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Western Carolinian Volume 86 Number 02

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  • B6 October 12, 2017 Silas, Kelsey, Caleb, Jordyn, Ben, Briar, Kelly, Marthaluz, DJ. Madeline Smith Staff Writer On Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. the School of Stage and Screen presented their rendition of the play Angels in America; Part 1: Millennium Approaches in Hoey Auditorium. Directed by Dustin Whitehead, the Tony Kushner play was a perfect representation of raw, gritty emotions and lifes challenges. Before the play began, students, staff and indi- viduals from the com- munity filled the seats of the auditorium. Laugh- ter and chatter could be heard as anticipation for the nights show fueled the conversations. Once the lights dimmed and the stage gleamed a blue hue, the crowds murmuring came to a halt. The stage could be described as desolate. It was completely white and consisted of small props that were white as well. This allowed the audience to create their own world within the scenes presented to them, Only lighting and projected images were used to set the tone and the mood. During the first act, three storylines were introduced: The first was that of a homo- sexual couple, Louis and Prior, who dealt with the hardships of contract- ing Acquired Immuno- deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS; the second, a married heterosexual couple named Harper and Joe, faced divorce, drug addiction and sexual inadequacy; the third storyline followed Caleb. Roy, a bigshot lawyer who was in denial after he contracted AIDS from sexual encounters with men. After the first act, several individuals in the crowd utilized their time to take a break and stretch their legs. Mur- murs about the first few scenes penetrated the air as tension amongst the crowd began to dissipate. To be honest, I was taken aback, said sophomore, Alex Cashe. T like the deeper mean- ing the play is portray- all people, no matter their sexuality, race or religion are still human beings. The play is based on the Human Immunode- ficiency Virus or HIV/ AID epidemic during the 1980s, and reflected a time when gays were blamed for the disease outbreak. It sought to enlighten its audience on the controversial issues that can even be seen to- day: issues such as how important it is to support one another, along with the injustices and the intolerances of the world. Senior, Kelsey Aycock stated, Loved it! It was beautiful and symbolic. We can use the problems of the past to teach us about the things today, even if its not the same issue. The characters faced difficulties within their relationships, but also within society. Joe, a Mormon closeted gay man struggled with coming out to his wife as she clung to reality with shaking hands. He represented all the men in the world who want to fit into the straight box ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT society has conditioned them to believe they should fit into: A family man with a wonderful job and devotion to God. Prior was the saddest, yet one of the strongest characters in the play. He contracted the HIV virus and then AIDS. His partner, Louis, could not fathom that he was going to die, so he left him to deal with this hardship on his own. His character was relatable to so many people across the United States then and now. Attendees were in the audience for several different reasons. Some were there for a class requirement, and oth- ers were there to simply enjoy it. Many were present in support of the cast members. Sophomore Malik Pratt stated, I came in support of the stage manager, Kacey Shep- herd, I was very sur- prised by the dark tone of the play. Although it was dark, the message was real. As the second act began, the number of individuals in the crowd decreased. This could be due to the hard topics covered in the play, or maybe the uncomfort- able nature of it all. It is hard to say. By the end of the play, many of the individuals of the crowd had left. It could be due to the sex scene between two men, which left the crowd gasping and stunned. Still, the performers powered through and continued portraying important concepts that are so often ignored. It took hard work and Photo by Sadie Whitehead rn dedication to deliver such a passionate play. The cast worked hard on making sure the produc- tion was a success and that the message of the play was'received by the audience. They delivered their lines and met their cues incredibly. This production has been such a pleasure to work on. Never have I ever been pushed so hard as an actor, stated se- nior Briar Boggs. So, if I could give any insight on what this story means to me, I would say, Be who you want to be, and Jordyn. Silas, Briar and Kelly. never let anyone affect that for you. Behind the scenes was just as difficult as on stage. There were four doors that opened on cues based on characters lines, and a person was stationed at each door to make sure it opened and closed at the right time. Stage manager and sophomore, Kacey Shep- herd stated, It was tech hard, even for the actors, but rewarding. The play ended with a cliffhanger, as Part I closed with Prior becom- ing a prophet after meet- The Western Carolinian Angels in America; Part 1: Millennium Approaches Photo by Sadie Whitehead ing an angel, and Part I will not be produced this school year. Allin all, the play was a true masterpiece that seemed to successfully convey the powerful messages it was aiming to display to the audi- ence. If you would like to see more productions by the School of Stage and Screen, check out their website at www.wcu. edu/bardo-arts-center/ performance-hall/ school-of-stage-and- screen,aspx, or call 828- 227-2479. Photo by Sadie Whitehead Photo by Sadie Whitehead

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).