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Activities of the Appalachian National Park Association and the Appalachian National Forest Reserve Association: 1899-1906

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  • Page 11 and the papers to oost $60.00 mailed. During the few weeks previous to November 22nd, MoQuilkin and the writer were preparing data every day for the newspapers. Convention for the Purpose of Establishing A NATIONAL PARK OR FOREST RESERVE ASSOCIATION November 22-23, 1899 On November 22, 1899, the convention which had been called by the Parks and Forestry Committee of the Asheville Board of Trade, met at Battery Park Hotel in the City of Asheville. Captain T. W. Patton oalled the meeting to order at 3,00 p. m. and it was moved that N. G. Gonzales of Columbia, 5. C, act as temporary Chairman of the convention. This motion was seconded and unanimously carried. Mr. Gonzales took the chair and made a stirring address, stating his interest in the matter and

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • This 72-page journal recording “The Activities of the Appalachian National Park Association and the Appalachian National Forest Reserve Association: 1899-1906” was compiled by the association’s secretary and founding member Chase P. Ambler (1865-1932). The manuscript was created in 1929, the year Ambler donated the association’s records to the State Archives. The Appalachian National Park Association was formed in 1899 for the purpose of promoting the idea of a national park in the eastern U.S. Although housed in Asheville, North Carolina, the organization was a multi-state effort, attracting representatives from six southern states. The association lobbied Congress for the creation of a park, but with limited success. The association disbanded in 1905.