pnvy examma 10n o WI e e ...... : ..... " ........... .................. .. !l. Date of filing for record . .. .. ~.":'"-~~:-".~.1. ........... .................. .. . 0 x ns . 10. Rccord~·d·--~~~~~--~.--·::: :.· . .-. .-.-.-.-.-.-.·.·_·_·:: .. :.·.-.-.~~~-~::.-.-.-.-.-~~~~~;.-······ 11. Does this instrument form .a link in the chain of title?.. -~~-- DESCRIPTION OF PROPERT-Y As 1n Dee4 t:roa Eseoutor.e ot J'e.mes R. Love to 1. M •. Pev1e, ;r. u. ])avis and :r. r,., Davia, boarill8 da •• ot llay 20th • 18'14, aQS reooz.d•d ln BOok "L" 1 Page 8921 R1!181•tctr ot :ne-.411 ot rraywoo4 county, N. o. THE RELEASE OR CANCELLATION OF ABOVE .MORTGAGE OR DEED OF TRUST IS AS FOLLOWS: The notea to't wh1oh thla Deed ot TrUat was gi vera to aeoure be ins_ pr•••n_t ea_· _t_ o • _t • _ ·1" _ lc•4 "Feid 1_ n FUll", I, therefore enter sall8f'410i1oa ana oaaoel the same . Tbia 1UM 1D~l918, •J;f" ' - .. ; o.or8e c., Register et ~ede 'h.' All cases iltld authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or pl:'oc~edings thereon or to Support any propos ition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Slmt H v . , Mortgagee wea,ern'-ca:roliu BatJk, Third Partr NOTE :-In deeds of trust give name of third party. -.!"~-.. ·- - • • :r,.. . -· - . :: ~ .. 1. Kind of instrument ........ ~ecL~Ot .... TW..i ..... :,.: .................. . 2. D~te of instr~~~n~·--·--------~~~~~8Q ......... : ........................ ...... . 3. Co~sideration ·' ·----f8.0.:t.OO ... :~---·---.... : ..................... ~· .................... .. 4. Maturity date ............... ~J·~~il ............................................... . 5. Is it proper!~ executed? ....... Yea .................................................. . 6. Date acknowledged ...... ~J.S."!.89. .............................................. .. 7. Before what officer acknowledged L ..... J.,f .... P ........................... . 8. Was privy examination of wife held? ............ Ye.$ ................... ~ .. 9. Date of filing for record .......... :i""'\8~1.9 ..................................... .. 10. Recorded in Book .......... B .......................... Page ...... -303-.............. . for ....... ............ .Hap.oo.d ...................................... County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title?..NO DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY As in Deecl t;rom, Executors ot 18llllts llh Love to :r. v •. na-ris' 1 • . Jh Davis and :r. t. Dl•ta. bearing date o-t MaJ 86tb 1 18'141 and reoorded 1a Book "L" 1 PagtJ 392, ~~stater ot Dtt~cta ot Haywood county; N• c. All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. Shut C . '- Mortgagor to B. .,, Sma.theli'S :;i. Mortgagee NOTE :-In deeds of trust give name of third party. ''Kind o~ instr~ment. .. :··;-l:*e.4 ... 0~---1'l"lia, ...... :.':~·-: .... : .......... . Date of instrument ..... 2. : .. 4.".'!'.JI~.9.3 ................................ ;. .... , 3. Consideratio~ $ .~$.19 .•.0 0. .................................. :. .................:. ·.·-~_:: ... . 4. Maturity date ...... 1~_1:""1.8~6 ........................ ~ ............................ . 5. Is it properly executed? ........ YeS ..................... : ............................ . 6 . Date acknowledged ...... 10.~_2'1.:"".9..3 .......................................... .. 7. Before what officer acknowledged? ... .... 0 ...... 8 ...... 0 ............... .. 8. Was privy examination of wife held ?.. .... KO ........................ .-..... . 9. Date of filing for record ........... ll~l3~9.3. ............................... -- 10. Recorded in Book ........... D .......................... -Page ....... 153.() ............... . for ............. Hapood ........................................... County. 11. Does this instrument form a link in the chain of title? .. 110 aeo • . It. smathu•, Th1J>d Pert,- · DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ..: ... As in :oee·4 tro:m :mxeoutora ot JeJnes a. tove to J. H. ~v1e1 J, Ht nevis and J'. l.t DaVia, bearing date ot }.faf ~·'.)11 loti'!~. and rtoord.t4 1ll ·eook "L" 1 Page 392, :Re(Q, star ot neo4s ot fta,-woo4 County, tt;; Ct :r All cases and authorities relied upon to cure any defects in this instrument or proceedings thereon or to support any proposition of law must be cited, and short excerpts made therefrom. :;,· . ' ,,Jo..r.•- ~.;,t,~-tt~..efl}·l~ SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ----~~Q.QJL ........... COUNTY. IN THE MATI'ER OF THE PURCHASE OF . LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO ··-- 1~ ---A, ---WOOD·-···U«· ·WI·R-···· ····· ·· ··-· · ---· ·· ···- ··· ····· · ..... v..~._tt,4 ... u ... ~m., __ ,. _ ,~~t, __________ _ AFFIDAVIT • NUmb•r lot ..... Jb .. J~.L_W!~-~----········································• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of .... ~P'~---··············County, in Book .. ~l .................. , Page ..................... c ••••• That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and inve~t~a­tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual survey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. _.--j / ,:7 w._ I / ~ . t ~ .. ·-----------H---·--==--------~--------- Sworn to and subscribed before me, this ;' _. . .. i :: L ' ,; (:Fill ili ail bl~ks 'il:idic~ting y~ar, and ' sho~ on lines opposite th~ year' 'wh~ther, . ~ot have been paid. If paid an· affirmative $howing must be made by use of the word "~a~d." ;. The, use of, ditto · _ not permissible). _,_ . Th~ property in q~estion is assessed for taxation for the curr~nt y~ar, l9J).Q . ./f.ll.i $ ............ :: ................... , in the ~arne, . ........ \1~_;:4•c·-JaltlJ~--~---·:<·; .......... and th~.,Fes for the past ten_, years' h~:V:~ ~e;~~:P.~~( or n~,fpaid as follows: 19...~~: ............ J~J.~.4 ....... :...................................................... ~9 .. ~.!L ·-·. ·: .................. ~-~·~c:: .. r.~-~-~-~::~ ... .".:·:~---······--·········· ae 19 .....•.... 19 ... ~ ... 19.J~§.' 19 ... 3.1. .............. :r .. ~.Jl ............................................................ . 19.18 ... 19 .. 1t ... 19.8 .. ············'-''~-----······································-····· . ........... J?.al-4 ............................................................. . ............. P-.14. ............................................................. .. 19 ......... . . . . ASSESSMENTS Not Any LES PENDENS , Not AJ.ty MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS ·-----~-: .................. .Pa.1.d ............................................. .. . .... : .... : .................. P •. l.4. ........ :: .. .' .................... : ........... . S!Jt~t .G ._0_. 1:7 ' 0 t• ·'·~ .'i ' .\ ~t, IT is HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the< titl~ to the within . . ~8 disclos~d in the attached ao•nrJ..cL contains ·a: full, complete · and correct abstract of all instruin ents ·and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and . ipi:luding the beginning entry there of ' ~8 been .: carefupy . examined . arid noted, and that the following named owner.~-.:~:.::. -,/ ~-~~:: .. ;· · .. -~?-- :~ -~-~%t~.: " . - ~-~~ '*~, : ~-- . ;, .,: .B .• . A, WOOD, .. t .... ll ...... seized in fee simple 0:f a good and valid title to· the. same, subject mily to any lien, charge or encumbrance . shown in · this abstract and listed hereon. ENCUMBRANCES Address: ..... ; ... : ......... :: .. L .. :.: .................. ~ .......... :' ...... :!. ...... ::::t-L ,-~...... :..;~;._:- ···········································:··· ·································'··A:it;;;;;e;;:············ . ; . ~