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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 11

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  • Lauren Gray, Staff Writer . (Editors Note: In our last issue, we had an article that provided the need to know rules and tips for parking at Western Carolina Uni- _ versity. The following article looks at where the money goes when a student pays a fee or fine.) On a yearly basis at WCU, students: who have a hard time finding a parking spot at one time or another question where their money goes after purchasing a parking permit. For those unlucky to have received a parking fine, even more.questions are pondered. WCU Police Chief Earnie Hudson said where the money goes begins with the differ- ence between fees and fines. . Fees are what students pay for permits and for wheel locks. Those fees pay for all of the parking services on campus, such the permits themselves, the officers to enforce parking, repainting, resurfacing, dispatchers, admin- istration costs, cones, barricades, the parking staff who direct traffic on games days, special events and a few more things, according to Hudson. From the fees, the police department also tries to save some of the collected money for futur parking neds, such as resurfacing and purchase of pee to build more a cae ing areas. _ Fines are what gaident pay ior ey vi- ce mere whether it be parking in an incorrect spot or not displaying a parking permit. The money collected from fines is trans- ferred to the State of North Carolina, Hudson: said. The State then redistributes them to lo- cal school districts, like the Jackson County Public School System: State law says these fines go to the local school district. The fact that fines do go to local school districts and not our actual campus has been argued for the past ten years, but no progress has been made. Asked about the common cry from students that not enough is being done about creating new parking areas on campus, Hudson said simply there are not enough funds. The average parking space on flat ground costs $4000.00 to build: A 300 space parking lot on flat ground costs about $1.2 million to build, not accounting the money to buy the land, said Hudson, Divide that by 30 years and again by the number of spaces and the cost just to pay for the build without interest is $133 fot, year, that is how we actually lose money. What about a parking garage on campus? A parking garage costs on average about $22,000 per space. So a 300 space parking ga- rage can easily cost $6.6 million dollars. Ifyou take that $6.6 million and divide it by 30 years, then divide it again by 300 spaces, you will get a rough idea of how much money must be een a |S a1 eal! GE fb PE a LE & pis M s A E iS PHO TO BY e! Us N AL) Money collected from whee! ook ck fs, such as Hee one pictured, help to ee ay for al of the parking services on is ial Dy sch as she salaries for employees. ad each year just to pay the paneipie Hudson said. Its about. $733 per year per space. There are only two ways to pay that: charge people who use the garage $733 each or spread it over all the permits. A $733 permit is a little over 10 times high- er than the current $72 parking permit students pay annually. According to WCU Parking Services, the university sells about 8,000 permits each year, taking in about $576,000. Subtracting from that amount the salaries of parking enforce- ment employees, gas, materials and other ser- vices, the fee money collected is diminished with services the fees are intended to provide, they said. The easy thing to say about parking is that we need more of it said Hudson. The dif- . ficult part is how do you pay for more spaces? A garage, more and more services for enforce- ment, special events, etc.? That is where it gets tougher. The easy answer is charge more for permits. The hard part to that is it can, folks keep their education affordable. It's sa uieeet issue e than one might think. 4 eS BY NIAMH H Money collected edfron parking fine ines, s, such as the one e pictured a are ve transferred to the State of North Catolina and are then distributed to local school systems.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).