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The Log Vol. 41 No. 04

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • , , _, t I . t ' \ \ • PAPER, PATENTS AND PROGRESS . . ... pages 1-3 APRIL· 1958 APRIL, t 958 VOL. XLL NO. 4 &erteral Offic.e . ..•.. , ....... . .•... .. , ..••• . . .. ,HAMILTON, OHIO Mills at . .. ...... . ...•... . ... ... . .. .. ..... . ... HAMILTON, OHIO CANTON, NORTH CAROliNA PASADENA, TEXAS SANDERSVILLE, G.EORGIA Editcu- . . . . . . . . . . . . .• ........ •• ..... ... •. .. STEWART JONES Division Editors . .. ... ........ . ..... Ohio ... .. ... . . MERLE BAKER Carollna .... . JAMES DEATON Texa5 ..... ... . ROBERT HART Editorial . ... . . . ....... •.. . .. ... . . .. MAUREEN KEATING EDITORIAL STAFF OHIO DIVISION- Tom Adelsperger, Bol> Barrett, Merle Baynes, _ Joe Ble1·en~ , Blondie Caldwell (jJ IIOlograj;l~er), Wesley Cobb, Nola Fag-JJ.y, Pa~.e~l Newkirk Otto Reid, J ohn Schm.itt, George Steiner, llill T hompson. CAROLINA DIVISION- R. E. Da1·i , FreJ Dayton G. W. Hardin. Harry Holland. Walter Holton, Gene H yde, Jack Justice, Ernest ,\1 es ·er, David W. Mor.ison, Rowena l\lorris, Bill Rigsbee, J. .E. . Williamson, Dick 1\fc~fahon . · TEXAS DIVISION- Vi1·ginia Blakemore, J o iUlll )' l3oyette, .Jerq• C01.·· oeli us, Cecilia Dickerso u, Ma:ry Laura Pierce, Liz Woodring. SANDERSVIUE- Gladys H. Evc.rcl t. We ha ve a ·ssion to JOa kc to 1 ho ·c p<:opl " ' hn ·aU d ou attention LO L ·t month' "dQod lc" ovc.:r on The LOG. '"'c W( uld p;.mi ularly Jik ' to reas:sur · one.; littl rc;~u er- J 1 -year·oJd Linda ,Nunn ry of Hamilwn, as w ·Jl a · the others who wrote not ·: and 1 n eT on 1 he fact that the ·olumn of fig-ures on the ctH"cr wa added lilp wrong. Seems as if Jiul Lin l:t was l111Xim1 sl c..klib{ rating "vh thcr ox nol her bthcr ~l 1 ou ld w01·k lor ; l t(lmpany \vlto couldn't add irnplc (igur ·s. Hones tly, we did it 011 purpose! The reason we di<l it? .Maybe iL wa::, :.l. ~ulu, (m s ·ious nttempt to pTovc tint. artisb Gin i.h:'aw but lh ·y .are lou y m.athem:tticiat s. Or maybe il. was just to see what ynu would . ay <tboul iL We fount\ out. You said pl<.:nty! OUR COVER \h "'rri11g - ··tc:rmrl 1tovc - n-int rhiJ _pi llg' - flo·wpr'lj blHh!i'IJl; - tl • <~t (.'I a in h:HT '(:111~ {v I • in th air. n ~ "'<~Y 0 11 look ;tt it, our ani l ··nu ·ty'' l hoo t l hl, .q tu rq [ th fir. I tiiiCS lo \'l otht <' I l l \'\:. Cl mal Ol , , . tny - . 1 •cf p r i 11g. ' I Il l' rove r , l u{ i<lf•ni;,rll y. L print( tl 011 CJ, 111plon 's "'' ~est KrOll I kGt ca,t Co l d p; . tel pir k. THE CHAMPION PAPER AND FIBRE COMPANY Dick .M hhon, Carolin~\·s newc:s.t LOG m;n ::pond· c 11t opens hi · association with lt bv describing the d jn s of rh ' lJtilities Dc.p;-1rtmcnt. The arti Jc all .d " . . . A nd it Ua!) r ainrd" is :Ill amu ·ing apprO<lch 1.0 th . l' '<.: ·nt winter · ·;1 ·on ''cnjo 'Cd '' by 1h · Catolina Divis inn . \ Nc !.hin l< ou will agree ' i~h us \vhen w · say th <-tt Dirk 's ~trticlc ' ~\>'ill h ' Nd cornetl <tny time. Champiou g·arRcrcJ ano1hcr laHrd for its ,, rc:nh rcu .:n t ly when it h ·c<llliH; the first paper mmp·m y to h ' H:pr sc llt(:d :11 the nit (l ' t:lles 1\rtcut Ol'fi c c~d.1ibit .in W~tshingto n , D. C. One o[ 1hosc p esent was Ed Knnp19 of ollr l{csearch lkpartment. \rnoug his many talents, Ed has the fine 'sC of ;.ln accompli:,hcd writer which hC' uses to gGod <.:IJcct '"'•hen be td ls abont lhe exhibit. The story is on page I. · • Dr • :'-: J T. R 1 E." " i ~ i t in g the champion rl il'play Jn Washin tTI()ll. r .c. i ndud-tl. f:r om le ft to ri.,.ht: Robert \'at on, ' . . .on• ­mi . ion r o.f Pate nts; 'i in ­t lair "'eek . ·eu c tarv of ' ommcrre; . en. Alexander \'ilev ( r \1 ' i ' (:)11~i n ; and • C:bampio n·~ \ 'icc-l' r · j. dent, R c~carr h and J·.ngi­" ring. Herb Rauda ll. ' An exhibit in the nation's capital tells the story of Champk.,n's patents Bj• Ed Knapp, Assistant Di·rec tor of R esearch - C 1-L\ ,\ IPtON wa priYilegecl rece11tly to parLici­p~ tL•~ in <t mon th-long exhibit in ·vvas l1in gton under t:he ;w -; )it. ol the .S. Parcm OHice. The purpose of the ex.bibit wa · to .~ ho·w the part that p a tents h a ,·e played in in lustrial pros! erity in prt,)Yicli ttg in cen tive to re · arch f r be-tter thing 'lllcl in disseminating the bcnefi v · of . u lwr . <1 nd progre s to ever . one. 'hampion hau"' 1 ani ·ularly good patent story to tell ·ince pat ~ nl s hav ' pJayed an imporLalH part i11 the com­pan y·s success. In fact, tb Oli1 j)any ow ~1 ils very b gin ­ning io a pat Jnt. Tn 1893, lr. P ter . T homson, the J mnder ol o Lr company, a qu ire<.! a li XJSC under a p:tte:u gra nted to l\J . Gage o cring a m <~.c hin (; tha t 'muld apply c >ating to both ~:~ id es of a sheet o( p<tpcr at t ht' s:une tin1 '. Sit ce then , }XtL<:mt protecti on b<u;, LO a large CX LCJl t , pn l\ ided the inct.o Li e to r;;.. rry on nt t.r -, tensi vc res <ar h prowam .. Thank~ tiJ the ·.s. jJi:tt 'nl y:-. telll , inv(;ntions be ome th · xclu:-.iv . JHop<:rt) o l th · j ><~te nLc- · for a pdiod ol 17 )e<H", a £te1 which the inn;ntion bccmnes pnl>li< pn>tJert y. Our patent di ~ play i 11 '\ ' ; , ~ hin )4tnn I :4 l tn·cd a L.rg·t>. i l llHni rJ ~ll ·<I n~ produ~ · ri(l!l r1l tlw Cage paknl. To tb ' fdl ut this dnn ·ing, a ponioll of the <'<I lly h i.~ tor y or papermaking was shO\vn. A. map o[ the United States and a nother of the ·world sbow d the Jocation of ach one of Champion's 47 lice nsees for machine coa ted paper and for cas t coa ted paper. Na turally KROi\JEl OTE occ upied an important part of the display, including a .magnificent, framed, multi -colored print. Patents for .r oses and other p lants which w re printed. on cast coated paper by th.e Gov rnmen t Pr inting OWce. dr w mu h favonbl • comment (rom the thottsa tu.l of 'isit.or 'tt rh exhibit. By pres ·ing a button, you cou ld bear a thr ·e-minutc sLOry of Lhe pan t h.[tt 1 ale. ts have pla yed in Champion 's history. T his s tory concluded with Lb.e words, "The in ­ccnt ·ivc for th e d ve lc pm~::nt. lay in the prole .tion f urni ~ h c d by .S . and for eign paten ts, thus fuHilling ' the aim set forth t)l o ur COt1·titution, ' ... LO prmnot t h ' progrc s o£ sc-ien · <LrHJ. u ·eful ar t'.· " A' t lli · ·tory progressed , va rious parL nf the di ·play would ligh t np. T his ·ombinati.on o[ spoken ·tor : and ·rn n ed pa n ·1 rnatk a very dfec tivc di pia 1, .\ ~ p c<.: i : d hnJcl11ln", <· ntitltd ' V<tper, Patvnt ~ ;•·nd Prc)gn-..,~. " telling Ch:111tpic11 1's p<tt Cnl ~ t o r y w:t: di strib­ut ed to the publi c. CONTINUED ON Nl:XT PAGE I lfH ( fl \ \1!'10 I" H Bl I. di,pla 1'1 i11 th · 1· Pt p ,lt I lll m nl C( nuncl Hildinjl;. •lr ~ liHth 1.1 '{ l,,ll,l~ n~t <ltoH nt . \ lhH' {'·l!Hnutt' rca•~tli n ' pl ;~ nl('d lhl pl& J that [' It ut h.t · phn1'd in (>n· gl\J\th •"' 'r th ~ lt'.!J•. CO nNUEO 0 , THE OPE ·1 G clay, February 18, the presidents and vice-pre idents o£ all participating companies were imited to a private m eeting ·with the Commissioner of Patent and hi a i tants. Both Reuben B. Robertson, Jr., Champion president, and Herb Randall, vice-presi­d ent of Research and Engineering, attended. Six of the presidents had been im;ited to ay a fe'"' words on the fmure of the particular industry that each represented. On thi occasion , Reuben, Jr. , said, in part: "To marvel at a changing world is a well-worn gam­bil. BuL change has Laken on such rapidit and revolu­tionary implications that we are living in a period described by Roy Larsen, President of Tl fE, ln c. as th • era ·of 'now ou see it, now you don' t.' American iniliatjve and ingenuity wi11 continue 10 be a source of enc.ll ss '1'-\'0nd r. 1 an1 con fid ent that our jndustrv, the ' fift1J la g "st b usin "l>S in gro s s J s, will on tribute its ~ hare w this con 1inuing progn;s. in Lh t:: y <lrs a h ead . "Th · papei· industry d e pend ~ upqn our for · ·t · lor its raw material. ' rVe are often referred ro as 'tree fanners.' Our fores ts are the onl y n tural rcsou ce t c­newable by man. Our primary goal i to assure a con tinuing supply of wood and con tantly increase .its utilization. To this end our forestry people h ve maue great s trides in the managem ent o[ timbe.rtam.l o not only assure a co tinuing adequate supply of tim er but also to constantly in1pro e both quality and yield. "The patient work of biological ·cienti t in tree breeding, impro ed eediug and feniliLation te hniqu ~. and perhaps even the use of ch ··micals for gr >Wth rimu­lation will help to a ·sure fu ture econonri c llulo e supplies to this country. \V can expect marked itop.roY - rnents .in biological gn>wLil a well a · in th , l a m11ing and processing o[ a ll ryp · of wo >dy ·mtll.ibrou · \ 'ate · and by·produc ls. "Cellul o. e i · no lo nger th ~ ole "Ource 0£ P'll T fibre. A ' id ' \';Hi t 1 L) ·n[h ·tir m<lteriah; in­Llttd ing ::.evc:ral pbsLics SOlll ' n11.:La1 · and · l a.~:s l'ibr·s . ·an (; IJh.\i I S a L L! Cllli iiiJ""'' hwrh '<Jll ind11d tl \l.:tnrin• Cr ,,·s, 1\ ~. t. C \IH !Hi ~sit''' · n f l <tlCnt,;,: Ch:(tnpitlil l.::d hii<'!JI' ; R p. J' att l .Scltenrk of Olliv; 1\ft s. Roil(. Lc( d S. \ .'<S f . Cntllllli ~iilll ' l ur l' :l[ (' lll ~; and ' '!Tt' lal') \ ·ks . •... be nuule imo pa p er -li .ke produ ct ·· cit h er a lone or in · ombination ·with c 'llulose . •. , ~c a · o ne ·t.l w move ml.tch hu·ther and fa ster in the th ·of ~he whole tree. Today le s than half of jt is commercialh ns (u l. Tbe rc t of it is burned. ' "T<.)(h ,' most eYa lu a.tion · of our product are still lM ed '()11 <Jppearance and T eeL' Constant p rogress i being 1:nact~ w rcdu e t11 ,e proper ti . to the nwnericaJ -.:·alues so es ·ent.ial for modern i ndu stri al conn·o l. So -you in the P tern Offi e m;:jy well e pcct. an increased num­ber of appli -ations fi-Jr te l instrumen tation s." p, ul Badger oi our \ Vashington Offi e arraHged a !ldig;htful lundleon at th _ .WiiJ acd H oL.eJ. ju t preceding th f.ormal opening of the exhibit in the a fternoon .. vVe wt ,. pr· .ileg ~u t.o has·e a - ur lunch 0 11 gu:es · SecreLary of Cmnme ce dr • Honorable . in la i-r \ Veek , Senator t~rk aus .hc, R ep n:~el1tativ ' Paul chen ·k, Com1ui.­l) iun•:r rJf .Bat ·n 1 he Hou<Jr~d, l e Roly r l \ I\!' a t:;on and llm:e . ~- i~lant C m1mh:.i on ·rs o f Pa Lcn ts Arllwr Crocker , '>-fr. :\t.;tR a :H,d ft.j,~ '>taH (I Ji'li:d ·WC: f'ing: \Jt t hr; (;(IIJl ii Ji~~i fJrtC I n r P;!l c.n ls wa~ Rcuheu B, R IJ I }~rl '>n u, fx., Ch a m rJj.rm· ~ p t . 'd e ft! . \ O LO I~ F U r. f\JU)(_:H. I JR !·: ( fu•lmv), c 11 1 i rl d " l ' <~pcl- . J' aLcnts <llld Pri1gr ss." w ;x~ ri vcu l<} <·:ach vi-"ilor . !1 r<'viewc I LIH.:. h i ~ r iny n [ pap ·r n~t•k i n g ;utd th~ e ffe 1 n [ pai e rlls. p<1rl icuhrr l o!l C ham­pion 'N f5T <1WI h . • M;JLLri.ce Cr ew · and Mrs. Ro bert ' 1V. L eetls, Ambassador Myr on Onveo and the H on or a ble J osqAl. J'v~eclmn. After lunch, ceremonies were on d uct d b, Secret ry 'I!Veeks and Commissioner Watson, form}l lly opening the exhibit In all, 16 natio nally known compan i .· T)roadly rep resentiB:g the ch emi al in rlustry, includ ing paper ma.n­u. faclure, exhibited displays in the lobby of the Com- . - : merce Departri).en t bui lding. Among th ese were Pro ter ~md. Gamble, Esso Research &: Engineering Co., John-on & Johnson, . A tl as Powd er , l\'rinn S{.mt f in ing ~ and Mam1factur ing Company, Continen tal Oil Company, and others. For several year the P a ten t OHicc has sponsored exhibits in the m ech a nical, lectrical ancl h erni a] fields. but thi i the firs t time a pap r compG.ny w s in -Juded. At the condusion of th exhibi t i.n a hington our disp la y, a to ng wi th those of 'I 3 other com p:mi will be shown :<~t the Fra nklin ln t itu te in P hila lelphia. lkn· 1\ l ·triJ ' I I is sh oe n al d rf' C) rll l11 J ltlll ILJud rcv<l. A I his ill Seu c ta ry \" !e >ks; at h is Jd r. !li{' tl. Fra nk Lau ·dw. Ohio. ' HI HI I I R \11 I' \. .. ,,, ''"' 1 ''I" t I I .... '"" l I I I Ill' o•l (In 1q•i11n· ll>lltl{loh l'llbh,.llllltl ''"' I uth. J(l • H r 1\ II t 1 h."!..' •'Il l " tl•• ,.ld ,, ,.,,' " It rr 111· "'·'' rt·h "" 111 .. 111 '' I 11 :.: •- lluh•11 1.1 be I' \>llh ~ l1 nq''"" ion \II ' 11 lit II h hrn "- It lin 1· '" kt 1 II 1 loilltlt' .1 I' ' .11 ( h ""I" >J nn• I Itt •.tl• u•)lo o•l lite 1111111'"'11 o·\~. b ut some Champions who have treasured memories in print L,o <.H IIo c ii>\IPJO.-<s may ha,·c established quiLL . n untl'.ual rl'cw d . Hubert Fanner, Color Room u pen i~nr, a n<l \ \.alter Srha lli p, a retired em ployce, have lilul .IW.J) lOP~ <tf lcr ropy ol "Tlw LOG ... ll's snrt o( a hnbb' ''ith these two n~le ra n Clnmpion · to hang onto thl: coml" n~ · monthl) p 11blication . Hubert be~a n working a t Champjnn in 1918. His 1iht wp' nJ the monthl y mag:vine dates back to March, l!l:!fi ] hi.., \f.t:. the fin,t d a tt of the Volume I, No. 1 i<.'>Ut: ol. 1 he "Champion ;\/ e w~ . ·· Hubert reca lis that in October. FJ~:l Lhe name ol l11c publication was chang,(.[ tr1 "( .ham pion . clivi tics .·· T hen , in January, l94i the name \a~ changed ag<tin , thi-; time to "The LOG.'' ]-Jis u.Jkni.on of t } e magazin e-, include almosl every COl y IJ(" t W< L'll the da tes (Jl 7\1al< h, 19~ 1) and thi-; (Uncnt issue, .\pri l, ~ ~~-,~ . \alter ~ta 1 ted h i., < "ll c( linn 1 he month he was em-p loyed , lJ ·c emlwr, E1 :3~L ~o lw l1a ~ alnw-,t ever wpy of t he"( .hampiun Acti\·iti t-," and C\'<'l )' Lopy ol "Th • T,()(,'' ]Jillili .,h ·d 'li llc~ th ;tl timC'. I li e., f<p,:orhe arric!o. WCI<' tlHhC' tlt a l ;'l'IJ(:;trf'd in a 'I(' Ji<"~ ~ c ·vc r;d yvat '> ;tgo cutitlcd ' 'Til t.> Grt>Wth ol Ow (hlll1tr y ." Br JIII Huber 1 and '"\' ;tltn < la in1 tltat lw JlLtilt II '.J'>OII tft<"y IJ<t \ 1' ( lu11g ( <J thcil j-,., Ut '"' of !Itt· lllolltllly public;•tiutt h tc, "gu IJH( c•\t ry IJit(l' in awiJil(· and l<'liH· good Jll(trJfJJi l' .'' H11bcJI :-. .t \ ~ th ;tl l\1 '1\ '10 nltl'll he· )liCk '> I I ulll '> t' \ t ' l :tl j.,.,u(·<, :11HI dtwnlJ., llllOll g h rlwm , r{'(. tlllll).; 1Jr·oplt lw k1H1W"' and s till worl.. ., WJIIJ <111d thm t· J>t"plt· }t c· h :t '> k n()wn in tlw P"" l. } her,. lll il ) ]), . tuany 01 ht·l ( .ll .tlllpiull \ ho d< \Otc dh 1c·ad (•.lfh l'>'t ll t' of "' llw L()( .-,' bul <( ' lt;tiul rlu <· '"' ' r;nd .. high wi th th<: kw ' 'kf't"Jil'l ) nf · 1111 f.()C '." \ \1 If·. ({ \C if.\LLI I'. tl ·tiJL·d < h.ttlljllllll f>lfllldh di ~ pl."' ,, 'K ilt ·• ol I 0(, , ten it• tltal 1.111k Wil li Iii f ;;\IJiilt ·,, . I ht• t ric' 1, ,,., Clltilluf " ll u:: (.wwtl• of 0111 (Ptllllll ... \';dttr h.h 'hi \ lll(l\ ,f dw · Cltatr tp!Oll .\t l i\iO• ·,·· ''"d .. l IJ<" I()( , " -. ill<o• 111.11 1 \ ,,, I ' · · · ~·· ...... .... = ( ' \ •\ \l.\'\tl\ \ C . .. - \ ''-. • ' \ ,,,,:"t\('t\ '- . '\ "( ' •' ' • " . . " this i where ru be ·pen,cii.og som.e rime th1 m, mh. "rhe Carol in<1 Dil"ioon. "lt(:re . afety ha bocome a Jy,., ~, oqHl 1n ea.d1 ~nan '- jDb • . • " Another report from that little man from Noac, wherein he investigates accident prevention at the Carolina Division L l:i. L rTLE ABC . R rn~ASTED OF front the Ohio Di i ion and h ac.letl >.outh. Mr .. ' afnik put th shlp. on a-hmic aut "l ilfJ l a1¥ l <;t: tt1ed ba. k to make n ota tions .in th · ~hi p 's log and Lo do a bi-t o ( thinking. . 'ince he bad left <sa1nik ha.d b eo bus . (short for -fH I .cid e n ~ ·), Mr . ('!\:oac is tlla t .mall plaoel which o bi ts aro und our n igh bori.J1g sm , Sirius, o er R.6 light years ;ctway. T he inh.abil n •>( t ha t phm .t ha l he n o proH to ac id ·r~ts that c.Ne a p eriod ot s :v<.:ra l million solar years all o:;~ cs · I:. o lved into a fit e r:~[ p ople wlto haJ two outst<:ul tl ing . h;n a:ct. rhlio: t lJ ·y h av ~ ery ( v ·rsi1cd eyc'i :m<l a rs. The . . twn < n -c were gndnaHy <we.rcl v ·loped so t h<t l aH ~l)a t pc·~ple c uld be. extt a :de t and u hie to watch and 1 i ~ t n [ r W)WJ • 1 abit'i.) ~h ~ Grauel Cou nCi l· of rc,a · h;Jtl a~k d l\(r. Safuik to n<.;)p Ch amph:.~m in their U.U H: Ill ~ r;~ f ery drive. ~ p~ cifi ­calt. LH: was to cL · mot l.~ l r;tl c t r; GJ1 t:t111pion crnpluy('c ~mn e ' >Pi( .ll HC" a lii it J <;j d ~ nt -. wbk lt c11 uld k ud u.' • acciden ts. Hjs orders also include l a wri tten r epo rt on, progTess to be submittect lO the Grand Coun ·il ea h month. H e was looking Jon va rcl to hi · aroli na Di · ion visit . T he repor ts (rom thel'e on the acci lenL pr evention dr ive were optimi ·tic. H everyone coLtld be t.:<n that accidenLs can hat pen to an n e, and u.o t ju st to · l fl· fe llow next door, S .. tfnik m us I, h alf of his job wpqJd b ., tl• ne. 13ut h ' had a m.i ·i n <~.lHJ h ,' ' , s dct<? r­m irt ccl to do hi!> b st to ac 0111plish i t. T he lint · sp-::.c -hip ci r l · tl a moment c) ·er the Crtut Smoki · <t tl I th en -l1ettd. d down into th · valley. J'h hy(lmg •o ·:ts~'irnil a t or and. laJ1ding g ·~r .. w t e locke·d b tb tim. • lh < '<W C •t- SW<)()p -·d ln \V over the Ch::u'l':q ion ¥ 1\.'1 C.\ . Sa fri.ik b uded ttl ship 011 th • rno( of the! lud us­tr ia l R ela tio b ktild ing a11tl wen t in an'b of " \1\Tt~nd y '' Roh ·1 tsou, ~ a fety super isor for the Caro lina D1yisin u. f1 . had arr.jvPd o n. the ecnncl l g of h is lH<' s:JVi nb J' O U I' ll !:: '. . CONTINUED ON Nl:lit I'A:G'E . il CONTiNUED • ,?, ;{~4';; dt.tJ'nif/ed_ ~ Z;<?q/l!Jl~ MEN t WORKING ABOVE A · B C T LOOK~ .\ fellow has to sray alert to ray sa fe. Here J ames I owe nf the C.nolina Dn·ision wal k.~ heedlessly by a "Men 'ifo rking \bt)\e . "ign in the Drgesrer Builciing. Of ·o ursc we asked Towe I<~ p·~~ for thi' pi.(lnrc 111 point out the umaf<' pqcti ce ... ·· ""TA KING SAFETY PRECAUTION, Levi Haynes, paper inspector, la kes a goocl look before he passes through the crane area. As we pa rted ,,, hoped all otber Champions would be eqna!Jy a~ th<m g h t(Pl as I TJy n c~ ... •· ,. :\ :\ R R 0 W F S C.\ I' F from injur~ i s demon· sLratcd b) ,\mos \fct..lEord a.> hl' 1·ouncls a co rner in Rewinder R oont a r:~ a int(J the path o f :t loaded ji t· lll'l , dri1 e n In H o nt ' r H ·wn ~1h . ;\I ed lord '' ttd l,l ann :t h , o [ 1-t ni~hin g . f.lO~ed tl is pill nrc to ~hell-\ how C<li"C k~~ "' ' '' 011 th e pa rt of jitn c~ clriH·r~ and p ·d cs trians ca n l c"tl t ,rc iifcnt• ..... • CONTINUfO ON NlXT PAGE "/\RR1\ I (, I I HI· IH)O"- \!Ill . '~<' di\L<l\t'tnl Kolll•tr J-.t·lh , o. 11 11\dcltine rrndn. pl.!nn,.. thi• \;tft·n 'if\ll t>ll tlw ~lltldl ho "''do 11 1. IIJ,, chin .n . \ l' wr1·e ckh~ htc'll 1dH'1I "dh c l'l,tillul tltcll 'he " . 1 ~ pulliu~ it nn ;nul he'd tal-c it ,,fl' ''ht'n 1 l'·lit~ IH'rt tutllpkHd . .. · __ ... - ..... .-.......... ­.... , , ........ ~ "JCNO l. 'G I ,. , which plainly ·rys ' ' 1 'inl<>l-ing.' J R 'icn11 l'litnt Engine ring Dt·p:Jrtm t , prcp;ne~ '" euju\ \lllokc• 111 tlti H ''''llt>tl ,11<,1 . Again , w • a,k-d ~cott to pos fns rlrio; pictUH' ro imp11 ,., upo11 otlu 1~ thc­imJIOI t<lllcC of niJ. ·rvi ng the c.: 'No S1 111Jking' noti(t s •.• " 8 CON INUEO "\' ISL LL G THI': E.H. PLANT, we found. Hill Lannon, nearest camera. aud George Coleman, Jr., usmg proper safety equipment in cutting out a caustic cell. You'll notice th ey're wearing plastic mask, rubber glo,~es and shoes, the equipment recommended for this assignment ..• " ''-"lTD L'vG ACClDE. 'T RF.PORl S, tbt:> four Accident Prevention Coordinators at the arolina Division wnc taking ihern 0 1 e at a time when we visited them . They were concerned with the 'follow \lp' on •ll· ·~c acddc nl~ and discussed wa}S and means 10 eliminate the cau es. Shown from left to right are Ernest \I< ;;ser, Ed <.. on! . y, Howard Setzer and Bob Snakenberg . . " :\T RI:VG th<' dc>01 a · to one { the m bil txailt' f'S, 1 illman \·aughn. Fire oJJ­twl, preparE's to g t a frc check-up < 11 hi .~ health . Ohio Champ i NJ. \'(" 1 ( m ed 1 he • tn m ot the tra.ile1·~ nd th<" opfXlrtmlitY f l" compktf' ph~·,·ica.l ex· tninati ns. EX £NTER HERE THE TAFF at the Occu·pational I-Jea lrb Serv ice traileJ;s is shown above. On the staH ar lo-cal doctor · o-f· Hamilton, uurses K11.d Jah tech nicians, all l'ully· qualified to give e mployee~ complete ph}si al check- ups. The trailer arrived at Hamilton in February and will remain un1ii all ernp'lo ecs have <1.11 o.ppo1·tunity for a h ealth beck . • GE' I 'ff.C \ 'JET ­J\., 'U"i J . ' 10 C ' L A· 'f f.O N, Louise SCo tr a tc1JC5 as- 'l·.n> J1Ja fa s· ler gi,· · tf·~e inj~c.tiou . Th sh fJt will '' rf0 ·d lll r 0 t . c 1 i <> .11 tur t.hrP · years. \VAI"fl )< (; l , nu: RECI£P.Il0 ' RO H I for thdr ·.•tondtwion ai'C, Jeft to rizht: , i.llllHin! I lu tz ' im:·JJJ , c"'u''' ·'l Office; \Yandi! 1·. ans, O lhio ,l)i v i ~im~ "11ana~ Jil ' lll l'l<nl'ning; and .I h1 l\{Jk ,-, , ll . 1 Jk~11 e r Roo111. ·The (:xain inal iuns Iitke abou r ~ n IH•H1 a rid a f !ld~- J0 • TAKING A BLOOD E -r, ~ autiidra Hutze lman pr o\ es th t aU femak:s aren ' t. afraid of ne d!e . Cettin rbe . ample of b l od i~ T .ak -l e Lmidan. v\'allacc D, ·wldns. The trail T- are ma1mcd b . a complete med"i aJ taff. Ohio Division Champions are getting the chance for a check -up by the 0Gcupational Health Service. Pt, l'I--I.I.NG '1 HE \ R 1 of J(l H0rn, i\-1 Rewiu<J rs, Vtb Te tt­r~ ic i.a 11, Joh• .\ \nsley makt' a , kiu -f ld rest. This pB'rli uhrr phase ol rJ1e · .)i..amiua( 1 [ ts th am unr of fatt ti:;s t,i, on va riot;~cs pan ~ of 1 he h:u.mata hod . • 0 1LJ 1AYf;..AST I'EI~H1 1 RY dw~,; tr<JiJers <i!ut >r,ed the ba.ek g<tlc aL Charnpiott's Ohio Division. GJearn1ng fron\ th ·· ~ un 's r fl ection, the, park •d near th Rhea Ave. enlrance to Champion 's Coating M ill , the hig JeLt •rs OHS app ... ar iug brightly on Lh ·side of each. In th e n , ' t few wccb;, lltcs <~ tllr e veh i les were ·1' L d to l~ come very fatniliar to harnpiu11 employees. Manne l by a cotnpeLcnt medica l .Haif, th ey were ready to 6U or a se rvice tn Charnpious - a ompltL rrl ·dical dt ed -up at the exp ense of the comp a n y. An Opportunity and o Savings For -Cbampio ns who are i.tcc ~ ptin g the company's in vi- ., ta.lion for a physj e<d exarninati on, the vi ·it of the trailer n1f'tns an opponunity and a saving:s. A con1plete n1edical history taken, an eye and ear t:est, a blood _ancl urine analysis an electrocardiogram and a tetanus innocula.tion are f · atures oE the service. TJ1e ch eck-up mean a savings because the otnpany picks up th etab. A simjJar medical examination wot:tlcl cos t a n employee a considerable amount of money .. This is not the Lirst vi~ i t of the OHS trailers to Ch ~lf).1- pion as rJtey were bruughL to Hamilton in 1954. A recent survey indicated that en·•ployees would like to see the trailers r e turn, and Champion manag-ement quickly gran ted ~his wish. To the compan y, tl1e visit of th€ traile . means h eal-thy employee able Lo do a full d a y'~ work wi ~h a minimum of lost t.ifne. To the employees, the visit of tbe traiJ ers means the ke lo good h ealth: an opportwnitv to receive a ch eck-up - to discover a tendency to an illn ess or clisease, possibly in an earl y, correctable , ta · On the oth er hand the check- up. · indicate the em1lo ee who are in n:onmdJy good ph ysi aJ ondition- a fact everyone is proud to know abot:tt himself. Th.e Repor•s Are Confidential Champion and OilS guarantee work er that examina­tion r esults wiU be kep t conficlen.ti<ll. Complete r ults Rre em. to th · pet. on rece iving tl1e exa.mina tion and to his or her hunil do tor, if desired .. Anotb r cop 1 i.s .ent Lo the cli vi ·ion 's medical section . '1 ' 1 ~ trailu hav .t.J cviowd · visit d Champion'­lin;; r pJanL tl is ca r. Th · ill remain a.t th Ohio plant unril c ery .H anlil tlll1 Ch::mtpi< 11 l ~' '~ a.n opponunit to rec<.:iv '• the d.Jeck-up. T hen lh )' will 11ltlVC tO the r Xli,S planf, :dl Champion!!> a · 1a,n . t< pr !it t.h :tl g 10d work. <UHI good h altJ.1 gn hal1ll in lHH'l L . CONYINUU>- ON NEXT PAGE ' II Ll· C HI•.DIJ U -.;<..; ( If• etHpl•• · ~i!~ f r tk pbysi, ;tl 't':t rnil1 :uion~; i · l1<'iug ha.t•IIC'c1 hv t it [l)dulti;d R · I;HiiJnli Depit'tl1 ' tlf in co, u·p •r.uirill wi tl·• al l n •ifl up \ hn~ . :,)Jng: ovn a list of cmpl•IV cs to l1e ch<' dHIP<l <ll'c . ld t lo righr: OHS H•'lld tJr «", l\ !a • 1\h>J- ' 101~ , r r.trk l·i.Kk<-r, Jnd 11 ti " l 'Rd:tt i >n<'i fiJ.;~na{ler; and Dkk hl.tkt. (, · o w o <.~ l Oflh e l11 ~l u•nri ::d l Jati •fos . · PREP'\RI_:I.JG FOR A~ ELECTROCARDTOGRA\1, 1\'an­da Evan' t<tlb.. to \1 arjorie Cordell, R N. The trailers arrived ar the Ohio Divi ion in Februar and will remain until C\c-n Hamilwn Champion ha ' a'n opponunity to re<"ei'c a compl t check-up. CONTINUED ' I \f l'l 0\ EF't RI.(,J't I J R <.~I IIH' reception dt'L.. lu1 Lh it ph,,iLll . lt·il In rPhl .. m:: (.ilud, \1 nil I, Ll ~( tric l,hrJp: (, 01 •e -;peal~ , l ' uloadtn •: .. s11d lit se , Ln r o\ ~ nd \fJhle \Lt"-\H·ll, Jt:tt pliuni~l . I \l.h.l"-1· I 0 I I H. I lOCI OR ;shoul h1 -.. t"OllllinJtinn i ll ·lbut ~[OlllC, lIt<.! tit Sh op, lit· dot tor . one <d i ~ 1<-aditiJ.: lol I pln''' i<~IJ is IlL ,\ruu!rl (,ms\. i' III(JIO~ " S Jtlci\ed a (~>tllpk:lf· nKdr<al l<p<otl aflct their ,j~it to the 'r . RFPR :< £,; 'T TJVES to the fnt ntalc T ri -Hi-r <mfepnce h ld in Salisl)urv in lud<:d. left Io 1ight. Mary Jane rca;11 , E I I c n ather. \'[r . :\f a r Hamill n, eo~m elor f.) f 1 he H t h · I l 'lu'b, Barbara Ban()u. and Fhzab th Thomp·on. conn cl 1r of ~~~ Cn1tun Ullll . In Canton's YMCA girls activities program .. By Elizabeth Thompson I .. 1844, George Williams, a 19-year-old Eng­li~ ll c.ounrry boy launched a Christian movement for young men which gr w into (he Young J\llen's Christian As o iation. A r that time Williams expressed conce2rn for the .. y ung ladies of London.'' For many years now that feeling has expressed 'itself in a gr >wing movemenr to in l11de women and g irls in al l a1..tivities of the YMCA. \Vhen Champioll Y.l\JCA 'va~ organized and dedicated in Apri.l, 1920, plans were nude to incJ ude activities for women and girl . This was a reflection of th wishes of the founder, 1..h - late Peter G. Thomson, and the board 0£<Cto:rs who foresaw this need. Tht girls of Champion Y ha e nwny :.tctiviLies in sports- soltba ll, basketball and swimudng. Thi , p ~trt of the prograrn is rried on by th ;llbl 'tic staff. A three we .ks camping period for girl<; i h eld each summer at ~am p Hope, under dir tion of 1hc camp s1aff and direclar. The present CI ub program for girls was ~l <t n ed ten ~eaH ago wheu a ''Little \1\lomen's Club" was mgani;ed. Man of the girb in lhat first club r~.:majncd a member of a girls ·tub until they gradua.tctl frmn IIigh S' hovl. • . •• . ... ' Since then the club work has grown s teadily. Aiter ·'Litde Women's Club" age, the girls enter Teen-Y, Jr. Tri-Hi-Y and Tri-Hi-Y. Each dub has a stated purpose but all are "imilar in that the members believe in Christian principles of fair play, honor, dean speech and action, the develop01ent of body, mind, and spirit. They believe in helping other p eople to Jive better Jive and in using their influences for right against wrong. E<.tch dub h::~ s an adult leader, ither a Y Secretary or vol un te r, and a mother sponsor, who h elp by lending a hand on tours, outing·s, trips, can1ping, dinners, tea , b·1ke sales, and servi e projecls. The clubs ar 1f sup­pordng th.rough dues and mon r"ising ptojects. They rneet weekly at lhe Y o-r· at schooL . The Bethel Club has rec ntly mplet d a eries of programs on "Being a Christian in a Mod rn 'Worl~L " A I pres .nt they are having a Sport .manship campaign. At Chri.srmas time, t11ey playe I .Santa lO four f milie in the comnlllnity. Mrs. Mary Hamilton .. a teacher in the Ikth(') scl i(">OI, is the ch1b <.:oun.selor. Canron ha ~; Lwo Tri-Hi-Y clubs and a Tc n :Y Club. .\n idea of th. ir W(H"k is shown by the a companying pictures. (:ONllNU~D ON NEXT PAG.E 13 - , E!\_lOYTI'<G SOCIAL FUr 1CTJON, members of Ch arnpi_on YMCA Gjrls Club membei·s are staging ctanciJ1g party in this scene, one o·f several suth social events the· sponsor ea ch y "<H. Cl·ub m mbers also arrange decorations for these events. CONTINUED E JOYlt'G THI 13.E CH. cv ral C:.mton Tri- Hi-¥ lub members flO e ~~r p 1>u laJ' M ynl · each.. ~lnb nwnJher- make tbe tr ip e h ye<.n w:i Lh mon · rhe -~v .ma:J fronl vari­otJ ' spons red pro jeers,. 14 ' CHA:VIl'JO:'\::i TWO T lr $. 1uese )Ol1H_g l uic,, lCPJ' ·ttlir :"' the Lli' ic Girts H' m ha~ w Jt1 lhc J wnior Hio-h - ho.ol rb, u pt o~l1ip Ofl l wo oct<t.~io n . .hampi n yyr · ~· gir-l$ l \...etb<t!l r . ru 1~ cot)- ·id i one ol the (in .:t 1n th·e • uth L Tht'ir l amv."Ot· · h tl1 re~ 1l o ootl roach! v reac 'H::R \' [N<;; B. aq E.TS is a ·urt of hobb ' \ ith Tri- Hi -Y lub nxetubers at Champion YMQA. "rhc:y gi-ve excellent :er v\re whi h ap t:Tea ~ · t.O gue ( . Lcfl to r icght i'l'l'l:' Lin 1 ·rnith . :l>1itzie E~h •ards. BaTbara l{arton and. Judy , 1 o~;:gam. 1 HREf n. 1 . \'{\.' , 'ER ·, thP.~ \' J Hnit·~ • • gJ rts rc~m::. n.t ( ha!llpi .n '\:. JC IJJ •f)ur~ t«UOWlll$ io \.'urrh aud 'iH~!tb • _fril1-ua. [h~ · have W<Jt• th · dJMilpiom,lnp t flw twv (':;.o Qlina$ mL rhtt:e oH- stfJm, fJ '"\Cf~ < ; ~ S \tt.8. '1<..-n h'b 111·nh ••s Jwld <lt,!V(•raJ II Ji ('\('Jlh a/ JIW ~III y . 'VHl ~ U! t' liOl 1 nu.1t;d , b n t i}ll th · a~HJI;( all i, wtdl lh.11 v lHl~ wdl. ' litiS l'i'i <HI IV onr· ot th · U~ ,fll ' -;otj;J! li1'H 1\011~ H >JO)('(f <JO .J lo i 'Ofwl l)a>( dmiti-g ltlL yt•;t f . ( - t WORKI NG J?(l R BLOOn- 1\ IOBTLE. th ese Tri - Hi -Y lassi ~ arc rondurt ing a work sl OJ f(}r tllis sp ·ria l se rvia·. Cll!b menr GeJ·~ spunsor ·d the .J <trHiaty Blu(ldnwbi-k visj 1 t<r .il at npion YMCA in f<utual·y wir J·i outstanding amJ n·cnrd ­bre'aking rcsulls. ' !'hey take t!J eir various proj c1s s•· riou ~>­Jy :i.Hd UH' pHl vi n g rheir worth t·o the cow rnunit y Jn m(lr way ~ lhan <me. TV. J~N - V CLifH MI·.:\1HFRS al so pla y a Jeadin~ H>le ir1 lh • community life of this i11du strial center. 'J hey spon ­~ or many p ro jects dmiug the year and carry th em ou t d fi ie11t ly. Sh o w11 r d t 1C1 rigid, ~e at e d , arc Mary Free­• nAn . Louise B:wk~, Sh irlc BtuTeJI and .'\nne te Ledford . Standing: Joyre f aylor. Nao­ry Ta ·lor, Carotyn Ca lloway. _Iackie Gosnclt fltHJ Jurly Hall. 0 I' 1': R .'\ T l .. (; I ) 1 M ~­B 0 A R J) . mcmbfi'rs of t he Beta Tri-Hi-Y Gluh obra inccf c ' e ll en! rcsttll$ from th is charirable pr ogra m . The dime btlltHI was flnc of their .special &en·ice project . ShO\'U le (t to right are Pat Fi11h. Jud • Burrus and Cleta Ta} ­l. or a.s they graciou J~· accept contribution front Hnitlcnti ­fied )O ung:~tel'. - 'i' t\f\IIXC l' f!.Rr 11<; al' L<nl · du,w d ll,h weekly for grrh. l~ ti ~a. IK' th t hmnp:;r)n . '\ Ladit-s , 'Ct<' t.u ~ · .-,.b,t 11 Cl> thl' :-.1\'immiu~ daljs held h1 Clllu11 pi.m• \' 'W t" \ pooL l .f> ' VARSITY :BASKETBALLERS, representing Champion YMCA are pictured here after winning the championship of District 1 of rhe ~ati~nal Ba ketball Congress tourney held at Bethel late in February. The team had previously woo the WNC Industrial League championship this season . The team was scheduled w partjeipate in the state tourney at CrameTton on March 10·1 , Left to r ight, kneeling: Gene Cagle, Bobby Mo<>re . .Bobbv Hol­combe, Bruce Rhinehart and Bohb}' G1· en. Standing: George Price, coach; Bill Bearden, Cha:rles Wilson, BiJI Leatherwood. Charles West and Kehneth Jones: I With 50 teams in action, Canton YMCA has its eason By j ack .J us tice and Walte·r Holton !TH 50 TEAMS in action , Champion YMC · 's bas­ketbaJJ program th is s ason an be labeled th ' bes t in th " history o( tl}is recrea tional nter. Fiv:e grammar s hools w re rep re •nteu wW1 two L am each in the Graml'nar choo] Lcagu . in ·lu<ling boy'5 and girls, and P ~, m $ Ivaoia Avem.1 ~ SJwol came; through wilh the championship in hoth djvi ~1om . Sch duling of the.'le tot1rnament an] r .gu lar s '<Hwn gam's talls on the should rs of YMCA st;itH m ·111b " r'i who've been dning tlus sort o · thjng f <~ long 1.inw .. , and the:y n joy it. Lcagu _s (or ariou!i ag g . oups in rh Hoy·.' 1 )(:pan-rnttnt Wot:re in full operation. T h y angc i11 ~~' frnrn G ye-a rs to high s hool age. Boy') from f; to 10 ,,,Jn .. lor· itt l ane<.:, compo~ ·d a 6-leaut 1 ague during t·h . -; tlion. Thc·r ar ~ tJ e youn~st r · who' tl b · pbyin ' b;.~~kf' l b; tf l .in a J3JG way in th . hort ye< .s a h ead . . Then th r wa th ~ Midg t lea~u I agu fea turing m;my teams and moch 1 hTo ughoul t.h , as n. 16 and ih Junio-r goo I b:;~ske tha II Four g-ir-ls ' teams arc sponsor d I y C:h<tmpion Y ea .h se;-1son. and pl~t ying a JO-g~u11 c h echde plu: ::t Jot of Lon rnam n t adi.on. C h ~1mpion YMCA h;;~d it i.(i.t s, Midg t ' and Juni rs r 'I r .:;; Hied in th YMCA Lourn<nn ul lo · the two :aro­lina he! I K~um a t o1is1 Burlington ·uHl 'lt . .-\iry. ;hawpi<m YMC b.ssi ·sa t o part..'dpat ·din th ' "f\o Carolh1 at> YMC · ICHll'JUHDe nJ •tt Kant apolis. C l.wrnpi<.)i) YMC ,\ 's v;usity ba.s ke tb·tll team proved unusua l! r warm t,hi · eas n by Vltlnnin · both the \V "',' tcrn Jo1·th Carolin <1 Indu ~ t ria l Leagu, t·h ~nlpionjtip a nd the J)j rri .. 1. l of th ;. N:ttiOJwl B ~l s k e tbill ll 'on ~T ss t Llrn ) held on lh H dtel ourt lat ' jn Fcbrunr '. T hi .... . I varsit · sqmtd, . dll g i1 · , t:rnng, 1 <H'tici · p ;ttt· ·1 in th ort.h Carolina Slat<.: Tournam ent ill Cram- ·non til r .la h ]tl. HeaLlin r this h ~1. (tlltl poptllnr pwgT<IITl ll Cham-pion Y ICA j N:1zi Miller, ph s i r~d din:LLor. Milt r g·cts xc lleot .~ssis L , nc . rrom G org · l)ri .e :tn ll~ill lkar<len . ho i''lt'\OW rh ir ba 'k ~tba l [" from A to Z. t ...... t ' •• c: • • I • I I 5:02 I' .M. THURSD '{ , M~u c h G, ltl[JR. \1 rJI\111 nnstrong tut'tl . () II Ll~ c •I ·n r ui ·-sccrnax fiS h • closr·s ~ . •• ~ th • l'rnfil .Sh:u·in.g lk n fit~ rfl'i ·> (ot 1ft ' d .<t)' · T l e IIHIChlH wlfJ IT • 11tairi 11pcn. :.1 .11 nigh t w; ti tlpg- Jor cnq l oy (·'c.~ (o t ;,dl. 11: 10 I' .M. THT IRSO .\ Y, ~ l an: lt G, Hl!i8. ll!1n r:p[ (' t'S() II , ;o , 2 Rewind-f' l' .', pick. UJ the p h o n e in his ~ upc r ·isor·s o ffice <~ nd dials '160. ? l)On has a {fli.CSli Oil he IVC•u .ld lik LO ha e answered . The stofy of a secretary who .keeps late hours ' Lit<> 1 '>TORV 1,1 the n.i~lu b ·a1 <1! Lhe Ohio J)i, isi n ... the d;Jr · a1 <1 kmd; \ igil J keel' f mm !1:00 f).m ff) K: O( • .m. -, I ( tn<.i hiw:> pound on lin ougl the night. Pap( r {Jf)Uf. i1 <Hl ndh.:ss strt m tbroug:h lh · production lin es. flwpk gn OJJ a·nd o-n. ah uf t.hf·ir jobs-: making- pnper, < rmti 1g p;q-' r. fit'l)~ h itlr, p.1pc · ..• a jiwcy bom blows ... the auL -call hell sounds it sl <:p; knell . : , 11 \ th • lllf;hl \ l:dft -In-) ht31.. Sl I iu th U:tTk .ttrut ~ •a it (o t!J('? p} < 1 ~· V> ring ... l arn tl 1j10lit "rhatjn~t; eh:t..t ron '(. w-e c 1.1J} .. l l I nunJIJtr i 1Gn. I he im · "':02 p .m. rh bua, .. 1a t h {, J! :1 . \l(·r · · •w nu~tronrz;, {)}lit lJhi-.iop Pl<;Ht loy!;. ing admini . t at ol , donnui t.Oal an.1l llit t. I I · 1 UJ ne:d. '"'·;d kvd . It w r'{'( I I·~ H '! )nHIJ O' m:•chiuc- <til( Ill') I)(• l lilt" 1 uc.b t exa t1 11 :·10 p.m. that ni.ght, f) Jll .• pp r n, To. '" R cwindc . . pi .keel HJ tl1 ' ph n · i 1 hi, , up r\'lsor 's office. .arefully he di<tled Lh di i1~ -l 1 . Don li ten d as the phon(' em 1 h · other .fHl of 1 he 1i n - rang four tim e~ folhJWing th fourth ri 11g, a ' ir .:w:-.w r cl: '' f-l pflu. Thi~ i. flu p, .. fit ha ri11.r1. Rene{it· of ice. Tlnnt> i.1 1-lrl 011(' Oil dnt ' in tlte ffire ri~tltt IWW. hut we /1ft re Pmvid d this· rllft( matir· an.m•erin emi e as fl Nmt''''li'f' ,t t' {tn . vou . . I soon a I ton through tllll.hUf,. this rruu:J11' 11e tr'ifl rf'r o1 d ~·h at ,r,n ,lll'V. Plra. c tal )ltJILJ' norn ratfl d~ · Jun l ut eo t I nrh•. rmd l 11 us T1•hat •intr f(NP-'</il}n 1.1. f, t:> will .\Pnd an ou 'tvf'r to vour I'IIJ> .vi- r in the /U! .. t dav r t ou. Tlt. wi I fJil'~ it on t > ,,,,If j Jf. i SU I / dlv. Thr~n h Y()li ftn r•o lHII ,"'· } (Itt tay b gill ~I etl 4 u~ ." :n ow . " l 'f CONTINUED \ The solu tion to this case was reached in a matter of hours Don pondered a few , ecnnd'), the11 said: ''Thi.s is Don Epper~on. 1 work on the R ewinders in No. 2 l\ Iill. r\ bout 1iH' nll>mh-; ag-o l haLl an X-ra" in a doctor's office. ·H e ' . charged me . 13.00 and the Benefit Association paid the bill. :\ow the doctor want· me to have another X -ra y. and ID) question i , "·ill the Benefit As o i;uion pay £or . .. t, It~ Hanging up the phone, Do11 returned t() hi~ work area and the njght heat. \t lO:li p.m. Friday, March 7, John t\l li:.on. No. 2 Rn\·indcr supen i-.or, banded Don Ep pe r~on a letter. " It\ hom th(' J'wfit Sharing office, Don," John s:tid. A Letter Provides the Answer Don rJpen ·d the ei1\Tlope awl ca r ·fully n:ad the Jcucr. 1t wa<.. -.igncd b) Vernon ,\rm~tr(Jng, Ohio Profit Sharing Bcnelit'> ad .mini~uator. "Dear J)nu: \'c are happy w inform you thaL the ben ·fit oflice \-\'ill f><l) )I ·,_(J(J ol the d1argcs made on rhc X-r:ty th · doctor wants )nU Lr, haH'. J'IJ C''>C benc lit!-> ar • cal!ccJ diagnmti< b ·n( lit o, <tnd · ~o.oo i-. a llotl ('d (lo1 ' -ra)'>) tq ea<h cmployct· and e~uh dtp ' ll<kn t in 1'\Cl) • 1\o\oche-mrHJih pt.·r iocl. lna'>rnuch a., it·.., bC('Il l i\(· lltOlltll.., c,in((· t!Jt H ·nd ir . ..,,o< i;,tirm ita'> ]J' id I ~,. oo l•11 . · t :t)"· it kavc-, <t bal:tnn..' n{ . 1 S.OI) lot you. cl hank )Oil \.'1'1) flllH II lot )C1ur <pH·..,tinn. Pl<:;-~w I el !I tT lo ( :d ! t1llt olli<<' anylitnt you h:-tH' ~~ que:--tion tUIHI ' tllill ~ Ptolit "hating." Don ;.., on£· t·ruploy(·(• who, whi l<· wot kittg J!,, Jiiglu !>llil t. Jlt'('dcd a qtt{''>li >n illl'•WvHd IJ) LIH fwudit ... (:all. \JIIwugh t hC' ollirc W;t'> cJ o~cd, ft c· I'IO ,td\allt:tgl· .,f tl11· f)(' W] }' j 1J <, ( ;t] led d ·c I rr HI j ( . ..,(:() U <I I . J h j ~ Ill .t ( h j I I(' 1 l lilt h Vlllplo>e'·"· qu .,, ic,n-. \d i<' II no otH i" in tlw Ptol it *'lt,lt ti t" o lli <t' to pu o11 :1ll~ an'>Wf' J' phonv (.tiJ.,. I h1 m t d.l\ ii letter ;tll \Wcri ng tile q11 '\ lioiJ i-, mail·d 111 tiH IIJlplo\t t in <flf(' t)f his supeni..,ut - ltnlli..,hing I im \it lt .til ,Lfl,~\'ll lO J 1 i.., q m·.., t ion w i tit in ~ l lt l u r-. 1 hi:.. h ;moth ' J' <,tc-p tu .tid P1nlit 'ih a t illg <ollllllltlll t ,tt io1h ;n ounrl tl11: <I()< k - d.t) ;,hilt oJ night 1>(·,11 1 0 11: 11 I . .\1. TH L' RSDA Y . .\·larch o. 19'1 . the ekctt(•lli( .- £H"<Jr s wing~ into <H:tivn . Tltc rcwnl i){'gllls plll'iiiJ.:'. \ \Oite , '' ·'Hello. Thi is dte Profit . ha1 iug Bendits oflia . . ·· , :'\:. \ 1. I RIU \ . \t.lnh I. l~l l)t-l, C h arlie Sibert. Pro fit Shariug dlfl•t tllt"ll Pll 1he H"C< •td in)!;s rec iH·d 011 tltc denroniL -Sencl:tl. Ha ple\inth tti!-!ht. non· (j\lc~tion "· a~ h ani U\ Charlie at H:41i a.m. 11 1", I' \1. li'ID\ . \f:Juh i. 19:, . on·~ SllpcnLso r , .J ohn .\lli ·o n . h"ll<h l1iJU !he lcltn ft•H11 the Pro1it ',.baring o tli£e . Don h <tS h;~d hi, yuc,lloH .t"''-U<"d in It>, than ~I· botn~ e\t·n though he w:is the llJf~ht shilt th\Jnl..s to Lhe s netarv. fl: l li ,\ .:\·1. FR IDAV. l\·f a1·ch 7. 19rJS. Cl• aJlie dicrat t>~ an a u,wer to non \ ques ti oll. Mary Kadle takr.'S I ll)(('~ alld ~end lht' lt-ttt·r ln Doll in GII C u f ll h s uperviso r. rtt ' atl:SI\It:l i; on it \av . 12:02 A.l\1. S.\TliRDAY, Marth fl. Hl'i 8. DCJn take\ a hu·ak . ITe ha~ rctu rneu to his su pervi~or's offi e. '1 h re, he borro>H·d a fUf>) of " Partn er~ ... the bookie! explaining Profir 'iharing at (.harnpiotl This uook'Jet te lls lJon more a hour c.Jbgnos! iL be utfi h. 19 at the Newberry wood operations By David W. Morison Men are continually triving to lighten the ir work toad or incre Hiciency, and we find thi, to b th · cs ina.woods' peration. Through mechanizatjon, the ma hin ha mov d to th for s for ha.rv sting wood product in Champiun's · 'ewb rry, S. C., area. First, ther · wa tJ r tru k. th o th pow r aw ... and now tbe tra LOJ' j coil Ling th pulpwood li ks wheH~ tb y ta ll in rb ' ·pall . l " opera ­ti :J il , which i~ now about a y ·a.r oJd at i ewlx~rry . . pall L .i. impl a ra k m ~k id · ; it an he pu.llt'd through lh Cor :st to the Jail n trt , rl H' n back 1 o <J en traJ loading point b woods r< ;.ld. H ., c• 1 h ' pallets ar ' winch d on1o it u·u k b ramp <md rail ­th ·n haul d on to th • m ch' ui z{"d y- rd. \Vitl thi op ratjon, at1otl. r . l p h:1 IJ · n L, ken in redu ing handling -· reducing th work Jo:.lll lor tll · 1 IJorer, thus incr a.-ing his product! <: · ·Ju;, r dn in r 1a bor c sL · and in · · ing •Hici n y. Th a.ccomp<mying pictur , · 'que nee shoh·s .how Lh , pa 11 t is l' d rr ctiv l jn woods op ratio II . ,-,, • ' I 1-H TRl'CK . 1 adc<l . w l ~haiunl fo r safe t • mn\ t" o u t f thr: h•rt•q, t"hc log are h:wk'l tu Cb:lppe l, S. ~ . siding-s for hipment ttJ th · <IIH n 1 I) d} .1rd. ~ r clwninllit)ll of tho:: woudyanl and llw )Jallt l · ~ ~em ha · rl!' lucf'd lh<: ~\ork load a nd increa~cd produ ti 11. - -- I 0 \fJI.'\G '\MP, ate set unJe tit skid& prior tv loadi11g the palkt onto the truck 'J ll is pit!ur;t' '>how~ the M' lXJI1d paiJct l)eing 1d11dted up iJttn p ,,,Jtit)Cl Oil tlr.l' uud, IKtl. 1'/w ··pall( t " opCr<! ­llctJI ha~ he<·t, in ('ffet 1 lor :JIJllllt ll )'"'ll f. 1 £IE 'iT! JC are loaded on the pallets. \"hen a p;~Jiet is filled . ~ a tract0t dtag~ il to a loadi ng si te where trulks are awaiting i1 \ S l~ LECTED I'JNE TREES a re felled by Tom Buchanan 's cowpatn crew ~Jl ~ewben }- A pallet will IJc near rhe >rene of the cuttiug. TOM BUCHANAN, foreman , company roads oper;nion, checks wir.h Marty Cavanaugh, r ighr, dis trict fores ter, on tract boundry lines and Jnarked Limbe r. " \·VO\ ' C R,\ """ \ltl- 1'05'1 r f) 1t,1 kco p IUadtiP · w orn < r w iu­lnnn · I <tno11l I'<lfe. 1 h a}>tRJll ng~ i·11 1h d r i •. l h · n '~."., rrr ~- ( OIH,ti t up lo the. m in ult' n •- fJ' n.~ ou tlw :1 in .,~ ' f fril four mar·1J i11e11 Shown I< okin' at hi ~ ttt t~sag <; ar ·: !J 1 l' b (:'tti ·. ldt. tJ<tc l t: t td r nn 0:o. I 0. a nd Jr ltu H o l tnt:!l, bad .. rt:nd 1 ( lf l :".<... ! .. STRtl, ;LLN • for the b ·st 1ussib l · uowntime ~lt ­ht~ d .. . Ohio t1 11tl 'J cxas Fnodu ctio11 ddefs, Did B t: IZ and Bob Ster h nso11. u rr11 I hems ·h es wi1 h weapon .. Dick has rhe tr:~dir ional Texa.~ $i x - ~ lroote r. Bob has the b<t ·c iJJ il ba t. Ohio a ncl T ·xas are locked in " d uel to see who r a11 cut down m st o-n downtime . Two o . H.A J\'JP JO ' PRonuci1o IJ.AN c RS, Dick Betz of the Texa Divisi'm and Bob Stcph nson ul Ohio, m t recent'ly at the_ Hamil ton pl ant. The gleam in their ey s showed that they m ant hu .., in e~s. Dick was pa king a s i x~s h oo t er and Bob h ·ld tight! y Lo a war­club. T h purpos · of th eir tflf' ting - to J ist us-; d(J\ n· time sa ing" on Cha rnpion' tn ach int U 1a L p<.~ per mach i ue:s. You s e, Texas and Ohio are cu r .nlly lucked in a duel to e which di vi ·ion ~·n make th g realt''>l :,<n iu ,.., by cutting ba k. on downtime· on th . ma hi11c <na l p ap<.:r .machine . Ohio boa t ·d th a[ ch ' l)uJd f ind n · · W't , w reduc dowmirne on · o. !J and No. I 0 h il1· ke('l ,(ng machine s pee(l~ up and m~ int· ining a high qnal it <~f pap r. T exas answered that tb ir t\'o. ~<! and ;\IJ . ..!:> M••chines could show up a,11 thing 1h Hu ·k yt:s di d. his tart cl tht tntggl ·. Oh.i1 Di ,i..,1on .\lanag(' , John ·vl . Zimmerman issu tl ;.~ <;trong cha 11e ng · to 1 a ·. " We at the olde t and tnO!> i vr.ntm.JlJle divisim1 co uld' to f' halleng the brash youn re l ditJi i.on!' • ' Ohio and Texas battle for inter- divisional title of •cdowntime diminishers" Steve Chase, Jr., T exa.s Division tvbnag r, answ r d 1 rom ptl , arc~pt i ng the challenge - ·· tJ I! an· ~~ ~~ ,!.~J' r 1 II< cejH and nss11re 011 th({t ue won' t 'use on r rest>1 1e du r­i11g l;ebru try lest 1()/i bn ome co111ple tely cleworrtl i::ed.' ' At Ohio ·uHJ T exas, giganric scoreboards ' iLh huge d ock: h;l\' · b('t' ll in~ t all .d w furni sh mach in room r rnv. with tlp- LcHl ~:~te infnnnatit)ll on th · succ ss o( the contcsr. r f e<·rings have b •c 11 h ' ld amtHlg n1achine room cr w· an l m perv i 'ior~. A "' pcci a l ''\ OW Gram,·· a td ·gram-t pe Ill <.: :.age a bo ut cutTf"lll bapptnillg·s in the carnpttign, wa d vi ~rcl for the machine room cn:ws. The "\VOW Gram" P'' 1vid .: rlw men on the nwrhii1c · wirh ·urr •nt informct­tion a boul rhc dm·\'lll ifU ' C:llllJX•ign . ·rhe b a ilie i,) nn , and Championl> at h< th div1 ~i ion a rc w ork i r~g h ~nd tn redun· dowr.'llimc. Tlte tWI hin " thor . how'> th~ b ;;;t p<'rfo1 m ~\J l • during tlH· " cnmp titi\' st r uo tie" will win ;111 i11t r-di ision a l title. ,\II ho" · ' r, h :t\' ' a <.onunun goa l in mind - to n H dow11 tin I(' and to -;a" more l'll ,>tW · for the com.p::n1 . (l 4 t l"!l STop , tO • I C Hf. , ' ]'\(, f!Cl RES a1c Ohio Pro<lu<l ion Mana ­f!!' l. H 1b !>I ·phenY>II, .111d I, .. .,., l'r<•tflll ti<•n \l;.ru;> gt'r, llltk Beu: 1 lit-\ !>t"t ll)l <.~ ' ~ ~~ ·nt ~'I lhlll IJ<Hh di1i..,iur.~ c<•uld lig-urc <;<1\in~\ {Jtl 11 <llllllltou ,,.,,;,, .H J• I L · c~ .\.1301 I IIH I H)\':\ ll\11· l'RO· (.,]{ \ \f "''~ hdd '" l.t ·p ~u pf·ni~o • s iuit>t ll1<·d a l•t> l tl the latt.: 1 dnL loprn<·nh. I he nunl,;•iK•• j, ai111< d a• tullill)( lNck ''II d<l'\llottllll'. h111 ,tl 11 • s.anw U11w 1-eqJw~ m<ahiJW .'>p<·t·d' tlf' ,wd m;,i utain inl{ htl-{11 tt uaJitih o i f'"p~·• Do.nttlne .. · t 4 \ ' ~tnu es onct ' rcent. 0 owntim h· • • e t IS Month Jrn r to 60 so 10 (J HUGE SCORFBO.'\ RDS, in lhe form <'f clod,~, keep the men on t he j••b in formed a1Jou 1 the savi ngs. ' I his pa r1 i('ular scoreboard is 1 he tliH' ne<ar Ohio ' ~ ·o . y Paper :\[;.~ r hin e. Sim i lar clock · are luc<tted ne,tr Ohi o'~ '- <•. JO and T e xas ]\lla chincs No. :23 :tnd :! f. !\ lt>n in the ahuve pkture ;He [ro tlt .'\o. ~~and JO l'aper \1 <tdtines. .. . . ... ..._ • 1 • • If 11 ,. 11 f t.J :H '4 I THE DEl'ART~lE t' T D •ft:;\l'SF. Rl~- ~~ R\' E AW RD wa pre nted to the Te.·as Di l·ision f:or · •o ut~t.anding coo per:ttion ' ith Re en· component ' of the Arm ·d }< orre~:· Brig. .cneral . .. P. ~ ,., - .--... <11 LO l E. GATE. . a.sistant chief chemist a t the Carolina Division , proud! y d i plays . his certificate of a pp.recia Lion for 25 years '?f ervice to t he Champion Cred it · nion as its ecretary. Gates 1s a member of Lhe Board of Directors and a director of the Credtt Union J. ·ational Asso iation. n JOH . · ZlMMER 1 l' icr··ptcsid Ill and•• 1 ol 1h • Uili(• bi v i ~ ion !>pok briefly a t a di11ner h Jd i• Jt l'lllp <Jllil Papt>r i\ IJll u.ptrint ·nd ntb in H a 1ilton du ing F·l ru;~ r~ . 1'1 f111 •cl a t tlt~· t:~lle are, fr01n ld t tO r igl'!l, As ·istant :D11 i ·Jo11 anagct .1-<HI j onc ~: Jndu-£trial R lation M ~Ut<lger C. G. J ra kcr; I on (;(,t}dlll.r , \mg l'ap r OHlpi!Jr ; au.d Procl uctiu!l Manager R• JIJc:rf u·ph n o11 . CH A 1PIO '. PRESIDE, ''J , Reuben H. Ro ht:rhon, Jr . wa~ h llr · ured br the Humilto11 Jll(lu tri al Managcmen1 Clnl) l {ll( ntl) '~•IW I'I h ~fa s ' n;;~rue I rr ipicrrt ol tit fi 1 ~t IMC lHCI\t fl i I ('itilcu ·~ •\1>\arll, 'howu in th pi·c ture :1rt, horn left to J ight. Fl · ! lk ~l -r. 1 \f(. 1 ,-e ·id nt ; R:llph :\I(':Jd . ch"ti tm3t• , L tl1· :mdr I mnnutl<<'; i.!tld Keu!J n. ·racon , Jr., Contrnanding GcocraJ, rot 1' i\ir fOlC Ba e, thil'd from J fr , mad tbc pre ' IJtaticm to SL ph n Cha , Jr., vice·prcl>ident and genera l manager of th ' l c'\.as f)i visirm. Pictorially bringing you highlights I in the Champion story ... its people, its friends , and its good neighbors , '\ r.w 01< nc . ol I he ( hio Bt.\ i~inn Cltampion Sen itc .\ ssocia · linn ,,·e:_·tc Hamed ;H the gn)llp·s .ttlllll;il tncctin~ la:;t Vcbru;n> . LlffHer~ c:-.lted tmm ldt to ri~ht ;o rl' Rnv llolli~ter, pre~idt• oo t: Rily l ,en~u 1 1 , recording sec n ·1ar;: l ,ivi;J l'o rLIIIO, to J l re ~ pr.ndi" ~ st·tn' t.ll }: Bil l Rcnrsthltr. l'iJ ~( viu·- prc~ideul: ;oood J)nltiv Rigglt ·. •kot11 od \itc · presiti C'tH. Ch::or li!· .'>ieiJCI t , trr;t .~t ll \ ' 1, w.ts absc 111 . ( . f•. I' JI , C I Ill• H ' LI . S l OR\ . 1'.. \ ,tn l, Carolina D h· i~ion l•illi>hi·ng- lkp<nt llh'lli . looks a1 <1 dhpla} calli 11 A' <JLtcn tion 10 ('harnpwn·, gl<·atly e:-.f.1111kd ;J< h crtisi n!{ ,1nd ~ lcs j)l1!tnOtio11 prugr:1tn . ' lite di,pla' ' II'CI t' Xhiblled un hUII t'ti ll IJ(JaJds in ~t· v~Tlll ;nta:; lfuoughnut th plant. · 0\IIO''i CIU.I . \' \T b.hkl'Til~oll re:un cnjoHd .t 'lllCe,,flll t.llloi)Uign dtning thf' p.o t ~t·a,on . ' l he llanJil tl•ll l<'alll " ';Js und r tlw lt ;-~ ders loip uf Did;, t !lis, l,.twelillg, 111 lli~ Ji r t )t',tr ,,,. tu<tdl . 1 II•· pl:1yer · <ll('. lwm I ft tn tighr. Ralph Smitlo. 'iiiUl 111 inio , Bill l 'owdl, .\( ' J~nl 1' 1 t,, l{alph lllllllllt r. R<tlJ>ft !· li• 1<.. l't· rc· t<t~t ' lllt'l' , l r:lllf.. \l tt·ro. Oon1 '\u..:ll ;~ll and ( 4\1 ' ~ June,_ • I i I ' • ( ' TWO BCDDIES in Lbe No. 9 l achine Room. Oscar Bowman and J im House. di agTee on the f'amrite nariooal pastime. Jim. claims that it's still ba ·eball. whi le Oscar says tlnl baseball tanks second ro Ei ·hiug. i\lerle Bavnes comments on the subject in his co1'utr1n . Spring Is Here?? By l\1 erle Bayn es April .showers bring 1\iay flowers all right, but first they bring wet feet, hous s and clothes that are t'oo warm or not warm enough, rough, irritated throats, and voi.ces and tempers that are anything but joyful. In the arJy .spring my mother always did a big sales job trying to get the family to drink sassafras tea and Jjk.e it. \-\Then we squirmed and made face, she would tell u.<> how mLtch more las1 y it was than o ld -fashioned sulphur and molasse. I er moth r for<:<:d d(n-vn young pro esting g uJ1 t . ·while cbe Jir ·t · ~mu y <.htys gi\' ~· happy lift to the pir1 ts. winter <>lug·gis hncs still p·rs i ~:>ts with .ome of us. "It's Fid1ing - Not i'Oseboll" ~hi s L'> th ' tim <>f 1.he )' t!'U w h ~ n. ·basel <~ II br.ings to ;1 do·e 1he hot stoves ·s'iinn :.tfJ(l tl bt r -tu.rn of Lft (' n.:~d thin g. It J.~ lso brings :tq~un:'l nt:$ f1 •Jrn s n who feel t'b .ho!>en 'P lrt stlrp:.tMu; all others. Such wt: r<; t iH' Jedi ngs of 0 .) ar Bowm<m ·wll tl ht• {orne red me ht.' ll i nd · 1o. :3 Paper J' 1.a hin '. vVh:u 1 th , fa .ori 1 .;port· o f o ne ol <'Vt'r I wr nw n nnd one of every eleven W(.Hll f' r'l i \Ve il , ac •>r ding t•> him , it '. fi shing. • " \1\'h y d n ' t one of y u r,p writer jock , 'i eve•· pmnt oul .ir 's fi shing, not ba r·ball, th ·n is the r ·a l U. S. 11~1 · tiona ! pa:;.,time?" h ~ complained. " YtHI ~~otic · one tlt~n g fi .· (::ms pa · tb jr own wa y. You d ~m t he:ir u · ~tsk tn tht· it\' w b11ild " stadium tn fi i11 ." " 26 It '. a fv\('1 tll: 1L ha<> m ~ n . WT) IIItn anJ! thillren lll jt<, grip. · J'b · : \I <:ta"g ii 1lcrnWJl ( a fdKs t .n l<J l\(.;tll) 1i h <t • '<ts >n. 0 . ca r •st.imat es thaL t.h ' t • <trc f(Jrt) miiliou fio.;hin ., I:' JHitusi. :>lio.. " {an P'''>Pl · have a Jmv upi nun o( fi~h. gct-J 'tdl!] ,'' S.i iY·'> O.·;r~1 r. " Fi ~ h ar ·n·t <ts duwh ;, m >'it lnl:ks b ' lie, ·e. l'he) ar " o(l ·n qu.i l<.: vnca l <1\uing bretdiug tea~on. T l1<: grunt, chixp, gli ·k a.nd f\1 uru, a.nd it ill> tHn ·d th eir voi ·es ar' h eard and .reuwni1,ed b~ oth ' r memb 'r)) of tlt ir species . " fi 'h contir u es to grow tlumrgh Jif lik ' a trt. but at a d irnini hing rat . M(>Sl Ii h hav" a li.f. · span l nu more than a y a;r." l t was hound to happ ' 11 that women ~ · ou1l inv~d e the a ·red water n£ rs ctuglers, and th ghost ot Iza; k \1\Talt n won' t be able to dis ou age them. On<.e they hav overcom tb · ir ·queamishn ss at impaling night crawl rs and g · the hooks CJut o£ their hairdos th y will fi sh for k ps. Os a.r's buddy, Jirn Ho1:.1!> , a rabid bas ball fan , jok­ingly thinks the dnmbe t [ish, of cour e, i probably the one Osc<:rr's wife caug.b:t. Je.rry Brandenburg Gives on Impression Gerald "Jerry" Brandenburg giv me the impr · inn o( a truly fine personali ty. He !\.trike me as being the typical All-American boy with a tremendous ze t for living a p ersonality whjch h.e him. elf ha · developed. In the short p eriod of time he ba worked in the machine room, h e has made many fri ends b · hi: admiT­able traits. Knowing th' l he '"'ill be sper1din<r the better part of his life working h e tries .hard to enjo it. A graduate of Ross High S h ool, J rr ' i a boy who likes to tinker with car and wooclworkin a a h.obby, when not spending ttx:ne wi~h his Hi-Fi. Jerry says that his future at Champion i ·. a futur · that holds promi e o[ success. A f ebng ·wlnch I un­doubted. ly believe h e v.rill ach i ~ve. "Opportunities for youn ." EeUo\V'& inter~~ ted .in be om­ing papennakers have J1ever b een gre:n er, clam1s J rr '· You are so right, Jerry. Any business is well avvTre that the d evelopment of new, )Oung r.ale11t repre · nt the life bJood and future of industr '· JKRR'\ HR.\. · I~F\:fil i Rl~ ,'"' ~ n~<lllc a . nutnher. ~·f . rie~tcl 8 .ill !1i~ ~ u 11 g- OJ lt'<'J tqth lhatllpwn. II · . l'•n ".~ 1.11 th t o : - M,,chllt<:. Ron t. \1 •ric Ra ncs liotiOI, J ·n )' 111 h• ' cP hnn_lt ltll, m tHHh. 11~ . <Hl ' o( t i ll: ono:.:t udl liked yr,upg~I<· I s :11 Chanip-ton. • SAM ) , ' E.~. rcc ntly pnr<:liJ.sed an clectri orgun l'or hi~ !tome. io thts morvrh 'J\ LOC cup '· Ge1~rge ·, teiner pa •s tTibute .tu Snm for the musid;au rhat 1w L . Keep 'Em Running B)l G-eorge Stein r Haven't ·oLl ohen w0n:den:d "vha.t rnainLenance men ha.,-e in rhobe huge t<Jol boxes on wheel!\ which. they pull · to. di.f£er n 1 lo ations jn the mill? No doubt they do the .a rne at t.he T exa · and Ca-rolina Divisions too, and the an~' r to the que tion ho uld b of interest to a.Jl of us. WeB ' 1 a.rned from Pip fitter J ames Parsley that the pa rticular tool box. b <l.Od hi pipefitting paV.; pulJ with thet:n "tVlJeu they go to e1n e1·g ncy jo-b · ' ei.gbs about 1600 pou u~ . tuol and all. nd every tool is o (ten needed, including bl . k. and ta.c'k.Je and runny m.zdl pans. ·when the;· arri e £-or an emerg n ~y r pair job lhey feel like the }>thUnan , ~ho ay:,. ··Th tnail. rnu1>t go through ;'' a:n.d the actor ' lto s;~ --. "The .~hcyw must ob·o OJl :· TheiT .slog)·an is, ' < • "The mad ines mti t be kept · n.~.nnino .'' And· speaking of Jim f'Q:rsle-y br iogs to mind that he r .cemly had a ll his d toppcrs pulled. The nex t tlay one of th'(' PiJ e 'hop yo 'L had rhi ' on the J'>ipe Shop bu lletin hoard : " omt.: ni 'rt smile: in the cvcuing, ome men srnile a t the dawn . But a 1nan "'i.YonJn,.dl:i le, lt. like -Jim '"''ho c:a.n smil e Even wid-1 i! l1 his teeth gone." , · J1et't. Kind, Rej,earch, i., a c~mfirnJecL vegetarian.· Per­ha .. ps thar is th reas<"Jn wily it i. so hard to pick. a bone widJ' him. Alhen <>ay that the rn;;~o i:Vho iS master of JtimieJE ahv;;t y'i bas h ~lp that hE: oo.n .d pend UJXH1 . · . Leo Rose Is ·Uke o Cfock L ~v R.o. e, s-uperirHend~nt o{ Coating Dpanrncnts, waJk;~, \-\ith ~he ,'tr-ide of an H$-xeat·-old, and an; time you vi sit hi r'lf•i . ytHI l:ind him bu~y as 11 h cc. H e i v ry ttHH.h like a clock wb ich pas:,es th e titHe by k<;cplng it:> h; od-,\", ' • R inbold Sd1wa r/, .1ilhvright: JJ evarLm~Jlt, who j~ the le, der o£ his own han,l . """ ys that L~fJ(J. nC>l '1> a nrinu c r.Jn b e pby '1 on [h • violin, and oniy !JO lH"Jt ·s (JJ'l a tuba. ·r h <it ·ma ~ :'be sn, we tiH .prdcJ- th hanj . han j play~r "'l.:t'5 ~' ,00 p ":t hotJ , <Utd d u.1,t h. •t:.y • • pJ ,1ng. R.~ dr(·d p p·r JnrJker LG!"o \ j11.kler 1 a.<>:. 't; hi~ tkl!l · by beiug a "be k:ecp r '01d he· l ttn'~< , W• gfJo~ll y fHTIOLW.IS of bmJey (IJHHtaH ' · Some riiiH: nack he trkd to lm.un h t1Ul. a Jitt..le furtb r hy ad(hng t.hic ke11 r,d.Jng- lo his sp-•n· time acuvil i;" ~. Hn,}·evcJ, J~ · l<"lt..JJncd th · in' llh<tln! v' • Oltio the; store ,, h re h e had pti rcha · d it b ee a us i L wou ldn 'L la eggs. * * .• An~llPr ' is a news iteur with an int T '& fing •nding. Frederick Boye r, Rese:trch ; h ad lost hi keys while on hi.':> w:a w work. NoL kl-lt.;nviilg where he lo&t them, b:c Look the chanc and l'Cj><) rtc cl his los.t; to the Plant P ro tection offi.t:c. "fh:tl was ::.bout 9 ~00 ;t. t1L, and by II :00 ;t.fll . h .l~ac ! his k ~ ys batk. An ntt ·n<bt l1t of a fill ing r:;L<ttion rm '' n'' S_trec~· had fotirld t~l e keys on the ~, i. d · wa1k l ' ad ing w Ghampwn. Beu y Lct brock , no ber way 1.0 work, was hHil ed by th ·· filfi1tg slatiou 2tLtend a ut, ctnd giv ~ n t he k ·ys in the h(1pe th;;~.t son c Cha111pion crnplo y<'e migh1 have lost Lhem. lktty Lt.Jr.n e::d th em nv r fo Cap1a in lt oy Hollis ter, who, with Frederick Hnycrr's 11ot · on his d ·sk d e~cri biog· the keys, rettmted them to Freder ick. He wali so t.ickl ·d in getting his keys ha k that he . ent a. dollar 1· ·wanL The Lloll;-~r was re LLirJ'led with th i1-1 note: "The smi.l > 011 yorir face wh en you receive([ ynur keys was enough rewanl [or our service to yo u." ln th ·s · words '"'e find again that wondctfu] Champion :F~11ni l y Spirit. * * ~ * . . Oux ~ ersatiJe Sam Jones, Sv r room, a11d his musically g tl ted w1fe, purchas ,d an e lectric rgan some tim back, which tht:y both pJay b ·autifu1ly . .r'\:ml now, 1he visitor at the Jones' home is royally en te tained with music and , o£ course. the humorows stories of which Sam never runs out. Roy Linn Celebrates 50 . . Ray Lion, supervisor · o( Sanitation, debra ted his fif:tieth birthday recently. Hjs cb.anning Mrs, had a huge c;ake 0 1i the table when he came home irom work, with 50 candles brightly shjnin.g. "Th at," q ttipped Ray, ".is really making light of rny .a:ge.'' ;r. * * * A fr.iencl as'kecl Rob Barrett:, U nloa, \ hat would make <l striking gift fM his wife'~ birthd a y. ""\>VcU," a nswered Bob with his rare sense of humcH·, "if vou want .. a striking gift, why do.n 'L yo u bu y l1: r a 1ock."' " I don't mean l.b.;H kind of str iking," said IToh's fi·jend, "Can 't you think of something else?" "All right," a nswered CJ~li ck-w itt ed Bob, "bu her a roI.I1. ng pm. . " * * * * "A Complete Dicti01~ar y C!f Shake, peare'' is tbe title of a monumental work published in Philadelphia. Tn it we find that Sha kesp eare a vocabulary of l :J,OOO words . Shu ks! OJclt.irn pap r maker, used .to have a vo<,:abulary of that many cuss words. And thev used them. . ' too. Further in the book ,.~;, learn that T1)hn }Yfilton had a vocabulary of ::1·,000 w()rds an ~ [ th Oid 'l 'estament has 5,M2. The a uthor, Anderson 1\f. Haten , states a l ·o that S h a k e~pear · \t ·ed the word " love" 2,!)59 time ·, ' bile the word. "h;u "w~ts tJscd onJ. 288 ti1n ' . And Sbak:e ·peare used vari<:Hi(H1s of the verb "to be' ' abont 30.000 times. j .11 fl.£·, ST U l V 'I an ncr posed -. Cot· 1 ~~I: _plu ur · as he held, l igh tl · ltJ his h:'d<l)' b ·af.. Stcvi was ji.r~r 1!1 11.11 nths okl when tl.ti ~ pictl!re 1J a~ tal.u·n . II • 1. J.lo:c HO I <Jl Rav Tanucr, CM ' /-it) i f• ~.. • ' THE FL -ISHED PRODUCT will look omething like this- that is ·if you follow tJ1e plans. I t's eas to build a coffee table and oor certainly inexpensive when you do the work yourself. The ooe pictured here was b ' Merle BakeL ore By J11."erle Bal<er J't-ns 'I ABU. if> ahn(JhL an· e- it-yours ~U proj­ect, since the · .ompuntnt& ar nea rly {ini ~ hed produns in thcms ~ J v '&. It con&ist.s of;.~ l1o ll 1w-cor , flu sh door, four Jlanlwood batt •ns, and two &cls of htndwooJ l .g-s. v\Tr(Jugl f-iroll J gs WOi dd bt a pprnpri;He a!. ( . All tit ' ma te rials to fOl pl<:t.<· Lh · tahl · can he purd1 ;1 ~ (~d lor le&~ than ~~ OJJ() , and w jt,]i a liqJ cal '<· and <.~ f w tc>cds, <t (~r 1 ' pnrfessior l(d-lookinJ:S· job i ~> thl· rcsu lL. Nou; the· con, tru Lion nf d1 hoiJow·nJrC d o•Jr !lhown iu th • drawiJJg. sturdy Wot, I f arw• of fi "' p1t1 •, wi th hnn pi<:<.:cs of lumbf'r as till rs 1n the <CV I! 'l pt ti011, Hl.l sandwi h 'd I -tween tW(J sh ts o l pl ~ wnoJ t!tis ill th hollow-cote door. This cont. I ru ·t i m prov idel> arnpk -;L engtl for tables p()ssib l c en for b 'ndw,, :tlthou gh Mi lid- ore are r ecornm ndcd if l)v: piu e i · to b · uH::d much as;), seat. Thr·. .l or nwy 1 u1 l•) dif f t ·nt l ngt.h · ur ~ <~ w·d in half 11, mak • two short t: bl e·, prn­' 1ded :t pi ·c o( pine ol tl 1n opcr dinwll.' tOtl j, fr;llJJCd in th · cut nd n 1 glued and nail ·d. 28 fh ' ball ' l1S Sf·rve lO r inforr lh loor am\ pro vide additional srr •ngth , and a.lsu to h . h.l th leg bra k t"· . which ·tn: Ia, le tt •d with he-n y screws. , in th · pl ywood i, thi.n. it ~~oul< l b . liffkult tr fa.stcu the J g bra k L sccut' ·1 '. Th b<1ltens ar g lu ·cl Lo t ltc door nndtr pr s­:- ure, us·ing a goo I gnd' oE wood ght ', ·1nd ,H· ;tr: •· ··· cl:tmp-.. Tb<":y should b ' ;,( lea 'I o/1 illrh thj k b r )Ur indw. wide and aboul o ne inch sltorl r th ·m th · width nf' til· table top. lbrd woo I is prefera hl t!, such :t onk.. ·na pi · m popfar. Chand ·ri 11g r b v ling· t h > ncb ol f h · b;Jt r ·n will m ~l k • tlwrn 1 ~. s noriceabl when h . tu blc is vi • \.'t d frc)l!l the fr nt. l'ht· J ·g I a< ket"i ar --' tnmHltcd on 1 h · b;t\1. ns, fl)llnw· ing thv 1 t:1nuh ·t urcr'. ins tr u ·t i ll1l<\. 'h<' l gs nm br mot~n1. · I ~tn i l(ht 1)1' nt au <ttl le. ~.nd th . b a .k L i: lo~ att l on th b. tt •n ;·tccordingly. Ooe v ~ry important p:trt nf th Job, to give h tabl n ··1ioislt •t.f ' lt >k, i th linishing-ol: tl1e dg · of the d or. The \fn.i iNJ Stall's l'l w o l ~ lrporatiun h :1, n \ V~:' Id wood ' Oltio ' -· - - -- -- - 'E:DGb flNI S_HED Wlf l:f VEW CER.. TOP VI EW . ' • LEG DHAI . . l -4~ ·I -:- . . . r:;~ ~5 4• BAtTENs.---- + _• ,.. . "-.;~- .-.0 t ' ' . ' ~ 5-'' ')Il . . l (.'' ?.. 6·'' . . C.. Z." .. s·.. .. 1 5 "-.-..1~ ~-----~-------- 6'- 8 " ---'-------...;..._~----~ )oo<--- 18"'- -_.,; l'lexibl \Vo:ntl-trim on the markeL wh ic.h i · excellen t for Lh · hQI'Ue cra(t man's use. l t i · actu ally a thin , flexible ' ne r of red wood ~.vh i ch can oe glued wiL ho u t -ustained 1 ressure. AppJyincr thi veneer to the edges covers the u n -iO':I'ltl} framing and pl ywe>od edge gives the p ro(es­siop- al rouch to the job. T he edge can then be f inished tbe &am.~ a.s t11 ' rest of the ta ble. Fle. ible vV<:)od-trirri is a ailable i.n a variety of different woods, comes in rolls 0 11 inch \-vide and i D'bt feet long. Because the door is about l% irnJJ . it i,5 necessar')r to use a wid tb and a h .lf of the \Vood-trim. The eneer is cu t ronger tb.a.11. the table top o the ends will protrude and ca:rl. be trimmed to the. tabLe when o-J u.ed . . Cut the full width ~trip of · eneer to the proper len gth , then Clil t a n.oth~ r len!J'!:h and ·lit tbj strip 1ength -wise in h alf. T he o thctr haJfcan b used on the other edge of t:he table. .-\ppiy glue to the tabl edge, a~ d th en to the b ack !)tdt; f bot:h strips of ' 'en eer. Before th.e glue can. dry, apply th:c whole tripl of veneer, Jea.ving a li ttLe extra to oYer-hang the top edge ,,f tb.e table and smooth ,o u t with your lumd. Quickl apply the h alf strip, h eiAg cardul to buct the edge to th • edge of the fjrst strip so that a g (Jcl, ti-ght joiRt is o'btaineJ, Then ron the :two J..rjp. of veneer with a .,b.anc.l roller, rolling pin or small jar, U'!ing ent>Jugh pre . ure to join the veneer to the edg .aml sq uee~:e out eKcess glue. 1Nipc up e ·ces glu care­fully before itdri s. It is be tt :r to do one edge and Jet :£.R fJF JCr\T ,. OT' .,U PF.R10 K R,\ ISC bct·n preo llleo ·lo rh , ZIO \ ,\-\ fRC I ) gr011p of H,:, miltun , ·r h • un it ha ~ r<:r-~ti ell lll ratirw tor rhc pa-st .;e\ n ~ea rs. l1vH>. thrl"' Cllalll f..l( n rnem · hl"l •lt tTJt~ gr~H tp ;:o e l>f own . 'FHJJ'n l : fr I ' dgtrl are D!IU c(,)(J~ , Malt H c,~r y and H ry ,1,<;·r tp:.n. 01 1: ·T (..h<tmpron who hdong to tl.;: umL are Gerald M ·dfon.l ~md Rkh<nd t• r:rn ~, i ~. FR.ONT VIEW .. ' eND Vl f:.W tht't glu · dry before proceeding LO lhc other edges. The edges a re tr immed wh en: the g lue is dty. with a razor b lade or sharp kni fe, then sandell (lightly) with fine sandpap er. A \1\Teldwood glue is recommended for the veneering operatio ri , but an y good 1,vood glue with enough adhes ive p rop rty to hold or "stick' ' the veneer while the glue dries will do. T his part of the job is a · little di,Hicuit and req t.idre. care, but the results ~Lre worth the tr(mble. T he t~1bl e may be fi nish erl in a yariely of fini ·hcsj depending upon the b uilder's taste or the other furn._ish­i rrgs where t he table will be used . The ta ble pictured hete h ad a beautiful g-rah1 pattern in the wood. and, in ord er- to enhanc the na tu ral beaut of the open o-rain, the following finish wa aEplied. Fit t, the table was gi.ven a p rime coa t of varnish . "\-'\Then dry, whit enamel paint was brushed th oroughly i n to the grain, allowed to and then wiped off the surface, lea ing the white p aint in the deep grain of the wood. V\Then the paint h ad · dr ied 9<1 h ours, a coat of . adn-fi ni h varnish w :applied , and Lhen a second coat o£ . atin varnish. The result i. a very so rt-gloss surfa e ith th natural rolor of; the wpo ~ accented b the wh:i te dtain . The Jegs ar fin.ished the same as Lhe top,_ and the edge , the b, ttens :and bouom of tbe table shou ld be fini hed so a. to be s inconspicuous as possibl Oltio PA.ST , , 'D PRE ENT presidents of the Girls· ocial .oundl posed al the group's am?Jual meet­ing. ~la.rgie Andes, 1eft. General Office Sales. wa presi<ienl d u;riug 19:7. Loi Treste-r, CM oning. will rule during 1958. A . EVEN INC OF FUN was en joyed b, these Champion irl rturing the sirls' Soc•al Co un c~l .Ba_nctuet m_ Febru<u y. LOG Corre pondent, Nola Fagal ~ . coven; tbe banquet Ill thls m onth s colum_n . ~ hOI-'m .above are: bottom ro\ , left t:o right, 1V(argw Bra.nnol1 , Lots Ha u •mu·\. Lo1s Trester. t o la fao-al) and Mary El.len Hu scv. Top ro"lv, Jean Hayes and Margie Andes. ' ore ' . By N ola Fagaly IT wouLD CERTAJ ·u r be hard to Jind auywher a group of gal that h ave more fun when they get than the Girls' L ocial Council. T hey proved this once again on "February 17, \-vhen th y h eld th eir annu al ban­quet. This year the banqu t was held ac the beautiful ''Tropics" in Da yton, Oh io. Come 6:00 p.m. the ve of the 17th, you could find the girl - on th · Covncil tJ..l1 loolUng mighty pert and pretty, hoarding the bus in front of the Ca{et ria to t·tke th. m on w Dayton. Every on h ~r · and <lCCrJunf ·d fnr? Okay th en , I gu ss we'r uH. _ Tour ra ffJ were b ·ld !>ing They w ·re bl. ll real nic prize: ·, sp cia II th • la t one a ll done up in whi te paper and pink ribbon. lf you're i ter : ted in knowing the cont nts of this box, just ask 1he lu cky t-\ 'nncr ­MargareL Leydon. f .know she' ll b · glad !o t ·H ynu ol he good fonm1 . 'N -11, h rt we t~r fro~: ·n feet. <Uid all. 'o t rw h;.l't et fufly e · pl a in ~d tom ·wh in a hu::. the heJ.I rom ., from the top and rwt rhe b u om. H uw<·ver, I don ' t n d. an ex pla.nati n a to wh ,r in r1ptll heel · nd to\' ho ' nur [ et .::tl m0 .. t fre 7, ~ . W'hat a rna veloui> phle the Trop i c~ i'l! J'hc th:t.Ot ~ tt ­in. g h<ts all b n (knw ·wi1h a lropical J htn>r. [nduding palrn trees ev ··n and ' hat d I iciqu , foo I r h y ~n be on· us. Th p cia lty df the house i ' Ba t -B-Que rib , nd Bar-B-O... ue chickt n. eedles tq say- , w · :.t ll a e leon much for c m.£on. Th rrt rt;)inm en c r t..ltink ·would b · ·r · ltatd to beat. They b.ild a se en.-piccc Di xieland band Lhal t\ Ould have caused an yo ne to tap. lHt -rrnis. i m time was filled very ably by a fine pi ani ·t and ~m fri h singer (wh claims he got to be a inger onl , b ' singing Lo ·tven childr n). Time to lea · cam · all t.oo ~oo n [or rnwt ( t t ·, but remembering how earl 7:00 and 8:00a.m. com es ar lund , we lefr Uaylon around 11:00 p.m and h ad d for H ~Hn il­ton. Coming hnrn n th bu. thcP wa. a pitch g me. lnrs of cl t<t tter and ju ·r Jo·1ds nn I loadn of l a u ~ h in.g. One of th ' thing don - <H the annwtl banq11 l ·i ' r e] ·n new ofriccc for t lte com ing }' ar. Lois Tresl r, a erv tble g irl o( CH S rti n fl. i ' our J '... ..- f • new pres ident. taking over rein, from tvlargie And ·.' wh n . f'm s u re, .vcryonc wi.ll agr ·e; did a (in job. Front BIJ ntt.· .. orrq>u tt-ttion cnmcs our vic · pres i(kn L. _l ean Hayes. J ean sc.rvctl :1.· as~istant secn.:ta ry this past ,·e:.t r. ' - · Oltin ])i,·i<>i 1 11 Trarric bt in p:~ ~· the 11 w , c 1T t:t r _ n:Hl:lC' l • HJtH·s truly 1o la fa!?,'a1 y. I • • , nCJth r r pre~>cnta r.i\'' 1 I CI\l Sorling - our tntnl - hecp r f 1' tht t rning y ·ar - Loic,; Baurn:~n . . )-n tl er wu Invr the llst o l· 11 ·w o ffic •rs, · ·ho a lt~ag 1vitb \htgi_c Brnnnnn ~HlCI ~M-wy. F.l~cn ~-[~1.;s ','. wi~l try w m·tkc rh1, a b:wner \'tar J.or gtrh - <tttJvtuc· :tt Clnrn- • pwn. _ 11 1( )O\ct can help til m (l11 thi by bringing )rour id a~ l(} dw a l. l ~:,•ntion of l h t.: rcpre enr a tive 1.0 th • Ct»Hnd l fmm rour panirular area. Sugges tions nn· <l lw ~t y::. n · d d ami 1 t omc<L • ·- My Faith [ooks ldp f1)1 Q to Jteid _ lall ' tll ege~tl ·u1 be: tlH~ n, · cl·-·r) ··-h_<l!lging ,,o;,rj!crs and . -'nsatio-n.-s ekin new. p<ap ·g' ·olruJHnsls ar " b g'JTUHil)"; l:o wdv Ame,rint ( H ~··" a ftop; <J l :l il L4H'. All I kin say is: failui·e, i~tiJur '. '< .fu erefore nn thou? _ · . rh,ey pornt a u·eult>ling (nd C); fiog<tl' at OL!r ju enlJc X~~lusivc:s. Ollr YO ll <:J~Uic ClUIJ:1cks; 0UI' S ptN?d -~.h ll _;kiHs Olt the J.;U,ghway< our culnpanie.s {haL p<i y g1w l divid >nds, a labQr leatler UJat · (1CS sou r, ~Jf:~d sa ' w a'r'~ gmng Ln land in th. middl ketlie o·f Ita !t-It's ' itl1 a htt>k€!11 ba ~k. Mo · t 0f all, they chalter the.i1~ teclh thn'> u,g:h ptn·kcn;d Jip~> :1rtd wb.;is:Rer aJ',)0·i.Jt che Rus·iu n Sputnjk_ Whnt i ttl 5puttJik? \1\fltar docs rt prmr&. Wkit is its j'J t ntiaJ? l'ru cr:ninded' tbat .f"st•l ' w;,tll'v d 011 the w:Her 19DO plu. at a'$'Q, l lrave <L Jot of .Jewish frid1.ds. ::t J e' 'i: It daughter-i n·la w, ·w.d her son is my .g·ra:nd on. I i>'Ce no J e' ·js~1 p t>p.l walking 01.1 the wa ler t:oda . B ' the toke..n, 1 s e 11o Rtt ·si;,m - of the field · . th« t ha v.e a1"" a , be 1 on «ed c )Jtl!' pt:: \il p le. Th R u. ·i.;:ulS a1' _a. gtand people, not because of Ctltlllllt'lftism, but it1 ~pit · oi it . .But J'm not' af'r-<~tid of them ~l conxr.let~ tion. ":!''he C<lpti ve G<tl;;m::ws they have will p ler OlLH and di.e, and technica.J. mechaniC'll. inven t.i'v..e " g·€niu willr main where_ it alway was - in A1.1Tcrical S;pu't·nik -and Pluto and Puppie.s 1 be onl ' thing th:n SiJutuik prov d a n yhow was to oive data on how do;;e th€y could fly that £cmale dog 3l'DUUd Plut witlll.out ber lluving· a litusr of pups. or cou~·- Spumik i ;:nv omc, but il ai.:n 't be~n p~cwed a~cl . . It is th.aL ni tl<t-tentll~ o£ the wotlel's ~nts. ta.nd. ­ing in en.tion · llu ·e been cradled in .mc:;, and. Jha t -omebad')l ·cl e c-ame u:p with a flyiug dogh®use~ «Tlci we rin ou:t hands and Jfed teurs of defeat.. · -. · l take ltl>' -cu , parbia1l , from R e uben, J r. ,' former Dep.uty. tr~ta.ry of Deten e. He helped .set our sig11ls, · :kJt · ' au.r _potential, a;mf i now back home serenely . ex,panding our enterpnise '&n-d Jocrki11.g forward to tran­. quiHity or a ~--rg ·hing d,efeat Qf wlmcver lares to disturb vut auaium;ent of tb.e finer th.ingsc in life. I believe tl:1M ii E f ·are.d ft>i us be wou.W still .l}e in vVa htington, .. But nit vits who ar<t- gues ·ing at the score are surely putting to · .tJier sr>me fear ul cQmbi'na tion . Hundre s of times I have }l;ea:rd this c:riticism: "Lool!< whv[ o-o:od dividend,.s G-Cfte.ra l Motors pajJ this year." Th·' inl..erenc bein ·. of coqn;e, t::bat they were profi teeting aH t:h blnod of otnmon ;peotle . , .. That: ain't net;:essar:ily sQJ. I wnd~ . 'L<HJcl Glttr inter- 1"<Ked econ:orui '~, .they proGteeJ;ed to ·the u lmosr aavant.age M r;orumou pec-Jple. 1 a:in't got a di,me in General Motor, bu~ for the ak of mil.Hons of rflockl:l.o.ld -I:'S, sulN:on trac­tors. ma.kers (J( pans:, r w ,rrtater.ia J,s, r~ti troa.ds, ~~L ., 1 oHe:r a p:raye : I'l~a,se, God, l t Gcnctal Motors make a _ g n-ewus fH'Qfi! every year. (l'ru thinking n'r Jst of th _ . t11iH ioru 'who wor · far a weeki y J1eck frum G .I ,{_ I r.a.y thaL }~I a lJ . in eri ) • lrcaus · tll<.: d(ly they tlon ' t roa~ a prrJnt, davt:Lailtd a~ th y a rc in the hals of our eumomy, i · tJH~ !lay t.ha t our dreaJfl. (}[ ft<: cilferpr ise fade~ to a ni.gbtm4J:c of . E~gil.!rrnted vchlj!im. That. is ni.rt g()otl lor :t-\mer:icu, b e~a t r. ev ry , rn ri.cttn .c•n e Jo th:i - wilJ. rne,g for clw pri ik e Qf shi th1g lli:J him elL That Ltpard <.iJrt.nOt- tbatJg:e h is ~ PfJ :. li' be nnlld, he · '" o\ t td not ·b - h ~~ pp~·, . The-CyYl · tJ4 h1sto.ry i ·u1 up ·n hook : a.ll wprhl JIOWCI''­b 'for ~ us Luted w jnsignilitauco-. Th · taded frrm1 intcrnuJ Tnt. • 'ot O'!H: r H from fl!I' ,S-!1'1.1 1 e wJthurll, L'V .n . lllo tglrl that some.tinw. appli •d t.h • <..Oltp. · d~ gnue. 0/tio flul ncvet b .iot was a d· na;~ t . foundctl. on Lrlle id eals, ba cd •p ·eifically ( n loyalty to God, and a furth­rigl'it al l eg~a t'lle . to th · principal LhaL eve y man is · ·ennitlcd lb the dig11.ity God had ii1 mind when 1-le gave: ·him be ~t th . T his ba i<: Lrutl:l lea ·-e' H1e Utl s ha iPabl ~ but ('(H) - . cernt'<l. \ 1Ve df) have controvc:'r sies. But tl at'~ ·n aUtr;.;~ L I· guc5 ·, at:f AnH'rlC:til doc:s lt;we the· right lu reel differenr , to ;n>g ucJ Ln d isagre ·. VVe are ;, mc.ltiJ,g- pot for a ll. -nJigic::Jns, ere ds, Taces. o mintdc shoTt of D.i in t d ~r rec c"Buld ;,d~gn out v i ~ws on ev ryrt jng. Bul, we still muddle through, pr-oducin~ haH the world's g<lnd li ving for six pet cent of Lh wod<J's p01Ju] · tion . N ice goi.Jlg! \'\Te ate bred on. the sterrr s~ uf'f "" succcs!1, and c()n fi · denc . Lee's thin, Kray line nl Amietai1J held , wavered, '"''avcred <rgttln, ond held . CnuJ laL ShHoiJ was pr<-1 ·tica lly . rn;.tn g led . "Teach Him To Deny Himself" And from our short .I:Yttt brflli<Jnt history we ba vc l eun!e~t two tbjngs tl1at shall k.(:ep us .indesLructi b-le. Y. irsL is the V\Tisdom of Rob ~rt 'E. L ee: "Teach l1i.rn lO den y hhns lJ.' ' T he good thac a man or a nation atta ins :is directly lntGeab l • to etl-di ·dpline. There is_r').o other ~t"' 'lY- The second 'is a sublime [aith Lhat.God mcalit whal he sai:d to the oppressors: "Let my peo p-le go." Yep, if I 'W"tS a b e tting m:an, and r am, J'd play tb<: [otrn shed of sttX,YivaJ 1i1<e l'd play o1c M.<m-0-War: J 'd tre:ngthen UJ.y faith by rep ea ting: "My coHntry , .. m~t y she ~dways be right, hut r ight or wrong, my cnnn try'' 'Then 1 shat!J give yrju one rna.n 's io.n: I'm taking uur infa.nt cou n tr that neve'r fai led at any job and l'm -playing evrtry tbin.g on. her nose, 'Cause an infa.11t cJoes _ 11eed.,rubber pants, b ut when it bccom\% a mani( will J);l\Ht };Vay chilckh thrngs. So shall out bel cH' ·cl co\rntry. · Titnes do Ghange, per-spccri ve · aTe altered, Lu t some . are fundatuent~d : th e. teaebings of Christ are fa r, Gve.r 'u l;)-to-date; the p lans of our l'oblnding ffl ther have never lost prestige or been fonncl wanting and Ol~t-mQd fl . · . 'fruth today is a · yesten.Jay: perpewal, sublime, and inspirii1g. Chamelans ·ha.nge colot&' by the mimJLe, '('ttndwrnen tals of life are unchanging. The truth, the faith,, the hope and sacrifice that laid the corn rsLone of America abides today in: tble h eaxts oE tho ' -v •ha r all ' . ' care. ~\IVe · axe, \•ve shall remain . .. The Undefeate l. I _ ' - -411 -Yl-_' H. R ~ '( w · pn"e-nrc>tl w I.{O)' _, ll~i rt:-LC't1Ll • 'b · l1ls sclpt·n "Lo ·. l ,<•lq: ,')and)iu. l{uy b(:g~ n his Clla? pjor , ,,~rt< r i1rt HILt{ . S.Jil,< ' 11\at tlmc he' has LJ·t'n u J.!ilainsw) ll'l 1!1~~ l"'tl ·r !.' latH . 1 ' Oltio I VISIOn ' f 'I\ 7 l'lU'J. \1 •. \f n .iug, on tvp hon.,r · 10 t1 Ch,un ;jon (,irl ' ~ingk .Bmvling 1 ou natw nt 1a~t Fdmtal'y Vhi<w had <t ~wre nf ~!1 1 , ~ud ud ing oandkap. IJ1c l u'lnmm 'til w· 9 lwlc I a r th h.11 r. (t ·hi hiJ vlin AU y . ·op HO~ R ~ in the .hampion· · ~f e n '• Double · HanJi ap Bowli1 g T urn<tment were grabb d b) Jim R ei, t a11d Larry Keltner. ]i111 and Larry teamed for a !'Ota.l . c r of 1508. The annual tournament "as held last. Fcbrua1···. \: ME . . I 0 U B L t.S H1Jwli11g Tournarn ·nt w1nn r are shown below. Lottie Williar.n n l ft. aud Bcs i [ain us won top hon rs with ::t tota l core of 1035. - he tOurnament was held at th Linden lley in H amilton. - . ' 1o • That's Our Gal Blondie n I (} [t() {{tid Our p 't1tt LOG photogra pher, IHonrlie Ca ld well , j., an olligi ng per fe<.. Lruni .~ L .Ju. l t ·ll 11 ·r \ h:ll ou hupt Jor in a j)IIOfO, ~ it fl<tC'k, ) t-Jax, and ra tdl Jwr i<d><H IO fulfill yow· fon lest dn:arm. In th february L()C; I wrot e ~~ n l:ight lir1t vel~t·, ll';;ing the word " lmrliRg'' - w d ·scl'i lw Llw Alii<'' i(':.Jll fl ag. as it roll d 10 tlt b l c.z •. I tqld h ~.-· r I " ;wl<:(l :1 raj sed cent r ~~ s it float d - as iJ it ~ · ·n~ tll :tp<'d nu.'r. ·1 inning, or bur lirtg log. Go back 10 your F ·brua.ry issue - the !Juri i'i 1 her . in th e " mo 1. perfef·tion . Think 11' the 1 a tit·wt'. th · timing, 1he hop<\ the kn<tW·how r.h;Jt wen I into l11 ~11 p erf'c<.:t . hnL hrough a typographj aJ enur . ome,.rh rc, tht· w0rd .<lfll out "hutling,'' but tlaat d ·1 ra I~> not ,lJl i <1 fl•)Jfl ~l2 WlNNER of the 19,;, , !lampion' · i\ len'· SingJe Handi .af T urna­ment ' a Harold Ho. kiu .. ·. H e lin· islle t ·wit!~ ·~ t(ltal -.:m:e . [ 700. Tht: a11nual 1'our11 was lwld at til Lind n Bowling Lan · iu Ham· iltun . ln all. a tor:~ l o.f ZO(J .h 111 · . pion kcgl r r lllp e tcd . r top hon,H·s in 1 he l urn . 111 • dt~ ire :t~~d abi lit y LO n tt ·h the m :tni11g th } )elll hoped I COil\' • . Hlnndic 115 o n ·· of C l ~rtmpiou '!5 most ver ·atil , and sun' ' one or Clwmpinn 's 'ftiOSf tal · nt ~ d pt•rs lqali.ti ·. l<' spoken - vhi.dt i · IIIOSt urwswll for me. l'm he·ll· peck ·d. 1 •lO. Ott's Hot Shot Cousin llad ' t nHhit t v•l liO ·w.ts u stud ' in c(lnlr~t sts. H e shol ·, well rhat h~ dch Hn d <~ ll his ;;duHhl · iilO k ith a 1 ilk. Survc}·or., were taught h 1l1e Jligh1 of his bull rs. 1 k h · ttd th r · wcr · houJ •ly wom n, but nrv r he· lie\ ·tl it. ll:Jd girl fri nds rktrt Siherh has pri on­ ·r-. .. 'one felt lh • were' omen scornc.: I. He was as fin ~~ domc:-, lic (liplnm:tl :1 l.iulc Turtl , Lh · gr(' t 1li::nui chie f. Lill i ' Jurtk'!i 1wo wive:, Jived in perfe I harm< n '· Kl'ntucky law wi ll 110t let <1 ~ ltedff su ·ce d him elf. :.0, h · '"'"~ d ll 'd •v ·ry 1>C ·ond l<'nn for J.() y('ars. Ou , p1ineipally to ci:rcuna ·Lane-s b ytmd hi coBtl'ol, lH~ ptit · running - tl\e first bein:g that h di d, and second,! , the · oJt.lllt bj CLeu to bi~ m thod · f coHect;ing; tax~ . It pert ni h amoullt d to Ll. ury. Tbe oulH wa · fonnd ho lding the tax bag, hut tht::r · was :J. hole .in the bottom. Cousin 's W:l:> being held under the hole, and ~ ~.J,OOO lwd sifted dr wr1 to the low ·r I d . All of wlli ,h prove , th <t t cririJC do e~ r t't pa y - e ·p ~c iall if 'OU 1 ave. a tra,l l like 3 yokt: \')f oxen snaking a log throu h oft nm, . sl ·l ' tri d to cover up his books, but the audi LOri! n1et-ely lHt ~d a. tub from over Lh m. T he were as smart as Ncmn Coclmbs. T h.. cou n tv " <1 , ver · contrary a:;11 1 ass abo.u t it, and .I ~ { ' s ta . ted :lling u t his teaJ ~;nate, el ., en the highest bidder. They were running up Lhe price, bidding on his wif , when. a hall was n1 rcifully called. She bid fair to bring a good price tQo, for sh bad a healthy litLer of rHmgHn - nd th~1t e. pe tant look. . Cousin had th excu e of all who ar caught. H m.ddn't 'ee th error ot hi ways until h e was caugbt. hen~ it 'em d h dawn on f) int like the burst o( da, rh·u he l1..:td do.v1 " wrong. Be:ing caught leads to o rnuc.b penilen e and reform that it: eem~ to b str(imger than r ligion, Or ar the trying t 0 whin ' .away a s1.tnation they !low d wjth both e ' 01 en? 'tart d drjnking n little; th n he dropped th .. e acljec· tive. Be ·<H1 d.:rioKi ng by himse.lf, ca u.'e h e w.1 lonely ­and wiLh a crowd t.o be. so iable. Finally, would not tou ch a drop, unles he w , by hirnseli m with somebo ly. The da he tlied the !Iovernment asked for reduced ' ~ COJ,"n acreage, and whi k ~y stock ~ ent begging, in a dive remini cent of 1929. It was hard to beli eve that one man couJd di nu'b thH~ equilibrium of that vv hich conld cli,s­wrb ~he \atu_ of o rmmy. \bile on tJ1i. bi-weekl toot he was acctJS€d · o{ eli - wrbing a chur h servi e- of rhe good-old-£asbioned­revival type. l n:daunted . he back next Q:lay - to come fon'\~ard and confes orall to a srnall percen tage of his wayward ~' a)~· · 'Twa a good lhing he onl , touched the highlights, ~lllst the _revi al only lasted a month. H e dropped a five pot m the plate and the warrant was withdravvn. He back lid next day so £a ·t that he looked like a world champion ski man coming down Pike. Peak ira rever e. f tnally he earn to the inglorious ~nd that awa i ts all nunried men. , ,Vifie asked him. if he would love h er when she vas old, shr:iv led and gray;. ·- "Why, hore. honey, I do" was h~.Stl!-pid repl y. The c lroaer report d that he died from the blow of a blunt in trument - which a skil1 t sur ly is. \ 'HEN OTHO MARCUM re­tired from , 'o. ~ Mill Jiinlshiug, <111 his fetlow wurtt·n gal'hen::ri to \ · h t~iMJ a uu:es ffll life of re. ti.r ement The chair (JLho · ~ . suu11g m a a rmug away fJTtl's· 1'11( froto hh v.•·,WJJ'ker . • . ..........." ~ . . ~- . Oltio - •• "· • • T HE :\lOST SU RL'RJ S.fUJ (;UY at the J1Jill one day last February wa · Ton.t McCullurn, No. 2 Mlll Sorting. Tom's wife; Juanita, is ex pe ~i n·g, and wh n the No. 2 Mill S0rting li'll girls leamed ;,bout i1 , t l'lc - had a sur prise shower {or Torn. Said T orn , ''It's j1 1 ~t wonded'ill." ' THIS CO PLE was mar· ried last December at tbc Chri s.tlan Ch u rch of Christ. Th smmng bride, is DoTor.hy Mitchell and t he blu ·bing groom is Durbi.n Skelton. a Ch<un· pion se-rviceman . John Oein zer, a retired Cham­pion, is th grandfather of l be bride. • \Irs. nollbY Ho1coml . long :l . i H' i11 Y~f -\. l.HJ<l cbHrdl wo.rk, ha-s bt."-en el .cted t.o the import· am po t of , c etar\l of the Y.\l A Young Adutt.• ' in 1'orth ;md S••llth rolina. • Mrs. Holcomb Is Y Secretary Mrs. Bobb ) H olcomb. <L m ember of Carolina Cbam­pion 's Medical . 'ection staH si.nce :May, 1956, has h>een ele ted ecretan of Y 'lCA 'Young Adults in North ·outlt Carolina. :vJ'J" . Holcomb th fo rmer Miss Carolyn Roberts of Cante11, wa e lected to this import ~mt post cluriq.g a meeting of the Ca rolina · YMCA Yo ung • dult Group in Cha rlotte Febru_ary 1. T he unit consists of YMCA worker. between the ages of 18 and 35. The only da ug h ter f Mr. al'ld 'lVIrs. Ri hard Robert , s}JLe has Jong :been activ in Y ,fC.A and church work thr-ough ut V.:l "s tern North Carohna. He d a.d, a rather "young" Cha:rnpion Old Timer, is a machine rend r .on No. ] 3 1 ;;tpermaking machine i:n liook Mill Manufa twrin g. . ' . Club Orders Kansas Rabbits Tbin y-lh c pairti bf Kam as ·ouontails IJ, 1; b · ·n urd n~d by J'n rnbers of th AaywooJ CotlnJ , \ Hdlif • Club of Caoto11 for earJ y-spriug , uxking 011 the [J fll.jJ t J 1.y or I u h rrl ·rn bt.:r}). • M · mbcn; bore on e:: - h <.~ H Lh • co l whi.k dr · ( lnb lot;:wd in the rtma irring h a lf. Frank Ou 'l' rl1 T.r:rftk fJ cp <rnnt t' rH I C:I H ~r, harrdl<.~d the purdi<H> •. () Ji very was <liH' ar·nund pr i.l 1 wh n dul> mcmbt r~ will relt ·<HHo lllc lJunnih; j" • cTUlln area ·. The club's ntw liCW.s JwiJ '' i 11 w:1 March and d1·cw mn h (tJIHHI nda rion '>utsidu tb : dlilb dr.clc. · r'!'f(:'HWd 1-' :1 rJ 1 j II hnm within and Re::x Hird, bio]I'Jg.i ~ r l'cp t' · tit · North Camlin·t \IVi lcllif Go;rr.nni s.~ ion , Sf.J(:'kc 10 dlih 11\1 •mbers M rd1 6 (JB th JlanliJ g of cd <.IOl'l . l'u:ub$ fo! :wildlife h ·u fit. ''rh ' bil:)logist al80 show d an iutnesting Ctllor 1.110 ic on t.L1is subjt:c.t t:lS a fcat:ure of lis )J'Jrl till the prn~'l U Jl'l· . 34 • lodge Masters Are Champions J\lallt ·t·. t)f aH J\Ltsnnic h dg .rll fttlf' nl them- H • ·niv J' fo~(:' ·~- T hi ~at1lt' !Jltnaacm d agt., ~H rtl h · oc u ·ed again. in • · ·~...-~ -d Coun - • • ·. rolina hamp1o r ~m-duJ ·d a )ttUt I iv{' : e-.u-s C nti ~ Recn ~. a J unior Old Tinwr iu lh l ftiliti • D· ~p•-utm ·I l t' 'hcte ht f a n~w f)h<:-r <1pc :JtrJr, ha.~ ~)( · 'n dened JUd:, t n [ ltw Clydt.. . L,1d!!f • ... · r), l}3. He;.tding Lh onoma l.n lge l ·1,. ·ii~, ~l &uhet, .i-, Robert t' ·ll "'y, 'o. 1'1 ma lnn· tender in Book Milt i\faH1lfauu ing. K •lky i~ ;, 32-reru 'harnpion. i'd e.mbers ol th ~ Pig·eon River Lf.Jdge "·o. 3 ). of Gmlon , ·I n ·d Fr~d '-;~tz('r, <J ''nUl""Tight in tht: f'lcilt .En gi u c~ ing l) ~ p ;mrnen!. Lo I·· <I them tluriHg i0)8. S u; T Jt· s be ·n willt Chaxnpi >fl · ir1 c l~t3~. Ray ..E lli.s, a rechn i aJ j'K r ltl the ' ti1it.ies ne,un­Jll (:; 11 l h as b een nam ·d mas ter or the Waynesville LO~f' No. 2 ~", 0 . Elli · bas b ·en a aNlina Champivn ~i n(t: 1~H&. Jn add-ition f.o thes · top o l'fit xs, l'hany othe-r act'v~ Champion:; h old variou · Jffices in the <.mmty lo~l'ge . Stereo Slides Feature Meeting Ca nton Ca:mera Club rtte.mbers. viewed at least 70 outstanding ·tereo color sl ides shown n::centl · IJ' John H erzog, Canton businessman and co1ctr expet·t, a · a feature of th ir reg ul ar m eeti ng. Mar hall C >oper, Plant Engine ri ug Department, had charge of the program and H erzog was happ: to wop­erate by showing s onl<'~ of hi out tandi ncr picture made in rnany parts of the coun try. A technical qu.iL. se -ion was COl'l< h.tcted b) HerLog following the showing oi the 'lid , More than ' 25 member. and pr pe,li\C men'l bers a tteoded the sho'\,vil)g. Religious Emphasis Week Canton's an rrual ' R eligwu ' Emph a~ i_ ' eek" r)J·o­grarn, conducted b Dr. F. Cn. ·le) :t\ { rg~t o , 11 ted .lliblical authority, attracted hundr ed · of Bible-minded residents March 2-7. After oper:ting the 1 ro ram "''iLh 'l uni< n -ervice at Can ton Central Methodi ' t Chltf.' ·h 0 11 t he ven1ng of .M ~n'ch 2, ]}r. Morgan :;po'k - to larg ·· .•rn u ~s a l t rnorni ng ::1t. .10 and t iH ' h e ening at 7 : ~ 0 at C h;.1mpion Y l ·\ . l r. !Vlorgan, ;<t rt f.ll iv o( .Kngkr.tltl , <>J ·n •d the scri .s of Blbk d i~c ussi cms with a . p ·cial me ·sag () II "Th ' Imp r' ot !11 Snr.dy Ql' th · I ibl '.'' Cbdir o[ the n>mnnmity <tlterna tc l in fut 11ishit'l · lll. ll'iic for the occasion . Choirs p;u·ric ipu ti.n · \ver ~ 'T\· 1 ra l i\1 ' lf'l,H.[ist Clwr h ,; Fir. t l ·c ndist C n u h; Fi1 ~r l're h ·r. · rian Cbnrdr. ; Fii'st BaplL t C ltm ·h tmd th Cl ck 'I NhotH.'I t Ch u reb. T he gl,' tl •ra .l llwuH o l the " R li 1; i0 11$ Emphas-i-s \V ,k" IHO I clt)l I ;.) ~ :1 ''Bini ':; E ~· Vi(~w ol' I he ( :osrwl A . ltd in w 1\hltth ew. " 'J.l:ttnpj(llt ) H :.\ 's r<'ligiou..)) < mnn1i1 tee, r ·spunsib1 ' for l ~ru.g t.· a 11 HIT<mgent ~li(S, Wi.'iT Tom I{· '· ~ . h ;t.imro.A: Cly l P PJ~t l;llil , D-r. \I . H. Dr.Hk.efl , Mrs. J. l{ . stfi1H'~.: Jnu I, R. B. " .1?:1l'" P ;HJ t liSOJt. Edwin H~t }'I'IC'i arrd tov r C . : llf II f'~, ll''l i r ~d gcn t' r:d s crl' nr. ry o t l he C.b: 1 01[ i'i on YMCA. Choir dit lor!-> c~•OJKr : tling wi th th · pm~L\m in­clutl(' d £1i ralwth Styks, Fir.- t l\ le thodist Church ; J;mic · Sntatht: r1), Cly•lc M lhodi~t Ctwrd1; Wa lt r rtolton , Cr n­ll itl ktlrudi~t CJnrrch ; Jim Barlow, First Baptist Chm h ~~ nd Ro!J n M .11'1 b<'ws, 'Firs I Pr sir terh1n ChurciL • - ..._ ______ _ -......_ .... t t .... 5 .. •• FJ.O, 'TNC { ~" 'DER I-CE. Pig~on Ri-ver water pours over Ga ro litn ( h:Jtl1.pi,1u 's \' elt· d~tl.l.l. Jorated w st of the . phun proper. T his • • • And it Has Rained" 8·v Dick JVl cNJ'a lw n - - ll 's been qnit so1n time ince this department ­l: til.i.ti-e -,,·a last. heard from. Th Tenen.t0r room. floo.r reccjvecl a new coat. nl pai nt .. . and it ha. r<t.ined. 1 · ~:l mber 5 GcJ!;l€rator has been o erhauled . . . ·and we- have had r~dn ... . orne uns tructi on was ta rred on the no.rth ide o( No. J J'Vfad1 in€ Room : .. and Clyde Ho ·y ctl<ii1.ged to hi win ter tie (bow type, with polka <lot') .. . Ja k Frost as aulted the pumpkin ... it rained . . . and Santa Claus came. Yes, mamy day~. \Vee'k and months h ave passe<l S l~1CC t Jriliti ha b en l1eard (rot-rL \ new <th <:;Ornpre·sor wa instafJed for additional mi.ll air Strpply ... -v;·c bad ome cold :weat1:ter . . . the Instr u-mem :bop flo<.)l' pa ~ Yas aLmost Iuubled · . .. and ·the fit ~{ now ame .. . :u11.d nthu-ia.5tic children made ma.n.v • • sno" T men for the (ir t time in years . The Rjl y Bark 1~urning boiler h s rec ived . its :muual nmo auon b) Champiom wn!J) know th ir hniJers (HaroJd Han<>ClJ; supel' in.te:ndent of U i,iJiric~ . tirBed these rqni s per£ ctl; for the i ir s,t sno".v) . . th ~ w a ther onled 0ff, p:oi d rYWn to mir1 us '10 . . . tempera LUre 'fl \ \L ' " BLE. :t '(l1 t·<•,i ter a pl~a:,jng mile fnl the plmwgnt· pher 4 ~ .~oh e . po ,es. .; h:f' 's lhl' dau;ht r of M . afju '\d'JS. l~ol, tl (able <>f Canto • ~· H<:r d;H'l a 5- \.;ar Charnpir,tL j, <'mployt<d jn t[Jc Plant E-1 gi,Jl"'CtiJ:J.g UepaFl · f.IIC!l\. C. J'!e) Sh t• p,p.a,n l . 1-'tJlf, Ur\ Ln" De <:JT lltk! ll Old I im · 1, .trtd 1>at L<lbl"!, a'!'tOt he 1 Old Tim ~ r . emplt,oy ·d in tl•e .Fini~f, . ing IJ pan Ill e n 1 • l k11n.l'~ !ll~'*' <Mads. picture was smrpped during the o tdest p ·Yiod in aroliua 111 yea rs. ' Na,ter was pJ.e n tjful even though the .river wa frozer~. dtopped to minus 30 (we could probably say it dropped to rnin us 50 and not be contTacl ic ted, but we .don't. want tO he accused of ex<tgger a ting) ... it b een cold ... chihlren have be 'n born .. . bowling enthu iasts have tossed some good games - and, of course, some rather sh abby ones. Sw·e, i t's b een a long, long time sin e thi · lepanmen t h ad a column in T he LOG. The C iviJ Defen se siren bl astetl off due to le trical' fai lure Cask R ay Foster, chief e lectrical engi n eer) . . .. the snow .got deeper ... the kegler are ti ll bowJing . and '\iVe have boi.led exactly 38,40 1,062,031.5 ga11ons o( water in Utili ties and called it steam . S ince we were h eard from last a vocational course in .insLr uruen tat.ion ltas been ina ugurated .· .. and a new LOG reporter Cor the Utilities Department has been des ig-nated. After bringing yoct n earer Hp-to,d t _ on U tilities ancl other angle , ' '"e'll make a diligent eHoL't to writ some­thing r~bo u t the most importartt departmen t at the Caro­lina Division in the ·May LOG. '\Vi h us J uck and lend us a 1l th ... for we'll neeu it in obtaining coveragE! for Utiliti ". • assi ~otan ompkte 'OU can monthly .. , And it h as rain d . SCO I'T\' R 0(; ~: R is the !Htl d · . 2-year-uld s.m t l\fr. ~1:nd ,\f.r:. IJ{)n Ru)!.'ers. ·rlis g:r ;wtlrliid. Chutd • \1 , Oc~ \·~c '·' for~;:m.a'' !n lf 1c l'I ~Lllt. J:ugiu (~• ·ittf{ [~ epar~ ­I'II Cil f. ·s an Old lll'llt'f . .Scutl 1 nmt h e r, rll t\lrnwr ·Ruby L ·t.: O<:a~" • :, ~>~'as fonn rJ • <Hnplovcd in i' r intin.g :wd :\!~no Lilml " "'· Addition Nears Completion Bv. Harrv' Holland Earl in D cemb r f 19r.:7 Lhe Dillard Con truction C mpany, of nearby ·lva, began moving equipment, tool and material into the Carolina Divi.sion Mill to tan con ·tructi n on a "much <n aited" project. The Dillar l Com pan 1 had b een awarded the contract to build the new two tory brick extension to the System Office of the Carolin a Di ision. Thi new addition will contain almost 10,000 sq. ft. of oHice pace and ' ill be modern in every respect, com­plete with air condi tioning ys tem. H work progres es on schedule, the new addition will be completed in May l 958. The first floor of the new structure will provide offices for the Carolina Pulp Produ ction superintendents, technician ·, and hi ft foremen , and will have complete change room faci htie for all p e rsonnel. The new Plant Engineering T echnical Library 'will be located on the first fl oor. This new addition wiJl pro id the solution to the problem o( providing a " perma nent home" for the Design En gineerjng S cti on of the Plant Engineering Departmen t. Over the past years th is section has be n mov d from one area to another to provid proper spa .e and facilities t.o work o ut and compl te th eir proj c s. This section will oc u py the s cond fJoo1' of the new building along with the , I cLri al "ngineering S ction , Blu Priruing Departm ent and f'il Va ul t. . s of t his da LC, e bruary 1 8 1958, much progr •ss ha~ b een made toward compl tinn of Lhis JHOjccl, dcspil f' th s ·ver ,~· nl r w •ath 'l W"' ha · h ad h .re a 1 lh C' Carolina Division. ·. 11 of the pcnplc who a r · to rnove into th t1'\V buildin ~ arc a nxi(W'J ly awttiting Lhe comple ti on ul the new ad lition , Bingham 1-leads Engineers S <~ Bingham of th.e ·Mam.gemcnt J'l · tming- c;t:rlf It a. be n el ·ct d prc., id eul o[ th · n ' '"1ly I1J1 mc.:d \Ve~ t el n Caroliu Chapter of lhe ruerium lns titut (' ul l.ndu'! trLtl Engine rs. Th chapt·r ' as organized .rctently <~·1 a dinn r m eting in Ashc vi!l 's Trcadw;t Manor . Bingham, long a 1 iv ' iJ1 . \ ~ lwv iii ci it ci d e"· It a~ b en wi h Carol in <~. Champion ~iuce Fcbru :11 ) 13, EYd . <)6 J · f '01)11 10. · t ar•>· hn~ Cl-ra 111piun )'~tem offic _ !<>ppu!!i te 11an } wl:rid1 a · tart d last Dec tnLJer i ex­pt ·ted tfl I.Jc complt:t ·d 111 Mav 13. ·1 h new a& i1i011 will Cl)lltalu ab ut ifi,IIIJCJ sq•Jare ff· - {)t flo r pac . GHURCH TOURNEY Wl1 N ERS were these mcmb rs ot th Wesl.eyan Methodist Church entry, T hey downed Central l\letho­dist Church 26-22 to take 10urnarnen1 h nor. F~nm left to r g b1, kneeling: "Bobby Wright. Walter Me tford, Jimmy Haney. R. L. Murray. Swnding: Kenneth Lowe, Bill Robinson, J ame. nolden an l Frank Jack on. Wl.'.' J r C TEA '[ in t h Y hu rch Scho 1 8 <•. kctball lea ue w· · thi C ntral Me thodi · t. J1urch agg.rcga tin n. Kn ling, from left to right: David (<lllla11 . :\like Clark, harl s H . 11 ami Tou1 "Price. St an ling: Jay Ferg uso n, P r I;ViJs n, Bru e Hri · · ntl Ra) \'heeler. '• ·. I Hear a few Tales J:-f rat • Gree1 y ' < certainly righl ' 'h e i~ he ~ldvis d "Go ve:l, ro ung man!'' Y · u'd b stupri ed a l th.c numh ~r of (act · J'\i€ pit:::ked ul about dJ.ff0i·ent subjects by lea.ving the otfi.~e and walki ng w 'st' t.c) th · m.i II.. T ho ·e f llow out in lh m.iH :Jre a Jot better il tfonncd about <I lol o f tboin ~-s tb.;-tn ·r ·tm so 1 go .stra~ghe to thr hor e·s nwutl}. . . For i, .they tdl rnc ~\ T ex:111 was admitted to lhe Li ~:u·' · ('J ub b c:.u'l ·e h.e st~.i i he ~ould n ' t find an ything i t;J. Texa t'€l bJ:%1 ~ abomt. (He . hould have gotten a life-t'me ll lember ·hip £or that 01~ . . _ . T h- al-so teH m .. e that an int gral part of Te-xas- is ~ . . Ill w 'Qeing .di:;pensed with. They are tenw ing the bn tss cu ·pid.o1 fr-ona our pllbfic bu-ilding I (Cues that ·l'loeans old Rip Kil en's xe oid of 510 straigt,1t hits witho~:rt H miss frun.1 32 f<t1e t ~rill ctand from bC:re 0 n. Big- Sandy can be right prm1<.1 o( Ripl) He Ul<.e-s T exos l'tn. told lihat all that rudl us up the wa.y could lu1ve been -avoi(! d H the}' h adn't tried to give it back tO them,. (l LI&E EXAS) . And I al o list ned to encrugh di c:ussion to learn all about social se l:J r i t, . ft' s arranged to tn:a k e s ttre Fm y kids take cate of n1e in rn old' age. · That Alpha ·105 Wi,l .really a con.v rtcd V-2 with .a 1~58 moodV-l6 rttp1acement. This V- 16, wber:tconverted ­!. o aootnic fuel, will be the t.ancl.anl po'· er un-it in the l ;3 m<idcl F:an:ner ·- SpeciaL (Keep your radar 0n; .ancl ;a ila.rp Jo kou L · ctut,s.c a hot-rod Just left the rrwot'l.) . \Vc have ailct oi£-ti.he.-record announcement .. tb:at rJH:: q~Jnf~de;ra t Air Force will en€arop for .ma:ae u~ets some _tame m th n ~r future. {A. _ ·oon as we know the <1-a~e , ~·~'JJ leak that ou t, too. Don 't know. what for!) - · _ ·· The· fdJ-o~"S aJ ) tell me that they . ha:·ve positive pTcwf · -that the old pre en t.ati e '"t\n apple a day" concentxated though iL is in the m achine, was tJO match for the Asian Hu b-ug. (:Vlayhe th at' wb. U1 ey're c alled the "good old day-,." The IJngs norr&days see:m to be getting totitgl~er and rougher.. \Vho said 'W.b.o 's a softi~ ?) · ' • The Sod S~ory of on Uncle Fell r was me a s;H.I tory a bot1t h is uncle. H0W this ugdc Qwes njgh on to .ev.erybe>d,, bttt keep, borrow­ing and sp . ling ~.uld 'Clm m 'c ·ee.m LO worry about ·his , biHs at all. '\fhat'sn.wr ·~ ~ is ( lle said " I hiit -e to h:e1p '{%~>, his Ji,ring e. ·pens s a ncl I ain 't so wd l fi xed as he to th·ink I at'J).." J didn .t tdl h.fn.t. Lh;a L f v€ goL an unde just like .. h is. "tern. - ·as though everyi,><Jd y wan to ,q L iHto tb · act nowa'tl,2ty~. T his, y ar '!> hoi ·e , pt r>fess:iqn is t:h a t of TV ctitk W e l aw e-d an old phras · · ~ kids, wh ich :n<)w i ' s.Ld tl y P.<f'i · e: '· E \-'('r .l'lotl-y ' <1 bu t1 t th <: w eat h t t• lnH robo,d') do<~ anyt .ing abtwt il." ·rv 1ti cs Rl'e <t g-uo ~l U: ·a like the;;.e <n:na·Leu weather men, 'Unli (' rbe .Bt•oad ­' ?t) niti:c. , th t ir- eacti(>fl tt9 a :rv pro luctim1 is rwt hkely w cha ttgt~ the sponso ·., mind . T h · r;'s wl . t the} have .ra arHl watd"' r<, po H-., fu . Sc1 their pos;ition re.s<JJ\'~''i in t.<'• nn cnm.m 'H{ pr(,, VJror:m:i ·nt <u11, cc. U n· · fon unat lv, T V o it ic (H'' -n«:->t limi ~ •d t-o dw\ . 'llo wr.i ~t~ . . t..heir commenr..s' j1 th, }J'a p rs, lJul exte nd in to lh · b0. nrn of om fa n~ -iJi c.<>. Mv wit li k s dr~ m;J-, th · h ·a>rer th. . he~:. "'r. T lte kiffi ltk carLOQUil a;nd !Oddie shows, and f ':n.:~ lbft O.t!t. irt the cr>IEl (1 lik~o: w ~ ten~ ) "'0 t'nr ll'('JW f t criti of drama zutd k.iddiiii- shO'\ . , fta a-J!). on l! f/fl saitl, "H yo t~ caQ' t li-ck' m, joh1 ' em.:~ A. Lypical TV cri ti c's day is usua.lly ~o tn c LhJn g like l hi. : !i a.m. T est pa ttern (my on undi putcd program) 7 ~1 .111 . Cartoons (censored, of cours ~) R ::t.Jn. The . e.igTtbor Kids antl I .nclc Hom -'r 9 ·t,rn . l R cm,emb r C enrude (.~e.ll'ia l ) 9: 30 a.rn. Sjlv r Dollar Theatre (.Don't] t the name · fool ou - No \ i\1' est ·r11s) 10 a.m. Lo:ve yotLt cnentjeo (l t' Jl kill 'em) (Uutnedy Sh1w) · 10:3'0 a.J..'n. H u nting for (S.cri al) (Ain't. Found . Mint YoL) 11 a.m. DoRa .Me (No music - a money show) J I: ;{0 ;;un. Things can l.:'le Rosy (Se rj a l) l2 Noon l~ ad y .~how (1 930 model) l: 30 p.m. New ·, Sports (Turn the o md ,>ff, jt's nap titJ1 e) 2 p.m, 4 p.m. Early Mi'llinec (194·0 nw del) Matinee (1944.. model) This one .a n · t be watched .. in full . . . 4:30. p.m. The Sq uaxe Circl -e CLu (Slingshots and cap pistolas only) 5 p.m. Bop, Southern Style . ' . 5:3{) p.m . . Strictly for the kh ls (You n at-n e it, we got it) G p.m . Sorry, no TV during the dinner h our . 7 p.m. _ Sornething for the boys (Little ones) 7 :30 p.m. UH le Mortimer ·a nd Aunt Agatha (Serial drama) ' 8 p .t:tl. T he William 'T ef l Story (Do ·umen tary) · 9 p.m. The Late Show (See l0 al nc·ws for Lime and station) . ·10:30 p.m. Tbe Late Show (Drama 194..8 Model) . 11:45 p.m. Tbe Late Later Show (.DRAMA 1956? . Model) . 1 a.m. Sign Off (8-. -s-s-s·s-s- -s-s·) As anyone ca11 plainly see, the T V critic b a.s a 1'.ea l j.ob cut out for hiuL Now ' tS for people who m ig h t fi ke to b egin apr<lrenticeship or take home stud y courses. as soon as the feller in the white coat . tarts giving m my mail and returns my. penci1, ou'11 h eat from me. Clontz Becomes New Scoutmaster ' Nelson Clontz, Ca-rolina Division Storeroom sw££ ~n em.ber, ha,s been named Scoutmaster of Can ton Boy Scout Troop No. J, ~po.n ored by the C(;lnton Cen tral Me thodis t Church. Clontz sutce d Jim Anderson , Jr., of the Chemical Lab s taff, who led th e ou ts contiou- ONsly for 4-~ yeal" . · · _ ) mmg Cion tz., long <tcti ve in )~ o '- , cont work., is th sc:m o:L 0 . J. Clontz, of C a rotin.~ Champi · n' Fin.i hinrr Dep <trdn n t. · T roop) has -;'l. incrn,bcr, h.i1 ot 24 Bo . S ·onts _and four c~1Ftdi !at • S<..<)l,Hs and -th' ur.Ji l h ~t t 'f'lUtined tnit · a ti '\-T h re for ye, rs;. . 'fh 'Tr_o~p l _ (i:~n:\O.'I i t1 .e i~ <,1 1:> . Eel H • u ,_ assisL­;. w f supen '1l!O'r t>t Emrl iy ·c ·1·v K ' S crt.~Q n , a.s. cllnt O'th , rnelT~be t·s of th · .cororn)uee indud 11 a1ser H~t w ldn s, Hoard . f:mufncttJri ng; F a11k 'J. n-tz brother of tb new Sc.."'u ttn ·w 'r) ('>I th-e J')ur has ing Dc pa.rtm ~tu ; JP 11: tcs o( th -. Cash:i ' '.- 5; don of th • r\cGot;lnting D«:-­}' li tl'l.H'Jeu .t. ; Mar ·haJl GootH~r. Pla rtt '<'ngin ~rin Dep ar r.­U'l. 11t : R~ty f'o"&l'Ur , Cl1iPf D ctdca1 l::ng'ine r; R.0y H. p, tton of th. c~u~tGn ]3t,'i.iteling and 1,.(JaJ'l . · ssocia.tion ; iwd W. M. .om. n C;-JrJtnn b:usine ·s111an. .. Jil · t>v <;~r,c.l S-1n .. th cr~ . up "'rVi!-iO.r . >f Bo-a rcl ond PIJ]p h:-~cs p t.i<ltt , i.~ th · Jn lS tittot tion t~1 n:p.t: s'nt:Hiv . ,.. "' I .. - With Car Iina's J. A. a tivities it looks like • • • F uu .-. CA LE fJROOUCTJO and sales are the key­notes a the arolina ion' two Champion-snonsorecl funior . ch ieYem n t Comp:mies, Kcvchiever. and Prod­uct Ul\TXLD, continue th eir high level of business ' activit · during the se ond half of the vear. t I The Keychievers Com.panv is mbarking upo.n the m;wu[acture and marketifJg of an attractive, highly use­f 1l salad chopping board which app ear~ to h a:ve an unlim.ited sales potential atnong housewives throughout Hayl'I'Ood, Buncombe and ·urrounding counties. The ch opping board i~ being mad [rorn rzw materjzds. , T he &tud nL hegin "viti~ Lmfinisb ecl, econonJy grade maple, and c;nry out th • comF>l ctc pn,dnction operations of r-ulting 1 size, jol:nitng, gluing lo obtain the broad sur­face requited, ~Jr pi11g, sandiJ .tg- and assembling. At UJC same t.hne Lllc Reychiever are contirwing their production of the foam-rubber, fe-lt-covered settl. cush·ions A~ ·t'-'MBLY LL':\r (on.tinu .'> f?rodutti<m <1f H1e ~car .!.uShio,,s Ll i 11g made aJ)(:\ llla kett.:d h d 11:: K!.!) ·hi v ~- Cn1 npany. From left to tigh t ar ; J. A. l\dvis 1 Ralph F(J v.d . "dwduliny,. ;~n<l ;\ chi v ·r · J\ lla.n " la.rk, J<>ck , )1J 1m , f-i11elen \.f cCrad< e: n, Jtt~re S 111 ·Jls and 'iei ve All<e11. ~(his i ~ a y~ at nJurtd ('Jpenuinn. S. E.MBLED :'sO-DET'' BOX£ are ready for fiHJn with oap ;,s _lumflr Acl;ne\ r:rs of Products UNXLD m,aiotai.ll thei.r t~" e-mb)y line prorJ1 1Ct ion. _ Thi.~ e ntire tack. nf Lu-Xes can be <Iu.i kh fitkl wi ;h t~1 e C(Jinpanf~ nrecb<micaf : ol:lp Juad r. Ta ·ino a bnx &1 ·m 1 he top is Dean R Jbin~on. R.ead -~ I dp i. Charles Van H~. which they h.avc been tnakit:tg and ·eUing sure fnUy thrnughouL the year. The cu shi ns, finished in red · nu artistica lly decorated, are de. igned for s tacl.ium , '· ym car, oWce, home, aud ito1·ium and gen raJ eatin . Other su ecess:ful pl'f'Jd uc:tion and mercha.ndi ing proi· ects c<ilrrie!!l -out earlier thi:s _-e;n- by the K ychiev:er w re the ma:nubcm e and sale oi Christn1ru ·afldel:-~bra artd a pLrro.pkin sale duting the fa ll month::;. Ptoducts UNXLD I;\.OiW hlls it O<tp p a k gin . anu sales opentions in high gear, with <ln a-s ·mbly lin e , tu.p for top level production. .-\ unigu , o riginal de jgn, power-driven mecha ni c~tl oap loader tur- been btri1t by ~his company and placed in operation. T-llc load er facili­tat e~ the preparation o.f th ch:: terg'ent <lnd lh 1·apid itnd accura Le fill of .iNd ividtta I box -. ln marketing its soap produo· under rhe tradC' tHtm ~ or "So-n t,'' Pro lu ts UNXLD is a .. eel uting its ales to bot,h lar ' olt.tme J· l .\1 1~ FOJ NTS OF GUJ[~(; >lt' t-c t'l.ctH0 illtat d a~ Kevdl i.•H'l ' Compan nwmb r. t rdvetl i ltStt'u•· ri 111 ia1 the t · hniq.11 s t f g l~t i n g b1•ar~~S fot· their nc·we t pnJ !n et, sa lad dwp]¥iag I O<ttt l·~- Pr(l­l' idi!l g" ~h e ·xp -•rt ji!;lli d ;tll c- i · C h a l•l'· t n le Jwnod . f(}unh fr !lll ldr. wood pr ducts matHtfnct·Hvcr \C Lrtl~c Jun,,lu ~k'L ~I ·C ffA , '1 •• \L 'OAP LOADER for fill ­i n•rr bu. es 1':1 - l\1 ed:.t ll~- de ithl~X( ami ro n­stmctctl by the Produns t NXLD COJ'n­pun~. Oper, ting the loader is Da te Brown. 'upel '.ising 1- J. 0. Blackh'Cll . advisor, ASSEMHLI N'C SOr'\ P BOXES by Colding and gl uin[t i~ ou stage:: in the packagin g a -serril) ly line;. fn t·his operation the ,lunior A hievexs wotk in teams 0E two as arc Harold Mathews and Will Hipps, Patsy Austen and Virginia Lan ce. SA WING J:WARD T O T HE OR· R ECT SJZIL is Ken rt ·th St.rou pe. J .A. advisor WJlliarn Amhews, Carolina Division 1 n, pe lion, provided h ·lpful suggestions. on~xn t'cial usets and hou 'IVives. ..\ · an :tid in th marketing oJ' "So-Det," mem hers of th Prodtt.cts l l1 XLD Comp t.n y have on t:ruc ted an eye­at I1in0' ~al , di pia featuring an electr ically operated tutn-rabk ·which xhibits lhe pa -kaoed soa_p prod tlct. Produ. ~ UXXL.D is a lso continLling its p~·odu ction ancl ale of TV n,a£k tahJes. T he attracti dy shapee;L and appealingly finished Go llap~ihLe table ha e been marm­fa mred. from raw mat erials by J unior Achigve:rs of this om.p~my. £1 bt Carolina Champion are erving as advisoxs for 111 . two Ch :unpi Iil-sponsored companies. G uiding the Ke)<:hievers are: Bob HaJ l, Scheduling; Ralph 1;-ord, ·11eduling; C. \N. Hardin, ]ndustrial and Community Re .atioosj and Wi.l,liam .--\o.drews, Inspection. Serving with the Pmducts · XLD group are: J. E. Anderson, Laboratory; Olive;r Blackwell, Plant Engineering; ·Bill ' Rigsbee, \,Voodyard; and Morris Mitch ell, Pl an t Engi-ne- enng. OFficers of the Keychiever. Compan, are: Steve Cox, preside nt; Kay 1;--isher, vice-president; J une Sotrells, Sec­re t~u·y; and Sue Trantham, Trea ur er. Ocher members 0f this company are: Juanita Patton , Jack Alli o n, Allan Clarke, KennethStroupe, Steve Evans, H len M Cracken, DanieLMurr, Edward Scott, Dale Robinson and David ' . Ccrchran. · Officers of Ptoducts UNXL.D are: Bob Smith, presi ­dent; Dean Robinson , vice-president; Mi hele ' tencel, secretary; and Marcia Herndon, tr asurer. Other mem­bers of this company arc: J ohn Berrong, Frank Boydsron , Dale Brown, Clifton Henderson, Anna Jor ensen, Ann Kink.en, Syddney Levitch, Charle Van Hook, Earl Frank­lin, Patsy Austen, Will Hipps, Virginia Lance and H ar- ld Matl\ews. f:\ft. .CA"JC..R L 'G 5.'\ LES DI PL Y is h ing used b Juoior \ch ie' rs of J>rod-t.t ts l ' XT.D in th ir , al , pnnaothm. ~r he fJJ•nr tun1tabJ !'l) i.a t <> and ex:bif).i(s' the dllJerent grarl~ o t '·S.o-Uet." Barney "lledg , Jr .. 'ial·s mauag;e.r, is ~> h u w n r ctirag lhe dl.~plit)' . PRE! A'RI 1G l30A R O·~ FOR GL ' lNG is done on the joi ner. T he pice s tltust. be run ch rougb. th. joiner w t:Yivc t-h edges requjred for s e CIH gluing. Operati:ng lht' joiner ar K€ydrie1 rs Company Jtt mb -rs J aw ·s 'icoll, )eft, and Da le Robinson. ' "l4«,a • t! b !!J :c::::a:r - ..... • t ' THREE E.'PERIEXCED · OFT BALLERS h a\ · be -N uuani111 o usly elm n to ('Onduct the <liamond af ·ail ' f the Cha1llpion '\' '1 , . oftball this ea n.. From left to right ar \V <~ lt er p n ee, ba coach; -"~ a.zj '1\Jilier, mun a!ter; a nd Ret! I ves ter, a·s·i tam manao- r. Ttre Champion Y team i · scheduled to open its home cbedule ag·ain·t a ·tron.g ai:ro. Ga .. dub on ifay 16-17. Miller To Manage Y T earn .:\Iember of the Champion YMCA softball sq ua.d , u ndisputed champ ion of the Sou th Atla ntic R egion in 195 7, hav un animo u ly elected G erman ~ ·Naz i " Miller, o ut· tandi ng pitcher and Champion Y athle tic direc tor, a manager for the 1958 eason. [n the ame move, team members cho e Red Jve-5 ter, Plant Engineering Dep artment, as assistant manager fo1· the yea.r. Going in to a " q·uick y" business huddle after the e.lec­tion, Miller and Ivester called upon \Valter Spence, finishing Department, and long associated with the team, to erve a base coach. Spence readi ly accepted the • ass1gnment. . Miller, Ive ·ter and Spence have long been considered outstanding " team men" and they should accomplish great thing with tb.e Y team during the spring, summer a nd early September. Ives ter, one of the outstanding softba ll catch ers in t he South Atla ntic area, has been cJosely associated with the team for sometime, and :filler, a standout t:wi.rler, has proved his worth to the clu b in many wa.ys down through the years. Spen.ce, an outfielder, infielder and r c iver , has b en coaching r egularly for s veral a s o n ~ and t am m rob rs work witJ1 him 'in dose h armony. Fadng A Tough Sc;hedule Facing on of their toug hest · '<H>Om jn y art', team rn mb rs have b . n und •rgoing e arl y-~ pr-ing indom· prac­tice ro1.mds in the Champion Y g yntnas.itJm fnr sc ,tt•ral w .eks. ] h e~ e , ohballe. s should b·· in fin ~ fettle Cor lht opening f dll l - aJ ~cas on sth.edul d ft1r May l o· l7 with tb strong Cairo, Ga., clu b, rt:ll1 JICJIHIP to 1 h<• South t lantic R egional c h <HTtpioll ~ 1:1/sl yu1r. The Ca iro t am fcotur :!'l LIP J>it chi •~ g 11 1' 'Tomw ' Ta-ylor, Ca iro a~bJ ·ti djHrmr, whr pil(hcd li t' ,.,uaight games in LQuYnam nL play h re Ja:.t smnrnn :mtl v.-a -,. voted the 0u · tttnding pla yer of th · 'oul.h AtlaoiJf R<·· giomtl ;:~ /'fair. Bill Bearden, who prob;;1bl IOi>S'S a ., ,ftb:dl with more speed than t-tny ot.her twirler in South :\th11ii( citd ·:., h as rcg<litH•£.1 his o rltrol and prorni.; -s to lend in valu~tbk ::~ ssi!.l.a n cc t·o the Ch::nnpiott Y ·1C.\ duh thi year. For a ny soJth:tllc;r will te ll y()l• that vvben you can' t see ' em ~ they're difficult \t) hit. 4fl • Susan Kim loses Two Teeth '1 !1i i~ ttw rwu ~ t·t.ti . tmy 0 f hq "' u pi· yf l Ii n.L 1-y ;~ r­{ ll gtrl lar ra l d l eJ trtnutl• aw.t lo.-,t h ,..~ tw{J front te rlJ a ;t <·..,ldt o( 1 h · "' · ·I ~:~p 1m h ·1 l ~ (\' · ~ret) hoot. Here's h0w il d v · lop lt: P" ul J'llu nHJ '' • ,\ :r •m ·tH Plannin• t<1l[ me-rub r. whq _;., l-1/1 ani ·nl sup{J( rtf:'t o f th "' ~alt: ty .stwe hit m~ th " JC'b - ~wd •~ L h 01ne, if Jahorio·u - rbor to be. (_lo · - was W(;';.a_ ing hi · 8-i rHh 3< ret) to d boms t{ .ttml f'ro-m work dunng th ' col l <tnd sno v p ri 1 !at<: in Fcbrt1ary. , lter th evening tol l aJ, l,aul an J his wiJ Sue vir re o cupying the ~> tte when liLtle Susan Kim at ·mp ed to t aw! rJrtto the se ttee between them. ln som manner little Susan KimJost her ba lan e, fell to the floor, strikjng her mou h o the reel ap of her dad's safety boot with the above r uits. . Johnson admits that ·afety sho are a Gne in v~ trnen t tn safe ty wbLle on the job - <tnd someljrot wi il at h<?me - bu:t he heartily recomrn nds that they be .replaced wHh a less r u~g~ d type of ·hoc while loafing around the house - e pec1ally around playin-g child en . Paul Johnson h as a strong poin t there! DI SCUSSING flU NG SY 'Tt::M. new! · ele ted of(ic r of f.lte Champion Cl'edit n\on a re ~hown h r e in tbe Cl' dh t ' nic ~<~c· . new lteadq uarr e rs in the hrd us trial a nd C ~nnmtnit · R.el:t LiOns D e p ~l r r ­mcnt ;u the ar<!lir'n .Divi. ion. from left 1 right ::n- Louis G·11 e , s ·crewry; J erer Marti:n , pl silent; EYO ·t Me '!>'C r. \'inq_.w ·icl ·m . ;~nd .F1· d Fergn ·on, t rea · u reT. Martin Again Heads Credit Union Jeter .J. Martin, sur ·ri:JH mL 111 t)l the Fini··hing Dep uTtrn ' nl, has again been chosen pres.ident of the Ch;1111pion Cn·d il U nion . Martin, a C trolina Ch :~t~\p.ion since Nnv >mber ! 1":, I~J H, lla-; been pr ~ idun of the Credit Uniou sin ·e ils <'rg:mir:ttion in 19112. Ern ·st Messe r, \t\l t1od y:ud upervisur is vice-pt 'sident ; awl Fred Fcr~ u so-)t , Ta:( ·tnd. [n :)~· r~ttt c' $<; tiofl 'iUpPr· ' . V1sor, .1. r.1'easur r. LouL~ E. Gntu-;, 1s:is ta 11t chief dwrni:;l , h :l,'i " rved as M '( n~ta r for mon' 1h:m ~0 ears. rot:ll :.tssrts ol tbc Credit Union ~mir now stond s.l ig;h t 11 <tpo ·t , n , 7 4 I . During lh · lMtsl ~.1 ye;tr , the nu,m Jl) er~ hip has g'ruwn /rom :HHi to 11HJI't: th:UJ ~,H OO, and the nllruhet' of b(Jrrow­cr~ ha. -.tq"lwd up frorn only 9 ~S to rrwre dwn .I .~on ~i n · thut lime. "J\'\7f TS 'TJ?.fi\fY AND jll\•JMY Singlet 11. 4 ~ mre shown here. fi·om I ft to Eight. with !'heir hrol11er .fdfre . 911~ . T he three a re the :1·1 u·.anh·e '<;IllS of M:r. and .MT • lkrn ard Single Lo n ;:J'nd th eir dad i a 1-v nr Champion cmpl y d in Book i'-'[iJ ( 1anuEa Claud Singl<!'toll, a 16· ·ear Chan'tpion m p loy ·ll in the PlJip Mills . D€partm nt i a g;ranucla:d. T heir moth er i, the fonn<;:r Emm;:J Jean Holland, gtanddaughl0r of Huyt f-lollancl. reti red. Bumgarner Tells A Story By C. W. Hand. in Retir l Champiotl \ \ alLer Bumg·u-n<:'r was back visit­in(}' with the "boys" a few days ago. Ve happened to be in the fire sta tion when he came itl. to vi ·it l\ii th Joyce Owen and H erman Barton. Sever a l of Walt's okl buddie ·dropped in to say hello and talk about 11:d time • $orne good stories ·were told, but here's the one '\t\Talr.ei told tlu.t broke up the session. it eem- mat about 30 years ago ·walter and a group of the fellow , most, if Not aU of them being Champions, · gm together an<:l forme(l a @and . .They called themselvf!;s bhe Cantcm Band and pla~ed at local ge t-toge thers. triving for pe-rfection, the llH:t ician practi c.e!il chli­gently at every oppor tu nity. T w:o E:xtra loots . It was during one of ~llese practice . essions ~hat m em­t, r of th band were trymg to lea rn. a new number and were really giving it their "alL" At: th ~ end of the 1'\'\Jl\nber the director would fling his arms and the 1rtusic woulc( stop, aJJ e.lcept one fell.ow, and he would give two extra toots on hi horn. After running through · th.:e number 3 or 4 ~trues tbe d irectox becam e ~ire d of th~ two extra toots and ·walked back to ha-ve· a look at t11.e fe1J __ llv's tnusic she t. , H e blinked his eyes a time e>r two. and explained to t~e r~st of t11c gwup. ' 1'11 be clerned! If he isn't pla ying •wo f4 sp cks for. l"lalf n otes." \IValt wilJ :toni;. yev straight in the eye and swear this i~ the tnlth. · TA. l A 'D IH~ lU .. YN OR- 1) ElJ. were married in ~a n. to-n 011 Cbrist.rnas D;.ty. Jack h as been empl"Qyefl io_ tbe Fi11i~bi1,1g D - p;.nxn. n L of .l•rampion's Texas Divi.sio ra for tb pa l ~1ifle y,e. rs, <illd .13 rlyn, th daughc r of J. [t.. .'fcGee, an acl i1·e Carolina Champion, was f e..x rn cl'l v em­plf. Jy\"d i ' · ()t.wJin ~ Cl-Hw·,)pion · Fin i ,.b>i u ~ artea. Th ' Confells a c 1011king ~h :ir l!"QIOC n •;n· 1,h · T x;1s Div i ~n n p Japf in l' s;l · cle11a . J<H..k is til(' brother of · ·;j..l"f(,]J ordel1 nf ,; Di · · vhii11• ;<\~.; (JIJH!Lng. New Apprentice Class Opens A new l\l ech a ni cal Ap pren ti e l<t , known as "Group 6:$-i\.'' vung into action at Cat,"olina Champion Monday, March 3. TJ1es yotmgsL rs, WhQ met a II the high standards r c-_ qu ittd fM ap p ren tice class enrollmen t., will study, work a nd traiu th en,selv: in virtua lly all mechani~:al depart­m ' rHs of th pla n t for the next five years. T h ei r will not be a bed of ro ·es- and U1ey kr1:ow this. T hey'J1 be tudying hatd at lime . they'll be as­sig ·necl to rnany tnug:h jobs, and they' ll swi tch from one assignmen t to another after a ertain period of training in < ne p articular a rea . Bnt 1 hey are confident th yTl be p u hing upward. T hey' ll be prepar ing themselves for the future - and th ey'll prepare thems lves well. New Apprenti'"es Nomed· T his new Mech anical Ap pren tice class includes Thomas Garlen Benfield, Ch a rles Roger Buchanan, J. Edward Cogburn, J r ., Aldie Eugene Cooke, Jr., I Teil Fnnklirt Cl:n k, f orres t Eugel'le Conard, Ch arle Edward Duckworth" l\/Ielvin Bryant Earley, Max Delan .Fisher, Bobby Gene Fl etch er, T imothy M. Gibson, Perry Lee Gibson, H arlan Lee H er ron, J ack Denton Hill, vVayne Mel inley Parker, Charl es \ 1\Tilliarn P hillips, Roberl foshua Rice, J ohn Carr oll Rigdon, J ames F. Robe:rtson, John Campbell Scroggs, Neal Lamar Stamey, J erry Edwin vValker , Robert Bruce Waldroop , Donald William \1\Tar­ren an.d Dickie Steve \ 1\Toocl y. ·college Scholarships Offered Eager to assist . aspiring teen agers·- especially those 'NiJliug to help themselve along toward higher levels of education - The Champion Pap er Foundation is award­ing agaiN. this spring two 4-year college scholarships to high school seniors with in the op er ating area of the Carolina Division. A total of 19 seniors have b een nomina ted by their principals for consideration for the rwo sch e larshi ps. Final selections are scheduled to be announced by the Scholarship Committee early io May, T he committee is comprised of a prominent vVes tern North Carolina edu­ca tor, a leading citizen of the Canton -Beth el-Clyde area of Haywood Collnty, and a repiesem a tive of T he Cham-rion Paper Founda tion. , The scholarships provide one-third of the stud nt' · typical exp ns ~ for each o[ fm.1.r . ears, and -winners ar (ree tO attend tmy accredited coU ege or tmiversi t of 1;h eit cho ice. . Stud ent who have been nm:n i n a~e d b t;h ir princi­pa ls and th ir schools are: R a morLd Bruce Brigg~. J (,tda.n A hl y N ·;:..J, J r. and Ch:1.rles Lewis Duke, r epr - s :n ting e:~. n~() Fl. .High Sc ho(~l : f ames ~ C<lV<.'J' T urn r Ch a d t'S Floy(1 P ~€bl es <t.nd S; •ndJ~a Darlene Stubbs, E.nka I-J'igh Sch o61: J ohn R o bert Da venport, Pat y Ruth Frick ~md Barb•\J'a Ann J ohn o n:, N .w·b r r (S .. ) High School : Freda. nn Br ece, 13 njaJnin J ohn·.;on "lmm and Andrew W•1hoo O wen., ' V<'!yn ew ill£~ High Sch t:i . l; anoll Dal H ane -a nd J am s· Floward Bro t..s-hirc, Beth: l High School; -1, .try C. t'h cri1'1e M · right of: Mo unt Zion l n-sti ­tut , Wjnnshoro, S. ~. ; \:iVilliam George R oa ·h , Edg~field (S.C,) High hool: J arn "S Mi had L a.then vood, '.l de High S bot~J ; ~ouu k 'fo ntez Adan ~. \ .Y:t ·hington (Gl.) H igh Sd1ooJ; a nd Julia Loujs BQoker, R e n)ld H igll S h ctol In anton,. · 4 I Carolina Buys Wood By Weight By Bill R igsb e The Carolina Di i ion of the Champion Paper and Fibre Company receive pulp' ood by r ail and by truck. \7e will fir t take up the truck wood which is re-eived at tb:e ·vvood Yard weighing station. · The purchase of ~"' ood by weight has been in effect since January , 1956 and has proven satisfactory to both buyer and seller when compared with the old method of buying by cubic measure. Prior to J anuary, all trucks entering the yard were liO'ht-weighed and the weight was printed on the side of the truck along with the truck number. The driver was thus saved the time of coming back across the scales after unloading. \ ood is received from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday throu h Friday. Two shifLo;, with two men to the shift, take care of this job. One man weighs the wood while the other computes the ttcket, which shows gross, tare and net ·weight of the load together with the total value. Truckers haul from 13 counUes within a tadius o{ 50 miles of Canton. One th ousand and thirty truck are on file which is an increase of about 400 tru ks since the sca le were installed. Approximately 30% of all wood received js by truck a t an ann uaJ cost of 3 mi11 ion doUars. Un ler favorahJe weather conditions, r ceiv d at the rate of one truck ever ' during .the time the yard is open. truck three wood i. • mmutes WI•,TCflf C: WOOIJ, ' · V. Lop .. C ha 1Hpinn Old T 1nwr, p• p<11t"\ to give drl..e! LO '''aiting n U('k·r a t 1 e1ghi11g )> 11tl iun ~>iwlnl . 'T 1 • kct ' Nhrn,, J.(lU. '<, L [C anrl lll. l weig-h.t qf IJ,I : l 1:u l p1o>~ lh1 tnHil \'aluc. 11 thh is d.vnc hurricdh· hut .:J( lllfH tt:l _ ,lflli ' ih • t1' 1r k r5 Ji.k.l:: th t' nc·w ~y l ' lll . E t' E R \ ' 'J H R E L .\4 r-: I; I r~ . dllhlll? L:l \ 1rrab k weather. a load d ~r ''k i: dc.1rctl bmllli!;h ~~~ e _ C<t J''l 1 i l'l;.t D i \ J <>i o:n w ,i~h i t1 ~ 'il::tfl 10 . l1 tlkCIS l• <:tLJI 1rnm 13 e~ter ,~ .:-.:orl h Caroliua •onn· fie. withu, a 'Taditl~ "'f 50 mil s of the Cant<m ·mill. ~e'ttl"l) 11 per I..Cnt of <l n 'I> O!Jd rccci \ I at Car<1lina Di~i:s i o 1 l JlllCs b-v rru('k a r an an n ual co,;t in excciS of 3,000,()00. R ail w od is received on wood racks suppli 1 by t'h:e Southern R ailroad. The Souther.n desigJ1ed and built a wood car which can be loaded by hand and hauled without pilling the wood. Open on the sides aml built with very th ick fltAn·~ and ends, the rack ca1· can be unloaded me hanicaH <~nd without damage. Jn designing the w od rack.. th~ floor had to be built so the wood ·would not ·pil'L "V" shaped bott&m which ma"de the out ide even tenths higher than the middle solved thi problem. Wood is then loaded and when capacity is reached the outsides are higher than the middk enabling the wood to be transported safely. Last year Champion received 22, 30 c