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Appalachian National Park Association Newspaper Clippings, 1899-1902

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • PAGE 5. -Tuesday-the ASHEVILLE fAZETTE-^ The Appalachian Pa The agricultural cull i laililifi j.; r the national house of i-epresentatires has favorably passed upon the bill to create a forest reserve in the form of the National Appalachian park. Tie region embraced is about 3,000 souare miles, including the wild and picturesque "land of the sky" in western North Carolina and adjacent states. The committee favors an appropriation of $10,000,000 to purchase and preserve those two millions of acres of mountains, valleys, forests aid streams that constitute a natural padc more beautiful and worthy of perpeti- ity/than any scenery of famous Swits- erland. The arguments in favor of the government establishing the park are st abundant and cogent as to have obtained the approval of patriots and presses throughout the country. The proper committee of the senate has already indorsed the project and now, it would seem, nothing remains of the preliminaries other than for our southern senators and congressmen to get behind the measure and push it through. Those splendid forests, primeval and protective of many vital interests, are being denuded by the ax of the lumberman, who are making merchandise of glories from the hand of God that the hands of men can never restore nor reproduce. The sacrifice of those forests means the lessening of the fountain sources of the great and important rivers that flow down through the southeastern states to the sea and gulf. The calamities which would follow upon such denudation of the hills from which our crystal streams of help come to valley and village, farm and city, are simply incalculable. It is sincerely to be hoped, that congress will not delay longer the enactment of the bill to buy and set apart for preservation, recreation and fruitful service to men and lesser tribes of creatures the superb domain in question. We urge the measure as one not wholly sentimental. It involves most practical issues. And we earnestly hope our southern members of congress will unite their voices and influence to bring this laudable and beneficent project to full fruition. PARK BILL WILL i BECOME A LA1 ITS ENACTMENT BY PRESENT CONGRESS CERTAIN AS ANY I FUTURE EVENT CAN BE. Chief of'Weather Bureau Willi Come Personally to Asheville to Look After Bureau Here. ^RESENTS FOR ALL OF i MAJ. MOODY'S CONSTITUENTS! AN INTERESTING INTERVIEW WITH OUR CONGRESSMAN, Will) IS DOINO YEOMAN SER VICE IN CONOR! (DISTRICT. FOR HiHi I . Special to the Gaz Grei \. c., April ',. Con', inn ii James fct. Moody, who was hen- Sal urday to at tend the me< the republics ■ mmit« Iters in congress of oiina. The Ap park bin, i million .ir Mini.I ' Interested, He saM "Tin' national park bl'l will a In w. I nl: by the pres- I cm inn:.!-, :::; i in ,,s any future ihly Ii... it it dm hrough .-ii thl on it Hill at the t;lh- ' II will ni"un. great things for our fectlon "1 the fry. The governirent could da nothing i . advance our Inter* ests. "The agricultural lull which has passed the house, carries an appropriation, of $12,000 for the establishment of bureau at Ai-heville. Thin money 'will be available it the end of the fiscal year, ofter iTun» 3U. and Mr, Mocre, the chief of the national ther bureau, tells me he intends to so I to Asheville to took after the establishment of the' bureru there. A building for an observatoy will be erected on some high land, on the outskirts of 'the town probably " Major Moody, speaking rf the settlement of the Cuban reciprocity question in the house said: "Cuba deserved fair and generous treatment, and the bill as finally submitted is a move iii' that direction. Some of course would like to have seen greater concessions, but the question was a. practical one, and with all the conflicting interests the Ibest possible was (tone for the Cubans. You will find when the bill lomes to a vote that it will be passed by republican votes." Being asked if he has sent out any more carloads of seeds to his constituents the major laughed and said: "Yes. I have sent nearly another car load, and some literature. You may say If you W»5t to that it is my intention that the j Government shall make a present, at my ' recommendation, to every head of a I family in the congressional district that elected me. I think I have sent to every | man in Haywood county, except one. I am going to send him Senator Han- na's speech on the ship subsidy bill. I have sent out 22,000 farm bulletins, .and enough seeds I should think to 'plant half the district. If anyone has .been neglected I wish you would tell (him to let me know1." The Asheville Citizen WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 9, 1902. APPALACHIAN PARK BILL REPORT TO BE i WRITTEN BY MOODY ] Washington, D. C, April 9.—C j man Wadsworth of the House Agricultural committee has designated R 1 sentatlve Moody to complete the i 'mi the Appalachian park bill ami latter has gone to work at once the purpose "t having the report i (for submission to the House by 1-' i or Saturday next. There Is no ch I in the .situation regarding the bill.whi'i' . i'n\ urn i,i. t Hendi | son i 11 y. QA/CArwi^t*' Appalachian Park. The hill tor the establishment of a national forest reserve in the Southern Appalachians has been reported favorably in Congress. Nothing should be permitted to prevent its becoming an act. It authorizes the purchase of 4,00,000,000 acres of land in the mountain region extending from Southern Virginia and West Virginia to Northern Alabama and Georgia, touching South Carolina and Tennessee and containing not enly the greatest variety of timber in the country, but what it of equal importance, the head springs of more than a dozen important rivers emptying into the Atlantic ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. The passage of the bill is of prime importance to secure conditions whereby the value of these streams for transportation and irrigation, and as sources of industrial and commercial power, may be maintained, If not increased, and to give practical encouragement to the development of scientific forestry, the necessity for which is becoming every year more recognized. _, ■ ^_

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).