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The Log Vol. 36 No. 10

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • C T 0 • • --- F R 0 M THE EDITORS Add w the sloric abnuL Texas ... Thi1 11HJ!lth the " fnqut!"ing Reporter' · ask ·, ' '\ Vl1y do ;ou lllink ttr tandanl o l fj, ing i ~ hiohcr than that of oth r na tion ('' .\n<l we lccit.kd tn unldt~t l the intcn·icw aJ1lOn<r Champion · " ·h ha\c r cent.'! , tra\ ·led i11 foreign countries. Two Texa· h::m11 ions were to he includ(·d i11 the i11t cninr. llut it \'as n< t long aft r w h ad cut out the question that JJi,·i­sion Editor John \'\Tai ker allcd {r nu Pa ad na Lu a : "Look. w · know y u want lt) t a nswer!; [r m penplc ·who h ~t \'C d sit cd .in fm· 3 i(Tn c uturi · ... \1cll, w h a,·c a u wh \,·as up in OJJ io not Ion ago. hall we • ·k him th · ~J U l: 1 iunr Dotl 'L forgcL, n ' con:id 1· auy1lacc out. ide the t-c rriwriaJ li tuit · 1l ' l c, a~ ·1 · l>cill ,:!, Iorcign land '' Thal -exas l • .A uew muribu tion to the anna ls of Champion huuH r co1u c: from \.'\Tilt:T J hn 'chmi tr, wlw thi · month b g ins an O h io Dtvi" :-ion c ltuun cl ,. ted larg ly to th doings of t ile Constru cLio 1r Dcpanment. H e tdl ome hilariou · t lc · amo ng the Ill be i n ~ t ltc t ry of hm .l\lutt i\lollctt and Dan Sd m ltz ldt the ir fin ger mark imprinted in a ted bca u1 in the new CM Sh Bui ld­in . For J ohn'· colunm, ce pages 31-32. • \ _ colt Han·ey of the Ca rolina Div.isiou i a no ther CO JUpa ra ­tiYe nnvcomer to The LOG. H e keeps us p os ted on w h o · ~ 'Nho and what's what in the Main OHice at Can to n. T month he tell · of ome of the 1nan Ch a n rpion sons and J a ug-h .. c rs 1.vbo arc etting that Big Opportunity in their lives- a college edu ca tion. For Scott's column, see page 34. · . The Champion Paper and Fibre Company 'Ge-n e-ral Office . . . HAMILTON, OHIO e Mills at . CANTON, NORliH CAROLINA e PASAGENA, TEXAS e fdito~ , STEWART JONES . HAMI(TON , OHIO e SANDERSVILLE, GEORGIA Division Edi1ors: STANTON N:OYIKI RK, Ohio ; JAMES DEATON, Carol ina ; JOHN WALKU, Texas Edi·to riol A~s : slao t : JOAN MESSNI:R EDITORIAL STAFF OFUO DIVISION- Cha1lcs l1;; lthl i1 1, i\·{1-rlc l)a ~ 11<''>, J oe Hlc1 ctt ,, \ '!J.' IL) Cohl o. Jh:1'ey M inhm, Jack :\'111!1 n, Dom 1ht P11g1J , Oltu Reid, .Mae Rov~s . .f \.l hl l i'rchmiLt, G '(wgc St i ncr, Bi ll T hoP ijl~ o i J. CAROLINA DIVISION- 1.-'r •d [') a\ tn n , Ip ic Halllif'H, \" . .' uU lJ ;H\ ' ) , CIJ dt R. H oq', Jr., \Vall.c1' .Ho lton, J ack j ll'>lic ', Ll'll . .,, \k~ ~ . Htu t c ~ p lllt'\. J. 1· .. William" n. TEXAS DIVISION- Gcn CIHIH:h , li e<! Cqpd.J tut ;n,ilia Didcr 011 , S.,~t n [ ll i~o , Fred F\rn1c~os, delle ~ lidr) , A. W. ll arni h on. SPECIAl. REPORTERS- ~ I urif:'l Sa.ttdersvilie. • 0 U R C 0 V E R Te.xan11 say the Houston atea. has on}y three seasens: Jarltlary. Fel)r uan and rummer. B'V wa~ , i , of contrast. Champions in Ohio a11d Carolina can count five - the fif th b eing th6t g:l.oriow;l colorful handful of davs vrher ' summer makes it:s la st tan against autumn's chill. Here's to the fifth season, Indian summer! rl h~· LOC loa'i h elped to te ll " th e swry or , \ m-:rir,, .. 1hrP ll g'h its 1 1 ~'--' in S l a ll' Dep nrtme nt H h1 ade~ ,met rG; •d ing rGot ns i tt nu 11y ft}PC'Ig,:r nllUII t lic s. Prlllle.d in U.S.A. VOl. XXXVI I NO. 10 ' • NEW PAVILION an Ohio DivL~ ion 's Thomson Park vviJI eat more th an 1;000 peTsons at a ban<'! uet. The stru cture, whi ch 'is 60 feet wide apd 160 f:eet Jong, .i. de tin d Lo play a majm role in e1:nployee outings in the fwtnre. ' • Series of August outings at Ohio are held in the new pavilion • l '\f TH.E c :J;JIO Divjsiou Slrvice Section of the J,ucl'tl '>~r ial. Relation Dr::partn1 ·nt, . the teJ eph <:>nc~> ja.m.glc em tautly. B ·ginning l;:1<,t JuDe the e wcr · even m.or · calls than u ~ual. It s ·em eel a Lm (.~ ~t .Jik ·a party line with everyone 1 alkin~· at one - -or maybe: it wa,<; a iirrc or • • parne . On jwte- 99, t,he pJ unc ran,g. },(uth Hav •daml arhwcrcd arul n1 dd ·d to Emie 1 el:s(Jh , S' vice . ctinn !i!.l.,Pt~l"\· J~or. ';E1 de,_ i '" fn yon>" she l)a_j ,L H ·· Jl c , · l lj> t.l~ H~Ce i 'V't"f' and S_Y>k '• . «Hi'llo ... \ ·it, Jiln , 1 f'>W ar · ·ud ? "J J1e cl ft lt: for tll l Jd Tic1n. r~ Uau(ptH• 1Ja.,n't l · ~n -.ct. y ·1 , Jim • .. 1 •o, we' going ~o h<. veto w:'lit for i;n r n ·w pav.,iJi(,n · at T l10rnson Va k . . .. Yc. , tlnt's right ... ' V Jt it hou ld be big enough t:Q hold your whole ·lttb. It'· to b · a lilY , 11)0', 01 en air, fi rc pr JD( sLruc ure . .. For ~ banqttct> Oh, .il'll sc. t al out 1 .~00, f .gw:.:s:-. . . hou lcl. be one of the bigg· · ~t ;l iH1 ri ncst .in1pr )HIJ:l ·n~:­' \' Jr nt ~Hk qut Lit ·re ... How's tltat. Jim? Ym be it will be u. ·c a lot. Part.ics ..'s, mnvics. banquet:. ... 'ure, "" ·' ll1e r ou know, ·J- im. As ·oc ~n · s w· ·an . . . I'll sec ·. " '" B c." .fi.nJ w;~s pr 'sellt vJ en the l w~e bLtildin:; wa. <.l " di­ ·::~ t cd b j,j, 1-,'i' CHIJ , · OJ~;l TiJ:w: rs Clu b, on .\u~nst 13. just ho ur.;; :c1tc~· l.hc 1· ·ilion at Thtllit ·on J'. 1:k \"~t ·mn­ph~ t<' cJ. tONTINUii:O ON NE T PAGE I • ~I\ T ·J OF ·R LIO. l f allh hl lilller· B;m· (Ill l ''a ·1 Kn pp. h • q 'd h rm · i-O) lu l1 n•cr< and their OIC'lJid - " .a d \1i1 . . lfl intt Hill l l' 'Jio.l' · l f.f I l J"Jtll•t 1 Lvlo f ·1 I· 111 t h , n~t homx• I'.Jf~ r•.t~tlil ll . Olio nnisl•.n Ohl ' irn ., ctnd thfir I i~ '., fncd chi k(·IJ hik 1he hfl ( IHi"t(.; l! on Otda .. tra P•'t "irkd cl111ncr mn i • En . I ll'B rR.(ri<r/10. Cl c' d nJ H•c:tli t, ·aH t< r Old T imer,. Mi: 1-\.iebler L,,ld Old Titn· e that ' :h ··d be glad c to retn tl'l ··lm tim :· U~ "DER t:h hu roof nf the n ew pa,·iJion (far right). Obio Old Timet ·and their ·wi 1·e waited for dinn-er to be set' ed a t tb eir eleventh annual banquet. The ladit>s w re pre ented wilh orchid corsao-es. lor th H'ning. . .......\ • 1mers • • • 0 THE MOR rL · , of August 11, th day aft ~r tb Ohio Division Old T im rs Ballq u l, th l.ollowing t J phone on ve rsation was not ··cl. T he w i fc o( a Clla n:t- 1 ion v t~n-Hl wa') heard talking to a fricn 1: ". . . o, Jim and I d id n't wa tch 1 !'} · is.ion last night, l' - w · had a t ,,u t! Y ·· ·-s. fim took rne out to Thorn em Parle Til Champion Old T illi(·r., Clu !J ll<Hl their 1953 111. tting· and ;,, h~ nque:t out thcrt· ... Ye s, wa.,J•'t lh<n nifv? 6 h, and let nu~ r 1.1 o u, JWwl, t!J cy \ ' httilt the ni e~ L pavil inr, olll th1 n ·. Jt.' · jn-.t the th. i11g Jor l,ancru · . . . " \·Vh <tl. d id we do? \ >\' l.J y, lit e: · Jt<td. a pwgr:lt tt all pla n nr1l'l Reuben B. Rohc-u w,n , "PI)kf' <tlld 'tu d id P ' lt - uc·n, .J r. . . . s, th at'll I ighl , Jw's prt·., id< 'fl l ,lJJ (l Ill fa t ite r- jc, r ha i . na11 l)f thf' ho:H cl . .. \ ho t·lwi' .. -') • hold their eleventh ann ual banquet "Oh s, L >vi. Cbrk T ho111snn an 1 l wit;ht Thom-on both a id a [ w 'i.mrd · ... T ll at.'s ri •,·h t. nd • d I napp was ma ·t ,,. o[ ccr ·mo nies . . . .11 ltuh. O h , ,,.c had a ' " nd ·rft tl 1 i me ... Two br0th ·>rs and tw s i Lcr" d<mccd ;u 1d s<tng .. . Y ··s, th Vour '"'oo L·ou . . the · <.a ll d thCJn:; l ves. T he re .vas rl : i n ~ r. to . lVJant•l ms voice ... Omcc r))? Qh y s-, T a lnln, L Cnrg·o r. \Nh' , :1 1\fr. < J lkg le w;1s made p r sic! •Jlt .. . ' rlLH's r ig ht, lk-1';1 'Y- J itn k now:. h im \'.'el l. H1· ca lls h itn " ]) ·J con ." [ g u t:s~ all th • l ·llo d1 ) . . • Ja rcnr(' Yo tl1l g- , nd He t t r Lcib1 ·k \' l'l'l clt•cted ,, ic ·p t ·~ idt •n t :md , c r ct ar ' .. . " \ v' .. . Well. Ethf' l, 1\ : · gdt to ge t b tl ~ ' ... Uh lwh . .. I I:l vc n't do11 · :t th i 11t; 't' l, l.Jui 1 jutst w:u11. d to t.t•tl ynu a l onr [(!::; (' ni gl1 l ... ' cllt hr 11, vt 'll .rc •<nt Sa t· 1 11 da · . . . :oo·lb 'l'." ' ' ">'i>''lf"' c.w•• = - ' ' t . DO " W \THE. ·1 •• f ilch~1Lan f:roru ·ar, !.tOOe by, mcrtain d Ol:lia S<:nr .Chlbbers itb an amu.inp: picl. ··D M '-CHl the bam­' n f 1k, h nw chuckling. E~ '-PREXY • .Pot cong.r tul ared Bob ornp­to: o, newly elect · l p;e·iclent. l'nmk Thomp on, right, i~ \i e-pre ·ident, and .B lllah Whit . not picn1r 1. ~enet::t.y. UL \.MPBELL licked her Linge rs ( below right:)~ a. did many oth r core lub m en.1ber a (ier pli " ing by the huge smarga bord. LjJ is past secretar}. ! • • CONi IN.UED core u • • • • C AL JULLMAN took a scratch pad ·from hil> desk drawer. fingered a pencil, pi k ed up the phone and dialed 511 . . '' Is Ernie there please?"' . . . Hello, Ernie. Cal Skil.J ­J an ... F'in , and yeu? . .. \!\Thy ErniE\ I thought may!, we'd better go over the program arrangements for the . !Core Club meeting . .. That..t's rjght ... T'd bettet find out if I'm to e rna tel~ or · Tow h ·ck me if I'm wrong, Ern:ie, 1 ut smorgasbord w111 pe c l up for 6:30, won ' t it? Ye, , L .b ani Lhal it was r ally good a1 the Sports Banqu t , . . , well! ... "Now, abom: the pmgram. John Zi.ia:nnern:~an wiJJ introduc .rie-t~' memb "r .. tu t.h<t club, tb n Dwigbt Tho l'l.­son ""dll talk fm.- 111.anagem ·nt ... Yes L. hea d that talk he ga e at th , port .Banq:ue t. Ro ' tape record ,d i c .. , LEWIS CLAR l Thorn­son, direc toT of Cbam ­pion's Legal Depart­ment, spoke briefly to Sco1·e Clu b membcxs at thei-r eighth a nn u a l meeung. members enjoy an "evening out," too Yc , particularly the pan where he said that competitors weren't walkiag in any runs, and Champion wasn' t staying in busines. by throwing bean balls or clusters ... Yes., it was good .. . ' 1\Tho? Oh, Bob Compwn . . . R marks from the Scor · Club. O.K. Lewis Clark Thom­son will s-ay a few wol'ds won't he? . .. Fine . . And E Pou will presjd. at the busine.s n.1eeting .. . Right. Then the Jection ot offic. rs. No~ , th showing or "Good l3u sin€-'ss" " iJJ be aft r th ther ·nt ttainm nt? ... Oh, h "fore ... O.K., aod ""'rho' going t.o enter-Lain Ernie? D< c vVe<ttherspoo.n . .. I •n ' t he biH d as an old­tim · pitch man or · m tlting? ... Sboukl .be oocl .· .. Y , l think th y' ll like hinl... \VeH thanks th ~u, £rni ' .•• No, don' t both·r, I'v mnl .note <t.)( "e L::tlk d ... v.x e:;, . . G· oocI I: :J e, E~• n:u. . " CON't1NUI10 ON NEXT PAGE 3 - · H \ R J l HI "1 HU R, I' ~ ,Jt tIt' 'I >~t 1_{ ntjll t· t, ka1 u.i tftr.,·H .·, ~ton' •o • I · r ,. I<> tht '- (~ "> f I . lllt'r' . orts ·I t~r·-~ .. IH tj i•HI ' A H~W OA.YS h cf9r · th • 19ti ' Spmts H, a t ·Lephon ' rang In the home v[ a t L Ohio Di i :-.ion ·family. Jau, ·-.'l'ho had ur ·Je in f .OJH w lrk on ly lllit~tllt'~ b(!/(;1(:, a lmo\il tripp ·d <!'Ver <1. t l1 row rug i 11 1 h ' !Iilii <1'> ohc ru"'hu1 !.iJ <i th :Vet' it h -- lore Jwr lad ( ou.l.([ J 1'>c lt·ot •l lll., ·a.,y chair. '' f i (· JJq;" slw lm·<uhcd, h~ o 1'11(~ - ~ civ '"'r s-~vcn1 '• ''O IL ], e Jl(J·tJ 0 To-ry. H q ~-~ ·<· ytm( . . ·1 'n •d ... V< ·~>, it wa"' lw ~~t tiJ · UliiJ tmla y. ( rlJ Pr-.!1 it wa:S IHJI ., eryw h<•t'l', Wt:bn ' l 1t? 1Jir1. J Jil' t '' ''Y wll'! tt ... \lly lrrvit<t lion 1n tl,c si 01 i'l }};utcruetr OlJ, ~1111 '. C:Jlil(' iJI LI H' lll :li,l ('i'JII'I(l :oty. .I don' t t.l1in f 'JJ g·o tlt fJ IIg ft .•• Ol1 , I'' 1 hcc :nt lll .•. Y . .,, 1 korn l httry Sr ul ll Jrdwr'r:. goillK l•J spt ·:d , Inn .. S<Jn·, f ktJOW 1•/ J!o(L ~ will be t n;t'l f nl" s lt•-r, it lid tl wtt .' ll 4 j ( ' ' I Ol n f RJ f· ( I!) I lt rl { ' Ot ' 'I J 'Hi P'"' ' ' t ~ l<lf l ~ l hi ' .' ' ' :t'IJ-t ll t r •ma , • • • I I du. I l irr • I rtt ''' l I til 1 !;, " I tf' l\1 1'- ,ft • l m, thl" ,, ,If JOH:-J Z lM ~IEJC'Vf" !\ fcirdej, hiG D11 Lion manager, extend d wn nnulatiol'l'l to L h Hue ", let, f annin. tem::cx, and Rtld Oul'- ' Lap, right, for 1 heir Otll'-Aamli t • .tthletic <~..liHt~ <tnd ccnHtibuti<ms to ha11q i.on pore. · • featured speaker s, awards b · pknt to ~·at. 1-lo nv~:~ tl ; , 'l ·rr , all vo tl thi·uk rf " fo 1d . Dnnciur-r? ... . lo.(H> l di ln' t \.11 )\' tint. · I' ' fl' 1. Hut "it wrHtlcln' t nHtk • an · d ifll-1 .1u ' ·tnywa· ... VVII)1? \'Vt U actu a l! · I' :rr_, );0\H ·tJm(·s )(It t ruak • Hit~ ,o tll ad,l It ' · j 11s 1lwt I d o n ·l ... \' ndd I g-.1 \rj t·h 11U r J' t:· l ·I) , W h y C: < ·t I td I Jl y. \' till c :t T1 jl i < l lll • tl p : I -..i d clo<k 1\ lond.L " i. ·ln. U.K.? . . . 11 • ct•." J ~tll <·a~t'll tltc pJ• I IH' g ·•ttl h,t{ ~ int~ it .s ·1.1 lh- .nt,l .~ ig lwd , ;, o nl ' <I t ~n, _;. >irl wirh .p:tl'litu LJr Ltl e:h al t~Ut tl ( Hiltg ho I ! ,tj l . "D:11!d •:' ~ h t· I' L]Himvd , " l>id \Oil h ;.n· .tbout t hl' ' lluu dn ·d 1 1) 1 h pn·l'j ' tH :ttt-(Jl i:-; tl t.t' ' 1' · go il~~ t ) tnak ' at t l.w Spt!rtK Jbnqn ·t .tVIunda ' nigl.-t · \Y'dl, 1'\e •cH .:1 d .H • vi t}t illtll< -1" fl • \10:\f • IH hS - . I) Wl: .KIDS aU njored soein.g the ir .. t of ha p ion '" fh n~ 11 w 't·CIIot filti t ~<, ''Good }u :in€.<' - !' h~ ' i n~s t(w :J il ()hi(\ Divi ·ion ·emr loye ~ 1 r(' made rluri 1g All_ usL .\1R . AND iJRS. 1\le. D .1ph, ~~itl1 til ir ch ild t' n U:d ­'\' artl a·n<'l .l\n11a, arcept "Go()d .Btt in •· program. f l'orn P<ll Mchcl and i\·1ard yJt Dumfo rd upon arri ving for on <lf th. three ClHploye sl1owings of that film . CONTINUED • D RH'ii G- th r ee nigh ts in Au ~ u s t, a ho~Jt ~ , 00 0 Cham­pion fglk s, w ith th e i r £a rnil i ', f locked to Thorn­soH Park fo r a screen ing · of ··Goon Bu, .ines .. " .. ' . ' ; OVJe. • • showing of nGood Business" drew large c.t·owds M oNDAY MOR:"\ ING, 29 at 8 a.m., Ernie _Nel t>n req,ched in his shirt pocket for a vitarrrin tablet instead of a cigarette,, Garland Muuz ~agg d a Little jn hL chair, Touie Marvi-n nursed a me - fra t urecl while dancing at ~he pl r ts BanqueL, Pa t Mehl s t our for · oifee lO minu te. ea rli ~r than. l..t.'!Ual, and 0 11CC nl.Ol't~ Ruth Haverland reach d (or a t 1 eph.on<e ~vhi h s t up· s ver jingles before her hand r ·ach l th rcrei ver. "Ernie, K n n yd calling." "H llo K n . . . J 'oL o go(Jd, we' c alJ dr agging .. , \Ve1l, w had 00 OhJ 'J imcrs, 'li.JO at th pl;rt Banquet. 22.5 at th Score Club, and Z,OGO lor "Good ~ ~~~~ .in :<." oo T hm ·day, Frida•,r, a:r.u:l Saturda nio·ht ... fnt al, I ~ ,..., ye .. • Welt. from " t .at I . aw, j l ' t abc v 'r on ' sta d for ic cr 'am and roff ·e . . . No, there's norhinrr - ' t· rong with 1n gang that a we k's vacation c uldn 't cure. We just hope that th. 3,'iJ.25 Champions tha t h ave att nded the -e functions during th la t (eld week, en­jo A thern:s 1 es . .. That's wh 1 they all us the Servi ce Section l gue s . . . . " he whatr . .. Oh. h family Picni .. "V\Te'Te pT tt · w ·ll . Cl for that .. .. Uh, huh .. . v\lH T ? . .. Oh, lrl..O . . . l7o.r wh ·n? . . . Now wait a rtrinut , le t'. get this s trai~ht. You want us to get aut 1nvita ti a n,·. order :r - freshmeuts, OFCkr ·hair:s, nd seL ui the pa ilion . f r "Detp Roots"- tHI 1 "PaJ_P r ·'1\T~ rk " to-t- S ~te mb .r. -19 ud. 21 , . . Y(:s, I kno' [ $al I n- - th .· ~rv t ·e ' lion . .;.oodhy · K en." 5 .. EDGAR F R .1ER n· .. ht). Te ·a. Di,·isjon. ·who rc enrJy r turned f . 111 a trip to uba: "I belic,·e i ': cau e of our high production. Be au: ., of th.1t, ,\-e get l1igher wage_, The 1norc we make, the mor buv. ll' lif. fcrent in a 1 lac I ike u !Ja \.\' hert' the re is no bjg produ ti< n.'' GEl ;E\ 'A PERRINE (below) oC the Ohio Divi ion. who tou tc(t \ ·'. tern and S mth rn uror : "Ft)r ( nc thin2·· '\' · have b •tt 1· g-rounri to rail\ ... h1od and the land i taken cue nf beuer. ln Europe. mo~t of th farlll \1" rk. is d .ne by hand. ln ome area . though, rh · tu~ oxen. WJ lun' b ller equil ­ment and earn betl r W~lgc ." • • MAL LYOi\ (1 i d1t), (,encral Oflicc·, who ha~ ra\.cltd in Gtraten.tala anrl c;ther C0-nt11l ,-\Jm~rio.11; counl.tic'i: " \Ve h;nc a l!'t g • U.J>ttutry w.i~h exc !Lnt· natural resounc.<;. 'Ve hav · dynamic;''l'uu nrl - a prr1 . gn:s. 1vc OllllrJnk ... By thllt f mean nut a. Ivan ·f'lll nt ha n()t be n hind reel IJ)' r igid rdig hm or cn ltural p tM:rn~. I<iu ally, our c:onJmy ha devd. oped gradua ll y ov ~r ma11 · years; you an not chaagc a country's standard of livin;,; ()Vcrmght." ar· C h a m pi o n s fro m a II d i vi s i·o n s . and the General Office share • . - theitr answers to this question ~ w i t h t h e ~' i n q u i r i n g r e p o r t e r" MARY GILLIS (left), daughter of Carolina Old Timer 0. Floyd Gillis, toured Europe this summer: "Here our lives are made ea ·ier be ausc of our great o pportuni ties, bur: in pite o[ our alttomob.iles rcfri·oo· era-tOrs, central heating, and com'l t- J 'S · gadgets 111 i sing- in the o th er cou n l:"ri s \>Ve pc;rha ps pay l ss a ttention lO Lhc heantiiication of rn1r tmvn <!llU Lit(' -i tplc enj(J ' tf"l(·nr. [ the thin". ' ·\'C have." • Cll \PLE~ r .. \tOR I l'iO ·. Carolina l)i,i.,ion, '' ~'~a ,j~itor tn •tl'C(e~ "I\lmt ol Europ · wa-, h. 1 d hit 1>, t hv '' .11 :wd their !\land ; rei of I i\ ing- ha.., 'lll fcred , hut [ ':l\' H ' t \ )it tiC' ' t·\ idt•nu· of do\ n-rigltl povctl . I lw a\vrag-c European i~ an indu:-.triou-, p et on and lh ) lla' · ttt<tdc ttenten doth ~u idC'" upward ~ittcc the w:1r. If tile pcac · i kept aud the threa t 1! wa t ;ilHdi,ltcd, th _·tt .Europe "ill . .,von be on her feet again." er? 0 t R t . 11 1 n 1 \ 1 r· ~ i' a '· ' o u n g" nat i < >tt < on 1 pan.:d 'ith nJ•H o( the <Hhcr rountric., in the ,,·or! d. Y<.:t du ri ng- a rd.Hi\ll lloJ r pan nl \ · ar~ "'·c l1a,·c de, eloped the h.igh csL -und Hl 11! liYing the ' orld lt~b c\cr known. < I ., ~et opinion on the r ca on for our rapid progr '), the inqui,in~ r pon·r a,k-,. "\'In do ~ou think our ~t.mdarcl o[ Jj, ill!:.: h hi~hev than that ui otlt(·r c< nllltli es~ ·· An. ,,-ering the qtH: tion .lie .t ~r.Htp u( Champion ... who ha\ c yisi t d in l(1rei"n ftHHtttiL. ;tlld whn th cn :lotv ha\C b en able to Cl)lrt­p H' thl' mcri<an w. v ot hie ,,·ith lhat o f other people~. - f{ RJEI \LLE.:'\ (h.ft), (. II· 1al OJli e, ' f.q l!.P. 'i ... itr J in En • l Jf <l f1 aw t • ;utd ( ~ t'tlfWll\. J thiJ · \-, (.IIJ p1 uthl< C lJJIJJ • lo>l t"H l <IIH IJ (~Ill(' \C :II( lll•l • IJound !1\ tiH uadiunn ol CHll ;!_land ! ttl tel a11d ~ ~ · at-~J< nd­f, nhu . tit '· \''" thn U'tll t11 bv • 111 Eu1 <;J,l:. 1!1· l 1111t·d L<ill " i a meh · ng l;'H ol id"a" and '' <> d l (' II ot a Jt <J j d !IJ 11 \ II ( \ llll. tJ •Jd . ( 111 IIi'( r:llt<'ljlli ' \'>I 111 of c HTIJ t•titJIJll lH !1; lh lO < v um 'l ,( i h t Itt · STELL\ PERRr:\' E (ill,o t·e) nl the Ohio Di ·i ion. ,\'Ito l<Htr<.:d \ t"itCrn and 'ottth n1 Europe : .. \. • h .. n c L'\ e1 ~ ach ant;'lgc h en · in tltl' l 'nitcd "itatc . Coct ha-. hk.,,cd thi < Ullltll\ "ith ' tll:tlct ial and lotH! and pcnplc '' ho ,tt C' twl aJr, id to go allc;t l. Hon ·:th . \l' do not know htH\ man\ bl . ., wg \ c Jut\ ' in thi cuuntr ." I' J•. \ R I. :\I \ P '-t 11 \ I . L ~ h t t ), rc :h I )i\ i tOll. a H·..,ident nl C;m.tda f< r tnuH· than Jt) \l':lh' ·· llu 'l' tltiug-,. tll .tiuh . I tltinJ... . 0!11' ol lltL' tll i, .\lothet 1'\atlllt' our ,\, ·,dth nl rl'­' tllltn'> and tl1 e t.1ct rh.11 11 :llh all • 11l nttr l.twl ~~ l'todtllti\ . · ·~tHtd might lH IIIII 1 llll(llthnt \ '>dldOJ \'> It !II. \ttd .. thi td . tH il -,\'-l('lll ol fl . l' ( t!l( •lj>l l'>l. 7 • I The time. August 27; the occasion, a five ·year party; and ... F ' l\ and recrea tion proved the high­light of the annual five-year group party at CaroJina's Camp Hop_e Aug·ust 27. Reuben B. Robertson, Jr., Champion's pr esi-dent, "·a principal peaker and broDght the more than 950 guests up to date on the company's plans and pro re s. Don Randolph, supervisor of training, pre-ided at the dinner meeting, and· H. A. Helder, vice-president and Carolina divjsion manager, welcom d the gue ts. Kelly Whitt, of the Fin­ishing Area, responded on behalf of club membe1 .. Th Rev. I. L. Robe ts, n w pastor o( rhe Canton fjrsl M thodjst Chur h, gave the invo ation. This ma .ktd the en l of th annual Cham­pi( Jn parti s; a t h ·· Carolina Di v i ~ icJIL lor th current year. B ginning· with the 01] ~, iJll t r . all rtg grou ps have enj< y ·rl lh ir pari ic· this BiLL\' BAR L'.l T , tiglt t., Jk><, M ll J•t11i lti ng ~bd•, a 'auc r do n rite ~>lluffldJo, r d c.o 11t t. i 11 cU·<, r'l to s. ymie R.ay Pres~lc· y, Em pi tyee"' 'ito,.c, 1\tiW . \ .tit · tJi rurn at tl • game. FIVE HUSBA 0-WIFE COMBINATIONS attended the Carolina five- vear • party. Pictured here are three of the couple . Left lO right: Dori · and Bill Turner, Paul and Rubye Harkins, Mary Jane and Brv on Ledford. ther couples theTe ' ere Ro · and Irene Cogburn, and Bob and Cora ' 'fae Phillip . M ry MEMBERS of the afternoon recreation period. arolina fi\'c -y ar group 'ed bingo uurin 0 h ers ho" u td r sport~ . ' f' Luu~ THOU .ANDS of men throughout the counu , group of Cha1'1•pion took tjme out this snm-mer to see if an old p-air of hoes still fit them. The found, '\'lt,llOu L e. · ption, that the did. The -hoes becat'rle altemutely very dusty aJ"Id highly poli'h.ed. But it' ·a a11. olJ. rou tine, 'familiar i:o hundreds · of { Ho~,, C.'.h ampion.s who haven 't tried on t.he h oes f · quite a few years. ln the · hoe eighli Texas Divi ·ion Champions pa­raded, tood inspe tioo. and retreat,. plodded through tiekt maneuver and ran ob"tacl' 'our e~. The could . be, HOthin · e1 e but the old Arm r_ brogans. At the t n<l of t'";o weeks tlle e Champion slipped back into tbe tnor · familiar civilian shoes and returned to the one-night-a-v.o:ee.l(_ A:rm.y. But for two weeks it was .all Army at fon Hood, Texas, where the 949th ArmoreJ Ordnan e Maintenance B:analion aud the 75th lnfan.try .. TA:--.IDARD OF CO H'i\;N ' ' , 4~tb al lun Hood, 1 X<t '. Le({ ~o 1ight; ' AO~ U<! ta1fo11, ltpp <!t~ ~t. Ra; liord herry , "gi. l.T . COL. J"lar0ld Blank lef t) tratlsmit a mes­S1tge du ring tra iuin.g aL 01 t Hood. Wirh him i f llow Chamr.ion Sgt. \ aJtet L. Attuoons. D 'CORATJ01 ·s · f r a hicvemcnt w re <IWUd d at camp. U·lo' , LL. o l. Fred , EJliston pins the ex pert rHlcnwn's m ual on Setgean t Vasile u. 01hers in the . forrnaLion a rcS rge;t JJ tS Ki r:ks Lac ~u H I !1 n 'Y- Li ·u tt: ll<u~t W ·st look · on . • • • Division went into training in -two eparate two-week peri0ds. Cham1 ions with th ' 75Lh Infantry were Lt. Col. 1-farold Blank, divisional offic 'r, and Sgt. '\IV, L. Ammon ­with the G-4 section. • With the 949th .AOM, a National Guard outfit, were Lt. Buddy 'West, M/ Sgt.. Lloyd Kirksey, Sgt. Rayford Cherry, Sgt. Gene Lee, Sgt. Arthur Englehretson and Sgt. George Vasilescu. \!Vest is commanding officer of: the unit and Ki1;ksey a Guard member siqce 1948 is Fir~t Sergeant. Other Champion jobs included: Lee a machin­ist; Englebretson, ·welder; Cherry, txack. ehicle repair­O: lan; and Vasilescu, ·welder. Now all of them have left Army lHe behind again . Most of them were happy tO do it, but all ' ere aware th,at their part is a significant one i.n th ta k of keeping a free nation pr€ and alert. G <wge V~1~ilr ~·u , U . "6Htlcly J>t, gt. • n lei ,:ret -. 11 :uuJ M' I Sgt. Llo u K iII<.· '. G n rt I ur 9 I • I CLOSF H.-\.R \!0:\Y (1•i th 01 ly an orC'a ·ion al flnt not ) _ m fxom 1 he ou~ts a. they :m · the old songs in Lbe re <.:pLiun mom o( Lake LogaH Lodge. H. A. Helder i ·h. wn n st· tbe ame ra. Henry Ri by is the pi no virtuoso. The Carolina Division congratulates H. A. Helder upon OVER 1ZED CfGAR is pr ~ .tHt!d tt> Hold 1 b mLII tl'1ana-ger, as R uben B. Rob l t n, Jl ., D~ck et7t!' is hown at Helder' t ig!H . JG • ~ lf "t' T~<.>-1<'1 , ~ mi tes :a t igh t. • c o rviPAJ'{t 1G T IME.. H . . He l·~leJ· examine the 45-y ·ar watdl of R euben B. Roben ·on <J • tJth r 45-y Rr Champions a ttcndi.n ' th{! pan ' look ou . LeU to t: (..eo rg · T.t.osH , Roy T ramroeu: Bill Mitch ell and Hill Rob ·r tw 11. A ms NOON-DAY conference b uddi s la ud ed h i general efficiency and joked abon t the old day with Champion, fL A. "Dutch' H elder, vice-pre ·ident od Carolina division manager of The Cham.pion P.aper- and Fibre Company, ·v:as guest of h onor at Lak. L og· n Lodge September 2 upon Tea ching his forty .. [iftlt mi c­sLone with Charnpion. A l1umorous poem was r •acl in H elder ' · behalf by R euben B. Robertson, chairman of Champion' . board of directors . hiinseH a 45-year Champion , before he paid tribute to this nan with wl10m be h as worked so do ely through the years. . Reuben B. Rgbert on, Jr., Chanu.pion's p.resi.d ent also paid high tribute to H elder, and presented him with a wrist watch ir'l appreciation of his 45 years of loyal and faithful enice as a memb r of rhe Champ ion Family. Champion's top-ranking ex ecmive at the Carolina division accepted the gift and incereJ p ra.i eel the teamwork at the Carolina Divi ·ion, whi h he ha come to know o well. He expt-esse l his deepest o-ra titude w Noon-Day Confer en ce member · for th e ir ·wh ol h <ured ooperatior1 sin.ce '·wa back when. , G orge M. Trostel, mill 1nanager, pa·e ided er Lhe buffet dinn er ·e ~ ion , ex plaining in a humorou y in ju.s t how Helder a qui:recl the nickname "Dutch..'' T il explanation (rather ·leAg thy) dr w hean ' h. ~;tghtc t· f om th _ gwup. Fo llo,..,·iL1g lh di.nn -r hour, gnesL e njo e l Ch:;:uu­pio a ' ~ dti rcl all-col~· JHovie, "Pap r \ ·Vor k.," wlri ·h wa ~ being h1)wn ::tt th- Carolina Di vi "ion for t he fi r~'! I.JlJ l . rl -1e fi lm drew m::tn ' favorabl com111ents fron:.t gtt esls a · th y , &s mbl din ~h e l .ak · Loga.n Lod g' re cpti on roo111, for i.t . ong fe-- 1'. I. d h · A. l\1. " Bu k ' .Fairbrother, Carolina p roduc­. ti<Hl u1ana.g r, th gr-oup ang the old song- like th f d n \ t r ·un th rn b c fo r~· - Hc•nr)' Rig- v, assistant ~<> ~ "'J I bampi!)Jl · p resid n t, who is _pending six 1Uon th at th arolina Di r ision, h ndll:d the piano ·a ignm nt. • - 1me . . HO~f E R HITT:U: ~ Ji r~i Rh.e;~ i. ab0u t LCI (werrake •·s1 ccd y'" Sta ruc . dun t\g the l:tte 11naJs, whi<.:h tl1t~ CIJ,u n p ion Y wo tt 9 to 1. · <? I·J.c\MPI<? ,"\ . H IP TROJ:IH Y j ~ p.r ·~ crttCC\ lb Y \ •l arHrget' H oward ?:\t:lts . . Otl er trGrphws, \ven t to .G J rnan . M iUe.r. otr t t:J p itt;h er, ,r,nd Jnn R.hea and f; eorge J'nte, leaciJI1J btUer<. ~ • ' SHAPELY E tb l Abbott, pitd 1cr, shoH· stop and C:H.l Lficld r for the Mariel" ta T mnboy . . Atl ~ nr a , tva e lected ''Mi ~ Sout hem SoCt ba ll" d.ur it1g Women's R.e. gional tOtlrn e y. L ri gh t is Smi t'b B;trri er, ~ p o r ts edi tor 0f the r &ens!Joro News and pl"c~j d e r.H of 11le N . C. ,\ m<~ l c l! r Sort­h. a ll A ~o i:H ion . J. I ' C a r o .ti n a soft b a II tea m sets a n a II -t i m e r. e co r d . P a nother '· Eirst'' for Charn pion'! On a H\o·e l tering F rida · night .in la te Augu st the Can)lina Division' Charup1on Y ~ ~CA oftballers became the fir:.t team in .. orth Carolina history to v in th e state championshj p fJ.v con ·e u tix·e year '. They did it in decisive fashion, sma b their way to a 9-l victOr ver Grant Motor- of' Kanna polis in the ti tlt:: · a01c tv a.rn .a tr.em ndotiS ovation From an O\-e!'flo·,;v CTO\-\' d c1t fans at Canton' beautiful ball p ark. Altll Jugh. it wa: cstabli hed jn a bu ·ines: like man­ncr, tbeir reconl-brea},in' feat wa::. pack d wi th su sp n e and drama. . ' J:utmp:ion Y had not J. t a s t~t - t t11;narn ·n t game :, n e the early rou n(j.s of the 1949 meet, t-vh en th y ~taged a tre1.11 ·ndou<; cor 1 ·back to captur · their fiL t . tate cnampionship . But they had been iu a sJumJ for th ree week s. 'rhc fcen.-s ion ()· 1J -1ng in po·; iti n to set a new state n~corr l wal> not cal ula t ·d f() h Jl any. Fans ve loyal. but unc.:a1oy. The big q ~1(;;">tirm: cou ld th ·boys "nap ovt of it aad ri s; · to th ~J ,ca..s:i<m in tl1c fa( . Jl Ot .e of t !J fa:1t ·~; t tie-ld$ er a:, mb l ·d in qu ·-;t ()[ th cov ~L\(; u Tar HeeL oo\' n.' Ma.n.ager \ i.nd y • am had hi · team key ·d \.1 p tor the openin. . ·. t0urnarnent ~ a me- th 11 (::v ·rythirg ( · ll GaL 'I h eir uppo:nen ts fa.i led L<1 &ho\·v. lh the ~econ.d ruun u, hh we er, lite "olJ tna!!u:r '' set (be patt n £or i-ctocy. Nazi 1.ill ::r c..h.unk d a no-hi 't no-run game, and Charnp.ion Y wa, on .its way. The base hits b egan to flow agajn and Miller tu rned in two more sparkling p erforma nces to send (:ha tnpion into the fin als. But then lisast r sLr uck ! Jn the Nazi fractured the thumb ot I is pitching hand. H e (inished that game with ma ·terful courage, but he wa throu h for t he to unnm n t. It was hlp to Johnny Phi llips in · the ham1 ionship game, and he h ad previously b een knocked ou t in less than one inning by the teaw.1 he was to (ace for the title. J ohnny was in t rouble in the v r r fir t inning. wo ~<;> lid hit:.s- by the Kanna1 olis slu-gg r co. t him a r un, and the o ~J LJ ook " a bl ak. T h en the b ig Cluu. 1pion L>ac· took over. Speedy Stamey opened th .bmn · haJ.f of the fi rst innin<:r with < to"ver iog hom "1rL ·A walk., a don,bl , b ' G urge Pri ,e, and a n 1th ~r ro und-tr ippe-r by l~o d Alkn follm ' l ­and the o u t ·was ot':l . Ph illip , ~e ttl d d )\N il to pLt h c rele- · ba LL F iv ~ 1nore Chatn p k!ll n lll$ wc·1 t on rb ~ s ·or~' boa ed, nd an­othn. :. tall: ch mpinn hip and th n ew sLate re vrd in t.l tc bag. Ev n tb0 11g>ll h · w a ~ u nable co work in rJ1 • fiu· J·. N a ~:i Mill r was "-.l:djlldgtd tb <;ota t ' · top t"t~irJ e r for th fo urth con. r: utive ~tr. · .,eorge Pl'ic . a11d Jiro R:Jl a, Cha1llpitm ~b:iJd sa h r • ud wtJiehl l ', '\ ~)u rvd up in a d "• d h at for th bauing troph wi h vem 1· • t ( ."'83 ea h. u • I I I·L:\'fJ$(J"1TO\ffi:t) BARGES h11ng 1 J,t J)' ll·r ,.,JJi 11 tt · 1_ ·x<ts Pi vi .. ion vi <:I 1j1 • ll o ll 6WII SltiJl ( .h,ili! IH' L h•Ht1 rt:yuired lo dr dgc a nti b;wl lhe ·h •1! h om th· c;nff 12 ·b;.mpi n ·~ I I l ' d <I I " f M · ir r1. ·- • • ,. • • , ...~ -. l JI• , ' () 1 EYOR to 111.: lillW ki l11!. (r~hovt•) K'4 ·s lhc .h •II. 'Hn·wan. Ill , a iHl Ra 'lllOIId rt' lll..ilh v\ Htcb . 1' hi. ~~ lh(' lu ~t it will h · . t'P 1 a~S h 11; in the kll1 . ir i!. IHirn l into lin1 ~. • l'l'!C liliW I I ' 1 ra c _ e e .STO KPlL E, •. of oystc t• ,hc.ll are built up (te(l ), a lthough man 1i 1~1es the . he ll i:; tmlo-a.d I dil-cc tl ' into v:~ili n g rail cat.~ . w hi·clt L•ke it to lhe Ii tle ki has <•L the 0ther end of Ut mi ll. Thi~ opcr.a· tio t'l o nLinues Lhe \ a.J· rotmd at the T .· ;ts Di •is irm . THE .\1 .\ N bc hiurl the sl:.terl unloading opc1'ation (b lm.J!) 1s Bob -;,ll,dct·s wh 1 operat s the ra u at tl t Ch ll'lpion dock ~ . • . -· From the common oyster comes one of the most important - ch emicals of the pulp and paper industry IN' TH E .BLUE BAY. a:nd ri ver 1:nouths of the Gdf o.£ Mexico lie {:norwous beds of tbe edible bivalve 'hdni h of the g<::nu: oS't?ea - hc tter kn0wn as · the common oyste . . T he fen:tale O)i8ter rnay lay J 00 };}):illion eggs in a single :>t<W')n. -After hatdling. tb e!,e mj c:-roscnpic larvae ·.wim around fen· about uvo '\H:~<.: b. o1· uritll tli(;y ·hnd a cSpot that abopod. ip d.iatorns a tHl IJ!thcr mi,eroscopic f()nns of life uptm "hkh they may le-cd. 'J h ··n they attach tlH~ m ­s- elv " to a <lead h lJ, an€1 aJ'tr.:r LW'fl to li:ve cars they beco:ole nta t:u re G>y ter. . · \"Thile rh ·c O)'St er.s m.ight b tnn e familiar ()11 half ·hdl or a la Roc.k. ~ felh·, th y al·o p la an tmpor­tant part ;n the life of ChampionJii. Fn.r the lim. rnad fro rn. o y~tn ~hells h e<Jscntial to the .hc-rn_i ah :tnd C@3ti r"lg ru<-tWFiaJ .n.ct.,.ded in IJ~(; Jnan.ub t ·turc o( and pap -r. Pulp and pap ·r ma ken • .ar • th largest con­~ um er\ C)f litu ·. Approximately :10 tons of ti m ~:; are con· un1e1l ·very day at tile Tc .. ·a:-. IYi vi iou a1olle. Where dCJ s it cou1t.: frml,t ... \(' hat''!> f1appe njug be­f'o e Lhf'M:: ~h€1b rtach Cha>J •I~j (~H~ .Le .'..; took JJa k . .. • Over a period of years one layer ' "'ill die and a new layer of these mature oy ters will fo1·m on top. Th:t:.lS she ll reefs are [onTJ.ed. T h ese shell axe the onrce of hjg)1 grade cak:iwa1 carbonaLe, or limes.ton . This she'll is th en dredged out of the gulf. W 'l h .ll with pn:.•s::.-ure spx:ay to rexno\."e mud and de bri s, and lmtcled into barges to b tran ·portcd wh r '­en.' r it is neede L .-\ L Cha rn pion, the shell i;- lH'Iloaded onto a storag · pi lc or into hopJ r -bounw rail cars and tak n to anoth r was11 r and to a storage tank, (r:-om whi h it can b f d inlo 1J1 gjan t li:rue kiln . . 1-l cr th sh · H undergoes another major hange, this time o ne (;:,f decompGsitibn . In tb · Ia1, · , . revo1 ·ing. hrick-1 inc<'i kiln s~ thf' !!h ell i 'cnokctl" at t .n:rpe:ra u tt:e. r, r 2. 10(} to 2,200 d gT .es Falar •nheic. t tbcs " t rnpcra­tll l' s , IJ.eU .s 1-Hlslak I lirue a fL 1r th , r clea. e of ~tirlJon dio id ' g3 ·. • Thus, from a tiu gg hatdi ·d in th · Gulf 1 f ·fexi o t ontel'> one r1f lh • rnn11t impoJit·tnt .h n>i ls of th · p.ap · l l l( lll '\tl' • 13 ' I ' ' l4 E!\tll'LOYEE L\ E;\JEfi fTS result f1011t a 1 rcfit ­al> l , business roo. and 110 one k.r1ows it l;etlcr t ha!l R a y, who W<ts first employed at 1 he ·r ex as Di vis iou in .Februarv, . J9 10. ow-adavs he 1c ts in his cornfor tahl hammock ("/,(we) and dreams o l. rh · days ahead when he' ll re ti re a nd have t i111e to use ;:~ I I of that fi sh ing equipment shown at th left. 0 ASS ISTANT Paper Mill Main te na nce foreman Ray Cordrey know< th._ meaning o f Lhe three phrases \rhich might be the nto>t important to h i 1 1. He's marr ied and has a Jo,·e ly 18-momh-old daughter. Ullt chance~ arc lte also knows the meaning of that fo u rth phrase which helps to kel1) him on h is jou a t Ch ampion . • - - . s , I IN E.VERY PF.RSO 's memory are word or phrases whirh :tancl out as beino· ju t about ~ he most importai>t '-''or l:- fte or she has ever heard . .. Wo:rds likeJ -"1 love you," '1 do,., and '·You 1:-nay see your baby, IlOW, si.r." You, a a"tpion, wonldt• 't he likely to add to that li::.t nf phrases ucb a one a: . • "Champion is makii1g a n:asonal.:J>lct pro!lt"- but those six ·words rank ·with · the oJ her..; in the iT import.:1.n ce to yo u . ··\ veH," ·ou might ay, 'Tn1 not a stockhold r, J dort't get a ny ~)[the ompany'·· profi~s . ' 1\/ llat do I care?' The an.,wer );, tha t )'OU don't ha ·e tio hold Champion '>trH'k to b n fir from its profits. Your "dividends'' are ~) ing J aid c,)[f in a nl.1mbex of ,,..·ays. The first is joh ·ecurity. How af wmtld yow.r job lv· if Cbampiou vverc: not con Lal!lfly · trivir11g t0. earn ad yuatc profits and therefore produce more paper? A wmpa.n , '-Vh ich i Jp •t•ating; on a lim margin of pro fi t 'IA'iil oon find jt elf for · ·d to reduo:r i ts payroll '"'hen there is a do\.vnwan l trend in business. Champion 1:>mfits don' t just go to sto ·kholclers. T l H:y'rc. plowed hack in tO the bus.inclis, res u ltin.g· in x­pa ndin ~ op ratio n!>- rr~ a.tion of n e1'\r jobs ancl -greater <,c .uriry in th ' one you h ave . . "'en;nd i " ·good wages. Tbat ch eck you g·et cv TY pa) perj d J':i among tb.e wp in tb ind11 st.ry. ''You. ca n' L," a.;; th t. say, "get blood ou L Jf a tu rnip'' - or goocl pay oat0f a ·11aky enterpr i. e. · Third i ~ 'lllp1oyee b 11 ·fitS. Champion w nels rrrany r.IHiU «ands o1 dollar;.. every yeaJ' ( 11 it · :.h:arc or our c lllplny ·e pl.ans- suclt <J~ tht r "{'eotl y ·x p a. t~d ed RettrC· lllCDL Lu om-· PJan. The:.e .d ~ lJ elp make drearm; come true, add to ~'(HJ enjoyment of liie. \ r, tho<>e six word'>-- "Champion is can1ing a r asf)Jt­able pwfit" - may not ba th " 010 t thri lling you ha-' ' c T h"tt rd , bul r.hcy ;rc t'uig hty i 'IIJj)Ortaut. to hav0 a.rouud. RAY'S REGULA .. R PAYCHECK ha been increasing dLn:ing the past 13, ~1ow is one of the b igh est for his particular job in the indu try. R ea onable pr0fit by Champion make it po sib le fo r R!ly and hi ,,vHe to look at that check with pride and a feeling of se urity as to the future. JOB S :. URITY m a1~s prot · ti.on for his home, his f;,1.1 il and ld$ wa ' of Jtvtllg tO R ay Cgr>dt·e)' . Oaugb tcl' Mtch lie and wif . f ozt' ll li' :ue - tl~e chictf h n • fJci ~u- Ies nf t l ~e job R::tr l n:t~ h I ~ [M t.hE· p a$t 1. 3 ~· ~:rrs w ill\ C.lra.rnpw11. 15 ' I I I • I LI~GERI.:'\G in an atmo phe1· or f llcm ·hip as I c a .~ flh· i~iPn supen i'<Or~ paniclpated in a ho\ling- of "Deep Rom,·.·· this pari\ re tlect. 1t: plca,urc in ' hatnpioJ1·~ new fore ·u · pictut e. L \l 'GHI. - • in a ll ptoh,thilil\ ;If a humorou Lale hl:ing> w id ll\ Ro) Bnant, ri~ht. thi: quintet \a ~ l·Ht of tile I'' <JS D ivi~ i ( 11 ~~'I eni~<'l) ptC\i e,,· of " l'al er \ \'ork ." 1•.\idCIIC' poi tll -' w Earl \kroau. .encral )ffice. cnt 'f, · s "target· ' [nr hanwr . \ • CHECKI:\'G projection equipmen t. T om .-\delp · urger and Earl Priuce, Ohio Dili , iOJ1 i 11 . tru · ment men. make t .. ead,· to ~cree n " Pan er \Vork ... ' l s :\ fiLl-:'\!G :t lld ready to I a tch the Caro lina Dhisi on premiere of "Good Bt ess·· fo r em p loyees aml toll' nsp op le 11 ho had a part i11 the film , lh is gro up compr ised ,, port ion o i' t he crowd. EXP L.),L 1lNC arc projccror. Ro: Kell Division , meelS D on R andolph and Barnes prior LO a Carolina showing. v, Ohio ' J ohnny IHSCUSSJNG ··Deep Roo t ~ " at Carolina Dl­\ ision supervi. ors' p re \·ic1,·: .f. Br uce !\for · ford , Dll'ig ht J. T hom.>on a nd H . . \ . Helder. DR . J. E. Wl ER ( left ) among Ca ro lina supen i .ors . "Goo<l Bus i11e - ~." ·wa, IG • ' '' LO' (.I{ .\'IT L \1. I ' ( , f:He another a 1 1 ht .und usion or a ·ho ,.j ng ·1 · <·'"'"! Uthinc .... i iJ ' ' hicb the) a · tcrl. ar Buckc ·cs Howard · l ip-.(L>JHh, C. Hard ·1,cck . Jo • lltut•ll t. }.-,·anti · K •im . R.I-. ll \IX.(; a 1 t~i-tlL of h nliHl fTt11 •· >oou Bu:i nc. ·" a l ·1 ,. <J· UJ •i:l ' i c., ' •ho 'in a~td ~ ltin · a I tt· rl} chuckle: IJ 11-:,ln J 1 hom;,~m , (.rop:;e Litle\. \'_ R . L!lltt·. • C t. I li\"Xl I ; a pr .rn i ·r' or ''Go )c] Husiucss" hll. Ohio J livi sion cn1p lo ect; and Ham ilton c iti7 .ns lending ef ­rortll In th ' m ov i ··, t his g tlt criu g- bad hi gb 1 r ise · [or Cil a1npiu 11 ·s 11 ·w i. wltt ~ l . riaJ · <:o nlllt\lll it y t clatiunll fiJru. T JJV J>l ,- Vti;W SH() vr ·c <; (J ] Ch<t m}Jjon's tb1 c , ll('W co lor film:-, rl i<ln 't find attendants r 'curding footprints in ( onul't ,_ Th(· events weren 't stage l in Craurnan' ~'> Chines(' Theatr · s ' Lting. Vet Lh ·· o .ca~ ion marked · mi lcstcme in ( :b amp iott progr<:~s as "Cnod JJ u sjn e~s. " " Deep Root ·· and "Paper Wnr k'' were pr s'nt­ed in thei.r r spt ·t ivc pn.:rni ·rc scrcenjng'i. Witrt ·sscd in onlc ;;tt Hamilton, Canton 'tnd Pasaden<t, the thre · films were rirst sh( wn I ·[ore sup ·rvisors and i.ndivitlnals having a part in 1:hcir n1aking. Th ' r .. after, initjal screen­ings g-ot uno wa [or all employ('es and their (a ll1ilics. £He ·tivc O ctob ·r 2, the pirturts wi ll be relea ·ed for publi . i e·w in g. T he films will b macle availilLk thwugl1 th e div i ·io n Industrial and Cornrnu11itv, Rela- Lio ns Dcpartrn cn ts for ~bowing-, in the three I Kales. General O ffi ce: Public Relations '\A.' jll schedule the picture outside the thrce-'i tare op rating areas. Mo Iern Talkin Pictu re S~;:r­v ice, Inc., will offer the program jn 29 c itie~ . ( 0'- \ }.Ro;;r. ' ; roll •win~ " lk.:p I ur,t< p tt'\ iu fm Ohio i 'i ·i n ,tl p~·nlhc • r' p<' l'>~>JUI<'I :11.<' ]:1 k Rhein ttQll! , ' ~ild 1014 Virtu te• · lh•i ~->.IJt I· !'IHHil '>l.> n . , ;;~I 'J.illu .m illlll Juln liHtUtt'lm:lll. ("h,ttlt · pio11 : · tl< R . 1.. J, \IJil:tn , \ ihlir•" Pi< LOt <. • 17 • I I I I I ' lS A C LD ' l'Al Ll LY, fh ~ ~ i11 Hami lwn, i~ ~hnwn b ]) lilY Ski ll mall wife of Cal ·· ill ­tu: w. (,t·nCTtl Ol'lice. l'ilc n tr [ltnve ll'tiS btoug-ht fr lll Ol..inawa h . Ge{Jfg \Valk I or Lo~ Aug-ele~. \vho. - lwfylJy i r pfCJUU ·iug tl " Jfower und tll<ltributiJJ l§ the bulth to Gold Star Mother~. 'J IH~ Skiltlll<Jt,·~ vm, 1$oh. a ki lled in a t il)u m ~a!tJan . • 0 . • ' Pictorially presenting Champion and ."·'-' • ,_ .. ·. .· • in everyday happenir1gs in ·~u~~ a,.·., ...... ~ .. ' ~ . .-~ ... . . • .• • .. ·-·- --- -.· • JINCY MESSER, wife of Carol.ina Champion Ern . t .\ fc · ;., r, IJ:lll"<'' f <:l'r n~ fre hments after becoming tbc [ir t woman in Ll1e Canton area to qualif foT the R d ·ro s Two-Ga llon BJ od Du1101 lui,. She gave ber six. teent.ll pint of blood Aug u ·t .- )() J)j\ J'Ol'. ' . '1 \., J.l( 'J Jl()(.S , b:tllunn :md g;wtc· ~ ~ p Jl ccl CJUI a 1L1 y , t Ilultti•CJ II !' .ttl.. J<,J )l""'f."" l c t s l J<Jll flu:;: HtlLI ·r C.;t!l) l Lld ldll·rl'& tJorrtc · '>IJIJH· nf whont ar ·Jwwn :thnvc•. Ahopt ,Q b and gill ~.·rc tl1 • g 11 t- h of the O hio Hil'i ,i()n '. e hampir 1 l· tnpln t: , \ c ti \ llks i\ ~·~~ i:tt intt cllrC Srrru rda ) a llPrnoon in A u g tt:.t I h cld ltlr•ert '.' o uting· is a n <llltill:ll e \t•nt spnnsotc:d hy t,lrc CErA.A. • . - ·-.. <\.:'\' "'\ 1' A R D or appFoc i.a~ i n wa· pr~;iefl Led to th Texas D'hi io n t l'tb .·11mmer I .... the 0 . . Fourth A.~o"'llty. The .<iward ' . l\' a~ ma<i _for. Cbampion.'s cooperati on in r lea·'ing re~ervist' 1'<». training. L t. CoL Harold Bla1'1k, se-cond from righr, make ;.-.· . . . : ~ . :.:::r', _,. - .. .: .., ,. .. . ';· ~ :~"'~ .,_ ·. . .- , ·a. 2 FINlSHll (.. b roke 0 e · ice this ; ear t:o wu) tbe Ohio Dhis:iou',< Mill League sofr,hall dHlm:pio nshi p . • fter up in . econd po irion ( t'Jt several year~ , Manager -Pete Ha rn il ­t. un 's bey wene 1;Jljg:ht.y J1 appy w c p t1 e cw•wi1. _ • TI1J" C J·L-\;\1/'10 .1 DISl" )' ~,·a~ v j c,~· c.d hy t eHs ,01' 1 bOH 'lH1d~ · uf 1uek.Jii) <1" ' whu ~tlif C II I \.1 h Ohir> SLat.e ' :Fair in Colu tun!; · u gt~ &t 2 chwugt Sept 1nher. '(\·, -la 11y xampl o'f fini h · d pradu~ made- fio1u Champion paper were shewn. • ' ' • ..·r- ' the presenta tion to Df vi~ i o n \1a nager W. R . Crute as ssi..tant Div.ision l\'la nager Karl R. Be nd e·tseL) looks o n. Als(> present: !VI / Sgt. Lloyd Kir ksey, ldt. a:nd L!. Buddy ·w est, right. All tJ1ree army men are Te.·a Cbampjmis. .. • , If ..". ..,. .\ . " . • ' - , . ...{ h I. -t "' ,,.( '... ~ . l J .... ···· ~ "-~ . - . h ~ - ' .. '• . .. • • • > ~ J T H E LOG wa~ the su bject of a Champi.on ad wllich appeared in Time, Fo1·ttme and nat.ioHa.l uaue m.agazines duri ng the s\..1111111er month s. The new ad ser ies derno'l'lstrate the qualiLy tha t ma be 0 b tainecl from printing on Cham1 ion paper . C IVIT Ll'TTLE .LJ::AG- '£ RS, rlt ree t i .n~es t l1 or Ca.JllO!l , at·. . hown with th eit· S J'O I ~.' . I' on Lh.e elf ·ha rnp_ ' . tel s of. th .. CaroliJ1 b mpiou Yi!.lfC . Jack ' J u Lie of tbe Y 19&3 trophy to Team Manager BFuce Nan11 · . p l' C8€1J lS the • 19 .. STt '1H 1:'\G :\ B.,£ H TREE. tudents hear John Gray (wea ring up. U'Jiter). extew'on for ter '' ith the :'>lonh Carol ina E.x ten. ion ' Ser vice. ex plai)1 Lree id e nLifi C~It iotl methods. .\lmost .'0 b(Jf :Jt tended the sch ool. whieil was l1d d a t Cmnp Hope. ' Week- 'lon g "school of the wood s,H he I d at Camp • H o p e , p r o v i d e s t r a i n i n g f o r C a r o·l i n a ' s . ores ers C o,fL G FIWM aU se t ions of North Carolina, 79 enthu. iastic youn~s tcrs repr cn tjng 4-H and FFA dub. attended the week-Ion!={ orth £aroHn.a Fol"estry Camp hd d at Carnp Hope in At•gu t. The enc.amp1 IC:1'1t was spon& Jr · l by the So ut ll <.: rll I' ulpw(>nd ConscrvaLioo A~soc i a ti un wi l L! The Cham­pi01l Paper <111(1 Fibre O;Jllpany, R i ,gel Can_~] i ntt Cor· pnration, International Paper Cowpany and Nonh C:•ro­lil a Pulp Onnp<.my furn i. h ing tl1c uc~:cs~ary fi uan cial a~.., l ~ tanc ·. fim Hubbard , ~p,., i ., t <t n't North Gp e,l in<t ,., tat<,: forC5.l(' f, had cllarg or Lh , ca111p and wa~ ~o;,<> i s t c:d by a ( ()1 p~ ot ex p ttt~ on tr e idcntific tion , pl a nt i11g , llLIIJi!g ' Jrl ut and tim hC"'f esli.rna ti ng. Ray Orr, a Champio•r fq l c~ t er, t;wg-hr c f tl..,-,t:~ itr tn:: • i<l ntification <tnd ft'ld. d 1 ~rrg( · nf thr C h ;.t~nph.HI zo ,, e ure mill tour which tl1e tuden t e~1j o ·•t:cl near th nd )r the week-Long e.n camp.ment. LoLlis H rrou . a lso n CLampiCJrL for es ter, ta ugh t tre(' id ntili.c tti )Jl class " ~md oth r wi.l' as ·isted wi r!J tlte enc.:arupruenr schooL Ctas · work took Lit tud cnts in to the L::d::c Log:t u, Hilt1110re Fnrt: ~l ~llld Ca nrp Hope:· a reas, wlwr ~h ey hdd ari 'X('(· ]lcJ')t opportunity Lo stud y a ll phases of fol' 'S (l' )' . '.l]rey abo visited Ch::unpJon ·., rvilt and wcr ' lun cheon gu •<;ts or GhaFHpioll j,, tlw Cafe t 'l'ia . T ll (' t nrolln1 ·m i!irdrrdcd boys f ro n1 \'C t) ('c)U\It\ il! t..h ' Piecltnout :tnd \ Ves llTll rr.n :, i', and lll ;ilt trow th : 'X IT(' III ' CH t crll ('l )lfllLi C':.. Tlt ' Cnn•p Hope 1~ ro.~n"n w ·1 ~ rc_g3 nled an t .1 11g tit , i)('~t C\t'r cond~i t t ed i11 J.l1e .,ra te. Facil.i tk:; '''ere cxc •I­Ic n t <t lld fnrb t l::rnd., in ti n t a re:-t prol'{'d norhing shy of ()Ul SWJ'IdtJlg' in Ollll ' C'liOII ,,·jth t la ~s < ti v it y. I 1-'rRE L\:'\E. (ah0ve) \I'CTe conslru cted by the stmlc nls lllldcr I he :<l ipen isi o ll or C:r;l'ig 1-:nglisb , . ,.e.r) County r::u~ge r . VISJTI:\C CH :\fPl O:\ ( uf'lrnr •). swde 11 Ls hea r No. I ~ ,\la chine o pe rat ions e-.; pl ai iJ cd b~· .Joe Fluh a n ~. ce nter. g uide. · .. f.XPLAlNI:\G R.>\DlO USE. Cll a rle. J'e t tir·, di strict forcs1·e r ~~·ith the '0:m1 h Carolina For<!Sl en i ·e, g(lC5 into d etail d~1 r ing· this clas;, on file control. COUNClL lUNG ~~ r Carup Ho pe pr01 ed id eal f01· a c.lass on fire p rotec­tion cr.,>ndu t d h\' n. H . Coq n ing. Cl'll cr, di ~ n- i c t fo re, ter for the North Carolina Fc~ res t S ·rvi cc. 21 1 I I I ! a .m 0 Q ;-..; ucu T 22, picture que Camp Hope was tledi ated in honor of H ope T hon1son Robertson, for whom the popular camp " a named v,rhen it was first e tabli hed in 1925. T he dedication wa made in appreci­ation of ;\lr . Robertson ' un eliish efforts on behalf of the youth of" e tern North Carolina. "!J.any Jo e fri nels and as ocia tes paid high tribute to 1 'fr. R obert on, wif of R euben B. R o bertson , chair­man of Chaml)ion's Board of Di' ctors. Among theth were D. Hiden Ramsey, vice-p resident and gen eral man­ager of the Asbe,·illc Citizen-Times Company, ·who nude the otficial de 1i ation ; and fi% Pearl \Neavcr, a close friend of f ro;. Roben.son , who r;aid Lributc to h er years of PT work and community acti viti s. J. Bwcc ML>r- BI~ FORE EATJNC, gt t ~S i s v usvd l<•r tl ti' pi ·wt t• 111 !Ill 11 '\ I )' d coratou amp Hope assembly room, ~~ h 'H: rh • dedt adurr p ,; 22 IH 1:. \ l H COl 01' l'f)R I R I I , Hoj' rllOnum Robert '" w: . IHI 1<111 1l"fl hn hu~l arlo! . hr H ·plllld to 'P t-c h of fl die t'tm b) D. H i 1(11 R<.~fll4:1 ' . ri·~hl. Ot hc ~ ~ 'hell a11 '<h L t \ hilt:. a lifdou lti111d. ,111d lite' I l. Rt' I. t,,·•nge I I Ilo!\ ,'\ F\' I· :\IHLF I .!Jlt><'iH · m ild rec ·· It ph•Jt<Pl .q>h r,f Hl,utl l,ttild i11 • d Cll!l(l Hop·. Pi! I dion j in fcl1' ·grol!ttd. th • a ' Htl~h 1nnm mtllJW <' ll l/'1 ' • i111n .. lfltl dining l lJnlll ;, in he< i'tan ,._ s tea ford, indu strial and COllHYlunity rela ti on. manager, pre­sided over the r rogram. In a moving re pon e, l\fr . R obertson in turn paid tribute to the p opJe of we ·tern North Carolina wit.h' whom 'he has been a · ociated for many year . She expressed · (Leep pride in Camp H ope and the steady p rogress that it has made. A highlight of the prograrn wa the unv iling of a b eautiful color portrait o( .Mrs . R.ohen on , which will remain a penuanent fixture ab v the bio·, open [ir - place in the Camp Hope lodg · r oom. T'he camp, with its handsome rusti.c en tr. n c from H ighway 27G, b come kn own far anu v icl . In the opinion , f J\irs. R o be rt. on's man ' fri en d~. it is ;IJ prop ri ­ate l named and dedicated ··c anq.) H o p -." gt .lll ' :J hf·ll. :\p!JIO\.i ui ;J t ·I ' 100 p e rsons rlti Ct)dcd . 'l ll cam1 hu · ~c n man impto ement· during the p;1 st , ~~e en ' a.r . I I tho Keller's 30 Years By Deroey ton "Once th task bas begun, n ever leave :it until it's done; an joh , big or sn'q .ll, do iL well or not at a ll .' ' . 1 par ntly t hi ' a ying h as been the order of the day for Otho ' . KclJer the e 30 years that h has been a Champion .. . Do ino- h i wor k eHicientl , and sm.oothly, ta king his job ·eriou l , a nd having the inte1:e. t of the company in mind. D 1ing hi-; ' rk - and oft times doing more than j e_ ·pe ted of lrim, nevertheless he al-ways has time to lend a help i.n tr hand to his fellow workers. H e i . o·enuincly loyal for tbe impl r:eason thal he likes his ' ·ork. H e can' t h l p working . moo th 1 y since. his alert fon;,~ard - lookin a tt itud ~ make it easy for ltim to forget the peny irritation · and. grjevan ces whid1 do arise occa­i mally on an , jo b . Otho Kell r, wh se towering h eight is well O\'er six leet, i a bi man with a wide knowled g·e f 1 aper and p ople. Confini ng hi, on ve rsa t~on and a ctivities to his joh and n ever pat ticipating i n hors play is the r eason h1: ha. bee n: · a \- al'u abl and re ~pe ted ·mployee of i 'o. 2 Fini hin g. Bum a nd reared In Butler County, h was employed by CbanJpion on •ebruary 13, 1924. His first job a t I am.pion · a., in . o. 2 Shipping D partment; then h '\ urk d on the bench putt ing up case and pa·cking c1 ton ">. In 1~27 , K.ell ·r tart d op ·ra ting a trirn:ruer. Jn tho ·e da _: operating a tr im mer wa a on ·-man jo b, havi ng a h ,J p ·r on ly wh n you had a b ig ·b ·e t of pa p er. lt w sn' t tmtcu-al tor Ke ller to lf)ael and ca n·y off :HJ,OOO poun h of ' 50 - I 00 . pi it he · t b him ·l( in o r da ~ . H ' h'as a to ut , h<ud-working man , a::. rna.n ' ·ho worked widt hi m will long rem ·rn b er. F(•l· tnmc than Lwo ]<:a ~ JfOW, Kell r h ~ b ·n Jic:JJ man for 1 1u. ') .Fini:-.hing, 'mrn irtg a tHl <Urecting to n -; ol pap to b<• d ·k d an{J undecked ·acl day, kc<: pin f or lcrs ~ paraH· and J)Utti 11g· ·ach . luad (Jl p<:~ J et in i t '> J;rnp e:r plac . H e g o ·.~ ab.out his " •l)rk ith ·at; • <llld <.ontidc n « :. {()r h · ba:'> a.cq u irecl th · . u r ~ t. >f gcl t ing il l (;w~· ' it l.l kll6\ ' \'lt lrlu 'l s iu his work. He i tb ·· fa thc1 o f t.wc gi rl · and i ~ \ ., , prot t<l of h i. thr ·e grandchil<.h ·n. Hi\ l ej:,u e tin.1 · is !>p eut ju~ t • THE YO UNGER GENER T lON h as a g-oud l i !•le wben th y visit grandpa· bou·e wi th cookies ·,and all. OLho K Jl er , To. 2 Trim­m. ers, and Mrs. Ke ller enj y th emselves too, with b•-randd1 ildren Gene and Karen l<:gglt; Lon . Judy Hurst i ~ sit ting n ex t to gra ndpa with h er cookie. .. being with his famil and enjoying the comfor ts of his home at 802 Prytania Avenu e) in H amilton. Otho Keller. in gi ving us yonger Champions a bit o f tim.cly advi ce, tells us to be ambitio us and work for any r eward we expect to receive. Never g t 1lisgus ted with your job, h e sa ys, even if it has disagreeable. arduous and boresome asp ects. T he imp'ortam thing is that a ll jobs have inLer es ting a sp ects too. T here are fri endships with fellow employees and super i, ors to be cetT\ented and extended. T h ere are op portun i ties to in­cr ease effi cien cy, to be tter our pia e of work thro ugh safety sugges tions, and, if we look beyond the seeming] narrow limit of our own sp ecial j ob and increase 09r knowl edge of the paper industry as a whole, then ·we can see our own jo b as one unit in a m ig h ty chain f· pro­ductive acti vity. Twenty-Five Year Ago ~terns The Ohio Divi sion h ad a thumb in it v st pocket and iL. ch est e. te nded , ba k in O cto ber , 192 , lor Cham­pion s of i: o. 2 'rill had just ·won a a tio nal .Sa fe t, Trophy. Pi ture l in T h Chrt'IILfJiun ~T ew \'Cr Ro ' Neal. George Stein er, and .J.iH Coop r , sa fer committeemen ; Kenneth Fa i, L, direc t.or ot sa fet ·; Dr. Louis H. Frecht­ling, dire ·wr o( indusLri al rela ti ons; l R olf, up rin L ' ll· de nr.; William I ~tm mo n an l L '< Gc i.'cr, .aft> ty Cl ) 11l ­mitt ·emen. NoL pi ·tu red , bnt a ls< on th e ·a fe t ' onunir­tee, w ·re ·ln rray .I an1 ·ey, \ VjJlj am Kn o rr, Carl ~ homp­..; o tt a nd I· R. Chan1bcrs. Lee ·l'.)uwma n v a:- t l1 · " proud a nJ h, Pl ' father ol a 6V:2 -pound .gil L'' " . . . \'\f tlli am He! I ~pe n t a dd1gh tlul ,, cek iu Pons-mouth, 0 1\i C>, \ i:; i bi'llg \ itb rcla ti ·:s .·· Pet ·r (; , T l1o n.J s-< m WI' >LC: "Tit " work r who pros­p 1" mo~ t i iu ~tt' i a bl y th • wqrkcc ,•liD hdt :. n10: tt m a k c. 1 he <"<>fn P"'n y p 1. o:o.p '~'. " 'J ·11 '1::1, Htpion St<) · advcrli~ ecl w l ilt n·. 1 :·lincoats, " vappy. 1 yll:sh, 1u b lwr ttd con1pos iti'm cont ·," at pri c ·~ rangj ng frot 1 · ~ .5 0 to '5. !S. 23 ' 1 l I l Oltio LR.\!ll I f . (If the ' I !~. \·1 Utltc' M•l lllf.;'Pfll 'I\ ' lt:Jt. <Htd l\:1! II(?\' II H, tOIH)Jar Sl'>llle t>f I he tc' "' ' hoo~, u~d duri11g rlt •h lrigli ••h<1of da,~. ,\llh wgh ~tdtltt't of th •m 1\CJllld ll ' H! kno 11 it at til · (im·. •Hnc of tit· [,c,ol- ~ ll · t1 · d ma1 ·ha\t.: h •·n tn in ted on h<lrnpitm paper. \lontc attend rl ltigiJ ~dH ool in ( hi "II'' whi l:: lhu v\ lt.;;.un<.d hi "three K ., .. iu Har ln1. Kv. lassmates of ester ear - 1 1 B Bill Thompson N uT TOO M 2\Y of our present Champions ,,·ere 1919 t"raL1. H o·we er, Lwo of them arc among our mo t di tin ('l'uished. Meet Barney Hall of Harlan, Ky., High and l\' . J. ". 'lonr.e" Montgomery of Lewis Tech­nical In titute, Chicao·o. October here makes us eager to conclude the \t\Torlcl's Se1·ie~ and plun ·e into foo tball. In 1\Ionte's and Barney's hey-tla;· they had footba ll in a really big way because the greate. t football player of all time was in his glory. The immortal Jim Thorpe was playing with the Carlisle Indian lnst.itut . "Indian Ji.rn" al (J walked nff with all of the impor­tant medals at the Olympi :, th-at year, only to have them recalled because he bad played a little pro baseball pre­viously. (A rn0ve is afoot tO have a ll the medals and honors re~t;red to tbe kgendary name of Jim Thorpe ­Ameri. cau one hundred per c·nt - who only r ently pa)sed into "The Happy Hunting Ground.") World'!'} Seric"i tillle ren1ind:, us th<H t.h · Red Sox of 1912 won the c la ~s i c frorn the Giants, lour g-;Hncs to thn: ... Pitch r Joe vVood won 34 and lost fi\'e . . . Ty Cobb '· place,l" the th en dead 1Ja!l at "' .·110 dip .. . _l ack Johnson, J ack Dillon, Mik • Gibbon o;, Willie Ritchie a1J<I J()l 1. 11y Kilbane w<.:re th · pugi li :-.ti<. na111c~ ... ·r he l>CIYS Yftdly fought for ulood in f ho (' days - . ' Thl.' fj g ht ~ wer · more: (1ft n .'.!OjJP •d by the p(Jii('C' tiJ a tl h) llic 1 cfer ·es. , . \11 o ther rugg ·d. roughriding- R ·publican individu ~d - T t ddy Ro(>st.:vclr w11~ lllaki11g the rWW'>. Rulli ing 011 tlt t ind cpcml ' llt Bull 1 lllo..,c: tid~ l·t , l1t· .,pJit the P(·­publicru v ou· e llough to al lnw \'\'nodtow \ \'j l)'jon w he elcned. Final t<:~ ll y -. IH)W ·d ..,; 111il lin11 \!Jit·~ for \VjJ~,n ll ; fo!tl' 111illion fot 'Tedclv <tlld thr(·l..' autl orH; ltall ntillio11 I lw.· '] a l t. The last year ol Presid em Taft's admini ·tration saw the Department of Labor in titnted and the di - !"in of the Standard Oil and tobacco tnns. Direct el > tion of senators was drafted. Arizona and New 1\Iexico ·were admitt l to the · 'nion . .. Frank vV. ·woolworth built the then ta!Ic ·r buildiHP "on dimes" .. . A. dirne store wa · ju t thfll in tho · day-s - not a department store a · now. Captain R. F. Scott read1cd th , t.)uth Pole- China first became a republic .. . The Linet- Titanic wre ked on her maid en tr ip fr()rn Sourbampt n to New York. She ·tnt ck an iceberg ofl ... Of :!,207 aboanl, L,5 17 perished .. . The Camp Fin: G irls ·we:rc [ounded , . . Montenegro, Bulgaria. .Srrbia an t Gr ce warred on Turkey and the Pa1wma Can a I Zone ''a~ made a military zone by Presid nt 'L (c Irving Berlin \·Vas beg-inning a loll.!.{ 1llllsicaJ Lart r. The death of his first 1vife a rt' · ·ted hi st J · for some t imc. He cha nged from the orned ' nd r hythm 10 the .st 11ti 11 ·nta l. . u h as " \'\"hen 1 Lost Yon:· Railroad :OH)?;~ bcca 111 L: popul:lr with "\•Vh ' 11 tl · ~lid nig ht Clwo-Choo J ca,·es for r\labrlln'." There were 10\·ahk boat ong' : "Ou the Miss issi ppi ,'' ''Mnc>.nligh r Jkt ·" and "Wairing for the P nbl'rt E. Lee." Cnll g i,;ub lik~·d "Swc:ct h e~lrt of Sigrna Chi.' ' Fn>tll England c~ulll' " It 's a Long \V;i , 10 ' l'ipperar :," III<Hlc rH()t'{: l ~ltllOII'i b J{riti~h solliers lll In I l. Barile a11cl J.Hilt' .l)ad a va.:-.l s ·let tion ,,. 11 ·w tttuc:. . ir1t luding '•J itd1y roo," ''lk M Little Jhhy Rumble lk :,'' "A t thl ' lkvi l',, 13al,l,'' " 'T:l~ · a I .ittl ·1 ip l'nnll FadH: t ,'' ·'\VaiL Until Yom Dad-tl · Com~_·s Hom ' ... " \ nn'rc l\fy Hab> .'' "~ I ' Ml'la11 hol · Baby," " .\linud in{;:· 'Sou ~lade i\.le Lnvc You" and "K<,:cp :\\' a · FrotH the Fdh Who Owns ;111 Automolrilc:." I - Meet the Boss . • • You can hardly find a pct·!-J<)l'i at Champion d<, . n't Know the gt nial ~» up cr int mlent nf N~ L 1 B b !\!<..Knight. . . WIIO !\Jill, A . tro ng bel ic,·cr in good emplo ee relati ons, Bub i~ k · nl aw. re o( a clo.·e feel ing of coH).rad •shit ·with the tncn on tl1 machin s. H deal: d.i-re-nly w ith bis men in a frank and forthrig-ht lllann cr bccaus · he ktHn,·s 11 i one of them. H came UJ through eYery job on a paper ma hill a nd h_a ~ 7 years o l' pntclical CX.J ·ricll Cl' l< draw upo n . Rob n L. i\1 Knio·ht b Jg'an his J1ampion care-r in 19J G, spc n<ling (t few m uuh~ furnisb..i tt p; b <He rs. 'oming t ( the )\.lachin e• R oom , h_' became a lounh Jullld . Ki, ad va nce wa ra1 i1 and in 19')2 Bo b was n tad a ntachine tender. H e wa ~et up to bo-· ma hin tcncler in 1925 an(l becam night up r int nd.ent in JY~7. ln 194 l, wh en Earl J one:-. ,,,·as made 1 'o. 1 )\I ill :-.u peri m en le11 t , Bob bream' his assi. tanc and in 1~H7 be a.: surned th ' supcr­imendt> nt' duri · .. Bob say, ' ' \Vhatev r u .cess tb(llt 1 have enjo c<J in m · paper uHtkiug arecr has b ·en due enti1:e ly to the record for y_u.ality produ tjon made b · the men \-vho nl_an the pap r machine:-.. .. \ jthout the h lp and cooper ation of every man, from the bo s m chin · tender ri ght dm-<~.·n to the broke I )adcr. no parer mill wp rintcndent could do hi job. .. -l h or -ate t guy T ev ~ r kn "' around Champion wa Big AI R oUe -a man who v,·a 100 per cent ·with his men wh n the r >YCl·c ri ght and n ot afraid to say so ' hen th ey wcr wrong-. If there is a h all of fame [or paper maker: his name wi ll top the li st. H e was a big . rnan in ever 'en ':e of th word . If you needed a dressing­down. you got it; but after be had his . ay the in cident v.·a-. do:-.ed and he ·would a li kely a,· not be a ·king for a b ·w of LOb a u a .. hort ti rnc after. .. PVT. R obert Dean St,e' ·an, 20, is the 0 11 of 1\t r _ a n d Mrs . Tho.rnas Stewart, 8 "> J .'\J. Th in ! Str eet . Tom ·~· o • ks in th e· Fi hrmt· Pr p:u a ti o 11 D cq a r t­lllCLil. H av ing e ntered . e r' ice i n F hruan·, Bob i:; no1v i11 _l ;tpan JC Cr\. ring from. :111 ap· pc11tlici ti s opcJ" ~I! ion . J3 0 B l\1 c K ~ I G H T n eds no itllrnd11 r-tinn to most (o il-s a t Challl · pion . .\s o. I _\·I ill Sup erl nl ·nde n1 . tlt r ,. tc- •nn pnp r •n a kcr has eal"ned the J' ( "\ f>C'ct of the m - 11 who 1\'0rk with him. a go:tl for whic-h man •n cn ~ ~· - i ve hu t few !lll ain . '·In "'Y ~37 years 1 l1avc ~ c e n many cha nges i11 work­ing conditions at the tnil f. \ 1\Te used to ~ ork long h o urs. had no Cf.Htlce n s or: cafe teria, and ther .. was li ttle 'J"L'l..phasis 011 c tll.ployec Tclations. Nnw '''C have all these a dvantages, a long ·with a rea] sense of .omradeship." Caring rnr a lfiO-acre d airy farnt in yo11 r· ·spar time is a might luge ord e r, but .Bob learn ed to love farm work as a boy and he thoroughly c njo · it now. Bob and his loyal and h elping >vif ·, L ·ona. take care of a dairy herd of about 50 head of cattle. T hey al:o raise their ovvn corn hay anct oth r n ecessary crop. T heirs is a fitt c exal)lplc of the oppo1~ tunity wh ich any American couple can enj oy, prmid ing they arc -v .. illing to ta ke the initiative and work hard en >ugh to build together for the futur e. Bob's far.m home is located on the I-blnilton­Richmond Road. TH F. WE.DDJ ' (', of tbe former J anet Car· Land to Arthur Kebr, son of Carl Kehr, took place last June 6, :t t the \Ve. t Side Bapri·t Chur h. T h e couple have mad f." thci r home i n Dem,er, Colorado . ~1r . Kehr is : Lat.iontd ' ' t J .0 1 crv A i 1' Fe 1 c · l~ ~l'ie . 1Wa1; th r e . C \ lHF J 13:1l \R Ol' :'\J) J <> t i ll at rlll llll' 111 l'.ll k, a Ire •)' uf gi rb fi'O n t .\ L• l'g<' Bllnt, · line. ('. :\1. 'ior-t ing , en­jn )C"d :1 1 icni(' 011C t'\<' ni••g ;dter 1\0ll-- . fksi J, ., <o n - on · lh l· · c~> IJ, t he g i1 h al e g_rilkd h :J n 1 1 J\11~<'1~. n • 11 I ~ alb ;t nrl t Q l ll ltl't ,u l, p i'\ •\ ing l tJl' ll•ICC ll'l ~ll I< 0 lll<lll\ ('ook~ t lon't ''s '>oil til · bt-c:Lh .'' l) ~ - t' I , ! I ' I • .• Oltio Happy Birthday • •• lJv ;\[ae R "ok 1 hi: (hdoH•) i~ , hei) l .\nn JerI... in~. go llcu-h, in·, I. blue- ~nl danghte · nf I all ; J ·n.kin'l. Jr .. P t'M'.trrh. a11d rra 11 t'. J enki n-r;_ ~ ,\'f .Soniug. Sh I'YI pl lHrlly p( c I for pinon:s ( n her ~-co Hld hirthtla y. ~< 1 i -e the tor ·-tc lli ng dfcx t nf ·at h ph 1 u IT . ·o. l: You can ahm st hca1· her . <1 1 ·c; -c. tW( c-.mdles. I'm :.1 big ~'i rl nm,·." No. :.: Come t.he big bln ' , bul ·he ~ u cr uls in Llowin!! mt onl one c ndle. u ' :Xu. ': B( th c<nld le t>Ut and she 1· arns IIF ith that ' 'I told \ OU l cou.ld" . mile. --- SHE.RYL A-:\N Je'nkin s, cl irttgh­ter of Cha mpions Da ll as and France~ J enkins, i. shown in tbe process of b lowing out the ca n­d les on the which cele­brated her seco-11cl birthday. • ·n-u:: RESU LT· of a st01y a t i.-ct Island Lodge 1w:n _ pa11i~h. Onl;tri.o, Jllear ly w ight dm ·n H<lm-ur lld 1Hric i\1'd!t •<'l·Jt , lc·ll , and )'l';tJ( :n•d F.arl vViJ~nn , Oil lh l~ight . 'llw ''o. l Mn,hh!e 1{trcll1t !! JY<ll't5 11• 11 ;uHI. t l•cir wive'> 100 :;!-'1 w, IJC' ~n, _o IIIJt!lw,," aiJCl :.!1 (,a..,\. i11 ar!dirhm "J th ·· ,rock IJl.t~\ U1HI VI.' d1 - etH1uglt "' t •d t' tlH·m t)\er unri l lllil ll't wason ~ ~arb. . . \ .Jl 1.\' <!'tcmony tliJj l ('rf lbr Ollll .. Sll ­< nn 1 tllt ft • <md I'>:J vi<! "· Durharu . n a\ i 11 C l).. tttt p io u f"lltf) lt)~Pe, h,rving Iwc-11 with tbc c 'lUI any tm 34 ~ ea " PETE KNAUS, left, and Bruce Rundle)', right, admire the beard t b a t D o n C a n a a•n sprouted last August.· Don cla.unecl he let his bristles gmw, "just for the heck of it." • Hls, R. DADDY'S CaRL. .J<~rl . I I l't, Ellintl h:t.~ rl :u k brO\I t ha it· ,, qJ.i. I J 'i~ h'Iuc q«>t'. .~ , e \ lhl' rt :w!(l•le( or Mr. :111 l ti le. E~11· I Cl.liol . F<•rl l~nrk~ ( 11 N , 2 Cnt11·1 ~- ' VW.-CIL Mil H . Nq, 1 Ma< RooiJJ , lanrted tm'< 9-potwd !?-· o H n e wall ·ed pike whil on va :at i<m near Spani'>b, Ontar iD. \'ir-g­u ed a fJat·fi. h anrl ni~ht craw fet. 'sing a 40-ponnd test line, Vir· gil spen t l ft to 18 min ute!> netting the pike \VlLLL--\!\-1 KElTH BlFfO OFT .is tb · 13-month·old Oil .of 1\-tr • and irs. Richard nun ft, and tl~e l&randso,r~- of ,L_ut~ ~r, . !corn. No. _ u-tLt.t~. K uh :s .l,tdd , . ci ty bu clriv :r Ulltil [a • anu now propri ~ tor of Dick's Te:aco Servic S.tathn , is 1,11,11' .11 b • m ::~ u 1 !kwtpion~ . • • Perpetual Motion Discovered B; Ou.o Reid \uy of ;ou feller that ain't ne,1er b ··en marricu won 't · 1 patl.liLc ·with me ftji- .getting imo thG doghouse. Only :'1 marncd man a.nd a dog can Cully utHh~r. tand each uth ·r's pi ·kermcnL ~ly wit' ares.e, ntnp lai ning about a sur -· thtY>Ztl ... said he mu. ta sl pt with h r mouth open . u-;d, l blurted Htt: . "Hurr, up, and write dmvn the d ··tail • on how· you rnan.a ~-ed to do it. The world ha be n tr ing for a thott and car, to inn:·nt ptrpc tun. l. motion. Any­tim 'l Wllrnan sl PjJ. '"ith her mouth open she is a I · -. p tual motion machin . 1t <tin't gonmt . t()p '""bile sh e's a "~ra k. . " I com plaine l that tny egg!} tasted . oap at brcakJast. 1\t witc aid I ha.1J ju ·t scorcht'd th coa.t on my tongue with a cigarett . Ho\ doe · ars nic tast ', a n yhow? \Vond r ·what brought thi · hill n. i didn 't ~ay a ny­thi n.~·· rrong .. _ not that l know oL But, if I clid J'Jl hear about it '"·hen Lhe Ire 1e thaw · out a little . . . rcckJm o ... 1 a.lwa·,s have. Right now, this. frigid :il nee is truJ ' deafen in '. * * * * Ju, tread that a wife a e - a 1nan ~ 2_,000 dollars on income ta. 'e . . Th g~w rttmcnt ain' t trying to get us to he social i:~ t . . . the ' just want u · to be sociable. It' v,Tong- dead '- 'l'OllS~- \i\ herher it's marriao·e, politi ca l libcny. <.1r religiou .~ liben, , all are in. eparable [r~)ln .econon1ic ii bert 1, About those Texas T a~ I Tales ln r cent LOG copy Fred Furne s was contributing fu.nher to the clelinqu.ency of Texan .. by rela ting sm-rte modest deed and affairs. Had Job.n Bryan.t in the An en corner, too. (Som H amDtoo p eople still go to the dog. - ome of them to Texas ... which makes it about che ame thin -) The s uFe don't last loJ:tg after th , get there. \ ashi \N'ashingtonl \Nh@rehre art thou; · Farn .,, talked abmn the . iz.e oJ Texas. ' 1\ ell, those Te.' a. e o ·. otta have om place .to expand. . · nd ·ven 11.i- !i ·h was a pik r, com pared t:O the oo e tha t O-car Bame- caught in Kentucky. Oscar hooked .it b low a ;vatermill wJ1ich was running full bla t. Got 'im t 1rned en~- ·\vi ' in the current. The pow rful bn1te :os·~i 'h d his ~;ail, turned tl'te currefl t lil p~>tr a,m and ungnn~.nd ~eve n bu:.hc1s of corn before he wa · landed. furne s say· the men a re big·. T r ckon Jin git1 g, pr ad in · nd ti.1nJw in~ the bull from t he crad l,. to the h ·ave i vit.aliziin". But heck, a Texan co dd n't di ; his ,·oice ju' t fad ·s :nny. Tbat's w( JI'ill " 1ruu1 d ·a tb. · Thiogs Happen in Ohio, Teo But. let'. be (air; thing5; bapp~n in Oh i0, Loo Like th ~ l'rnp 11f Clyde Tirey. S-ecrn Lhat he w<t;o; eli n~-1 ing the b '<I"!Tl Jr.·nm a 'lla'lh JigJ1L a d en-tree of coon. The chuckleh ' don the ground . hlappecl th ' Jight olJ al"'d Tirey wall painfully injured in the fall. Or Fr~nch V.enni1Hon, who wtnr:hed two ·wj ldcrttii meet Qn a ioot lqg n·v r a cr" · 1n tay Cumberl <inr1 . • 1 t t.T would retr-eat. ']awing1 spi ttit g and S<JWtlling, th ··y began dii:u blng ~- ch other ... IJp, np, ow o sight. Jt must hav· h ·en a l·ug~·d cm::ou,nter ... hair reu an~und the fool lqg fur rhtcc days. l want to li .·e a Jon ~ time ... ju.t :;,o l 4crl· 13ayn -·-. will ]tan:! a ·tc.J9ge to L1ljoy. He he·g;g(.:tl to ' tv fail aud bn.:ak -a leg a the hut HH' ' t iltg ol r port ·Js. Clait 11 ·d it wo~J J d b(: a njce itun fm hi ~ n cXot LOC wpy ... Oltio A MJGHTY NICE STRI IGER for Four Mi l.e C ec'k, near Hamilton, is he l.d .up by Earnest Ros -nhalm nd his son Rnssell. Earnest takes credi t, and dieser ·es i1 , for re•ling them .in . Bis letter to .Bud 1 ewkirk from Elk River, vV. Va., wa · a d ehbc.rate a ttempt to advert.i e the r ustic b:.1ck­g1' ound of m clan . Said he saw one of my unci s cross t l1€ rj ver on a orapevine. · J-I 's a nearsigbtcd, tarfetched liar! T hal vvas a rope. vVc wore out th vine when I W£1S quite young. An ent rpri ing gent u sed the carcasses o1 four fe udis ts for 'dead-men" and histed a swinging, toll-bridge over Lhe deep. . . I refused to pay, thereby b ecom:ing a fair to middlin ' swimmer. I dived a cross wh en people were pre ent ... which sanH':: leads to the fact that I'm one of the youngest holders of a Carnegie Medal for swimming out with a1'lO th.eJ" life in custody. In diving across, I rammed head on v ith a boy coming the other way. He was out .. . cold, a .ncl I pulled him in to keep fron1. being tried (or tXlt.t rde r. Got+a Keep The LOG Honest You know omethin.g? It's a man-sized job just to follow fellows like Furness, Merle, and George teiner; b ut som ebody h as to watch th.em and keep the re ord straight. Our LOG has a good r ep., and ''t my dt.VY to let t:he.m taint the good character of a publi ation \vhich is a chronicle of facts . It's a fact that ole' Mac Powell was stanlling near a ScotdUlH.n, both drinking up a little fre Salvation Arm · n:tusic. Finally, a young 1ady tuck a coll ction plate under their sn oots and d emanded: "vVon't rou gi a quarter to the Lord?'' Ole' Mac, ge1s1erous in heart ancl de d, plunked hi cash on the barrelh ad; but true to tradi6on the Scot went "Scot- free ." He asked the gal h r age- was told she wa.. J 9. "Well" he 1Tl'Ll ed, 'Trn 83 ... chap "C are l'1 100 lu l tlHn l'll ·c hint aft re ye ... ·o, baim, l'll j ust hand J1i t11 mine." !\ H I IC and a ki, · 1\r(• re g i n y {JIl l" 11 • na J.e 1";, 111 el l, daug l~ I 1 qf ,'); t'l .l'all nell. ~ard ­t a t i o n. b > t c rJ i " 1-'; \')t)lll'.'~ hq ' SICdiJlg Jr. The; tot: ~ !,ad a f'im· time ~• L lh(· l•\unil ' l'ic· 11i, · . ldl ·· rlr ·i1' p:n ·c t lt ~ 11l;,s c'd hingu. '2.7 I I I I l 1\L ·.f.\H "'J1u 1"' \ It 1 . k,l\ i n.~ ~'"l k. t ~ thl' 1...:-'s to th f. mil car f1 m hi , da 1l. ~l ' ' T \ll n. 11 ho i. just rq.x1rtiug: in. I ud work~ on '\o. I PaJ: er Ja hine, ,o d . t \ 'C in .' crni - ~ Jl. \J.\R(, \1 vr (.\ll e•t) Il ,t ~' '· ancllhtT of th · •\ II ' IJ wlw 1\'olrks a t ~ harnpion . ha l ·n in C,\ 1 <;n JtitJg fm1r ycn rs. (. \LE J\ .' ill fJJ \ •. ! £:: ,\llen ar · IJ tb ·mp1ored in . ' o . :2 Sortill g, j) j I 11 is he l:tt tcSl of t-he Allen,-; to jn\n ll te rom p a t•'. ha\ ing !il :t ed tr1 wr rk only abo11t a ll f( ollth ago. Place To Work" B:v V urotlty 1-'uglt l r h • OT 1'. t ': L .\1. tt) h;l\ e lhrce or lour m •ml cr~ of otJc fa111il 1: ·or ·ino· at Charn pion . The .-\ llen fa rnil y. hcnve·er. numbers se ,·en . . tne .-\'llc;n came [()Champion at an early ag-e, th<:n after working at other >la hr r turned to v• >rk stca d y the 1 ast ni nc vears. At p1 :em he i in S mi-C< a L. ' The fir t chi! l l 1 lollo·w in !Jjs foor.teps wa · his son , Benjam in .\Jle11. Hen ha;· b en rw rking here Jiye year- and is now on No. 10 Paper :\ Iad1 in e. . ' , ._"e. tin line came :.\Iargare t (All en Hayes "vho has worked in CiVJ . ortmO" fm· four year . Gale .-\!len of 1o . 2 Sortino has been w ith Champion for th~ee year. and J\ l (>na (A llen) Ellis b een in the \ra) te Conu ll O ff ice for two years. Mona's busb;wcl, Gordon Ellis, ha been iu the Accouming- Office for four years. The latest of the . \llcn fam ily to join the company is Dianne, who has been in No. 2 . 'ort ing ju t one month. :HO:\A (Allen) .E ll i~ .i ' . hown with her daughter. Tana. and her h11sban I. Gordon '·Rudd" lli-; . ~ro n . is e_rnp lo •eel in lhe \Va re Control Office <md Budd ·work in . . ccounting. They a re loo'ki n<T :J t B-udd's r~cently acquired Charupion nlf trophy. :t ked why th e ch o c to come to Champion , the A lien s shrug then· .·houlders and . a y, "ft' · just one swell place to work." The Spirit of T earn work By JV ~s Cobb Thought for th month . . . 1:our year ago, during the football post- ·ea. o n, W ' were visiting in the town ot Montgomery, Ala. B:m ·s ing around th l' . city one morning, v.:e pa~sed a <;e ·r:m ngly d e., ned . tadwnt - d eserted except for the )()1Jd sh<ttts, ·J ec1-s, antl r apid-f ire " H ey-hey-J1 y " which dnfl d out from bt hind the iy y-cov red f n .e. , p~s<; r -hy infonn_ed u ~; that the north ern contingt•rr t nf J\ fi .Sta r .- wa ~; w<)rk tllg out l'l)r the BluCJ-Gray football gam to h h 1d in Crampton Howl ot ~ hri o; t tn a~ L)a . \ ·Ve walk d in<;id a n I ~ p v nt mor(' tha11 an hour wa t.ching Jb ~ Eliot of fllinoi ., 1 111 !lis charg s t ll t'O llgh 1 h ' JT pac ·~ . rll<:r · wa., , Jel O li oJ Miallli 1 i e rs i! v al! ernating al. th T -quan rback ~ ptll 'itlt lhc Jllini '~ Kruger, <iLnd several n•or[· boys w iHJJ11 we I' _( og11ized 1r10ng tl1 • 30·J1la n . q wd o l IJU ~ ki c~ . Up a!ld lnwn th(' fi ·ld th t: , n>;Ht·d i11 oflf'll 'tiv t· scrimrnagc. tli.ppi1tg l'a 'iii('"• bliH kiJ gou t. c h .eking a~~ i g l\ · nwnv., aml perfcni ng liH: ir llt :n • c· " ~.-o '>. And <' erv nn' and tl~t • IJ they s to<Jd ~nound wi rl1 I a11 l ill hip;, wflilt· Eliot Sl ·pped in t cOlT n a J 1 li ~ rno vc . . ~~ \'C '>tOn 1 ltt~ciJ1 ' ltt:d on tiH' :-, itl ·lin <' , OJIC tl1ill" "' impressed us above all else. That \·a - the . piri t of teamwork and gay camaraderie that prc,·a iled a II O\ cr rl~ e fi e ld. Tl1e lau ghing, · h ou tin, -,, b< k- ·lap­pt. ng on every play· the onst nt ails oJ ·'my fa ult. we'll get 'em next time," and "great atch , fell · w" a ~ a spcna ular play was succe.:d ull ' engine · eel. Here -v. c re boys, s kcted [r )Ill cnlle;;es wi lel r' s at­ttred from the East to the Far \' ·t. \d10 had b een total strangers until a few days prcvioul>. Now th ' ' were out on the fi ·let p rfornring with the p er ~ ct ron.Hlination th:u is e~~c ntial to a goo 1 football team. T llcs bo s had ka rncd ch ir ks:-.on w 11 - til llT­mcnd q .s lcs!)Ofl that: footba 11 tcacb ' 'i n·:,\ ~'l\'\'0 l K St~ thor Hig-h ly had t·ht· ''t ·antWt>rk lt ab it" b ·en i n:-.ti ll d i11 WWm tfl<t( I he I W'iif 110 !nubt can r it \deb th em :-t ll th rottg-h [he ir li\ c~ . Jn tlteir famil y •roup. in dlt' li ·lcl o l hu~incs ~; which they choose to ntcr au l wllL'f' i~ l(::llttwork and U)t)l'ditt ation ntcd d. nwn· tha n in bu ~ iue~!>~ ) . :11u l i11 th c ir · : t~ 'iOf'L<Iti nn-, ~t11<l nUt 1::; , jr!J otflt ·r-.., Is rhi ~ the g :1111~· thar -~~~ 1.)1~111 • sa ' is an nverempll :t­"' itl·d nr c11:1rl' ;,tnd :l "g iant" to h ~, cut down? RatllT, it)t~tha l l i~ Ilw v ·rv Jrvnrt hl':tl <lf \mcri a . < '* * • llow d1H ·, it lt:d tn tw :1 qui1. winnl·fi' .\ll olu. ha\t' .------~--------------~--~~----------------~------~~~---~----~~· w ndered: 11 01 the Elm 1· Thomp. ons. of Colorc:!ts t, kn w. On evening in Au(ru. t- Elm r and his wil> hal a ·a ll fr 1n Cin im1ati, ;were t qu ~ t d to watch the fatnowJ K<~.i . cr ··. e · 'n .Sa, It" program th foHo'< ing mo.rn.iug. The JJ ·xt da th two- excitt:d ThonJps,)n were hud- . dled in the living· roont, e ·e:;> gluc.d L(1 the TV ::- ·t aud ·ar "· strainin · for tile calL Tll • ca ll ·lll.m . a ud tbe pi t~tre fla h rl on the cr ' •u was that or th ~ Carew T<"' r, ·whi ch Elm · an(l JJi · wife i Jnm edi ~tte lv r cog·- , ' niLed. , -Ir. Th rn p ' 11 on th.c pbonc b ' arne ·u xcited that ·he wa. unabl tO utter a word. E lmer ~~ll - d acru s th room, ''Sav an~ w Tow-r " but his wife contit ued to • stammer an.d stutter in a complete] inatLif ula tc ta:-~bion. Tbc preciou · e oncl ti ked b 1 and th q uiL man wa.· -a.l out to announce the (amiliar, "Sorr - .·• J n ' de:.l eration, Elmer rus.heJ a€ross the room and e!J ed, '·Say Carew To" 'er. ·· F inally 1\lrs. Thompson blurted out. '·Carew Tov,er." and the voic at. the other end of th line I urred, ''You haye jn ·t won a 1953 Kaiser Man­hanan antorno.bile! '' (That'~ a ll th · i to it, my friend !) lncid ntall ·, Thomp on is a magic name. Frank Thomp on, a ou in of Elmer, '''.ron the $1,000 Bolton Avard a ear ago, and more recent ly his wife won a . trip to New York £ur the fa mily with h er Hamilton logan, "Po. tmark of Famous Trademark ." There's'g like keeping it in th fan.' . lily- Champion a11d o th erw1. se.' Tall Tale of :the Month The I.Je t laugh of the month, and aJso the b est tall 1aJe o f the month (and told for the truth) ... One of .Jack H ei1in 's reel truckers caught a catfish in the Great .:Vliami River .. . After unhooking his catch, he dropped t.he fi 11, and one of its fin complet Iy pierced his foot. At least Dr. Riggin will verify for the wound and admit that it wa bad enough for him to. order th boy back home when he can1e to work (which wa 1he object in vt. ew.!y ' .. . Buffing the drum _ . . The abs nt-minded boy of Ca.~t Coat is none other than smiling Dan Garrett ... Dan h.a~ a bad habit of furgetting where he parked his ·a , as hapr en · to u. all now and them . .. The boy stiiJ talk. about the time Dan had half of the fellows o.n his hift loo -jng br hi.s car in the parking lot ... Thirty minute · and 600 . ar lat r they (ound Dan's aut mobile, parked out on the {;tJ·e ·t! .. . The gtand old mat of Cast Coat, Chari y Reynolds, wa · in to se , us the otl1er day, J; till '·alking a:- stra ight a · a tall pi.J1 • tree an 1 looking a lot more chipper than \·VC will WilEm ·e hit the rhree-quaners of a century mark . .. May ·very ~ urmn er be a golden one for th Grst n.Ydn to be retir d in the u.p-and-c n1ing Ca'it Coat D ·part.m nt ... Th ~ slender, da k-hai r ~J I oy who looks like a sopho­more che ·rleadc::r, b K nJ y Perkin~. a ;, hool-1 ea.c her ... Ken will teach in the Ei lull ' 1ade a Fairfi ·Jd .t lti ~ fall . . . Woody Gets Some Hair Curler Rebuffing the ... 'rh Tom Sawyc ot Cast Coat, old .. Smiley" Au d 'aylor him'l H, has h zHlt·<l wuthward on a sL ·mo· tl tt.ial l e~v ·-uf-al) ... H .e ... The Saylor" bav been fo.rc d lo ·. k a di(f -r nt. Jhna tc lor ' 1-10\< - \NJN 1 ! 1 C golden brindl bo 1u, " .l)ornino 111 J\ furo­ta. i, ·• belong· to Paul Kirk's wife Eth ·l. Thi: photo was made at th Pl a infi ld, N. J. show w h rc Domino Jj·J ad her f i 11 a I ap p~tl ranc . iu tit East , winnii'g h r class. "Dmn.Jny"' had pr ev j o u sl wot ' her Glass over a trong group of boxer bitch s at the (amoi.t Moui.~ and E~sex hu''' when barely a ear old . Oltio their ailing seve n- year -old d a ughter .. . lt'~ t.ruc that ' Whilaker sent (or ~om c of that 'WBBM "g-oo' ' that _is a s un:- fi~ e hair curl r ... vVoocl y got some curl a ll rrght but h1s (~ urly locks took o tJ a stransc "Wild Man fro.rn Borneo" appearance that had cv Tyonc asking questions ... :P.S. vVoocly is w<.:a ring a cap! ... Coating man Norman Lamb is a,., good a cake ba ker as yo u'll find outside a kitchen . .. In case you're a doubtir g Tho~as, we' ll let you know n ext. he bri~gs in one of: h.1 · products ... Sams Makes a "Smashing" Finish Power l..>u Hi ng the drums ... \ rV · were proud to have two college boys working wjth u. in Cast Coat this sum­men:. Pete Green and Francis M oenck . .. Green will he a sophomore at Ohio State this tall and Mdenck is en­rolling at U. C. . .. It must be true that the Phoenix breezes ~re · full of medication . .. Jim Le·wis' daughter Linda, a sick li ule girJ when tbe family headed for the SoY tbwest, l1as been pronounced OK by the do tors .. . The Walter Wootens are the proud parents of a baby daughter ... The waviest black h a ir in Cast Coat be-. longs tO Gilbert James ... . Long John Fawns ha; Einished that garage, and knowiag John like we do,· i t's a good one . . . Don Pierce has a bunch of pointer pups who are "struttin' their stuff" at the tender age of 3!;2 months ... Both Bi1J Chesser and K n doser. CAP bigwigs, were sr ectator at the Dayton Air how over the Labor Day " eekend . . . J.irn . 1ar hall, hu ·k righthander, played a promin m part in the i\Ioh~> k' recent Muny League championship . .. Jim pitdted the key :3-2 win in the Moha\ k ' fir ·t p-Layoff game ' ith S ven Mile and was on deck warming up when. th ' e\ ed up the p n nan t a \·VC k later . . . Big George Sams up a co lor(td so.ft ball car ' r thi$ _ u r.nm r by playing in the Somer- ill . lt1vltati mal .. . ln (act, one ··vening h cl ' t:tn~ d the L'ises 'v\·ith a sma ·hjng double. * ... .. * P.S.: \1\1 'r , tPver too old to learn r to ' IT. Emer-Y ' Rut.J erford , Co.a ers, ra ng hi tim card in the ' rong pi act th oth r ll ig-11l - n the la ' t shi fL that he W l'ked b fore li ring after 2i ycat -;' ervic l (Elllery didn' l tdl u.· wh ' th 'r t..h · tirne card ' a a biL bJuncd for ~~ momenL or wh ' thel" his m ind w· ~ occupi ·d wirll strang tlwu grlus wh 'n iL ltapp •n d. H quieti we H ahead Hnd sec his col 1r and ' d his !'>h eL· as usual, m. d h i.. Ja:>t trip thl'ouglt th . hot lir1 · d ~an ·d out hi · l ocl<J:~r 1 d l1 •a I d bou1 ag~li n. Grca1 buuch .( ·t rans do n in the Coat , Room ·- • er,- n of 1 hould staml up nd ·h ' · a ·11 time one o[ th m Jil ·s ( lat f r th 4a:t tim ·.) 29 I I I ! i l l Oltio From Me to You • • • Bv fohn Schmilt I ar R eader: T'm' riti11g thi . kHer to ll'll ou ab nt a great. I unch nl g11y~: nanwh. th ' 111 cn ()f lh ~ on· struLtion [ ~ p:ntm c nl. thei1· rork. ' ·h,tt !he) think ·tnt! tal · '1hout and their OHt~itll· int •re· L und bohhk~. l h i-; i · HI} fi1 ,· t ktter t• ) ou lut I lmpe that tlwrc ''ill b · nmre ·ince th re j, '-O much to t.l'll about liH:-,e lm a hie tharact r. H 1 ·ould draw. I nuld\ run a daiJ • ( J11lC • ,trip al out them whi It w ntld b{; ~cnsa tjon~tl ue a us· nowhcr· in the l\}Hle world do ·<; there · ·i ·t ar ""~orl · ment of pe:Tvm.alitic:. lik<' th ·:c . . \Hd wm'. on with our , tory. . 1 Jaking o l' . tories, th' ( Jl{' SOlllC' of tltc.-e gu.' td i. )" u'rl. think the ' We r e profes:-ionaL. T·tl, , Ttd i\1 ;rJe li for in :.tan e (lte' · our krk, and l' nsi.Jered one o( our 111{ re jm ~ ll ig nt men). \'hen he tare to t ·ll )Oll :t star ' ·ou lllicdlt as w •ll .it d wn 'can c Ted hi :ilu rie · wn n vh ' re fr m 10 t _o minute~. fhen we h.aYc another fell "' on our g-mg who uses an c ld beaten-up cap tO tetl hi: tales. it's worth the price of a m )\ ic tl watch Hill McDaniel shil't hi · ap from one .:ide of hi almost bald h ad w the oth ~ r a · he pieb-uff on arion subj ecL. J'rn not exaggerati11g when I , · that .Bill' ap i · jut a · important to his tellino- a rory as .it i - for an Italian to u sc his h ands. Jn ca.e any of l\Iac' · friends are reading this, I hope they , ,.(_)l)'t get mad ' au e I'm going to say something real nice about him later' on . ' The "Chiefs" and the "Indians" Perhap · at thi · point it would be a good idea to try tO explain a little about who makes up the Construc­tion Department and what they do. \ 1 ell, under the cla~sification of "chiefs" there is Supervisor Elmer " Bud" Ebel; ssistant Supervisor Ray Brockman, otherw· e known not a just plain Bill but .Brock. (I been li tening to too many soap-box operas.) . '"'"'e have four crew lead er s, or " pushers" as they are ~ometimes ailed. They are \1\Tilliam " J\Ifac" McDaniel, Elzi.e (h e' · a boy de.-pite the first name) "Sing" Poynter, Howard " Mutt" Moll ett, and George Spaulding. U nder the da ·-ifi a rion of :'indians" (the india ns are alway!> complaining abom there being Loo many chiefs and not enough indians) we have a group of Yery in­telligent, hjghly skill d , tough and dangerous-living men called rigger . They're th · g uy who set and assembled th • steel for th new Coa ting Mill Building. Mutt and .Dan Get a Grip on Things I'll ncv r fo g t ,.vhcn we first b egan setting' the !> led fur th e: n ew CM. Building . Only a few co lunm-. i!lld beal))s had be n se t, and since tll · y n 't ti ·d togc th <:r with rafter& y t, it was shaky -, ·tup as ole Mtttl, Da11 ')chu ltz, and Jim J oh11Son on top (20 feet up waitiug ft)r thl' li r st set o( r a ilers to h · Sl'lll up. Theu a~ Llw l'ir'il raft T w ~nt up, it a ·cid m ally hlllllpcd th b ·<un poor of ' 1 an and Mut w >r · sil).ing on , n1 using it to rork aml )way. J i111, ·who Wi:l!) ~itting <111 1 he: br\tn t ou the olil c J sid e, Jat T rep(n d that both Mull atl l Dan\ cye b~dl ~:~ got as big a'> golf b lls and it is also binwd l'll [tl t.b ·• ir fiug p inn, an:: imprint ·cJ jn rh . st el bt·an t lwrn gn'l l; bill JS it so tight. [hey say that a[t.r:r Mutt gcn ly dow n un good ol • Champion ground, h ,, )Jau, d a wotnent nr I tJ1 ' ll made a solemn oath n 'vcr again to sl ak _ · pu11 urn in 30 GEe RC I· SP.\l ' L!>l :\iC, ldt, and " ino-·· Poynter, rirrht. are L o ( t{ lh ' CiJil~ l r u c Linll 0 ·panmt:Ol .. bi rs·· Lll<ll John l,chmitl \Hite ~I>P itl Jll h1s t?lHtlln tit ~ month . . , h y :~r• shown <l.lec.king form, lot' c.nt cl etc p1 'r~ 1t1 th · n w lumiH::J "heel now g()ing up at th Ohio Di vi ·ion. a tree, be ;:w e h I! a l just come to realize ex<.tctly how th 'Y n1us t fee l. Frotn time to time in the futu re f ~>hall in ert in t!ti-; olumn a 1i ~> l of word<; and th eir meanings. You ct, W{: in the Construction Departrue11 t have our own wa)· • I saying thing . T ake for instanc the word "pork ch ps. \l\Then we talk ab ut por k chops we're not thinking abo ll the meat called by that nam ', but it i l)ur \'ay of d escribing overtime. I tried to locate the orig·in of thi · mcan.inq- but didn 't v 0 have too much lu ck. Howev r , frorn what l ittle in •)l'· rnation I did pick up it >voulcl be 111 gue ·s. tha t "pork chop~ " got the meaning or overt irne right here at our Ohio Division ol Champion. H you'll follow me do ely and le t youi· imagination go to work, 1'11 try to recon­struct exactly the way it all could ha,,e happened ... Dan'l Boone's Kin Started It All The time was many, rnany year · ba k. Liv in w .s tough then and p ork chop- wcr co nsidered a cl li acy because it was very eldom a famil coull aLford l > buy them. It was during this time that th d -ceudams of Daniel Boone wandered north and eli:; o 'ered a wonderful new land of opportunity allcd Ohio. \Nord got back. and these people left the hill a nd began to swarm into Ohio by the th usa.nd , mo· t 1 them ettling rirrht here in Hamilton. It 'vas here that they made their livino· and rai · ·d th ir farnilie , and as 1 said b efore, making a living was rough . nut b u l ole Champion took. care of many of th se people. nd :.o it was on day rigl11 h rc at ChantpiOll that th 1n ·n oJ Lhes families h.apr 'ned to work , o1rte ov n.i-rn ·. fm­l. lledi<t tel the beo·an to wond r bm\· they ~ o.uld ·pend llv ' tra money ::tnd rh first thin~'?: th .. y thought of w:-~ JH.Wk chops. Hen c "pork chops" lt ns wnt to nt ·:w ··ov Jrtimc" h ere <H Cbmnpioll. To carr lh pinur · :-t lrttle lurth r, I ran just se · on · of t.llus · men go ing- h 111 · :1 ftc1 h:n i1 g work ·cl over­tim · :.uld ~L hl· wa lk: in Lht· loor hi ~ wil · a nd 10 kid ~ land tltnc looking ·1r him !tnd \'ilh a bLir~t o t jo ' h ' sh \1t'i, " Po1'k chOJ s nia, p rk hop-." E uL gc tlin~·· b:.~ k t th e. t of the ' ' i ~1 di:lll s" in. our dep rtment. Th ·r ''s th . arp utc rs. low the 'r , ,n in1dlig ·rn grotq of hi gh l ,·s ~ll d m.d lwrl. work'ing· lllen tuo, I ul hardly ; :; int ·lligu11 , ·.kill ·d, and h ard· working a!> If 1c ri gg"r~, v n though th , might try 1 o rnak • ou thiuk so. \V l1avc: auout I 1 carpenter: anc..l " .. 0e · Lake care of. bu:i~di ng a It ih_e (otms u ed in pou ·­ll1g ·on 'Tete, ptl.ttmg m. door ., wmdovn; :ui.d tlour,-, la ,_ ing and"' r 0(s anJ an o ther :rninm:- jc.Jb that are w:o urtimporta:nt tor th~ riggers to handle. (ln case .· you ba\'e:n't 'tie sed group I'm. in y t, I'm a rigg- 'r.) \ ·\'e a l·o h.ave two c m ·n.t fin.l hers who claim to be the b · in th mill. \' , ir ole Ray Pabst a.nd Bob . ;.ttu: hav tinisll"d a lot oJ enH~ nt since thev' ve been <~~'l. c. n ·tru. cion . . Pi~tl':tr a~1 ~he floor ~pace i n: th new Coaung M1ll iuppmg Butldmu an l ; ou' ll g c an itlca oi JUSL om. of tb " \V rk they' . don . (Boy! the ought t bU) ' m_ . <;>ifet _a mo?th for that bu ild-up.) I almost for ot but B1U Mc;Oamet C OIJl know, the guy with t.h c::tp and alm t b ld head I wa · te lling you about "'arli r) ha · -don a lot of cement fini around here too, ::tlth?~ crh la i · la si£ied as a rigg'"' r and isn't a regular fu:11 h r. · At the bottorn o f th ' li~t of "indians · arc l Lt labor 'rs. Right .now we have ab-out 10 of these men who are not Champio~1 mplo '· e · but are ·ruployed b ' an our-ide coirtrucllon .. compan . They sen ·€ as . h lp t!r to the carpenter , ngger: and cealCtlt f.ini s11 rs but th , . too. ax reall · a nice bunch of gu ·s and good work eT . \'\'ell , .it~ o-euing near my b ·d t ime so I better close fnr now. "There's lot · more to tell, but till next rime I' ll lea e y u ' ith one of the Construction Department's mouo}; 'Nhi h was told to us many times by our recently dep rted an.d 0 0 t1 o l hos ", ''Payday.'' It is: "vVhen Lhe job gets tough, get toug-h ·wit:b. it." Love and ki · e, rt 7 ".10NTH OLD and (ull of f ep, ·:hi · is Stephen Dwiaht Gab bard. -t.ephen's <'lad is C l~n ­don Ga bbard , No. J l\1acldne Room; J i · 11 otl~, LeOJ .a, i-s · p .employee .o.f . ~1 . Sorting. ""4:t("I 1f ·'Honest John" CAROLE JEAN a •\YES LDok time uo pose fuY a snap hot, in costume, after pal'tici pating in a H <~rnil ton. dance review. Her mol.ber. J ean Ha)'es. Bunus Com· puta tion, admit t::hat Carole 1s happ when s:l1e's tappin g. .I · HAJH),' I~ A .130 · D, with t l:w hig I 1 uc ey . aHd 1)1 nd curl <;, h lme da11ghter of :\J r. ~n\d Mrs. Ttbur f~ont;l , J r .. ; A t t is e:;,t(lplo • .d m1 CM 'l r i-t~Jrn ea. Sharon's gr;J;11J mvr l:tttl is '-t1 ~. Hore)~ C::€ Y(.Jrk, C.\1 'ut­ter&. ' 'i\f ! LK I ;-... ' T l l\ 11 •" is 1 he ti tle <ri' t i d ~ ~11 nu q. it tg· pho-togra1 11 . whit b pr<>l' ·cl tO h . a r r.ilt'· wit 111e r fo , IW h ·icc, c:cnc,·at Ofl il e, in Ohio D i ,, i si o n Slrurt crb ng Clld> compel it iutl. . Caught Unaware . • • By Mae Rooks O~io T he . un u ual p ictLJre a bove wo~1 Sh utte rbug CJuh ho nors l:or EGJ.wu1 !'nee, General. OIJicc. Nrnice the stmy-tellin_g q uali ti es of the pict'ure. You' ll have to agree tbat Eclww caught iL all with one click of Lhc s-hu tter. This i a good example of the r'·'sults that can be achieved with the camera. Jt ge ts tb story riaJu dovm to the last detail - whethe~ i t ? e beauty, sorrow, happi-ness or a man as he does lu s datly chore , · CHARLTJ'i; MA 1NJ JC c. ol~, broke jnLo a bi,.. mile a · he ' 4W tl at h is ~·e.t.i:re m e n l giJt froim "The Bo s" wa- an electric rawr. , Shown ir1 tl1e pi Lure are art Vizedo:n, John \Vertz, J T., 1h Linu and Cl'l"l'les Sil:;wrt. Seated !l l tl:;t-e far r ight i lin toH Sp atm:u1 . • ' ' ,,. 31 Oltia Vacation Time for the Brills Jj ' ( ,('{/1 ~( ' .\ lf'i]/{'1 .:\lerle Br ifl. ·wit< h b( 1 d, ju, t r ·tufJJ <'d IH n at - other ol hi alll ual ' ~ catkn nip ·. s, :\I ~rl ' and his wift: ha ' e v i ~ i t tel Hi ~ ate'.. ~;mad . - aml ... Ic ·ico. fhi tim , th e~ . tartcd · '-t> uth. t hro ugb Kc HllH'k} l c•n tie ·ee . • tabaJU::t. Fl 11· id ~1 . J.nd tlwn on to ... '('\ Orlean .... H ere i~ \vlwt -:\leriL "d' · al o ut hi..; nH atiun trit : '"One f the m t inrl'l c tinv" · nd UHlh tal i. d 1h " c aw \.\'t:.'l'L' the bu gr~ mH.b. Sin{·c • ·, \" Orl .c 11 is ahuut nn • f< .t. abm e Gulf I '\ el. .dl L uriaJ~ an· mddc ttlh >\ • llw ground." "ftnm , ·cw rkan ,. dn '"' north to Ht•l Spt i11g~ . . · ., au l then ~Hl t1 Ent" k<t ' prin...,. , wlli !1 j, ol ten '-'• II ·d "Little ·,,ju rl. nd ." ...\. tcnrn . praw liug up and dPt n tlw JlltHuuain id l'. it · :!;}0 :t.rcet ·. n uc of ·which t ro~~ - wind around and ;;~ nntnd like • length o l L'tngl cl , trin ..-. · her~ are mile - u[ J ck nmtainint, w•tll." fru tll ,d1.ich mam health-O'iyin1r 1 rings fJ w. One may e n ter Ba ·in l ark H >td a l str et I \ cl aJen t fi v iloor ·, and " alk om again upon a ·i le' alk. "Our nL t _top was 'olorado .Sprino·s, w.her w ta , eJ 1 ' da ' ~ · Thi.- {am 1u re art lie" at the foot o[ Pike' Peak. altitude 1-1.110 f et. On v ral trip com­in" ,,.e t we J1a ·e e n Pike· - l eak at a di tance of 80 mfie~. Durino· our tay w made many intere ting trips im the R ocki . n u ch trip l ads to the R oyal Gorge. where on ma · drive o ver th high bridge, which i I ,02:> feet abv,·e the Arkansas R iver. T he Rio Grande Railroad runs through· thi narrow gorge, and all trains stop 0 that p . . nger can see on of tbe wonders of the world, "Snow In August" ''.-'\ u·jp to Co lotado v\·ould not be comp lete until yo ~1 ,iJ it the mile-high city of Denver. Altho ugh D enver is 60 m ile- east of the Rockies, a view from a top the capitol building will show a never-to-be-forgo tten panorama of sno w-co\·ered peak , even in ] uly, Au gu st, and Septem­b er. Iany beautiful driYe lead out o f D enver, esp ecially to Lookout l\{ountain, burial p lace of Buffalo Bill ; also, .\fr. Evans and Bear Lake are ii]. this ch ain o t parks. "Denver has a unique ystem of h andling traffic­esp cially in the bu ine · · se tion, where traffic is hea,·ie t. ·when the walk light come on , a ll au tom obiles in both d.irecrions stop, and the p eople move into the street in any dir ction they hoosc; that i ·, they can cross eitl er &treet, left to right and also diagona ll y. It looked like quitting tim in t-he rnill as th people po ured om imo the inter~t: tjons in ali dir ction ·. Thi syst n t lHts I en in .ffe l si nce C bri ~ Lma , J951, without any a ci­d 'lll J " Tl1 · nto~L r ugged ::. '( 't iJJI1 o [ 'oltH·ado is iu t he ~()-utllwe s ern part , wh re you go ever thL" Million D ltlar Highway. -r h .i ~ r.,e tifJn i-; ~ g n ve l mad wi LiLh co nta in ~ silv ·rand gold Ju~t. and acLua Jly tost a Jt1i llion do l hn·~ a mile w blast and grad· fr ,r tr<l\ CL .t\ y ot l travel 1his JUad, y(Ju pa% tit rough Oura y, ;1 l"uwn rw ~ ll 'd in a ·a lley , un ou 11 cl t'd l y I 0,00() I L "tJ a ~- .t s you (l)lHinuc '>llltr h­west, you . ~~) JI J <.: ltJ a!~otll T natirm~ l _ )Jatk ". 1 c~u V Tde," m ·&wug liar talJl · wltc : th · dJII (1\ dl<·1·.., II\· ·d m:tn yvars ago. '1 (J vva lk thl'ou gil dw n1iJ1s afld t' llter o;Ont(" of th-- dw ·!lings is a uovel <" p •riencl' yr lll can ll t:Vt.: l I org ·r.. "Th ir; va cation tri1J, planned lnonths <J l ad. I ik.c all hu•H: oJ Alr ad y w · m llw P• sr, plan 11 i llg" \'a I Ill" tht nt . t trip. \ :1 tptir · olt th · inform ti•_m e t_an rltw 1g-h n ' '>OUIT ('- fn nds, \ tlto CJuh. etc. "I h • tnorc t fl • trip i plann ·d, the 1101 e ll jn;;d:'Jl • it b '{ t HJ tes. " \ \ t ' < • o · all our ow1 Ill "h . < cpt wJt en it r. i n s . ,,·hi1 h i · . ·ldorn i11 til t \:\" .,t.. '' · t' rry · 14a~o l.i n e 'i l.,\ t ,,·bidl (an b • opn a ted lor tl · 1 lill ie I''!' em two · ~.dl ou ., of g<t ~. \.\'t • a I"><I :tl'f ! a h '(l \ if y ill">ttlat("d lU' IJoA. j Cl 1 t' lll'o \'Ort.h of it t i ~ all th.1 i I c Jllit·( d I()J :!·1 h(lliJ '>. . · tit • ll ltal .., jt uatio!l in thi'> 111a nuer .... aH•<; wau a dolht whid gm .. , 10\'- ~11 I Ill· ga CJ!ill · bill. '' \ Ve h V( ' ma 1 · many It i Jld ,. on our trip-., and ex­chan ' C ChrL Lrnas card'> a to<,.~ tile w- ion. \'e ha \ · cookNl ;llld enjo yed 111any <:venin J m ;;d s ·with o u r Color do ft icnd. high iu the 1 ()rk.j .,, ( ftu1 wr• build a wood fir · upon whidt we CO(Jk Olll m ·aJ. Later on ,a., th · ewb 'I\ di down , w · 10a. t rnar'>11Jtl' I low., ami :>ing o ld -,ong~.' ' .-\s t l1e eud of rn1r 'a ati<n < J11lt to a do ~ , w · SJ ·n t o ltr last 11ight at ou1 lan>rite spot, ' d1ere ,.c could g ·t a l a~t look. at !'ike's Peak bcfnr · ~ tartin g home over tb ro llin_g prairi · of J{r n.,a s. On ani,·ing} (JTil · we fou nd ·we had ·ov ·red over .~ , 00 J mile:).'' Mathematician in the Making " I h eard tha t Champion h ir · colleoe boy · to tak~ th pla e ot vaca tioninO' workers during the summer," said yo ung St ve Chase as he applitd a la yer of ·oap to an E lectr ic Shop wi ndow last ugust. .S teve h eard the story ·traight. Each year youn r men are hired a t the Ol1io Division during th<: v cation months, and are p ut to good u ·c doing any thing and ever ything. Champion, of coUl--e, can't take redit for sending these boys to co llege, but judging Jrcan past years, · Champion ' " lo ng gree n'' do s find its wa, fmm the pock e ts of these yo ung mtn inLO the cash drawer. of college regi strars a 11 over the country. Am ong this su'm mer' crop was Steve Chase. a familia . name to Champio ns .. Steve i · a student at Princeton ­a mathematics major , with a goal ahead of him. Hi present jJlans include "a cou ple of y ar of !!l'aduat work - o r maybe the Arm y-" f llow d by a doctor· ' d egree in his chosen field. Lter that ' teve a --, ''I'd like to teach and do research in math malic. Reali , I'd ju t like to do r search , but 1'11 have to rea h to stay alive." Steve, with his lau dable ambition ·, .i· t~pical ( the ma n y yo ung men a nd wom n who pent 1 st sJ.ul1llH:".. l ' a t the n1ill. Now th ey're back in scbo ) I. s me (or their firsr yea r of colleg , b tJ t ll j u, L that rnu ·h n ar ·r to a completed eclu a tion. STE K .HA ' !.': i · LYJ?· it a l. or llt t: ' (>llf) r l r"l n 1' h o. Jut ing ummrt 1:1 ations, wu r k. c Cll ntpion ro h el p wich c..nli ' ge ·p1 n.s s. \'l) u llg ~wv may hrtvl' ,,,I.Sh fl Wll tdow Ju r ­ing t.h e ~ wnrutr, b u t a r p1 H' ftl h •'s at l'dtH ·ton , \,•e ll w1 his 1qy Ln \ ~~~ · d · rtq:rree. -· R Ministers in the Mill ... <nuliua Ch< mpion en t ·rtain d a grn11 p f mi n il'ltcr~ f1 om Lake .Junalt!'.ka \'ith a mill tour ea rly in .\ ugu:-t. l'h · mini. t ·r..;. rl'pre' ntiug many cct iom uf tl 1c So u th­ea t, h:-Hl nC\ Cr before \ i'iitcd a papc mill - 1 ut th )d\' it all, (rom \'nod~ar I to . ' hippin~. fo llowing tlt · lnur. rdr ~shmelll.., w rc !-,CrY d the 111 : b in Lhe Calc- . ten . Later a p.1nd di cu ion wa~ held in the Cafeteri :t tonft•renn.: room. On the panel \'ere G. ~ 1. Trostel, .J. H. ;\Im·ford, .\ . \1. F:lirbroth T, .. A. Swn and J. E. Willi.· rn on. Th gu' t. " ·rc , ttcnding- a conferenc of Pa. LOrs and Di,trict . uperinten1l nt. of outhea tern Jurisd iction nf lhe . fe thodi-t Epi copal Chur h. They were accom­panie: d b. John C. Harmon, Jr.. director of commu nity ani -itie for th ~atinnal A socia.tion o( lVfanufactur rs, .\tlanta. .AT '\OOD RA\1P , the ministerial gue-t cliscu sed mechanical hamUing ood. John C H 1mon, Jr., of rhe NAM is ~hown tl~il l hom lefl. .ll;Hnpwn'<; \'ood, Rob rr-..on, guide, is at left. f' Trfl. rl~. \ 1 Pl · -...:T , ,,,u Randolph, .b mpi0n gll•d , "' ldt , }JOll•t t11 til · Itt\. tlllilogll tor. 1 hith tt<·,t, I<Juntl :.til inr lt tin highligbl. t,{ tit i1 Juill tutti C.\ .. ro. :111([ ' c. tn 11 ' 1orth C1trolin<t 1 a" ~ho< kt;.·d 1\ 11 u.;;t !l wh .n J illlll l\' \rork. 17, .'1011 of • I I' H. \" 01!-. . lrlt"t hi -. le<~t h I d1 1-vn ing in th l >:1vithr111 Ri1 cr. 'I h . tragtd <•(CllltW! wlt il \"or!.. \ 1'(1< fi1-h in \r il' l l hi~ 1\"0 . Uil~ , ' l'lt il. of , h an tpio n ·. Oltio ni ,i,inn. <~td Jinlmy. D ec p e~ L s mp:t llr • is bring ex t ·nd · <l 1·1lc 'p rks b all closl" (deneb< ;:1ud aL(jlHILl.l l<\11 S. \'IS ALLY H NPICA PPED, thes three youngsters were among t h 13 b lind or nJar ~ blind chi ldren who enjo)ed Camp Hope facil.i- 1 ies t h i: summer in the fir. t experimen t of its kind e\er conducted in ~ort h aro lin::t . Th y :u e 1 i t11red here :~s they regi ~ t red f01 1 he c-no.nnpment period. Help fpr the Handicapped • A new experiment i.n campin?" annal;; o£ th , . tate ·was u ndertaken. and with ovcrwh ·lnJing succes.s, at Camp H o pe in .T uly. n e v,• e.' pcrin1cnt \'Ill 1.111- doubtcd ly have far-reach ing results in the live~ of blind and ncar-b lind childr n and adult. T hirteen Yis ua lJy handicapped hilclr n. ma ny ·ec ti o ns of North Carolina cnj >yecl a full camping program t1 long with mor than 50 n ormal boy .. Prog-ram direcwrs and counsd lon did n t " pull any p un hes" with th b lind and n car-blin l gue. t . They wer introdtt d to the sarn progran1. all oth r bo · wer invo lv d in during the t'''o-week en ampment. The vi ua lly hanclicapp d roung t r~ wer :pon-ored by th • Liom C lub in the ir r p ti e I 10 rth C, rolin towns. lany 1 roved exceptional! ' sm:-~rt. TL c: wcr q uick to get the " feel of thing,·' at camp. Thi~ ;-vas tbc first tim 'istnll) ktndi pp ·d <:\CI alt 'ttdcd c:-unp with a g-roupo[ norm· l chjldren, but thC',' w ·r -~ l;crf ·ctly at hon t swimming, lla)ing ~hufllcbn.trd, doing- handi( ral L "'1\'ort.. - an I <l l the lini ng tab I ·. ·1 l1e callljJ lil · pmgr~un ga' • the hamti<appul )tHtllg· .~ Lch a chance for C.:'-. p ·ri ·n l<~ th C\ Illig lu n e' er ha' t' gainl'1l 01 h 1 ,· i ~<·. \ s Dt'. I [ugh .\!:ttl h .,,., , l,rc ~idt' IH ot 1h ' Can ton Lion-, Club, ptlt it :"'\< tlll:tl l>n · lla ·( <ol · ta<.t with the h.mdi< .q>pt ·d 'atll!Jl'f, ; ntl < .111 llclp di '· pvl th · fa! ,(' itnprb-..ion that bli11d p '''PI ' :ue 111 ' tllllll · n :wTdctl. I hi~ intptc-,-,ion i, a <atl',. ·o\tT ftont tlw da'' \ h e r1 our l,o('il't lor t·d hliaul IWr,o n~ l(l -..d l pcntih tlll lit<.: ), lJ t'l ', • I Ill' c~llllf' l torw ' 1' l l llll Itt tl i-. lllllJllt'r. a pil)ll '('f iJJg \t' l ll Ill ' lot tlw t ntire ~ l : il c , lu·n, cd t mi1wnlh .ur­u · -; ful. ~ I _ • t I Council- Conference Party Held rl1e \H':lt]ler l \.·a pe:'rk 'l .. , fo l W:l ' C. ·ce!Jcn t ... and reneauo 1 '"a . f knty. ~h 11\Clllbers of Carolina Chalnpitm'- Mill ~ m cit , roup and th ' No 1'1 -Day on{eren e r pr nt-adve· gatll ·reJ al Camp Hop · late in ..\ .. n ·tLt f r their annu.J r,r t·t g·c ther. ' ' ' The1 wa.\1 no ' Pt'€'Ch-nlakin ·, only bri _f remark by ]. Rruce Alorf< 1rd, manager of Industrial and Com­inunir; · R lati us, H . . -\. Helder, vin:~-pre idem and Carolina Divi. i n manager. a.. nd C. C. Fletcher, Mill ouncil chainnan. Tile Champion'; took a long their wives, and Lbi. added color to th o casion. The ladie went for cards and other indoor recreation. ·while Council arJd Confer­en e mcmb rs indulged in o rne of th outdoor sports. Many off to College By W. Scott Ha rvey Proud office per onnel. sending their sons and daugh­ten; off to another year a t college and bearing the burden ~.. . -ith nthu. iasm, include A. C. Sha·w, 1t\Tillis Kirkpatrick, Lee and Ber tie McElrath, Hugh Noland, Br ant H oltz Jaw and Vaughn l~ramlett. ArnoLd haw, Jr., entered the School of Dentistry at the Unh:·ersity of North Carolina this year after having graduated I·rom four yean> o[ Ire-dental course at the scho 1. He graduau::d with honor . St<~.nley haw enter d the l.Jni ver sity or North Caro­lina a. a fresllrnaJ~. He i a p~'t-J aw HUd m. Carolyn McElrath i a ~c nior at Grecn$1 oro Coll l'ge. 1 ' . C., when.: she maj (.~ r<.; in primary e lu catiou . H q t ic rcpo t. o;h · lov "~ thh work. David. K5rkpal ick i ~ a SOif.JhoUiorc t.hi$ }Car at Duke Uni r. Hy. H · i~ sti kinK with a gc1wral CC1urse of , Ludy and i~o; co1:.1tinujng 1 j!> WO!"k in chontl mu ~ il'. ~ Bryar l H IJtlzclaw, f r., re Ll!tll d t~> Ge<JJ'gia ' J'ech rm' his f..eniol' y ·ar in anh il ·cu ttal ·ng-iucrr1ng-. lh ya rit h:1 ·, in i:idd ition to l1 i ~ (Oill~ · of v, cnt ·n·d tlw R esc n ·c ' Officer-; ·1 raining CnqJh rtnd j ;, tlow i11 tit· ad v<llt<·ed ' nH.In •. Margar ·t 'oland, sopbonwr · at GF ·cusbotu Lo.ll •ge, majo 11 in (·ducaUnn. Hugh ; ~ 11on OITIIniua] h•">llt \1;.~rgal~et \ P' gr~s$, lnLL fhe g lean) in h.[ ~ t)l' itHl icaft'~ plenty o£ sati, (actioo . Brarnlett 1~ hfl< k a1 \V()J tH ·n ·~ Cn ll c~c ttl tl~t t11v rsity of, ' ort.h ··u'Ohna <H Crrcen-,h< 10. Ht•r t l1:tjlll 34· I· R.'\ '\.I C(J(, II ( · !{ ' \hll I oon< tl t~wmh<J. · .. t• 1111' of rht.: dr "1 prin· Will >l I'> :lt tl14 'I:(> 111 t :1111op ~ <~!)• Olllillg fm r r'l" -~pq li\.1 ' ol ('h.Htl pa1l1 \ \4 ill ( '!ltlfl il awl fife '\;n<lll n ,, ( f)lif<' lf' >n.. . Untr ~ ~lork>t<i. ,11 ldt ht~tHh m l l: Hrr. pr iw, .'\iter -<lilfJH'I <' t11f'> nlin111• 11f IIUlnr!u'l .J \l'ntril l•quht .l( '· '" All" ''''" tllll (•f Ht'ltd I -flll\ itlt i -; bioi gy nd her rninor is Er!g-li -,11 .. )lJ th:i 1 ·rin g. will grad tl;j tt• Ge rt · Holu ·law, Carolina !Jivi)ion au:oumant, aJ­Iow ·d one momiog .recent! n a ·walk t11 the m ill that the building of the Canton overpass on . . £--ligh N. y J 9 and 2.3 will ceftainly "draw a huge crowd of sid..:­walk superintendents if th n c·w buildin goin np on Cbltr It Street is any iadi a tion." * * • * If you want to stc a refreshing- . parkle in the yc o an exp erienced 195;$ vacationer, a k 1 rorma Brig .. whq shares Carolina swit hhoard headaches, about her . Norma's s·istcr, vvhorn. 1he visi ted in t and .her husband were accotnmoda ting a wealthy Philadelphian by occupying hi 20-roorn " bungalow" ·while his fat'Ri!y relaxed in Maine. Norma will te ll }'QU that le:i urd, cbning on a sunlit terrace, brow in through hundred<; of first editions on the library sh lve, adwiring the man~ CJriginal paintings and hand_sonae au. tiquc furniture \~· :s emough: to make any vacation co1zuplete . he ( b~erves that the gardener brough t i.n fre·h \'e .etable· from the estat€'S garden every Sh~ didn't ·top at that, ho·wever. The gr•n·' conj_ ted oJ:' a summer stock theatre, visit · to , en :-ral a:rt museurns, the Planetarium, Liberty .HaU and t.he Edgar AlJen Poe House. A. Hying trip to Ne·w York Chy af­forded her the plea ·ure of sec iTlg the beaurifnl 1.!. :\. Bu ildjng. l~EFOIU. EXTERJNG OLT., Jame L. CoJii r, Jn Ohi.. hQ.mpiou Old 1 imet· <n11p l o v~:d :h :1 l'tt'!l l. r room f:'llg"iJHct' >' . pos ~·d few thh l~i< (Ill t' .. s hr vbir.•d Ill . Car Iilii! mill hr llir l irst I intt-. tk i' '>lHJI\'11 Jt ·t,• wi th h i s01a .J :omJ s. IM. his 11•i£ · oJ.t., <~n(l lau,;ht ·' ''· S .. <·. , . . fnd Ru-rll . I I. C"l lic-1 Ita~ two 1 th ~ l ~"'n' l'olkiug :11 rh JJtj,, lli ~i,itllt. J he :1r · K~> , o( f1H' Maio Offin·. ,111d O~ri-. ,,f ''II' r~11rl G:.w);\. --------------------------------~----------~------~----~----~----------~-------------~~------~------- · Southern HSupers" Visit l , 'T ' R\'O VF wj tll th · m u. ica I 1 heme. " I' ve B _en \ nrbng On Lb , Ra ilroad ,·· g neral operating· :,nper­inte n clc nts o ( Llt S()uth crn R a ilwa , , tog·ether with the ir wi cs, -; pent three car cfn: da 's a t L t k · Lo~a n Lodge Lll ?;, f · [[ O \Af~o. htp a nd foocl. irginia Moor -. Co lurllhi a, S. C., \'Cilt back Lo t h , P a ltn c tl o State w ith top fi s-h ­ing- b u r ·ls tucked sccurcl y u nder h r ca<> tinf:( ann. Virginia ere ·'I >d a 17- in J fi g·hting r a in bow. late i 11 ug usl. 'J'bcy were the g ues ts llf Clt a ut ­pi o n , and Hugh Mcas ·, Carolina Dhi::.ion trJHic- rn anag T , aud hi .· " ·ife I a t , wer lt o. t an.d bo . .,tes<.;. T her wa, a 1 t of fishing and sing- Some of the gu st. rhos' to drqp hy C hero kee C' il rotl lc !tome wheT 11tcy ~a v the colo.rftd Jn clian dra tnc.L, "U tttu T hese FJ j]k" lt was the first t ri p in to the Lak · Logatt ntoun taills for some of Lbese gu ests. T b ·, ·n disc uss th · 'iC ·nic spl •odor for sometime lo ·<me. ~1 hey were ·nthn ·d . . . li k all others who chance to pass tlt is way. I.t;:sT • \ :". GL ER w:ts i\ Irs. shown la rldin ~ a 17-in ch \ ' irginiu ;\t'oo n:, rain 1 fl\11 t ro ul. l: ra n k Qu e 11 , aro l in ;:~ r<1ffi c Of:fitc, ass is l·s 11\'i lh. u c l. Vacations Top the list B • lyd R. f-]Qey . .J r. Glenn Ho-well to k the l n cr walk dm n the center . 1 c 0 a1.;; c uf ·entral A.l thodi t Cl urd1 to oive hi da uo·hter i"') b ' He! 'n Joy. in maniao· 10 R o bert E ugene Allen , son of another Champion Old Tilner, \ \'. lVI. All n. Hel n g.radua~ · d from. \ omen ' College this pring a t J ·tarte I tea ·lung pubJ1c s bool n usic a t Goldsboro, 1. '- C. immediately after retu r ni ng from their h on ey­moon in "Washington, D . C. Bob QTa luated from ' '\Take fores t College thi spring an.d lOOll the bar 'xami.nation in Augu st, r eceiving his liccn ·c to . prac~ce Jaw a few ·weeks before hi · marriage . He ay_ lu · dralt board has b en brea thino· d own hi n eck fo.r ~?m till~..(;, a~1d h i. e. ·pecting LO ei'ner th service '"'lthm t:he next few '\·cek ". \fa.n·in math ·r and h is wife ha,·c been Ion ·'On'le -,jncc their t'franddtildren. Bettv Ka-v and Earl Mo ro·an " . I ) i:) J Jr .• r turned to the ir home it H an"til ton whtre their :nher j<; a Champion tran p l-anted from Can ton. .. The ·· ungster:-. flew down 'vith th eir £ather, spent hv \ 't:ek-<;, and w ·re joined by lhei r paren ls ror a two­wet ·k · tay, part uf ""'hi.-c.h ''a 'P nt at Day to na Bea h . * * * .\ fu 11hc:r 1e port on Grady " T' G.'' R (Jgen' vaca ti on :.a he :r t <> trifl ing that he fell ou t o f hi chai r on t l~c f:o1 L tK>rdl on the Lhird day <md his wff'c just ptt t lnm 1n a pia>· pt.m fo-r t:h.e otb ·r twu and one-h a lf we ·ks. 'S IH lJ lJJ. I· ~ LOO O, . J) bnc Sn ·nlwt , 'dw t c ir r:rl with 4-1 H'ar . • (,I '-t'l'\ i He cl I ·rt i_>, 'orptem lxr I, rrr<; " 1l1e fe·"l · o l a uch ha,._ rr•d. ' ·ith an ti­lt< tcktJ. fJ I •r•l, I f.idt (I ) \•1rJ.. ' IS JJl'f' 'S, n·l Pd hi l 0~ iJ parting !;if t. })eJaflCY lik : ro fi . ll for ba~~. 'iO 1 h • I,(,, ~ g1,1 1Jin1 ' nuctJ,iue; h <;HJ r ·al ly r ·nwv.n hC'f them IJ\' Sruathe1 w:c, a. •hilt l l•tt' lllall • it• 1 br· J'ul • I ''· lH ~ lh!p . .1111u t·H t. But Grady sa , s that R eece and · orris ea ·h brought him some Montana liquor from th e ir trip and it was ~ o mean it knocked !tim out and caLL eel l'lis .dowo(all. "" * * * Glaude Hardin bad a very en joya ble trip to N iagara Falls, driving up in the car o f one of 1 i. friends. ' A success io n o t post cards kep t tl1e boys informed nf hi.s progre s and then sudden! they stopped oming. Instead, th ere a rri ved a p a r cl from th Canad ian cus­to rtJo.S o ffi6al s containing an "owl-head" pistol and a lock of Claude's h air. \ rVhen he o-o t back, Cla ude llaicl they took his gun a\lvay fron1 him when h e start cl over into Ca nada and were about to lock him up; he talked his way oat o[ that. by telling them he heard o much about shootings and robberies up that way tha t h had b en · a [rai·d to go without p er sonal prot ction. T h e custo1ns officiaL convin ced him that thcv had I • policemen to look after his safety and tarted tO thro·w hi s gun over th Falls; but he begged o hard for it that they expres eel it back h ome for him in the interests of Intern ational Harmony. Presumably they got the lock of h i hair on t1 basis that " the h a ir of a dog is good 1or the b ite .' ' "\1\fhe n. h got ba k ho rn , Clau 1 told H. · . H icler tha t he h ad passed through his o ld h01ne an l ould s wh y he left Penus l va nia to come to North Carolin< : but H eld er said he knew Clau 1 hadn't l cen t1. hi. hom or they ~w o uld h<Lve g' t b ts '·owl-head · l..>ef re h <:\' r go t to Canada - and the wo11ld .noL ha ·e .cnt .it ba k ­or Cla ude, either. 0. I '"" ,.,) J L---------------------------~------------------~------------------------~--'! I rRFP \RI ', \ .. Het 11, (. ol h\', \ 1.. p<-tiYin~ ;;pl'eHI. OD, ~1 r. t\ud Sal,. r. 'fH. ~f .. ).' 't •r .btk. \! 1.:<. H . 0 . hftu11 , Iiiier :< t t•lH an :.q - BUS\' 1 J\ .KJ . '(; tl P, Yoder l<!T • and hi wik. Lor fl' . t ali.~ a lot pf food 111;1< I ft o~er follow iol1 I . . " Dl '" .E BAKER, 1, r tto11~ht there wa .. nMh· in ~ Jik · .g, wing ar C tnp Hope ith he.. da dd y. E•Jd B'<lkr r, No. 14 ,\ 1, chine . .f>iann \ t 1-ft : li.ttlc \';r\ne He'''Oli. t 1c p• ·me. ll1 (1lh r, lklry, lc·wls p1 tcctiv han(t Paperrnakers Picnic ... :.\{ d1in Roo1.n emp1 > f'S c n the H . D. Goolsby and Emcp· "'1\' r shift o·ot thejr he, d ' totrethcr recenth • • 0 on om Luoih· reT ati m duTino their days off. ' • • .\.ft r kicking the ubje t around for son:1e time, they came up 1\·ith th' idea o f a famil ' 1 jcnic. T he nex t time they were off they ' ·auld gather the farni lies togeth r, pack pl nt; of lun h and · t forr.h for Carnp c Hope ,.,her the par nr- and young ters a like could play to tl1eir heart·' conrent. · 1\o le~ than 50 per ons, )>Oung and middl e-aged ··wok oYer" ' Camp Hope facilities for a full qay. They played softball and tab le tenni. , patronized tbe swings, ·h.uffleb a.rd court. and th ,.vimmi ng pool, and other­' nse amu cd th m. eh · · until the were "dead tired" as twililYht fel.l. A . the party broke up one littLe youngster apprmiched ~he clt"i ion LOG editor and said proudly: "We're com­mg back for another party next summer . . . dad and mom .aid we would !" Camp Hope Improved By Walter Hollon The YMCA is most grateful for the work that the Champion_ Paper and Fibre Company ha · done at Camp Hop durrng the past year. The interior work in the e _r eatioll hall l~a':i mad Camp Hope a far more .desir­a ble pla ·e for rb:e rnany groups that use it. ~ w Champion and YMCA emblems, both inside and O!Jt, enhance th app aranc . A new hous for the caretaker j ~ a mu h-ne "'c}ed irnprovem nt. . Furthenm;.re, Camp Hop · i,.; now in n1nch Letter ·ondi~iou to !1andl<:: grollps dudng the winter sea on than 1 t h<ts .t y~r b ' en_ bcfure. La~t .ea1· many grotiJh u~ed Lh [acdJLJL' ~ dr.1rm~ tbe tllontlt o l J kccn d ~~· · , au I 111an n <>-t a t c a,ut)c.ip;ll ·d drir., y ttt. Groups u~ing- the c. !Hp during Sept ·mh r included tlte foJJowing: Fanrily picnic of the Bonk Mill '((I hint• C Shift; Labor Day Cor.<)ll~tion Ball ; St<Jckton J{ t'uuio n ; Ch<t.JJI fJiOll Fon::;; t.ry Dc p<u'tnt n , Cm11tt y Agents :tnd \!\foods Pnrty; Dayton Rubber: ·arnp:my; Cl u rh ot God; "'~as. nk Lc, lgt.:. Jn addi ion. to 1he:s gru Jf'S llWH, t. mil p1 111 s wer held at til · llh ·lt ·red l.ln:phtn• . J_t )~_J l!rt. Ca Ilow:ry ha~> r re.o tl y been · t~.lfled tn t lk ~LaU. of. !.h Y. ·:fC . RoiJ ''ft 'HiCC'eNh V\'<tyn.c t:rn t ' whu Lra nsfcrn:(Ji 1 o! M.ill PoJ.i( c-. 9. fi Double--Barrelled Grandpa Ry JJnu·e Ncmney Carroll h'.olJand i~ n ~>w a double- barr. Hed -. andpa. G:randson.s 1 nnmy and J1mrny were b rn to the daughtet oJ. the Hollands, Mrs. R. L. Ganl, on · ogu. t 2 at Ha ,•­~ ·vnocl County Hospital. The Cant Ji ve at Chattanooga. r~nn., but Carro ll :;ays h e doesn' t want any of bi- graml children born out of Haywood County. The boys and Mr . Cant are doing wcH and. will soon rejo in tbe father at Chattanooga. H obe Arrington bas moved hi-; [arnilv to lbcir ~w hon.'le in the Saunookc sec tion. The bo '. ' a v it is a real • J . - nice home. Ho be ha invited 1? \'Crybod · up for dinner, so we'H expect to see yoa there. * * * * Bill !-farris spent his vacation building a bird housr that is a house .in which you rai ·e bird ·. Bill Bar kle : says to call it an "aviary.' · Mrs. Harris raises both parrots and parakeet . Bill says they talk in three language . Bill wa . talkinc:r j n four or fi ve that hot 1110Tning we passed by when ,he was heaving and sweating with orpe framing timbers. * * * * Charlie ' tVillis is doing rather ' ell with hi · t€1 vi 'ion ... better, in fact, than most ef the ftdlow;;. He can tell t~he color of the performer ·yes except at -trem catnera range. Robert Davis fu ll. und rstand · th expre 'iion ab ut welldigge rs getting cold, sin he spent a ' eek at the bottom uf hi well . xpl >ring for wat ·T_ THE AR f'i' w.t, nt:ve~ Jikc t!li$1 .1" n . C,h 1 lc\ R. l\fatt 011, ., I ,. sm1 (>( Roy i Ian o n, a 35"v at Carolina ' bnrnpi n 111d mact1inc • ntl ·r in tlw nC"', r l Mill, caught tl1l ni t r Sl•jng of l i•lt at Fon· 1 <IIYt L-. k<' ' hi le h€lC I:C on J :tv . '\.'mm" I P.I. ~!>SOT\ i. now strtli n ·d , 1 FMt n vi1-1, Ma ·s. lit: cnr-·r -d llw :H'm . lu t A pd l. ' ----------~--------------------------------~------------------~--~----------------------~--------------------~~~-·-~r'--~-·~· " HO'\'\ R:l::. I fR£. ,. i. a good c Jpti r.JH for t·hi!; picture, ;napped in the n ook ~-{ill Beat r Kc~tmt ~;~.s Willi, 111 A. '' !'Joss' ' .J h~1 .: 11. "~"'call man. r ti red w-ith ,'\,) ~ct.\ 1\· 0f ron ti n·uou~ .en·i e to bi · cred,i'l . J~'hn . em, Hl righ t <'Cll l ·r, ~• rc pJ.. gift, · from U<:ll Colen1a1l , .\-hift fme\l'UIJ) , un (> .h a lf m: the b~; lo king on , .i: ,, e[J a' orher. 1:1 h ll ar,e t'l:Ot in IDJ,>d in the pi tn re - Mann Gets a Leave 13 ' E. B. 1U ess r \ Carl Mann , A UI3t c, on of Pete Mana of the ·wood - ·ard, left th air 1ah caniey U .. S. Valley :Forge in. San Diego Calif on An0ust 19, aud h .:u:le l for home and a month' Ie:;l- e. l•or a >ea:r Carl has serv d with the units of the fl t operating of£ Korea and Japan. 11 ~'*'* Clarenc Mill su ta ined minor cut and bruises on Fnda, , Ugll"t H ·when the car he was drivin-g '\·vas in­\ Ol ed in a colli ·ion ·wjth a car cb.·iven by Frank Med­f 1rd of D etroit ~fidL The collision ot urred at the int Lection .f the Old Thick ety 'Road. Medford and two h.ilw n who were riding with him were hospitalized . Both car w re chnnag€'d. Ja k Noland. of Lake Junaluska, is nO'\.v working as a le1·k in the \Voochard Office. Jack was graduated from. 7\Vc t rn Carohna College at Cullov. hee in the p.rin · o£ 1952 with a B.S. degree in busitless administra-tion. · arroll Pre, ·ley now lives up n ear the Osbor ne Fa,rin. H :.avs thi · is the last ti m.e he intend to move. * * * * Tv ent r.four men from· the \Voodyard are members vf tb · {iye-year oup '\Nh.ich celeb~a ted with a supper mee,tittg at Camp H 0cpe ou Awgust 27. Those in the fi -re-year gro p a re: 'N. L. Reece, U. L 1Iason, Glenn Able, G.eo:r.rre. R-oger , \V- 0. Ht:.J!derson R. K Surrett, P. ·. ~·foore, R. H. Pace, C. S. Smith, Cletus RobinsoH 1 ! · h ·n Scottt \V. C. Thomas, K. A. Messer~ J. C. Gibson, Q. D. K nt, G. '\V, Huffma.11, E. C. Cro·we, H . L. Ho-ward, E. P .. i ~ , Y. P. Surre tt, W. A. H all, Vivian Hall L. Parri h a.rl£,1 E. Parri h. AD rJRI G th - s.c n ­er , Dr. Kenn lh ]! ... H iggir~. Ohio Dlv isi@n plant ph · ici'an, ancl b;iJ i! y sp n t tll t-ier <Jca:ti on in \ V<:--Mel te N <:~I' L11 . 'arolina. Shown w ~t ! t Dr. Higgins ;;1r . 0 11 ~ e ith, J , :•llrl B HW, 15, and his wi .c, ~ut i L ·1 hq f·ikt·d th e.: dit)·•a , ~(_t: rH't''i otn•l Lak to~ <UJ Lod~< food. FIFTEEN MEMBERS of the Y's Men ettes Club, rc ently o·rganiLed in C<~_oton. are Ivictun:d h ere um tep, of the Gl ampion Y'Y1CA Bui)ding. Major purpo ~ of- the club is to assi 1. lhieir hu han(ls. JTiC I'lloer's of the Y' Men's- CJ ub , in ar.rying oot their v~1 rious C:OJJll'llunity prog-nxns. Y's lVfe'nettes are Myrt-le Rhoda1'mcr, Cor. Ma €! Phjihps, Freda Ju stice, pres-ielemt right, front Y011'), .Ylargar t Rene, Louise .He.lin pbiJJ , Elizabeth Owen, Rose H awkins. H rtie McElrath , Mary Sellers, Geralclin:c Peyr.on, Louise Sechrest, Joie FoJtney, J.Wra:r~arn Gree le ,', Sata 'Pbi.llip-s and Jimmie ]011c , \ iJle of . Y's Mens' Club preside nt, Tony Joqes. ll lm t three ar ·w.ive:s o.f Cnwlina Champion '. .- H A, D.' 0 · K >: J·:S.ll, vii 1 ca f l'tipt s, ~ . "'Hd(!•s fc r a ;; \trJio ('a e:ncta. 1·1 's tHe ~nM of \1 1. <tnd \11'~ . · · t ll ipp i tt. ' gr:1nd v 11 o( R. B. !I ip ps, dJd(1·.\nllll,Jl ' , and W Z. M a nil of ~lte J~ ook Mill; •tnd th g,.·"'t- ·:. ,,fl slu of 'ic 1,·e1t .. I~ipt)~ . r · (~' 'd cnro lina ~ hatnplwn 0 111 ' I iinrn. f'TC. CHARLES GADDY, ·son · 0f Mr. and M e. Turner Gadd;. , of near Canton, has· cornpleted .h i.s " boot tra:inin<'>'" and i now a fu ll -Hed ged 1ncmber of the {a.rine Corps. His net\' r-ating ca1~1e a fte~ . he co•D ple ted h ~s basic trai ning. Charle is . ta­tion cl a;t the Ea~t Co~t:t M::nin.e Corps R e rlt i t Depot. His dad is employed in Champi -n' R e­wi ndel' Room . 37 • I i I • . '0 ISH TALE this, at~d the camera proved it for J ack. Muxphy, righ t, and Bill LHe after this b ig l'laul h·om Gal veston Bay r eceru t1}\· They said (and you can believe i t) that th.eir cat!ih included neatly 75 r d fish. Murphy 1 orks in the Pu lp Mill Office and Liles is in the alcote plant. • Til c. UF \ 0J A .HOOS .WL17J?. wa llh ;~d fril k\i11 ( 1)1 •y} School il~g· of. rh ' Tirn - OUi 1·, wll ·~: Jlpcd dYW!I l :.~ ~ t H4<lnth afH"r E. year at ChamP'ioiJ. Fellow Tltn • Ofl'i · pe::r'IO J) Jtel ilollulc I I.J .vn b -r final cl.. y at l!i:Jmpiou . Lent l'fJ 1igh r, swr,dlng: Hob Harl ,., , Martha ihhs, Lc·a tt•ice Stiles ;,md Dori• E1ie. ~~·J t~·d , !HI ''' J i;,l11: • ! Il carhonwgh, Avis, .Jean A lu:! JIItllhy aful PU))II .. ~I ., ( ,illw1"1 'B-attle who hands Av.L~ ·her f inal ehec:;k. 'fhc S hn iltllg: ian• ·:1 will tHl b repre. n:ted at harnpion; lur b;md Jlm i .a coolflin.Uo t. 38 ," ,Hl 11:\. for 10 j, 1 • ci H't.t h~ tlu> tny lt:am t} : 11'. and M• :. 1 - Hn •H1 ' '[ ll 1 tJ li I" <! Ll'H y in tbt: fott UJ · ft-ty ·ngan o l'"' ut th • ' Lc ·n: IH i~h,n . • Orman get11 1 he ~)~~­. ·,m r, 111 th ru ili m t1 pa~ c it on t .Ruhy, 1 ho pror ~ · b saf q nli nfl rl in :.t n rnJ, r ­in h . < ' O WA UA Y · , kids' t,~ sel.mJJ teams are or­g< H•iZ ti 00 a pa f1e! with m J o-r J. guen. ">till tbat ice crea:m cmte i prol a bl the b i •rh pot of tht eve­' fog for th c roemb s of the Yankee Ut-tk Lea ners. Left to right are: fi thae.l Ripple, son of !tampion Mro;. Pat R i>pple; Don Da\ i~ a.nd Mike \ allis. A Hobby Through Teaching Bv Fred Furn ess ' There's a lo t to be lea rned Leonard Co·llins, wi fe of a Texa vv.ill vouch for that . by tea hrng. Mn . Di:vision Champion. . Mrs. Col1ins, aJJ. active Girl leader, not Jon ago sought a . ay to teach member. of ner trool-' leatheru aft. To do it, she a ttended cla · e sponso td by the Pasadena Reereation A ociation. The metho<,ls she learned at the cla' s <H'Id later passed on to h er gir ls led her to take up leathercra(t as a profitable hobby. Since that time he has ptm.:hased her own haod t ools and has concentr.ated on mak.inv belts. Now she has con:J .. pleted 75 belt , rnany ol 11\i'hich Gtl'l. he seen throu ghout the Texa D"ivi jon mill - around the waists of men 'Vvho ha<;l pu rcha ·ed them. :froll) h r husband L eonara. · · · Mrs. Collin · h as b.ran ·h d out now to RHtk..c purse and billro~Gls and is h oping fm· a ''Chr.istma , ru, h .' ' l IT R:tC TE WORJ ot too ling- bdt. nnd wull ts of J a th r h a~ he.eume <:~ proLitabh! ltohiJ fn1· Mr~. I, on::11, cj Coll'i.n s, w if : o l t h r,; Tf'xas ))ivi s..ion Wt:' l l ­in~ D parnnem fore­m n . He1 s!J (• wrJ I k, on a w. '11 t whkh ntr• ' ~>o to· a T •\:a~ · Jalll - • p 11111 . ~------------~------------------------------~~------------~----~~--~--~~--------------------~ • our I By rnn Elli R , MPlO, 1 have be n savhto a nd born)win · through theit Creclit Uni{m tor m :re than 15 ! ill r . ft ha pro id.ed th m w · th. a co:nveni _nt and af mean, of :saving \· ith a higher­than- average rate of in ten:·t and £ borrowing- at a h lo'"'·lilYerag rat of int rc t. rl'lc Clurnpio:n , sh.own her kne'-v 'ome of the fa t and f.i gur s behin 1 their Credit nion. Do you? · 'ompare our n. ,. er wi th th co:rrert one. on page -10. Ra le your­' elf: 1-cxc'llent, 3-g od, 2-fair, one or noue-p or. 1. {Right) The Cred'it Unron assists its .members in fhe purchase of many if·ems. Last year how much was loane.d to Texas Cham­pio, n.s to ass.i'St in such purchases? W. Rc~ Maples pulp press Of'er&for, rigMiy answered: • {A} $681 ,000 . {B) 738,000 (C) 874,000 (0) 921 .ooo. • / 2. (Left) . . · M. A. Wil.son, Co-n.strucHon millwri<jJht knows that +h~ total savir~gs of all Credit Union members i·n the Texas Division, as of June, 1953, is appro.11imately: . (A) $350,000 (B) 400,000 (C) 495,000 (D) 540,000 • I. {left) In March, 1939, when the Cham­pion Employees Credit Union was first formed, there were 159 char­ter members. Guy Lockhart, Elec­trical Department, knew that today there are how many members; (A) 1,150 (B) 1,370 (C) 1,510 (D) I ,890 4. {Above) Each year the Credit Ul'1ion de­clares a dividend for its members. B. G. Williams, wet end tesfer, knew that the avera9e di'vidend /or the past five y~ ars has been: (A} 3.5 per cellt {Bj 4.2 per, oen·t (C) 4. 7 per cent (D-) 5.8 per ¢ nt • 9 • • J ! New Women's lounge B A lice Copeland new loun ·c J r women of th Fin:i~hing P oom and various offirc: in the Paper · fill \ as :Jffi .i<1Uy opened AUOl_l t 11. Tastefull.y decorat ct with a moderni ' ti touch, the lounge is furni hed with nwdern furniture and oEfeL· \ ' all of the co1wet iences of b rl'le. Con truction re' completrd the projen at U.l et~~t end of the Finishing Rot rn ead · in Auguwt. THE L \DiES, of the Tex11s Di\'i.sioo Finishing Room no·w relax in (:omfon in their n ·w, ultramodern lounge where they have an opportunity IO relax. ancl chat dnri11g pc!·ioclic breaks. Shown in the ne•v loung-e are, left to rig·ht. Alice Copela.ncl. Maxine Meaderis, Juanita. Allbrigh t, ] <\ net Spa in and lm·ilee Gathright. • PART OF every woman's day, of !:OU rse, i.s that time in front of a minor- combing hair, freshening lip ti ck,, primping. Here Janet Spain and J uanita Allbright take advantage of the " primping" facilities in their new lounge. • LOIS llR.ADHERRY, Conv€j"Or orting, docsn'r 'et>ll1 o { . r th mdeo·lamcd ll.Jl!hl':na hull ,~ she TR' I'Cftt" top .rrc at 1 ~r fatl,cr' fann n ::tr Highl::tn cl. . B11t her thJt:e-ycar-old t!HIIght.:J, Dadt>t1 , fo11nd it rnote co.miorrablo (a nd sa fe) to s it on the htHld <,f th fam ilv a uto. • THE HI WOR1~D i fascinat­ing tc• V\l il kton GeO'rgc 'hall', f•· wonth-old O il of h;~mpion Cha k y Shuw. Here h · peers n ore at the e<unera r!'ran than at t h carn:et·a. Accord·ing to dad, t·hat soJile i · a con Jnnr. thing. Stamping at the Shamrock Champion P. D. \1\fillis displayed tl:H.:-'e rare ·ramps, part of hi · valuable collection, at a rueeting of th American Philatelic Socj ty at the hamrock Hotel in Houston late in September. ~\l f'-"fl I "'l ~i'\ '\ , 1 ..,.oj.-4 .. ~ ... ~ I '! ,, ,. ' -~ t;'~"'' ' ~·"~Jfn1 .. ....,...,;; .._._ ......... ;>...._ 1\ mong them are: Upper left­The first stamp, i ss u ed in Great Britain in May, 1840, and bea irrg the portrai t r Queen Victoria. Top row, center:-"" The first ramp issued in th e United State in 1847 and bearing t h e pi c t u r e of Benjamin :Franklin. The fir t chari ty or en1i-po~tal . tan1p (thxee at r-ight) i - sued bv the Nether-lands i' n 1906 . . Large stamp at the bouou1 is the first air mail ta~11p ever issued, which ·was produced by It